Shower      04/21/2019

Shower tray and curtains. Decoration of a bathroom and a cabin without a tray. Fashionable shower with glass walls

Buying shower curtains for a bath in Moscow (or any other city in Russia) is worth it for anyone who is tired of plastic curtains that do not protect from anything, but at the same time actively become dirty and therefore lose their attractive appearance within a week after hanging. Plastic or glass panels - superior, ergonomic and modern solution, with which the bathroom will acquire an attractive interior, and floor coverings and Decoration Materials will be fully protected from splashes of hot water.

Lida: Hi, we have a small bathroom, no window, just ventilation in the riser, so we leave the door open, otherwise the towels are “bullying”, but what worries me more is that above the bath we have a rubberized shower curtain after the mold time . Are there any materials, curtains, that resist this? I don't have much experience with polyester hinge - would it be better?

Veronika Menshikova: We usually do not recommend shower or bath curtains. Especially if you have limited air circulation. They may be in good condition and unfriendly. Veronika Menshikova: The trend has been bright for several years, in combination with decors from natural wood. To keep a bathroom from being boring, you can break it up with a contrast of color - use distinctive details such as red, purple or cobalt blue.

It is worth immediately distinguishing between curtains intended for installation on bathtubs and shower enclosures. The first ones are without a pallet. Its function is performed by the bath itself.

Advantages of curtains over curtains

Despite the fact that curtains are still quite widespread, they have a lot of disadvantages that glass shower curtains do not have. Among them, four are particularly critical:

Kami: Would you recommend a smaller bathroom with muted colors or more pronounced ones? These are bowls where there are no folds, where water flows. Veronika Menshikova: “If you don’t have a window in the bathroom, then you need a fan.” The bathroom should be a place not only for daily cleaning, but also for relaxation.

Veronika Menshikova: Lever batteries are more economical than taps, they set the water temperature faster and more accurately, and the batteries are often equipped with a flow limiter. The temperature limiter prevents unintentional scalding. These benefits batteries do not provide.

  • "Soviet interior". A polyethylene curtain looks cheap and ugly, significantly worsening the design of the room. Glass panels are a more modern and visually attractive solution;
  • Difficult to care for. In most cases, curtains are made of textured and perforated polyethylene, which very quickly collects dust, dirt and soap scum, becoming unsightly. grey colour. It is very difficult to wash them. Caring for glass panels is not difficult - they are very easy to clean and do not “collect” dirt;
  • Low drop protection. Water that gets on the curtain quickly drains from it, ending up outside the bath - on the tiles or other floor covering. Therefore, when getting out of the bathroom, you can slip. The glass shower curtain is placed in such a way that all drops that fall on it roll back into the bath;
  • Risk of confusion. Polyethylene adheres perfectly to wet skin. Therefore, you can get confused in the curtain, which will lead to sad consequences. Shower curtains for showers are absolutely safe - and, moreover, can be used as an additional point of support when leaving the bath.

Absolute advantages of curtains

However, glass curtain panels can boast not only comparative, but also absolute advantages. Among them:

Martina P.: Hi, is there any form of splash protection and coating? These surfaces prevent deposits of dirt, scale and ceramics. Veronika Menshikova: “If you have space, definitely yes.” Veronika Menshikova: Hello, strained glass has been used in the kitchen rather than on the walls for many years. You can use it in the shower, of course. An alternative is large format tiles with minimal joints.

Q: Hi, in the new building we have a planned smaller bathroom where it would be a perfect shower, but we also have a small child for whom we would like a bath. Can a bathtub be used even in small spaces? Veronika Menshikova: On the market you will find a large selection of vans and smaller sizes, both rectangular and asymmetrical. If you put the bathtub in the bathtub, you can even shower in the bathtub without hitting the bathtub. Lucy: Good afternoon, we have a small bathroom with pancakes.

  • Widest size range. The catalog includes many models of various sizes - from standard 80x80 and 100x100 cm to unusual ones;
  • Easy installation. Each model comes with instructions, following which you can install it yourself;
  • A large assortment. Curtains vary in design, design and appearance. Numerous photos will help you get acquainted with them. The glass itself can be either transparent, textured or grooved, effectively refracting light;
  • Long operational period. The curtains will last for decades, because they are made from special tempered types of glass, complemented by stainless steel metal profile. All these materials are incredibly resistant to any impact;
  • The prices of such products are unexpectedly low! And even on models from the most famous manufacturers - Radaway, River, Cezares and others.

The online plumbing store offers a wide range of curtains at incredibly attractive prices. Delivery and installation are also available.

There is no way to increase temptation. It is possible to wipe out a bathroom a bit when there is a room where the builder has to go and almost nothing. Washing machines are made in smaller sizes and are filled from the top, for example you can place several racks above washing machine. Katherine: Hi, are there any more colorful pieces of the closet?

Veronika Menshikova: Hi, yes, there are many boxes of distinctive colors on the market. You should always be careful to keep materials waterproof. Veronika Menshikova: Yes, vinegar water is fine, dilution 1. Lyudmila: Hello, we live in a house from the last century. Mainly because we liked the original vanity.

Shower curtains enclose the space for a comfortable shower. Based on your preferences (and their design features) they can be installed on a pallet or directly on the floor. The shower curtains themselves can be purchased separately, but most often the package requires a tray for correct installation. plumbing installation. Another option is if you purchase special ones that create a small enclosure for the shower. In this case, they are, of course, sold without a pallet.

We laid tiles and retro tiles. Veronica Menshikova: If you want to keep the retro style, you have several options - find a cabinet or shelf in period materials and order it, or order antiquity. Furniture department stores also offer "imitation retro."

Is this bathroom design safe to use in bathroom panels? This option is offered by some manufacturers in the context of bathroom furniture - cabinet door or socket lighting. The installation of any electrical appliance in the bathroom should be entrusted to an expert.

Shower cabins became popular in Europe in the mid-twentieth century. It was the fruit of the labor of Western designers and a masterpiece of European plumbing thought. In the USSR at that time they were content with cast-iron bathtubs, and on occasion they somehow made do with shower curtains made from textile materials (sometimes improvised). Modern ones appeared in our country a little later, and only then they grew from ordinary fences to the level of full-fledged cabins with a whole package of advanced functions.

Veronika Menshikova: The spaces in a narrow bathroom, yes, they can be well adjusted, all three walls that you look at from the entrance are good. The colors are lighter, there may be a combination of several shades. An eternal dilemma that can only be solved by a large bathroom that can accommodate both.

You just like to bathe, but you won't feel a proper bath in your minivan even if you chop. Or you're just showering and bathing seems like a waste of time. Even regular shower will turn into unusual experience with good taste. So keep your showers and bathtubs in check because you can also relax in them. So, what should you think about before purchasing a bathtub or practical shower?

Today shower curtains with tray- this is a return to that original minimalism, focused solely on convenience when taking a shower. Nowadays no one doubts the practicality of shower curtains. Just like the poured tiles in the bathroom - enthusiasm. Therefore, even those who do not need the fashionable functions of modern shower cabins opt for their prototypes - comfortable glass curtains that neatly enclose the space.

For long moments in hot water full of foam bubbles, you won't like it and you just don't have time for them. But a quick morning shower in the bathroom often does more damage than good. The sea will take time to clear the flood that will remain on the floor. This is a great choice for your shower.

The idea of ​​spending a few square feet every morning throughout the family will put a damper on plans to buy a larger bathtub. But don't despair, the solution could be a corner bath that fills up other unused spaces. You can enjoy swimming without limiting yourself. But if you prefer to shower, the practical angle is a win. It doesn't take up much space and can be placed in a corner or next to the sink.

If you want to purchase, you first need to decide whether you need shower curtains with a tray or regular barriers that can be installed on the bathtub. The Santehnika-Online catalog presents wide choose curtains for showers and bathtubs. We invite you to evaluate the variety of assortment and choose the model that suits you.