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How to make paper wheels. How to make paper wheels. How to make a truck out of paper

How to make paper wheels. Needlework for children.

Often, parents and kids are engaged in making entertaining crafts from plain paper or cardboard. If these are ordinary figures of little animals, then it is easy to cope with their creation. But if, for example, a car is chosen as a craft, then you will have to work here to make the model as reliable as possible. recommends reading the article.

The car, as you know, has round wheels, which are easiest to make from the same material from which the car model as a whole is made. To do this, take a thick cardboard and use a compass to draw a circle of the appropriate diameter. You will need four such circles. Their diameter must be determined by considering the machine to which such wheels will be attached.

Take sharp scissors and carefully cut out the paper wheels. Next, they need to be laid out and, using pencils or felt-tip pens, try to give the circles the look of a real wheel. Draw tires, protectors, try to make them as similar as possible to the original.

Wheels, like a car, you can also try to paint or varnish, because with this method the model will become more durable. Just wait for the paint to dry well. Please note that for greater reliability, the wheels should be painted on both sides.

To make them spin, try to punch a small hole in the very center of the circle with nail scissors. Take the wire rods and carefully thread them into the holes in the center of each wheel. Fix them with pliers from the outside.

When attaching wheels to a paper car, make sure that they are all placed on the same level. Next, insert the other end of the wire into the pre-made holes in the car and fasten the wheels. The wire, which should be sufficiently rigid, is very convenient to fix with pliers.

It is also necessary to leave a small part of the wire axle free so that the wheels can spin freely. Check if they rotate easily. If this is difficult, then it is worth slightly increasing the holes in the center of the wheel. See also others in this section.

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Every boy loves to play with cars, he will not soon collect metal structure, but teaching a child to make paper models is very easy. Parents will need a little time, paper, glue and scissors. You can create such cars using the origami technique or a 3D design, for each method there are necessary materials, instructions and recommendations.

How to make a car from waste material?

The older the boy becomes, the more he will be interested in complex models, including those made of paper. It remains for parents to suggest which creativity is more exciting, to provide the necessary materials and a good mood to complete the task. For boys, among all models, it is cars that enjoy great prestige, and buy every day different designs will cost the parents a pretty penny. After a while, the child will lose all interest in these beautiful cars, so it’s more interesting and more useful to make a design on your own. It does not require large financial costs, it is enough desire and time.

You can create cars not only with the help of ready-made schemes, but also using improvised means, for example, cardboard and matches, wooden sticks and colored paper. For example, take a few cardboard cylinders left after toilet paper, each pasted with colored paper. After the fake dries, it is necessary to cut a rectangular hole on the surface of the cylinder, leave a little space on one side so that you can bend it and thus make a seat for the driver.

The design can also be decorated inside with felt-tip pens or a marker, to create a steering wheel, you should cut a circle out of white paper and glue it opposite the seat. The car can be additionally decorated with colored paper applications, choosing different shades. If the car is racing, you can put a number if ambulance or a fire model, then you can also cut out the corresponding signs or draw them. To fasten the wheels, use small bolts or caps from a plastic bottle.

Volumetric 3D paper cars

To perform the work, it is necessary to prepare a printer, a paper sheet, scissors, cardboard material, as well as glue, colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

The instruction is very simple, you can assemble a car out of paper without special skills or knowledge. First you need to print on paper a model of the machine you like, then stick the sheet on cardboard to make the design durable. The image is cut out along the contour, this is another advantage of this technique of creating a paper typewriter.

Important ! All lines are already marked on the sheet, so it will be easy for the child to fold the model, just bend along the contour and hide the remaining wings of the workpiece inside.

These white ends must be glued so that the structure does not fall apart, and if the cardboard is strong enough, then you can use not stationery PVA, but super glue. After that, the boy is left with the most interesting thing, to decorate the car at his discretion.

An easy way to make a paper car

Paper cars are just as fun to play with as metal or plastic ones, you can arrange real races, and you can also build a garage, decorating all the structures with felt-tip pens, and using a toothpick to make a flag.

To create a paper machine, you need a square piece of paper, it should be folded in half, after which the edges should be unfolded and reverse side bend them to the middle of the sheet. Then, wrap the edges again in the opposite direction and fold the sheet of paper in half. Apply the outline of the car to the material, to do this, wrap the upper corners, then tuck them inward, two corners will peek out from below. They are also folded inward, after which it is necessary to make the wheels of the car.

Bend the lower corners back, rounding them a little, so you get wheels, in front, to make headlights, the corners must be laid inward. Do the same from the back of the machine, all the details vehicle you can draw, for example, wheels, headlights, doors or a driver behind the wheel. 15 minutes of time and a beautiful paper car is ready.

Origami car

This unique art, which involves the creation of unusual paper figures, including cars. To work, it is enough to stock up on colored paper and patience, it is very easy, so children not only can, but also need to be connected, together you can create a whole car park. Or you can make a car out of a banknote and give it as a gift to a friend.

To create, for example, a sports car, you need to take a rectangular sheet, as a rule, the aspect ratio should be equal to 1:7. The work begins with the fact that the upper right and left corners are bent, so all the necessary folds are created. The next stage is the bending of the upper part of the sheet, along with the folded corners on the left and right. Small triangles will remain sticking out, which should also be folded towards the middle of the sheet of paper.

Next, you need to bend the sides of the leaf, fold the bottom, follow the same algorithm that was performed when folding the top of the paper. It remains only to fold the structure in half, fill in the triangles that look out and that's it, the machine is ready.

Gluing wheels for paper cars, rollers for tanks, and any cylindrical parts is not entirely easy. Usually there are a lot of them and there are a lot of valves on them, which have to be cut out for a long and tedious time. In this article, we will talk about one of the gluing methods, in which we will cut off excess valves and glue the parts end-to-end.

First, cut out desired part paper model. After that, we cut off the valves, in our method they will not be needed. It's not that we don't like valves, but in our opinion, it is much easier to glue wheels and rollers without them.

Next, the most important thing is to find an object, a cylinder of the same diameter as our part. In our case, a regular battery was ideal. As a similar item, you can use all kinds of bottle or spray caps, pens, markers, and so on.

We put our cylindrical part on the found object. This will give the cylinder correct form for gluing the base.

It remains a little - to glue the base to our cylinder. Since we cut off all the valves, we will have to glue end-to-end. After applying the glue, it is necessary to press the base of the cylinder without removing it from the object found. Everything, the detail is ready, you can do the next one.

Do you have an idea?

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Many people know that a lot of types of crafts can be made from cardboard. In childhood, for sure, any person with a fantasy and a desire to do something with their own hands made something out of this available material. Few people know, however, there are people who have not given up this childhood hobby, and make truly amazing things out of cardboard.

Today we will tell you how to make a car out of cardboard.

Beautiful car

She will surely delight your little one.

So what we need:

  • At least two pieces of cardboard boxes;
  • colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Compass;
  • Colored pencil or felt-tip pen;
  • Copper wire;
  • Pliers;
  • Glue.

Cut off its walls from the boxes and draw circles on them, these will be the wheels for our future car. Then cut them out with scissors.

After attaching the circles to the base of the second box, trace with a pencil the places where the wheels will be located.

With an awl or scissors on the sides, make holes where the center of the wheels will be located.

Cut off pieces of the prepared wire as long as the width of the future machine. This will be the basis for the wheel axles.

Attach the wheels with glue to the pieces of wire threaded into the holes. If you want the wheels of the car to spin eventually, use pliers to clamp the ends of the wire on both sides in the form of eyelets.

Then we will make the car beautiful appearance. To do this, use a pencil to draw and paint windows and doors, then cut them out with scissors. Or they can be cut out of paper - self-adhesive suitable color. If you have the time and patience, you can make the doors open.

In the same way, you can create a cardboard trailer for her, it will be more fun. You can attach it again with a piece of wire.

By the way, if inspiration attacks you, you can make a few more trailers, then you get a whole road train.

You will need the following materials for this craft:

  • Sheet of cardboard.
  • Paint, brush for coloring.
  • Glue or stapler.
  • Scissors.
  • Unnecessary and obsolete old toys to decorate the car.
  • Seven round cardboard tubes left over from toilet paper.

You paint paper cardboard pipes in different colors in any way - with a brush or using a piece of cotton wool. Then cut out circles from cardboard, they will serve as cylinders for the car and paint them.

Glue these wheels to the sides of the car using glue or a stapler.

And now we will tell you how to make a car out of cardboard using modern computer technology.

racing car

You will need:

  • Paper
  • Printer
  • Scissors

This type of craft is easy to execute, you just need to print it, carefully cut it out and glue it along the drawn contours. Such blanks can be found as much as you like on the Internet, an example of one of these is shown in the figure below.

How to make a car out of large cardboard?

Glue all parts of the box with tape.

On both sides, draw the doors symmetrically on both sides and cut them out with a sharp knife with a thin blade.

In the same way, draw and cut out the windshield.

Using adhesive tape, fix the bent parts of the ends with a bend inward, now using it, fix the windshield.

If he has extra pieces in the corners, cut them off with a knife or scissors.

Using the bottom of paper cups, make wheels for the future car. If they are not at hand, you can simply use round pieces of cardboard of the desired color and size.

Now color your creation and admire it!

Simple and cute machine

Shape a piece of paper into a square. Who does not know, it is done like this: bend the sheet diagonally and cut off pieces that protrude beyond the edges. Cut off the excess with scissors.

Bend the square into two halves, then two more times along and across. This will show you the fold lines. Now you can expand the sheet.

Wrap its lower ends to the very top of the middle. Then, on both sides, bend the lower parts of the bent corners, you will get wheels out of them.

Everything that turned out in the end, fold in half along the line that is along the central fold. Bend the lower part up and bend the upper right corner.

Draw headlights and other details for the product, paint in any colors. We hope this simple craft will make your child happy.

Girls car

Few parents realize or understand that not only boys, but also girls can play with cars. Below we will tell you how to make a car in order to carry your favorite dolls in it. I think your daughter will love this craft.

So, what you will need to have on hand:

  • One cardboard box from under shoes;
  • Thick cardboard;
  • Thin paper of different colors;
  • Glue;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Long wooden sticks in the shape of toothpicks;
  • A small piece of clear plastic;
  • Anything that looks like headlights.

First, draw a door template on paper that would fit the size of the toy. The usual length of the legs, for example, the Barbie doll, which girls love so much, is eighteen centimeters.

Cut off both sides of the workpiece and bend inward the tips of the resulting template. On these tips we will mount the seats.

Then make cuts with a sharp knife where the car seats will be.

Now cut out even circles from colored and thick cardboard, four pieces each. These will be the wheels.

Using a needle or an awl, make through holes in the center of these circles and then make more of them.

From thick cardboard, cut out the hood and trunk according to the size of the shoe box.

Glue each prepared part to the car in turn, then make holes for the wheels in the box.

Using colored paper, glue the car, then make the windshield using transparent plastic.

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