Shower      06/29/2020

What does the hieroglyph in the form of the letter sh mean? Chinese characters and their meaning. The order of writing graphemes in Chinese characters. Photo:

  1. Simple signs have one stroke, for example: read And, means – one.
  2. The hieroglyph with the largest number of lines consists of three characters: , read moon, designation – dragon.

Interesting!Researchers of writing are very surprised by the fact that hieroglyphic writing does not depend on the dialect at all. For example, if you need to say something to your interlocutor from China, and you write a hieroglyph on paper, then every resident of this country will understand you, regardless of which province he came from.

Hieroglyphs tattoo of Chinese origin

Modern writing in China comes from ancient pictographs representing objects. It has been proven that the most ancient signs date back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. In comparison with all writing systems existing today, Chinese literacy is considered ideographic. In other words, it conveys not the sound, but the meaning of the word. This helps the Chinese understand each other and promotes unity, because this country is divided into a huge number of dialects.

The style of writing hieroglyphs in modern times is called kaishu - exemplary writing. Complex Chinese characters are mainly made up of keys. What is this and how to understand it?

What are keys in Chinese characters?

These are the so-called graphic components. After all, they themselves are separate, simple signs. It helps to classify a written sign (hieroglyph), assigning it to a specific thematic group, for example:

  1. Key - – a simple sign that means “person”.
  2. He's in the hieroglyph – translated as “death.”
  3. And in 亿 means "many" or "one hundred million".
  4. The same key in the hieroglyph read as "remainder".
  5. And in the sign "child".

The Chinese are confident that in order to understand and speak their language well, it is enough to master 4 thousand characters. Writing hieroglyphs is actually very difficult, translating them is even more difficult. But a certain trend has already formed in the tattoo industry.

Important!This does not mean that when choosing a tattoo, you should limit yourself only to these symbols. Each person has the right to express his desires, negative or, conversely, positive emotions, to inspire himself with some encouraging expressions, to capture some pleasant, memorable moment for the rest of his life, and so on.

What do Chinese characters tattoo mean in Russian?

Perhaps the above symbols may seem intuitive to some. By and large, some of them are similar to the meanings, objects and things that they actually depict. This is easy to explain, because hieroglyphs are “descendants” of pictograms. And those, in turn, are called upon to specifically express the meaning of the drawing.

First sign means the sun. One of ancient symbols, found in all East Asian languages.

Interesting!It was originally depicted as a circle, but over time it transformed into what you see. A similar fate affected a number of other signs. This is explained by the formation of unified traditions in the peoples where they are used. The second explanation is that rounded shapes are not very convenient for writing, and besides, they make it chaotic.

Symbol is considered a key and is used in signs such as:

  • 旦 – dawn;
  • 旧 – past, ancient, ancient.

Next key symbol has two designations - “warehouse” and “cliff”. Included in characters such as:

  • 厄 – adversity, disaster, difficulty;
  • calendar, history;
  • 厈 – cliff.

Key translated as earth. Examples of characters with his participation:

  • 圥 – mushroom;
  • – tomb or grave ;
  • 圧 – crush or press.

Important! This example is given not to use these hieroglyphs in a tattoo, but to understand that one graphic component can radically change the meaning of a word symbol.

Reasons for popularity in tattooing

Tattoos in the form of Chinese characters have always been in demand and popular. Obviously, they will never cease to be in demand. Especially in countries far outside of Asia. This tattoo gives the impression of a certain mysticism and mystery. But before rushing to the salon for such a fashionable image on the body, you need to properly understand all the subtleties and meanings of the hieroglyphs.

Asians themselves often prefer to get a tattoo in the form of a hieroglyph, although for some reason it is in English and with a lot of errors. As for the Europeans, they prefer to inject the hieroglyph on the body.

In our country, a certain canon and traditions in tattooing regarding hieroglyphs have long been formed. Virtually all existing salons offer clients a single standard set of characters.

Let's look at the most well-known and popular Chinese characters for tattoos about love, health, career and their meanings

HappinessPatronage of the Gods and Heaven. Gives happiness, luck and luck in the area where a person wants to become successful.
Double HappinessIt is considered a very powerful talisman. They say it even fulfills your deepest desires. But it is more advisable to use it to attract happiness and mutual understanding with your beloved half.
LoveAttracts love. Endowed with powerful strength. Helps to “attract” your soulmate, gives joy and peace.
Eternal loveHieroglyph-talisman symbolizing eternal friendship, mutual understanding, sincere love. Maintains the flame of passion between loving hearts.永愛
LuckA good sign as an amulet, it preserves and even increases good luck.
WealthHelps create a favorable atmosphere for business prosperity. A good amulet not only in terms of income, but also in the general situation of affairs.
MoneyOne of the most sought-after and popular Feng Shui symbols. Attracts luck and financial wealth where it is placed, if this concerns the premises. In comparison with the symbol, wealth works somewhat differently, attracting not wealth and prosperity, but the energy of money.
ProsperityPromotes career growth, helps regulate life aspects. That is why it is so often used both in tattoos and as a talisman.繁榮
AbundanceBrings wealth to the house, and wealth of what its owner wants or wants. Just like the “Prosperity” symbol attracts luck and abundance to any field of activity. 豐富
LongevitySymbol-amulet of health. It is also considered one of the most popular hieroglyphs.長壽
ForceStrengthens physical and spiritual strength. Suitable for both marriage and family.

Meanings of other Chinese characters in tattoos in Russian

This is not a complete list of Chinese symbols symbolizing growth, prosperity, love and wealth. Chinese is considered the most powerful and diverse language.

What should you know before going to a tattoo salon?

Before deciding on a tattoo in the form of a Chinese character, you should very carefully study the symbol that turns out to be your priority. To prevent the trouble that one European young man got into. In his naivety, he trusted the tattoo artist, expressing his preferences and wishes. He paid a lot of money and tattooed hieroglyphs on his body, which, in his opinion, should mean: love, obey and respect.

While he was in his country, nothing happened, but when, by coincidence, he went to China, that’s where it all began. Everyone, without exception, the Chinese, paid attention to him, even turning around in surprise. The guy decided to find out what was the matter, and after asking the locals, he found out that what he had inked was not what he wanted.

In fact, he had a message knocked out of him that at the end of the day he becomes a very bad and ugly boy. Returning to Germany, he had to spend money again to remove the ill-fated tattoo with a laser.

Important!Summarizing everything that was said above, you can see that choosing a symbol for a tattoo requires special attention. The beauty of the picture takes a back seat here; the meaning of the hieroglyph plays a big role here. After all, one sign can have several meanings, and sometimes they are completely different.

Which salon should I go to?

There are a lot of salons that will kindly provide tattooing services, including Chinese characters. But everyone who wants to wear such beauty on their body must still adhere to certain precautions.

What you need to do:

  1. Make a preliminary plan or drawing of the image that is preferred.
  2. Compare the sketch with several analogues on the Internet.
  3. Read as much information as possible about its meaning.
  4. Consult with several experienced tattoo specialists. It is desirable that they are not just masters, artists, but well versed and understand the art of the East.

  1. Choose a tattoo artist who, in addition to oriental art, specializes in a number of genres. A good master is one who devotes all his time to one profile and his calling - oriental art. In fact, he should have no free time for other genres, nor, indeed, any desire.
  2. Getting a tattoo without thinking, just for fun. The East does not tolerate thoughtlessness and frivolity. Many hieroglyphs are very similar to each other, so it’s very easy to make a mistake here; correcting a mistake will be harder, more painful and more expensive.

Options for applying a hieroglyph tattoo to the body

Those who revere Chinese characters as amulets with a magical meaning, capable, for example, of protecting against evil forces, quarrels, and so on, get a tattoo in the form of a talisman, choosing prominent parts of the body so that the magic begins immediately.

It is not at all necessary to wear a tattoo, for example, on the neck, hoping for goodness and wealth. It is not a fact that the Chinese hieroglyph dream tattoo, the meaning of which is to bring good luck and success, will necessarily bring it and other human benefits.

After all, inscriptions decorated in any way, for example, in three-dimensional design or woven into any image or written in several colors and on other parts of the body, look no less attractive and mysterious.

Important!Writing hieroglyphs, especially pinning them on the body, is not an easy task, and if you choose between a drawing or symbols, the latter can give the body no less richness, beauty and mystery.

Applying Chinese characters is a whole science, which not every master can master. After all, when deep meaning, mystery and beauty are combined, then such a combination cannot go unnoticed or appreciated. Apparently, this is why Chinese characters are in such consumer demand and popularity.

A hieroglyph is a writing sign used in ancient times, when alphabets and letters did not exist, each symbol meant an object or phenomenon. Its name literally translates as “sacredly carved”, carved on stone. The first mention of hieroglyphs dates back to ancient Egypt, in those days and to this day they convey not only individual signs and syllables, but entire words and meanings, or, as they are called, ideograms. Today, hieroglyphs are used only in the Chinese language; in the Japanese and Korean dialects and writings, varieties of kanji, kokuji and hancha are used.

Chinese characters: history of origin

People have been using Chinese writing since ancient times. The first surviving mention of it dates back to 1400 BC, which falls during the reign of the Yin dynasty. Writing characters has become a kind of calligraphy art in China, passed down from generation to generation from the very beginning of their appearance. This business requires great concentration and skill, knowledge of all the rules and basics. For example, all parts of a hieroglyph must be written from left to right and from top to bottom, first vertical lines, and only then horizontal ones.

Meanings of Chinese characters

Each sign usually means a word, so there are a huge number of them, which is growing every day. Today it has reached eighty thousand characters. Even the indigenous people of China, who speak and study the language from birth, cannot cover and study it entirely in their entire lives, so they always indicate Chinese characters with translation for better understanding. Most often, their images are similar to the things they represent; this is due to the fact that hieroglyphs are a type of pictogram that displays an object due to its main features and shape.

Chinese alphabet

There is also such a thing as the Chinese alphabet. Hieroglyphs with translation are indicated thanks to him, since its creation is aimed at learning and understanding the language, as well as for simplified communication in it, because studying the language in detail is quite difficult. The alphabet was romanized not only for foreign citizens, but also for Chinese residents who want to communicate outside the country. Thanks to the alphabet, a system such as pinyin appeared, which allows you to write the sounds of the Chinese language in Latin letters. Unlike the alphabet, pinyin is officially recognized and studied by all international students.

Key Chinese characters with Russian translation

Let's consider some familiar words in Chinese with Russian translation, which are key, that is, the basis for other hieroglyphs. The character for sun is 日. One of the most ancient and widespread signs, it also exists in the Japanese and Korean languages. It used to be drawn round rather than rectangular, but due to its chaotic appearance it was given a clear shape, like other rounded signs. The hieroglyph for sun is a component in others denoting “dawn” - 旦, “ancient” or “old” - 旧. One of the keys is 人, which means “man”, and is included in words such as 仔 – child, 亾 – death, 仂 – remnant. The meaning of this symbol is also the same in Japanese and Korean languages. The character 厂 means “precipice” and is 厄 – disaster, 厈 – cliff. The symbol 土 is earth or soil, used in the words: 圥 - mushroom, 圹 - grave, 圧 - crush. These are the four main symbols that form a large number of words in Chinese.

Chinese character "Qi"

Hieroglyphs have long become part of something larger than simple writing. They are given special meaning not just as words, but also as symbols that influence life and space itself. For this reason, they began to be used in interior decoration, things and applied to the body. There are well-known Chinese characters with translations that are especially popular. One of these is 氣, meaning "Qi" - vital energy. This symbol is firmly embedded in Chinese philosophy, the basis of all things and even the Universe. There are three main meanings of this sign: the substance of the Universe, vital energy, harmony of body and spirit. In another way they can be called three forces: heaven, earth and man. The hieroglyph is also used in feng shui - the symbolism of organizing space, as well as in medicine.

Popular Chinese characters

It will be useful to know the meanings of the most popular ones for those who want to get a tattoo. Chinese characters with translation are in demand, especially if their meaning is important to a person. Probably the most popular hieroglyph can be confidently considered “Fu” - 福. It means three important aspects our life: happiness, wealth, well-being. To celebrate the New Year, every family in China hangs this sign on their front door, and in combination with the hieroglyph “family” it means “ family happiness" The symbol can be depicted twice, which will mean “double happiness”, and is used in marriage and love relationships. The sign 富 also has the sound “Fu” and is used to add wealth. The gyan symbol 钱 has a similar meaning. The character "yankang" means health and is depicted as 健康. Prosperity, good luck and success will be given by the symbols “fanrong” and “chenggong”, and longevity by “changshou”. The remaining symbols: “ai” - love, “xin” - soul, “qing” - feelings, “zhong” - loyalty, “ren” - endurance.

Hieroglyphs for tattoos

Chinese characters with translation are often used to make tattoos. People believe that signs printed on a person's body have great power and influence. Usually, the most common hieroglyphs are used for this, for example, “xi”, which means happiness. “Ji” means luck, the character “mei” means attractiveness, “he” means harmonious, and “de” means virtue. Some people got ideas for tattoos from oriental films, so you can often meet someone who wants to tattoo a “long” dragon or a “Changsha” warrior.

The names of relatives are also common, for example, the mother is “muqin” or the father is “fuqin”. Chinese characters with translation are suitable for those who have not yet made their choice. If they don’t want to think too much about the meaning, they simply translate their own names or lovers into Chinese. For this, there are special tables that indicate the hieroglyphs corresponding to the desired name, usually the most common.

But before going to the tattoo parlor you should not forget about one thing important detail. It happens that the same hieroglyph is found in Japanese, Korean and Chinese, but has absolutely different meanings. A wise move would be to check the meaning of the sign in all languages ​​to avoid getting into an awkward position.

Phrases in Chinese

There are people who do not want to limit themselves to one word or one character; for this, there are entire phrases where Chinese characters are used. Photos with translations of such phrases can be easily found on the Internet, but there are common and well-known ones. For example, the famous Buddhist precept: “Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil.” There are other phrases that are pleasant to the ear: autumn flower, new strengths, superiority of heart and soul, strength of spirit and many others. All of them are depicted with several symbols; such tattoos will fit well on large areas of the body. You can also use whole sentences or sayings: “Respect the past, create the future.” There is a well-known expression: “Focus your heart and develop your spirit.” All these expressions have already been translated, but if you want to use a phrase of your own composition, then it would be best to turn to professional Chinese translators and not trust the Internet translation.

Chinese characters: tattoos and their meaning

Among the popular designs for tattoos, Chinese characters form a special category. They have been in demand mainly in the West for several decades. The desire to draw oriental symbols on the body can be explained by the fact that they look very sophisticated and exotic. A few graceful lines can mean a whole saying, and only the owner of the tattoo will know about it.

Chinese characters and their meaning, which remains a mystery to others, are an excellent option for depiction on the body.

These ancient written signs contain deep meaning. When choosing hieroglyphs to apply to the body, be careful. This is the real magic of symbols that will stay with you for life. When studying these signs, look first not at their beauty, but find the meaning of Chinese hieroglyphs-tattoos in Russian. Think about what is most important to you in life or what you want to show with a tattoo. Then the Chinese character will become your talisman. And besides, you won’t get into trouble, because it often happens that people just choose a picture without thinking about its meaning. As a result, several unrelated symbols are stamped on their body without any interpretation. Are you serious about choosing a tattoo? Then read on about the main eastern signs and their meanings.

Chinese characters: an image with meaning

The most important thing is that the design on your body should have a positive meaning. If the image is applied carelessly, is not completely drawn, or, worst of all, is completely embossed incorrectly, this can only bring misfortune and problems. Be careful: in Chinese culture there are a huge number of signs that are practically no different from each other. Just one uneven line - and the drawing has a different meaning. It is recommended to consult in advance with a native speaker and an expert in Eastern culture. Only a specialist can give good advice by choosing an image, help you choose the right Chinese characters. In this case, a tattoo will really bring only positive moments into your life.

Popular neck tattoos

If we talk about the parts of the body where tattoos with Chinese characters are most often tattooed, the neck definitely takes first place in this ranking. You can place one or more symbols in this area. For large inscriptions, the back surface of the neck is most often chosen, and a small sign will look harmonious from the side.

There may be several options for placing Chinese characters on a neck tattoo:

  • One small hieroglyph meaning a word or an entire phrase.
  • Two or three characters representing a whole sentence. They are packed in a row or column.
  • Five or more signs, the interpretation of which can turn into a whole story. In this case, the symbols are arranged in a column one below the other along the ridge line.

What hieroglyphs should be tattooed on the neck?

  • An angel is a spiritual patron who will take care of you in any situation. Helps take right decisions and will always give wise advice.
  • Wealth will help you gain both material and spiritual well-being.
  • Renewal – helps to develop and change in better side, enhances sensuality and thinking. Suitable for people searching for themselves and the meaning of their lives.
  • Bamboo symbolizes health and longevity. Helps to resist life's adversities and achieve spiritual truth.
  • Cleanliness – fills with internal energy, eliminates negative thinking, improves health.

Original Chinese characters: tattoo on hand

Before applying a design to your hand, check its meaning - this is much more important than any fashion trends. Thinking about a tattoo? Chinese characters with a translation that any expert in Eastern culture can tell you will become not only an exotic decoration, but also a real talisman. Remember that any sign has a certain power. The entire message can be succinctly encrypted in one character. It is recommended to print the following signs on your hand:

  • Love - in Eastern culture there are two designations for this feeling. They both symbolize the flame of love that burns forever in a person's heart.
  • Harmony – suitable for people who want to find harmony with themselves and their environment at home and at work.
  • Wisdom - helps to accumulate knowledge and experience.
  • Money – is responsible for the energy of wealth. It is believed that this symbol should be stamped on the hand. It contributes to the emergence of new sources of income and increased profits.
  • The tiger is a real masculine sign, symbolizing power, nobility, strength and courage.

When it comes to placing a design on their hand, men most often choose several symbols that represent a whole phrase. Do you like these tattoos? Chinese characters with translation will help you avoid mistakes and choose the right combination of characters. Their placement along the forearm or from the hand to the elbow would be harmonious. Girls tend to have more laconic tattoos - for example, one sign on the forearm or hand.

Mysterious tattoos: Chinese characters and their meaning for images on the legs

The feet are often filled with hieroglyphs that have a special meaning for a person.

This part of the body can always be covered, and your tattoo will not be exposed. In this area it is best to apply the following signs:

  • Health.
  • Happiness.
  • Luck.

These are the symbols that are important in the life of every person, and it is not customary to tell everyone about them.

Which hieroglyphs to choose for a tattoo?

Thanks to such art as calligraphy, in the form eastern sign You can display any name. If you choose Chinese characters for tattoos, names - good idea. However, be careful and entrust the translation of your name only to a trusted professional who understands all the intricacies of the Chinese language. Otherwise, there is a risk of having something tattooed on your body that does not have an adequate translation at all.

Symbols denoting worldview and lifestyle are also in demand in tattoo parlors:

  • Eternity.
  • Karma.
  • Eternal wandering.
  • Emptiness.

These are mystical signs that leave an imprint on a person’s life. They symbolize the path of man, his development.

For those wishing to choose a less mysterious option, hieroglyphs representing animals are ideal.

Moreover, you can choose both real and mythical characters:

  • The horse is a symbol of loyalty, hard work, grace and optimism.
  • The snake is the personification of femininity, beauty and eternal renewal.
  • Green dragon and white tiger - serve as protection from enemies, fill with energy and contribute to success in business and material well-being.
  • The rat is a sign of wealth and prosperity.
  • The dragon is a patron in family and financial affairs, symbolizing strength and power.

Tattoos that reflect your state of mind

There is a separate category of Chinese characters that can be printed on any part of the body. They show the essence of a person, his goals and desires. Do you want to show off your uniqueness? Choose these Chinese characters.

Tattoos in Russian will sound no less interesting than in Chinese.

  • Yin-yang is one of the most important signs in Eastern culture. It symbolizes harmony and agreement in the world.
  • Faith – suitable for people who want to gain confidence in themselves and everyone around them.
  • Kindness strengthens this quality, gives selflessness and the ability to forgive.
  • Mountain water is a symbol of material well-being.

Famous people with Chinese character tattoos

  • Cher (singer) – the sign “Strength” is printed on the right shoulder.
  • Allen Iverson (basketball player) - has 20 tattoos on his body, including 2 Chinese symbols: “Loyal” on his neck and “Respect” on his arm.
  • Natalia Imbruglia (singer) – symbol of “Courage” on the left leg.
  • David Beckham - on his left side there is a whole proverb written in hieroglyphs: “Life and death depend on fate, and wealth and nobility depend on Heaven.”
  • Melanie Brown (singer, lead singer of Spice Girl) – “Dragon” tattoo on her back.

Choosing a design for a tattoo is a responsible matter. Think about what you want to imprint on your body for the rest of your life, and then make sure that the artist conveys 100% of all the lines of the chosen symbol for the tattoo. Chinese characters and their meanings should be learned from a specialist in oriental culture. In Chinese calligraphy, every stroke has its own meaning. May your sign protect you and bring you only joy and pleasure.

What are hieroglyphs? Chinese and Japanese characters and their meanings

Some writing systems have a special character on which they are based, a hieroglyph. In some languages ​​it can denote a syllable or sound, in others - words, concepts and morphemes. In the latter case, the name “ideogram” is more common.

The picture below shows ancient hieroglyphs.

History of hieroglyphs

Translated from Greek language the name "hieroglyph" means "sacred writing". Drawings of this type first appeared in Egypt before our era. At first, hieroglyphs denoted letters, that is, they were ideograms; a little later, signs appeared that denoted words and syllables. At the same time, an interesting fact is that only consonant letters were depicted as signs. The name comes from the Greek language, since they were the first to see letters that they did not understand on the stones. Judging by the Egyptian chronicles and some myths, hieroglyphs were invented by the god Thoth. He formed them in order to preserve in writing some of the knowledge acquired by the Atlanteans.

An interesting fact is that in Egypt, symbolic writing appeared already fully formed. Everything that scientists and the government did only simplified it. For a long time, hieroglyphs and their meaning were incomprehensible to the European people. Only in 1822 was Chapollon able to fully study the Egyptian signs on the Rosetta Stone and find their decoding.

In the 50s of the 19th century, some artists working in the style of expressionism and tachisme were very fascinated by the East. Thanks to this, they created a movement associated with the Asian sign system and calligraphy. In addition to the ancient Egyptian ones, Chinese and Japanese characters were common.

Hieroglyphic art

Thanks to a brush (an object used to write characters), it is possible to decorate hieroglyphs and give them a more elegant or formal form. The art of mastering beautiful writing is called calligraphy. It is common in Japan, Malaysia, South and North Korea, China, and Vietnam. Residents of these countries affectionately call this art “music for the eyes.” At the same time, exhibitions and competitions dedicated to beautiful writing are held quite often.

Hieroglyphs are not only the writing system of some countries, but also a way to express oneself.

Ideographic letter

Ideographic writing in this moment distributed only in China. Initially, it arose in order to simplify writing and make it more accurate. But there was one drawback in this method: such a writing system was not coherent. Because of this, she gradually began to leave people’s everyday lives. Nowadays, ideographic writing characterizes Chinese characters. And their meaning is in many ways similar to the ancient one. The only difference is the way it is written.

Chinese letter

Chinese writing consists of writing characters that represent individual syllables and words, as mentioned above. It was formed in the 2nd century BC. At the moment, there are more than 50 thousand characters, but only 5 thousand are used. In ancient times, such writing was used not only in China, but also in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, having a huge influence on the formation of their cultures. Chinese characters formed the basis of national sign systems. And they are still widely used today.

Origin of Chinese characters

The development of Chinese writing not only affected the entire nation, but also had a huge impact on world art. In the 16th century BC, hieroglyphs were formed. At that time, people wrote on the bones and shells of turtles. Thanks to archaeological excavations and well-preserved remains, it has become easier for scientists to decipher ancient writing. More than 3 thousand characters were discovered, but comments were given only about 1 thousand. Modern look this writing acquired only after the complete formation of oral speech. Chinese characters are an ideograph that means a word or syllable.

Japanese letter

Japanese writing is based on syllabic and alphabetic characters. About 2 thousand hieroglyphs were borrowed from the Chinese peoples to use those parts of words that do not change. The rest are written using kana (syllabic alphabet). It is divided into two variants: katakana and hiragana. The first is used for words that come from other languages, and the second is purely Japanese. This technique seemed most suitable.

As a rule, Japanese characters in writing are read from left to right, in the case of horizontal writing. Sometimes the direction is from top to bottom, as well as from right to left.

Origin of Japanese characters

Japanese writing was formed through trial, error and simplification. It was difficult for people to use only Chinese in documents. Now the formation of language is an issue that causes constant controversy. Some scientists attribute it to the time of the conquest of the Japanese islands, while others - to the Yayoi era. After the introduction of Chinese writing oral speech The nation has undergone dramatic changes.

In the 90s of the 19th century, the government revised all hieroglyphs, which combined several types of writing at once, and allowed the use of only 1,800 pieces, when in fact there were much more. Nowadays, due to the influence of American and other Western cultures, official speech has practically disappeared, and slang takes on more meaning. Thanks to this, the difference between dialects has decreased.

The emergence of a writing system in Japan

When the Japanese government decided to create a language system, the first characters (this is its main means) were taken from Chinese writing. This event occurred due to the fact that in ancient times the Chinese often lived on the Japanese islands, who brought various things, objects, and books. It is unknown how Japan's own characters developed at that time. Unfortunately, practically no data has survived on this matter.

The development of Buddhism in the country had a strong impact on writing. This religion came thanks to the Korean embassy, ​​which arrived in the state and brought various sculptures and texts of Buddha. At first, after the complete introduction of Chinese writing into Japanese life, people used foreign words when writing. However, after a few years, discomfort arose, since the nation's own language was somewhat different and simpler. Problems were also created when writing proper names that used Chinese characters. This has worried the Japanese for a long time. The problem was this: the words and sounds that needed to be included in the document did not exist in the Chinese language.

The idea of ​​breaking up special ones Japanese words for several parts that made sense, it was completely unsuccessful. In this case about correct reading I had to forget. If we are not distracted by the meaning, then these parts of the word had to be highlighted so that the reader understands that he is dealing with words whose meaning can be neglected. This problem has existed for a long time, and it had to be solved without going beyond the boundaries of Chinese writing.

Over time, some scientists began to come up with special signs with which one could read text written in Chinese in Japanese. Calligraphy implied that each hieroglyph must be placed in a conventional square in order not to violate the boundaries of the entire letter. The Japanese decided to divide it into several parts, each of which played its own functional role. It was from this time that the (Chinese) characters and their meaning for Japan began to slowly fade into oblivion.

Kukai is the man who (according to legend) created hiragana (the first Japanese writing system). Thanks to development in the field of hieroglyphs, special writing systems based on phonetics were created. A little later, by simplifying the shape of the hieroglyphs, katakana appeared, which firmly came into use.

Japan already at that time borrowed an orderly written language from China due to their territorial proximity. But developing and changing iconic symbols for themselves, people began to invent the first Japanese characters. The Japanese could not use Chinese writing in original form, if only because there is no inflection in it. The development of the language did not stop there. When a nation became familiar with other systems (based on hieroglyphs), it took elements of their writing and made its language more unique.

The connection of hieroglyphs with the Russian language

Nowadays tattoos in the form of Japanese and Chinese symbols are very popular. That is why it is necessary to find out the meaning of hieroglyphs in Russian before tattooing them on your body. It is best to use those that mean “well-being”, “happiness”, “love” and so on. Before visiting a tattoo artist, it is best to check the meaning in several sources at once.

In Russian-speaking countries, parodies of Asian symbols are also popular. Russian hieroglyphs do not officially exist, but only appear on the pages social networks. They are created thanks to the enormous imagination of Internet users. Basically, these signs do not carry any special meaning and exist only for entertainment. Games have also been invented that are based on guessing which word is encrypted in a particular hieroglyph.

The term “tattoo” was brought to Europe by Captain Cook. Before he introduced the public to the first “savage” with a large number of tattoos on his face and torso, “skin drawings” were not very common among the European population. They were mainly made by sailors and odious individuals from the underworld.

Even in the recent past, tattoo bearers in Russia were the so-called “gentlemen of fortune.” Penitentiary inmates wear tattoos (portaki) not only for beauty. There is a whole system of signs and their location on the body, from which you can learn a lot about the owner of prison tattoos.

Nowadays, more and more often you can find a media personality or a representative of bohemia with a tattoo on the body. These small works of art (and body art already has the status of a culture and gathers its fans and artists at annual festivals) can be seen on the body of a housewife, businessman or student.

Patterns, portraits, images of real and mythological animals, inscriptions - all this not only decorates a person, bringing uniqueness to his image and image, but also conveys information about the owner to others.

Sometimes a tattoo is done as a reminder to oneself of some significant event or person. In such cases, they choose inscriptions in a language that is incomprehensible (for most people) - that is why they are so popular tattoo hieroglyphs, their meaning An idle onlooker will not understand, but they remind the owner of what is important.

Masters recommend that the Russian-speaking public be sure to learn meaning of tattoo hieroglyphs in Russian, before starting application. After all, the result will not be easy to delete later, and due to the specificity of the hieroglyphic language, embarrassment may occur. For example, someone wants to do tattoo - hieroglyphs with meaning your name. In Chinese and Japanese, each character is not a letter, but a word or even a phrase or sentence. A European should be very careful when trying to reproduce his name in hieroglyphs - sounds consonant with the name can mean something unpleasant or even carry an offensive meaning.

Are tattoo hieroglyphs popular in your homeland?

There are very few fans of tattoos with hieroglyphs among native speakers - the Chinese and Japanese. And this is understandable - for them, hieroglyphs are not beautiful and mysterious pictures that carry a sacred meaning, but just words, text. For them, the inscription in their native language seems as banal and vulgar as for the Russians: “Vasya was here” or “love to the grave.” Therefore, the Chinese who understand meaning of Chinese characters, tattoo often chosen with a picture exotic plants and fantastic animals - dragons, unicorns, two-headed snakes.

The history of tattooing in Japan goes back to ancient times. Members of the Japanese mafia - the Yakuza - acquired indelible drawings. The tattoos carried information about belonging to a criminal clan, status, regalia, and luck. Now the tattoo is a success among respectable and law-abiding citizens of Japan. Residents of the Japanese islands extremely rarely use Japanese characters in tattoos, preferring not to deviate from traditions and meaning tattoos depict images of mythical animals - dragons, sirens, sea monsters.

Among Europeans, hieroglyphs are popular not only because of their aesthetics (in the Russian opinion, these “krakozyabrs” look very nice), but also because of their sense of mystery. They look especially good tattoo of hieroglyphs on the neck. Meaning they are incomprehensible to others, but have a sacred meaning for the owner or owner.

Regardless of which one was chosen tattoo: hieroglyph with the meaning of love, loyalty or strength, it is worth carefully examining the sketch for visual attractiveness. There is no need to rush in such a matter - after all, only a beautiful and meaningful drawing will never be disliked, but will bring good luck to the owner. At the very least, many tattoo wearers (including celebrities such as Angelina Jolie) believe that their unusual, unique and stunning tattoo contributed to their success.

women's tattoo - hieroglyph on the lower back

tattoo of hieroglyphs on a man’s ribs – vertical inscription
Quote from Olya_handmade message Read in full In your quotation book or community!
Japanese characters

Among the popular designs for tattoos, Chinese characters form a special category. They have been in demand mainly in the West for several decades. The desire to draw oriental symbols on the body can be explained by the fact that they look very sophisticated and exotic. A few graceful lines can mean a whole saying, and only the owner of the tattoo will know about it.

Chinese characters and their meaning, which remains a mystery to others, are an excellent option for depiction on the body.

These ancient written signs contain deep meaning. When choosing hieroglyphs to apply to the body, be careful. This is the real magic of symbols that will stay with you for life. When studying these signs, look first not at their beauty, but find the meaning of Chinese hieroglyphs-tattoos in Russian. Think about what is most important to you in life or what you want to show with a tattoo. Then the Chinese character will become your talisman. And besides, you won’t get into trouble, because it often happens that people just choose a picture without thinking about its meaning. As a result, several unrelated symbols are stamped on their body without any interpretation. Are you serious about choosing a tattoo? Then read on about the main eastern signs and their meanings.

Chinese characters: an image with meaning

The most important thing is that the design on your body should have a positive meaning. If the image is applied carelessly, is not completely drawn, or, worst of all, is completely embossed incorrectly, this can only bring misfortune and problems. Be careful: in Chinese culture there are a huge number of signs that are practically no different from each other.

Just one uneven line - and the drawing has a different meaning. It is recommended to consult in advance with a native speaker and an expert in Eastern culture. Only a specialist can give the right advice on choosing an image and help you choose the right Chinese characters. In this case, a tattoo will really bring only positive moments into your life.

Popular neck tattoos

If we talk about the parts of the body where tattoos with Chinese characters are most often tattooed, the neck definitely takes first place in this ranking. You can place one or more symbols in this area. For large inscriptions, the back surface of the neck is most often chosen, and a small sign will look harmonious from the side.

There may be several options for placing Chinese characters on a neck tattoo:

  • One small hieroglyph meaning a word or an entire phrase.
  • Two or three characters representing a whole sentence. They are packed in a row or column.
  • Five or more signs, the interpretation of which can turn into a whole story. In this case, the symbols are arranged in a column one below the other along the ridge line.

What hieroglyphs should be tattooed on the neck?

  • An angel is a spiritual patron who will take care of you in any situation. Helps you make the right decisions and always gives wise advice.
  • Wealth will help you gain both material and spiritual well-being.
  • Renewal - helps to develop and change for the better, enhances sensuality and thinking. Suitable for people searching for themselves and the meaning of their lives.
  • Bamboo - symbolizes health and longevity. Helps to resist life's adversities and achieve spiritual truth.
  • Cleanliness fills you with internal energy, eliminates negative thinking, and improves health.

Original Chinese characters: tattoo on hand

Before applying a design to your hand, check its meaning - this is much more important than any fashion trends. Thinking about a tattoo? Chinese characters with a translation that any expert in Eastern culture can tell you will become not only an exotic decoration, but also a real talisman. Remember that any sign has a certain power. The entire message can be succinctly encrypted in one character. It is recommended to print the following signs on your hand:

  • Love - in Eastern culture there are two designations for this feeling. They both symbolize the flame of love that burns forever in a person's heart.
  • Harmony - suitable for people who want to find harmony with themselves and their environment at home and at work.
  • Wisdom - helps to accumulate knowledge and experience.
  • Money is responsible for the energy of wealth. It is believed that this symbol should be stamped on the hand. It contributes to the emergence of new sources of income and increased profits.
  • The tiger is a real masculine sign, symbolizing power, nobility, strength and courage.

When it comes to placing a design on their hand, men most often choose several symbols that represent a whole phrase. Do you like these tattoos? Chinese characters with translation will help you avoid mistakes and choose the right combination of characters. Their placement along the forearm or from the hand to the elbow would be harmonious. Girls tend to have more laconic tattoos - for example, one sign on the forearm or hand.

Mysterious tattoos: Chinese characters and their meaning for images on the legs

The feet are often filled with hieroglyphs that have a special meaning for a person.

This part of the body can always be covered, and your tattoo will not be exposed. In this area it is best to apply the following signs:

  • Health.
  • Happiness.
  • Luck.

These are the symbols that are important in the life of every person, and it is not customary to tell everyone about them.

Which hieroglyphs to choose for a tattoo?

Thanks to the art of calligraphy, any name can be written in the form of an oriental sign. If you choose Chinese characters for your tattoo, names are a good idea. However, be careful and entrust the translation of your name only to a trusted professional who understands all the intricacies of the Chinese language. Otherwise, there is a risk of having something tattooed on your body that does not have an adequate translation at all.

Symbols denoting worldview and lifestyle are also in demand in tattoo parlors:

  • Eternity.
  • Karma.
  • Eternal wandering.
  • Emptiness.

These are mystical signs that leave an imprint on a person’s life. They symbolize the path of man, his development.

For those wishing to choose a less mysterious option, hieroglyphs representing animals are ideal.

Moreover, you can choose both real and mythical characters:

  • The horse is a symbol of loyalty, hard work, grace and optimism.
  • The snake is the personification of femininity, beauty and eternal renewal.
  • Green dragon and white tiger - serve as protection from enemies, fill with energy and contribute to success in business and material well-being.
  • The rat is a sign of wealth and prosperity.
  • The dragon is a patron in family and financial matters, symbolizing strength and power.

Tattoos that reflect your state of mind

There is a separate category of Chinese characters that can be printed on any part of the body. They show the essence of a person, his goals and desires. Do you want to show off your uniqueness? Choose these Chinese characters.

Tattoos in Russian will sound no less interesting than in Chinese.

  • Yin-yang is one of the most important signs in Eastern culture. It symbolizes harmony and agreement in the world.
  • Faith - suitable for people who want to gain confidence in themselves and everyone around them.
  • Kindness strengthens this quality, gives selflessness and the ability to forgive.
  • Mountain water is a symbol of material well-being.

Famous people with Chinese character tattoos

  • Cher (singer) - has a “Strength” sign on her right shoulder.
  • Allen Iverson (basketball player) - has 20 tattoos on his body, including 2 Chinese symbols: “Loyal” on his neck and “Respect” on his arm.
  • Natalia Imbruglia (singer) - "Courage" symbol on her left leg.
  • David Beckham - on his left side there is a whole proverb written in hieroglyphs: “Life and death depend on fate, and wealth and nobility depend on Heaven.”
  • Melanie Brown (singer, lead singer of Spice Girl) - “Dragon” tattoo on her back.

Choosing a design for a tattoo is a responsible matter. Think about what you want to imprint on your body for the rest of your life, and then make sure that the artist conveys 100% of all the lines of the chosen symbol for the tattoo. Chinese characters and their meanings should be learned from a specialist in oriental culture. In Chinese calligraphy, every stroke has its own meaning. May your sign protect you and bring you only joy and pleasure.

In this article you will find photographs and images of tattoos in Chinese characters, which are accompanied by a translation into Russian. The most interesting hieroglyphs are described in more detail and sometimes studied.

According to experts, the word “tattoo” got into English language from the Tahitian dialect, where it means both wound and sign.

Chinese character tattoo on shoulder. Photo from

A tattoo can be beautiful or emphasize some character trait of its wearer. At the same time, a real tattoo is harmful to health. In addition, the meaning of tattoos is foreign language, in particular in Chinese characters, may contain errors or have double meanings.

At the very end of the article you can find several examples of such tattoos with hieroglyphs with errors, with distortion of features or with a derogatory meaning.

Hence, those who want to get a tattoo with Chinese characters, first of all, need to know their correct translation and possible hidden subtext. Also, find an experienced specialist who, taking care of you, will apply the tattoo in the safest way for your health.

You can get acquainted with different opinions on this topic or speak out for or against on the page On the same page you can ask a question about the meaning of the hieroglyph on the tattoo.

1. Auspicious hieroglyphs

Tattoo with Chinese characters on the arm: “karma”

Tattoo with hieroglyphs on the arm: “karma”. Photo from

The Buddhist term "karma" consists of 2 characters: 羯磨. Pronunciation: jiémó / jiemo

Karma, according to beliefs, is acquired and then accumulated by the one who commits evil: he deceives for his own benefit, offends both close and unfamiliar people, etc. Subsequently, the one who has accumulated karma suffers and begins to pay for the crimes committed.

Tattoo with Chinese characters on the arm: “Eternal Wandering” or "endless journey"

“Eternal wandering” is an inscription in hieroglyphs on the hand. Photo from

The inscription has four characters: 永恆之旅. Pronunciation: yǒng héng zhī lǚ / yong hen zhi liu.

The main character of the phrase 永 - “eternity” has the grapheme 水 - “water”, the flow of which is associated with infinity. The red symbol at the very bottom is a hieroglyphic seal belonging to the author of the calligraphy.

Tattoo of the name Andrey in Chinese characters

Tattoo with Chinese characters: prosperity, virtue and happy omen (or Andrew in Chinese). Photo from

Hieroglyphs separately:

安 – well-being. Pronunciation: ān / anh
德 – virtue. Pronunciation: dé/de
瑞 - happy omen: ruì / ruyi

Together, the word 安德瑞 is the equivalent of the name Andreas, or in our opinion Andrey). Pronunciation: Āndéruì / Andezhui

The hieroglyph 安 well-being consists of two elements: the “roof” pictogram and . If a woman is in the house, then that’s it, because she brings harmony.

Above, the hieroglyphs are applied with high quality or relatively high quality. Below we present photographs of tattoos with errors in hieroglyphs, as well as with distortions in the spelling of features or with derogatory meanings.

Hieroglyph with an error. Photo from

Perhaps the sign above was copied from 利 - benefit, mirrored, with distortion, and they forgot to add a line. Such a hieroglyph does not exist.

By the way, on this topic there is collage:

Chinese woman tattooed with words in Russian. Collage from

Impaled stylized hieroglyph "love" made with distortions:

Tattoo of a stylized hieroglyph “love” made with distortions. Photo from

Tattoo of Chinese characters with derogatory meaning

There are also such tattoos with hieroglyphs...

Hieroglyphs separately:

狂 Kuáng is mad; crazy
賤 jiàn cheap, insignificant

Dictionaries do not provide a translation for 狂賤人 as a whole word or phrase. However, the site offers this translation option.

So, it makes sense to know more about the meaning of the inscription that you want to tattoo on your beloved body, and maybe think: is it worth tattooing yourself?

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A hieroglyph is a writing sign used in ancient times, when alphabets and letters did not exist, each symbol meant an object or phenomenon. Its name literally translates as “sacredly carved”, carved on stone. The first mention of hieroglyphs dates back to ancient Egypt; in those days and to this day, they convey not only individual signs and syllables, but entire words and meanings, or, as they are called, ideograms. Today, hieroglyphs are used only in the Chinese language; in the Japanese and Korean dialects and writings, varieties of kanji, kokuji and hancha are used.

history of origin

People have been using Chinese writing since ancient times. The first surviving mention of it dates back to 1400 BC, which falls during the reign of the Yin dynasty. Writing characters has become a kind of calligraphy art in China, passed down from generation to generation from the very beginning of their appearance. This business requires great concentration and skill, knowledge of all the rules and basics. For example, all parts of a hieroglyph must be written from left to right and from top to bottom, first vertical lines, and only then horizontal ones.

Meanings of Chinese characters

Each sign usually means a word, so there are a huge number of them, which is growing every day. Today it has reached eighty thousand characters. Even the indigenous people of China, who speak and study the language from birth, cannot cover and study it entirely in their entire lives, so they always indicate Chinese characters with translation for better understanding. Most often, their images resemble the things they represent; this is due to the fact that hieroglyphs are a type of pictogram that displays an object due to its main features and shape.

Chinese alphabet

There is also such a concept as Hieroglyphs with translation indicate thanks to him, since its creation is aimed at learning and understanding the language, as well as for simplified communication in it, because studying the language in detail is quite difficult. The alphabet was romanized not only for foreign citizens, but also for Chinese residents who want to communicate outside the country. Thanks to the alphabet, a system such as pinyin appeared, which allows you to record the sounds of the Chinese language. Unlike the alphabet, pinyin is officially recognized and is studied by all foreign students.

Key Chinese characters with Russian translation

Let's consider some familiar words in Chinese with Russian translation, which are key, that is, the basis for other hieroglyphs. The character for sun is 日. One of the most ancient and widespread signs, it also exists in the Japanese and Korean languages. It used to be drawn round rather than rectangular, but due to its chaotic appearance it was given a clear shape, like other rounded signs. The hieroglyph for sun is a component in others denoting “dawn” - 旦, “ancient” or “old” - 旧. One of the keys is 人, which means “man”, and is included in words such as 仔 - child, 亾 - death, 仂 - remnant. The meaning of this symbol is also the same in Japanese and Korean. The character 厂 means “precipice” and is 厄 - disaster, 厈 - cliff. The symbol 土 is earth or soil, used in the words: 圥 - mushroom, 圹 - grave, 圧 - crush. These are the four basic characters that form a large number of words in the Chinese language.

Chinese character "Qi"

Hieroglyphs have long become part of something larger than simple writing. They are given special meaning not just as words, but also as symbols that influence life and space itself. For this reason, they began to be used in interior decoration, things and applied to the body. There are well-known Chinese characters with translations that are especially popular. One of these is 氣, meaning “Qi” - vital energy. This symbol is firmly embedded in the basis of all things and even the Universe. There are three main meanings of this sign: the substance of the Universe, harmony of body and spirit. In another way they can be called three forces: heaven, earth and man. The hieroglyph is also used in feng shui - the symbolism of organizing space, as well as in medicine.

Popular Chinese characters

It will be useful to know the meanings of the most popular ones for those who want to get a tattoo. Chinese characters with translation are in demand, especially if their meaning is important to a person. Probably the most popular hieroglyph can be confidently considered “Fu” - 福. It denotes three important aspects of our life: happiness, wealth, well-being. To celebrate the New Year, every family in China hangs this sign on their front door, and when combined with the character for “family,” it means “family happiness.” The symbol can be depicted twice, which will mean “double happiness”, and is used in marriage and love relationships. The sign 富 also has the sound “Fu” and is used to add wealth. The gyan symbol 钱 has a similar meaning. The character "yankang" means health and is depicted as 健康. Prosperity, good luck and success will be given by the symbols “fanrong” and “chenggong”, and longevity by “changshou”. The remaining symbols: “ai” - love, “xin” - soul, “qing” - feelings, “zhong” - loyalty, “ren” - endurance.

Hieroglyphs for tattoos

Chinese characters with translation are often used to make tattoos. People believe that signs printed on a person's body have great power and influence. Usually, the most common hieroglyphs are used for this, for example, “xi”, which means happiness. “Ji” means luck, the character “mei” means attractiveness, “he” means harmonious, and “de” means virtue. Some people got ideas for tattoos from oriental films, so you can often meet someone who wants to tattoo a “long” dragon or a “Changsha” warrior.

The names of relatives are also common, for example, the mother is “muqin” or the father is “fuqin”. Chinese characters with translation are suitable for those who have not yet made their choice. If they don’t want to think too much about the meaning, they simply translate their own names or lovers into Chinese. For this, there are special tables that indicate the hieroglyphs corresponding to the desired name, usually the most common.

But before going to a tattoo parlor, you should not forget about one important detail. It happens that the same character is found in Japanese, Korean and Chinese, but has completely different meanings. A wise move would be to check the meaning of the sign in all languages ​​to avoid getting into an awkward position.

Phrases in Chinese

There are people who do not want to limit themselves to one word or one character; for this, there are entire phrases where Chinese characters are used. Photos with translations of such phrases can be easily found on the Internet, but there are common and well-known ones. For example, the famous Buddhist precept: “Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil.” There are other phrases that are pleasant to the ear: autumn flower, new strength, superiority of heart and soul, and many others. All of them are depicted with several symbols; such tattoos will fit well on large areas of the body. You can also use whole sentences or sayings: “Respect the past, create the future.” There is a well-known expression: “Focus your heart and develop your spirit.” All these expressions have already been translated, but if you want to use a phrase of your own composition, then it would be best to turn to professional Chinese translators and not trust the Internet translation.