Mixer      04/22/2019

Installation of mirrors in a house or apartment - we improve the layout! How to hang a mirror - competent location and design tricks for mirrors and mirror surfaces (105 photos)

A mirror on the wall is a home decoration, a visual expansion of space. Wall mirrors come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and types, depending on what the method is chosen with which you can hang the mirror on the wall. Also, be sure to make sure you have all the right tools for the job so you don't have to stop unexpectedly halfway through.

How to hang a mirror on hooks

The first method is suitable for framed mirrors or small unframed mirrors. As a rule, such mirrors already have some kind of fasteners on the back, like D-rings or loops, and you just have to make a counterpart for them - one or more hooks. In order to hang such a mirror on the wall, follow these steps:

  1. Find out what material the wall is made of on which you want to hang the mirror. This will determine whether your wall can support the weight of the mirror and what screws and dowels you will need to use. For example, if you want to hang a mirror on a plasterboard wall, you will need special dowels, the so-called "butterflies".
  2. Weigh your mirror. Depending on the weight, not only fasteners will be selected, but also hooks, since they also have restrictions on the weight they can withstand.
  3. Attach the mirror to the wall in the place where you intend to hang it. Mark on the wall with a pencil the position of its top and corners. You can also apply a level to the edge of the mirror beforehand and check whether it will hang vertically in this position.
  4. You need to mark on the wall where the mounts on the mirror will be. to do this, measure all the distances from the edges of the mirror to the mounts, as well as the distance between them, if there are several. Then mark their location on the wall, transferring all measurements to it.

    If you have a small mirror with a wire or lace loop in the back center, you only need one hole in the wall and you may even be able to do without a hook. To figure out where this hole will need to be drilled, measure the width of your mirror and mark a point in the middle of this line. Then pull the loop as far as possible up from this point and measure the distance from its upper edge to the upper edge of the mirror itself. Transfer the result of measurements to the wall using the same pencil.

  5. Mark on the wall where the holes for the hook screws should be - this can be done by attaching the hooks themselves to the wall and aligning them with the marks for finding the fasteners on the back of the mirror.
  6. Drill holes in the marked places for the screws intended for attaching the hooks. Use a drill bit of the correct thickness for your wall material. If the material of the wall allows you to screw in a screw without a dowel, that's good. If not, drill holes immediately under the diameter of the dowels. Use them to screw on the hooks.
  7. Before hanging the mirror on the wall, glue protective fabric pads to it at the back at the corners and centers of the sides - these are often sold in furniture stores, for example, for gluing on furniture legs so that it does not scratch the floor.

How to hang a mirror with double sided tape

You can hang a mirror on the wall using double-sided tape only if it is small and light - no more than 1 kg. In addition, the possibility of such fastening depends on the surface - it should be as even and smooth as possible (from MDF, laminated chipboard, tiles, and so on) and not be exposed to moisture (that is, hang a mirror on double-sided tape in the bathroom - bad idea). So, how to mount a mirror on tape:

  1. Attach the mirror to the wall and mark with a pencil (for example, in the corners) how it should hang. The adhesive tape is glued immediately, so it will not be possible to fix the mirror on the wall after gluing.
  2. The wall and the back surface of the mirror must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and preferably degreased.
  3. Take double-sided tape at least 2 cm wide and stick one of the sides on the back of the mirror along its entire height - from edge to edge, leaving a distance of about 5-10 cm between the strips.
  4. Remove the protective layer from the second side of the tape strips, attach the mirror to the wall and lightly press it over the entire area, holding it for a few seconds.

How to hang a mirror with glue

Mounting on glue, as well as on adhesive tape, is suitable only for mirrors without a frame and flat surfaces, however, it is more reliable and can be used in the bathroom. Glue is used special, it is called so - building for mirrors.

Also prepare spacers or any other devices in advance that will help you fix the glued mirror until the glue hardens.

  1. Measure the mirror or put it against the wall and mark its desired position on it with a pencil.
  2. Thoroughly wipe and degrease the surfaces to be glued - both on the wall and on reverse side mirrors.
  3. Apply glue according to the instructions - usually only on one of the sides to be glued. Glue is best applied in vertical stripes with a distance of about 10 cm between them, as well as in separate points. It is better not to pour glue close to the edge of the mirror in order to avoid problems with its leakage beyond the dimensions of the mirror.
  4. Attach the mirror to the wall and press it for the time indicated in the instructions for the glue. Then fix in this position with devices prepared in advance for this.

Today, a house or apartment cannot be imagined without mirrors at all. Products are installed in bedrooms and living rooms, bathrooms, even in the kitchen! They can have a frame and legs and be placed on the floor or table, or they can be a canvas attached to the wall. The mirror on the wall can be framed or unframed. Attaching the product in a frame to the wall is not difficult. Nails are hammered into the surface or screws are screwed in and a frame with a mirror is hung on them. And how to fix a product without a frame on a vertical surface? Obviously, such a mirror mount on the wall must be as strong as possible in order to withstand the weight of the product.

To independently hang a mirror without a frame on the wall, use:

  • silicone sealant;
  • construction tape;
  • brackets;
  • clamps;
  • dowels.

Each of these types of fasteners allows you to securely fix the mirror sheet on a vertical surface, eliminating spontaneous fall.

You can attach a frameless mirror to the wall different ways: using silicone sealant or self-tapping screws. From right choice Depends on the reliability of fastening

The devices listed above for mounting mirrors without a frame to the surface have their own characteristics, minuses and pluses. To choose the most suitable one, it is important to understand their advantages and disadvantages.

Application of silicone sealant

Experts believe that silicone sealant is the easiest, but at the same time reliable way to fix a mirror sheet without a frame.

The benefits are as follows:

  • all work can be done in 1 hour;
  • the product will last at least 10-15 years;
  • no additional costs (except for the purchase of sealant) are required;
  • if the glue got on the surface of the product, it is easy;
  • the interior item fits snugly against the wall, leaving a minimum gap;
  • no tools are needed to attach the mirror to the wall.

To disadvantages silicone sealant can include the following:

  • this method can only be used ideally flat surface, without cracks and gaps;
  • it will be impossible to remove the product - to remove it, it will have to be broken;
  • do not apply silicone ceramic tiles, due to poor adhesion of these materials, the sealant will not hold;
  • moisture and temperature changes destroy the structure of the sealant, the composition gradually loses its strength;
  • thus, the method is not suitable for use in the bathroom.

If there are no "contraindications" to the use of silicone sealant, feel free to purchase the product.

The balloon costs from 150 to 400 rubles. Focus on products from manufacturers: Krass, Atol, Zubr, Ravak.

Instructions on how to fix a mirror without a frame on the wall using silicone sealant:

  • take a mirror and lean it against the wall. Mark with a pencil so as not to make a mistake with the attachment point;
  • prepare the surface. Degrease the wall with alcohol or acetone, clean with sandpaper;

To attach a frameless mirror with sealant, it is imperative to degrease the surface, otherwise the sealant will not fix

  • now start preparing the mirror amalgam - the back surface. It also needs to be degreased;
  • apply sealant to the amalgam, creating several strips parallel to each other, retreating from the edges by 3-5 centimeters.

Important: if there are no these indents, then due to pressing the mirror against the wall, the silicone will spread and go beyond the edges of the product. It doesn't look too aesthetically pleasing. You will have to cut the silicone with a sharp knife - and this is an additional time cost.

  • Once the silicone has been applied to the amalgam, press firmly against the wall for 5 minutes. Now you can let go. It is advisable not to touch the structure for the next 24 hours.

To learn more about this process, watch the following video:

Using construction tape

To hang a mirror on the wall using construction tape, you must also prepare the amalgam and the wall itself. It is important to choose construction tape, not masking tape - the latter will not withstand the weight of the mirror sheet.

For fixing a mirror without a frame, construction tape is suitable, not masking tape. The latter will not support the weight of the product

Construction tape costs 100-300 rubles. Manufacturers: Fit, Unibob, Zubr.

Important: the wider the construction tape, the more convenient it is to use. Optimally - 10-15 cm.

Advantages of use:

  • the ability to remove and reposition the item to another place;
  • the surface may be uneven;
  • stroyskotch is inexpensive, so the method itself can be attributed to cheap;
  • on fixing material not affected by temperature changes;
  • you can hang the product in the bathroom on the construction tape.

Among the cons:

  • do not abruptly tear off the construction tape - this will damage the amalgam;
  • you can only attach a light and small mirror, the weight of a heavy special tape will not withstand.

Instructions on how to hang a fixture without a frame on adhesive tape:

  • clean and degrease the wall and amalgam;
  • apply construction tape to the amalgam;
  • press the structure against the wall;
  • hold for about a minute and release.

The video will tell about the features of construction tape:

Mounting on dowels and screws

Such fasteners for mirrors are able to withstand any weight. Even if you decide to attach a structure the size of a wall - from floor to ceiling. Choose iron or steel fixtures, they are sold at any hardware store and cost a penny. However, they can’t just be screwed into the wall - you need to “arm yourself” with a drill or a puncher.

The advantages of this method include:

  • fastening reliability;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • possibility of use in any place for any sizes of a design.

The cons are the following:

  • you will have to make holes in the mirror sheet itself. This is not for everyone and can be dangerous, because the product runs the risk of cracking or splitting.

Instructions on how to hang a mirror on the wall using dowels and screws:

  • Decide on a mounting location.
  • Make a markup.

Important: the wider and larger the mirror, the more screws you will need to secure it.

If you don’t have a special drill for making holes for self-tapping screws for mounting on a mirror, then turn to professionals for help. otherwise you risk losing the mirror due to improper drilling

  • Use a perforator to make holes in the wall 5-7 cm deep. They should not be straight, it is better to make them oblique from top to bottom.
  • Drive inside plastic or wooden dowels. They will securely hold the screws and the product along with them.
  • Drilling holes in the canvas can be entrusted to professionals. If you decide to make them yourself, you will need a thin diamond drill.
  • Insert self-tapping screws into the resulting holes.
  • Carefully screw the screws into the dowels.
  • Close the screws with decorative caps - they can be metal or plastic, as you wish.

You can watch the video tutorial right now:

About mounting accessories for mirrors

There is a huge choice in the market of mounting accessories for mirrors. Can be found:

  • brackets;
  • clamps;
  • planks.

Advantages of devices:

  • can be used anywhere for any size structure;
  • resistant to moisture, temperature extremes;
  • the reflector can subsequently be outweighed or simply removed without destruction;
  • you can even attach a bracket, clip or bar to a drywall wall or.
  • the cost of fasteners can not be called low. The price for each type of product varies from 400 to 1500 rubles.

Instructions on how to hang a mirror product on a plasterboard wall (or any other) using a bracket, clips or slats:

  • make markings on the surface;
  • attach the holder to the screws;
  • hang the product on it.

You can learn about the types of fasteners with your own hands from the video:

How to choose the right mirror?

So that the reflection pleases you, and the piece of furniture itself meets all the requirements of the decor of the room, choose wisely:

  • thickness - at least 5 millimeters, otherwise the image will be distorted;
  • amalgam on the reverse side should be applied evenly, without scratches and thin areas;
  • the mirror part should be smooth. The presence of bubbles, chips, cracks is not allowed;
  • when choosing a place for fastening, consider the fact that the reflective part should not touch doors and furniture - pencil cases, cabinets, open shelves;
  • aluminum amalgam is cheaper than silver, but it is less practical to use. So, condensation appears on it when the temperature changes. Therefore, for the bathroom and kitchen, choose a silver amalgam, for other rooms, you can use aluminum.

Mounting a mirror with a silver amalgam is preferable. than with aluminum. Although the latter is cheaper, it also has a much shorter service life.

"Golden Rules" of installation

To make the mirror really play in the interior, follow the basic rules for installation:

  • in a room where there is little light, a reflective surface should be installed opposite the window. The room will become brighter;
  • a very large mirror will visually expand the space;
  • do not place the product near the stove in the kitchen;
  • paste over the design in the children's room protective film. If the reflective part breaks, the young members of the family will not be hurt;
  • in the corridor, install the canvas to its full height - this is convenient;
  • do not direct the light from the lamp directly into the reflective part, it will quickly dim;
  • don't forget fat loss
  • too big mirrors hang on different types fasteners - combine, for example, self-tapping screws and "silicone glue".


Now you know how to attach a mirror to the wall. To do this, you can use silicone glue, construction tape, self-tapping screws and dowels, special fasteners and holders, of which there is a large assortment. construction stores. Special attention devote to the installation of fixtures in the bathroom. Due to the high humidity and constant temperature changes, not all fastening methods can be used there.

Do not direct light into the reflective part of the canvas and regularly treat it from dust and dirt so that the mirror does not lose its operational properties.

Measure the center of the mirror. Measure the length and width of the mirror. Connect the dots in pairs to find the center of the mirror. It is important to find the center of the mirror in order to correctly place the fasteners to support the mirror.

  • It's also best to mark the center of each side of the mirror on the back.

Install the D-rings on the back of the mirror. Mark 2 points about 15cm from the edges of the mirror. Install the D-rings. A rope or wire will pass through them, keeping the mirror in balance.

Screw in the hooks to support the mirror from below. Mark 2 points at the same distance from the center of the mirror and screw the hooks there.

Unwind enough cord. Fold it in half and pull it through one hook, then through the D-rings, down again to the second hook. Don't pull the cord too tight, let it hang a little loose.

Reinforce the cord if necessary. Cut into several medium length pieces copper wire. Wind the cord on which the mirror will hang with wire and press with pliers from one end, and attach the other to the hook. Repeat with all four ends of the cord.

Pass the remaining cord through the last hook. Cut and tie the cord tightly. Press the edges with pliers and wire if needed.

Carefully raise the mirror to the desired height. With your free hand (or better yet, invite a friend to help) mark the wall in the place where the center of the top edge of the mirror is. Place the mirror carefully.

Use a level and draw a line on the wall. You need a line parallel to the floor, you will use it to determine the position of the mirror. Place the level against the wall below the mark you just made, make sure the bubble is between the two horizontal stripes, and draw a line around the edge of the level.

Draw a line through the centers of the two beams. Find two beams located in the area where the mirror will hang. The greater the distance between them, the better, but it should not be wider than the mirror. Draw straight lines from the centers of the beams to a horizontal line. Mark points at a distance of 10-12cm from the top line and in the center of the beams.

  • At these points you will install the fasteners, so check with a level that these points lie on the same horizontal line.
  • Install the fasteners in the two marked positions. Screw two powerful self-tapping screws into the wall or first drill narrow holes with a drill, and then screw in. Leave enough space for the cord.

    • Before installing self-tapping screws or screws that will hold the mirror, make sure they can hold more than the weight of your mirror. Please note that the effective load on the screws increases if you lift the mirror away from the wall, for example for cleaning purposes.
    • Not all fasteners are the same. Seek professional advice or the manufacturer's instructions if you're not sure how to properly install them.
    • Alternatively, you can opt for strong nails.
  • Raise the mirror to the desired level. Hang the cord from the mirror on the fasteners. Make sure the cord is securely on both screws and slowly release the mirror.

    Align the mirror. Use a horizontal line on the wall and/or a spirit level to precise installation mirrors. When finished, erase the lines from the wall with an eraser.

    • Some sites recommend special products for removing pencil marks from walls, such as melamine sponges.
  • We use a mounting bracket

    1. Prepare the wall as described above. This method uses a mounting plate to mount the mirror instead of a cord. However, you still need to find the beams in the walls, so follow the instructions from the first part of the article.

      Buy or make a mounting plate. They are made of wood (sometimes of metal), should be wide enough and have such a shape that will allow you to hang one bar on another. You can buy them at any hardware store. If you buy, look at the weight markings, you need ones that can withstand weight that exceeds the weight of the mirror. However, if you have the right piece of wood and a minimal knowledge of how to work with it, you can easily make a plank yourself. Follow these tips:

      • Saw off a sturdy piece of board about 2cm thick and slightly shorter than the width of your mirror.
      • Saw the board at an angle of 30-45 degrees along the entire length approximately in the middle. You now have 2 boards that can be hung one behind the other.
    2. Attach one of the slats to the top of the mirror. Use glue or suitable screws. The sawn side of the board should be pointing down and look like a "hook" that will catch on the "ledge" of the board attached to the wall.

    3. If necessary, attach a “gasket” to the bottom of the mirror. When a mirror is hung on a plank, it is held only by the top part, and the bottom part can “sag” against the wall, damaging the mirror or tearing the plank out of the wall. Therefore, you need to attach a board equal in width to the bar to the bottom of the mirror to stop.

      • If you're planning to make your own mirror, you can eliminate the need for a "grommet" by embedding a hanging bar into the top of the mirror.

    It is very easy to visually expand a small room and make it brighter if done in right places installation of mirrors on the walls, at a certain angle to the light source.

    Mounting a mirror on the wall in various ways

    You can see your reflection in calm water and various polished metal objects. And even in an ordinary glass surface, you can see yourself if you stand in the light, and darkness reigns on the other side. However, in fact, the mirror is the same glass, just a special amalgam is applied to it from the back, which ensures the refraction of rays, creating a reflection. Thickness varies from thinnest plates within 2-3 millimeters, up to reliable half-centimeter options, which can be drilled for through fixation with screws.

    By the way, it is not advisable to perforate glass on your own, it can easily crack, it is better to entrust this task to specialists or buy a model with ready-made holes. Mirrors are sold for the most part as is, without baguettes, fasteners-brackets may be included in the kit. You can limit yourself to ordinary screws, especially if they have decorative hats, as long as they are wide enough. There are special plate fittings that allow you to mount several mirrors close to each other in one or several rows, covering them with most wall or its entire surface.

    Another common installation of a mirror on the wall is in frames, to which are attached special hinges for construction screws or nails. Small mirrors can be glued to the wall using double-sided construction tape or special glue (liquid nails are not always suitable, because of the composition that can destroy the amalgam). Mirrors with a side size of up to 50 centimeters are not recommended to be fixed with screws or massive fittings, since the fixing elements will be unnecessarily noticeable.

    Detailed instructions on how to hang a mirror on the wall

    Very often, even during the construction of a house, places are determined where various interior items will be located, including mirrors. Sometimes this is justified by the fact that the owners plan in advance to expand the space with the help of reflection, or prudently prepare a place for the child to practice ballet. And, since such planning involves the long-term placement of the interior detail in question, it is very important to know in detail how to properly hang a mirror on the wall in the bathroom or hallway.

    Master class mirror installation - step by step diagram

    Step 1: Preparing and Marking the Wall

    It is very important that the surface on which the mirror will be mounted is perfectly flat. Therefore, the wall must be leveled as carefully as possible, the plaster must be dense, without cracks and primed from dust. Otherwise, if it is decided to use glue to fix the mirror, it can be applied to any finish, including wallpaper. After making sure that the selected area is absolutely flat, we make markings using a plumb line and a level so that the glass is fixed without distortions. We beat off the vertical line along which we will navigate with a coated thread, instead of which you can use a laser beam.

    Step 2: Setting the low point

    Having determined the height at which the lower edge of the mirror will be located, we prepare the corresponding timber trimmings. In order for the glass to stand evenly, two props are enough. Due to the fact that the geometry of the room may be incorrect, and the floor slab may not coincide with the horizon, just in case, we prepare thin plates of plastic or metal that can be used to build up supports.

    Step 3: Preparing the Mirror

    The back side with a thin layer of amalgam is carefully wiped with a soft, slightly moistened cloth, removing the smallest dust particles.

    Then we take a special glue for mirrors or liquid nails with a neutral composition that will not destroy the reflective coating.

    Every 20 centimeters we apply dots of small portions of glue in even rows. Carefully set aside the glass part of the interior.

    Step 4: Preparing the supports

    After the mirror is installed on the bars, there is a chance that they will be knocked out from under the edge of the glass by a careless movement. As a result, distortion may occur. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to glue the supports to the wall with construction tape as tightly as possible.

    Step 5: Attaching the Mirror

    It remains only to install the prepared mirror on the bars (after applying the glue, you need to act quickly so that it does not start to dry out) and press it against the wall.

    We check the positioning relative to the horizon with a level and, if necessary, we put pre-prepared plates under the lower edge.

    We run a rag over the entire glass surface, slightly pressing so that the glue disperses over the entire area of ​​​​the back side, and at the same time erasing traces from the palms. Bars can be removed after 2 days.

    If you need to mount several mirrors, the supports can be installed at the joints between them so that the lower edges are at the same level.

    Installing a mirror on a wall in a bathroom differs only in that all the gaps between the edges of the glass and the wall must be covered with sealant to prevent moisture from entering the amalgamated surface.

    Which mirror to hang in the hallway - design secrets

    Reflective surfaces in rooms often serve not only for their intended purpose, but also to improve the layout. In particular, narrow corridor, on one of the walls of which a wide growth mirror is suspended, will seem much wider. And by installing a couple of lamps above the glass surface or on the sides of it, you can get the effect of diffused light. stained glass film will help to decorate the interior item of interest to us according to the design of the room.

    Remembering the law of physics "the angle of incidence equal to the angle reflections”, you can direct the sun’s rays with mirrors in such a way as to disperse the darkness in the most remote, deaf corners of a house or apartment. It should be remembered that under the influence of direct ultraviolet light, the amalgam tarnishes over time, as a result of which the mirror becomes cloudy. It is also undesirable to hang mirrors at an angle to the vertical, since the reflection in this case will be somewhat distorted. For greater convenience, it is recommended to follow certain rules when placing the piece of furniture we are considering.

    First of all, in order to fully use the full-length mirror, you need to hang it so that you can retreat from it by at least 1.5-2 meters.

    In addition, in order to see yourself in reflection from such a distance completely, the lower edge of the glass must be no more than 50 centimeters from the floor. Based on the average height of a person, it is recommended to place the upper edge of the mirror at a height of at least 170 centimeters. If you only need to see the face, for convenience, it is better to purchase a reflective surface with a vertical edge length of at least 40 centimeters. What is the best mirror to hang in the hallway? Model 60 centimeters high will give comfortable view to the waist, up to 120 centimeters - from the crown to the knees, and in full height- from 140 centimeters.

    After completing all finishing works and, proceed to the arrangement of the room. In the process, a logical question may arise, but how to hang a mirror on drywall? The attachment of objects of varying severity to the GKL finish is associated with one negative property of the material - it is fragile and may not withstand the load. Yes, and fixing screws are not always initially securely fixed in such walls.

    Scheme of mounting a mirror on a plasterboard wall

    Therefore, when hanging mirrors on, you need to take this feature into account, as well as very carefully approach the choice of fasteners and work performance technologies. What is worth knowing about how to hang a mirror on a plasterboard wall?

    Before attaching a mirror in one of the rooms to walls finished with plasterboard, it is worth considering following points, which may affect the further operation of the item.

    • firstly, you need to take into account the weight of the fixed mirror on drywall, the larger its mass, the more reliable the methods of attachment to it are needed. Yes, and the hitch itself becomes more complicated;
    • secondly, the mounting location of the mirror is important. In rooms with high humidity, not all types of fasteners can be used;
    • thirdly, the shape of the mirror, various configurations greatly affect the choice of mounting method.
    • And also no less important is the material for finishing walls made of plasterboard, the fragility of the material, the location in the room, and others. It is important to prepare a plane where you can attach the mirror to the drywall. It is necessary to remove all interfering elements (if any), to estimate how well the mirror will fit in this part of the room.

      Glue mounting option

      If the weight of the product is unknown, it is worth weighing it before fixing it in order to accurately calculate and purchase the necessary fastening material. It is also worth marking the surface for the attachment points.

      Tools and fasteners

      Scroll necessary tools may differ, it all depends on the method used to attach the mirror to drywall. But, some of them may almost always be required: a drill or a puncher (it’s worth turning off the impact function!), A tape measure and a marker for marking. But you also need a screwdriver or screwdriver with a bat for self-tapping screws.

      Existing species dowels and self-tapping screws for mounting the mirror to drywall

      Mounting materials are chosen depending on the type and mass of the mirror, it can be double-sided tape, liquid nails glue, butterfly dowels, umbrellas, drives or moths.
      In accordance with the fastening materials, an additional one may be needed, for example, a drill bit is needed for a drive, and a dowel mole is installed using a special tool.

      Mirror installation methods

      by the most an important factor, when choosing a method of mounting a mirror on a plasterboard finish, its weight will be.

      The process of applying glue to the mirror

      Therefore, there are types of fastening: for light mirrors or for heavy ones.

      Fasteners for light mirrors

      Light methods are used when the weight of the product does not exceed 20 kilograms. Most often, you can simply glue the mirror to the drywall.
      The most common adhesive fasteners are double-sided tape or liquid nails.

      hang up small mirrors on adhesives especially handy in . However, methods that use glue as a fastener, except for heavy objects, are not suitable for installation in the bathroom. High humidity will not help to securely fix such an element on the wall.
      The video shows how to mount a light mirror on drywall.

      Hanging heavy mirrors

      How to mount a heavier mirror according to the parameters?

      For massive objects, it is best to use special drywall fasteners: butterfly dowels are perfect for not very large objects, but for heavy mirrors the best option will become a dowel moth.

      The butterfly is a plastic dowel with a self-tapping screw, but its peculiarity is that when a screw is screwed into it, it opens the “wings”, resting them against the back side of the drywall finish, securely fixing in a fragile material.

      An example of attaching objects to drywall with a butterfly dowel

      The algorithm for mounting a butterfly on a drywall wall is as follows:

    1. A hole is drilled in diameter.
    2. The dowel is inserted.
    3. Self-tapping screw is screwed in.
    4. A mirror is hung.

    For a heavier item, a dowel mole is an excellent choice. It is made of metal and is similar to the principle of operation. When a screw is screwed into it, stops are revealed under the finish, which evenly distribute the load over the surface, and the teeth on the dowel prevent it from scrolling in drywall.

    As a result, each individual fastener can withstand a large mirror, which creates a load of up to 25 kg per bolt.

    These are the most common methods of fastening to a finished finish or. However, the best option would be under the skin even at the stage of repair. In this case, it will be possible to attach objects whose mass is too large, including mirrors with heavy frames.