Mixer      11.11.2020

Level (computer games). Organization of game processes in a multiplayer game Levels in computer role-playing games

Hello friends!

A novice player is constantly confused in the game world, in particular, in slang. When you first start playing, you see that in the chat the language in which the players communicate is very similar to “Chinese literacy”.

But this is just the first impression.

When getting to know me, everyone asks me what this or that word used by the player means.

The desire to introduce you to all the terminology and the opportunity to save a lot of time on explanations inspired me to create a list of gaming terms that I use or have heard.

The article is constantly updated and supplemented. If there is something I missed, welcome to the comments: write the missing words and I will add them to the review. And, of course, write what these words mean.

Here is a list of words I compiled to help anyone understand gaming terminology:

Abila- a skill used to indicate player activity.

Avaper- a character who has a sniper weapon.

Avepeshnik- a person who plays Counter-Strike. Role in the game: sniper.

Agr- a mob or player who becomes aggressive when approaching you.

Aggro, Aggro— direct the aggression of a mob or player towards yourself. Goal: to give his fellow players the opportunity to take him down.

Add- a non-player character guarding the boss.

Addon- add-on program for the game. Its installation is required by the original version.

Admin- the most unfortunate player. He has to control other players and punish indecent behavior.

Aimbot/Autolock- cheat. It is used as an auto-aiming weapon.

Aka— academy. A place where low-level players are trained to become clan members.

Aleni- players in the Alliance according to the Horde (Horde gamers). Another meaning is more trivial: lamers (who do not know how to play). I have experience, but the cat pooped on knowledge.

Anded- “non-living”. Denotes a specific race.

Armory- a room where weapons are stored.

Assault- a player who has assault rifles in his arsenal.

Assist- order to attack the object!

Afk- a situation when, when leaving the computer, you leave the game on and the character “online”.

Achievement- achieve a specific goal.

Bug— an error by the game developer, a software glitch.

Bagger- uses bugs for his own personal purposes.

Base— The character’s homeland. The place where he appeared.

Ban— removal of a character due to his incorrect actions.

Chat ban— limiting the player’s use of chat (permanently or for a certain period of time).

Banana- the same meaning as the term “ban”.

Batla- game “Battlefield”.

Buff- positive influence on the player. Gives a temporary increase in characteristics and its defense.

BG— abbreviation for “After the Battle.”

Alcove- a company that develops games “Bethesda Softworks LLC”. Released the famous games “The Elder Scrolls” and “Fallout 3”

Bizha- amulets with magical properties.

Bind- perform an action using a key.

Blink— moving the character in a short time. Goal: do not hit the enemy.

Bomber- a player who carries a bomb with him.

Bonus- a game gift that brings players certain privileges (temporarily). Or benefit.

Boss- the most powerful mob. Appears after killing all small mobs on the level.

Bot- a program with behavior similar to real players.

Brablay— Internet resource ProPlay.ru. Advertises computer games.

Braga- army in “WarCraft”.

Wandered— the player in such games “wanders” around the game locations.

BFG(“Quake”, “Doom”) - hand-held weapons for mass destruction of targets (fantastic skill).

Vine- litter the airwaves, whine and complain.

Wipe— clearing data about a group of game characters. Death of each clan or team member.

Wack- a program that fights cheaters on the Steam system.

Valshute p - the player who jumps out from the ambush.

Oneshot- killing a monster with the first shot.

Var - war between warring parties (these can be clans, teams or gamers).

Var - warrior. This term is used in most games.

Varick— gaming universe “Warcraft 3” and others.

Varchik— the world of “WarCraft”

Vendor- a person who sells gaming props.

Broom- a program designed for voice communication. It's called Ventrillo.

Virpil— autopilot in aviation games such as Lock On, IL-2 and others.

Pour in real— invest earned money into the game by buying game currency.

Vmzshnik- a player who purchases items and game resources. Pays with virtual money.

Vover- World of Warcraft player.

Vovka— the world of “World of Warcraft”.

Vorozheya- legendary sorceress. Was. But now it has become scary and ugly.

WTF— riot on deck! A negative opinion about everything you don’t like.

Hyde- information that helps and facilitates game adaptation (habituation). Could be a character development guide, etc.

Gama- game on the computer.

rant- play computer games.

Shit in pussy- about the same. Only the word “pisyuk” implies the criminal meaning of “comp”.

to wander around- cut yourself on the computer. games.

Gamer— gamer.

Gamka- a game installed on a computer.

Hamover- end of the game.

Ganges- a sudden attack by a gopot.

Nail puller— skyper weapon. You can use it to kill enemies. You can use it with only a couple of cartridges.

GGbeautiful game, which brought victory.

Ger- game character.

GJ- good job.

Gibs- the remains of the enemy after your shot.

Gimp- the weakest among the weak.

GM (game master)- game administrator. Maintains order.

Go- an order to move forward.

Goldfarmer- a player who sells virtual currency and in-game gear.

Gosu- an excellent player.

Goshniki— composition of the “Alliance” (“Half-life”)

Graz- praise.

Grena- combat grenade.

Toast— grenade in the game “Counter-Strike”

DoubleDuck- squat performed twice.

Daggerman- a warrior armed with a dagger and sword. He has good dodge, but weak defense.

Damage- the damage the player receives or inflicts.

Dungeon— a dungeon for clearing.

DD- in RPG games, a DD is a character who is designed to cause damage to other players.

De-give— cards in the game “Counter strike”.

Debuff- a mob’s ability that it uses to weaken you...

Device- device. Using it, you enter the game (this can be a mouse, keyboard, etc.).

Dedik- special server.

Densy- game currency in the computer game “Para Pa: City of Dance”.

Deathmatch— in this mode you play for yourself, and everyone else plays for themselves. Everyone is against everyone.

Defer- defender.

Defense is the reward you receive for successfully defending the flag.

DK- death Knight.

Dodik- a short-sighted player.

House— ship in “EVE Online”

Donat- a person who pours real money into the game. With the help of a donation, you can buy premium and get other gaming benefits.

Drakeface- death grimace.

Drop- an item that you receive after defeating a mob, boss or player.

Drul- Druid.

Duplicate- destroy.

Hedgehog- high-explosive fragmentation projectile.

Gamers- players.

Statistician- a player who raises his statics in the game (he wants to take highest place in the game rating).

Pedobear- has a lot of gaming experience, but plays against weak ones. Thanks to this, he increases the statistics of his victories. At high levels it is equal to noobs.

Noob- a beginner player. Often confused with deer. But a player who has some experience cannot, by definition, be called a noob. Its true name is “deer” or “alyosha”. He didn't learn to play.

NPC- a character belonging to the game world. Is a bot. Can give tasks or sell some things.

AoE(a well-known abbreviation among players. Common in RPG games) is a mass spell. Its impact is directed to the entire area.

bb- saying goodbye to a person or object.

B.G.— the game didn’t work out.

C.M.- used during team battles.

C.T.- terrorists acting against you.

CTF- game type.

DM- every man for himself. Everyone is against everyone.

ESL— European gaming league.

Facebook- first blood.

Fps— number of frames per second. The higher this indicator, the better the quality of the game.

GF- grief and despair.

GG- Good Game (good game).

Gj- praise.

G.L.— wishing good luck to another player before the start.

GM- fixes game bugs.

HL2— game “Half-Life 2”

HP- indicates the health of the Persian.

Jkee— denotes a prefix to the name of a high-level Persian.

LOL— game “League of Legends”.

M.C.- short for “Minecraft”.

MP- a world with many users.

Oom- "Crap! I'm out of mana!"

PvE— the struggle of players against mobs.

PvM— gamers fight against Persians endowed with artificial intelligence.

PvP- a battle between gamers and each other.

Rofl- violent laughter turning into hysteria. 😀

RvR- a battle between two factions.

Sry- asking for forgiveness for causing damage (example: you killed another player from your team).

STFU- Shut up (possibly): Shut up!

T— terrorists in the game “Counter Strike”.

Thx- expression of gratitude (Thank you)

TvT— several teams fight for a reward.

WoW— game “World of Warcraft”

1337 - the best representatives of their professions among all. They have certain skills.

3D action is a 3D shooting game.

It's time to end this. I am sure that the list will be updated regularly. Good luck!

How often, when entering a forum or a game chat, did you feel like you were in another world, where people speak some wildly strange language? You may have heard something like this:

  • Guys, please buy me a fly, otherwise I don’t have enough gold for an elephant.
  • It's so bad, you can't stand him, he's covered in art, he's a slif!
  • Yesterday in 5 battlegrounds I was never taken out.
  • These niibazza zerg noops have collected.
  • Blah... I aggroed a mob and they dumped me.
  • The dagger with ragna dropped.
  • Fuck the zerg, we held the teleport and killed them there for two hours.
  • In short, I went to download the sub.
  • Scribe Ricky ska... Host of the baths! feeder!

How you are perceived by experienced gamers depends on how masterfully you speak gaming language and understand gaming concepts and abbreviations. Newbie who doesn't know basics terms from online games, is unlikely to be respected in the gaming community.

This page contains most of the terms of online games that will help noobs become in the ass with your own in the gaming world, make new friends and quickly get used to any MMO game!

These terms are initially invented either by game developers, or - more often - come out of the depths of the gaming communities themselves. Players do not have enough time to correspond during the game, and therefore, they shorten many words ( graph, quality, loka, acc, alt, go), and also come up with ways to bypass all kinds of mat filters in games ( danuna, stsukonakh, blah, psholnakh, yopta). All these words quickly spread across forums, move from game to game and eventually become common expressions, which, due to their brevity, capacity and expressiveness, acquire the character of a meme (a word or phrase common on the Internet).

Given below gamer's dictionary will help you understand all the most common concepts that are not always obvious and can often contradict each other.

Ability / ability / ability– a character’s skill, spell, or ability.

Aggro– cause aggression in the mob, provoke it to attack itself. Tanks usually aggro, preventing the mob from aggroing other team members.

Agro / aggro / agry- aggressive mobs that attack the character first. In some RPGs, the aggressors are so aggressive that they can attack each other (from the English Aggression).

Addon- addition to the game, for example, adding new levels, weapons, gear, etc.

Adds- 1) mobs that suddenly attack the player when he is busy fighting with other mobs. 2) mobs that make up the boss’s “retinue”.

Ai / Ai- the same as AI.

Account– a set of personal data of a person (gender, age, first name, last name, password, etc.), often called an account, with which he logs into a website or game.

Alto(from alternative character) - an additional character in relation to the main one (charm). Altos are usually created out of curiosity - when there is a desire to play with another class. Sometimes the new class turns out to be more interesting than the old one, and then the first character becomes the alto.

Antag- he's the same nouklan, he is a soloist, a loner, a character without a clan.

AoE(from the English. Area of ​​Effect Damage) - carpet bombing, a magic spell that strikes an entire area. Accordingly, all targets located in this area receive damage.

Up– reaching the next level.

Apt- first aid kit, used in MMO games to increase the level health(life points).

Arcade– a simplified version of the simulator. They usually have primitive physics and graphics, often two-dimensional... These are the same racing simulators, spaceships etc., only in a simplified form.

Arm / armor / armor- armor, armor.

Arch / archer / archer– a character sharpened to wield a bow or specialize in ranged combat.

Assist- attack of one target simultaneously by several players. Usually used to take out the most powerful enemies - tanks And bosses.

Auk- auction; an alternative to the in-game store in many MMORPGs, where you can buy various goods auctioned by players.

Afk– a status indicating the absence of a player in place while his game character is in the game.

Bug- any error in the game or any program. Usually occurs due to incompleteness, lack of debugging of the project, as well as errors made by the developers. Bugs, as a rule, do not particularly interfere with the gameplay, and sometimes even bring considerable benefits to cunning players who use gaps in the game to gain various advantages.

Bagouser- a player who uses game bugs in order to obtain any advantages (bug - error, use - to use).

Bind– binding a specific item to a specific player when equipped. Once bound, an item cannot be unlinked (transferred or sold to another player).
Ban- temporary or lifelong excommunication of the player from the game by the administration. The reason for a ban can be any violation of the rules: rudeness, botanical farming, cheating and so on.

Bath- aka ban, excommunication from the game by the administration of a person who has violated the rules of the game.

Buff / Buff / buffing– a term meaning a temporary improvement of certain characteristics of a game character or game items. You can buff yourself or other players.

Buffer- a character who can cast buffs.

BBMMOG / BBMMOG(from the English Browser Based Massively Multiplayer Online Game) - browser-based massively multiplayer online game. A type of browser characterized by a huge number of interacting players.

Bers – 1) berserk(berserker), fierce warrior; 2) bers, two axes used simultaneously; 3) a weapon that takes away a character’s health, but in return increases attack performance; 4) a spell cast on mobs with the aim of inciting them towards each other.

Bizha– costume jewelry: rings, earrings, necklaces, etc. As a rule, these items have magical properties, but sometimes there is also a purely decorative bizha that adds nothing to the Persian.

Build- sharpening a character for a specific purpose. In PvP builds, characters are sharpened under removal of spells, and in PvE builds - under farming mobs.

Blah- used in online games where there is an “anti-mat” (blah... there are a lot of mobs here!).

Boss- a particularly strong monster in the location. Usually this is a separate mob with artificial intelligence, having its own name and retinue, specially armed and dressed. You can get a particularly valuable one from bosses gear.

Bot- a program prohibited in any normal game that simulates the player’s actions. Used by smart-ass gamers for automation pharming and speeding up character leveling.

Browser game / browser game– an online game that runs directly in the browser. Most often, these are small casual flash games, although browser-based games sometimes include serious MMORPGs, the number of players in which amounts to millions. Browsers are often opposed to client games, although many browser-based MMOGs also require installation client.

Wipe- a term meaning the death of the entire group during an attempt take out the boss. Occurs at a stalemate, usually at the end instance or any mission, and therefore causes a storm of negative emotions.

Oneshot- One hit kill.

Var / Vartag(from the English war target) - a member of an enemy clan/guild.

Vakha- online game Warhammer Online.

Vendor– mob-trader.

Paddle- in shooters, a rifle with an optical sight.

WoW / Vovka / WoW- online game World of Warcraft.

Takeaway- murder.

Hyde– a guide containing information about the passage of the game, secrets and methods of achieving one or another benefit in the game.

Gank- a sudden, unexpected attack.

Gank- killing players of low level or noticeably weakened in battle with mobs.

Guards- mobs that make up the retinue boss(from the English Guards - security, defenders, guards).

GvG / GvG(from the English Guild versus Guild) - guild versus guild, a game mode indicating battles between alliances, races or factions.

Gameplay– gameplay, as well as characteristics of playability, interestingness, and originality of the game as a whole.

Gilda- it is also a guild, a permanent association of players based on linguistic, geographical and other characteristics.

Gimp- an illiterate or simply useless character in PvP. (from the English gimp - cripple).

GM/GM(from the English game master) - game master or game administrator.

Go / Go- go, move.

Gold– (from the English Gold) - gold, the game currency in many MMORPGs, purchased for real money or mined in the game.

Goldseller- a player illegally engaged in trading game currency for real.

Count- graphics or appearance games.

Graphodrocher- a person for whom the main advantage of any game is not gameplay(gameplay), and graph(game appearance).

Grind– the most nerdy type of leveling or farming. Grinding means destroying the same mobs in the same place.

GS / GS(from the English game sage) - Game Sage, a player who provides voluntary assistance to the project, as well as helping noobs get used to the game.

Gusli- tank tracks, a frequently used word in tank MMOGs. Sound off- knock down the caterpillar.

GFSH/shitfreeshard- pirated free server.

Damage– damage caused by one character to another.

Damager– a character capable of inflicting the most significant damage. Damagers can be ranged or melee.

Dungeon- a separate location inhabited mobs And bosses or instance, intended for team play.

Dangin- the same as instance.

DD/DD(from the English damage dealer) is a character class whose main specialization is to cause damage.

Debuff / De-buff– a negative spell cast on a monster or another player’s character with the goal of weakening, causing damage, or simply mocking.

Donate- upload to the game real.

Donator– a person who often makes purchases in a game store for real. Almost the entire Internet gaming industry relies on donors. Honor and praise to them!

DoT, DoT(from English Damage over time) - view debuff, this includes all kinds of poisons that cause damage over a certain period of time.

DPS / DPS– no, this is not the highway patrol service. DPS is a characteristic that indicates the approximate amount of damage that a character is capable of inflicting per unit of time (from the English damage per second).

Drop- aka loot, loot obtained from defeated bosses or smaller mobs, and also, less often, from defeated players.

Dru / drul- Druid, a character class in some MMORPGs.

Dupe- cloning game items using a clever dishonest method. Usually punishable bathhouse.

Eve– online space game EVE Online.

Nerd/wanker- a person who practically endlessly plays any one game or “pushes” certain functions of the game, becoming a virtuoso at them. Often goes for valuables loot to the same thing boss, in the hope of knocking out exactly what you need. Due to its frequent use, the term has lost its negative connotation and is often used by the players themselves in relation to each other.

Sharpen- improve the characteristics of an item.

CBT– closed beta test.

Zerg rush- a planned attack by a large crowd, such as the siege of an enemy castle.

Ii- artificial intelligence. In games it is often called mobs- characters controlled by a computer program.

Imba(from the English imbalance) - some incredibly cool weapon or character characteristics that can upset the game balance.

IMHO– a common word meaning “my personal opinion.”

Instance / insta- a dungeon or other space that has its own rules and is densely populated by hostile pugs.

k/kilo– one thousand, 1000. They say: I knocked out 2k coins for myself yesterday.

kk/kilo kilo– million, 1000000

kkk– billion, 1000000000

Casual game– a type of computer games, often called mini-games. In contrast to MMO games, casual games are short, very simple and most often single-player. These include all kinds tic-tac-toe, shooting games, Tetris and so on.

Kiting- battle tactics in which enemy mobs constantly kept at a distance, attacking remotely (from the English kite - paper kite).

Cap– the highest level of anything in the game. For example, lvlcap- the highest level reached by the player.

Carebir(eng. carebear) - almost the exact opposite nerd, a player who plays solely for pleasure and does not pursue levels, stats, skills etc. They usually swing for a very long time, causing ridicule from nerds.

Cast– a word that means casting a spell on a game character. Cast- means to cast.

Kach– the process of pumping (development) of a game character, as well as increasing the characteristics of cars, armor, weapons, pets, etc.

Quest- a task usually received from an NPC, or a mission for which completion there is a reward.

Camper - rat or an experienced player who knows everything whining on locations and preferring to hide, shoot from behind cover (from the English camper - resting).

Class- the character’s specialization, in accordance with which he develops. A term common in most RPGs. The most common classes are: mage, warrior, priest or healer.

Client game– a type of online games that requires installation of a special program on your computer called client. Unlike browsers, client games usually have more sophisticated graphics and more wide possibilities gameplay, but are very demanding on computer resources.

Korean Random– a pseudo-random event that is not subject to calculation, which cannot be calculated and predicted by any means. Common to all Korean MMORPGs.

Kerchief- the popular shooter Counter Strike.

Contra- the same as Klondike.

Crab- a crooked player.

Crafting- the process of creating any objects directly by the game character himself. Craft- means to engage in craft, namely, to produce weapons or some things.

Crete / Crit(from English critical hit) - a critical hit that can be decisive in battle.

Rat- a character who rats(hides around corners, sits in ambush, attacks on the sly). Professional Feature sniper, as well as the fighting style in some online shooters.

Cooldown/CD- the period of time between using a skill/spell/item. A characteristic indicating the frequency of strikes in battle (eng. Cooldown - literally “cooling”).

Lag / Lag– problems with the network connection during gameplay. The cause of lags may be the Internet connection itself, or a computer mismatch system requirements games, as well as problems in the game itself. They often say it's a game lies, freezes.

Lagger- a player with a slow or poor-quality Internet connection, which is why he moves with “freezes”, which usually annoys other players (from the English lag - delay).

Lacker- lucky, successful player (from the English luck - luck).

Level / lvl- level in the game

Ruler / La2– Korean online game Lineage-2.

Lock– he is also a warlock, a warlock in some MMORPGs (from the English warlock).

Location / loka / location- a separate area of ​​the game world.

Lol / Lol(from English laughing out loud) – “laughing out loud”, a meme that denotes everything funny.

Lotro– online game Lord of the Rings Online.

Bow / onion– a character armed with a bow and specializing in ranged combat.

Loot- the same as drop.

Miner– a miner, a character specializing in the extraction of minerals (from the English miner: miner).

Mana/MP/MP(from the English Mana Points) - magical energy or points required to use spells and skills.

Mount- a mount or - more often - some unknown fucking shit, riding on which you can move around the game world much faster or even fly.

Miles / Milishnik- a mob that specializes in melee combat.

MMO- the same as MMOG.

MMOG / MMOG(from the English Massively Multiplayer Online Game) - massively multiplayer online game. This abbreviation does not mean any web games, but only those that have or are aimed at high attendance (usually many thousands, hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of players). Moreover, without high traffic, these projects cannot exist at all, because their functioning requires a large number of players interacting with each other.

MMORPG / MMORPG(from the English Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. These are games with a deep plot, as a rule, the process of which is based on the development of one or several characters, pumping up gaming abilities, the constant accumulation of various points, as well as game gear, weapons, spells, etc. In this case, the player himself chooses which characteristics to develop first.

MMORTS / MMORTS(from the English Massively multiplayer online real time strategy) - massively multiplayer online strategy in real time. This is a type of online game that combines a large number of players in one game world and real-time strategy gameplay.

MMOTPS / MMOTPS– massively multiplayer online third-person shooter.

MMOFPS / MMOFPS(from the English Massively multiplayer online first-person shooter) - massively multiplayer online first-person shooter. This is a type of online game that combines the gameplay of a first-person shooter and a certain number of players on each map (usually no more than sixteen).

Mob / Mob– a character with or without artificial intelligence, controlled by a computer. This includes monsters, as well as characters that help players or distribute quests.

Cartoon- the same as alto.

Multiclass- a term denoting a character who can effectively fill two or more roles in a game.

Mutik- mutant.

Fly- a grenade launcher or (more often) a sniper rifle. The name apparently comes from the specific sound it makes when firing.

Nekr- Necromancer, a character class in many MMORPGs.

Unwritten- the same as NPC.

Nerf(English nerf) - deterioration of something in the updated version of the game. For example, nerf the class- make it weaker in the next patch.

NPC / NPC / NPC / NPC(from the English Non-Player Character) – a variety moba, denoting a resident of the game world. These are usually merchants, guards, blacksmiths, witches, etc., from whom you can take quests, make purchases, orders, etc.

Noob(from the English noob, which, in turn, comes from newbie) - aka teapot, greenhorn, yellowthroat. New to any game. An offensive characteristic for lamers, accustomed to pretending that they guru, or trying to be considered “one of our own”.

Noob zone / noob zone– also known as a nuboincubator, a location for low-level players.

Nychka– places in a location where you can hide from enemies or set up an ambush.

MBT– open beta test.

Online game– a computer game that uses an uninterrupted Internet connection. Thanks to this advantage, thousands of players from different cities and countries can play one online game simultaneously.

Offline game- computer or video game of the classic type. These are the same games that are still sold on CD and do not require a constant Internet connection. Offline games are often called single-player games, although many of them feature an online mode (which, however, almost no one ever uses). Unlike online games, have (not always) a more sophisticated graph, and that’s where their advantages end.

Pavner / povner– a good, experienced MMORPG player. Pavnit– to win, to kill the enemy (from the English power, “power, strength”).

Pack- tied herd mobs, an attack on any of which will immediately turn the entire herd against you.

Locomotive- a character who locomotive(runs around, gathering a large crowd of mobs behind him, ensuring they are closely crowded, and then destroys them with the help of AoE). The most cunning smart players use steam locomotives in order to kill other players by dropping this crowd of mobs on them.

Party- a group of characters in a game united to achieve a goal.

PvE / PvE(from the English Player versus Environment) - a player against the environment. Game mode, meaning a confrontation between the player and the environment. Unlike PvP, players' opponents are not other players, but mobs(computer characters with artificial intelligence).

PvMP / PvMP(from the English Player versus Monster Player) - a player against a player who plays as a monster. An exotic game mode that involves the reincarnation or relocation of one of the players into moba.

PvP / PvP(from the English Player versus Player) - player against player. This is a game mode that involves active interaction and confrontation between players.

PvPvE / PvPvE(from the English Player versus Player versus Environment) - a player against a player and against the environment. This is a game mode that involves player versus player competition with the possibility of intervention by a third party, usually a mob. Available, in particular, in the game Juggernaut.

Persian- the same as char.

Pet– pet, animal, more often backcutter or some magic crap, accompanying the character and helping him in battles, as well as in peaceful affairs, but at the same time in need of care, feeding, pumping, etc.

Pickup artist- a player who gathers a group for some purpose, using the poke method for this.

PC/PK(from the English Player Killer) - an inadequate or antisocial type who causes chaos in the game, kills other players on the sly, and does not respect the concepts of the majority.

PM– internal mail or a place for exchanging personal messages in the game. They say: “write me a PM.”

Priest/priest- a character who specializes in healing others, usually a healer, priest.

PuG / PuG(Pickup Group) - a group consisting of players randomly selected pick-up artist.

Bullet, shoot- smart-ass attack tank on stupid moba ineffective ranged weapons to lure the latter into an unequal battle.

Pooh– a cannon or any small arms in general. They say: sharpen (upgrade) the fluff.

Push(from English push) - attack, push.

Random- an action that occurs randomly. They say: random action.

Rar(from English rare) - especially rare and valuable loot, with an extremely low probability of falling out.

Rush– a quick open attack on any object. Rush- means to fight openly in opposition to ratting(from English to rush - to hurry).

RvR / RvR(from the English Realm versus Realm) - group against group. A game mode where one group of players competes against another group of players.

Real– 1) real (non-game) money; 2) real (non-virtual) world. They say: What are you doing in real life? Did you buy the sword for real or just drop it?

Realist- a player who joins the game real.

Raid– a trip that is carried out for the purpose of leveling up a character, obtaining game items, etc. They say: go on a raid for valuable loot.

Range– radius of destruction of the target in the game.

Res- recovery. Resnut- means to be resurrected (from the English Resurrect). A common occurrence in all online games, but in the real world no one has succeeded except Jesus Christ.

Res / Resurrect(from the English resurrect) - the revival (usually by another player) of a dead Persian at the place of death.

Respawn(from the English respawn) - the same as repop.

Respawn– restoration or resumption of something in the game.

Res- resources in RTS and RPG.

RPG / RPG(from the English Role-Playing Game) - role-playing game. Many elements of traditional RPGs are borrowed from tabletop gameplay. card games. The most famous classic example of a game of this genre is "Diablo".

Sub/Subclass(from the English subclass) - an additional class in relation to the main one of the Persian.

Supportspecial service, which a player can contact to solve any problems in the game. (from the English Support - support)

Seller- a character engaged in trade.

Set- clothes/armor that can be sharpen. And also the designation complete set armor in MMORPG (full set).

Ska / stsuko (-nah)- “bitch.” A term of abuse, often used to refer to cheaters, flooders, rats etc.).

Squad- a small tactical group of people united by a common goal. For example, in the game BUBG.

Skills(almost always written with one “l”) - certain player skills in a particular game (from the English skill - mastery). skill middle - weak player, high skill - strong player. They say: upgrade your skills,

Drain- depending on the context, surrender, loss, or vice versa, victory. Merge- lose. Merge- kill.

Match- sniper, sniper rifle in many shooters.

Spot(from the English spot) - a point in a location where the player moves using a portal and other means of teleportation.

Stan / Stun is a magical effect popular in many MMORPGs that forces a character or monster to remain inactive for some time, without reacting in any way to the actions of the enemy.

Stat- a characteristic of something in the game. They say: pump up stats.

Stats, stats- the main characteristics of a character in an MMORPG. This includes damage, dodge, strength, accuracy, etc.

Summon, summon(from English summon) - call (capture) peta or mount for the purpose of taming it and further training it.

Tank / Tank- character with high level health and protection, taking on the strongest mobs during the passage instances and all kinds of raids. Bye tank tanks, other players damage these mobs.

Twink– an additional character from an MMORPG for which the player plays for less time than the main character in order to find out his class or simply upgrade the second hero. Unlike viola(alternate character), twinks are created under specific task, they are dressed in the best equipment available for their level, equipped with the best buffs and other bonuses. Twink usually their own alts, or acquaintances who have recently come to the game.

Trade– barter in games (you tell me - I tell you), the process of trade or exchange.

Thrash(from English Trash) - small mobs, living in large numbers in dungeons and dark forests. Play the role of "back-up dancer" bosses, are taken out, but the reward for killing them is usually scanty.

Urka- Orc (a race invented by John Tolkien and now found in many MMORPGs).

Fan / Fun- aka pruha, a word meaning fun and a feeling of pleasure in games. They say: the fan went, the suit was flooded!

Farm– process of active destruction mobs in Game. Farm(repeating the same actions to destroy enemies) love most nerds.

Feeder- player, often merging from the game for a reason noobs or something else.

Fix- fixing something. Fix- means to eliminate breakdowns or malfunctions.

Flood– nonsense that is not related to the given topic, usually found in chat rooms and forums.

Frag(from the English frag) - a point for killing an enemy.

Free / Free– means free. Friendly items are called items in the game that are worthless and are usually considered scammers.

Highlevel– the highest level of the character in the game (from the English high level - at the highest level).

Heal– treatment, recovery or restoration of a character in the game.

Heeler- a healer, often a priest, a character who specializes in treating other players. Particularly popular with female players.

HP / HP(from the English Heal Points) - health points (popularly called health).

HPS- an analogue of DPS for healers, the amount of healed health per unit of time.

Cock guy- XBox computer console.

Char(from the English Character) - he is a Persian, a game character.

Cheat/cheat code(from the English Cheat code) - aka hack, a script that can be introduced into a computer game to change its properties. For example, with the goal of passing through walls, becoming invisible, getting endless health, endless ammo, etc. In all adequate games, cheating is punishable bathhouse.

Cheater / cheater- a dishonest player who uses cheats(cheating codes that can be introduced into the game to change its properties in order to gain advantages).

Shmot– any items in the game (clothes, armor, shoes, gloves, masks, etc.).

Shop- game store. Shop- means to buy.

Event / event- an event held by the administration of the game, as a rule, it is a game organized according to special rules, in which an additional game goal is set for the participants, which has no meaning outside the event.

Expa / exp / XP(from the English Experience Points) - experience gained by the character during the gameplay.

Exploit– a bug or error in the game that gives the player unplanned advantages.

Emka- American M-16 assault rifle, found in almost all shooters. As a rule, it causes hostility and persistent disgust among wankers Kalash.

Do games need difficulty levels? In my opinion, the answer to this question is obvious, of course yes. The difficulty level can greatly change the mechanics of the game, thereby making the process more interesting. Many people believe that modern games have become more casual and pose virtually no difficulties in completing them. Personally, I only half agree with this statement. Modern games have in many ways become more convenient to control, the heroes usually have a lot of possibilities, and there are much more hints, because of the little things, it has become more comfortable to play, and, accordingly, easier. And yet, many projects are really very easy to complete, and are very different from the “old school” games. But I would still divide modern games into two camps, those where there is a difficulty level and those where there is none at all.

I’ll start with those games where there is no difficulty level. And there are quite a few of them, I’ll give a few examples: the Assassin’s creed game franchise, Grand theft auto, Sleeping dogs and many other projects. And it seems to me that this is one of the strongest drawbacks of these games, since the complexity that the developers made for someone it’s too easy, but for some, on the contrary, it may seem difficult. Why couldn’t they make a banal difficulty level that would simply change the damage of enemies, for example, but no, the developers either don’t want to waste time on this, or they just think that their balance of difficulty optimal.

But as I already wrote, adding higher complexity can only maintain interest in the game, make it more intense and dynamic in its passage. Or, on the contrary, make the game easier and simpler. It’s a shame that such popular and important projects neglect such a seemingly small but very important feature of the game mechanics. I would also like to add that difficulty can add realism to the game, because it looks a little funny when main character has trouble defeating the antagonist, but can easily kill the entire city.

Now there are more games where there is a level of complexity, and here the following problems appear. And these problems lie in balance. A game in which there is high complexity should give the player the opportunity for tactics and, preferably, freedom of action in a given situation. Let me explain what I mean. For example, the game Call of duty, at a high level of difficulty, the gameplay turns into terrible discomfort. The game completely lacks freedom of movement, and on “hard” huge crowds of enemies run towards the player and at the same time inflict severe damage, and all the player can do is quickly shoot crowds of bots. There is zero gameplay, no variability, this complexity does not bring interest, but only irritation from the stupid level design and the impossibility of at least some tactical maneuvers.

A good example The “correct” difficulty can be called Far Cry 3. It’s really interesting to play on hard, the game has good stealth, freedom of action, choice of tactics, and the like. The player can approach the enemy from almost any direction, he can kill everyone quietly, or he can prepare thoroughly for the mission, make a lot of first aid kits, take large-caliber weapons and arrange a massacre. This is gameplay at a high level of difficulty. Far Cry is a game in an open world, which usually always has more possibilities than in linear games, but the same Crysis or Wolfenstein, at least a little, make the gameplay more variable.

I would also like to add a little about the most poorly balanced high difficulty level that I have ever seen in modern games. We are talking about the game Hitman absolution. The developers managed to complicate the game not only by the high level of reaction of enemies, but also by the number of them on the map. I have never seen anything more stupid than this, the game turns into “hell”, and simply pushes the player to start a massacre, because it is simply impossible to pass through stealth, there are enemies on every square meter ten pieces each. For a stealth action game, difficulty is very important, since in general most players who love this genre prefer difficulty. But you can’t do it this way; it would be better to follow the example of Splinter cell blacklist. The enemies are sensitive, they shoot painfully, but you can bypass them, deceive them, and so on.

In general, to summarize, I would like to say that the level of difficulty is simply a necessary thing in games. Especially in open-world games, where player freedom is inherently emphasized. Most perfect option, when the player can adjust the difficulty for himself, but I personally have seen such advanced difficulty settings a couple of times in games. Although, considering that it’s 2015, this is how it should be, because every person is individual. But unfortunately, developers pay little attention to this aspect, and if they do, it often turns out clumsily and unbalanced. I hope that in future projects we will only see progress regarding this point.

Philosophical reading, or Instructions for the user of the Universe Reiter Michael



If the reader is a fan of computer games or their creator, then he is probably familiar with the concept of “difficulty level” of a game.

Typically the levels of a game are as follows:

? amateur (“I will win because I am just playing”);

? intern (“I will win if the obstacles are not great”);

? good player (“let’s play fair”);

? specialist (“I will win, even if my opponents are stronger and they play along with them”);

? deity (“I will win no matter what, even if the game is filled with “chaos”, the opponents will be giants, and there will be no friends at all, or they will be traitors and at the same time helpless, and they will have to be saved”).

Naturally, the name of the levels and their types may differ significantly from those listed above, but the main thing here is that they are built according to the principle “from the simplest to the most complex.”

It is easy to imagine a situation where a player begins to learn how to play at the simplest level (usually there are tips there) and wins on it; then he learns to play at a more difficult level and wins; then on an even more difficult one and wins; and so on until he learns to confidently win at the most difficult level.

The situation looks completely ridiculous when a player first learns to play at the most difficult level and wins; then – at an easier level and wins; and so on until he learns to play at the simplest level. And at the same time it would be interesting for the player to play!

A campaign is the construction of various game scenarios in order of increasing difficulty.

Typically, the first campaign level is the "amateur" level, and the last is the "deity" level. A player who has won at previous campaign levels, if defeated at one of the levels, returns not to the beginning of the campaign, but to the beginning of the level at which he lost.

Further, in modern computer games there is usually not just one campaign, but a “full range”. Having won one of the campaigns, the player moves on to the next, more difficult one, and so on in the same spirit. Typically, the first levels of the next campaign are much easier than the last level of the previous one.

This can be represented as a kind of “ladder”:

Having played one of the campaigns and won the last “hellish” level, the player moves on to the next one and, at first, receives relief - the “heavenly” game. This is a respite before a further even more severe battle.

Thus, the built game - different difficulty levels, campaigns, sets of increasingly complex campaigns - is of great interest to players and is in better demand than similar games without these things.

Considering all of the above, let's return to building a model of the virtual universe.

Definition: Degeneracy chain this is a law of the virtual universe that automatically regulates the level of difficulty of the game in such a way that the higher the operator’s class as a player, the worse his initial game conditions, less freedom and more obstacles, as well as fewer happy accidents.

Definition: Hell's ladder - this is the law of the virtual universe, which consists in the fact that at the end of each chain of degeneration the operator-player automatically moves on to the next chain - a more complex one, but at first gets a little respite and can relax a little.

Note: Since the universe exists for the players (as stated earlier), the operator may not agree with these two laws, but he must take responsibility for choosing the difficulty level of the game and must be aware of this.

So, for example, underestimating your strengths leads to a “terribly boring” game, and overestimating your strengths leads to an “unbearably difficult” game. Therefore, before striving for a “heavenly carefree life” or wanting to “save the righteous from hell,” the operator is obliged to at least immediately assess his abilities as a player, so as not to get into trouble later.

Statement: In the virtual universe there must be programs that fulfill the laws of the “chain of degeneration” and the “hellish ladder”.

There are two options for such programs - general and individual.

General refers to the entire playing field or a large part of it and works under the guidance of the core in such a way as to systematically roll “waves of horror” (waves of cataclysms - all sorts of different crises, catastrophes, wars, etc.) on large groups players. This is a core universe program and does not work directly with servers (except in certain cases).

Individual works with each individual operator server. She, to put it figuratively, “puts a spoke in the wheels” of his freedoms. This is also a core universe program, although it may look like "the machinations of fallen villains" to players.

Consequence: If a player does not play at the simplest level, his server contains “freedom limiters,” that is, specially installed subroutines that prevent him from “living normally.”

Consequence: Removing active “limiters of freedom” leads to a decrease in the complexity of the game.

Consequence: If a player feels that he is playing at a level that is more difficult than what he can win (in his opinion), he has at least three ways to get out of the situation:

1. "Sincerely pray" the core of the virtual universe to ease the difficulty level of the game (and the core will solve this problem, since it is programmed to serve the players).

2. Remove the impact of “freedom limiters” to your own server (or at least some of them):

a) introduce counter-programs of “freedom enhancers”;

b) erase the “limiter” routines or turn them off.

3. Change game.

Note: The individual program of the “chain of degeneration” has one peculiarity. When the maximum difficult level for a particular player is reached, some of his “limiters” are blocked. Upon reaching the maximum easy level for a particular player, part of his previously blocked “limiters” will be unlocked.

Very important Consequence: While in the game, the player operator must play a game that suits his abilities, otherwise he will inevitably encounter "recoil" chains of degeneration.

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Levels of Morality Mill rightly believed that people in specific situations are rarely guided by a central moral principle in their actions. Likewise, in justifying one’s actions or when assessing others, it is impossible to jump from particular situations to

18. Consequences of complexity theory Complexity theory states that the Universe tends to increasingly complex states. At the same time, more complex states have even greater potential for the development of the Universe. Let's try to draw several consequences from this

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Complexity Theory The reasoning about the nature, feasibility, existence, and limitations of algorithms that I presented in previous chapters was, for the most part, “relaxed.” I did not touch upon the question of the possibility at all practical application mentioned

Levels of Awareness The process mind in all its forms in physics, psychology and spirituality has three basic states or levels of awareness: non-locality (essence-level experience); bilocality (something we experience in an indescribable way as dream figures or

In life, as in a computer game, there comes a time when you need to move to the next level. For some, this happens with great difficulty, some make something mysterious out of this transition, and for others it happens absolutely spontaneously. But still, life is different from a computer game, because once you move to a new level in life, it is no longer possible to go back. And it’s good when you don’t want to go back, when you like the changes. It’s much worse when you think that nothing has changed, but a new level has already begun for you, even if you don’t know about it yet

It's hard when you miss someone! But if you don't have enough of them, then you're in luck! You had special people in your life!

In life, like in the rain, there comes a moment when you just don’t care anymore.

When faced with a choice, just flip a coin. This won't give you the right answer, but the moment the coin is in the air, you already know what you're hoping for.

There comes a moment when you realize that it was in vain to let someone into your life. This person doesn’t need you, he just didn’t have anyone to spend time with.

When you know what is written on Wikipedia, this is not real erudition. True erudition is when you know something that is not there.

And a new day is like a clean leaf,
You decide for yourself: what, where, when...
Start it with good thoughts, friend,
And then everything will work out in life!

Happiness is when you don’t need anything at the moment other than what you already have.

Life is not what happens to us, but how we act when something happens to us.

It is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.