Shower      06/12/2019

Do-it-yourself double mattress. How to sew a foam mattress

Foam rubber is a filler that is made different ways, so manufacturers today have the opportunity to offer options for products made from it to suit every taste. Foam mattress you can choose hard or soft, more or less elastic, regular or orthopedic.

How to choose a quality mattress

In order for your purchase to provide good rest for many years, you need to choose a mattress with high-quality filling. The foam inside should be dense; this determines what loads it can withstand. There is a special hardness coefficient, but you can check it and in a simple way— see how quickly the foam straightens after deformation, and whether it cracks when pressed and stretched.

The density of the filler is of great importance so that the spine receives the necessary support during sleep and the body weight is distributed correctly.

When purchasing, preference should be given to well-known manufacturers with a good reputation, then the foam mattress will serve for a long time and effectively.

Advantages of a foam mattress

Mattresses made from foam rubber have a lot of positive characteristics:

The production of this filler is economical, so it is worth buying a cheap foam mattress if you want to buy something that is not inferior in quality to more expensive models for little money.

Making a foam mattress with your own hands

Don't rush to furniture store in order to purchase such a recreational accessory. The manufacturing technology of this item is so simple that it will not be difficult to make a foam mattress with your own hands.

For this you will need: foam rubber, fabric for the cover, sewing machine, scissors, thread, needles.

First, the mattress is marked on a piece of foam rubber. Then a pattern is made accordingly on the fabric intended for the cover, while a few centimeters should be left for allowances and seams. This mattress cover is sewn on sewing machine and put on the prepared foam rubber. For more convenient use, it is recommended to sew a zipper into it.

The main role of the cover is to protect the filler from external influences (contamination, rubbing, moisture). But, in order to give the mattress a more respectable and aesthetic appearance, the covering fabric must not only wash well, but also have a pleasant texture and beautiful colors.

Which mattress is better - cotton or foam?

Both cotton and foam products are in approximately the same price category. They also have many similarities positive qualities— lightness, compactness, ease of transportation. A significant difference is the fact that there is a possibility of the appearance of all kinds of microorganisms and mites. This is unsafe for health, especially for people prone to allergies. Over time, a foam mattress can become deformed, and cotton filling usually clumps into clumps.

In military units, medical and children's institutions, preference is mainly given to mattresses with foam filling, since it is the safest for health and easy to care for. Due to these properties, it is also recommended to use such accessories for baby strollers.

In order for the filling in the mattress to be distributed correctly, it should be turned over every 2 weeks for the first 3-4 months. Then you can do this once every 3 months.

The mattress should be aired monthly, leaving it exposed to air for at least 5 hours. Cleaning is easy with a regular vacuum cleaner. If there are any small stains, a sponge soaked in any upholstery cleaner or soapy solution. If the contamination is severe enough, then dry cleaning will be required, using special cleaning agents for such materials. If water gets on the mattress, wipe it with a dry cloth and dry it thoroughly. Only after this can you cover it with bed linen.

Foam rubber absorbs odors very well. This should be taken into account when carrying out repairs, disinfections and other activities involving the use of strong-smelling products. In such cases, it is better to wrap the surface of the mattress with a covering that does not allow air to pass through.

None of us can imagine how one can indulge in sleep and rest on bare ground or a hard wooden bed. Modern man accustomed to the fact that his body should lie on a soft base of one kind or another.

Most often we sleep on a mattress. Today we will reveal the secret of how you can make a mattress using various natural or artificial materials with your own hands.

If back in the last century the basis of this product was mainly various fillers plant or animal origin, then in a modern mattress the main component is a spring. It is she who provides comfort and convenience.

You won’t find many types of this wire element in modern beds. Each manufacturer constantly strives to prove that it is their development that most fully takes into account the characteristics of the human form and allows the body to take the most advantageous position from the point of view of rest.

And there are more and more enterprises producing these products on the modern market. The most responsible of them really spend a lot of money on studying the operating features of springs various forms, select their optimal ratio per unit area, experiment with various artificial and natural fillers.

Making a mattress using natural materials

At the same time, one of the main negative aspects associated with limiting the consumption of new generation mattresses is their fairly high price. We present to your attention a budget option products that can be made with your own hands for a private home or cottage, using both traditional and not quite traditional, or materials forgotten over time.

The mattress manufacturing process begins with fabric base- a cover of a certain size, which we will subsequently fill. To sew the shell, you need to prepare a sufficiently strong fabric. Moreover, it can be as traditional white, as well as any other, since the operation of the mattress is often carried out using bed linen.

From the prepared fabric, make a pattern for the details of the future homemade product. It will consist of two completely identical rectangular parts, the dimensions of which will depend both on the dimensions of the people who will use the product and on the type of bed. Let us remind you that according to the width, modern stocks are divided into single, one-and-a-half and double. Based on this, cut out the upper and lower halves of the mattress. In addition to them, prepare one or more narrow strips, the width of which will determine the height of the product, and the total length should not be less than the perimeter (the sum of the lengths of the sides) of the rectangular parts.

The cut parts must be connected to each other. To do this, first grind them down with pins,

Baste and sew with high strength threads. It is best to first perform this operation manually, securely fixing the parts together to avoid their mutual displacement.

This is necessary to achieve high quality work. A strong thread will help achieve maximum wear resistance of the joints of the fabric and the entire product as a whole. Of the most commonly used, it is recommended to use a linen seam for these purposes.

Don't try to put all the pieces together. Remember to leave one short side unstitched. You will need it to fill the mattress. It is best to make a neckline in this part that is closed with a zipper or buttons.

Traditionally, a mattress is designed to be as curvy as possible. To achieve this goal, we can recommend using a large list various materials. Remembering the fairy tale about the princess and the pea, try filling our product with down or feathers. Considering him required amount and the price of such materials, the cost of such a product will be many times higher than the cost of the most expensive factory product. Instead of poultry products, you can use other natural material– livestock product – sheep wool. It is also capable of retaining volume and has very high heat-retaining properties. Such a product can only be made for the cold winter period and if there is a sufficient amount of wool.

We suggest you pay attention to one, perhaps the cheapest, but at the same time not the worst material for stuffing a homemade mattress - hay. It consists of high-quality dried young herbs with an unforgettable natural aroma. And if you add 5-10% of dried mint, hop cones and other soothing plants to its composition, sleeping on such a product will bring you an unforgettable rest.

Selecting mattress filler

To fill the cover, we recommend using big piece clean polyethylene film, on which we lay the future mattress and gradually compact the dried herbs into it. Using straw or mature grass for these purposes is not advisable, as hard stems can ruin the overall feeling of relaxation.

It is better to carry out work on filling the mattress while wearing work gloves and clothing with long buttoned sleeves. Otherwise there is no avoiding minor scratches, appearing in large numbers on your hands.

If there are agricultural processing enterprises in the immediate vicinity of your location, you can fill the mattress, for example, with buckwheat husks or other similar material.

Instead of natural filler, you can also use chemical products in the form of a recently introduced wool substitute - padding polyester. It is light, soft and non-allergenic.

After completing the steps listed above, you will become the owner of a unique product that will give you an unforgettable vacation and arouse the interest of your acquaintances and friends.

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If the mattress has become unusable, and for some reason you do not want to buy a new one, there is nothing else to do but make a mattress with your own hands. At the same time, you can significantly save money, since you will only have to spend money on purchasing materials for the filler and cover.

Is it worth making an orthopedic mattress yourself?

Today, there are a huge number of manufacturers on the market for sleep products, offering all kinds of orthopedic models, options with memory effect, children's models, spring and springless. Among this variety, you can choose the most suitable one both in terms of quality and price.

However, even taking into account all kinds of promotions and discounts, the price of the simplest orthopedic mattress in the store is higher than the cost of the materials that serve as filling. If you are willing to spend your time and make an orthopedic mattress with your own hands, you will be able to save a lot. In addition, the advantages of such a product will be:

  • Natural materials (you will know exactly what is included in the filler and what glue was used in production);
  • A removable cover made of pleasant fabric that can be washed or replaced (not all mattresses have a removable cover; creating a product yourself, you can provide everything necessary for ease of use and care);
  • The ability to choose any combination of fillers depending on your preferences for softness; you can also make an orthopedic mattress double-sided with a soft and hard side; such models in stores are usually expensive.

What materials are required for manufacturing

If you don’t yet know how to make a mattress with your own hands, decide what type of filling you need and what the product will be used for: for a bed with slatted bottom, or a lightweight version made of padding polyester for a folding bed, a foam mattress to replace the old one that was sagging and out of shape.

To make it you will need:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Fabric from which the cover can be made (cotton or jacquard);
  • Sharp scissors for cutting filler materials;
  • Roulette;
  • Special glue for gluing filler materials;
  • Filler.

If you want to make a mattress from foam rubber with your own hands, this is perhaps the most economical and simple option, since foam rubber can be easily purchased at any construction market or repair store. It is important to pay attention to such an indicator as the density of foam rubber for a mattress.

As a rule, foam rubber has a density from 25 to 40 kg/cub.m. The density indicator is indicated by numbers in the marking, and hardness is also indicated here, which directly depends on the density. There are standard inexpensive brands of SL foam rubber, with a higher density EL, which can withstand weights of up to 100 kg, and elite brands HR and VE, which designate latex foam rubber, or artificial latex. The choice depends on your weight and budget.

Foam rubber is used in the production of most models of leading brands, but in the description of the filler the material is called polyurethane foam (PPU), in fact it is the same thing. The foam mattress itself does not have orthopedic properties, so in addition to polyurethane foam, spring blocks or a layer of coconut coir are used in the filler. A foam mattress has a low price, the material quickly regains its shape, is moisture and vapor proof, lightweight, easy to use and care for.

In addition to foam rubber, latex is also used as a filler.

Latex – natural material, it provides ventilation and creates conditions for ideal comfort, on the one hand softness, on the other full support.
Its individual areas are independent, which is very suitable for double beds. However, the cost of the material is much higher than the price of foam rubber.

To make an orthopedic mattress with your own hands, spring blocks, coconut coir, padding polyester, natural latex, felt, which is used as a layer separating the spring block and foam rubber, can be purchased in specialized stores offering materials for upholstery.

Instructions: how to make a mattress yourself

Making a product with your own hands involves several stages of work:

  • It is necessary to measure the old mattress and determine the parameters of the product, purchase materials for the filler and the fabric from which the cover will be sewn, the right size and cut off the excess using sharp scissors;
  • If you are making a removable orthopedic mattress that will be stored in a closet during the day, it is better to make a model divided into several parts, a folding version. To do this, the foam rubber is cut into 2-3 pieces across;
  • To sew the cover, cut out the two main parts and the side along the width of the mattress, leaving allowances for sewing the parts together. It is better to make a cotton cover with a zipper or overlapping buttons. The width of the cover depends on the number of layers and the sum of their widths;
  • If you are making a thin, removable option from padding polyester, you first need to sew a cover like a duvet cover and insert filling instead. The product can be made quilted;
  • If your future product consists of several layers, you need to assemble this “pie” by gluing the layers with special furniture glue, you need to choose environmentally friendly and safe glue;
  • Using the Bonnel spring layer, you need to make layers of felt on each side, then use a layer of foam rubber on top and bottom; you can choose polyurethane foam with different hardness for the top and bottom layers to make a double-sided option. It is better to add a layer of padding polyester to one side.

A mattress is a soft bed base that can be with or without a frame. It comes in several types, but in everyday life, only two are most often used - spring and stuffed. In our article we will talk specifically about spring types, which, in turn, are divided into two types.

  • With a continuous weave of springs called Bonnell
  • With independent blocks of springs, which are considered orthopedic

The first type is more common. It is inexpensive, so it is very popular. The second type has greater capabilities, but is also more expensive. In any case, the subject of discussion consists of a spring block or shock-absorbing parts, a hard layer, a cover and a filler. The latter can be both soft and hard. As for the covering, it is better that it be made of natural fabric.

Products of this design can be found in any house or apartment. Many consider them outdated, but this in no way diminishes their popularity. And all because of the low cost. Mattress cushioning parts are made from a material such as hardened high-carbon steel. They are connected to each other using wire. The main disadvantage of bed elements of this type lies in the fact that they have extremely low orthopedic properties. This is because when you lie down on the bed, not just one spring responds, but all at once.

Mattress with independent springs

This type has higher comfort levels. The springs for them are made of the same steel, but their diameter is smaller and the number of turns is greater. These elements often resemble a cylinder in shape. Sometimes their edges may be narrowed. The advantage of this type is that the springs are not secured to each other. This improves the orthopedic effect. After all, each spring reacts to pressure independently of the others.

When does a mattress need repair?

Spring mattresses deteriorate most quickly outer skin. But the fillers for them are made from high-quality materials that have long term services. The average service life of a spring product is fifteen years. When it loses its functional parameters, you should not throw it away immediately. Bringing the product into proper shape is not so difficult. There are several reasons why a mattress begins to require urgent restoration methods.

  • Damage to the casing
  • Deformation of flexible elements
  • Filler wear
  • Violation of the structure

But this list can be expanded upon more careful inspection. of this subject. To repair a spring mattress with your own hands, there is no need to have special knowledge and skills. You just need to carefully follow the advice of more experienced specialists.

Stages of the recovery process

The work of bringing an old mattress back to life can be divided into several main stages.

1) Disassembly

2) Cleaning

4) Bringing damaged parts into the correct position

5) Reliable strapping of shock-absorbing parts

6) Checking the parts that have been repaired

7) Sheathing of the product

Materials and tools

To return a worn product to its proper form, you must use the following materials and tools.

1) New decorative trim

2) Lining fabric

3) Padding material

4) Hammer

6) Furniture stapler

7) Wooden slats

8) Durable but flexible lace

Stage 1. Clean and inspect the repair item

During active use of the product, quite a lot of small debris, that is, dust, accumulates inside it. That is why experts recommend doing disassembly on the street. If this option is not considered, then you will need a vacuum cleaner. With its help, all surfaces of the spring product must be thoroughly cleaned. It is advisable to remove all furniture and carpets from the room in which the renovation process will take place. IN as a last resort cover all objects in the room with oilcloth or similar material. Place the product on four stable benches so that the decorative trim is on the bottom. This will allow you to approach the repair item from all sides. Very carefully pull out all fastening parts from the mattress. After this, you need to remove the upholstery material and seal. The fabric that covers the springs also needs to be removed. Clean all elements with utmost care.

Stage 2. Inspect the parts

You must release the springs from the bindings. After this, you can begin to remove the nails from the base. These are what manufacturers use to secure the harnesses. Now you need to bring all the spring elements into a vertical position. Be careful! All springs must be the same height. All parts that are not held firmly or have come off completely must be securely attached to the slats with nails. Please note that if the mattress springs are attached using straps, then these straps must be removed. And the spring parts are secured using nails.

In general, all straps in our facility must be eliminated. It will be better if you use regular slats instead. The latter should have a length equal to the width of the mattress. To secure them, you need to make preliminary markings on the body.

Stage 3. Attach the slats

Before getting rid of the frame's fastening tape, mark on its surface the places where the tape was placed. After this, you need to carefully remove the nails and remove the old straps. Now you need to prepare the slats of the required size. Then, according to the markings made, you must carefully cut out the grooves for them. After this, the slats are very carefully nailed on both sides to the base. Next, you can install the spring elements in their previous position. If necessary, straighten them and secure them with nails. The latter are bent on both sides to ensure high reliability of fastening.

Stage 4. We tie the springs

When the springs are securely fixed to the frame, you can start tying them. You need to drive nails against each row of springs. You need to bend them into hooks. At this stage it was the turn of the laces. It is with their help that the strapping will be carried out. First, start with the cross row. First you must tie the outermost springs to the hooks. After this, tie the entire longitudinal row in exactly the same way. In the process, the lace is also secured to the transverse laces. To finish the process, you must tie it diagonally. When the tying process is completely finished, you should bend the nails all the way to the base.

Stage 5. Let's start covering

Before you begin the process of covering the mattress with lining fabric, you must make sure that everything important details installed correctly. Once everything has been checked, you can start working on the casing. To do this, use furniture stapler. Place the material in the corners with a gusset to secure them additional protection. After this, secure the rollers to the lining base. They can be made from the material that is used for sealing. To ensure reliability, the seal must be attached to the lining in several places at once. Decorative fabric is stretched over all this, which is firmly fixed using the same stapler. Remember to gently pull up the edges of the fabric to avoid any holes or wrinkles.

As for the orthopedic spring mattress, resting on it is not only comfortable, but also useful. But such a product also does not last forever and can wear out. But don't rush to buy a new mattress. It is quite possible that the old one can still be repaired. An orthopedic product is repaired in the same way as a regular one.

That's all. A product renewed and repaired in this way will serve you for many more years. The mattress repair process will not require you to large quantity money. But purchasing a new one can cost you a pretty penny.

How to extend the life of a mattress

It is clear that one mattress is unlikely to last you a lifetime. Over time, it will still need repairs. But we note that the moment when there is nowhere to go can be delayed for a very decent period. To do this, you need to use this piece of furniture with the utmost care. Try to avoid situations that could damage it.

  1. You need to buy a mattress according to your weight
  2. Don't let children jump on the bed\
  3. Never eat or drink while lying on the bed
  4. Be sure to let the item dry and ventilate in the fresh air at least once a year.
  5. The mattress should only be placed in the places intended for it
  6. To prevent the decorative covering of the mattress from getting dirty, use additional removable covers

If you carefully follow all these simple rules of operation, then your mattress will serve you for many years, and its repair will not be needed very soon. This is a guarantee that your sleep will be healthy and sound.

The article was prepared with the help of specialists from the Sleep Laboratory.
Website: - Online mattress store.

Video. Spring mattress repair

Video. Do-it-yourself mattress repair and reupholstery

In this world, unfortunately, nothing is eternal. The same applies to mattresses, which over time begin to lose their original characteristics. They sag or bulge in some places. Sleeping on such mattresses is no longer very comfortable. So you decide to buy a new one.

What should those whose financial situation does not allow them to purchase another mattress do? Or for those who love original and unusual things? There is a way out - make a mattress with your own hands.

It is clear that you will not be able to build an orthopedic mattress on your own. But still, you will definitely be able to reconstruct the old one and make it more convenient.

Before you begin this peculiar procedure, you need to prepare. First, set aside free time for work. And secondly - stock up necessary material. You will need:

  • padding - your choice;
  • strong threads
  • sewing machine

If you are going to reconstruct a stationary mattress, then in addition to everything you need to prepare:

  • wooden slats,
  • springs,
  • arm yourself with big nails,
  • hammer,
  • and of course, with a stapler.

First you need to decide on the padding, that is, what kind of material you want to use.

To do this, you need to know exactly how you will use your mattress in the future - whether it will be removable or stationary. As a rule, for removable models they use soft padding (foam rubber, synthetic padding), which allows them to be easily folded during operation.

Step-by-step process of working with a removable mattress

So, spread the foam rubber on work surface, and apply the markings you need. You can use two options: cut the foam rubber lengthwise into two parts or leave it as a whole piece, and also cut the foam rubber into 2-3 squares. This way, it will be easier to fold it, pack it and put it in a secluded place if you do not intend to use it constantly.

This option is very convenient as a spare, for example, for guests. For the procedure of cutting foam rubber, it is better for you to use the help of a friend who will help you stretch the material, and at that time you can carefully cut it according to the markings.

So, the foam rubber is prepared, all that remains is to correctly cut out the blank for the cover. Remember to allow allowance for the seams as well as the thickness of the padding itself. Take the correct measurement of the foam piece and allow a few centimeters on each side.

A good alternative is a removable cover, which can be easily removed for washing during use. To do this, you still need to leave 20 cm along the length of the pattern, which in the future will act as an overlap. You can sew Velcro tape or a zipper to the overlap area - at your discretion.

Let's start sewing the cover. The process must begin with cross sections. After this, sew the cover lengthwise, placing the corners in the middle. Unfold it with the seams in the middle and put it on the prepared foam rubber. If yours is not removable, sew the raw edge with a sewing machine or by hand.

If you prefer soft padding or synthetic padding, then first you need to sew a cover.

In this case, you need to carefully measure the size of the bed and add to this the thickness of the future mattress. Make the pattern according to your measurements, leaving seam allowances. Sew the seams using a sewing machine and the cover is ready.

Fill it with soft upholstery, keeping in mind that it will soon begin to fill and become thinner. To prevent it from getting into clumps, it is recommended to stitch the mattress in several places with strong thread, attaching dense pieces of fabric to both sides. Such mattresses are softer, and their service life is much shorter than their foam rubber counterparts.

How to reconstruct a stationary mattress with your own hands?

Now let's consider the option of creating with my own hands stationary mattress with springs. Let's say your old mattress has worn out. Here and there springs stick out, the cover has already acquired an unkempt appearance, and you decide to dramatic changes– reconstruct the mattress.

Here you can do two things - tighten the old springs with strong twine, replace some of them, change the padding and, if possible, the cover. But you can radically reconstruct your mattress, and ultimately, find a completely new product - one that you made yourself. Such things are most valuable!

To do this, prepare spring blocks, the number of which must correspond to the required size. Place them in a vertical position. Make sure that the outer level of the springs is level. You need to attach their lower part to 2-centimeter slats, the width and thickness of which are no more than 7 cm. Prepare nails and drive them into the end side of your sleeping pad at the level of all spring rows. Start tying the springs.

First of all, the transverse row. Then along the row and finally diagonally. Check the upper level of the springs again - it should be level! At this stage, lay the material prepared in advance on top. Almost any will do thick fabric. Place padding, such as padding polyester. And, the last layer is the upholstery. It is better to fix it with a furniture stapler.

The mattress is ready!

That's all - your homemade mattress is ready! The best part is that you were able to do it yourself, spending a little time on the process, while saving a lot from a financial point of view. In addition, you sewed a mattress cover from a fabric whose colors you and your family like.

You no longer need to run around the shops looking for the color you need - this also has its advantages. And don’t despair if on the first try you didn’t manage to do everything the way you would like. Any business requires practice, and you have already passed the first stage. Now you can offer your help in reconstructing mattresses with your own hands to your loved ones, relatives and friends. Enjoy your holiday.