Mixer      03/29/2019

Maple tree photo and description for children. Norway maple (Acer platanoides)

This tree has become a real decoration of the parks. It has large patterned leaves that have five sharp points. He beautiful at any time of the year, but especially noticeable in autumn. Maple leaves come in a variety of colors, from traditional yellow to crimson. It is impossible to take your eyes off the tree, it becomes so elegant. It is from maple leaves that people most often collect beautiful autumn bouquets in the fall.

My message will tell you more about this plant.


This tree grows up to 40 meters in height.

Maple has many advantages. To him not afraid of the cold. And this is very important for the tree. In our northern regions, this property helps it survive the severest frosts.

Maple and drought resistant. Many trees dry out without water. This is both poplar and willow. And a maple can live a long time without water.

It also grows very quickly. In one year, its shoots grow by almost a meter. Maple grows very well next to oak and ash. We can say that they are friendly with each other.

Its wood is white with shades of red-brown or yellow.

In spring, trees are among the first to awaken. With melted snow, water rises from the ground to the branches. When you want to taste maple sweet sap, simply make a cut in the tree and use any container.


Maple refers to honey plants. It begins to bloom towards the end of April. It’s even strange that such small yellowish-green flowers emit such a strong attractive smell. It is because of this that bees flock to the maple tree to collect sweet nectar and pollinate the plant. It turns out that maples are very important to bees. Therefore, they are planted next to apiaries.

Maple pollen is liked not only by bees and other insects, but also by squirrels.


Maple fruits resemble propellers, only small ones. They are called lionfish. At the time of leaf fall winged seeds hang on the tree for a very long time.

The wind scatters them around and falls to the ground. Some of them will sprout in the spring. And a new tree will grow, powerful and beautiful. This is how this plant reproduces.

Where does it grow

Maple grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. About 20 plant species are known in Russia, the most common of which are:

  • Norway maple;
  • Tatar;
  • field;
  • white.

Japanese maple is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

In the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth, only one species grows - laurel.


Beautiful maple trees are often planted in parks.

Made from wood decorative furniture, from ancient times make musical instruments: bowed, stringed and others. You will still often find maple violins and guitars made today. Maybe your skis are made from this wood too.

Baseball bats and bowling pins are made from maple wood.

Maple sap

Man gets from maple delicious syrup. And when it is condensed using a certain technology to the consistency of butter, the resulting sweetness is tasty and healthy.

But man is not alone in his desire to eat. This juice has long been appreciated by birds and animals. The woodpecker, in order to get to the sweet, makes a hole in the bark with its beak, and the squirrel simply bites through it. This does not harm the tree at all. These wounds are small and heal quickly.

Popular rumor about maple

This is an extraordinary tree. About him among the Russian people There are many superstitions and songs.

They say that a man and the maple tree growing in front of his house are connected. A tree is alive as long as a person lives. When the owner dies, the tree also dries up.

And if someone unhappy and offended touches the green tree, it will dry up.

They say that the maple “cries” before the rain. And if it secretes juice in the spring, it will soon become warmer.

Symbol of Canada

The maple leaf is shown on national flag Canada. But he did not appear there right away. There is a legend about this. In 1860, the Canadian city of Toronto was going to host the Prince of Wales. Residents of the city with national symbols in their hands were preparing to welcome the guest. The English emigrants held roses in their hands. The Scots prepared thistle branches. The symbol of Canada at that time was the beaver. People couldn't carry these animals in their hands. Then the Canadians were asked to bring to this meeting Maple leaves. The leaf then adorned the country's flag and became a symbol of a united nation.

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Family: Maple (Aceraceae).


Maple (Acer) grows in the temperate zone of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The plant is widespread in Europe, Asia and North America. The genus contains about 150 species.

Form: deciduous tree or shrub.


Maple is a deciduous tree or shrub from 5 to 40 m in height with simple, less often complex, opposite petiolate, usually palmate leaves of a beautiful shape, very decorative in the fall with their varied colors. Evergreen maples are also found (they grow mainly in Central and South Asia and the Mediterranean). Maple flowers are small, green, yellow, orange or red, numerous, collected in inflorescences (brush, shield or umbrella). The maple plant blooms at the end of winter or in early spring, before or after the leaves appear. The maple fruit is a lionfish. Almost all types of maples are good honey plants. Maples usually grow quite quickly.

Norway maple, or sycamore maple (A. platanoides). A large, fast-growing tree from 20 to 30 m tall and from 8 to 15 m wide with a dense rounded crown. The bark of young Norway maple trees is smooth, reddish-gray; later, the bark of this type of maple darkens, sometimes becoming almost black; has deep cracks. Norway maple leaves are five-lobed and deep green; in autumn orange-yellow, sometimes red. The flowers of the plant are lemon-yellow, fragrant, bloom before and during the leaves. The root system of Norway maple is superficial or deep. Plants tolerate transplantation well. In nature, plants are distributed throughout Europe.

Ash maple, or American maple (A. negundo). An asymmetrical or broadly rounded, fast-growing tree of medium size, 10 to 15 m tall and 5 to 10 m wide, often with several trunks. The leaves of the ash maple are odd-pinnate, light green, yellowish-green in autumn. The shoots of American maple are green, with a bluish waxy coating. The root system of the ash-leaved maple is superficial and relatively sensitive. In nature, the plant is found in the central part of North America.

Fan maple, or palm maple (A. palmatum). Slow-growing shrub or small tree from 4 to 6 m tall and from 2 to 5 m wide with a round or umbrella-shaped crown; With age, the fan maple grows in width. Young shoots of plants are green or purple. The leaves of the fan maple are graceful, palmately lobed, bright red in spring, green in summer, purple in autumn. The palm maple flowers are purple, collected in drooping inflorescences, and bloom in June. The fruits of the plant are initially reddish and very decorative. The fan maple root system is superficial and relatively sensitive. Palm maple can suffer from dry air, strong winds and late frosts. Palm maple is not trimmed. In nature, the plant is found in Japan, Korea, Eastern and Central China.

Manchurian maple (A. mandshuricum). A slender tree up to 20 m tall with a high, round, openwork crown. The bark of the Manchurian maple is light gray with fine cracks. The leaves of the plants are graceful, compound, trifoliate; reddish-orange in spring, dark green above and lighter below in summer, bright purple-red in autumn. The flowers of the Manchurian maple are quite large and lemon-yellow. The root system is shallow, the plants tolerate transplantation well. Manchurian maple is moisture-loving. Plants are not pruned. In nature, Manchurian maple is found in the Primorsky Territory, Korea, and Northeast China.

Greenbark maple (A. tegmentosum). Large shrub or tree up to 15 m tall with a wide spherical crown. Greenbark maple has very decorative bark - smooth, green, with white stripes in young plants, gray bark in old ones. Greenbark maple buds are pink. The leaves of the plants are wide, large, three-lobed; golden yellow in autumn. Greenbark maple flowers are large and lemon yellow. Greenbark maple grows relatively quickly; quite demanding on soil moisture and fertility. In nature, it grows in mixed forests on fertile, moist soils in the Primorsky Territory, Northeast China and Korea.

bearded maple (A. barbinerve). Large shrub or small tree 4 to 10 m tall with a spreading crown and smooth, dark gray bark. Young shoots of bearded maple are green, yellowish or reddish. The leaves of the plants are three- or five-lobed, up to 10 cm long, thin, slightly pubescent on top; the edges are serrated; yellow-orange in autumn. Bearded maple flowers are small, yellowish, and bloom simultaneously with the leaves. In nature, the plant is found in the Primorsky Territory, Northeast China, and North Korea.

Ginnala Maple, or river maple (A. Ginnala). A large shrub from 5 to 8 m tall with a wide tent-shaped crown from 4 to 10 m in diameter and smooth, gray bark. The shoots of the Ginnala maple are reddish or brown; leaves are three-lobed, pubescent below, up to 8 cm in length. The flowers are fragrant, yellowish, collected in dense inflorescences, bloom after the leaves open; fiery red in autumn. The Ginnala maple grows quickly. The fruits of the Ginnala maple are red when ripe, later turning brown. In nature, riverine maple is found along the banks of tributaries of the Amur, on the coast Sea of ​​Japan and in Northeast China.

(A. rubrum). Tree 10 to 20 m tall and 4 to 7 m wide with a large compact conical crown and dark gray, flaky bark. The leaves of the red maple are three- or five-lobed, bronze in color when blooming, green, shiny in summer, glaucous or whitish underneath; in autumn the leaves are very decorative: the upper side is orange or red-purple, the lower side is pinkish-silver. The flowers are usually red, fragrant, and bloom before the leaves. Red maple grows quickly. Red maple is one of the few maple species that can tolerate excessive moisture or even stagnant water. In nature, red maple is found in swampy areas in the eastern regions of North America.

Falsebold maple (A. pseudosieboldianum). A small slender tree up to 8 m tall with a dense tent-shaped asymmetrical crown and light gray bark. The leaves of the false siebold maple are very decorative - round, palmate or dissected to half the leaf blade, nine-lobed, red-pink or lilac-red in autumn. The flowers of the false siebold maple are quite large, yellowish-white with very large purple sepals; bloom after the leaves emerge. In nature, it is distributed in Primorye, Northeast China and Korea.

False sycamore maple, or white sycamore (A. pseudoplatanus). A slender tree up to 40 m tall and up to 12 m wide with a dense, beautiful, tent-shaped crown. The bark of the false sycamore maple is light gray, flaking, with cracks. The leaves are three- or five-lobed, coarsely toothed, glaucous or whitish below. The false sycamore maple grows quite quickly and can freeze severely in the conditions of central Russia. In nature, the false sycamore maple grows in the Caucasus, the Carpathians, in the middle, southern and southeastern parts of Western Europe and on the northern coast of Asia Minor.

Small leaf maple (A. mono). Tree up to 15 m tall with a dense, wide-spreading crown and gray bark. The leaves of small-leaved maple are five- or seven-lobed, dense, smooth, matte on top and pubescent below; in autumn bright yellow or red. The flowers of the plants are small, yellowish, with a slight odor. Small-leaved maple tolerates replanting well, is winter-hardy, wind-resistant, and shade-tolerant. It is found naturally in the Far East, China and Korea.

Sugar maple, or sugar maple (A. saccharum). A large slender tree from 20 to 25 m tall and up to 15 m wide with a round or ovoid crown and gray bark. The leaves of sugar maple are five-lobed, pointed, sparsely toothed, bronze-green when blooming, light green in summer, whitish below, pale yellow in autumn. The plant blooms until it produces lemon-yellow flowers. Sugar maple, or sugar maple, is durable, frost-resistant, and very shade-tolerant. In nature, plants are found in North America, in the lowlands.

Silver maple (A. saccharinum). A tree up to 40 m tall with a very decorative, openwork, wide crown and slightly drooping branches. The bark of the silver maple is light gray, the young shoots are bright red. The leaves are five-lobed, deeply dissected, glaucous or whitish below, light yellow in autumn. Silver maple flowers are lemon yellow and bloom before leafing. Silver maple is durable, frost-resistant, moisture- and light-loving. It grows naturally in southeastern North America.

Tatarian maple, or black maple (A. tataricum). Large shrub or small tree up to 9 m tall with a broad oval crown. The bark of the Tatarian maple or black maple is smooth, dark gray or almost black; shoots are red or brown. The leaves of the plant are ovate or oblong, serrated or toothed-lobed at the edges; yellow or reddish in autumn. The flowers of the Tatarian maple or black maple are white and fragrant; flowering is long lasting. The fruits of the Tatarian maple are decorative, initially dark red, later brown. The growth rate of the species is average. Tatarian maple is frost-resistant and drought-resistant. Good for cutting. In nature, Tatarian maple or black maple is found in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, the southeastern part of Western Europe, the Balkans, Iran and Turkey.

(A. campestre). A large shrub or tree of medium size from 3 to 15 m in height with a wide-conical or ovoid crown. Field maple leaves are usually five-lobed and bright yellow or orange in the fall. The flowers and fruits of the plant are invisible. The root system of field maple is deep, dense, and insensitive. Plants are wind-resistant and easily adaptable. The plants grow well and are suitable for creating living walls. In nature, field maple is found in deciduous forests of the European part of Russia, Western Europe and Asia Minor.

Yellow maple (A. ukurunduense). A tall shrub or small tree up to 15 m tall with an ovoid crown and yellowish-gray, flaky bark. Yellow maple leaves are five-lobed, ovate, yellowish-green above, glabrous, pubescent below. The flowers of the plants are small, yellow, collected in dense inflorescences. Yellow maple blooms after the leaves bloom. Plants are undemanding to soil conditions and are moisture-loving. In nature, yellow maple is found in mixed forests of Primorye, Sakhalin, Northeast China, and Japan.

Maple black (A. nigrum). Tree up to 40 m tall. In nature, black maple is found in eastern North America, in lowlands or along stream banks.

You can also note the heat-loving species of maple, which are not used in landscaping in central Russia, but which are suitable for the south of the country: hornbeam maple(A. carpinifolium), David's maple(A. davidii), paperbark maple, or maple gray(A. griseum), Hyrcanian maple(A. hyrcanum), Georgian maple(A. ibericum), Japanese maple(A. japonicum), light maple(A. laetum), montpelian maple(A. monspessulanum), viburnum maple(A. opalus), pubescent maple(A. pubescens), Stephen's maple(A. stevenii), four-dimensional maple(A. tetramerum), Trautwetter maple(A. trautvetteri), velvety blunt-leaved maple(A. velutinum).

Growing conditions

Maples, as a rule, are shade-tolerant, but develop better in lighted areas. Typically, maples are undemanding to soil conditions and do not tolerate compacted and heavy soils. The type of soil and degree of fertility varies depending on the type of plant. Most maples are demanding on soil and air moisture. Maple is a frost-resistant tree and, as a rule, wind-resistant.

Any garden soil is suitable for Norway maple, except poor, sandy soil.

American maple is best planted in sheltered areas, as older plants can be damaged by strong winds.

Ash maple is undemanding to soils, grows on any relatively fertile substrate, and tolerates temporary waterlogging.

Fan maple prefers slightly acidic, loamy, sandy, humus-rich soils.

Bearded maple is undemanding to soil conditions, frost-resistant and wind-resistant.

Red maple is undemanding to soil conditions and prefers moist soils.

The Ginnala maple prefers sunny areas, tolerates replanting well, can be pruned, and grows on any, not fresh, soil.

False sycamore maple does not tolerate salinity, too dry or waterlogged soils, and is thermophilic.

Tatarian maple is less demanding and tolerates soil salinity.

Sugar maple, or sugar maple, is undemanding to soil conditions (but is sensitive to the presence of lime in the soil).

Field maple does not tolerate waterlogging, too acidic substrates or clay soils; they prefer illuminated areas.


Maple is one of the most beautiful deciduous trees. Plants will always look spectacular on summer cottage. The maple tree is used both in group and care

Maple is a moisture-loving tree, so it needs to be watered. In hot, dry summers, the watering rate is 15 liters per plant once a week (with normal precipitation, plants are watered once a month). During planting, the maple is fertilized; after planting the plant with peat or soil. Plants are loosened infrequently, during weeding or after watering, to avoid soil compaction, which most maples cannot tolerate. Maples are not pruned (the exception is field maple); Only diseased or dry branches are removed from plants. Sometimes variegated maple varieties develop side branches with green leaves; such branches must be removed to the ground. Maple does not need shelter in winter (species recommended for the middle zone); Some maples are not wind-resistant, so they are planted in sheltered areas. In harsh winters, the root collar of young maple seedlings should be covered with spruce branches or dry leaves; the plant crown is restored.

Diseases and pests

Possible maple diseases - coral spotting, brown rot of trunks, powdery mildew. Possible pests include maple whitefly, maple mealybug, maple leaf weevil.

Popular varieties

Norway maple varieties

Ginnala maple varieties

  • ‘Albovariegatum’ has white leaf segments.
  • 'Durand Dwarf'- dwarf form with small leaves. Plant height up to 60 cm. Strongly branched.

    ‘Pulverulentum’- a variety with white specks on the leaves.

Red maple varieties

    'Red Sunset'. Conical tree 10 to 15 m tall with an ovoid or almost rounded crown

    'Armstrong'. Columnar tree 10 to 15 m tall and 2 to 4 m wide.

    'October Glory'. Conical or rounded tree from 7 to 15 m tall with an openwork crown; With age, growth slows down.

    'Scanlon'. Compact conical tree 10 to 15 m tall.

The beauty of maples has long conquered the hearts of people; they are especially fantastically beautiful in the fall. How many poems have poets of different times dedicated to this tree, how many times has it been depicted on the canvases of artists... In Japan, there are even catalogs and guidebooks from which you can find out the most Beautiful places where the maple grows. But this tree is famous not only for its beauty. Carpenters, for example, love it very much for the quality of its wood, and traditional healers love it for healing properties. This tree can be found in the forests of many countries. Botanists count about one hundred and fifty species of maple. More than ten varieties of this grow in Russia. wonderful tree. This article will describe some types of this plant. You will also learn about the life expectancy of a maple tree.

Description of the tree. Types of maples

Maple is a very common type of tree. It can often be found in parks and squares, as well as in deciduous forests. But despite this, this tree is not dominant, most often maple grows in nature as an “admixture” to various dominant tree species. Translated from Latin, “maple” means “sharp.” The tree received this name for its pointed maple, which has more than a hundred species and can be found in Europe, Asia, South and North America, and North Africa.

Maple is a dioecious plant with small light green flowers. The fruits of the maple tree are two “winged” seeds fused together, which disintegrate after ripening. It should be noted that they can germinate at zero temperatures, even if there is snow around. This is not observed in any other tree. Despite the wide variety of these trees, they are all united by a wide, angular-rounded shape with pointed protrusions. This form is called finger-lobed. In autumn, the color of the leaves changes from green to bright orange, red, brown, and yellow. Because of such a riot of colors, maple is often classified as decorative types plants.

The root system of maples is superficial. It reproduces by shoots and seeds. The tree is very light-loving, special shape crowns and jewelry folded leaves help to collect maximum amount Sveta. The tree is also heat-loving and drought-resistant; in northern regions it can suffer from severe frosts and harsh winters. Maple also has the amazing ability to “cry.” Even with a slight increase in air humidity, drops (“tears”) begin to fall from the petioles of the tree’s leaves. Next, some types of maples will be described in more detail.

Maple lifespan

It is believed that the maple tree lives from two hundred to three hundred years. Many scientists claim that some species can be up to five centuries old! In our latitudes, the maple tree is about a hundred years old. But if the tree grows in favorable conditions, then this figure may increase.

Norway maple

Its second name is common maple. This species is most often found in our country. This is a deciduous tree with a dense, pronounced spherical crown shape. It reaches a height of twenty to thirty meters. The bark of young trees is very different from old ones. In the former it is smooth, reddish-gray in color, while in the latter it is rough, gray in color, cut into small cracks. usually five-lobed, quite wide (up to eighteen centimeters in diameter). The surface of the leaves is glossy. Norway maple blooms with delicate yellow-green flowers collected in small inflorescences. This species is very useful from an environmental point of view, as it traps benzene vapors and harmful suspensions of heavy metals, thereby purifying the air and improving the ecological situation of the surrounding area.

Maple white

The second name is sycamore. This type of maple grows in the Caucasus and the Carpathians. Also found in eastern countries and Western Europe. The tree is very slender and tall, has a dense spherical-pyramidal crown. The bark of the sycamore is grayish-brown, gradually cracks with age, and a young, lighter one is visible underneath it. The leaves are large, reaching twenty centimeters in length. The leaf shape is heart-shaped, five-lobed. The maple blooms in mid-to-late May with small yellowish flowers.

Silver maple

This tree reaches a height of forty meters - a real giant among maples. The annual growth is quite large - forty centimeters in width and fifty in height. Therefore, it is easy to calculate how many years a maple grows to reach such a gigantic size. The crown of this representative of the fauna is powerful and openwork. The branches are slightly drooping. A young maple has a light gray bark, and young shoots are bright red. The leaves are large, five-lobed, strongly dissected, whitish or bluish below. In autumn they turn light yellow. This type of maple is moisture-loving, frost-resistant, prefers open, illuminated areas. Found in North America.

Manchurian maple

This species grows in China and the Far East. The tree reaches a height of twenty meters. The crown is openwork, round in shape. The bark is light gray with small cracks. The leaves are trifoliate, thin and graceful. The leaves change color three times a year: red-orange in spring, dark green in summer, and purple-red in fall. The maple blooms in large numbers. The plant tolerates replanting well, since the root system is shallow.

Maple Chrismon King

This type of maple is interesting because of the colors of its leaves. In spring they are blood red in color, and in summer they become almost black. This tree is very popular among landscape designers.

Tatarian maple

Another name is black maple. The distribution area is quite wide - Western and Central Europe, Asia, Eastern Siberia, Central Russia. This species is a small tree or shrub, the height of which varies from two to ten meters. This tree looks very delicate - thin angular branches covered with fluff, the bark is pale gray. The leaves are small - five to ten centimeters in diameter, with pubescent veins. Tatarian maple is an excellent honey plant. The tree tolerates frost well, is shade-tolerant and unpretentious to the soil. It is often planted in parks and squares.


Maple inspires artists to paint, photographers make “pilgrimages” to the autumn forest in order to capture a wonderful moment. So be sure to go to the autumn park to enjoy the unique colors. And if you have personal plot, then plant a maple tree in your garden. The lifespan of the tree is very long, and therefore not only your children, but even your grandchildren will be able to enjoy the coolness in its shady foliage in the summer, and admire the appearance of this bright tree in the fall.

The maple that everyone knows.

The most common type of maple growing in our country is Norway maple (Acer platanoides) , - unlike many others, it is found not in mountainous, but in lowland forests. Its appearance and characteristic leaves are well known to all people, even those far from dendrology. This is a tree up to 30 m tall with an ovoid, tent-shaped dense crown.

The varietal diversity of Norway maple is so great that, using only it, you can create interesting wood compositions. There are color forms, varieties with a modified growth form and leaf blade. Maples look especially impressive with unusual leaf colors, such as purple, as in the varieties "Royal Red", "Crimson King", "Deborah", "Schwedleri", or with a white stripe along the edge of the leaf blade, as in "Drummondii". Decorative forms "Columnare" and "Globosum" attract attention with their crowns - columnar and spherical, which makes them a bright accent in compositions. They are also good in co-letter and row plantings.

Types of maples: tall and majestic

Among the maples there are very large representatives. One of them - majestic maple, or velvety maple (Acer velutinum) , growing in eastern Transcaucasia and the mountains of Northern Iran. With a height of 50 m, it looks like a real giant, moreover, the diameter of its trunk reaches 1.2 m. This maple looks especially impressive during fruiting, when it is decorated with large hanging fruiting panicles carrying up to 60 lionfish. A truly majestic sight.

Slightly smaller in size false sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) , is a typical representative of mountain forests in the southwestern part of Ukraine and the Caucasus. Tree up to 40 m tall and up to 2 m in diameter with dark gray bark peeling off in plates to reveal light young bark. It is especially beautiful when standing freely; it forms a dense tent-shaped crown. Most often used in ornamental gardening various shapes false sycamore maple. The "Purpurea" variety has two-colored leaves, dark green above and purple below. Young leaves of the Leopoldii variety are covered with yellowish-pink spots, adult leaves are variegated, with uneven, light green or cream spots.

No less monumental is the North American silver maple (Acer saccharinum) reaching a height of 40 m with a trunk up to 1.5 m in diameter.

A characteristic feature of this species are deeply dissected five-lobed leaves on long petioles. They are light green above and silvery-white below, hence the specific name. IN autumn period This maple stands out for its light yellow foliage. It looks great along the banks of reservoirs, in alleys and group plantings, but it should be remembered that its branches often break off from adhered snow and strong gusts of wind. Decorative variety"Wieri" is notable for its gracefully carved foliage and picturesque crown with long, hanging shoots.

Far Eastern maples

It is believed that maples are the face Far East. There they live in the mountains and along river valleys. Their appearance differs from European and North American species, which Lately appreciated by landscape designers who actively use them. In addition, the cultivation of most Far Eastern maples in middle lane Russia does not pose any particular problems, with the exception of some species. In the Central Russian landscape, they look like real exotics, which with their appearance can decorate any composition.

Widely known in culture river maple (Acer ginnala) It is characterized by high frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Growing up to 6 m in height, it is quite suitable for creating hedges and single plantings. In autumn, its three-lobed leaves turn purplish-red, imbuing the landscape with vibrant colors.

Grows in mountain mixed and coniferous forests of the Far East green maple (Acer tegmentosum) , the trunk of which is decorated with smooth green bark with longitudinal white stripes. With such an unusual bark, maple always stands out from other plants.

When listing the Far Eastern species, one cannot fail to mention the often found in this region small leaf maple (Acer mono) . This is a tree up to 15 m high with a low crown. The leaves are similar to the foliage of Norway maple, but 2 - 3 times smaller. In autumn they turn bright yellow and red. Small leaf maple plantings effectively reduce city noise.

If we talk about the beauty of leaves, then, of course, first of all it is worth mentioning palm maple or fan maple (Acer palmatum) , without which not a single garden in Japan can do. Its openwork dissected leaves acquire bright, picturesque colors in autumn. Unfortunately, this species is quite thermophilic and in central Russia it freezes to the level of snow cover. Therefore, to create a stylized Japanese garden in our climate best replacement he will be no less spectacular Manchurian maple (Acer mandschuricum) and false maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum) .

North American maple species

A large number of maples grow on the North American continent. Many of them settled in Russia long ago, having acquired a second homeland, and ash maple (Acer negundo) It has become so naturalized in our open spaces that it sometimes behaves like a weed. Now it is difficult to imagine that this plant was previously grown in greenhouses as a valuable exotic. Currently, ash-leaved maple is widespread in cultivation. First of all, due to its rapid growth, frost resistance and undemanding soil conditions. However, its fragility and low decorative qualities make it necessary to use this species as a temporary breed with others - slowly growing, but more decorative. There are a number of interesting color forms of this maple, which are widely used in landscaping: Aureovariegatum, Variegatum, Flamingo, Odessanum.

Growing in river valleys and swamps red maple (Acer rubrum) It tolerates excess moisture and stagnant water very well, and it is not picky about soils. It received its specific name for the red female flowers and the orange-red color of the leaves in autumn. His decorative forms- "Red Sunset" and "Scanlon" are characterized by a pyramidal crown shape and dark red leaves in the fall.

Very beautiful smooth green bark with white longitudinal stripes attracts attention Pennsylvania maple (Acer pensylvanicum) . Its large three-lobed leaves turn a rich color in autumn. yellow. The flowering and fruiting of this maple looks impressive: the flowers and then the fruits are collected in long, hanging clusters.

Shrub maples

Among the maples there are also shrubby species that fit well into small gardens.

They also tolerate shearing well, so they make very dense and impressive hedges. These maples include - in addition to the above-mentioned riverine maple and false Siebold maple - also bearded maple, curled maple, Tatarian maple.

Bearded maple (Acer barbinerve) very beautiful during flowering, in the fall it can boast dark yellow or orange leaves, and in winter its young shoots with purple-red bark stand out against the background of white snow. It shapes and cuts beautifully.

Very decorative throughout the growing season North American

Where else are maples used?

Many types of maple have valuable wood, which is used in the furniture industry, for the manufacture of sports equipment and musical instruments, in particular bowed instruments.

The sap of maple trees contains quite a lot of sugar, especially in species native to North America, such as the sugar maple (Acer saccharum). In Canada, the sap of this maple is used to obtain maple sugar, and its leaf is the national symbol of the country. A stylized image of a carved sugar maple leaf appears on the jackets of Canadian hockey players and on the Canadian flag.

Types of maples: photos and descriptions

1. Hornbeam maple (Acer carpinifolium) H = 10 m

A deciduous tree native to the mountain forests of Japan. The leaves are bright green, very similar to hornbeam leaves, and yellowish-brown in autumn. Greenish-yellow flowers appear at the same time as the leaves bloom. Relatively frost-resistant, in central Russia it grows with light shelter or in places well protected from the wind. This rare view will bring special joy to collectors.

2.River maple (Acer ginnala) H = 8m

A large shrub with a tent-shaped crown, grows along the banks of rivers and streams, hence the specific name. The leaves are three-lobed with an elongated middle lobe, dark green, shiny, and purplish-red in autumn. The flowers are yellowish, fragrant, collected in multi-flowered panicles, appearing after the leaves have fully bloomed. It grows quickly, is winter-hardy, produces abundant growth.

3. Acer pseudosieboldianum H = 8 m

A slender tree with a dense, tent-shaped crown. During flowering, large, yellowish-white flowers with purple sepals appear. Inflorescences are racemose with pubescent axes. The leaves are bright green, round, palmately dissected up to half of the leaf blade, and turn red-pink in autumn. The winged fruits are pinkish-red at the beginning of ripening, then yellowish-brown.

4. Manchurian maple (Acer mandshurirum) H = 20 m

Deciduous tree with a highly raised, rounded, openwork crown. The leaves are graceful, trifoliate on long reddish petioles, becoming purple-red in autumn. The inflorescences are yellowish-greenish, racemose, consisting of large flowers. Flowering is short-lived, 10-12 days. It is an excellent honey plant. Does not tolerate urban conditions and formative pruning.

5. False sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) H = 40 m

A tall tree with a well-formed trunk, especially beautiful when standing freely, forms a dense tent-shaped crown. The trunk is covered with ash-gray bark, peeling off in large plates. Narrow, multi-flowered inflorescences up to 16 cm long look impressive against the background of blossoming leaves. The leaves are 3-5-lobed, dark green above, bluish or whitish below.

6. Pennsylvania maple (Acer pensylvanirum) H = 12 m

A tree with a dense crown, the trunk is covered with dark green bark with longitudinal light stripes. The leaves are large, obovate with three shallow lobes, and turn pure yellow in autumn. The yellowish flowers are collected in graceful drooping racemes up to 15 cm long. Flowering lasts 7-10 days. The fruits remain on the plants for a long time. Externally very similar to green maple.

Varieties of maples: photos and descriptions

"Crimson King"

Norway maple H = 15 m

A tree with a spreading crown and large lobed leaves of red-purple color, which turn orange in autumn. The flowers are yellow with a reddish tint and appear simultaneously with the leaves blooming.


Norway maple H = 12 m

An elegant tree with a regular crown. Young leaves are pink at the edges, later a wide cream border appears on them. The light color of this variety goes well with plants that have dark-colored foliage.


False sycamore maple H = 20m

Tree with a wide cone-shaped crown. Young leaves are red-brown, later change color and until autumn remain dark green above and deep red below with a purple-violet bloom.


Ash-leaved maple H = 4 m

This is a low tree or large shrub. The variety is very beautiful, variegated. Young leaves are pink, later becoming white-variegated. Maple is suitable for small gardens as a tapeworm and for use in color compositions.


Silver maple H = 20 m

A picturesque tree with hanging, long, thin branches. The leaves are carved, strongly dissected, graceful, silver-green in color, turning light yellow in the fall. Preferably used as a tapeworm.


Norway maple H = 7 m

Without pruning, the tree forms an even, very dense spherical crown, which in adult plants takes on a flat shape. Recommended for landscaping city streets, but also suitable for decorative element for a small garden.

"Royal Red"

Norway maple H = 12 m

The crown is broadly conical, the leaves are large, shiny, bright red throughout the growing season. Yellow inflorescences look very impressive against the background of brightly colored leaves. The tree grows quickly. This variety is widely used.


Ash-leaved maple H = 5 m

A beautiful tree with decorative, white-green, variegated leaves and showy fruits. Used as a solitaire and in contrasting compositions with others deciduous trees. Tolerates urban conditions well.

They like to plant maples in all parks and squares. They are considered symbols of autumn. During this period they are especially elegant in golden foliage. The maple family includes more than 150 species. They grow all over the Earth. In our country, only 25 varieties are suitable for climatic conditions. According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the maple is a family tree. Therefore it is often used in landscape design adjacent areas.

Variety of different colors of maples

general description

Maple is characterized by carved lobed foliage. It forms a lush crown, which is beautiful at any time of the year. In spring, the tree acquires a slightly pinkish tint, which changes to bright green by summer, and by autumn, the maple delights with orange and gold colors. There are both ordinary varieties and their decorative forms.

Maple protects others well from dust and bright sun, and helps reduce extraneous noise. This is due to the density of its crown, which can be pyramidal or spherical.

The flowering of the maple tree is also remarkable. In mid-spring its inflorescences appear, which have unusual shape in the form of airplanes. Most trees are quite large, about 25 meters in height, but this does not frighten the owners of local areas. Many people like giant trees, which provide good shade in the summer, where you can hide from the heat. If the site does not allow it, then you can choose dwarf species, which, with the help of pruning, can take on various unusual shapes.

Common types of maple

Among the variety of maple species, the following varieties stand out:

  1. Manchurian maple. It has a spherical shape. The leaves are tripartite, attached by red petioles. In autumn, the top of the leaf changes color to yellow, and the bottom becomes pinkish.

    Manchurian maple

  2. Far Eastern maple. This variety is similar to the Manchurian species, but it is easy for the cold climate of our country, so there are no problems when growing it.

    Far Eastern maple

  3. Norway maple. The tree has a straight trunk with a lush and neat crown. The leaf has a clearly defined shape. Based on this species, many varieties have appeared with interesting foliage colors.

    Norway maple

  4. Small leaf maple. The tree has a dense crown. The foliage is similar to the holly variety, but smaller in size. By autumn it turns yellow-orange.

    small leaf maple

  5. Yellow maple. The tree is characterized by yellowish-grayish bark and lobed leaves, pubescent underneath with red hairs. The foliage becomes bright in autumn Orange color, close to a reddish tint.

    yellow maple

  6. Greenbark maple. Its bark is variegated. It alternates white stripes with green and gray. The large foliage is soft to the touch, the blades are shallow. In autumn, the foliage takes on a lemon tint. It contrasts perfectly with the bark.

    Greenbark maple

  7. River maple. It is grown both as a tree and as a bush up to 3.5 meters. Autumn leaves yellow-red. It is good to plant as a hedge.

    River maple

  8. Silver maple. The tree is tall and has an openwork crown. The foliage seems to be cut, from which the tree acquires lightness and splendor.

    Silver maple

  9. Bearded maple. It is a small dense shrub with a height of up to five meters. Has many trunks. It forms well with pruning and blooms wonderfully. By autumn, the green foliage changes to orange, and in winter the tree is decorated with red-violet shoots.

    bearded maple

  10. Fan and palm maple. Low and graceful shrubs with curved trunks. Their crown is asymmetrical and inclined towards the light. Their terminal shoots branch horizontally. Landscape designers love to use these trees, which meet the canons of the East.

    Fan and palm maple

  11. Maple "Drummondii". A tree with unusual foliage that has a white border. Because of this, it becomes variegated and does not look like other species.

    Maple "Drummondii"

  12. Red maple. This species is notable in the fall as it turns a vibrant red color at this time. Compared to the background of other trees, it looks solemn and attracts attention.

    Red maple

  13. . The second name is black maple because the bark is black. It stands out well in winter against the background of snow. During flowering, its pinkish inflorescences collected in bunches are interesting. This gives them the appearance of unusual flowers against the green foliage.

    Tatarian maple

  14. Flamingo Maple. The variety is memorable for its white and pink leaves. The tree is compact and does not need pruning, because it already has a neat appearance.