Toilet      06/12/2019

Correct position of the body on the pillow. Sonex have a different shape. Proper sleep on an orthopedic pillow

Quality rest after a busy day is very important for every person. Pillow plays a big role. On sale you can find such an accessory not only in different shapes and colors, but also with different content. The most useful for a person is an orthopedic pillow.

It is very important to know how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow in order to have a sound and healthy sleep. Depending on how a person likes to sleep, its form is chosen.

People who sleep without a pillow believe that using this method, you can get rid of wrinkles on the face, swelling and stress on the internal organs. But these facts have not been proven. It has been proven that at correct use it reduces pain in the cervical region, improves general state and makes waking up pleasant.

Product varieties

A large selection of such accessories for a good sleep makes a person get acquainted with each type in more detail. Pillows vary in:

  • height;
  • size;
  • form;
  • degree of hardness;
  • filler type.

The filler for it can be:

  • polyester;
  • polyurethane foam, aka artificial latex;
  • memorix;
  • latex;
  • buckwheat husks, etc.

The most common is polyester. It is balls small size, which are evenly distributed inside the product after pressing on it. This filler has high hygienic performance; The product is easy to wash and dry. Serve, with proper care, such a product can be 7-8 years.

Memorix endows products with a "memory effect". It is based on foamed polyurethane or viscoelastic. The material is highly elastic and hypoallergenic. During the operation of the pillow, under the influence of your body and the heat of your body, the filler takes on the required shape. By repeating the curves of your body, it relaxes the neck and spine from the first minute of rest.

Latex is a natural material that is made from the sap of the rubber tree. Despite the fact that the material is elastic, it quickly adapts to your body and restores its previous shape. The spongy structure allows the material to breathe, which is very important for your skin.

Buckwheat husk also belongs to natural fillers. The product with it is not only a convenient support. The material is able to provide a point massage effect on the body. As a result, migraine, pain in the shoulders, neck and back disappear.

Unlike down and feathers, these fillers do not absorb odors and do not lose their shape over time. They are breathable, perfectly retain heat, have the ability to retain the shape given to them. They are durable and hypoallergenic which is also very important. Caring for them is easy and simple.

Criteria for choosing a sleep accessory

Before you go shopping for a pillow you need to know the answers to the following questions:

  1. What is your preferred sleeping position?
  2. What is your shoulder length?
  3. Do you have allergies?
  4. What smells can you tolerate?
  5. Do you have osteochondrosis, neck spasms or neuralgia?

If you prefer to sleep on your back, then the pillow for rest should be low. Its height in the neck should not exceed 6 cm, so as not to compress the vertebral artery. Medium hardness should have a roller, which is located under the cervical region, and a soft surface should be used for the head.

Those who like to sleep on their side can choose for themselves the standard version of a flat product with two rollers.

Travel lovers can look for an option that is convenient for relaxing in a bus seat or in a car. A product in the shape of a horseshoe or a small-sized pillow is suitable. It is desirable to choose a filler soft.

Stomach sleepers should only choose low pillows. In addition to special orthopedic ones, you can choose a small round thing, in the form of an asterisk or a butterfly.

The orthopedic accessory provides stable support for the neck and head in a physiologically correct position during rest and sleep. The spine is in a horizontal position, totally relaxed. The vertebral arteries do not bend, so that the blood flow is not disturbed and the brain receives good nutrition. The morning after such a dream will always be kind, and the head will be fresh.

How to determine the height of the pillow

This value should correspond to the length of your shoulder. To measure it, you need to attach the beginning of the fabric centimeter to the beginning of the neck and fix the distance to the bone on the shoulder. The measurement is taken when the shoulders are in a relaxed, natural position. The result will be the height of your bedroom accessory.

The filler should be of medium hardness or hard so that the position of the spine does not change during sleep.

After waking up on the right device, you should not have a headache. It is important to listen to your feelings. If the neck is numb and there is discomfort in the whole body, then the height of the device is too small for you. You need to look at the higher version. If after sleep you are worried about pain in the back of your head or in your temples, then you need to look at a pillow with a lower height.

Choosing the right posture while sleeping

Uncomfortable posture during sleep is the cause of muscle pain and feeling unwell. High-quality accessories will not improve your sleep, and an orthopedic pillow by itself will not teach you how to sleep properly. You just need to be aware of a few things:

by the most good option orthopedic supplies for sleep is considered a pillow with a memory effect. In addition to two rollers of different heights, each has a special recess for the head and a recess for the shoulder.

If a person is used to sleeping on his back, then the correct position of the head on the pillow is as low as possible so that the neck assumes a physiologically correct position and aligns as much as possible. In the position on the side, one of the rollers has a supporting effect. As a result, the head does not hang down, and the shoulder is located at the right distance from it. Be sure to choose the right height of the product, which depends on the length of the shoulder. Then the correct position of the head and neck will be ensured.

The advantage of an orthopedic pillow is that it exactly matches the correct anatomical position of the head and neck. If a person has some problems with the cervical vertebrae, then while resting on such a pillow, the head hangs a little, and the cervical vertebrae are extended. This has a great effect on the spine, unloads it.

Ask the manufacturer. Look in advance for reviews of manufacturers and their products. Reliable manufacturers provide their goods with quality certificates.

Check out the filler. The structure of the pillow can be seen on the sample. Choose the filler you need. If you are used to lying on soft accessories, then this option will be tough for you. It will take some time to get used to it.

A crescent-shaped pillow will be relevant to someone who sleeps all night in one position and very rarely rolls over.

According to doctors, orthopedic sleep accessory only suitable for healthy people. It will help keep your body healthy. If there are problems with the cervical region or with the spine, doctors will simply forbid you to use such a pillow. First of all, you need this so as not to harm your body and not aggravate any processes.

How to sleep on an orthopedic pillow

Each person prefers a certain sleeping position, but does not always think about how it affects well-being. Considering sleep as part of taking care of your health, you should know how to sleep on a pillow and why it matters. Is it worth it to get a modern orthopedic roll for sleep, or is it not important for the body how to fulfill its physiological need?

Sleeping correctly on a pillow means ensuring that the spine is in a stable position without squeezing the vessels of the neck. The quality of the material from which the pillow is made, its shape and the position of the head on it matter. The state of the vertebrae, blood circulation in the brain and the quality of rest depend on this. It is necessary to give the correct position to the spine in order to prevent many diseases and not harm when there are already deviations.

Why do you need a pillow?

In the neck area there is an important artery, the regular squeezing of which, in case of an incorrect position of the head during sleep, leads to a violation of cerebral circulation. The lack of oxygen depresses the conduction function, the speed of transmission of nerve impulses decreases. This is far from the only reason why you need to properly position your head on the pillow and take the time to choose this product.

In addition to creating comfort, the pillow performs other functions:

  • maintaining the cervical vertebrae at the correct level;
  • ensuring normal blood circulation;
  • creation of conditions for free breathing;
  • reduction of energy costs for recovery during sleep;
  • prevention of compression of muscles and joints;
  • prevention of back pain.

Without its use, it is difficult to ensure a comfortable and proper rest of the spine and all internal organs. When nothing supports the head, there is a curvature in the region of the cervical vertebrae, and if this happens regularly, there are problems with the intervertebral discs and muscles. The pillow and mattress must follow all the curves of the body, otherwise there is an uneven distribution of the load, individual muscles and joints are tense during sleep. This leads to a slowdown in metabolism, circulatory disorders and general fatigue.

The correct position on the pillow, in turn, prevents headaches in the morning and discomfort in certain parts of the body. Some people suffer from chronic fatigue, sleep ceases to perform its important function in human life - to give energy and relieve the stress of a hard day. In this case, immediately after waking up, apathy is observed, fatigue is felt, headache.

Chronic fatigue requires the help of a specialist, but if you arrange a comfortable sleep on the right surface, most problems can be fixed by yourself.

Tips on how to choose the right pillow and sleep on it will be equally useful to those who sleep well, and people who experience discomfort and pain in the neck after waking up. The main task of the pillow is to support the head, neck and shoulders, from which all the rules for choosing and sleeping on it come from.

How to sleep on a pillow?

  • The bottom edge is under the neck.
  • The head is completely located on the pillow and does not hang down.
  • Shoulders lie on the mattress, do not rise.

Compliance with these three simple rules will already be the beginning of the path to the creation right conditions for sleep. Being in this position, the spine is straight, normal blood circulation occurs in the brain, muscles and joints rest.

The pillow should match the posture. Standard feather or synthetic squares are ideal for sleeping on your back. A product with a high roller should be chosen when side sleeping is preferred. Some models have a special notch for the shoulder, but this is not very convenient when a person often changes his sleeping position. Lovers of sleeping on their stomachs are well suited for classic models.

How to choose a pillow for a healthy sleep?

You need to start choosing by determining a comfortable sleeping position. Within a few days, you can observe in which position the body relaxes most quickly and falls asleep.

  1. For sleeping on the back, a product with a height of 5-10 cm, medium hardness with a recess for the head, is suitable.
  2. For sleeping on your side - up to 10 cm high, medium to high firmness with good neck support.
  3. For sleeping on the stomach - up to 8 cm high, soft and thin.
  4. If you change your sleeping position often, a pillow of medium height, soft, with easy shape control, is suitable.

Buckwheat husk or latex is used as a hard filler. Such products are suitable for people with diseases of the spine, when you need to maintain a special position of the head and sleep on a hard surface. Pillows with medium firmness memory effect are suitable for everyone without exception. The softest fillers are artificial or natural down, silk, cotton and holofiber. This option is suitable for those who often spin before going to bed and cannot fall asleep for a long time, choosing a comfortable position. It is recommended that people with spinal diseases choose a pillow together with a doctor; a special bandage or cervical collar may be required.

An orthopedic pillow would be a good option. It supports the head and neck in the correct position, preventing compression of the vertebrae and carotid artery.

Can you sleep without a pillow?

If you drastically change the shape and height of the pillow, you will not be able to fall asleep just as quickly in the usual position. It takes some time to get used to new conditions, but if it is beneficial, the body quickly adapts - and soon you can observe changes in a positive direction. Whoever had to sleep at least once without a pillow at all will not want to repeat such an experience for a long time.

It is customary for the head to be above the level of the spine and on a soft base during sleep. Contact with a hard mattress not only causes discomfort, but also leads to severe tension in the cervical spine.

The only ones who need and benefit from sleep on flat surface, newborns. Babies should sleep without additional head support, which is necessary to form the correct spinal curves. From six months, you can begin to give the head a slightly elevated position, placing a folded diaper. From the age of 12 months, a special children's orthopedic pillow has been used.

How is the pillow related to health?

The absence of a pillow leads to tension in the muscles that support the spine all night. After such a dream in the morning, there is soreness in the neck and headache. A pillow is also needed in order to avoid aspiration asphyxia. The horizontal position of the head at the level of the spine increases the risk of saliva or vomit entering the respiratory tract. For the same reason, sleeping without a pillow leads to frequent reflex coughing.

Miss Clean magazine knows why sleeping without a pillow can't be healthy.

  1. Appearance. Imprints of a hard mattress on the face remain for some time, and a violation of blood flow leads to the appearance of edema.
  2. Snore. When the head is tilted back, the tongue somewhat blocks the airway, which provokes various breathing sounds, including snoring.
  3. Diseases of the spine. Compression of the vertebrae in the cervical region, circulatory disorders creates conditions for the development of protrusion and osteochondrosis.
  4. Vascular pathologies. The brain suffers from the wrong pillow or its absence, memory deteriorates, and prolonged disturbance of blood flow increases the risk of ischemic stroke.
  5. Comfort and mood. One of the most enjoyable moments after a hard day is relaxing on your favorite soft pillow, with which you do not want to part in the morning.

Fatigue and headache after sleep impair quality of life and are signs of health problems. Changes occur imperceptibly, therefore it is not always possible to eliminate risk factors in time, but you have to deal with the consequences. Proper sleep on a pillow is part of prevention, a prerequisite for maintaining the health of the spinal column and internal organs.

Human well-being and health in general largely depend on the quality of sleep, therefore important role in our life plays the conditions in which we sleep: the air in the room, the right mattress and pillow. It is the pillow that doctors devote today Special attention, and orthopedic pillows are advised to use not only those who suffer from, but also people with a healthy spine.

This article will discuss in detail the basic rules for choosing orthopedic pillows for sleeping, recommendations for proper sleep on them, the choice of material for these pillows, and much more.

In order to correctly distinguish a regular pillow from an orthopedic one, you should know the following:

  1. Orthopedic pillows, as a rule, have an unusual shape. They can be square, round, or even completely irregular in shape, unlike regular pillows, which can be either rectangular or square.
  2. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you should also pay attention to its material, since it is he who plays the main role in this matter. If it is filled with foam rubber, down or synthetic winterizer, then such a pillow is probably ordinary. But if the filler in it is an unusual, slightly hard or crumbly material, then this is definitely an orthopedic roller.

You should also pay attention to its inscriptions and symbols. A conscientious manufacturer must report exactly what kind of product he has and what it is intended for.

How to sleep

In order for the orthopedic support under the head and neck to really bring the expected benefits from it, you need to know the following rules for its use:

  • It should support the neck more than the head itself, because this will ensure the correct position of the spine, which means healthy sleep. At first, sleeping on it can be extremely uncomfortable, and this is completely normal, because with a long sleep on too high rollers, a person gets used to it. But, as a rule, after a week, the neck and head fully adapt to the new sleeping device, so that the person does not even notice the inconvenience.
  • Usually, specialized pillows have two rollers and different heights. So, you need to put it depending on the position in which the person sleeps. If he sleeps on his back, then a soft base should be placed with a smaller roller under his head. If he sleeps on his side, then vice versa, with a large roller. Thus, it will fill the space between the shoulder and the head, preventing the neck from bending down, which will significantly improve the quality of sleep and human health.

What are sleep pillows

Specialized sleep aids come in single-roller, double-roller, and flat sleepers. Also they can be classical form and with a body-remembering effect.

  • Orthopedic pillows for sleeping on your side. For those people who mostly sleep on their side, it is best to purchase pillows with uneven bolsters.
  • Orthopedic pillows for sleeping on the back. For those who like to sleep on their backs, it is recommended to use rigid rollers of a classic shape with a height of eight centimeters.
  • Orthopedic pillows for sleeping on the stomach. If a person sleeps on his stomach (which is very harmful), then in this case a very soft small orthopedic roller will suit him.

Criterias of choice

There are the following criteria by which you need to choose pillows:

  1. Size. As a rule, their length varies between 40-80 cm. The width is from 30 to 50 cm. The size should be selected depending on the position in the dream. If a person rolls a lot from side to side, then he needs a wider pad. If he sleeps quietly on his back or stomach, then a small pillow will be quite enough for him.
  2. Height. Most optimal height orthopedic pillows are considered to be from 10 to 15 cm. Higher head bases should be used for those people who prefer to sleep on their side. Low foundations under the head should be used for those who sleep on their stomach or back.
  3. Color. Even this factor plays an important role, since the first impression of a person when he wakes up depends on the color. It is preferable to use pillows in soft light colors (white, cream, beige).

The material inside the orthopedic pillow: the pros and cons of fillers

Orthopedic bases under the head come from different materials(fillers):

1. Latex. It has such advantages:

  • soft products made from it are comfortable and easily adapt to a lying person;
  • they quickly return to their original form;
  • dust mites do not start in this material;
  • they are easy to wash.

The disadvantages of latex material can be called the fact that the body sweats on them.

2. Polyester. This material has the following advantages of its application:

  • when a person tosses and turns, the pillow has time to take on a new shape of the body;
  • easily restores its original shape;
  • if the polyester roller is too high, then it can be reduced without problems by pouring a little filler;
  • low price and long service lines;
  • ease of washing.

The downside is that not so many pillows are produced from polyester, which have different shapes. Also, they can be uncomfortable to sleep on.

3. Buckwheat husk has such advantages as a filler:

  • it is environmentally friendly;
  • has good orthopedic properties;
  • has a buckwheat flavor;

Cons of this filler:

  • it can not be washed, only dried;
  • fungus may appear in it, from which an unpleasant odor will arise.

Pillows made of buckwheat husks are perfectly breathable, thanks to which the head does not sweat on them, and also has a massage effect due to the triangular shape of the husk.

4. Viscoelastic foam- This is the most expensive material for pillows. It has such advantages:
  • dust mites do not start in it;
  • he serves for a long time;
  • it takes the shape of the head, so it supports it as efficiently as possible;
  • when a person gets up, he knocks himself back into shape;
  • It has comfortable temperature regardless of whether it is cold or hot in the room.

minus this material is the high cost.

5. Gel. This new material which has the following advantages:

  • Great for both sleeping on your stomach and sleeping on your side.
  • has different forms;
  • very convenient.

Its disadvantages include the high cost and somewhat unusual sensations during the first use of such pillows.

Very popular in Lately become orthopedic pillows with a memory effect, you can learn more about them from.

Blitz tips:
  • if the neck hurts in the morning, and the shoulders are like wooden, then the device used to support the head is very low, and the mattress is excessively hard;
  • if a person often tosses and turns, then it is possible that his pillow is too high;
  • the wider the shoulders, the higher the support under the head should be used;
  • it is best to buy these sleep aids in special salons or stores that sell quality goods;
  • when choosing pillows, it is recommended to lie down on it a little to see if it is comfortable;

See also a video on how to choose the right orthopedic pillow:

Now they are reading.

Everyone knows that an orthopedic pillow is several times more useful than a regular down, feather, sintepon or silicone pillow. However, many do not dare to purchase it, and some, after the purchase, do not know how to use it correctly. Today we will tell you how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow. Following our advice, your sleep will bring maximum benefit and pleasure to your own health.

How to sleep on an orthopedic pillow? Photo of the correct and convenient location.

Surely, everyone knows that an uncomfortable sleeping position at night usually causes muscle pain (mainly in the neck) and general poor health. As a result, health deteriorates, and even the quality of life. If you try to create the most correct and comfortable conditions for sleeping, an orthopedic pillow by itself will not teach you how to sleep properly. Initially, you need to deal with some points.

First, understand for yourself the fact that the purpose of the pillow is to support the neck, not the head. This rule is the main one, so always follow it.

It is necessary to pay attention to what shape the orthopedic pillow has, since high-quality and good products often have two sides: high and low. To determine the position of the pillow, understand that its main purpose is to ensure the correct position of the neck and head. Only if this condition is met, we can talk about the anatomical, correct position of the human spine, that is, about healthy sleep.

The orthopedic pillow consists of two rollers having different heights. The position of the pillow will depend on the night position of the person. If he sleeps on his back, then a smaller roller should be placed under his head, but if on his side, then a large one. The pillow will fill the free space between the head and shoulder, while the neck will not sag, and the head will not fall or rise.

A few practical tips on which pillow is better to sleep on with cervical osteochondrosis.

For many adults, cervical osteochondrosis is a real "scourge". Often, such a disease manifests itself as a result of improper functioning of the spine, an inactive lifestyle, prolonged sedentary work and certain muscle changes that occur with age. Today's modern medicine offers to effectively and reliably treat cervical osteochondrosis with the help of manual therapy, electrophoresis or hirudotherapy. But, an important role in the treatment of this disease plays right choice pillows.

Many are interested in the question: "Is it possible to sleep without a pillow with cervical osteochondrosis?". In principle, there are experts who advise sleeping without a pillow, however, they are fundamentally wrong, because it is due to the pillow that the general relaxation of the human body is ensured, since it supports the cervical spine. With this disease, it is best to sleep on a small and soft pillow. Its size should correspond to the size of the sleeper's shoulders, for example, if the shoulders are wide, then the pillow should be selected high. And its width should not exceed the width of the mattress.

Ordinary pillow in treatment cervical osteochondrosis is not suitable, because during sleep, the person’s neck will actually be located on the same level with the head, that is, the vertebrae will be displaced, as a result, cerebral blood supply will be disturbed. Because of this, people suffering from osteochondrosis often wake up in the morning with severe pain in the back and neck, in addition, their tongue and larynx become numb. The shape of the orthopedic pillow in this disease should be rectangular, while the design of the product should include a dense roller. The dimensions of this roller should correspond to the size of the patient's shoulders, they should not be on the edge of the pillow.

The neck on the orthopedic pillow will take the correct position, the spinal muscles will unload, and the blood vessels that go to the brain will not be squeezed. With osteochondrosis, you can use pillows with one roller, with two half-rollers, or with special recesses designed for the neck.

Video. Sleep, but not sleep - an orthopedic pillow will help solve the problem

The correct use of an orthopedic pillow contributes not only to a good sleep, but also to the prevention of a number of diseases. A comfortable sleeping position helps relieve muscle tension in the spine, reduces headaches, improves blood circulation and prevents the development of osteochondrosis. Such products are indispensable in case of illness. musculoskeletal system. They help relieve pain and, in combination with therapy, restore the spine. Using a pillow maintains and improves posture. Thanks to the product, a person gets enough sleep in a shorter period of time and feels cheerful.

Product varieties

Orthopedic pillows come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They must be chosen based on personal parameters. For people with broad shoulders, products with parameters of 70 x 75 cm are suitable, with narrow ones, you can choose 50 x 60 cm. For children, sizes of 20 x 30 or 40 x 50 cm are suitable.

The height must be selected based on the posture in a dream and the width of the shoulder. If the preferred position is on the back, then the height of the pillow should not exceed 6 cm. This size contributes to the free circulation of blood in the cervical region. Those who like to sleep on their side need to build on the width of their shoulders. To do this, make a measurement from the tubercle on the humerus to the neck. When choosing a pillow, an error of 1-2 cm is acceptable. It should be soft and low if a person often sleeps on his stomach.

When purchasing a product, it must be taken into account that the neck does not bend and the head is on the same level with the body.

There are 3 main types of pillows:

  • rectangular;
  • roller shape;
  • oval.

Each type is characterized by its own characteristics. Modern model classic rectangular shape has a slightly thickened roller, located along one of the sides. Its size should depend on the width of the shoulder. Some products are equipped with two rollers or a notch for the head. Such models contribute to a comfortable sleep and hold the neck muscles and head.

Rollers are suitable for those people who are used to sleeping on their backs. It is necessary to choose soft models that are well restored. They are prescribed to patients with orthopedic diseases and help relieve tension and pain. The shape of the crescent-shaped roller perfectly supports the head.

Oval products are not used so often. They will suit those who like to sleep on their side. Such models are sometimes equipped with a relief overlay, which helps to relax and stretch the vertebrae. Some pillows take on locking forms under the weight of the head.

When choosing a pillow, you need to focus on your preferences, the main thing is to cervical region the spine was in a comfortable position.

Variety of fillers

When choosing a pillow for sleeping, you need to pay attention to its filler, which should be highly elastic, resistant to moisture and support the head well.

Manufacturers of orthopedic pillows use the following fillers:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • latex;
  • cooling gel;
  • buckwheat husk;
  • memory foam.

Polyurethane foam models come in different stiffness and density. Such a pillow well distributes the load on the spinal region, contributing to good blood circulation, and has long term services.

Latex products have excellent characteristics. natural material It consists of processed juice of the rubbery Brazilian hyvea and has a medium hardness. Such pillows do not cause allergies, have high air permeability and hygroscopicity, as well as a long service life. For a massage effect, they are cast with tubercles. The downside of such a product is the smell (it disappears after a couple of weeks).

In the hot summer, a cooling gel will allow you to comfortably spend the night. Gel pillows provide a massage effect. Thanks to the wavy shape, you can sleep both on your back and on your side.

Buckwheat husk, shell from buckwheat seeds is a 100% natural product. Even distribution inside the pillow becomes a good support for the head. Buckwheat shell promotes acupressure that soothes nervous system and creates a rush of blood to the brain. However, constant rustling can irritate some people. Pillows are quite heavy and with a short service life. Buckwheat husk can cause allergies.

As part of the space program, a new material has been developed - foam with a "memory effect". Its main feature is the ability to take the shape and shape of the head. When used, it smoothly adjusts to its owner. After sleep, the original appearance is restored. Such material, like latex, has a specific smell, the product lasts no more than 5 years.