Shower      04/16/2019

Code to open the vizit intercom without a key. How to open any intercom without a key? (Cyfral, Visit, Metacom, Eltis)

Residents of apartment buildings whose entrances are equipped with intercoms are sometimes faced with a situation where they cannot get home due to problems with these electronic guards. These problems can be caused by a breakdown of the intercom, power outages, or interference in its operation by children or hooligans. But most often, residents cannot open the entrance due to the fact that they simply forgot their password or a special key for the device.

Knocking on the windows of neighbors living on the first floor is somehow inconvenient, and they are not always at home. Waiting for someone to come out is a long time. Calling a specialist is both expensive and not always possible. What to do?

In this article we will try to consider in detail the question of how to open any intercom without knowing the password and without having special keys with you. This material is intended exclusively for emergency situations when you need to get into your apartment. Hacking electronic devices and entering someone else's home for personal gain is covered by the Criminal Code.

The most common intercom models installed in entrances

Today the electronic market security systems crowded. Companies involved in their sale and installation offer products for every taste and budget. But still, as for intercoms, there are several domestic models that have gained trust and popularity in a short time. These include:

  • Vizit - intercom Russian production, manufactured by VizitGroup, a security technology company since 1984.
  • Cyfral is a popular brand of intercoms from the same name Russian manufacturer, one of the leaders in the access control systems market.
  • Eltis is an intercom developed by the domestic company Eltis, specializing in electronic security systems.
  • "Metacom" is a reliable intercom developed in Russia by a successfully developing manufacturing company of the same name.

Each of the above manufacturers has branches not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries and Europe. Today no one doubts their quality, but any security system created by a person can be hacked by the same person.

Physical hacking of an intercom

As you know, any electronic device can be hacked either physically or cybernetically. Let's start with physics.

The intercom design consists of a control unit and powerful electromagnet, obeying his commands. The magnet actually holds the door closed. In order to physically overcome its magnetic field, an effort of 400-500 kg will be required. This, you agree, to an ordinary person not possible. Therefore, a reliable emphasis and a strong jerk are needed here. Of course, not every intercom will succumb to such vandalism, and not every person will be able to do it.

Hacking with electricity

If the previous method failed to open the door, you can try electrical action. To do this, you will need a piezoelectric element from a lighter or a stun gun. You need to bring one of these devices to the place where the key is inserted and discharge it. About 30% of all intercoms are opened in this way, but because of this, almost all of them fail.

There is another way - turn off the electricity at the entrance. This can be done outside with an entrance lighting lamp. If the entrance does not have automatic switches, but regular plugs or semi-automatic devices, it is enough to short-circuit the contacts in the lamp socket. The electricity will turn off - the door will open.

Of course, the methods listed are barbaric and quite dangerous. Therefore, they should be used only in the most emergency situations. For other cases it is better to use universal key, feedback or decoding.

Feedback method

It is unknown who came up with this method and how, but it really works. Not all intercoms can be opened with it, but it’s still worth a try. The method is to create feedback between the speaker and microphone, as a result of which the voltage in the amplifier sharply increases and the device’s protection is triggered.

To create a background you will need to bring it to the microphone mobile phone in conversation mode or cover the speaker with the microphone with your hands in such a way as to protect them from extraneous sounds. The first option is more effective, since the mobile phone creates a fairly strong electromagnetic field around itself.

Universal key

Most popular intercoms can be opened with a special universal key. Not so long ago, such a tool was only in the arsenal of emergency services. Today, universal keys for intercoms can be freely ordered online. However, it is worth noting that it will not open all devices. For example, it is unlikely that it will be possible to open the Metakom intercom without the key included in the kit, or without knowledge of a special code.

In general, each intercom model has its own key programmed in a certain way. Their open rate is 80-90%. Such keys can only be ordered from the manufacturer or its representatives.

Decoding intercoms

Now let's talk about how to open the intercom without a key. Vizit, Cyfral, Eltis and Metakom in most cases react positively to the input of their “native” code, and do not require further configuration. Naturally, under one condition - if the cipher has not changed.

Here, of course, there is no universal method, because each model has its own specific set of combinations designed to open and lock doors, enter the menu or program the key. You can obtain detailed instructions for emergency opening of doors from representatives of the manufacturer or the company that performed the installation.

We will tell you how to open the intercom without Vizit key, Cyfral, Eltis and Metakom using standard factory codes. And let's start with the simplest of them in this sense.

Eltis: how to open an intercom using factory codes

The Eltis model range is not very wide, so there are only two combinations for “humane” hacking:

  1. Press the call button, dial “100”, press call again and dial “7273”.
  2. Call, "100", call, "2323".

When you press the last digit, the door should open. This method works on 95% of Eltis brand devices. How to open an intercom from this manufacturer, if the specified codes do not work, you can find out from the next section, since the technology used in it software also used in all Cyfral models.

Code hack Cyfral

Audio and video access control systems of this brand have a wider range of models, which is why the number of combinations for decoding them is much greater.

For Cyfral intercoms, marked with the letter “M”, the standard combination for opening doors is: call button and “41” or “1410”. Sometimes a positive result is obtained by sequentially pressing the numbers “07054”.

But how to open the Cyfral intercom if the above methods do not work? To do this, you need to enter the main control menu by typing the standard code “0000”. When you see the inscription “On” on the screen, press “2”. The door should now open. If instead of “On” the display displays “Off”, this means that the entrance to the menu is closed and you will have to use other options.

On some Cyfral models, when you dial “0000,” the screen may display “cod” or “code,” requiring you to enter the system menu code. In this case, you need to dial one of the combinations:

  • "123456" and press the call key;
  • "456999" and call;
  • "123400" and call key

If after this the message “f0” appears on the display, it means that you have entered the control menu. To open the door you need to dial "601".

A legal way to program a key for Cyfral yourself

If you temporarily live in an apartment at an entrance equipped with a Cyfral intercom (as a guest or renting a living space), you can enter your personal code yourself.

To do this, you need to take the key from the owners, go to the device, press the call button and hold it until an inscription appears on the screen notifying you of entering the system menu. After that, press “5” and when prompted by the system, enter the number of the desired apartment. After this, the device will ask you to use the key by displaying “Touch”. After inserting the key, press the call button, and your personal code will be added to the general list.

Vizit intercoms are even more difficult to open. Because of large quantity models and modifications, sometimes it is not possible to find a code at all. In addition, most of these devices often do not have keys such as “*” or “#” on the control panel, which are provided in their programming instructions.

But how to open the intercom without a Vizit key in this case, you ask? Nothing is impossible. First, let’s determine that instead of “*” and “#” you need to use the “C” and “K” keys, respectively. Everything else is simple. To begin with, we use standard factory codes:

There is no need to be upset right away if the specified codes do not work, since you can open the Vizit intercom using the system menu. It is usually entered by sequentially pressing #999. Entry is confirmed by two short beeps. After them, you must enter the standard master code "1234". If the system accepts it, it will give one signal. If the code has been changed, the intercom will “swear” with a two-tone squeak. In this case, you need to try entering other cipher combinations:

When entering the system menu, you can both open the Vizit intercom and program the key. To unlock the doors we use the following combination: "2#3535". To program the key, you need to dial “3” in the system menu and attach the key to the slot provided for it, press “#” and wait for the confirmation signal. The "4" key in the menu deletes the key data from the system.

Some of you have probably seen Vizit intercoms that have neither a display nor indicators on the control panel. These are outdated, but no less reliable models. It is worth noting that here it is better to resort to physical force or the services of a specialist, because it is almost impossible to open the “Visit” intercom, which does not have a screen, by entering codes blindly.

How to open Metacom

Metacom security devices are considered the most secure both physically and cybernically. It is almost impossible to hack them by force, and picking up the key is also impossible. All that remains is to try various options codes, which also gives a positive result in a few cases.

You can open the Metakom intercom without a key only if you know the master code. Enter the code incorrectly three times in a row and the device will be blocked for some time.

The only exceptions are the Metakom MK-20 models, which have one flaw in the protection system. The fact is that if you bring a “zero” key, i.e., an unstitched key, to the key socket, the intercom automatically goes to the programming menu. Having entered it, you can independently program the “tablet” to open the doors.

Sometimes there are situations when it is not possible to get not only into your own apartment, but even into your own entrance. Or, on the contrary, there is a need to get into someone else’s entrance (for work matters, for example), but the presence of an intercom on the front door interferes with free passage. In this case, you should first find out how to open the intercom without a key.

In this case, there are several possible options.

How to open any intercom

In order to get inside the entrance, you can use one of several methods:

  • The simplest option is to break the intercom, but this method can lead to very unpleasant consequences, besides, it is not legal;
  • The second method will allow you to open any intercom, no matter how complicated it is - you can call one of the apartments and ask to be let inside. If the reasons for entry do not include theft or other similar actions, residents are usually allowed inside;
  • The third way to open any intercom is to enter a unique code, which will unlock the door. This code is unique for each intercom and may also differ depending on the specific model. Therefore, to open any intercom, it is not enough to remember one combination - you will have to carry a whole list with you.

Today there are a lot of different intercom models and each one opens in its own unique way.

Therefore find universal solution for everyone - difficult, but to describe functional features models from well-known manufacturers and options for how to recode or disable them will be much easier to describe.

KS models

KS is a model of a domestic manufacturer that deals not only with similar devices, but also video surveillance systems. Such devices are not much inferior to their foreign counterparts.

To find out how to open an intercom without a key, you must first determine the specific model of the device. After which we can already talk about which method will be most effective.

Determining the model is quite simple - it is usually written right on the front panel. If there is no model, experts can identify the device simply by appearance. A non-specialist can also do this if he has something to compare with (for example, you can look on a tablet online to see what this or that model looks like).

To unlock an intercom manufactured by KS, you just need to enter a certain code - usually this is a 4-digit code that the device installers program during initial installation.

For KS, especially for models installed at entrances, the code is identical and consists of zeros. To use it, you need to enter the code on the KS device, and then press the button labeled “K”. Or is there a need to first press “K” and then enter the code - it all depends on which of the CS devices you will be dealing with.

To hack a KS intercom, it is not necessary to use a code - there is also a universal key. It is also called “Master Key”. They can be ordered in many workshops, or from those specialists who will install the CS device.

In any case, the KS is an intercom that can be opened quite simply. But do not delude yourself, if the installers did their job well, you cannot open a device made by KS using a standard code.

Intercoms Marshal

There is another manufacturer - Marshall.

To open a door with an intercom from this manufacturer, you can simply purchase universal keys - they are available for free sale.

A fairly common way to get into the entrance is to enter the last apartment number in the house, press “K” and add 5555. However, this option is not always suitable - and is not used on all models.

There are entire sites where a universal code is offered for Marshall devices (it may differ depending on the city and region.

Using a chip or searching for a code does not always lead to successful results. It is much easier to disconnect the intercom from the power supply. Regardless of the model, if the intercom is not connected to the network, it will unlock the door. Unfortunately, this method is not available to everyone.

A separate method can be called attempts to enter the service menu, from which you can unlock the door. This code looks like this #999. There are other combinations, for example, instead of nines, sixes or zeros are used. If the code is accepted, you will need to enter the mater code - it always has the same value “1234”. It is easy to verify that the code is correct - the device will beep.

There is also a completely legal method that does not involve hacking, but nevertheless offers to open the intercom without a key. To do this, you just need to wait until one of the residents leaves the entrance and hold the door. This method will allow you to open the device without a chip, code or other complications. Its only disadvantage is the need to waste time - after all, you have to wait - maybe 5 minutes, maybe an hour.

Intercom Techcom

If there is a need to find out how to open an intercom manufactured by Techcom, then there are several options for that.

First of all, you should determine which model you are dealing with and which one is installed on the door. Depending on this, you can select a code through which installation wizards reset the device settings.

If you succeed in finding the code, there is no need to recode the device, or after the door opens, simply reset the settings to standard - this will not cause any problems for other users, and the burglar himself will be able to open the entrance much faster, and without any key, using the same one same code.

  • One of the most simple ways hacking, in case specific model intercom Tehkom is unknown - enter the value 1234, before or after pressing the call button, or #.
  • In addition to this combination, you can use zeros or nines.
  • Sometimes to open the door you need to hold down the call key or #. If this method works, the user will hear a sound signal.
  • The button should be pressed for either 4, 10, or 30 seconds. Again, the exact time depends on the specific model you are working with.

Often, intercoms from this manufacturer can use individual codes for all residents (just in case someone forgets their key); you can try several options. It is best to use a one-digit code - for example 4444. Very often residents do not reset or change their standard codes, so another option would be a duplicated apartment number - for example 6969.

If the user knows the code for the door of the neighboring entrance, then this combination can also work, either one needs to be added to the existing number or subtracted.

Open with a Krona battery

If on front door An intercom without a keyboard or screen is installed in the entrance - opening it will also not take much time.

In order to find out how to open an intercom of this type, you can try the already listed options for models from other manufacturers (of course, if there is at least a keyboard). If the door did not open, the intercom could not be hacked, you should look for other options, or find an individual approach.

In this case, the most common crown-type battery will help. You can choose any other one that fits this size (meaning the point of contact with the key).

You just need to place the battery on this place and the door should unlock. This method (which involves opening the intercom using batteries - crowns) is the most common, it is unlikely to be suitable for ordinary intercoms (with keys and a screen), but it is extremely useful for devices installed in the private sector, or in entrances with a concierge. Or, for such a case, you can use a universal key.

There is another way to turn off the intercom - to do this, you need to hold down the “C” key and enter the code 669900, then press the call key and dial the combination from the number of the last apartment in the entrance, adding one.

If all these methods fail desired effect, it means either there was an error in choosing the model and manufacturer of the device, or simply the standard settings were changed.

It will be impossible to open such a door. If an autopsy is absolutely necessary, you can move on to more radical, although not entirely legal and legitimate methods.

Radical ways

There are more radical ways how to open the intercom. There is no need to use or select codes; everything can be done much easier.

For starters it's rough physical strength. Intercoms lock the door using a magnet and in most cases, one person is enough to open the door - you just need to pull the door hard. To ensure that you achieve what you want, you may need the help of one or two people.

The main thing in this process is to pull the door on everyone at the same time, then you can count on it to open.

Another brute force method is to simply break the intercom. In most cases, all of its electronics are located just below the panel. Therefore, this is where you can strike. It is more likely that the microcircuits will be damaged, the device will stop functioning and, accordingly, the doors will unlock.

No less effective way is the use of a stun gun, both purchased and homemade. You need to strike by applying a stun gun to the reader. Applying high voltage will cause the device to fail and, accordingly, the door to unlock.

It is worth considering that such attempts to open the intercom can lead to very unpredictable consequences - the arrival law enforcement, or, if the burglar is a resident of the entrance being broken into, the need to purchase at his own expense new intercom, pay for its installation and configuration.

That's why, the best way It is worth mentioning the acquisition of a universal key, with which it is easy to open any model. You can order such purchases both online and from many companies that install intercoms.

Intercoms are sufficient effective means protection of entrance doors to the entrance from strangers. Such devices have found wide application in apartment buildings, used as a kind of access system that allows only residents and those people who know the appropriate code or have a key to the Eltis intercom to enter the house. Strangers will not be able to open the door and enter the house without the permission of the residents of the house.

Thanks to this property, the intercom provides high level safety of both the residents and their property. But sometimes cases arise when a person who does not know the code or does not have the appropriate key must enter the house. These people include employees of various special services - police, fire departments, plumbers, housing office employees, postmen, etc. The question arises, how to open the Eltis intercom, the code of which is unknown and the key is missing.

Below are the methods for opening a door protected by an Eltis intercom. All of the above actions can only be performed if you need to enter the house with good intentions. The use of the listed methods to hack an intercom with the aim of harming the residents of the house leads to criminal liability.

Features of the Eltis intercom

The Eltis intercom is a high-tech electronic device that is used for authorized access to entrances, staircases, in apartments, private houses or other facilities where the installation of simple access level systems is required. You can get to an object that is protected using an intercom by entering:

  • common digital code;
  • individual digital code;
  • contactless electronic key or Touch Memory electronic key.

You can also get to the site using the button to call a subscriber, after talking with whom he can transmit a signal to open the door from his apartment.

Intercoms are used to restrict access to various objects and are designed to be installed on the front door or on the wall near this door.

Eltis intercoms provide the following functionality:

  • audio switching between the visitor and the subscriber in accordance with which apartment number was dialed;
  • duplex communication between visitor and subscriber;
  • visual display of entered information on a 5-digit seven-segment digital display;
  • a warning to the resident on his subscriber console when opening the door to the entrance using a key that is registered to his apartment;
  • Illuminated keyboard for convenient use of the intercom in the dark;
  • highly effective protection against hacking, selection of codes and passwords;
  • built-in protection against stun guns;
  • control of the operation of the electromagnetic lock by means of:
    1. pressing the subscriber console button by entering a general or individual door opening code;
    2. using a contactless electronic key or a Touch Memory key;
    3. by pressing the exit button.

Methods for opening an intercom without a key

Almost all brands of intercoms, including Eltis intercoms, support the ability to open them without a key. These methods include:

  • use of a universal code;
  • reprogramming basic settings intercom systems;
  • use of a special universal key.

Below we will discuss the features of each method and the possibilities of their practical application.

Using universal codes

Using universal codes or a password will allow you to open the Eltis intercom and get inside the protected object. In order to carry out this procedure, you should enter the appropriate combination consisting of numbers and letters on the front panel of the device. This procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • the call key “B” is pressed and a ringing sound is expected;
  • after the signal has sounded, the code “100” is entered on the dialer, after which the call key “B” is pressed again, and then the combination consisting of 4 digits 7273 is entered;
  • after that, press the call key “B” again and, after waiting for the sound signal, enter the following code - 100-B-2323;
  • after entering this code, the call button “B” is pressed again, after which the following combination 100-B-7272 is entered.

After implementing the presented algorithm, the door protected by the intercom should open. If it was not possible to open the door in this way, you should change the number 100 in the proposed algorithm to the number 200 and carry out all the actions first with the number 200. If the door did not open this time, you need to change the number 300, then 400, 500, and so on up to 900. The listed combinations can only work if the installer did not change the master code during the installation and configuration of the intercom. If the code has been changed, then to open the intercom you will need either an original key, a universal key, or a procedure for reconfiguring the intercom. How to reprogram the intercom system will be discussed below.

Reconfiguring standard intercom settings

To perform reconfiguration or reprogramming of the intercom system, four modes are used:

  • programming under an administrator account;
  • programming under an installer account;
  • programming using a client account;
  • replacing the current firmware version.

Administrator programming mode allows you to set the installer and administrator passwords. This mode is used in cases where the installer has lost his password. As for the administrator password, by default, it is individual for each intercom call block. To find it out, you need to use the technical passport of the device in which it is registered. To switch to programming mode under an administrator account, perform the following steps.

On the call module you need to dial the entry code to the corresponding programming mode - to do this, dial the combination of numbers 99999 and press the call button “B”. If the code was entered correctly, a message will be displayed on the digital indicator indicating that you can enter the administrator password. If the code was entered incorrectly, an error message will be displayed on the screen, and the call unit will emit a sound signal and go into standby mode.

When prompted to enter the administrator password, you must enter the appropriate code and press the call button “B”. If the password was entered correctly, the user will have access to the administrator programming mode.

Installer account programming mode can be used for:

  • editing the configuration parameters of an apartment or entrance;
  • writing or wiping keys;
  • rewriting configuration data from the media into the memory of the call block;
  • reading data recorded in the call block onto a storage medium for the purpose of further storage and processing on a computer;
  • changes to the current call block firmware version.

To get into the installer programming mode on the call block, you need to dial a code that includes the numbers 12321, then press the call key “B”. If the code is correct, a message will appear on the indicator indicating that the installer code can be entered. Next, you should enter the installer code, which, by default, answers 54321. After entering, press the “B” key and if the code was correct, the user will have access to the editing mode under the installer account.

The programming mode under the client account allows you to edit the following configuration parameters of the apartment:

  • individual code for opening doors;
  • recording of 7 keys to open doors.

To get into the client programming mode, on the call block you need to dial the code to enter this mode, which corresponds to the number 78987. After this, press the “B” key, if the code was correct, then a message will appear on the indicator that you need to enter the apartment number, the parameters of which will be edited. After entering the apartment number, you should also press the “B” key. After this, the user will have access to the mode for editing the corresponding parameters available to the client.

If the password for the Eltis intercom to enter one of the programming modes listed above is lost or forgotten, you can use another method of opening the door protected by the intercom. This method is that for each device there is a key that acts similarly to the original key. Such keys are supplied with the device; they are available from the intercom installer, as well as from the organization that sells intercoms from a specific manufacturer.

Having such a key, you can easily open the front door and enter the territory of the protected facility.

Which method will be the most effective?

The first method, which involves entering a special password, is quite simple, but its effectiveness is limited by the fact that if the code for the Eltis intercom is forgotten or lost, then it will be almost impossible to get into the room. The programming process is quite a complex task, and it will not be possible for any user to complete it. As for the universal key, this method will most likely be the simplest - it is only important to have a universal key available, which can be obtained from an intercom installer or an intercom service organization.


An intercom is a fairly effective security system and, when used correctly, provides reliable protection from strangers. Even if you have lost your key or forgotten the code for the intercom, it is quite possible to get into your home - there are several ways to do this that will help solve the problem of how to open the Eltis intercom. It is important to remember that all of the listed methods are used only for the purpose when the owner of the house or his tenant cannot get into the premises, and this needs to be done urgently. Also, such methods can be used by intelligence services, but in no case to harm other residents.

Video: working method of opening Eltis intercom

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to somehow open the Vizit intercom without a magnet, because this model of intercoms is considered the most reliable. They helped prevent many break-ins and thefts, so they began to be installed in most high-rise buildings.

Intercoms Visit

Vizit equipment is perfectly adapted to work in the harshest conditions. The body of the Visit intercom has a high-quality anti-corrosion coating. Research has shown that this equipment can be used at temperatures environment from -30 to +40. In addition, they are resistant to high humidity, which makes these intercoms even more reliable. Vizit can work for more than 12 years, and this is enough to be considered a stable device.

How to open the intercom Visit without a key using the service menu

If you forgot your keys at home or lost them, do the following.

  • Enter the service menu code with which you can hack the device. To do this, dial #999 and enter service mode. Wait for 2 beeps and enter your password. The factory password for all intercoms of this model is the same: 1234.
  • If you entered the password correctly, the device will beep once. If the password is incorrect, you will hear a double beep. Try entering the following password options: 3535, 9999, 6767, 0000.
  • Once you enter service mode, you will have to perform the operation a little more complicated. To open the door, enter “2”, pause for a couple of seconds “#” and “3535”.

If you click on “3”, you can set up new keys for the intercom. By clicking on this button, attach your key to the reader and press “#”. You should hear a squeak - it's ready. Using button “4” you can erase all chips from memory. Asterisk – exit from this mode. The grid is a confirmation of the changes made.

How to open the Visit intercom with a universal key

This is a well-worn topic, but many still believe. Generating a universal key is not possible. The intercom opens doors only with the keys that are stored in its memory. It does not contain any universal keys for special services - doctors, firefighters and police. We could all see videos on the Internet where they show us such keys. But how is this possible?

Each key has a static code that can be registered in several intercoms, at least in all. But who needs it? Each installation company installs several keys into one intercom. This is done to improve the convenience of service, so as not to wait at the entrance until one of the residents opens the door. Someone could illegally obtain such a key and sell it or use it for deceptive sales. This is what video creators do - deceive people. Universal keys are never made in several copies, since every serious organization has its own universal key for pre-prepared objects. If such a key is sold, the seller must warn you that the key does not open all intercoms and does not work in every city.

How to open an intercom Visit without a key - other methods

There are tips on the Internet to open the door by force. Vizit electromagnetic locks hold doors with a force of about 400 kg. If you are not super strong, and the lock is installed according to the rules, then nothing will come of it. Under correct installation means 100% adherence of the magnet to the door plate.

There is also absurd advice - cut off the power to the entire entrance! According to commentators, you need to break the light bulb above the entrance and create a short circuit. All you can achieve this way is injury. In most cases, the door will not open - the electrical protection will trip. Using a stun gun is a realistic option, but modern Visit intercoms are equipped with protection against the action of such devices.

The developers of the Visit intercom system foresaw situations when a person needs to get into the entrance without a key, so they made their equipment very convenient. The standard access code can only be changed by a professional, while ordinary users only have access to some adjustments. If you do not want to carry several keys for Visit intercoms, contact a specialized company and they will make you 1 universal key for the intercoms you specified.

This type of protection from strangers is installed in multi-storey buildings. Sooner or later, apartment residents ask the question: “How to open the Metacom intercom without a key?” But since this type is well protected from burglary, it will be difficult to open the doors. But probably.

Metacom Features

To open any intercom, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The calling panel includes:

  • controller;
  • key reading system;
  • subscriber intercom;
  • and a panel with numbers.

Metacom keys are distinguished by their reliability. It is simply impossible to open a lock from this company with another device. Each key includes a chip with a code that does not change.

The price for Metacom is not bad, and the intercom itself is easy to use.

The shockproof case protects the device from hacking. Exposure to weather conditions and temperature changes will not damage the Metacom intercom.


Now many are looking for an answer to the question of how to open an intercom without a key. Fortunately, such a method exists. And there are several of them, since different combinations are suitable for a certain model. Although there are also algorithms that can be used for all Metacom intercoms.

There are three types of menu:

  1. Custom: “65535” - HF - “1234” - HF - HF.
  2. Service: “65535” - KV - “1234” - KV.
  3. System: “65535” - KV - “1234” - KV - “9”.

Method 1

What to do:

  1. Call button (KV).
  2. No. of the first apartment in the entrance.
  3. The message “cod” will appear.
  4. "5702".

Method 2

What to do:

  1. "65535"
  2. "1234".
  3. "8".

Method 3

What to do:

  1. "1234".
  2. "6".
  3. "4568".

Method 4

(for Metakom MK-20 M/T)

What to do:

  1. "27".
  2. "5702".

Method 5

What to do:

  1. "1".
  2. "4526".
  3. Present the new key and register it.


It is not always possible to log in using a universal code. Therefore, the only solution is to program and register a new code.

What to do:

  1. To remember new apartment: “65536” - C - apartment no. - “7”.
  2. To remove the old code from this apartment: “65535” - C - “1234” - C - C - apartment no. - KV - “70111”.
  3. Removing Master keys: “65535” - C - “1234” - C - “97111”.
  4. Identifier record: "65535" - С - "1234" - С - "99".
  5. Removing the old identifier: “65535” - C - “1234” - C - “990111”.

Important! Now the most popular solution to situations with closed doors is the universal key. All possible firmware that is used to open intercoms is immediately added to it.


The video below shows several ways to open a Metacom intercom.