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How to make slime from sodium. How to make a slime at home in different colors, instructions on how to make a slime from different materials. Lizun from water and shampoo

Handgam ("hand chewing gum"), slime or a more common version of the name of the toy - slime is adored by children of all ages. Although the fashion for it began a long time ago, but even today it does not pass, its popularity is only increasing. The jelly-like colored substance, according to doctors, helps to calm down, improves neurohumoral processes in the child's body, develops motor skills of the hands and opens up the creative talents of young talents. In order not to buy a ready-made toy with an incomprehensible composition, caring parents are considering options on how to make a slime on their own. A few simple “recipes” for cooking are in our article.

The most common option, which looks exactly like the popular toys on the shelves of children's stores, is a slime with sodium salt. boric acid(it is also called borax or sodium tetraborate).

To make it, in addition to ½ teaspoon of the main component, the following components are needed:

  • 30 grams of stationery glue, preferably transparent;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • dyes of different colors (food safer);
  • two small containers.

Step by step preparation:

  1. In the first container, pour 1 glass of water with a temperature of 30 - 36 degrees, add a measured dose of borax, mix thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous.
  2. The second vessel must be filled with the remaining water (0.5 cups) and glue, add 2-4 drops of dyes (it is better to choose two or three colors, no more). Mix until smooth.
  3. Take the first container in your hands and, slowly tilting, pour the mixture with tetraborate in a thin stream into the second container.

The transformation will take place right before our eyes: from the liquid state, all the components will pass into one whole viscous substance. Such a slime is ready for various experiments that children love to do so much.

Only parents should be careful that the child does not put the slime in his mouth. After all, the toy, although made at home, has a chemical composition.

From water and starch

For those who are looking for a recipe with safer ingredients, a handgam version without sodium tetraborate is suitable. There are several types of cooking "hand chewing gum".

Materials for the first method:

  • potato starch - 200 g;
  • half a glass of warm water;
  • ½ teaspoon food coloring;
  • enamel container.

How to do:

  1. Pour starch and dye into a bowl, mix them.
  2. Gradually add water to the mixture, while constantly stirring the contents.
  3. The liquid will change consistency gradually during stirring: from light jelly to elastic jelly.

Since there are no chemicals in such a slime, the toy also does not “live” for long. After two days, it will become unusable and you will have to make a new slime.

For the second starch slime recipe, you need to take:

  • liquid starch, which is bought for washing, - 70 ml;
  • white PVA glue - 25 ml;
  • natural dye (you can use gouache paints);
  • plastic bag high density.

How to make slime:

  1. Pour the starch into the bag.
  2. Add 3 - 4 drops of dye, no more, so that during the game the paint is not on the hands of the child.
  3. Pour glue into the mixture, tie the bag.
  4. Shake it vigorously, mixing the contents, until a large clot appears among a small amount of liquid.
  5. Drain the liquid, remove the viscous mass, blot it paper towel. Slime is ready!

Such a handmade creation is suitable for playing for 7 - 10 days if stored in a closed container.

Toothpaste technology

This method allows you to make a particularly dense and viscous slime, and also relatively safe.

Required Ingredients:

  • gel toothpaste- 1 tube;
  • monophonic dye - 2 - 4 drops;
  • sunflower oil - 10 g;
  • a small dish.

Cooking steps:

  1. Squeeze the contents of the tube into a container.
  2. Add paint to the paste, mix so that there are no lumps.
  3. Put the pot on a small fire. Stir the contents for 10-15 minutes. The excess liquid for the toy evaporates, the remaining substance hardens.
  4. Remove from fire, let cool.
  5. With oiled hands, the resulting lump must be thoroughly kneaded.

Shaving foam slime

This cooking method is especially popular with children, because the result is a dazzling white handgum.

Of course, fathers are not too happy about such a waste of their razor stocks, but the end justifies the means.

For slime you need to take:

  • sodium tetraborate - 17.5 ml (3.5 teaspoons);
  • shaving foam - 50 ml;
  • PVA glue - 30 ml;
  • warm water - 100 ml;
  • 2 enameled bowls.

Cooking process:

  1. In the first bowl, mix borax powder (one and a half teaspoons) and water (50 ml) until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Add glue and shaving foam, mix thoroughly.
  3. In the second vessel, dissolve 2 teaspoons of tetraborate in 50 ml of water until a homogeneous substance is obtained.
  4. Slowly pour the solution from the second bowl into the first. Mix until the lump stops sticking to your hands.

From shampoo and salt

When using this method, the handgum turns out to be not too dense, a little watery. But such a recipe also has a right to exist.

For him you need to take:

  • any shampoo - 4 - 5 tablespoons;
  • non-iodized salt - 2 - 5 tablespoons (depending on the result).
  • capacity.

The cooking method is very simple:

  1. Place the shampoo in a bowl.
  2. Gradually pour salt into it, stirring constantly.
  3. When the mass thickens, the toy is ready.

Another method of making slime from shampoo requires dishwashing liquid. It is necessary to take 150 ml of both components. For a transparent slime, it is worth choosing the appropriate materials - without color.

Cooking steps:

  1. Mix ingredients in a bowl until smooth.
  2. Put the container with the contents in the refrigerator.
  3. Hold for 45 minutes - 1 hour, remove the finished slime.

Such a toy should be stored at lower temperatures so as not to lose its ductile properties. Therefore, after the game, it is better to immediately send the slime to the refrigerator. Then they can play for a month - one and a half.

Flour step by step instructions

Even the smallest fidgets can use safe handgam in their games. It is easy to make it, and how much joy such a toy brings to kids cannot be expressed in words!

Slime Ingredients:

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • water - 0.25 cups cold and hot;
  • coloring substances.

How to do:

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve into a small bowl.
  2. Add cold water, followed by hot. In no case should you use boiling water, otherwise the slime will not work.
  3. Mix all the ingredients until smooth, carefully check the absence of lumps.
  4. Add 2 - 4 drops of dyes, mix. It is better to use natural additives to give color from vegetable or fruit juices.
  5. Put the bowl in a cold place (outdoors in winter or in the refrigerator), leave for 3-4 hours.
  6. The cooled mass must be removed, kneaded in the hands - and it is ready for use.

How to make slime with PVA glue

Most of the recipes for this popular toy have PVA glue as the main ingredient. It has the right consistency, color, and also connects all the other components of the slime together.

I would like to single out one in particular. interesting way- magical slime. Such a toy will be attracted to a magnet, and with the help of special ingredients it will even glow in the dark.

For it you need to have:

  • sodium tetraborate - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • PVA glue - 30 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • food colorings;
  • phosphoric paint - 2 g;
  • iron oxide, you can take the developer laser printer- 2 years

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour borax powder into a container, add 200 ml cold water, mix so that no lumps remain.
  2. In the second vessel, dilute the PVA glue with 200 ml of the remaining water to a homogeneous solution.
  3. Add dyes, phosphor paint to the adhesive solution, mix.
  4. Slowly pour the contents of the first container into the second container, stirring regularly.
  5. It is not necessary to add the entire tetraborate solution, you should watch the consistency of the resulting mass. If it is normal, you must stop connecting the components.
  6. Add iron oxide to the resulting mixture, mix.

Magic slime is ready. Children are delighted to watch how the toy is attracted to a magnet, and at night it glows in the dark like a firefly.

Plasticine toy

You can make another slime without glue, based on the material that children always have in abundance. Plasticine handgams are easy to prepare and relatively safe.

For them you need to have:

  • 100 grams of plasticine - can be of the same color or different;
  • 15 g of edible gelatin;
  • 200 ml cold and 50 ml hot water;
  • an iron bowl or other metal vessel;
  • plastic container.

How to do:

  1. Soak gelatin in a metal container in a glass of water at room temperature.
  2. After an hour - one and a half, put the dishes on a weak gas, stirring, bring its contents to a boil and remove.
  3. Knead the plasticine with your hands so that it becomes pliable and warm.
  4. Put the soft mass in a plastic container, pour 50 ml of hot water, mix, trying to make the composition as homogeneous as possible.
  5. Add already slightly cooled gelatin to the plasticine substance, mix thoroughly, leaving no clots.

Place the mass in the refrigerator for 30 - 45 minutes.
Such a slime can serve its owner for a long time.

What is necessary:

  • actually, the pencil itself - 4 pieces;
  • favorite component tetraborate - 5 mg (1 teaspoon);
  • water - 100 ml;
  • dyes;
  • two containers.

Cooking steps:

  1. Remove the rods (adhesive substance) from the plastic case of the pencil, put them in a glass bowl.
  2. Put the container with the contents in the microwave. The time range depends on the process of turning the mass into a more viscous one.
  3. Add food or natural dyes, gouache (2-3 drops each) to the resulting mixture, mix.
  4. In another container, make a solution of borax powder with water.
  5. Carefully combine both mixtures, vigorously mixing the contents.
  6. Before that time, it is necessary to pour the tetraborate solution into the glue until the composition of the desired consistency is obtained.

DIY transparent slime

Slime, similar to a crystal pebble, is not as easy to prepare as the previous versions of a variety of "hand chewing gums". But such a toy will become the pride of every child and the envy of friends and classmates.

This will require:

  • polyvinyl alcohol (water-soluble polymer) - 100 ml;
  • sodium tetraborate - 25 g;
  • plastic utensils.

How to cook:

  1. Pour alcohol into the container.
  2. Add borax powder to it and quickly begin to mix the ingredients.
  3. It is necessary to continuously stir the liquid for 10 - 15 minutes to achieve desired effect. She gradually thickens.

The result is a glass dazzling slime.

You should not play with him too often, because the created toy has enough high level toxicity.

Such an extensive list various ways cooking allows parents, together with their children, to make slime at home from improvised materials.

You can add additional components to the recipes provided: sequins, foam balls, beads, mother of pearl ... Fantasy will help create new ones. interesting options favorite toy. Also, to remove the characteristic smell of glue, it is worth using aromatic additives or essential oils.

In order for the slime to please children longer, you need to remember the rules for its use and storage:

  • after the game, wash your hands thoroughly;
  • Store slime in an airtight container with a lid. glass jar, plastic bag, plastic container;
  • do not put the toy near heating appliances, under the direct rays of the sun;
  • dried handgam must be put in water for a short time, it will again be suitable;
  • we must try so that the slime does not fall on the carpet or other surfaces with pile - so it quickly becomes unusable;
  • colored " hand chewing gum» leave stains on clothes that are difficult to remove - you should be careful during the game.

Adhering to such simple rules, you can keep the slime in a playable condition for a long time. This toy will definitely become one of the favorites of any child.

Which of the children, and even adults, will deny themselves a funny game with a slime? Make it with my own hands It will take a little time, and even fewer materials will be needed. There are several ways to make this interesting toy from improvised materials.

  • Half a teaspoon of boron.
  • A small bottle of colorless glue.
  • Any harmless dye.
  • Water.

To prepare the mass, from which the slime will eventually turn out, you need to take any two deep bowls. Be sure to need two containers, because a two-part solution is being prepared. Pour a glass of water into one bowl (take warm water) and add boron. The resulting mass should be well mixed to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

In the second bowl, you need to mix 100 milliliters of water, 30 grams of discolored glue. To give color, use a dye, it must be added at this stage. Once again, mix everything well.

Then you should mix the two components. To do this, carefully pour the contents of the first bowl into the second. In the process of connecting the two parts, the slime will gradually begin to acquire the correct consistency, and the whole mass will be stretchy.

The slime preparation process is over, you can proceed to exciting games, most importantly, make sure that children do not try it by mouth. You need to store such a slime in a well-closing container.

Making slimes from glue and starch

Making slime from glue and starch with your own hands

Another option that is even simpler than the previous one.

  • Liquid starch.
  • PVA glue.
  • Plastic bag.
  • Dye.

Lizun - This is a toy for children, so all materials should be as natural as possible. If there is no food coloring, you can replace it with gouache paints. Be careful, if the child is allergic to any dyes, you can make the slime colorless. Special attention you need to pay attention to the production time of the glue, it must be fresh, the slime will not work out of the old glue.

You need to take a tight plastic bag and pour about 70 milliliters of liquid starch into it. Often such starch is used during washing, this is how it differs from food starch. If this is not the case, then you can take the usual one, only it should be diluted: one part of water to two parts of starch.

Following the starch, send a few drops of natural dye into the bag, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise, during the games, the slime will stain not only the hands, but also the surface.
Next, you need to add about 25 grams of PVA glue (be sure to mix the bottle with glue well beforehand).

Now it is good to close or tie the bag and mix thoroughly until the contents look like a thick mass.

You may not be able to achieve the right consistency right away. Don't despair right away, because the alteration will only take a few minutes. The main thing is to find a middle ground and mix all the ingredients in the right proportions.

Store also in a closed container to protect from dust. The service life of such a slime is about a week.

Lizun from soda

Such a toy can be given to children only in the presence of adults. This is due to the fact that it contains detergent. It is necessary to make sure that after the games the child thoroughly washed his hands.

  • Detergent.
  • Baking soda.
  • Water.
  • Natural dye.

Pour a small amount of detergent into the prepared dishes, add water and dye. With these ingredients, you can also adjust the density of the resulting mass simply by adding water or detergent.

In the resulting mass, add soda and mix well. The resulting mixture should have sufficient density. If too much soda is added, you can dilute it with water to the desired consistency.

The color of the resulting slime can be adjusted by adding dyes. That's all, the soda slime is ready for play. Make sure that the child does not taste such a toy.

Another easy way to make slime.

  • Your favorite shampoo
  • Shower gel or dish detergent.

In prepared dishes, mix equal amounts of shampoo and shower gel or dish detergent. All ingredients should be of a homogeneous consistency and not contain any additional substances, such as scrub particles, which are often added to shower gels. The color of the slime you get will depend on the materials used.

All components must be mixed well and put them in the same container in which they were mixed in the refrigerator. The resulting mass should be there for at least a day, only after this time the slime will harden to the correct consistency, and it will be possible to play with it. It must be stored only in the refrigerator so that it does not melt and does not lose its shape, in a closed container.

Make sure that the slime stays clean, if there is a lot of dust on it, then it should be thrown away and a new one should be prepared. This toy will last about one month.

Making such slimes at home is not difficult. The only nuance that needs to be taken into account is that for its manufacture you need to take a non-flowing washing powder, but a gel-like one. Unfortunately, it is impossible to replace it with liquid soap or shower gel, because these products contain other components.

  • Gel laundry detergent.
  • Office glue.
  • Natural dye.
  • Medical or other thin rubber gloves.
  • Storage container.

It is necessary to pour about one-fourth cup of clerical glue into the prepared container. Glue can be more or less, it depends only on your preferences in the size of the slime. The more glue, the bigger slime you get.

Add a natural dye of the desired color to the glue and mix the components well so that the glue acquires a uniform color.

In the resulting mass, you need to add 40 grams of gel-like powder. Again, mix well the resulting mass. Over time, this mass will become sticky and will have the consistency of putty. Make sure that the mass does not get too thick. If this happens, then a few drops of powder should be added.

Next, you need to put on gloves, get the resulting mass from the container and start kneading. The process is approximately the same as if you were kneading dough. During kneading, excess liquid will come out of the slime, if any, and the mass will become soft and elastic.

Store the resulting slime in a tightly closed container. If you notice that it has begun to melt or has become too soft, then you can send it to the refrigerator.

Slime from flour

This cooking option is most suitable for young children. If you use dyes from natural substances, then it becomes completely harmless and not dangerous to the health of the baby. The only disadvantage of these dyes is that they are not so bright, but harmless.

  • Regular flour.
  • Hot water.
  • Cold water.
  • Natural dye.

It is necessary to take a small bowl and pour 400 grams of flour into it. You can sift it through a sieve, so the future mass will be more homogeneous and easier to knead.

Then we add a quarter cup of warm water to it, it should be just warm, you can not pour boiling water.

When the mass is well mixed, you can add a few drops of natural dye to it and mix well again. As a result, the mass should turn out sticky.

We send to a cold place for 4 hours. When the whole mass has cooled down and acquired desired shape you can let the kids play.

A very interesting slime can turn out if you make it magnetic, it also has the property of glowing in the dark. There is no need to buy such a slime in the store, you can easily make it yourself.

  • Already familiar boron.
  • Water.
  • Office glue.
  • iron oxide.
  • neodymium magnet.

Mix everything very carefully until the boron is completely dissolved in water. It's cooked in one pot.

In the second bowl, you need to mix 10 milliliters of water and 30 grams of stationery glue. As before, everything is mixed very well and a coloring matter is added to the resulting mass. If you add paint at this stage, which contains phosphorus, you get a slime that glows in the dark.

Carefully mix the two components of the future slime into a homogeneous mass. The main thing is not to rush and mix everything well, then the mass will turn out to be the desired density.

The resulting mass must be decomposed into flat surface, and add iron oxide to its middle.

Lizun, which will be magnetized, is ready. Now it can be moved with a magnet on a flat surface.

Sometimes such situations happen that it seems that all the ingredients are correct and they did not deviate from the instructions, but the slime still did not work out. It's all about the parts you used to make it. Each material is significantly different, different manufacturers, using the same components, can produce a product at the output that is not similar to its counterpart. Therefore, you should not strictly adhere to the described proportions, depending on your materials, their amount may differ. Don't give up right away, just experiment.

A slime that meets all standards should be removed in a homogeneous mass without much effort from the dishes where you store it.

If your toy is very sticky, this can be seen from the threads that will follow the spoon. When you touch it with your fingers, it is too sticky and does not lag behind well, you need to dilute it slightly. This can be done with water or starch.

When your slime stretches, but practically does not stick, it means that, on the contrary, there is too much liquid. To give density, you need to add a little glue or the main ingredient that was used for cooking.

Do not be afraid to experiment, only by trial and error you will be able to choose the right consistency, and your children will enjoy a new, and most importantly, toy that is absolutely not harmful to the health of the baby.
Watch the video: "LIZUN" at Home
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Surely you know what a lizun is ?! We were all children and we well remember the serial animated film "Ghostbusters". His brave heroes could hardly leave anyone indifferent, and, of course, a cute green ghost, whose name was Slime. Some time after the release of the film, the guys began to drag the prototype of the cute Lizunchik to school - a plastic mass of bright colors. What can you do with slime? He flew around the class at every break, he could easily be glued to the walls, desks, and he just evoked a lot of delight and positive emotions in everyone. The only pity is that at that time for many such an acquisition was an unaffordable luxury, we did not know anything about the manufacture of lizuns.

Our children are the luckiest! Today, this fascinating trinket (handgam, slime) can be made at home. Do you want to know the composition of the slime? In fact, nothing unusual, it can be made in a liquid, floury consistency, from powder, from washing gel, detergent, without or with borax - there are many cooking recipes. Offer your child a fun business, tell them how to grow a slime, how to make a slug or how to make space snot - let him personally choose the desired variation and favorite products.

the participation of children in the manufacture of slime is a holiday for everyone

Cooking hendgam at home will be extremely exciting, and the choice of raw materials is simply huge. But before proceeding with the process itself, we advise you to carefully read all the recommendations, otherwise the toy may turn out to be of poor quality. In addition, you should know how to properly care for the slime.

Basic tips for preparing and caring for slime:

  1. Do-it-yourself slime must be stored in a closed container, for example, in a plastic jar with a lid.
  2. Remember that the toy is afraid high temperatures, so do not leave it under the sun and near heating appliances.
  3. To keep the mass soft and smooth, try not to put it on carpets and other fleecy materials, in order to avoid sticking.
  4. How to make a slime original? Add various sparkles to it at the time of preparation, a few drops of your favorite essential oils, and also, to improve the taste, add a little sugar or condensed milk.
  5. The vinegar in the composition is useful if you want to make a craft with good plasticity, in addition, it will not follow on various surfaces.
  6. How can you make slime even more natural? It's easy too! Add some glycerin to the composition, which will give it slipperiness.
  7. If you use a hydrogen peroxide slime recipe, it will come out airy.
  8. It is easy to get a real “superhero” by sticking eyes and a nose to the jumper, for example, from small buttons or buttons. Imagine and you will succeed!

How to make slime at home: recipes

Well, let's get down to this interesting event! Below you will find the best proven ways to make slime slime. But, having made these wonderful things, do not forget how to care for slimes, and then they will please you for a long time.

How to make slime out of water

Making a slime at home in this way is very simple, in addition, the jumper will come out quite elastic and will be able to perfectly spring and bounce off various surfaces. In addition, he will not care for water, so you can wash the toy without fear.

PVA glue is the simplest basis for the experiment
  • coloring matter, best of natural origin (manganese, brilliant green);
  • fresh PVA - 100 g;
  • water - one glass;
  • sodium tetraborate four percent (borax) - a tablespoon.

If you haven’t found borax on your shelves, don’t look for how to make sodium tetraborate, purchase the product in one of the pharmacies, it is sold both in solution and in powdered consistency, or use recipes without this component.
How to make slime out of water:

Combine slightly tepid water with PVA and your dye, then gradually pour in borax, gently stirring the composition. The liquid must acquire dark color and thicken - now you know how to make your own slime.

How to make handgum without sodium tetraborate

And now we will give one of the easiest solutions on how to make slime without sodium tetraborate. Slime from starch, which can replace sodium tetraborate, will turn out no worse than slime from boric acid. The toy will be of the same quality and reminiscent of the original.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • fresh PVA - 1/4 share;
  • diluted starch - 1/3 share;
  • coloring matter.

Doubt how to make liquid starch? Stir the starch powder in cool water - a slightly thick homogeneous mass should form.

And now, how to make handgum without tetraborate:

Pour starch into a pre-prepared bag, drip a little dye, add glue. It is important to thoroughly knead the resulting mass, it should reach uniformity, and place the package with the composition in the refrigerator for approximately four or five hours. After this period, you will get a new funny "friend", and now you can tell your friends about how to grow a slime.

How to make slime from shampoo or slime from liquid soap

When using this easy method, remember that the shampoo and shower gel slime has to live in the cold between games, and be sure to keep it out of your baby's mouth.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • shower gel or dish detergent;
  • shampoo.

Necessary steps on how to make slime from shower gel and detergent:

Mix in a bowl using the same proportions of the above products. To thicken the composition, set aside for half a day in the refrigerator.

It matters a lot!!! Want to grow a "cast" transparent? Use products with a similar consistency and without the presence of granules.

Handgam should be stored in a jar with a screw cap. Such a shower gel slime can “live” for no more than three weeks, but this is unlikely to be a problem, because you already know how to make slime at home.

Slime from washing powder or how to make a slime in 5 minutes

And this recipe will tell you how to make slime in a different way. It is prepared quickly, in about five minutes, but remember that you cannot use similar products, such as soap or gel, instead of liquid laundry powder, otherwise nothing will come of it.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • PVA - 50 ml;
  • washing powder (liquid) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • coloring matter.

How to make a jumper at home:

Stir the PVA with a few drops of paint, add the powder there and stir again. A sticky solution should form, similar to putty. If necessary, it can be further diluted with liquid powder.

Remove the composition from the bowl and knead like a dough until the formed droplets of liquid are gone. It is advisable to use rubber gloves!

Well, you know another method on how to make a slime with your own hands from simple products. Just remember to keep it in a sealed container. When the craft begins to lose some of its abilities, it should be properly cooled.

How to make slime from flour

Want to learn how to make snot? Even the most spoiled child will be delighted with their appearance! And note that all the ingredients here are natural, with such a handgam, leaving a baby alone is not at all scary.

Prepare the following foods:

  • flour - 400 ml;
  • hot water - 50 ml;
  • cold water - 50 ml;
  • natural dye.

We put the sifted flour in a saucepan and add cool water to it, then hotter, but not boiling. The mass should be properly kneaded, crush all lumps, add food pigment, and mix well again. And in the end, we put the resulting composition in a cold place for half a day.

So that the baby does not get bored, two or three such slimes can be made at the same time, painting them in different bright colors.

How to make a slime from soda or how to make a jumper without alcohol

This “superhero”, just like a soap slime, can only be offered to children for games with parents due to the presence of dishwashing detergent in it. After indulging in them, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly.

And you know that such a slime for cleaning the keyboard is a real find, it will gently remove hard-to-reach dirt, including animal hair.

Making a slime at home from the products available in the kitchen of every housewife is very simple. We will need:

  • liquid detergent for dishes;
  • water;
  • coloring matter;
  • sodium carbonate (soda).

In this instruction, we do not give specific dosages, just gradually mix the ingredients until the composition gains density, if necessary, dilute it with dishwashing detergent or water. Sodium carbonate can initially take a couple of tablespoons. And don't forget to stir everything well, it's extremely important!

We hope you quickly mastered how to make slime from soda. The recipe is quite simple, the slime does not even need to be refrigerated.

Last weekend my sister asked how to make a slime without sodium tetraborate - she wanted to do an extraordinary photo shoot for instagram, so I urgently had to look for a slime recipe. Well what can I say? Do-it-yourself slime is done quite quickly, there are many ways, there are pros and cons, I’ll tell you about everything in order.

This best question which I had to answer that weekend. Because my social circle is not too familiar with insta trends. All in all, slime is a fun gooey mass that has some of the properties of non-Newtonian fluids. This is an elastic toy, sticky, which can both spread in a soft puddle and gather into an elastic ball. This toy is also called handgam, slime or Silly Putty.

A great way to keep kids entertained is to watch this thing really cool and interesting, it's a pleasure to play with it for both adults and kids. I can also say that such a toy will help children develop the concept of a non-Newtonian fluid and improve fine motor skills, and for adults, handgam can be used as an anti-stress.

You can make lickers the most different ways, I will tell about all that I managed to find out.

Based on starch

How to make slime from water and starch? The method is quite simple. Required:

  1. 1 st. corn starch (do not replace potato starch);
  2. 1 st. warm water;
  3. 1 tbsp PVA glue;
  4. dye (we used ordinary dyes - my mother had them in store for Easter, and I buy dyes for handmade soap);
  5. you can also add sequins or broths (holiday ones or those used for manicure are suitable).

First, liquid starch is made - pour the entire glass of starch powder into a bowl and add a quarter glass of water. Boil the remaining water, stir in the soaked starch into the water, boil everything for about a minute, stirring continuously. This amount is enough for three lickers. Then we take a tight bag, pour in a third of the volume of liquid starch, drip the dye (do not pour too much, the dyes are well concentrated), and then you need to pour in glue and sparkles.

After that, the package is tied up and kneaded well - you should get a mass in the form of a sticky compote and a little slurry. We drain the liquid, blot the lick several times with a napkin. Your handgam can be used.

Can a slime be made from starch? Oh, in fact, anything can fail. This is the first anti-stress slime that my sister and I made, and we succeeded, but when I decided to repeat this experience, it didn’t work out for me. Of course, I immediately began to take an interest in the forums on how to make slime from starch and why it didn’t work out for me.

And it turned out that if add too much glue (or some very high quality and good glue), then the slime will be sticky. And if there is too much starch, then it will fall apart.

Especially for kids

Young moms are eager to figure out how to make a slime without glue and sodium tetraborate. In general, why do many people want to make different little things with their own hands at home? The bottom line is that a child who plays with a handgam is able to accidentally put the mass in his mouth and slobber, or just hold it in his hands for a long time, so naturally no one wants the child to be damaged by glue or tetraborate solution. It is much easier to build a slime in a couple of minutes from detergent, or from soap and salt.

How to make slime from flour?

  • So, you need to mix flour with cool and heated water.
  • The mixture is mixed (it will take about 300 grams of flour, 1/4 cup of cold water and the same amount of hot).
  • For a beautiful shade, they take a dye or ordinary gouache, watercolor.
  • It turns out very interesting if you make two lumps of different colors, and then crush them together.
  • As soon as the mixture is homogeneous in consistency, it is cleaned in a cool place for three hours.

This is a simple slime that even a child can safely play with.

Shaving foam

How to make slime out of shaving foam? In principle, shaving foam slime is easy to make - all you need is a tube of glue and some shaving foam.

It is difficult to predict the exact amount, so we do this - put 100-200 g of glue on a plate (the whole bottle), and then we inject the foam into the eye and begin to knead. It is necessary to add foam, achieving the consistency you need.

In general, a shaving foam slime can be pure white (the color is dense and beautiful), or you can drop a couple of milliliters of dye. By the way, you can drip a few different drops, you get a marble handgum.

Watch a fascinating video on how to make such a slime:

Shampoo and salt

We also learned how to make slime from shampoo and salt. You need to take any shampoo (we took dad's transparent shampoo blue color) - you need 3-4 tablespoons. And then you need to pour salt into the shampoo and stir well. You will see how gradually the liquid mass becomes thicker and ceases to be so sticky.

We didn't like this one too much, it's more like a gooey jelly than a standard regular handgum, but it's also quite fun and will be fun to play with.

Shampoo and Starch

How to make slime from shampoo and water with starch:

First, make liquid starch (I wrote above how to do it correctly - corn starch with water), and then you need to add shampoo and mix well. The mass must be kept in the refrigerator.


If you need to make handgam for adults, then I advise you to watch a video on how to make slime from soda. However, it should be noted that it is better not to give this mass to babies, and after fun, you should wash your hands.

Soap and glue

Another recipe is how to make slime from liquid soap. Again, nothing complicated. Go to hardware store and buy polymer glue - well, for example "Titan". And then mix three parts of glue and two parts of liquid soap. If you take colored transparent soap, then the slime will turn out transparent.

By the way, there is another cool recipe for how to make a soap slime - just add soda and salt to it by eye and mix well, and then keep the mixture in the refrigerator.


An easy way to make a toothpaste slime is to mix a small tube of glue and a pack of gel toothpaste. Then you need to mix the mixture well and cool in the refrigerator for about half an hour. I must say right away that the toothpaste slime smells very strongly of toothpaste, so it's best to add a couple of drops of perfume composition to the mixture or regular essential oil.

Another interesting toothpaste slime is obtained using polymer glue - if you beat the mixture well, then there will even be air bubbles in it (looks very nice in the photo and video). The ratio is this - for 100 grams of toothpaste you will need 40 grams of glue (the same "Titan" will do).

How to make slime from toothpaste without glue? You can experiment with sodium tetraborate - add a few drops of tetraborate to the mixture of toothpaste, salt and shampoo, and then mix well and cool.

And if you want to try how to make a slime with tetraborate, then you will like this lesson - it turns out the easiest and most beautiful anti-stress slime.

By the way, while I googled the recipes, I saw that many people ask about how to make a slime out of paper. The simplest knowledge of chemistry tells me that in any way. However, you can make a handgam with paper glitter or confetti.

To make the soap slime stretch better, drop it into the vinegar mixture, and for more smoothness, add a little glycerin.

So that the PVA glue slime does not dry out for a long time, store it in a jar or in a tight bag.

You can also make a slime from plasticine and gelatin. In my opinion, this is the best slime without glue and tetraborate. By the way, without sodium tetraborate, you can make slime from soap and salt - just mix liquid soap With salt.

Watch the video and learn how to make a slime with glue and water:

How to care for slime

In general, the easiest way to care for a slime is to wash it regularly, and make a new one a week later. Well, in fact, any handgam made for children is enough for a week (even if the recipe says that for a month). Borax begins to weather, the components of the detergent begin to decompose into components. And even a child can make a new slime - the main thing is to choose an easy recipe (almost any of those that I have listed) and make sure that the kid does not pour soap into his eyes and does not taste the glue. Make beautiful and bright slimes, play with them and try new recipes!

Now you know how to make slime at home without sodium tetraborate and you can tell your friends how to make slime at home.

Lizun is an unusual children's toy that develops hand motor skills and imagination. However, purchased foreign ones are very toxic, so creating such a toy at home from safe components will not only save money, but also an interesting pastime with a child.

The simplest slime recipe consists of 100 gr. plasticine, packaging of edible gelatin and 100 ml of water.

soak cold water V metal utensils gelatin, leaving an hour to stand. Then heat to a boil, then remove from heat. Soften the plasticine with your hands and mix it in a plastic bowl with 50 ml of water. Pour gelatin here and stir until you get a viscous mass, which is desirable to put in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

As soon as it hardens, the toy is ready.

Recipe with sodium tetraborate

This method is the fastest and cheapest, but starch slime is fragile and will only last a day or two.

From soda

Mix in plastic utensils 50 gr. , a quarter of a glass of warm water and dye, mix the substance well. Separately mix water and baking soda(tablespoon), then add this solution to the adhesive mixture.

Mix, make a ball and enjoy playing with the finished treasure.

Soap or detergent

Take detergent or liquid soap, Titanium glue and. Mix soap and glue in a ratio of 2:3, then add food coloring and mix thoroughly again. Place it in a plastic bag and carefully knead it with your hands to remove glue lumps.

You can play with the slime right away.

How to make a liquid and transparent slime?

A transparent liquid slime is made a little more difficult than a thicker and more colored counterpart.

To create it you will need:

  • polyvinyl alcohol - 100 gr.;
  • plastic utensils;
  • - 25 gr.;
  • stirring stick.

All you need to do is pour alcohol into a bowl, stir, add sodium tetraborate and stir quickly so that the mixture looks like the desired slime. Cooking takes about 10 minutes (you need to stir for a long time and painstakingly), you can immediately.

Step by step recipe - YouTube video:

  1. You can decorate the slime by additionally adding sparkles and mother-of-pearl or fluorescent paints to make it glow in the dark. And to have a pleasant smell, add your favorite essential oil during cooking.
  2. The child will be interested in touching the toy if you use foam balls, which can be found in any market for creativity or a hardware store.
  3. Haven't found a handy mixing stick? You can do this by hand, but be sure to wear latex gloves.
  4. remember, that