Well      04/10/2019

How to fix the walls in the summer kitchen. How to decorate the walls in the kitchen: an overview of the most practical and comfortable options

The variety of finishing materials does not facilitate, but complicates the process of choosing the right option. You can solve this problem by making an overview of the advantages of each position. High-quality wall decoration in the kitchen is able to withstand high humidity, strong soot, splashes of grease. The most important indicator is the ease of removing contaminants. Only a few materials meet these requirements. Let's talk about each in more detail.

Materials for finishing the walls of the kitchen

Whatever the design of the described room, materials for wall decoration should be primarily practical. The group includes:

  1. Ceramic tiles.
  2. Lacquer materials.
  3. Washable wallpaper.
  4. Decorative plaster.
  5. Plastic panels.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are a versatile kitchen wall cladding. Available for sale different variants its execution: with a smooth glossy surface, with matte finish, textural, very textured and decorative. Tiles help to make quality repair, very democratic and durable.

With the help of ceramic tiles, a beautiful wear-resistant surface is formed, which is not afraid of pollution, it calmly withstands impacts. chemical substances. And this is very true for the described premises. Manifold decorative solutions allows you to decorate the walls with tiles, like a mosaic. But you can’t tile all the walls in the kitchen. Otherwise, the room will resemble a hospital ward.

Ceramic tiles, as a rule, decorate the walls, which will have a stove for cooking, a sink for dishes. That is why the use of this wall decoration involves the use of a combination technique. Paints and varnishes are most often used as a companion.

About them a little later, but for now it is necessary to note one more drawback of the described choice. mosaic apron above the stove, created using ceramic tiles, can only be installed on an ideal flat surface. This matter is problematic. To ensure the desired result, it is better to invite a professional tiler. Otherwise, unevenly laid ceramic tiles will quickly fall off the wall. The kitchen will need to be refurbished.

Coating materials

Many of us, thinking through the design own kitchen, initially tend to choose paintwork materials for decorating walls. On sale there is a huge number of paints, with different composition. You can tell which paint is best for the kitchen by studying the following recommendations:

Note! For wall decoration, it is necessary to choose moisture-resistant paints that are highly resistant to abrasion and hot steam.

If you choose glossy compositions, they will significantly simplify the cleaning process, but on matte paints, dirt settles faster, and it is more difficult to wash it out.

Acrylic paints for the kitchen - not the best finishing option but as a companion with ceramic tiles, they work well. With the help of them, a film is formed on the walls, which allows you to wash the walls during wet cleaning.

Experts recommend choosing water-based compositions for painting the kitchen. For their cultivation, chemical solvents are not used, which means that they are completely safe from an environmental point of view. Water-based paints Dont Have bad smell, they dry quickly, they can be applied in several layers if desired, when used indoors, the layers will not peel off and peel off.

A good alternative to water emulsion can be special antimicrobial paints. They went on sale quite recently, but have already managed to gain popularity among consumers. Such compositions, after being applied to the walls, form a thin antimicrobial film, it protects the surface from steam, moisture, and mold. Over time, such paints (unlike water-based compositions) do not turn yellow.

Note! There is one important condition correct application antimicrobial paints - they can only be applied to a dry surface.

Wallpaper in the kitchen

Thanks to modern technologies wallpaper appeared on sale, which can also be used to decorate the described room. For a small kitchen, it is better not to choose them, it is difficult to think over the design of a small room using washable wallpaper. Experts recommend using canvases for decorating large rooms.

For the intended purposes, it is better to use vinyl wallpapers(they were specially designed specifically for decorating such premises), glass and wallpaper for painting.

Vinyl wallpaper - canvases on paper basis, the front layer of which is processed by vinyl spraying. After such processing, the canvases are dense, smooth with minimal relief. The described finishing option boasts high wear resistance and durability. But there is one significant drawback: vinyl does not let air through. The walls in the kitchen will not breathe, therefore, before pasting with vinyl, the walls must be treated with any antimicrobial agent.

Wallpaper for painting it is better to use when there is a need to frequently change the design of the described room. For their pasting walls do not need to be leveled. This is a significant plus for those who want to quickly and inexpensively carry out repairs in the apartment. After painting, the canvas is no longer afraid of moisture, paint roll materials best acrylic compositions.

Glass fiber allows you to make repairs, which is called "for centuries." They are ideal for small spaces. Finishing is not afraid of moisture, it does not burn in fire, withstands any mechanical stress. There is only one drawback to the paintings - they are quite expensive, for their gluing you need to buy special glue, the installation process itself requires precautions. But the end result is worth it.

Structural coating

Is it possible to use textured plasters in the kitchen? Yes, if you use them to finish walls that will not stand Appliances. Decorative compositions help to create a beautiful structural coating, to realize any luxurious design. If necessary, you can choose compositions and create a mosaic pattern on the walls, form a Venetian coating. Some of them can be applied directly to an unprepared surface.

When choosing relief plasters, it is important to remember that the rough surface absorbs dust and dirt well. Cleaning such walls is very problematic, so experts recommend covering them with special protective layers after finishing. Moreover, given the fact that any decorative plaster perfectly absorbs moisture from the air, it is advisable to install in the kitchen during repairs good ventilation. And this is an additional cost.

Plastic panels

The walls in the kitchen can be finished with plastic. Wall panels have their pros and cons. They weigh little, the installation of panels is quite fast, it is quite easy to take care of plastic panels, they can be washed with water, while using the usual household chemicals.

Panels for the kitchen are made of durable plastic that can withstand high temperatures. Modern manufacturers produce lamellas that allow you to imitate any natural material. Wall cladding with plastic a budget option kitchen wall decoration.

Speaking about the disadvantages, it should be noted that the described material allows you to implement a fairly simple design, the material does not have a sufficient margin of safety, it cannot demonstrate high wear resistance. In contact with an open flame, plastic burns quickly. And this is the main argument in the negative vote in favor of the described material.

green wallpaper

How to cover the walls in the kitchen is a serious question. After all, I want it to be both beautiful and practical. We select materials that fully meet these requirements.

Repair of even a single room is overgrown with many tasks: you need to think over the layout, design, purchase furniture and appliances. But it all starts with finishing works. That is why today we will decide how and with what to cover the walls in the kitchen, so that the interior looks decent and there are no problems with cleaning. You can’t use a like-dislike approach here, because the conditions in the workroom are very different from normal living rooms. For this reason, the list suitable materials will be somewhat different.

Basic requirements for finishing the kitchen

First, let's think about what kind of impact we are going to experience. decorative materials on the kitchen walls. In most cases this is:

  • splashing water in the immediate vicinity of the sink;
  • hot steam and splashes of fat next to the stove;
  • juice of vegetables or fruits, milk or batter (which often happens when whipping with a hand tool);
  • food stains in the kitchen dining area.

Owners gas ovens to this they can also add paraffin soot, which will invariably settle on the surfaces above the stove. And parents of young children and pet owners can continue this list indefinitely.

There is only one conclusion: when choosing how to cover the walls in the kitchen, you must first of all pay attention to hygienic moisture-resistant materials that allow wet cleaning (ideally - using household chemicals). In addition, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plate, the finish must also have sufficient heat resistance. In general, the offer of the modern market in this regard is reduced to various polymeric materials (with the exception of the "hot" zone of the kitchen), as well as to more versatile ceramics, glass and metal. For walls remote from work surfaces, you can pick up something more comfortable: plaster, wallpaper, decorative panels.

It is important that Decoration Materials for kitchen walls were loyal to frequent cleanings and did not absorb odors.

Always prioritize practicality and ease of maintenance. A Beautiful design and a suitable shade will certainly be found - manufacturers pay attention to this issue Special attention, delighting us with a rich assortment and regularly updated decor collections. By the way, in the kitchen, as nowhere else, it would be appropriate to use a combined finish that allows you to visually divide the room into functional areas. All of them are more or less combined with each other, and such a charm as a 3D photo on the wallpaper will fit perfectly into any kitchen interior.


Perfect option apron for the kitchen on the wall - ceramic tiles. It has all the necessary qualities:

  • hygiene;
  • water resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • strength (including abrasion resistance);
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to chemically aggressive substances.

All this makes decorative tiles truly durable - so much so that sometimes the owners manage to change the other decoration on the walls several times, and the ceramic apron remains in place, retaining its pristine beauty. This should be taken into account when thinking over the design of the working area: the tiled masonry should go well not only with the new interior, but also not limit you in the future if you want to radically change the style of the kitchen.

There are also plenty of design options for ceramic tiles. You can choose any sizes and shapes, textures and glitter effects, color and pattern, add additional decorative elements to the main masonry on the wall or order printing of your favorite photos with special ink. And how many interesting solutions can be implemented in the process of laying tiles in the kitchen!

The most popular types of ceramic finishes today are:

  • Mosaic - it will look very impressive work wall in the kitchen, decorated with small multi-colored tiles or a real panel. True, in tight spaces this option is undesirable to use.
  • Boar - an imitation of a brick made of glazed ceramics is also in favor. Moreover, the choice of colors and effects of traditionally plain products is quite large - for the walls of a small kitchen you can even find mirror tiles expanding space.
  • Rhombuses or "gems" are a fresh trend in the world of tiled fashion. This finish is made up of two types of tiles: voluminous rhombuses and small button inserts in a contrasting color. On the picture finished interiors, and in life, if you don’t look too closely, it looks like a soft close-fitting on the wall, which gives the kitchen a special chic.

You should not choose tiles that are too embossed for the working area and leave thick seams when laying. Such a finish in the kitchen gets dirty faster, and it will be more difficult for you to care for it.


Here it is worth considering only good washable vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. Moreover, it is advisable to look for expensive models with micropores that can conduct excess steam through the kitchen walls, and not collect it in the form of condensate droplets on their surface. However, in working area the use of even super-washable wallpapers is undesirable unless they are protected by a transparent glass apron.

The choice of pattern on the canvases will depend on the style of the kitchen interior:

  • For a romantic Provence, English design or country, a small naive flower, a Scottish cage, images of animals and birds, pictures from rural life are suitable.
  • In the classic interior of the kitchen, art deco and other styles gravitating towards luxury, wallpapers with complex floral ornaments, heraldic signs and monograms look better.
  • Hi-tech, minimalism and others modern styles, whose hallmark is the simplicity of forms, it is worth complementing with a geometric pattern on the walls.

In all design options, without exception, photo-, 3D-wallpapers or canvases stylized as old frescoes look amazing. Of course, they do not paste over all the walls around the perimeter of the kitchen, but choose only one free surface or niche.


In fact, there are quite a few types of such finishes, so do not discount the possibilities of plaster mixtures.

  • Structural - is a composition with the addition of colored sand or small pebbles, various fibers, bright flocks, shells and other aggregates that create an unusual relief on the surface of the kitchen walls.
  • Textured - here you can independently "draw" unique patterns with one movement of the trowel. Bark beetle, rain, grass stalks, flowers, crumpled texture - you are limited only by your own imagination and a set of tools at hand.
  • Venetian - a luxurious type of decorative plaster that imitates the natural pattern of marble on the surface. This great option finishes under classic interior walls of the kitchen, but it is here that it is used offensively rarely. But it is enough to process after application Venetian plaster wax or waterproof varnish, and she will no longer be afraid high humidity.

Few people know, but liquid or silk wallpapers are actually not. This is one of the varieties of decorative plaster, and its use on the walls of the kitchen is not welcome. The basis of such composite materials are fibers that absorb odors well and collect a lot of dust. But to clean the liquid "wallpaper" is almost impossible.


Let's make a reservation right away: this option is only suitable for perfectly flat walls without the slightest defect. Or for materials specially designed for painting: fiberglass wallpaper or textured plaster. Preparation will require a lot of effort, time and money, but then you can change the look of the kitchen with just a couple of buckets of other paint. For damp rooms, it is better to choose good film-forming compounds with minimal water permeability and allowing "wet" cleaning: acrylic, silicone. Alternatively, a clear lacquer can be applied on top for protection. decorative coating.

How in this case? Here a lot will determine the style of the interior and your own preferences. You can paint everything in one tone or stop at a neutral option, making only one wall bright. As a rule, this honor in the kitchen is awarded to dinner Zone, which you want to visually highlight from the main space. However, to create a color spot, you can choose any empty surface in the kitchen so that it does not get lost against the general background.

In any case, the selected shade of the walls should be in harmony with the facades of the furniture set, emphasizing or “dissolving” them, and fit into the main idea of ​​​​the interior. Designers are advised to pay more attention to the saturation of the colors present in the room. If your whole kitchen turns out to be quite colorful and even defiant, calm colors on the walls can balance its exuberant character: gray, beige, any of the white shades. And bright and cheerful colors will help to shake up a boring and too stiff atmosphere: lemon yellow, turquoise, pink or light green.


A wonderful, and most importantly - a quick and easy way to make the kitchen interior beautiful and original. The better to sheathe the walls will depend on the zone and the harmful factors we have already considered:

  • Skinali - glass panels are expensive, but they perfectly cope with the tasks of a kitchen apron. Can be clear or tinted mirror effect or a chic photo print.
  • MDF - aprons are also made from laminated pressed sheets, although they are not very durable. But with such panels you can sew up almost the entire kitchen to the ceiling, choosing any pattern you like. It can be the texture of natural or painted wood, natural stone.
  • Metal - stainless steel panels, as well as strained glass, are used to decorate and protect walls in the working area of ​​​​the kitchen. But caring for them is quite difficult, since stains and the smallest splashes are clearly visible on the polished surface. Here it is better to choose products with a relief stamped pattern that will distract attention.
  • Gypsum - it is undesirable to use this material in the kitchen, since high humidity can seriously damage it. And it’s hard to clean spectacular three-dimensional panels. However, painting the walls and water-repellent compounds will improve things.
  • Plastic - the cheapest finish for the kitchen, which is not at all afraid of water. But he has problems with heat resistance, so some other material will have to be used in the plate area.

Application allows you to get away from their alignment. Rigid sheets hide all defects and irregularities of the base due to their own thickness or crate to which they are attached.

Wall decoration in the kitchen in an apartment or private house is a creative and complex process. Kitchen - refers to rooms with increased requirements when choosing materials. There is always high humidity, evaporation of moisture, greasy deposits on the walls. All we are looking for best option so that the material meets all the conditions, and the repair is beautiful and inexpensive.

Modern materials

Modern material should reliably protect the walls in the kitchen from soot, greasy splashes, dirt, moisture and at the same time not cause problems with cleaning. Well, nobody canceled the aesthetic function.

Let's look at each of them in more detail:


Wall decoration in the kitchen with ceramic tiles is a classic and functionality. Despite the emergence of new developments in the field of wall decoration, tiles do not go out of fashion and remain a popular and sought-after material to this day. New and interesting solutions are constantly appearing.

The popularity of tiles is due to its undeniable advantages. In the kitchen, tiled walls, in addition to excellent decorative characteristics, have impeccable moisture resistance, are not afraid of oil splashes and other contaminants associated with cooking. The tile is durable, it is easy to clean, which is important for the kitchen, given the specifics of this room.

The relative disadvantage of the tiled coating can be called the laboriousness of its manufacture, since the material is laid piece by piece and requires a certain professionalism. Another disadvantage is the high cost of work and high-quality tiles. Therefore, often the walls in the kitchen are not completely lined, but only their problem areas are distinguished with ceramics.

Wallpaper for kitchen walls is a good choice, but it attracts a lot of criticism: they say that such material is not practical for this type of room, it absorbs smell, is afraid of grease and moisture, gets dirty and generally does not live on the walls for long. In principle, there is some truth here, but the other side of the coin in this matter may be more to your liking.
The main advantage is their price. Often, wallpapers are much cheaper than other materials, therefore, they can be changed at least every two years, updating the design of the kitchen and refreshing its walls. In addition, the process of wallpapering the walls in the kitchen is so simple that it does not cause much panic even among beginners in the field of repair.

For the kitchen as a room with special conditions operation fit fiberglass or vinyl wallpaper . They are very durable, moisture resistant and fire safe. Vinyl wallpapers are foamed and flat. Cloths of the second type are thinner, they hide wall defects in the kitchen worse, but are more resistant to external damage. Fiberglass wallpapers have a fabric structure. They are durable, resistant to any detergents and even acid. Their service life, according to manufacturers, is 30 years. These wallpapers are hygroscopic, they can be painted, but the cost of the material is quite high.

This type of wall decoration emphasizes all the exceptional properties of wood. wood flooring makes the kitchen extraordinarily cozy, creates a favorable healthy atmosphere in it and regulates the humidity of the air. Such a kitchen looks very harmonious in a country house.

Interior wall decoration with wood is not afraid of temperature changes and sunlight. If necessary, the coating can always be washed. If it is possible to line the walls of the kitchen with natural wood, this should be done, since you will not have to regret it later.

For lining kitchens, it is recommended to use lining made of pine, spruce, oak, alder, cedar or linden wood. Spruce, for example, has a pronounced structure, and cedar is able to purify the air.

One of the options for decorating the walls in the kitchen is the design of wall panels. They are made from various materials, have many great features and are ideal for this type of space.

For cladding, panels made of plastic, MDF and wooden panels with protective trim. Depending on the style kitchen interior panels made of other materials can also be used. When choosing, pay attention to specifications panels, taking into account heat resistance, resistance to moisture and their hygroscopicity.

Particularly popular with designers, homeowners and craftsmen are plastic panels. In their rich assortment, many colors and textures. In the kitchen, such a cladding is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes and the effects of mold. The material has an acceptable cost and relative environmental friendliness.
When choosing a wall panel for the kitchen, you should pay attention to moisture-resistant materials based on modified plywood or fiberboard. The surface of such panels is covered with a laminated film or natural veneer, which provide products with protection from moisture, mechanical damage and facilitate their maintenance.

Facing the walls of the kitchen with stone and brick

Natural stone for wall decoration in the kitchen is considered an exclusive material. It looks great in the interior of the kitchen. For its facing it is better to use granite. This material is available in the form of small mosaics or large slabs. Granite coating is resistant to fats, chemicals, high temperature, sunlight and water. It is very durable and easy to clean from any contaminants that accompany the process of cooking on the stove. But, unfortunately, the decoration of the walls in the kitchen with natural granite is far from affordable for everyone: this stone is quite expensive.

Recently, brick walls have been popular. Depending on the design style of the kitchen, you can choose a brick of a natural color of baked clay or painted with white enamel. brick cladding located above kitchen worktop must be protected from contamination by special impregnation or a glass panel.

The same effect, but with less investment, can be achieved using decorative tiles. She has classic size brick and artificially aged surface, therefore appearance The tiles are virtually indistinguishable from the original. Brick-lined kitchen walls - perfect solution for loft-style interiors.

This type of finish is considered very practical and original, but not always cheap. The reason for the high price is whole line preparatory work preceding the painting of the walls of the kitchen. These are their cleaning, leveling, soil treatment, etc. If the walls are clean and even initially, there should not be any particular problem with painting them.
Today it is possible to choose any of their colors, and a variety of paint textures allow you to create an original and often exclusive design.

According to many experts, the ideal material for wall decoration in the kitchen, given the price-quality ratio, is water-dispersion paint. It protects structures from moisture and passes air to their surface without disturbing its exchange in the room. After the material dries, a coating remains on the wall, which can have any color depending on the pigment added to the composition.

Decorative plaster

No less popular type of finish is decorative plaster. Today, the construction market offers a lot various options with which you can create a unique and original coating. The advantage of decorative plaster is that from the same composition a unique pattern is always obtained, which can be formed independently.

Plaster, like wallpaper, should not be used in the area of ​​direct contact with water and dirt. If your plans include some kind of designer unique finish using plaster, then it will be difficult to cope on your own, and with the most normal process Applying plaster will cope with almost anyone. It is also worth being prepared that cracks may appear on the plastered surface.

Apron decor

The kitchen has a space where the hostess spends most time - the working area, which includes kitchen stove, sink and other devices that help in cooking. The material for wall decoration in this area requires moisture resistance, heat resistance and susceptibility to washing. This does not mean that the apron will have a nondescript look, due to the abundance of finishing materials, this area can become a key element of the interior.

  1. When choosing wallpaper and furniture, try not to overload the interior, one thing should be the accent. Combine spectacular bright wallpapers with concise and simple kitchen fronts, but for a catchy headset with an intricate design, you need a neutral, calm background.
  2. In choise color solution not only the shade is important, but also its belonging to the color scheme . Warm shades should be combined with the same warm color "brothers", cold - with cold ones.
  3. When combining several types of wallpaper, choose one price category . The best decision- companion wallpapers belonging to the same manufacturer's collection.
  4. Wallpaper with a pattern can be used to visually correct the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room . So, vertical stripes are suitable for low kitchens, and horizontal ones for narrow ones. In order for the striping not to get bored, give preference to soft colors that gradually flow into each other.
  5. For a west or north facing kitchen, choose warm colors like yellow, cream, grass green, light peach, orange, apricot, and light brown. Pale blue, light green, blue, silver, are suitable for southern and eastern cuisines.

cannot be considered complete without final decorative finishes walls of the room. And this is a very important stage, since it is necessary to select the finishing material in such a way that as a result of cooking it decorative properties have not been lost. The fact is that the kitchen is often dominated by elevated temperature and humidity, as a result of cooking on gas stove combustion products and soot are released that can settle on the walls and ceiling. Therefore, the question of how best to finish the walls in the kitchen is very relevant. Let's figure out what options for the kitchen exist, and which one is optimal.
Decorative stone trim - unusual decision for kitchen area

Overview of materials for finishing kitchen walls

Modern materials for the apartment are very diverse. Depending on individual preferences and the style of the room, wallpaper, tiles, decorative plaster, paint are used. More creative owners prefer to decorate the room through the use of lining, panels and even decorative stone.

Speaking about what materials you can finish the kitchen, it is impossible not to note the zoning of space. For convenient organization of the working area and the aesthetic component, the kitchen wall is divided into two components:

  • The main part is the key visible part of the kitchen walls. It is often emphasized with the help of decorative materials.
  • Apron - a section of the wall located in close proximity to the cooking zone: stove, sink. For reasons of practicality, wall covering in the kitchen in this area is carried out using washable, moisture and heat resistant materials: tiles, stone, glass panels.

Heat-resistant glass - a great option for a kitchen apron

Consider how to finish the walls in the kitchen, taking into account the division of space into two components, observing practicality and style.

We separate the main part of the room

As a material for finishing the kitchen wall in a private house or apartment, they most often use:

  1. Wallpaper. In work, this material is quite simple: it will not be difficult to paste over the walls in the kitchen with your own hands. The possibilities for decorating are enormous. wide choice colors and patterns. However, attention here must be paid to the quality of the wallpaper. Paper wallpapers, no matter how beautiful they are, should not be used, as they are prone to absorbing odors and moisture. For kitchen suitable option become vinyl wallpaper. Thanks to a durable and washable coating, this finishing material is protected from soot, grease droplets, and the sun. With excessive air humidity, they will not peel off, unlike their paper counterparts. Another suitable option is non-woven wallpaper. Due to the strength of the material, they withstand humidity, are suitable for repeated painting and wash with a brush.
  2. Paint is the second most popular material for finishing kitchen walls, thanks to its affordability and variety of shades, it allows you to create unique design. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the moisture-resistant version of the product, since in the kitchen there is a need to wash surfaces from settling soot and grease. Another important aspect is the choice of the type of paint: matte or glossy. Matte is preferred because it masks the unevenness of the wall. Glossy can only be used if the walls are pre-aligned and do not have cracks and potholes. At the same time, it washes better matte.

    Painted kitchen with decorative elements - this is your will
  3. - A popular, but more expensive option for wall decoration in the kitchen. It hides possible surface irregularities due to its texture. One tip: before applying the plaster, do not forget to prepare the walls: putty and primer. This will create the required evenness and cleanliness of the surface. Thanks to the produced types of plaster: structural and textured, water-based and non-water-based, it is possible to create an individual interior style. The disadvantage of decorative plaster is the difficulty in dismantling if you want to make repairs in the future.
  4. . Options for finishing the walls of the kitchen with clapboard in apartments are rare, more often this style is inherent country houses and give. The fact is that this material is not practical, and, in addition, requires an appropriate interior design. There are the following for interior decoration: wooden, plastic, glass, from MDF boards. Wooden lining in the kitchen of a city apartment cannot be called a suitable option, since the tree reacts negatively to moist air. In conditions of small apartments kitchen air, containing steam from the stove, soot and moisture, contributes to the damage of such lining. But the fibreboard (MDF) is resistant to temperature changes, moisture resistant, immune to bacteria. This material is rich in a variety of colors and textures, so it is suitable for a room made in a variety of styles. Such a kitchen from a lining with your own hands will decorate the apartment.
  5. not too common, but the plus of this material is naturalness and environmental friendliness. At the same time, it cannot be called budgetary. There are several ways to sheathe the walls in the kitchen with artificial stone: decorate the entire room with this material or select several specific zones. The finishing option depends on the material possibilities and wishes of the user. Using artificial stone you should not worry about the cleanliness of the walls: this material is cleaned with detergents and a brush or a damp cloth. Due to this property, decorative stone is used not only for finishing recreation areas, but also for organizing an apron.

Consider the materials suitable for finishing the working area of ​​​​the kitchen space.

Apron decor

The kitchen has a space where the hostess spends most of her time - a working area, which includes a stove, sink and other appliances that help in cooking. The material for wall decoration in this area requires moisture resistance, heat resistance and susceptibility to washing. This does not mean that the apron will have a nondescript look, due to the abundance of finishing materials, this area can become a key element of the interior.

Decorative panels glass will decorate the room

There are the following ways to finish the kitchen in Khrushchev, Stalin or a new building:

  • Tile. Options for finishing the kitchen with tiles have been known for several decades, but have not lost their popularity. The advantages of ceramic tiles are: resistance to high temperatures, ease of maintenance, abundance of shapes, sizes and colors, ease of laying tiles. In addition, if the old coating gets tired, it is not necessary to tear it off and come up with something new, it is enough to turn to such an option as painting tiles.
  • Glass apron - comparatively new material, known for such qualities: durability, ease of use and care. Thanks to special processing technologies, the glass used to close the wall in the kitchen in the working area is heat-resistant and impact-resistant. The range of this material includes tinted, mirrored, colored products, engraved or patterned surfaces. The cost of a glass apron depends on the quality of material processing.
  • Wooden panels, thanks to a special treatment, during which they acquire moisture resistance properties, are used to organize the cooking zone. To enhance strength and safety, they are additionally coated with a colorless varnish.
  • Metal plates from of stainless steeloriginal material for finishing kitchen apron. The glossy sheen and smooth surface finish will brighten up a minimalist or contemporary kitchen.

There are a lot of ways to finish the walls in the apartment. And to bring them to life, it is not necessary to use the services of specialists.


Most of the materials are easy to apply by hand. The main thing is to decide what kind of kitchen you want to see in the future.

Now you know how to decorate the walls in the kitchen.

How to finish the walls in the kitchen, this question is of interest to many people who decide to do repairs with their own hands.

The kitchen is somewhat different from other rooms in the apartment, because there is high humidity, and temperature changes, and soot, and grease splashes.

This means that all finishing materials for the walls and floors of the room must endure these difficult conditions. At the same time, while maintaining aesthetic and decorative properties.

How to finish the kitchen as efficiently as possible from a technical and aesthetic point of view?

Ceramic tiles, paint and wallpaper are the most successful with this task.

Sometimes they use decorative plaster, lining, special wall panels and OSB boards. also in Lately began to be used for finishing the kitchen room natural and artificial decorative stone.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tile

So, more about all the listed types of wall decoration. The palm belongs to ceramic tiles.

Ceramic tiles come in a variety of sizes, textures and colors.

Previously, when the question arose of how best to finish the kitchen, the answer was unequivocal - to cover with tiles.

However, now such a typical repair is not relevant and that's it. more people prefer to use ceramic tiles only in the area of ​​the so-called kitchen backsplash, in combination with plastered, painted or wallpapered walls.

wall painting

Paint - the second most popular answer to the question of how to finish the walls in the kitchen.

This is the most affordable material that allows you to get a huge range of colors and shades. However, color is not the only factor to consider when choosing.

The paint must be waterproof and washable. Glossy paint is easy to clean, but unfavorably emphasizes all the imperfections of the walls, so the choice should be made in favor of semi-matte or matte paint.


Choosing a wallpaper

Of course, the usual paper wallpaper is completely unsuitable for the kitchen. Ideal for kitchens - vinyl wallpaper.

Due to their coating, they are easy to clean even with a sponge. detergent, they do not peel off from excess moisture. The fact is that they are covered with a special PVC film that protects them from dust, dirt, soot, grease, sunlight and moisture.

Why interlining?

Non-woven wallpaper appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already gained popularity. They are not only durable and lightweight, but also able to hide the imperfections of the walls. Non-woven fabric allows air to pass through, which means that the walls “breathe”.

When wet, they do not swell or peel off. Another type of wallpaper is glass wallpaper. They are easy to clean, withstand multiple repaints and are waterproof. In addition, they are absolutely fire resistant, unlike other wallpapers.

Decorative plaster

Another popular, albeit more expensive way to finish the walls in the kitchen is decorative plaster.. This material looks quite impressive.

Walls before applying plaster require pre-treatment and testing for strength, evenness, cleanliness. Before applying the decorative coating, the wall is treated with a layer of a special primer.

A few more words about the types of finishes

The lining can be considered as an answer to the question of how to finish the walls in the country.

The lining can be both plastic and wooden. The latter option is suitable for a country country house, since such a kitchen will look somewhat out of place in an apartment.

Wall panels can also be various types. Today you can easily find plastic, wooden and even glass specimens. Regardless of the material from which wall panels are made, they require certain interior solutions to achieve an organic design.

OSB boards appeared quite a long time ago, more than 50 years ago. They are used for both internal and exterior finish walls, floors and ceilings.

OSB or OSB is an oriented strand board. According to its characteristics, it is great for the kitchen, because it has a high level of moisture resistance, does not exfoliate, is resistant to fungus and does not deform.


Places at the stove and sink are the most demanding areas of the kitchen for finishing.

They are most exposed to heat, steam, fat, water.

Definitely a classic paper wallpaper no place in this zone. Thus, kitchen aprons have become widespread. Despite its unromantic name, kitchen apron can become a highlight of the kitchen and even the main design element. Don't believe?

Advice! A very effective technique that allows you to increase the space and create a cozy atmosphere of unity of style is Wall panel and a countertop of the same color and texture.

  • The apron is made of MDF. This material has already established itself as moisture-resistant and impact-resistant; in terms of its characteristics, it is not inferior to any decorative stone, no ceramic tiles. Price - from 430 rubles.
  • Ceramic tiles are perhaps the most common material for finishing an apron. As mentioned above, ceramics has all the properties that are so necessary for wall decoration in the kitchen.
  • Recently, ceramic mosaics with a simple or complex pattern have gained particular popularity.

Summing up

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