Well      05/30/2019

How to paint with acrylic paint on enamel. Is it possible to paint with oil paint over water-based. combination with enamel

Repairing painted surfaces is an inevitable process. Even if the previous finishing was done correctly and quality materials.

Before repainting the walls, you need to make sure that the new and old coating will be compatible.

On this moment There are many ways to remove old paint.

  • mechanical methods. Acrylic enamel and acrylic paint or other coating is scraped off with sharp objects or power tools, such as a drill with a nozzle.
  • thermal methods. In this case, the paint is softened, for example, with a building hair dryer, and then removed.
  • Chemical methods. The finish is removed with a variety of washes.

However, the process of removing the old coating is long and labor-intensive. And the price of the issue is quite high, especially if you need to remove paint from a large area or complex surfaces. Based on this, many of us prefer to apply new finish directly on the old one. In this case, the question of the compatibility of coatings often arises.

In this article we will talk about whether acrylic paint can be applied to enamel and vice versa. But first, let's look at the basic concepts.

Varieties of paints and varnishes

The composition of paints and varnishes includes a binder, fillers, pigments, solvents / thinners and additives. In order to correctly apply paintwork materials during repairs, you need to know exactly their composition.

Main Components

Oil paints based on drying oil.

All paints are divided according to the type of binder used and the type of solvent.

  1. The binder determines the main qualities of the paint, the service life of the coating and the speed of its drying.. There are 4 types of binders used for paintwork materials: alkyd and epoxy resins, oil (on drying oil), latex, acrylic polymers.
  2. Solvent components are divided into actual solvents and diluents.. The former reduce the fluidity and viscosity of the material. Thinners only reduce the viscosity of the paint.
  3. To improve the characteristics of paintwork materials, additives are added to their composition.: stabilizers, emulsifiers, fungicides, antiseptics, etc.
  4. A separate category includes special paints. These are anti-corrosion coatings, for example, Zinga conductive paint. Analogues with antiseptic properties that protect the base from mold and decay. Compositions for removing small defects (irregularities, scratches, cracks), etc.

Oil and enamel formulations

Pictured is acrylic paint.

To materials based on alkyd and acrylic resins include oil and enamel paints. They are suitable for painting metal, wood and plastered surfaces.

After drying, it is non-toxic, light and moisture resistant.

  1. Oil paints are produced on the basis of drying oil. As thinners for them are White Spirit, gasoline, turpentine or solvent naphtha. The price of the compositions is low, but they dry for a long time (up to several days). The main disadvantage is that over time the coating turns yellow.
  2. Lacquer is added to enamel compositions as a binder. It gives the coating gloss and aesthetics. The instruction recommends using such paints for external and internal finishing work on metal, wood, concrete, and plaster. Enamels are moisture and light resistant. They also have anti-corrosion resistance.

Emulsion and dispersion materials

Water-dispersion composition.

Such paints are diluted, but do not dissolve with water. In them, the binder and pigment particles are distributed in a liquid medium, thus creating a stable emulsion.

When the coating dries, it does not wash out with water.

  1. Emulsion compositions are economical, have environmental friendliness and fire safety.
  2. They fit well on almost any substrate.
  3. Dries quickly, does not have a strong smell.

Many people think that water-based and water-dispersion formulations are the same.

However, they are different.

  1. Matte emulsions are washed off over time. The dispersions are water-resistant and suitable for use in wet areas.
  2. Water-dispersion compositions are usually white, water-based analogues have a variety of color palettes.
  3. Dispersions cannot be used at temperatures below +5 degrees. However, when modifiers are added, they are thermally stable. Such, for example, fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil.

The best analogues from paints diluted with water - based on acrylic resins and polymers.
They have high elasticity and strength.

  1. Such compositions are frost-resistant after their complete drying.
  2. Possess vapor permeability.
  3. Suitable for alkaline substrates (concrete, plaster).
  4. These paints are well tinted.
  5. Resistant to ultraviolet, retain the original color for a long time.
  6. They have the ability to repel water.
  7. They have high mechanical stability.

About paint compatibility

First, an epoxy putty must be applied to the old coating.

Based on everything written above, we will answer the main question of the article - is it possible acrylic paint paint on enamel and vice versa.

  1. Based on their composition, acrylic coatings fall only on the same old coating. They cannot be applied over alkyd enamels due to thinner/solvent incompatibility. The new coating will simply fold (raise) the enamel.
  2. In addition, it is undesirable to apply emulsion and dispersion compositions on old glossy and adhesive paints. The same applies to lacquered bases.
  3. But, after emulsion and dispersion materials, any enamels and paints can be used.

Now about how, without removing the enamel, apply a coating of acrylic paint with your own hands.

To do this, you need to create an intermediate layer, in a stable state, resistant to both acrylic and organic solvents.
It should consist of polyesters, (for example, epoxy resin, polyurethane) on amine hardeners.
Such compounds are dissolved with acetone.

After puttying, acrylic primer is applied.

Now many liquid putties and primers are sold that have the described composition.

One of the best materials is "Inter Troton Spray".

  1. First, apply liquid putty over the enamel.
  2. Next, cover the surface with acrylic primer.
  3. Then you can paint the base.


If you are unable to withdraw old paint, then a new coating can be applied to it. However, there are nuances here. Some types of coatings are incompatible, so between them you need to create an intermediate layer of neutral compositions. By watching the video in this article, you will expand your knowledge base.

Controversy about whether it is possible to apply water-based paint on a surface painted with the same composition, occur with a regular periodicity. Indeed, any person who decides to do finishing work, in particular, repaint the walls or ceiling, may encounter such a problem. But right choice- this is a guarantee that the final result will be of high quality and reliable.


There are certain theoretical ideas that most professional masters are ready to support. The fact is that the staining technology assumes good adhesion between the two materials. How to achieve this? The answer is simple: completely clean the surface before applying the paint and treat it with special compounds.

In practice, things are a little different. When the wall is treated with a composition similar to that which will be used, it is tempting to simplify the work a little. Both products have the same structure, which means that the grip should be pretty good. And if it is possible to apply water-based paint on the old coating, then the time saved and cash can be used for other purposes.

When working on large areas, one involuntarily arises a desire to save time and effort on dismantling the old coating.

It is at this stage that the desired meets reality. The prospect of excluding the dismantling of the old cladding layer from the process casts doubt even on the opinion of professionals. But it’s worth trying to figure out if it is possible to paint with water-based paint over a similar water-based paint?

Possible options

So, as a finishing composition, the same emulsion paint, which was used during the previous staining. This is very important point. Talking about the fact that water-based solutions with different bases will be used for work is a waste of time. The answer will be unequivocal: no, it is impossible to combine such materials.

Preparatory stage

It all starts with a correct assessment of subsequent actions, in such a situation it is worth avoiding haste and rash actions. If it turns out that the decision was made incorrectly, then the result will be disastrous: there will be a need to completely redo all the work, spending additional time and finances.

It is necessary to follow this scheme:

On a note! It should be borne in mind that a qualitative result while maintaining the old decorative layer is a lottery, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee.

Perfect Surface

It happens that a painted wall or ceiling is almost perfect. That is, the surface meets the following requirements:

  • The old layer does not have swellings and cracks, the coating is completely even.
  • There are no noticeable changes in the planes, differences in height and width. This is checked with a level. It happens that the previous application occurred immediately after the construction of the house. Over time, shrinkage occurred, distortions occurred, but without damage to the decorative layer.
  • The areas and corners adjacent between the wall and the ceiling do not have traces of fungus and mold. This important aspect, because if you skip even small formations of microorganisms, their growth will occur already on the newly treated surface.
  • There are no voids, the paint does not peel off when tapped.

The level rarely shows paintwork defects, so Special attention should be given to visual inspection and tapping

If all these factors are present, we can assume that the finish will not require the dismantling of the old layer. water-based composition. This situation is quite rare. Often this happens when you only need to perform redecorating: The previous surface is faded or the hue does not match the interior design intent.

Applying a new coat of paint over the old

It seems that a decision on the possibility of applying similar aqueous emulsion solutions has been found. But there is one important limitation: the new layer must be darker than the previous one. Failure to comply with this condition is a guarantee of a negative result.

If light paint is applied to a dark base, then fragmentary translucence is possible

The presence of defects - the path to dismantling?

It happens that defects have a local location, without greatly affecting general state surfaces:

  • delaminations or bubbles do not occupy more than ten percent of the total area;
  • cracks with a width of not more than 0.5 mm;
  • slight abrasion of the decorative layer is noticeable.

In this situation, it is advisable to make a decision especially carefully. If the previous option gave a guarantee of a qualitative result, then this case involves a risk.

The presence of obvious defects in the coating is a serious reason for dismantling the old water-based paint.

A new water-based paint is applied according to a certain scheme:

Thus, even surfaces with small defects can be painted. Of course, you will first have to perform a number of preparatory procedures.

When deciding whether it is possible to paint with water-based paint over paint with a similar composition, certain features must be taken into account. Staining will be justified only in the absence of serious flaws.

Acrylic paints were introduced to the market half a century ago. It is safe to say that this is a real breakthrough in the construction and repair industry. Today, this type of coating is preferred by most consumers.

Compound this material simple. It consists of three elements: resin (binder), water and coloring pigments. Those who are not yet familiar with this coating are interested in whether it is possible to paint wood with it? The answer is undoubtedly positive. Moreover, this option has a lot of advantages among similar compositions. How to paint a tree with acrylic paint and how to choose the right product?

Features of acrylic paints

It is ideal for painting wooden surfaces. Thanks to a huge selection of tint palettes, everyone will be able to realize their own design ideas in life. The material is environmentally friendly, so it can be applied to furniture, doors and windows, even in children's rooms.

After application, the coating does not emit toxic elements. In addition, the paint does not have a strong odor. Therefore, it can be used in public places.

Another advantage of this material is fast drying (1-2 hours). This is an absolute plus for those who want to do the job quickly and at the same time with high quality.

In addition, it is not necessary to clean the tools used in the staining process with solvents and other odorous compounds. It is enough to rinse them under running water.

One more important feature acrylic is its long service life, which varies between 10-12 years (depending on the manufacturer). The coating is sufficiently stable, which makes it possible to use cleaning products on the painted surface.

Acrylic paint protects the wooden product from ultraviolet rays (due to the resins contained in the composition), mechanical damage. It is water-repellent, breathable, resistant to temperature, high and low humidity.

Acrylic coatings resist the formation of cracks and bubbles on the surface, have a high degree of hiding power, which allows you to apply a minimum of layers.

One more distinctive feature is the possibility of removing the paint before it has set on the wooden surface. After drying, a protective film is formed on the painted products, which can only be removed by using special solvents.

Important: After processing products with acrylic paint, it, in literally, breathes. At the same time, it provides protection wooden products from pests.

Are there any disadvantages?

Despite the many advantages, acrylic also has disadvantages:

  1. The price for a quality product is very high.
  2. If you store the paint for a long time, then it can exfoliate.
  3. Too cheap acrylic paints can lose their color, especially under the influence of ultraviolet light.

As you can see, the number of minuses is very small and they relate mainly to product quality. However, the existing disadvantages should still be taken into account if you want to paint wood with acrylic paint.

Selection rules

Choice quality composition depends on what product you plan to paint. If its location is indoors, then it is recommended to select a coating designed for internal works. Such compositions create a smooth coating on furniture, interior doors and other decorative elements.

They do not lose color for a long time and are considered absolutely harmless. In addition, acrylic coating for interior spaces dries quickly, easy to apply, no strong odor.

Another thing, if you need to paint objects that are on the street - external doors, windows, facades, etc. For this, it is recommended to choose a special coating made for external works. Both options differ in composition. The latter includes special elements that resist atmospheric changes (consists of coloring pigments, fillers, fixers).

This composition provides reliability and durability of the coating, elasticity, protection from moisture and the sun, quick drying and a high degree of vapor permeability.

This composition can be applied both to a new product and to old structures made of wood (only before this, the surface must be carefully sanded).

Store acrylic paint preferably at a temperature not lower than 0 ͦ and not higher than 30 ͦ C.

Important! Before use, it should be mixed and diluted.

How to apply acrylic on a wooden surface?

Before using this material, wooden products should be prepared for the process. Especially when it comes to old surfaces. If the facade, window, door, furniture are new, then there is no need for pre-treatment. Acrylic can be applied immediately.

So, if the product has cracks, indentations, irregularities, then they should be repaired with a putty designed for wood. If you plan to use a light-colored coating, then it is preferable to select the appropriate shade of putty, otherwise you will have to apply several layers of paint to mask the contrast.

After it dries, carefully sand the surface with a grinder or sandpaper. It is worth noting that in this case, you should be careful not to disturb the position of the fibers. Therefore, it is recommended to grind along their direction.

Next, the product should be cleaned of dust. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge. Then you need to apply the soil. This will ensure low paint consumption and good adhesion of the surface and the base layer.

Important: Do not use a water-based primer on outdoor products. It is better to purchase an oil-based material for these purposes.

After the primer dries, a decorative layer of acrylic paint is applied. If you plan to paint a door, furniture or window, it is better to use a natural-based brush. For bulk work, it is recommended to purchase a roller.

It is important that outdoor structures be painted quickly after applying the primer. This is due to the fact that some types of soil are not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures(You can read about this in the instructions for using the primer).

Painting wooden products with acrylic paint is the most the best option. And this applies not only to those that are indoors, but also located on the street. The main thing here is to choose the appropriate and high-quality material.

Decided to start a renovation, but do not know how to paint with acrylic paint? It doesn't matter just this article will tell you everything about preparation, painting and various important nuances, which will be useful when painting walls. But first you need to get to know acrylic paint better to see all the advantages of this material.

What is acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are a paint and varnish material made on the basis of acrylic resins. This paint is odorless, it can be safely used in children's rooms. It belongs to the water-based group, so you can wash the brushes and dilute it with plain water. In the process of drying, evaporators disappear from the substance, and the mastic creates a reliable and durable film. Acrylic paint is able to cover any surface, and the time for complete drying can be from 5 to 30 hours, depending on the temperature and season. Let's take a closer look at all the benefits:

  1. Has no smell.
  2. Diluted with water.
  3. Fireproof.
  4. Eco-friendly.
  5. Dries quickly.
  6. Easy to use - all you need is a cloth and water to clean the surface.
  7. Rich color spectrum.
  8. High adhesive qualities.
  9. It has pores, which allows the building to breathe.
  10. Resistance to chemical and atmospheric environments.
  11. Service life is about 20 years.

In the case of outdoor acrylic paint, the service life is 10 years.

It is possible to carry out painting with acrylic paint at a temperature of -30 °.

Acrylic paint can have a different spectrum of coverage, gloss, matte or pearl with different textures.

Where is acrylic used?

To date, acrylic paint is used in various fields:

  1. In construction - painting the walls and facades of various buildings.
  2. For painting cars - acrylic car enamel is considered economical option, coloring metal constructions auto, paint consumption is 3.5 times less than nitro enamel.
  3. In cosmetology - to create varnish on water based to exclude acetone from use, which is harmful to health.

Due to environmental friendliness, acrylic paint is used in hospitals, schools, kindergartens and other institutions. To ionize the air, silver particles are added to the paintwork materials, so you can safely paint a children's room or your bedroom.

Moving on to painting

As in any work, preparation is indispensable, the better it is done, the easier it will be to paint. The first step is to remove all the furniture from the room. If this is not possible, then you need to put it in the center of the room and cover it. Remove all the facades of switches and sockets, plan to paint the ceiling, then the chandelier is also superfluous.

Old wallpaper needs to be peeled off to clean concrete or plaster, depending on what your house is built from. If, of course, you have special wallpaper pasted for painting, and you plan to paint over the old color, then there is no need to peel off the wallpaper, provided that the quality of the coating is in excellent condition.

Inspection of the quality of the walls

Walls for painting must be perfect, otherwise all errors after painting will be evident. Therefore, if the surface has chips, cracks and dimples of shallow content, then they need to be puttied. But before this process, the surface of the walls needs to be rolled with a roller with a primer solution. Traces of mold or fungus were found on the walls - should be removed or treated with an antiseptic composition. Only after that, depending on the surface defects, it is possible to plaster or putty the walls.

Painting can be done on a puttied surface or pasted over with special wallpaper. It all depends on finances and circumstances. What I want to say by this is that it is much cheaper to paint a puttied surface than a wallpapered one. And in some cases it is necessary to putty and paste over at the same time, this is due to the walls that have small cracks. For these purposes, non-woven or fiberglass wallpapers are used, as they have a large margin of safety.

Prime wall primer

To increase the adhesion of the paint to the wall, it is necessary to generously prime all work surfaces and wait until completely dry. Large areas can be rolled off with a roller, and inaccessible areas with a brush, as a rule, these are all corners.

What tool do you need for painting

In order to be able to work calmly without being distracted, it is recommended to prepare the entire tool in advance:

  • brush - if you plan to make original drawings or painting, you will need several brushes of various sizes;
  • roller with a pile of medium length;
  • telescopic (extending stick) for painting high areas, including the ceiling;
  • paint tray with rolling board;
  • several spatulas of various sizes;
  • covering oilcloth for floor and furniture;
  • drill and paint mixer.

Personal protective equipment:

  • overalls with long sleeves;
  • bandage respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • gloves.

The paint itself is not dangerous, but it will be extremely unpleasant, especially when painting the ceiling, getting liquid into your eyes or mouth. So we came to the main topic - how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint.

Surface painting with acrylic paint

In order not to stain the floor, it is recommended to lay an oilcloth, otherwise you will have to clean the floor later, this is not difficult, but still extra work. You planned to paint the ceiling and walls, then we start from the ceiling so as not to flood the painted walls with sweat. But before you start painting, you need to mix the paint with a mixer, as a thick substance settles at the bottom. A thick mass can be diluted with water and mixed again. The finished composition must be poured into a special bath or, as some call it, a cuvette for squeezing the roller. It has a container for paint and an inclined wringer board on which excess paint remains. Thanks to this device, the roller will be evenly saturated with paint, so it's better than dipping in a bucket and rolling paint on the wall. In the latter case, the paint will lie unevenly. Of course you can use Blank sheet plywood and roll out the roller first on it, and then apply paint to the wall.

In hot summer weather, acrylic paint dries quickly, so you need to paint the wall from corner to corner. If you hesitate and combine the dried layer with fresh paint, then a strip will appear that will be difficult to paint over. Therefore, it is necessary to have time to paint the first layer before it starts to dry. You need to start by painting the corners with a brush, after that it is rolled from the corner with a roller. Strongly wet the roller should not be, otherwise there will be streaks. You need to roll the paint from the middle up and down, so the paint will be evenly distributed than if you start from the bottom up. We covered one wall with the first layer, go to another and so on in a circle.

Having rolled the first layer around the entire perimeter, it is necessary to wait for time, in the heat it is about 20 minutes to 1 hour. After that, you can go through the second layer, but already with a diagonal or longitudinal direction of the roller, so the surface will be better painted over. You can finish this, but if after the second time there are unpainted spots, then you should repeat the painting process of the surface for the third time. I want to remind you that the walls are painted only after the ceiling is painted. And how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, we will learn below.

ceiling painting

Painting the ceiling is a little more difficult, the fact is that the hands are all the time on weight, which makes them tired quickly. Make it a little easier this work telescopic stick, which is worn on the roller. The principle of painting is the same as in the case of walls, the first layer is rolled with a roller along, the second across, the third diagonally. If whitewash lies on the ceiling, it should be torn off, for this you need to wet the surface warm water and remove the whitewash layer with a spatula. After that, the surface is washed with a sponge and water from the rest of the chalk mass. Next, the ceiling is primed, puttied, and painted. Ceiling paint with whitewash should be liquid, thick can create heaviness, and the chalk mass can fly off.

Many are interested - but you can paint with acrylic paint directly on whitewash. Of course, it is not advisable to do this, but it is possible, if you are too lazy, to wash off the whole thing. To do this, you need to buy a deep penetration primer and soak the whitewash layer so that it adheres well to the floor slab. Allow time to dry well and you can paint. But there is one caveat - if you drive a whitewash roller for a long time, it can get wet and swell. That is why you need to do everything quickly, and after the first layer, let it dry well.

For ceiling surfaces, a special acrylic ceiling paint is sold, which has white, super white and milky White color. To create a special tone, you can use color paste.

Art painting

We decided to paint the wall with an outlandish pattern, but you have no idea where to start. As in those cases, the surface must be made perfectly smooth with a finishing putty, primed with prime and allowed to dry. After that, you can paint the walls with acrylic paints. The finished drawing should be varnished, so it will look aesthetically pleasing while remaining in its original form.

Painting a wooden surface

Using acrylic on wood is not much different from using it on concrete or plaster surfaces, with the exception of metal and plastic.

Acrylic paints are popular among artists and are widely used for painting on wood. Such popularity arose due to the ability of paint to create protective film enveloping a painted object. Such a coating does not fade or crack, resists aggressive influences and sudden temperature changes. Professional artists use paint tubes for painting, which allows you to achieve a watercolor effect thanks to special solvents and plain water.

Technique of using acrylic on wood

How to paint with acrylic paint correctly - before painting, the wood is sanded with fine sandpaper, after which the ground is applied. Then the grinding process continues. This technique allows you to better paint a wooden object.

The widespread use of acrylic paint is in demand because of the versatility and uniqueness of paintwork materials. And the ease of applying paint to any surface allows for self-painting.

Acrylic paint is becoming more and more popular every year. It is easy to operate and environmentally friendly. Today it is used in many areas of activity: construction, nail service, in creativity. The technique of execution of works with the help of this paint can be different. We will talk about how to use acrylic paints in this article.


Such paint has a number of advantages over other paints and varnishes.

She is appreciated for:

  • universality;
  • practicality in application;
  • practicality in operation;
  • profitability;
  • environmental friendliness.

How to choose?

The choice of paint begins with determining how it is to be used: interior, decorative or applied. The composition of the paint is of two types: organic and synthetic. Each of them is based on artificial resins. Dyes are used to create a coloring pigment. Artificial pigments appear in bright and saturated color, and natural base- in pastel colors.

As already mentioned, acrylic is a universal type of paint and varnish materials. It can be used in any room. Acrylic dye is not afraid of moisture. It is not necessary to be a master to accurately cover any surface with it. First of all, buyers choose the material by color, then refer to the destination information. It can be found on the packaging. There is a paint resistant, for ceilings, for facades or for interior work.

So, usually there are several types of acrylic paints:

  • Wear resistant paint is recommended for rooms with a high level of humidity.
  • Deep matte and matte paints are suitable for walls and ceilings in dry rooms. They hide small and insignificant irregularities, are easy to apply and have a breathable property. Before this, it is necessary to remove the whitewash from the ceiling.
  • Glossy the paint does not hide the irregularities, visually enhances the texture.

The color range of paints is wide. It is possible to make a shade yourself, for this they use colors. They interfere with the white color and create the desired shade. Kohler is a concentrated paint. It is thick and liquid.

White paint is divided into milky white, white and super white. For the purity of the shade, it is better to use the last two colors.

It is enough to observe the following points in order to properly mix the paint with the color scheme:

  • carefully read the instructions and color chart;
  • use paint and color from the same manufacturer;
  • mix them in a separate container;
  • you need to mix only the amount that needs to be used for painting at the moment.

Paint for outdoor work used to cover the facades of the house and other objects on outdoors. Paint for facade work is of two types: water-based and based on organic compounds. The second is especially good for work at low temperatures in winter. It lays down evenly and dries quickly. negative temperature. Acrylic paint has high wear resistance, high protection and strength, so it is suitable for concrete products. Paint protects concrete from influence of weather conditions and mechanical influences.

Acrylic-based coating is also chosen for wooden products. It has the following properties:

  • resistance to changes in temperature and moisture;
  • wear resistance does not allow cracks to form on a wooden coating;
  • retains color for ten years;
  • it has vapor permeability;
  • dries quickly;
  • easy to use;
  • no need to peel off the old layer to apply a new layer of paint.

Artists and designers use acrylic for painting furniture, creating patterns on glass, drawings on fabric and for writing pictures. There is acrylic for children's creativity- such paint is brighter and easily erased. It is non-toxic and stored in plastic jars. There is also a paint that has special properties, such as glow in the dark, fluorescent and pearlescent.

Paint for decorative works available in jars and tubes. Both forms of storage are convenient to use. Paint in tubes can be purchased by the piece. It is worth noting that jars and tubes with paint come in different volumes. Acrylic paints for fabric are distinguished by their elastic property. When heated with an iron, they acquire a plastic structure and penetrate the fabric. After dyeing, it is recommended to wash things in the hand wash mode.

acrylic paint for nails also stored in jars and tubes. Material in jars is needed to create a pattern with a brush or using other tools. If necessary, the paint can be diluted with water. Thanks to the narrow spout at the end of the tube, the paints are ready for use immediately. Tubes can also be purchased individually.

Surface types

As already mentioned, acrylic paint has a universal property - it is used on different types of surfaces. Acrylic is "friendly" even with surfaces previously covered with paint. The material lays down on water-based paint without any problems, since both coatings are created on the same basis. Acrylic paint can be used over oil. In this case, it is necessary to sand the area to be painted to increase adhesion. Acrylic paint evenly falls on the latex coating, as they have a similar composition.

The painted surface does not need to be specially prepared. In this case, grinding is needed only to level the walls. Alkyd and acrylic paints are completely different in composition, so it is not recommended to use one coating on top of another. Better clean off alkyd paint, prime the surface and apply a new color.

This cleaning process is also suitable for enamel paint. The enamel should be removed from the surface, the wall cleaned and the prepared area painted with acrylic paint.

Preparation usually takes place with the help of grinding and coating various types primers. The soil plays the role of a sealant, it penetrates into surface cracks, creating a denser structure of the product. Preparation of plywood for painting takes place in several stages:

  • grinding - at this stage, defects and irregularities are removed with sandpaper, it is important to create a smooth top layer;
  • coating with the first layer of primer;
  • after drying, it is polished again from small and minor irregularities and dust is removed;
  • coating with a second layer of primer;
  • after complete drying, the plywood is ready for painting

Plastic is prepared as follows:

  • removal of dirt and dust;
  • grinding - the surface should be rough to increase adhesion;
  • before applying the primer layer, the plastic is degreased with alcohol;
  • primer;
  • the surface is ready for painting.

Chipboard is prepared in several stages:

  • if the chipboard product is an element of furniture, then it is necessary to unscrew all the fittings;
  • if necessary, remove the old layer paintwork material and grind;
  • remove contaminants;
  • degrease with white spirit;
  • in the presence of cracks, putty, rub the irregularities again with sandpaper, remove dirt, and then prime;
  • after the primer has completely dried, you can start painting.

To create a creative room interior with paint, you can paint the wallpaper. For correct application Several important points must be observed:

  • Choose wallpaper for painting. They are different types. For acrylic dyes, glass wall papers are best suited.
  • The color of the wallpaper may be different, but it is better to choose a white wallpaper to get bright colors paints.
  • You can paint the wallpaper only after the glue has completely dried.
  • You can paint with a brush or roller. For textured wallpapers, a spray gun is more suitable, as it completely paints over the wall.

When painting wallpaper, the rule also applies: matte paints hide imperfections, glossy paints visually increase the structure.

To prepare for staining concrete, you need to follow a few points:

  • Check concrete moisture. If the concrete product is relatively new (less than a month from the date of manufacture), then it should not be painted. Humidity paint will crack and fall off. You can check the humidity level as follows - glue plastic bag 1 m2 to the wall with adhesive tape. If during the day condensation remains on the film, then such concrete should not be painted.
  • If necessary, you need to level the wall with putty in two layers. The second layer should be thin and as even as possible.
  • Then you need to sand the walls with sandpaper.
  • Apply 2-3 coats of Concrete Primer, allowing each coat to dry completely.
  • Paint.

Styrofoam is a universal insulation. Sometimes it acts as a finishing surface. This type of plane is not so easy to paint with any paint, however, acrylic compositions are very well suited for this. The foam coating must be properly prepared for good adhesion and even coloring:

  • To clear of pollution and the settled dust.
  • Coat with acrylic primer.
  • The foam is very smooth surface, so the primer will drain and create a relief surface. Hence, the grinding point is very important. Be sure to wait until the primer is completely dry.
  • Styrofoam is ready for painting.

As already described earlier, acrylic paint is not afraid of temperature changes, therefore, it is suitable for painting hot radiators. Such hardware prepared according to the following rules:

  • choose acrylic paint with rust protection or paint for metal;
  • clean the old coating with an iron brush;
  • degrease with white spirit;
  • apply a primer to the entire area to be painted;
  • the surface is ready for painting.

Painting brick walls does not require special skills. Acrylic coating does not bubble or crack when the warm brick structure is in the cold. Brick preparation is as follows:

  • clean the surface of dirt;
  • it is necessary to grind not only the surface of the bricks, but also between them;
  • primed with acrylic primer;
  • check the surface for unevenness and proceed with painting.

There are special acrylic paints for glass. Glass products are prepared as follows:

  • cleaned of contaminants and degreased with alcohol or special solutions;
  • then a thin layer of paint is applied;
  • to create a stained-glass window, you can use stencils - they are placed under the glass and outlined along the lines with contour acrylic paints;
  • the contour dries in 25-30 minutes, after which you can paint it with colored paints. They dry in about 24 hours.

Fiberboard has a porous structure. Therefore, the stages of preparing such material will be as follows:

  • clean from contaminants;
  • polish;
  • degrease with white spirit;
  • impregnate the surface with drying oil (using a paint brush);
  • after drying, paint can be applied.

wooden surfaces are porous material. When preparing for painting, the following rules should be observed:

  • remove the old layer of paint;
  • clean from dirt and dust;
  • remove all fittings;
  • grind with sandpaper or a special tool;
  • putty all cracks and irregularities and grind again;
  • apply 1-2 coats of primer;
  • wooden product ready for painting.

Plaster is suitable as a basis for wall painting. When painting this surface, you should follow the basic rules of painting: cleaning, grinding, priming, coating.

Required Tools

Acrylic dyes are universal in operation. Thanks to its water-based formulation, it is possible to give acrylic a more liquid consistency without special solutions. This requires the most simple tools that are in every home.

What to paint?

Brush - universal tool for coloring and drawing. Use wide flat paint brushes to create a solid color. For more complex surfaces (pipe, battery), use a round brush. For drawing, you can use both paint brushes and art brushes. A line brush is a flat, short-haired brush. It is suitable for creating straight lines.

It should be remembered that art brushes for acrylic should be chosen from synthetics or bristles.

There are brushes for manicure. It is recommended to work with such tools in bright light and with a palette. Large flat areas are painted over with a roller. It is chosen according to the length and composition of the coat. The longer the pile of the fur coat, the more textured the coating will be. For a smooth finish, felt or nylon rollers should be used. Mini-rollers are used when painting corners, joints or transferring a pattern using a stencil. When working with a roller, use a special tray.

The paint from the spray gun is widely sprayed, so a protective mask and overalls should be used when working.

How to paint?

The usual painting of the surface is feasible for any person. In this case, a number of rules must be observed:

  • Cover all non-staining areas with paper or masking tape (windows, floors, baseboards).
  • You can prepare the surface and cover it with acrylic paint in a simple way from the corners and openings to the center. The corners are painted with a brush or a small roller, for the rest of the area it is better to take a large roller.
  • The spray gun is used for painting large surfaces, for example, for the roof of a house, the facade of a building. In the room, a spray gun nozzle with a smaller spray angle is used. Water-based paint can be thinned with water in an amount of 10-15% of the total volume.
  • Working with color is difficult, it is quite laborious work. Mix paint and color in a separate bowl. First, the main color is poured in, and then the color scheme is added in a small amount, in portions. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the composition until a uniform color is obtained so that streaks do not form.

Facade acrylic paint is best suited for painting the facade. The color rules are as follows:

  • Before painting the facade, the surface should be prepared depending on its type (concrete, wood). Then all the places that should be protected from paint ingress are covered. Large areas are best painted with a roller or spray gun.
  • The choice of facade color depends on the color of the roof of the house. Landscape designers recommend for visual creation cozy house from wood, use a combination of brown and green colors. Experts advise the blind area of ​​​​the house and the doors to be painted in dark color. It should be remembered that the house will appear larger if its color is light.

Furniture painting: a master class for beginners

With the help of acrylic paint, you can turn an old cabinet into a beautiful piece of furniture. To do this, follow these simple rules:

  • After thorough sanding, it is necessary to prime the surface with white acrylic paint.
  • Carved inserts on the doors are painted in a contrasting color, for example, black. You can do the carving yourself.
  • On the tabletop of the cabinet, we display the drawing with a roller using a stencil. For people who have a lot of experience with paint, you can sketch with a pencil and color it by hand.

Proper use of paints for manicure

Using acrylic paint, you can create an individual design on the nails. It's very easy to do this:

  • after a cosmetic manicure, the nail is covered with the main color of the gel polish;
  • then the drawing is applied with acrylic using a special brush for manicure;
  • after 3 minutes of drying, the surface can be covered with a transparent gel nail polish.

The color of the varnish depends on the desired pattern. But there are a few basic rules that nail service masters follow:

  • for short nails, dark and bright colors of varnish are suitable: red, black, burgundy, purple and others;
  • for long nails, it is better to choose delicate colors and shades: beige, white, pink, milky, etc.


Paint consumption is calculated only for painting work. In other cases, these points are not relevant ( artwork, nail polish). Consumption is indicated on the package. It all depends on the type of paint and the manufacturer. You can calculate the required volume by determining the area to be painted. Paint consumption, surface porosity and the number of layers are important (usually 1-2).

The value of 1 l/m2 may be indicated on the packaging. This means that one liter of paint can cover one square meter area. As a rule, an error is indicated based on the porosity of the surface - 0.1-0.25 l / m2. 0.1/m2 for a smooth and dense surface, 0.25/m2 for an absorbent and porous surface.

Save on paint by diluting it with water should not be. The composition will have a liquid structure, which will create additional layers of streaks.

How long does it dry?

The coating dries depending on the thickness of the layer, but not for long - most often from several minutes to a day. 24 hours the paint dries with a large-scale and thick application. The paint can be dried faster with minimal humidity, warm temperatures and in a ventilated area. Paints dry for a few minutes.