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Helenium spring. How to grow a bright autumn flower “Gelenium. Growing conditions and proper care

Helenium has a fairly extensive characteristic. This plant is a member of the Asteraceae family and has been in cultivation since 1635. However, the flower was first described in the work of Carl Linnaeus in 1755. All plants of this species can have completely different bush heights, and depending on the variety, it varies from 30 to 150 cm. The colors are always done in warm colors and can be one-color, two-color, or even variegated. Leaves are lanceolate-shaped.

Helenium is most widespread in North and Central America. Now in the world there are about 30 species of perennial helenium, the cultivation of which is not particularly difficult.

Did you know?People believe that the plant got its name in honor of the wife of Menelaus- Helen, who became the cause of discord and war between Troy and Greece.

Growing helenium from seeds

Helenium is an excellent solution for those who want to decorate their garden with autumn-colored flowers at a time when most plants have already bloomed (this is especially true when you consider that growing a flower from seeds is a simple method, although it is not particularly popular among gardeners).

The reason for the rather low interest in plant cultivation lies in the fact that when helenium is propagated by seeds, its varietal characteristics are lost, which is often a significant disadvantage. As for the question “When to plant helenium seeds?”, here first of all you should decide how exactly you will grow helenium: by sowing seeds to grow seedlings, or sowing seeds in open ground. When grown by seedlings, the time for sowing seeds is the end of February or the beginning of March, and when sowing seeds in open ground, it is early spring. How to properly propagate helenium by seed method we'll talk further.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Before sowing seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to stratify them. This process lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. You need to sow the seeds into the planting container and moisten the soil, then cover it with film and put it in a cold, dark place (the refrigerator is best for this purpose) for 6 weeks. After a month and a half, the container with the seeds must be moved to a warm place, the temperature of which is kept at +18...+22°C. Seeds should be placed under artificial lighting (a fluorescent lamp will turn the best option). When 2-3 true, well-developed leaves appear on the stems, the seedlings can be planted in separate cups.

Important!Transplant seedlings from containersAndnecessary without clearing the root from the ground, in which the plant previously grew.

When planting seedlings in open ground (preferably in May, when the ground has already warmed up), the depth of the planting hole should be two to three times greater than the size of the earthen ball. Before planting directly, the roots of the plant must be thoroughly wetted and placed at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. After planting, the beds are mulched with peat or humus.

Growing helenium in seedlings will not bring you flowering in the first season, so you should be patient and wait another year for flowers.

Sowing seeds directly into open ground

If you do not have the time or opportunity to germinate seeds for seedling propagation, you can sow helenium directly into open ground. Preliminary work for this procedure does not require much effort. You just need to dig up the planting site and fertilize it a little with humus, manure or tof, making sure to stratify the seeds. It is better to start this procedure in advance, because on average its duration is about a month. When carrying out stratification, the seeds in a separate container are mixed with wet sawdust and left in the refrigerator (or in another cold, dark place) for a month. After this, the seed material is ready for sowing into the soil.

Did you know?The sooner the seeds are stratified and sown after collection, the higher the quality of seedlings will be.

You need to make grooves, or holes, 3-5 cm deep in the ground and sow seeds in them. The distance between such rows/pits should be at least 25 cm. The sown seeds should be mulched with peat or humus, which will protect the plants from temperature changes and frosts. You will notice the first shoots within 2-3 weeks.

Choosing a place to grow helenium

Helenium has a very decorative appearance and the main task in growing a flower is to preserve it, so planting and caring for this plant must be carried out in compliance with certain rules, the first of which is a good choice of place to plant the flower. To make the helenium feel comfortable, it is better to place it in a warm, well-lit area. However, the plant will not die in shade or partial shade, although the abundance of flowering may decrease.

Combining helenium with other plants

Helenium in landscape design can not only act as an integral part of the composition, but also “single-handedly” decorate your garden. For example, Tall heleniums are excellent for single plantings against the general background of the site. In addition, tall varieties are well suited for decorating fences or creating “living” hedges.
If you grow low-growing varieties, they can be used to decorate borders and garden paths. When breeding tall and short heleniums, they can be combined with roses, chrysanthemums and bells. Together, these flowers will create a wonderful ensemble of grace and simplicity. Low growing varieties look great in the company of forget-me-nots: the combination of warm and cold shades will add a little mystery to the design.

Did you know?Cut helenium buds do not bloom in water, which is worth considering when decorating.

How to care for helenium in open ground

Caring for helenium does not require much effort or material investment. It is enough to do everything on time, carefully adhering to the basic requirements, and then your flower will decorate the garden for a long time.

Proper watering

The main thing you need to know when growing helenium is that it does not tolerate too dry soil. Therefore, when watering, you should take into account the natural growing conditions of helenium and, in particularly dry times, carry out fairly frequent and abundant watering. However, at the same time, you should not allow water to stagnate in the soil, which will help avoid rotting of the root system.

Timely loosening of the soil will help to avoid stagnation of water in the soil. It is advisable to carry out this procedure immediately after watering, so that oxygen, along with moisture, enters the roots of the plant. The plant also needs weeding, and it should be done 3-4 times per season, because weeds deplete the soil and absorb moisture. To avoid the appearance of a large amount of weeds, each time you loosen the ground, you need to add a layer of mulch under the bush, peat or humus is ideal for this role.

How often and with what to fertilize

Helenium, like any other garden plant, needs additional nutrients.

Fertilizers for helenium need to be applied in 3 stages:

Did you know?You cannot “overfeed” the plant, as this will cause active growth green mass, while flowering will be less abundant.

Pruning inflorescences is necessary not to form a bush, but to improve the quality of flowering. For this purpose, several inflorescences and shoots are cut off, but you should not remove them all. It is enough to cut the inflorescences from the youngest branches. Another trick: if you remove those buds that have already bloomed, then new flowers will form in their place.

Important!If you want to make the bush more branchy, simply pinch off the tops.

How to deal with pests and diseases of helenium

Despite the fact that helenium grows in open ground, it is quite resistant to various kinds diseases and pests. However, the most dangerous thing for the plant is the chrysanthemum nematode, a disease the presence of which is marked by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and buds, and over time the hylenium loses its ability to flower. If you notice this problem on one plant, then all heleniums need to be treated. To do this, they are doused with hot (up to +50 °C) water, and the ground around the bush is sprinkled with lime or sulfur.

Another disease that often manifests itself in helenium is rot. To avoid it, you must strictly follow the watering rules, and if the problem already exists, it can be eliminated by loosening the soil and treating the plant with fungicides.

As for insects, they can be easily destroyed by treating the plant soap solution(in the early stages) or insecticides (during a massive “attack”).

Important!MainA step in the prevention of diseases and pests is timely weeding, as well as removing fallen leaves from under the bush, because it is in the weeds and fallen leaves that most bacteria and insects live.

When to collect and how to store helenium seeds

If you decide to prepare seeds for propagating helenium by collecting them from your flowers, then you need to do this quite quickly, since during heavy autumn rains they will simply rot. The degree of readiness of the seed material for collection will be “informed” by dark reed and tubular flowers, which will already be black by the time the seeds are ready. It is best to store seeds in a linen bag, after placing them in a dry place. It is advisable to hang the package as high as possible or place it on a shelf so that mice cannot reach it.

Despite the fact that helenium seeds are easy to find in modern stores, they can be easily collected with your own hands. However, most breeders are inclined towards vegetative methods of flower propagation, because the germination rate of the seeds is quite low, as is the preservation of the “parental” characteristics.

Wintering helenium

So that you can enjoy the flowering of your helenium even after winter, the flower must be properly prepared. Helenium stems are cut so that no more than 10 cm is visible from the ground. The beds on which helenium grows must be mulched with sawdust, peat or humus, laying a layer of mulch of at least 5 cm. If you live in a region with little snow, then you also need to cover the flowers with lutrasil, which, instead of snow, will protect the plant from frost.

Transplanting and dividing helenium bushes

Many gardeners, when growing helenium, are concerned with the question: “When to replant a flower?” This procedure must be performed once every three years, since this is the most acceptable period for the formation of a sufficient number of young shoots and so that the flower buds do not “get out” to the soil surface. Dividing helenium bushes is much easier to carry out than performing a similar task with any other perennial, because as the bush grows, it is itself divided into rosettes. Separating part of it from the mother bush will not be a lot of work: the plant is dug out of the ground and carefully cleaned of adhering soil, being careful not to damage the root system. Then, in the places where the bush is divided, a cut is made with a sharp instrument, immediately lubricating the cut area with coal or treating it with a garden decoction, after which the helenium is planted in the ground.

Cultivated species of helenium

Of the currently known 30 species of the described plant, only a few of them are actively grown in gardens, and each has its own advantages. We will talk more about the most popular varieties further.

Helenium bigelovii- occurs less frequently than all others. The Western part is considered the birthplace of this variety. North America, where the plant reaches up to 80 cm in height. The leaves of this species are lanceolate and entire. The inflorescences are quite large - up to 6 cm in diameter. The tubular flowers are colored brown, and the reed flowers are bright yellow. This variety begins to bloom in June and continues until July.

Helenium is one of the most common plants in our area, which attracts with its ease of care and will help to significantly improve. Today there are many varieties of this flower, so every summer resident can choose the one that best suits his taste preferences. Helenium, planting and care in open ground, which is not difficult to grow, anyone, even a novice gardener, can grow it. How to do it right? When and where is the best time to sow a plant? We will learn the answers to the questions from this article.

Helenium, planting and care in open ground

Planting Helenium - where to start?

To begin with, we note that this flower is very popular among all landscape designers due to its exclusive beauty, bright colors and the extraordinary lushness of the bushes. Depending on desire, the flowers of the plant can be orange, yellow or red. Helenium is a long-flowering perennial, which means it has many advantages, for example:

  • Not required permanent landing at the beginning of the summer season.
  • Perennials adapt better to unfavorable conditions.

The main feature of the flower can be called the duration of its flowering, since the flowers appear in mid-summer and bloom until the onset of frost. How to plant Helenium? Let's look at some requirements:

  1. The soil. The flower will grow on any soil, even not very nutritious. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the looseness of the soil. The weak root system of the plant is not able to take root and take root in heavy soil. To impart looseness, peat is most often used, which is mixed with soil.
  2. Location. The plant grows well in well-lit, open place. You should avoid dark places under a spreading tree or large bush. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no drafts that negatively affect the development of the flower.
  3. Fertilizer. Although Gelunium is not particularly demanding in terms of nutrition, to obtain a healthy, beautiful plant It is best to fertilize the soil before planting. For this you can use organic or mineral fertilizers. As for the first, I would like to remind you of the importance of maintaining the correct dosage, otherwise an excessive amount of fertilizer can lead to the death of the root system.

When is the best time to plant a flower? The most optimal time is late May or mid-autumn, when the earth is sufficiently warm and frosts are excluded in the near future. Planting material sold in any specialized stores. Helenium is propagated by seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush, thanks to which you can save cash and plant flowers throughout the area. The seeds are first germinated at home, then planted in the soil and grown until small seedlings appear. As soon as consistently warm weather arrives, the seedlings are transferred to open ground.

How to care for Helenium?

Caring for a flower is easy. To do this, you will need to follow some rules:

  • Watering. The plant does not tolerate drought and lack of moisture, so you need to establish regular watering and follow it exactly. In dry times, increase the watering dose.
  • Loosening. Too much a large number of moisture can also have a detrimental effect on the root system of Helenium, so loosening and mulching will be required.
  • Spraying. Pests and infections can attack the plant. When this happens, you can use special chemicals, laundry soap or soda.
  • Shelter for the winter. Before the onset of cold weather, the flower needs shelter and protection from frost. To do this, the bush is completely cut off, leaving approximately 10 cm on the surface, and covered with sawdust or straw. This will help preserve the plant and enjoy its magnificent blooms again in the spring.
For the winter, the bush is cut off, leaving 10 cm on the surface.

As you can see, Helenium, planting and care in open ground which is simple and anyone can grow it, even a novice master. We hope that our tips will help you create an exclusive landscape design on your territory.

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Many gardeners don't like the routine of perennial flowers when... winter storage they must be dug out from open ground. If you belong to this category of gardeners, a perennial such as helenium will suit you: planting and caring for it is made easier by the fact that in the cold season its rhizome dies off, but gives life to new buds, which by spring will turn into a new beautiful flower.

Helenium: varieties and varieties

Helenium has about 30 varieties. Height different varieties ranges from 10 cm in height to 1.5 m. It is a herbaceous plant that can have either an erect shoot or a branched trunk, whose stems are covered with dense foliage.

Helenium Bigelow

Only five types of perennials are currently widespread in home gardening:

  • Helenium Bigelow - has a straight stem up to 80 cm tall. The leaves are entire, lanceolate in shape. The buds bloom up to 6 cm in diameter, the color of the flowers is yellow and brown. Its varieties bloom in the first half of summer.
  • Helenium spring is a tall plant, the stem of which reaches a length of about 1 m. Bright orange flowers are 7 cm in diameter. The flowering period begins in May.
  • Helenium Gupes is also a tall variety. It has a rather large flower in diameter - up to 9 cm. It blooms from June to July.
  • Helenium autumnalis is one of the tallest representatives. Its stem grows up to 1.5 m in length. The buds are collected in lush inflorescences. The flowers are small, up to 5 cm in diameter, the color of the petals is yellow and red. The flowering period begins at the end of summer.
  • Helenium hybrid is an artificially bred variety. The height of the bush can be up to 65 cm. The flowers are red in color, the buds bloom in August.

Planting a plant

A site for growing perennials is chosen on an area open to the sun. The soil must be sufficiently permeable to prevent stagnation of water. If this condition is not met, it is necessary to arrange drainage under the flowerbed. The mechanical composition of the soil should be light. The optimal type of soil would be sandy loam or loam.

Important. When choosing a place for planting helenium near fences and tall buildings, you need to take into account that this is a light-loving flower and during the day it should not be in the shade.

Planting can be done by sowing seeds or planting seedlings. Sowing in open ground is carried out before winter. And seedlings are planted in May, when there is no threat of severe frosts. Negative temperatures are not harmful to flowers whose seeds have undergone natural stratification in the soil during the winter. But greenhouse seedlings have a more sensitive reaction to cold weather.

Helenium spring

Helenium planting is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The seedling hole is made one and a half to two times larger than the earthen ball.
  2. Distance between planting pits make about 30 cm.
  3. Before moving into open ground, the roots of the seedlings are kept in water for several minutes.
  4. The plant is placed in the hole at the same depth at which the seedlings were in the pot.
  5. All fresh plantings are watered and mulched with humus or peat.

Helenium care

Caring for a flowerbed with helenium is extremely simple. It is necessary to remember that this is a very moisture-loving plant, so watering is carried out abundantly. In case of prolonged drought, the perennial will not die, but most likely it will not bloom this season.

Helenium Gupesa

At the same time, moisture should not be allowed to stagnate in the soil. Therefore, it is advisable to combine each watering with loosening. Following this, the ground must be mulched with any available organic material: peat, straw, humus.

Advice. Regularly remove dried inflorescences from the bushes. This will not only give the flowerbed a neater appearance, but will also stimulate the appearance of new buds.

With the end of the flowering period and the arrival of cold weather, when the above-ground part of the plant begins to die, the stems are cut at a height of about 10 cm from the ground. Winter care involves covering the plantings with sawdust and spruce branches. This is necessary in order to protect the buds from temperature changes, from which new flowers will develop again next season.

Fertilizer and feeding

In order for helenium to show itself in all its glory, it is necessary to fertilize the flower bed with the perennial three times a season:

  1. At the end of spring, the flower garden is fed with urea and potassium sulfate.
  2. During the flowering period, liquid mullein is used as a fertilizer - 3 liters of aqueous solution per 1 square meter. area.
  3. In October, in order to stimulate the formation of buds for the next season, the beds are fertilized with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. This will require about 5 liters of feeding per 1 square meter. flower garden

In addition, before planting, the area for growing helenium must be filled with organic fertilizers: compost, rotted manure.

Helenium propagation

Reproduction of helenium is carried out by seed and vegetative means. When propagating by seed, the seed can be sown directly into the ground or seedlings can be grown from seeds.

Helenium autumn

Reproduction through seedlings begins in February. For this:

  1. Within a month, the seeds are stratified in a humid environment, leaving them in the refrigerator or basement.
  2. Sowing is carried out in a container with loose soil.
  3. The container is kept in a warm place until shoots appear.
  4. Caring for seedlings involves regular watering.
  5. Picking is carried out when two true leaves develop on the seedlings.

Plants are moved to the garden bed in May.

Diseases and pests

Helenium is famous for its high resistance to diseases and pests. However, this representative of the Asteraceae family has a common enemy with Asteraceae, which can quickly lead to the death of many plants in open ground - this is the chrysanthemum nematode.

Caring for sick flowers involves cutting off damaged tissue. Plant residues must be taken outside the site and burned so as not to spread immediately. To prevent the cultivation of helenium from being overshadowed by such troubles, you should take preventive measures. In the fight against nematodes, an effective technique is adding slaked lime to the soil.

Helenium in combination with other plants

Combinations of helenium with other plants should be selected based on the fact that this flower is comfortable under conditions of abundant watering and sunlight. This type of care is suitable:

  • rudbeckia;
  • delphinium;
  • heuchera;
  • marigolds;
  • yarrow.

Study photos of varieties before planting flowers in a flower bed. This will help create a more harmonious combination of bright helenium and other variegated flowering plants.

Helenium hybrid

In this case, perennial crops should be placed so that they shade each other as little as possible. To do this, when growing flower beds with a multi-tiered scheme in open ground, the location of tall plants should be oriented to the north side. This approach will prevent the creation of unwanted shadows.

Helenium is a brightly flowering plant. And its plantings will become a bright decoration in landscape design. This is a medium height perennial crop. Therefore, it is suitable for decorating multi-level flower beds and mixborders in open ground. Here they are given the place of plants of the second level - between tall flowers and ground cover perennials.

Individual tall heleniums can also become a background in landscape design for flowers with contrasting blooms or decorative deciduous plantings - hostas, ferns. In addition, due to their height, these varieties perfectly mask the unsightly walls of outbuildings and aged fences in the garden.

Helenium in landscape design

Lush, low-growing helenium bushes effectively frame garden paths. Such varieties act as borders in landscape design. They are also used to create colorful ridges along the walls. country houses. In order not to cause unwanted thickening, it is necessary to carry out propagation by division more often.

Growing helenium will bring a gardener a lot of joy. The flower does not require a lot of effort and attention on the part of a person, but the flowerbed decorated with it turns out just like in the photo glossy magazine in landscape design.

Helenium on a personal plot (video)

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Helenium is planted in the background of flower beds, near ornamental shrubs, fences, and buildings that need to be decorated with plants. Pairs wonderfully with perennial asters, blooming in autumn. The inflorescences are good in autumn bouquets.​

Its most famous representatives:

​Planting helenium in the garden is done in a pre-prepared hole, into which complex minerals and organic fertilizers. It is recommended to apply approximately 1 for each bush. Matchbox specialized mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. You can also add 1 - 2 cups of humus or matured compost. After planting helenium is completed, the soil is generously moistened with warm, settled water. Repeated watering is carried out after 12 hours. It will do better in fertile, moist soil. But it is not recommended to plant it in one place all the time, as it depletes the soil quite significantly. It is recommended to fertilize it 2-3 times during the summer.

Propagated by division and seeds. It is better to divide Helenium hybrid and autumn in May. Helenium divides easily; when dug, it breaks up into rosettes with roots.​

​Chipperfield Orange​


Helenium: planting and care, types and varieties, photos.

​. The reeds are yellow golden, the outside is orange-red, with a reddish border along the edges, the tubular flowers are yellow and brown. Flowering is abundant.

Helenium does not have a perennial rhizome. In Helenium, the stems and roots die off in winter. And the buds formed on the underground part of the stem form a rosette of foliage with roots.​

​There are many beautiful flowers that decorate summer cottages, but there is one that is recognized garden favorite in Europe. This is a sun-like, bright and beautiful helenium. The flower is well known to gardeners. It is unpretentious and easy to breed summer cottage. The perennial plant is native to North and Central America. Its stems are tough and durable. The flowers are very bright colors: yellow, red, variegated. Due to the variety of varieties, it is suitable for creating picturesque flower arrangements in flower beds or as a tapeworm (that is, it can be grown without mixing with other species). Helenium will look very impressive in both cases. Its flowering time is August.

Types, varieties of helenium

Helenium spring

​In this section you will find posts on the care, cultivation, watering, and propagation of Helenium. Community users share tips and secrets with each other. A huge number of photos.​

Helenium hybrid

Brassingham Gold - height up to 1 m, bright yellow flowers;

​The helenium autumnalis flower grows naturally in North America. People also call it the “sneezing plant.” Autumn helenium flowers can grow up to one meter in height. In August and November you can see flowers in the shape of heads with curved rays.​ ​When planning care for helenium, it is worth considering that this is a moisture-loving plant, so in hot weather it requires abundant watering. Plants are frost-resistant. However, if you do not take measures to transplant and shelter, then it may not survive the winter. Helenium flowers have one specific feature: buds, while still young, are formed annually higher and higher on the stem, eventually they can be seen above the soil, where they freeze. When preparing for winter, it is useful to mulch the flower with sawdust. These are the basic rules for caring for helenium.​Plant the plant in the background of flower beds, next to ornamental shrubs, singly or in groups, near buildings, fences. Helenium goes well with autumn blooming perennial asters. Beautiful inflorescences in bouquets. ​​"​

Helenium autumn


- plant 100 cm tall. Reed flowers are red-brown, and tubular flowers are yellowish-brown. Flowering occurs in July.​

It is this rosette that produces a flowering stem the following year. Therefore, helenium does not have a bush, but has independent plants. Helenium stems are straight, branched at the top, 1.6 m tall.​

To plant helenium in your garden, planting and caring for the flower requires the following. One of the main conditions for the successful development of a plant is regular watering, which should be plentiful. If the summer is hot and dry, especially do not neglect frequent watering of flowers. Plants need to be fed with fertilizers several times a season. ​The goal of our project is to exchange experience so that each project participant can learn how to care for a plant at home. Register.​ Bruno - height 1.2 m, golden brown-red;​Look at the photo of autumn helenium on this page further:​

Helenium can be propagated by seeds, rosettes or green cuttings. ​Multicolor garden plants, which are planted taking into account their botanical characteristics, can please the eye for an extended period of time. Let's look at helenium flowers, which are increasingly finding a place in the sun on garden plots. It is perennial and annual flower. Family - Asteraceae.​- plant up to 1.8 m tall, orange inflorescences, large, blooms in August. ​​"​

​Biedermeier​ ​North America is considered its homeland; it grows in swamps and damp meadows. ​ The leaves are arranged in an alternate order; they are lanceolate. Helenium inflorescences are baskets, they are solitary or collected in a corymbose inflorescence. The flowers are orange, yellow, brown, purple or bicolor; central ones are brown or yellow.​​Gelenium needs replanting. When the bushes grow strongly, they need to be moved to a new place. This is necessary, since the plant stems die off along with the roots every year. But renewal buds remain, which are located in the underground part. New, young rosettes develop from them. It is not advisable to transplant in the fall. If it is nevertheless planned to transplant helenium in the fall, planting and caring for it dictate compliance following rules. The stems of the plant must be cut off. Their height should be ten centimeters. When digging up bushes, you must protect the roots of the plant from damage.​

​Latest in blogs​ ​Butterpat - height 1 m, dark yellow;​ The petals have a reddish tint, almost burgundy. There is a slight yellowish tint at the tip of the flower cones. Helenium Rubincverg is an elegant plant that can decorate any flower garden. Looks great in group plantings in flower beds.​​Planting helenium can be done both before winter directly in the ground, and in spring period in seedling boxes. They usually grow in height, so it is possible to plant them close to each other (60-80 cm). The seeds germinate within 2-3 weeks, but only give color for the next season.​

​Introducing short description helenium flowers and some photos of this plant in in bloom. It grows naturally in Central and North America. It has shiny yellow petals that surround spherical brownish nugs that are coated with lightly golden pollen. The leaves are pointed. ​Grows in the mountain meadows of North America.​​. Baskets 4 cm in diameter; tongues brownish-red; tubular flowers yellow with brown. Blooms profusely.​​"​

​Rhizome perennial. Stems are branched, straight, up to 1.6 m tall, woody, strong, leafy.​ ​Among the perennials that bloom in autumn, you simply cannot ignore the charming helenium. Powerful bushes are strewn with inflorescences in red-yellow-brown tones, which are in harmony with other autumn colors.​ Helenium can be propagated by seeds. Since it is not whimsical, it is sown both in seedling boxes and in open ground. Seeds germinate within two to three weeks. You should expect the helenium to bloom, planting and caring for it in the manner described above, next season. Varietal plants are recommended to be propagated by division. The most suitable time is spring. You can also divide the bushes when transplanting, during flowering. To do this, cut the stems to speed up the development of renewal buds. To plant a flower, it is better to choose well-lit areas of the garden, although it will grow well in the shade. The soil should be moist, neutral and fertile.​​I bought a bush of flowers at the market. The seller called it "chocolate chamomile", then found out that correct name his helenium. The plant can become a decoration for any flower bed. It grows about 70 cm high. On each stem there is a small bouquet of chocolate daisies. Two years later, I divided the bush and replanted it. Now I have several growing...​

Helenium Gupesa

​Grimson Beauty - height 60 cm, yellow;​

Flowering lasts from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The length of the stem reaches up to 60 cm, sometimes even higher. The stems are tall and straight. Suitable for cutting and making bouquets.​

Gelenium location

The easiest way to reproduce of this flower– sockets. But remember that in the fall it is not recommended to divide it, since after this it will bloom later, and the roots will not have time to prepare for the cold. That's why best time This is what spring is for.​

Soil for helenium

​Inflorescences in the form of baskets (single or group). Along the edges of the baskets are flowers of yellow, orange or red shades. There are also central flowers in the basket. They are tube-shaped and have a brown or yellow tint.​

Helenium care

​plant 90 cm in height. The stems of Gelenium Gupes are straight, branched at the top. The foliage is oblong-lanceolate, dense, gray-green. Inflorescences are solitary, on long peduncles. Tubular and reed flowers are yellow. Flowering is abundant and lasts about 30 days. Bears fruit.​

Helenium propagation

​. Baskets 4 cm in diameter; the reeds are yellow with a red stroke, the tubular flowers are yellow. Gelenium "Biedermeier" 80 cm high. Blooms for about 40 days.​

Using helenium

Leaves are sessile, medium-sized. The inflorescences of autumn helenium are baskets, collected in apical corymbose inflorescences. Helenium autumnal has reed flowers that are yellow, red, and tubular flowers that are dark yellow. Flowering occurs in July and lasts 60 days.​


Helenium flowers: planting and care - Online magazine about garden and landscape design

​Perennial rhizomatous plant. Straight stems, 1 m tall. The foliage is dark green, lanceolate. Inflorescences 7 cm in diameter. Reed flowers of helenium are orange, tubular ones are brown. Flowering begins in mid-May and lasts about 30 days. In Siberia it can winter without shelter. Bears fruit.​

Description of helenium flowers and their photos

​If helenium grows in your garden, almost no care is required. The plant is not susceptible to diseases - fungal and bacterial, and is also not afraid of pests.​


​Riverton Jam - height 1 m, red-golden;​

The leaves are green in color and small. Grows up to 70 cm. The flowers are burgundy. Cold-resistant.​

Growing helenium from seeds: planting and care

It is not so difficult to propagate helenium from green cuttings. For this purpose, young one-year-old shoots, reaching a height of 10-15 cm, should be taken into circulation in the spring. It is advisable to cut off and root the upper part of the shoot 6-8 cm. For the best effect, it is advisable to cover the cuttings on top with jars. As soon as you see new leaves on the cuttings, remove the jars immediately. And on the remaining stem new shoots will sprout, which will then be useful for cuttings in the summer, or just leave them for flowering. After you have already planted the cuttings in a permanent place, carefully mulch them with peat or humus, and cover them with covering material.​

The plant produces flowers in August or September. Helenium blooms for quite a long time. Flowers on helenium can be observed for 6 weeks from July to the end of August. It reaches a height of up to 90 cm, and the area of ​​the bush occupies up to 60 cm. Suitable for cutting and bouquet arrangements.​

The plant is light-loving and tolerates partial shade.


​Available garden varieties with yellow-red flowers of different shades: ​

​This includes most of garden hybrids of unknown origin, but the main original species is the autumn helenium. Varieties differ in size, height, shape and coloring of inflorescences, timing and duration of flowering. For example:​

​Before the onset of cold weather, helenium is prepared for wintering. The bushes are pruned - quite short. This is necessary so that the plant’s shelter is not interfered with by its stems. Then the flower must be mulched with moss or sawdust and covered with lutrasil.

Helenium can be annual or perennial. I have a perennial plant, but despite this, the stems die off along with the roots by winter, which scared me very much when my plant’s first winter passed. In spring, a rosette of leaves forms from the underground part of the annual stem. The plant is tall 1.5 -1.7 cm. The stem is straight and branched ending...​

Helenium varieties

​Windley - height 80 cm, yellow-orange.​

Helenium spring and its photo

​Know that helenium grown using the above methods will bloom only after a year.​

Autumn helenium flowers and their photos

​Look at the photo of helenium flowers of various varieties:​

​Prefers fertile, well-cultivated neutral soil.​

Helenium Rubinzwerg


Helenium Gupesa

Gardeners have in vain forgotten the beautiful helenium, planting and caring for which does not pose any special problems. The flower is widely used by landscape and garden designers, as it has a rich variety of varieties and lush flowering.​

Helenium hybrid

​Aster family. It is believed that the clan is named after Helen, the wife of King Menelaus, who, according to legend, was kidnapped by Paris. More than 30 species are known. The plant is native to North and Central America. Heleniums - perennial or annual herbaceous plants that do not have perennial rhizomes. By winter, flowering stems and roots die off. By this time, the buds formed on the underground part of the stem form a rosette of leaves with roots, which gives rise to a flowering stem the following year. That is, Helenium is not a bush in the generally accepted sense, but closely seated individual plants. Straight stems up to 160 cm high are branched at the top. The leaves are lanceolate, the inflorescences are baskets. The marginal flowers of Heleniums are ligulate, orange, yellow, purple, brown or bicolor; internal ones are tubular, yellow or brown. Powerful bushes of heleniums are dotted with inflorescences in yellow-brown-red color scheme, in harmony with other autumn colors.​

​Grows in the mountains of North America. Reaches 90 cm in height. The stems are straight, branched at the top. The leaves are oblong, pointed, gray-green. The flowers of Gelenium Gupes in the shape of a trumpet and tongue are yellowish. Flowering lasts about a month.​

​Currently, there are numerous varieties of helenium in breeding, which differ in flowering periods, bud colors and their sizes. The following describes some common helenium varieties that can be grown on personal plot.​

To obtain early and long-lasting flowering, the seedling planting method is recommended. Growing helenium from seeds can be started on a windowsill or in a greenhouse from the end of March. To do this, light, structured soil with a high content of organic matter is prepared in advance. Helenium seeds are sown in small and shallow containers for growing seedlings. The first shoots appear after 2 weeks. Then they need to be planted in separate peat pots with a diameter of 4 - 5 cm. This procedure is carried out in the phase of 2 true leaves.

In hot weather it requires abundant watering. Responds well to feeding. The plant is winter-hardy, however, if you do not divide it for more than 3 years, the rosettes may freeze in winter. This is due to the fact that every year the helenium buds are laid higher and higher above the ground. It is necessary to divide helenium because of the rapidly growing bush, it depletes the soil.​

​ - golden yellow inflorescences. ​




​Helenium is native to North America. There are more than 30 species of helenium. Annual and perennial plants.​

Materials on Gelenium

​Perennials delight the eye every year. However, for a flower bed with mixed plants to look harmonious and beautiful, it is not enough to select perennials and plant them nearby. Only a skillfully selected combination of colors can turn a flower bed into a beautiful picture. One of critical roles in the design of a flower garden, the placement of plants according to their growth plays a role....​

Heleniums are light-loving, but tolerate partial shade. They prefer fertile, neutral, cultivated and moist soils. In hot, dry weather, plants need abundant watering. During the summer it is necessary to carry out 2-3 feedings. If plants are not divided for more than 4 years, the rosettes may freeze. It is also necessary to divide helenium because rapidly growing bushes deplete the soil. By shortening some of the stems in June, you can prolong flowering. Faded stems are cut to the ground for the winter. The plant propagates by dividing the bush and seeds. Young heleniums will bloom next year.​

Planting and caring for helenium in open ground does not cause any particular difficulties for most gardeners. Unpretentious plant does not require special attention. Flowers are planted in multi-tiered flower beds and as tapeworms. They look great against a green lawn. The stems of some types of helenium can reach 2 meters in height. You can hide an unsightly fence or small building behind them. To create for a plant optimal conditions, you need to know his preferences.

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    Description of the plant

    There is an opinion that the bright Helenium is named after the wife of the king of Sparta Menelaus - Helen the Beautiful. Her abduction became the cause of the long Trojan War. Probably, the yellow color of the plant’s petals evoked associations with the golden curls of a mythical beauty. But the version about the name of the flower in honor of the ancient Greek sun god Helios is considered more plausible. Red-yellow daisies in shape and color resemble the luminary of the day.

    The unusual flower belongs to the Asteraceae family. To date, more than 32 of its species are known. In the wild, Heleniums are found on the North American continent. Detailed description plants helps to understand the specifics of caring for them.

    The flowers do not have a perennial rhizome. At the end of autumn, the roots of the plant die off along with the peduncles and stems. Only the buds remain in the underground part of the annual shoot. By winter, small bushes with roots grow from them. From each such rosette a new plant is formed the next year. Independent flowers growing close to each other look like a single bush.

    Depending on the type of helenium, the height of its stems ranges from 80 cm to 180 cm. The inflorescences are baskets, the diameter of which can exceed 9 cm. They can be single or collected in corymbose inflorescences. In the middle of the flower there are brown, black or yellow tubular flowers. They are framed by marginal reed flowers. The plant will decorate the area with rich yellow, red, purple, bronze and black colors.

    Abundant flowering is observed from June until the first frost. Some species bloom as early as May. The color of the petals becomes brighter with the arrival of autumn, when other plants lose their colors.

    A characteristic feature of helenium is its strong, pleasant aroma. The flower spreads its fragrance throughout the garden, attracting bees and other insects.

    Helenium loves well-lit areas, but can also develop successfully in partial shade.

    Common types

    Flower growers grow several types of plants, which are divided into many varieties.

    Gelenium Gupesa (Hoopa) grows in its homeland in the mountainous regions of North America on rocks, and therefore has a developed rhizome. The height of the plant rarely exceeds 80 cm, but the baskets reach 10 cm in diameter. They are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences and have a rich Orange color. Gupes heleniums bloom already at the end of June - beginning of July.

    Helenium bigelow is rare. It grows up to 80-90 cm and has whole sharp leaves. It has straight and strong stems that branch at the top. Baskets reach 5-7 cm in diameter. The disc flowers are burgundy with a black-brown or dark yellow tint. The marginal reed petals have a golden-yellow surface. They are deflected down. Blooming of Helenium Bigelow begins in August and ends in September. It can withstand frosts down to 20 degrees. The plant loves open sunny areas.

    Helenium spring does not grow higher than 1 meter. This is an unpretentious and winter-hardy species that can successfully develop in Siberian conditions. The plant has shiny dark green leaves and large heads. Their diameter is 7 cm. Heleniums decorate the garden with orange reed and dark brown tubular flowers. The plant blooms at the end of May and blooms profusely until July. At this time, other bright and large flowers are just preparing to bloom.

    Helenium autumnal is the most popular in ornamental gardening. It reaches a height of 160 cm and blooms in August. The leaves of the plant sometimes have a hairy surface. The straight and strong stem literally becomes woody by autumn. In the upper part it branches, forming corymbose inflorescences. One stem can develop 15-20 flowers, the diameter of which is 6 cm. The marginal petals of the plant resemble a ballet tutu. The middle part of the basket has a convex spherical shape. Helenium flowers are simple, semi-double and double. They are painted in velvety warm shades of yellow, dark red and brown.

    Helenium hybrid gave gardeners the largest number of varieties and hybrids. The height of the plant ranges from 80-130 cm. The variety of shapes and colors of the hybrid baskets is amazing. They have a diameter of 4.5 cm to 8.5 cm. Flowering different varieties starts at different times.

    Popular varieties

    The unusual variety Lousder Vic was bred from the autumn species of heleniums. Plants grow up to 1 meter and bloom from July to October. The petals of the baskets rolled into a tube allow you to admire their outer pink-red side and inner yellow side at the same time.

    The variety Rubincwerg (Ruby Gnome) has ruby-red petals. The central part of the basket is convex and painted black. The diameter of the flowers is 3-6 cm. The height of the stems does not exceed 70 cm. Helenium Rubincwerg blooms from August to October.

    The Fiesta variety plant has red rings on its baskets. Interior The petals are yellow, and the middle is dark brown, almost black. Helenium Fiesta grows up to 1 meter.

    Helenium variety Chelsea has purple-red flowers. There are small yellow spots at the tips of the petals. The middle of the basket is convex, spherical. It has a yellow-brown tint. The plant blooms from July to September.

    In July, large orange-red baskets of Helenium Moerheim Beauty bloom. Their diameter is 6.5 cm. Flowering continues until October. The height of the plant exceeds 1.2 meters.

    The Gartenzonne variety belongs to the hybrid species. On its stems, reaching a height of 130 cm, red-yellow baskets with a yellow-brown center bloom in July.

    During the same period, the Goldlaktswerg variety begins to flower. The marginal petals of the baskets are colored brown-yellow. Their center has a yellow-brown tint. The plant rarely grows above 1 meter.

    At the same time as the Gartenzonne and Goldlakzwerg varieties, the perennial Helenium Granatstern blooms. Its stems rise above its fellows, reaching a height of 150 cm. The petals of the baskets are painted in red-brown garnet color. Their diameter is 5 cm. The center of the flowers is yellow interspersed with brown. Flowering ends in mid-September.

    Helenium Goldfux blooms profusely from late July to mid-September. The stems reach a height of 105 cm. Small baskets with a diameter of 4 cm are painted red-orange with splashes of yellow.

    The baskets of the Altgold variety have golden-yellow petals on the inside and orange-red on the outside. In the middle are tubular flowers of brown and yellow color. The diameter of the baskets is 4 cm. Heleniums bloom in early July and finish flowering after 40-45 days. The height of the stems does not exceed 90 cm.

    The issue of reproduction

    The easiest way to propagate the plant is by dividing the bush. This method is preferred by many gardeners. In May, the bush is dug up, divided into independent plants and planted in prepared soil.

    You can divide the bush into leaf rosettes in the fall, when the stems and peduncles die. They are planted in open ground. If you transplant rosettes too late, they may not have time to adapt to new conditions and will die after frost arrives.

    To grow helenium from seeds, they must be collected before the prolonged autumn rains. Otherwise they will rot. A sign of seed maturity are darkened baskets. If you have doubts about the timeliness of collecting seeds, it is better to buy them in a store.

    Seeds can be planted directly in open ground or in seedling containers. The seeds are planted in open ground in the fall, immediately after harvesting. The seedless planting method is best used in warm regions. In mid-latitudes it is more reliable to grow seedlings.

    Seeds should be planted in boxes in February-March. Before planting, stratification is carried out. Stratification refers to keeping seeds at a certain temperature. The procedure allows you to speed up germination.

    For stratification, the seeds are placed on the surface of moist soil poured into a box. You can use wet sawdust instead of soil. Then cover the container with a piece of polyethylene and place it in the lower part of the refrigerator. After 3-4 weeks, the container is placed in a warm, well-lit place. Optimal temperature for successful germination - 18-22 degrees. When the seeds sprout, the film is removed. After the first 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted. It is planted in late May - early June.

    Reproduction of helenium by seeds is not always successful due to their poor germination. In this way it is impossible to obtain a varietal plant. A flower grown from a seed will bloom only for 2-3 years.

    Sometimes heleniums are propagated by cuttings. The cuttings are cut in June and rooted in nutrient soil, having previously been treated with Kornevin. You can put the cuttings in water and wait for the roots to appear.

    For the plant you need to choose a well-lit place or an area in partial shade. It is advisable that Sun rays got to hellenium in the first half of the day. Water should not accumulate in the place where the yellow chamomile will grow. The moisture-loving plant does not tolerate excess moisture.

    Although the plant is unpretentious, it is better to choose a site with fertile, well-drained soil with neutral acidity. Before planting, you need to dig up the soil to the depth of a spade bayonet and remove all weeds from it.

    The hole for the plant should be 2 times the size of the earthen ball. Helenium should be replanted very carefully, trying not to damage the root system. Before plunging into the hole, the roots need to be immersed in water for a few minutes so that they are saturated with moisture.

    Plants are planted at a distance of at least 30-35 cm. It is not recommended to plant flowers more densely, since their root system grows quickly. It is advisable that at 1 square meter there were no more than 4-5 copies.

    After planting, the soil must be mulched with peat or humus. The recommended thickness of the fertilizer layer is 4-5 cm.

    Rules of care

    The plant needs to be watered regularly, not allowing the earthen lump to dry out. In hot weather, you need to pour a bucket of water under the flower once every 3 days. It is especially important to moisten the soil of a separate bush in a timely manner. Do not overwater the plant. Its roots can rot if there is excess moisture.

    To ensure air access to the root system, the soil around the bush must be loosened periodically.

    Every 3-4 years you need to plant rosettes.

    Tall stems must be tied to a support so that they do not lie down or break in windy weather.

    Fertilize the plant three times a year. Nitrogen fertilizing is carried out during snow melting. At the end of spring, humus or urea is added to the soil. During flowering, it is better to fertilize the soil with liquid mullein and add Agricola-7 (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

    Before the first frost, you need to cover the plant with sawdust or moss.

    The likelihood of freezing is higher for bushes that have not been planted for a long time. In a dense bush, the buds from which the stems grow in the spring form each year closer to the surface.