Mixer      07.03.2020

How to make a bottle fence with your own hands. A budget option for a garden fence made of plastic bottles. More about the fence from the covers

Deposits of used plastic containers in the country - an eternal problem. Of course, you can burn it, but you don’t want to poison it fresh air, who rarely manage to breathe, acrid smoke! Therefore, we will try to find a worthy use for it. For example, let's think about how to make a fence from plastic bottles.

Of these, they have long been making the most different crafts- decorative and quite utilitarian, so why not use them as building material for fencing a garden plot, or at least part of it?

How to use bottles

Food grade plastic made from disposable tableware and bottles, a fairly durable material that is not destructible from exposure to moisture, sun, high or low temperatures and other environmental influences. Therefore, it is great for the construction of not only fences, but also various other street buildings. For example, original gazebo, canopy or greenhouse.

Most often, cylinders are used as is - entirely, with stoppers. But they can be cut lengthwise, by removing the bottom, into several pieces - shtaketin. Or you can take only bottoms or corks and decorate an old wooden fence with them.

There are many options, but if you are faced with the dual task of building a fence and recycling plastic cylinders, then we will consider only those that involve " non-waste production". Be sure that .

Most likely, your stocks will not be enough for you, and you will either have to replenish them by visiting friends and acquaintances, or to build in stages, as new bottles spontaneously appear on the site and in its vicinity.

Types of "bottle" fences and methods of their construction

Fences from plastic bottles can be very different both in appearance and purpose.

  • The easiest option is to fence flower beds, flowerbed, garden paths, their visual selection.

  • Frame fence. Light, transparent or translucent (depending on the color of the bottles), serving more as a decoration than a reliable barrier to uninvited guests.
  • capital fence- the most expensive option, involving the use of a binder solution. But the price of cylinders filled with sand or earth is, nevertheless, incomparable with the cost of brick or stone, so we will consider this option as well.

Making a fence from plastic bottles with your own hands is quite simple. Although, as elsewhere, there are nuances in the construction of a fence from such material. They will help to understand the instructions and photos. finished works hedges from plastic bottles.

Types of bottle fences

The minds and hands of craftsmen created several types of fences from plastic bottles. The most famous three are:

  • low ;
  • capital building.

Flowerbed in the country

Before starting the installation of a fence made of plastic bottles, it is necessary to stock up on a large amount of PET. As a rule, the task is simplified by making such a request to the neighbors. One plastic is not enough, you will also need Consumables, such as:

  1. bonding solutions.
  2. bottles on her.

small fence

PET bottoms resemble flowers. Neatly decorated, they will look interesting. Flowerbeds from plastic bottles are created quickly and easily.

Since paints tend to fade and wear out over time, it is recommended to paint them from the inside.

Beautiful flower bed

Installation is simple and does not take much time. To understand in more detail how to make a fence from plastic bottles, step-by-step instructions will help.

Fencing installation scheme

So, it is necessary:

1. Outline the contours of the future hedge on the ground. It is built both in a straight line and with curvilinear outlines. For the first case, you need to pull the thread from corner to corner. For the second - sprinkle the contours with sand.
2. Dig small trenches.
3. Fill them with a layer of gravel or sand and compact them thoroughly. Thanks to this, there will be no distortion in the fence, it will not sag.
4. To maintain mechanical integrity, each container is filled bulk materials. In some variations, they are replaced with water.
5. The bottles are exposed with their necks down, covered with earth and rammed. To create the same height of the fence, check the evenness with a level or rail.

garden fencing

decorative fence suitable for decorating the garden, as well as for limiting paths on the site.

Strong fence

Then PETs of the same colors are inserted here, which, if the builder wishes, form ornaments or whimsical patterns. Structures of this type are refreshing appearance any, and bring new notes to the garden.

Meter PET fence

Before you decorate the garden with a new building, you will need to make a supply of the largest possible number of plastic containers. After all, each will end up with at least five of them.

Once this condition is satisfied, the bottles are cleaned by tearing off the labels, washing them out. Of the five containers in four, the bottom is cut off. After that, all the trimmed bottles are put on top of the remaining whole balloon.

Fence manufacturing scheme

After doing this, you need to make a hole in the middle, starting from the top of the structure and to the very bottom. In diameter, this hole should match the wire. It is then inserted into this hole.

Then, when a sufficient number of spans are ready, they are assembled on a wire frame. Accordingly, the number of shtaketin directly depends on the length of the finished fence.

Finished fencing

Prepared spans are welded by welding or strengthened.

The frame can be made of wood, covers are screwed to it with screws. The balloons themselves are screwed into them.

Dividing the site into zones

Small borders are often used in summer cottages to divide flowers or territory into several zones. A small hedge of cylinders is convenient for these purposes. Cylinders are dug halfway into the ground, leaving their lower halves above the ground.

Even an inexperienced master will quickly do it on his own. It must be made heavier by filling the containers with soil or other bulk material.

Fence in the country

Cover fence

A fence made of corks from plastic bottles will highlight garden plot due to its originality and uniqueness. Flowers are planted along its edges for beauty. There are no identical works of this kind, it all depends on the imagination of the craftsman. Top class- lay out whole multi-colored paths with corks.

A recycled fence can become not only decorative element dachas or country house, but also an excellent alternative to expensive fencing made of metal profiles, wood, concrete slabs, brick, stone and other traditional materials. Let's see what improvised means you can use to build a fence to give your own hands to the envy of your neighbors.

The choice of improvised materials from which to build a fence: their advantages and disadvantages

The construction of a fence from improvised means involves the use of waste that must be disposed of or materials that are available in large quantities and are suitable for the construction of such structures. Let's see what kind of fences can be built from plastic and glass bottles, old tires and tires, vines, pallets, etc.

Glass bottles

Fences made of glass containers can be found in many places, since for a long time this "material" has become very popular among craftsmen. To work with bottles, you will need washed sand, cement and clay.

Currently, there are several options for building a fence of glass bottles:

First option. Bottles are stacked in a row horizontally, across the fence wall. In the process of laying the direction of the container, it is necessary to alternate the "neck to the bottom". Thus, we can make a fairly strong fence with "thick" walls (the length of the bottle).

Second option. All bottles are stacked with the bottom out and the neck inside the yard. Thus, by choosing the color and shape of the bottle, you can form a certain pattern. Cement mortar is used as a binder.

Third option. The erection of a fence of empty bottles strung in a certain order on steel pins (reinforcement). To do this, a small hole is drilled or cut out in the bottom, and each bottle is strung on a metal rod. Everyone can choose the method of stringing at their discretion. It turns out a good decorative fence.

The first two fence options can perform a protective function, and the third one can only be decorative. Such fences are quite durable, since the bottle glass is thick and durable, and the cement mortar will serve as an additional "fastener". The strung bottles can be easily broken, but they can also be easily replaced with others.

PET (plastic) bottles

There are several ways to build a capital and decorative fence from PET bottles. To build a strong and reliable fence will have to spend a lot of time. Sand or clay must be poured into each bottle, and then laid in rows and fixed with a cement-clay mortar (cement - clay - sand in a ratio of 1: 3: 6).

For the construction of a decorative fence for a flower bed or garden, you only need a few pins driven into the ground and a wire, on which the bottles will be strung in one or more rows.

You can also do wooden frame, inside which there will be bottles filled with sand and fastened to each other in a certain order.

Advantages of bottle fencing: long term services, ease of construction, low cost of material. A fence made of plastic containers that is not bonded with cement mortar can be easily damaged, so it is mainly used only for decorative purposes.

Plastic lids

To create a decorative fence from covers, you need to collect about 15-20 thousand of them. This a large number of, but finding covers will be easy enough. But the work of creating a fence will not be easy and painstaking. Holes will need to be drilled in each cover, and then everything will be strung on a wire in a certain order in order to get a kind of pattern.

You can make a frame out of wood, and then screw it onto its facade with self-tapping screws plastic lids creating a beautiful pattern.


old car tires can be found with every driver and at the service station. If you try, you can collect enough tires for free to build a capital or decorative fence for a country house.

During the construction of the fence, the tires are laid horizontally next to each other and fastened together with screws. Then the next row is laid in a checkerboard pattern, which is screwed to the bottom. As a result, all tires should be firmly fastened to each other. Soil is poured inside each tire.

In the resulting fence in each tire there will be so-called "pockets" in which you can land various ornamental plants for beauty.

Such a fence will turn out to be strong and reliable and will serve until the tires become unusable under the influence of precipitation, the sun and other factors. But since the rubber from which tires are made contains durable substances, such as rubber, soot, resin and other plasticizers, their service life is quite long.


From pallets you can build not only country furniture or gazebos, but also build fences. Wooden pallets are great for building any type of fence. Of these, you can make a major fence around the entire site. To do this, you will need to install supporting pillars along the entire perimeter, concrete them, and then stuff pallets on them in a certain order or screw them special self-tapping screws. You can simply dismantle the pallets and build a fence from individual elements.

Gallery of improvised fences

Glass bottle fence metal frame Wattled wicker fence Decorative fence - wattle Original dry bush fence Fencing for the front garden natural stone Decorative fence made of wagon wheels Fence from plastic bottles for giving Decorative fence made of plastic bottles and chain-link mesh Fence made of plastic caps with an ornament

Preparation for construction: area calculation

We will build a fence from PET bottles, as they allow you to choose any type of fence.

  • For laying a capital fence, we need cement mortar and 100 plastic bottles (per 1 sq. M. Area).
  • A decorative sectional fence will require 30 bottles (per 1 sq. M.) And strong wire or metal rods.
  • For fencing small flower beds and front gardens, about 10 bottles (per 1 linear meter) are needed.

The fence can be built from any PET bottles. The main thing is that they be the same in size and shape in order to avoid deformation of the structure.

If you collect bottles of various colors, you can build a fence with an original pattern or ornament.

  • Plastic bottles must be selected only in good condition: without damage, dents or other defects.
  • Before starting work, it is recommended to wash all bottles and remove labels from them. It is best to use bottles made of durable plastic.
  • For the construction of a capital fence, a certain amount of cement, washed sand and crushed stone will be required.

Advantages of plastic (PET) bottles as a building material:

  • Availability and cheapness. You can collect or find bottles for the fence yourself in a few months. And if you buy a lot of mineral water or lemonade in the summer, then you will have the right amount in a week.
  • Strength, elasticity and lightness. From PET bottles you can build the most various designs resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Water and moisture resistance. Plastic bottles are not afraid of water, resistant to the development of fungi and mold. They don't fade in the sun. When in contact with fire, the plastic will only melt.
  • Plastic bottles have good thermal insulation characteristics.


  • Plastic can be severely deformed by temperature changes. In the hot sun, it can greatly shrink and decrease in size, and crack in the cold.
  • Some consider plastic not an environmentally friendly material, but everyone has a personal opinion on this issue. Since plastic products surround us everywhere, a fence made of PET bottles is unlikely to do much harm. environment and people's health.

Calculation of material for construction

  • To build a strong fence 20 meters long and 1.5 meters high, we need about 3,000 plastic bottles if we build a fence in one row.
  • If you want to build a small decorative sectional fence around the front garden, then for a 10-meter fence 1 meter high, you will need 300 bottles.
  • For a low fence of a flower bed, with a circumference of 6 meters, we need about 60 bottles.

We may also need wooden and metal poles for the installation of supports. When installing every 2 meters for a ten-meter fence, we need 6 bars - 2 meters long.

To create a frame, wooden boards of 10 or 20 pieces are needed, depending on the method of attaching the fence. The size of the boards is 2 meters.


You won’t need many tools to build a bottle fence, as you will have to work more with your hands.

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Trowel, spatula;
  • Building level;
  • Roulette;
  • Plumb.

Do-it-yourself plastic bottle fence - step by step instructions

capital structure

  1. We will make a fence around the house. To begin with, we need to make some kind of “bricks” out of bottles. Pour sand or ordinary earth into each bottle and close them with a lid.
  2. We mark the place where the fence will pass, and remove debris, grass and other vegetation from the territory. We level the site and, if necessary, arrange a small strip foundation. To do this, we dig a shallow trench, make a formwork and fill it concrete mortar in the ratio: 1 part of cement, 3 - sand and 5 gravel. Before pouring, we dig in metal or stone pillars at a distance of 1-2 meters from each other. This is necessary for greater structural strength.
  3. We prepare a binder solution. It may be different. For example, an engineer from Germany, Andreas Froes, who is the developer of the ECO-TEC technology, advises using a mixture of clay, soil, sawdust and cement for the construction of various structures from plastic bottles. Such a solution will turn out to be the most durable and, most importantly, the cheapest. But you can use ordinary cement of the lowest grade.
  4. We lay the bottom row on the prepared foundation. We put the first row of the fence on the solution very tightly. The back of the bottles should "look" at the street. Thus, in a checkerboard pattern, we lay row after row until we build the entire fence. Its height should be no higher than 1.5 meters, otherwise the design will be unreliable.
  5. After the masonry is completely dry, the facade of the fence must be plastered, leaving the bottoms of the bottles in sight. If you lay bottle "bricks" of various colors, you can make a beautiful pattern or mosaic.


  1. We install along the entire length of the future fence wooden poles. You can just bury them in the ground and tamp well. And you can pour concrete for greater reliability.
  2. From wooden planks we assemble the frame. Its size is calculated depending on the number and width of the bottles. Between the side parts of the frame inside we fasten longitudinal jumpers. The distance between them should be equal to the height of 2 bottles.
  3. After that, on the jumpers with the help of self-tapping screws, we fasten the covers at a certain distance from each other. When everything is ready, we simply screw the bottles to the screwed caps with the bottoms to each other.
  4. Then we insert the resulting sections between the supporting tables and fasten them with special screws or other hardware.
  5. You can simply pull a strong wire onto the frame, make holes in the bottles and string them in a certain order. Such a fence will be an interesting decorative solution.

Low fence for flower beds

Construction on fittings

  1. We will make a meter-long fence on rebar. For this we take metal pipes and we dig them into the ground along the entire length of the fence at a certain distance. If desired, the supports can be concreted.
  2. Next, we take required amount bottles at the rate of 5 pieces per rod. In four bottles we cut off the bottom, and the fifth remains intact. Thus, we do this procedure with all the material.
  3. Then, one by one, we put on all the cut ones on the whole bottle as shown in the figure.
  4. We do not throw away all the cut bottoms, as they will serve as a kind of separator between the rows of bottles. We string all the assembled columns on the reinforcement along with the bottoms as shown in the photo and fix it between the metal supports.

To finish the capital fence of the bottle "bricks" we need paint and whitewash. We can paint all the bottoms of the bottles that are still visible. oil paint in various colors, and simply whitewash the rest of the fence space.

In the same way, we can paint bottles on any decorative fence.

If you turn on your imagination, then you can make a real “work of country art” out of an ordinary fence. The bottles painted in different colors in the fence will certainly attract the attention of neighbors and people passing by.

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A fence made of colored plastic bottles will be a great solution for your suburban area if you decide to do something unusual and original. A capital fence made of plastic “bricks” can reliably protect your territory, and handmade decorative fences can decorate your clubs, flower beds and front gardens. Constructions from this "building material" will be inexpensive, durable and original.

Plastic bottles have long and firmly entered the lives of most people. Every week at least a few of these bottles are sent to the trash can. And they can lie in a landfill for many decades, and according to some experts - for centuries, polluting the entire planet and causing many problems for descendants.

It looks like a fence made of plastic bottles

Today, however, many people have found a solution to this problem. They not only do not send the bottles to the landfill, but also use them with considerable benefit for themselves. They are used in the manufacture of a variety of buildings, including fences. Of course, a fence made of plastic bottles looks very unusual and even eccentric. But a lot of people love it.

As a result, the popularity of such unusual fences is growing quite rapidly. More and more often, both in small villages and in large towns and even in the private sector of cities, you can see fences made exclusively from plastic bottles.

For some, the decision to build a fence out of plastic bottles may seem extremely unusual and even indecent. But still every year such fences are becoming more and more common. What is it connected with?

Colorful fence made of plastic bottles

First of all, it is economy. Still, in order to buy a sufficient amount of bricks, wooden boards, or even, you need to spend from several thousand to several hundred thousand rubles. Not to mention that. Plastic bottles can be collected completely free of charge.

As practice shows, it is enough to ask relatives, acquaintances and work colleagues not to throw away bottles, but to keep them, with a promise to pick them up if possible, so that several dozen bags of bottles accumulate in your garage, dacha or barn in a few months.

Pay attention - you do not have to pay a single penny for them!

Not less than an important factor is durability and reliability. These characteristics of food-grade plastic used in the manufacture of bottles have long become a legend.

The use of food grade plastic in the fence

Plastic without harm to itself withstands compression and strong blows, high humidity can in no way harm it, and frequent temperature changes and direct Sun rays this material does not seem to notice. Therefore, you can be sure that a properly erected fence can easily serve you for many decades.

Do not forget about originality. Many people are willing to spend a lot of money to make their site or site visible and stand out from others. Well, a fence made from bottles will definitely highlight your site, successfully contrasting with iron and stone fences. So, the use of plastic bottles can be called very good decision. It will also be, because you will not spend money on its creation and construction.

What fences can be built from bottles

Today, craftsmen make the most beautiful products from plastic bottles. different types fences - from tiny, decorative fences, suitable only for marking the borders of a flower bed, to capital fences that can protect your site from the entry of unwanted guests.

Read also

How to make a gate in a fence

Scheme of mounting plastic bottles in the fence

Have you decided to ennoble your flower bed, making it more well-groomed and attractive? Dial a sufficient number of identical bottles, fill them with earth or sand. Now dig a small ditch around the perimeter of the flower bed, about 20 centimeters wide and about 30 centimeters deep. Set the bottles in the ditch with their neck down, close to each other, and cover them with earth.

It is advisable to select bottles not only of the same size and shape, but also in color. If necessary, the bottoms of the bottles sticking out of the ground can be painted in suitable color. You will be surprised how much more attractive your flower bed has become.

Or maybe you need a more serious plastic fence? Then dig several posts around the perimeter of your site with a distance of 2 to 2.5 meters. Prepare steel wire. Now it remains only to carefully pierce the bottles near the bottom and closer to the neck, and thread the wire through the holes.

Assembling a fence from bottles using wire

String the bottles on the wire, trying to fit them close to each other. When the wire is filled with bottles to the same length as the distance between the posts, it is enough to wrap the wire around the post and continue working. As a result, you get an unusual, durable fence that the wind will surely not be able to knock down.

At the same time, it can transmit light (if you do not use brown and green bottles). It is also important that you can use as many rows of bottles as you see fit, creating a fence with a height of 30 centimeters to infinity.

If you want to get a more serious fence that intruders cannot overcome, then the plastic bottle fence will not let you down again. Stock up on the right number of bottles - it is relatively easy to calculate the approximate amount, knowing the height and length of the fence.

long fence

Try not to use bottles without corks - you will need them. Fill the bottles with sand or earth.

Clear the site around the perimeter of the construction site.

If desired, you can even fill in a small foundation - about 40 centimeters wide and 20-30 centimeters deep.

Lay out a row of bottles on the prepared area. Try to keep the bottles lay flat. To do this, use a long, thin board, pressing it against the necks so that the bottles do not stick out of an even row.

The distance between the bottles should be about 1-2 centimeters. Lay a layer on top of the bottles cement mortar about 5 centimeters thick. Concrete should fill the gap between the bottles.

Now lay the next row of bottles - each of them should lie in the cavity between the bottles of the first row. Then fill the bottles with another layer of concrete. Repeat this procedure until the height of the fence has reached the desired height. But do not forget - if you need a fence of plastic bottles more than one and a half meters high, then you should not build it in one step.

A fence made of plastic bottles is a common option for a budget and creative fence.

The materials for its creation can be obtained quickly enough, easily and practically for free.

The only problem that you may encounter when creating a fence from plastic bottles with your own hands is the amount of time that you have to spend on work.

But with due patience and the help of friends in "gathering", things will go much easier.

How to make a fence from caps?

To create a fence from corks from plastic bottles, you will have to collect several thousand caps for the future mosaic.

After that, you can simply paste over the existing fence blank to obtain beautiful picture. Or drill 4 holes in each lid and pass rows of wire through them to get a lattice of plastic circles. Everyone chooses the type of drawing independently.


Photo real examples such homemade fences made from plastic bottle caps show that thematic paintings are more suitable for creating a continuous canvas, and it is better to use geometric ornaments for lattice fences.

Zoning the territory

A fence made of plastic bottles for a garden can be made both high and low. Everything is determined only by the ultimate goal - whether you want to get low borders for flower beds or high decorative fences on the site.

To get low fences from plastic bottles, you need to bury the bottles upside down at a certain height. Trim them beforehand or not, depends on the desire. Full bottles can be filled with something for stability and beauty, and cut ones can be painted from the inside and get universal materials for arranging the territory.

We decorate the fence with plastic bottles

Quite creative idea there will be a panel on the fence from the bottoms of plastic bottles. This idea is embodied in the construction of a "brick" fence, when the bottles are filled with weights and stacked in the wall in the form of bricks.

To create an interesting coloring of the bottoms, you can use:

  • Paint;
  • broken glass;
  • Sand;
  • Galka and others.

In this case, it is necessary to clear and mark the territory in advance, then install the leading pegs and tighten the threads for proper marking.

Then, layer by layer, lay the bottles with their bottoms on the street to obtain a “floral” ornament and fasten with concrete or a solution of clay and sand.

Making a fence from plastic bottles with your own hands is both a simple and complex process. The main thing is not to give up while working, because this is a laborious task that does not necessarily work out the first time. But the result will fully justify itself.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you accept the inconvenience of such a fence in the form of low resistance to mechanical stress and poor protection against intruders, you can get a number of undeniable advantages, namely:

  • Bright and stylish fence, which will most likely be one of a kind.
  • A durable fence, since plastic can last a long time and not lose its “trademark” appearance.
  • Minimal care - plastic caps or bottles withstand temperature changes well.
  • Low cost - you can find construction material everywhere, it won't cost you anything.


The video below shows in detail the process of creating a fence from PET bottles with your own hands.