Mixer      04/23/2019

Metal house. Varieties of technologies for the construction of frame houses from a metal profile

The welded frame of a metal building is a durable and strong internal frame of the structure. The advantages of such metal frame structures are lightness, strength, relative simplicity, high rates of manufacture and installation, mobility and independence from the access road to the installation and installation site, ease of integration into any space. The metal frame of the building is perfectly compatible with the simplest block and pile foundation, and is also easy to complete, configure and rebuild. Material metal frame buildings - a profile pipe, less often a corner and a channel are used.

The metal frame of the building includes bottom harness, top harness and racks between them. In a metal frame, it is very easy to provide doors, openings, windows and a metal crate of the roof and floor. A metal frame building can be sheathed with corrugated board, wood, sandwich panels. The metal frame is very easy and convenient to sheathe and insulate.

metal frame for building

Advantages of buildings from a metal frame:

  • Buildings erected using metal frame technology are notable for their low cost (when compared with buildings built using traditional technology). The cost of construction mainly depends on the materials used. The cheapest by far are houses on wooden frames. The cost of houses with a frame of profile pipe much more, and their price is directly proportional to the cross section of the pipe. Indeed, for example, bending a profile pipe is a rather laborious operation, and it is not cheap.
  • High speed of erection of a metal frame building. The use of profile for the frame as the main material can reduce the construction time of the building several times.
  • The absence of so-called "wet" processes in the technology of building residential buildings using a frame (except for laying the foundation). This allows the installation of a frame building at any time of the year and regardless of weather conditions.
  • Do-it-yourself manufacturing of metal structures provides for the absence of any shrinkage - not only during construction, but also during the operation of the structure.

Construction of a house with a frame from a profile pipe

When a house is created from metal structures by working with your own hands, the most optimal solution would be to use a frame from a profile pipe. Despite the apparent simplicity, such a frame will have a rather complex structure. Be sure to have a foundation that will be lighter than conventional construction. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that without a foundation, structures can be created that will later move from one place to another, for example, greenhouses or greenhouses.

In this case, appropriate adjustments should be made to the calculation of the profile pipe. Usually, profile pipes of square section with a size of 60x60 or 100x100 mm are used for the frame of a residential building. You can determine the dimensions of the pipe more precisely by knowing the dimensions of your house and using the profile pipe calculator. performed outside industrial premises must be carried out in compliance with all necessary requirements on safety.

We produce frame elements from profile pipes as follows:

  1. We take pipes and, if necessary, cut off from them the part that is needed for the installation of the structure.
  2. We bend the pipes if they need to be given an arcuate shape, having previously calculated the radius of curvature. This operation can be done using a special tool - a manual pipe bender, or you can contact a specialized workshop where pipes can be bent on a pipe bending machine.
  3. The resulting frame elements are welded according to the requirements of the drawing for the metal structure.

For interior decoration the most optimal solution would be to use a grooved board made of conifers wood, having a width of 40-60 mm. The board must be treated with antiseptics and antipyretics (substances that reduce the combustibility of wood). For the subfloor, you can use a board laid on top of the logs from the same profile pipe. Any profile coating can be laid over the subfloor. As a heater, extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 60-100 mm is not bad. And the racks of the frame from the profile pipe can be additionally insulated with foam insulation strips.

For exterior finish you can use siding or facade plaster, and if finances allow, then natural wood. Proper handling metal pipes allows you to make a roof from them not only as a separate structure, but also as frame element. Calculation of a profile pipe for manufacturing roof rafters is carried out taking into account the planned roofing: light and with a large angle of the roof allows the use of thinner pipes.

Construction of a metal frame for the construction of a garage

When creating from metal structures, working with your own hands, you need to take into account the fact that this design should be very rigid, strong and stable. A corner of a large section can serve as a material for the frame. It is better to fasten the frame elements by welding, but you can also use a wrench-bolt connection by drilling holes for fasteners with a puncher.

The assembly of the metal frame must be carried out at the construction site. First, the lower frame is mounted, which is attached at the corners to the pins protruding from the foundation - this ensures its immobility. Then corner posts are installed, connected along the top with ceiling girders.

Do-it-yourself metal structures are installed along the back and side walls vertical racks, which will ensure the rigidity of the structure and will serve as a crate for mounting wall cladding. Between the posts there should be a distance equal to the width of the sheathing sheet, or be slightly less by 3-5 cm if installation with an overlap is provided.

A metal profile house is a profitable option for building a residential building. With such construction, you can save 15-20% of the total estimate starting from the foundation stage. In this material, we will consider the main types of metal profiles that are suitable for residential construction, as well as the advantages of prefabricated technology and its comparison with capital structures made of stone and concrete.

Metal profile for the house: is it worth trusting?

Many people know what a metal profile is, for those who hear this word for the first time, we inform you that this is a rolled metal product intended for the installation of prefabricated residential and industrial structures, which is also called an LSTK profile.

The LSTK profile is made of galvanized high-strength steel and has several types of execution (depending on the architecture future construction). The LSTK profile is produced by metal-rolling plants using special roll-forming equipment.

Profile manufacturing stage

Coiled steel is unwound and fed to the cutting machine, after which special device forms the profile itself, or rather its shape. At the output, the machine cuts the required length according to the specified criteria. Actually everything, the profile is ready. Everything is packed and sent to the warehouse, then to the customer.

Houses from a metal profile

The construction industry is developing at a fast pace. LSTK and LMK since it came to Russia has already managed to gain some confidence from the consumer. So, many, following the western vector of development, adopt experience and begin to build frame houses from a metal profile, the price of which is 15-30% cheaper than building a brick or wooden one.

Obviously, the pre-fabricated LSTK technology, which has existed since 1950, makes it possible to introduce a metal profile now not only in warehouses or hangars, but also in country houses and cottages.

Interesting fact: LSTK technology was developed in the middle of the last century in order to eliminate the shortage of residential real estate.

Building a house from a metal profile

Before starting construction or design, it is important to determine the feasibility and necessity of using LSTC as a tool for the construction of a residential building. To answer this question, let's take a look at the advantages of LSTK technology:

  • A frame house made of a metal profile will be durable and reliable (when installed by professional workers).
  • Houses made of LSTK and LMK have proven themselves to be seismically resistant structures.
  • The LSTK profile is coated with a layer of zinc, which reliably protects it from aggressive environmental influences.
  • Installation at any time of the year, the so-called "wet installation" technology.
  • Affordable price and constant availability of consumables.
  • Easy assembly and installation.
  • Supreme environmental Safety building.
  • No shrinkage on the foundation and savings on foundation construction.

This is far from full list positive characteristics that prefabricated buildings have.

Saving time and money

LSTK is affordable construction. Starting from the design stage, you can start saving well by choosing a standard solution (project) as a platform that suits your climatic conditions. Also, you can save on the foundation bay, because. the foundation is suitable even for shallow depths. All funds are recommended to be invested in insulation, vibration isolation and fire protection of these insulation materials.

Conclusion: build!

Definitely, the answer is clear and obvious. A house made of a metal profile, the price of which is clearly lower than a standard brick or wooden one, will always outweigh in its favor. And not only the price, but also the benefits that are described above. In construction, the main thing is a reliable team of professionals who are able to quickly and on time implement any of your ideas. The quality of performance plays the most important role, after all, a house is a personal fortress for everyone and it must be built according to state rules and standards.

Erecting own house, every owner wants it to be reliable, comfortable and at the same time be inexpensive. Today, there are many ways to build residential buildings, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Metal frame houses are also offered on the market, and some choose this type of structure. But what advantages does it have, what should you think about before deciding on this acquisition, and how do the owners of such mansions respond?

What does the term "frame house" mean?

The frame structure has several layers, like a pie. Externally, the building may look different. It is sheathed with siding, clapboard or other materials that can withstand bad weather and temperature changes. But the main thing in such a structure is the house, which is made of durable outer skin insulation is necessarily laid, so such buildings are used as shops, baths, summer cottages and, of course, for housing.

House project: price and design

Even before construction begins, it is important to decide on the project. There are two options here: you can order an individual drawing for your future home, or you can choose a ready-made one from the catalog. The second option will cost much less, because you do not have to pay for the work of engineers. In addition, the construction itself will begin faster, because you do not have to wait until the personal project of the house is made and adjusted. Price for finished drawing depends on the size of the building and its complexity. So, for example, the project of a small cottage with two floors will cost about 1000 euros.

Construction assembly

You need to make a reservation right away that it is very difficult to build a house from a metal frame with your own hands. Without skills and experience, this is impossible. Since the whole structure is rather thin-walled, it requires reliable fastening of all. It is also possible to securely fix the sheathing. Also, the profile is the basis of the walls in the building itself, and it is necessary for installing windows and doors. It can also be noted here that the cost of a metal frame, together with fasteners, is approximately 160 thousand rubles of the Russian Federation per set. After the installation of the frame, the facade is sheathed, for this a profiled sheet is used. To save comfortable temperature in the building, insulation is laid layer by layer on the walls and ceilings. In such a design, waterproofing elements are necessarily present. From above, this building is closed with external panels.

Advantages of metal frame structures

Of course, such houses have many advantages. These include:

  • fast frame, as well as completely the entire building. Only a couple of months pass from the moment of ordering to its commissioning;
  • appearance the buildings are decent and modern;
  • a house can be built by a team of four people, and this saves money on attracting labor;
  • it is very easy to perform thanks to the even and thoughtful frame of the entire building;
  • ease of construction means that it will not be necessary to prepare a powerful foundation, and shrinkage will be negligible;
  • in operation, this structure is economical, since it is easy to heat it;
  • metal frame houses are durable;
  • usually in the work are used environmentally friendly construction and Decoration Materials, so the building does not "emit" harmful chemicals;
  • such a building is able to withstand in seismically unstable zones. Due to the "elasticity" of the frame, the house can withstand shocks up to 9 points;
  • according to approximate estimates, the building can stand for more than a hundred years;
  • this method of construction allows you to embody various design ideas;
  • houses from a metal frame are easy to repair, and at the same time a lot of money will not be spent;
  • due to good sound insulation, extraneous noise from the yard does not penetrate into the house;
  • construction work can be carried out during the cold season.

Does this technology have disadvantages?

It is known that each building has its shortcomings. What can alert a person who is thinking about such a home? Since we are talking about the entire system of such construction, you can pay attention to the material of the frame. It is made of galvanized steel, which itself has good thermal conductivity and a tendency to corrosion, which is very dangerous for a thin structure. But manufacturers claim that they were able to compensate for these shortcomings. various formulations with which the metal is processed. It is also worth noting that metal frame houses must be built by professionals. If errors are made during assembly, the entire structure will soon collapse. Therefore, it is important to note that it will not be possible to save on the construction of a building by entrusting the work to amateurs.

Metal frame houses, as the name indicates, are built on the basis of light and durable metal structures, performing the functions of ceilings and walls, as well as various skins, thermal insulation and a variety of protective membranes that protect structures from the effects of the external and internal environment. from the frame differ in that the bearing and enclosing-insulating properties of the walls are distributed between different layers and elements, each coping with its specific task. Most often, metal frame technology is used for the construction of public or industrial buildings. In addition, to frame houses this type is often used by architects and engineers to create an unusual exterior or interior of a building. Sometimes parts of the metal frame are left open as a decorative element outside or inside the building.

Types of frame houses

frame houses can be roughly divided into several types.
Houses with a frame made of rolled metal, which are distinguished by the fact that the entire structure is supported by metal columns. This design is durable, but at the same time it is quite light compared to reinforced concrete. For example, most skyscrapers have such a frame at the base. True, the complexity of mounting frame structures of this kind and the need to manufacture individual parts and parts (sometimes the entire set) prevent their distribution in private construction. Therefore, houses from a rolling frame are mostly built in cases where you need to create a very original interior or building exterior. Sometimes parts of the frame are left outside the house in the form of a bizarre decor, often of an unusual geometric shape.

Houses with a metal frame made of a lightweight profile

Another type of metal frame houses is lightweight profile houses. The difference of such a house lies precisely in its frame, which is made of steel thin-walled structures. Such structures are similar to metal profiles for installing drywall, only those used for the construction of buildings are thicker and more rigid. Usually houses made of metal frame from a lightweight profile are quite inexpensive, although they do not differ long term services.

Mobile and modular houses

With some degree of relativity, some types of mobile and modular houses. Almost all mobile homes are based on a rigid metal frame, and most of modular houses consists of modules formed by a combined frame made of metal and wood. Therefore, this technology is not very suitable for the construction of capital residential houses. It is better to use it for the construction of garden or guest houses, auxiliary premises etc.

Stages of construction: foundation and assembly of the metal frame

The process of building a frame building begins at the factory, where ready-made structural parts are completed, and often already assembled in panels at the factory, which reduces the cost of on-site installation. After summing up the external communications, work begins on laying the foundation. Any type of foundation is suitable for frame houses made of light galvanized steel. To meet quality standards, it is better to use a shallow slab or strip foundation. Several people are quite capable of assembling the metal frame of a house with an area of ​​​​about 150-200 km2. sq. over a period of 7 to 10 days. If it is necessary to mount panels assembled in advance at the factory, then the duration of work is reduced to 4-6 days.

After mounting the frame, begin roofing followed by the laying of communications.

Warming and finishing

These manipulations are followed by the installation of a windproof film along the outer contour of the building frame, after which it is sheathed with insulation. After installing windows and front door start decorating the façade. In addition, in parallel, they lay the insulation inside the frame of the building, and then the vapor barrier film, as well as drywall, lay the subfloor.

After that comes the phase fine finish. In this case, it all depends only on your imagination and the size of the budget, since a huge variety of finishing materials is available on the market. All! Your home is ready!

Pay attention to how much the appearance of the house depends on the cladding. There is an opinion that metal frame houses do not look very good compared to wooden or brick ones. However, do not forget about the possibilities of frame houses, allowing you to experiment with decoration as soon as your heart desires. If necessary, you can even simulate wooden house! Pay attention to how harmoniously the combination of warm matte looks wood paneling with a cold muted sheen of metal that complements the gloss of large windows and doors.

Distinctive features of frame houses

Frame houses are distinguished by the simplicity of changes in the external and interior design, which is ideal for building attics, additional rooms(for example, bathrooms or dressing rooms), garages, guest and auxiliary rooms, etc. If you like experiments with planning, frame houses will allow you to bring your experiments to life, changing the appearance of the facade with different cladding - chipboard, artificial stone or brick.

Typically, the thickness of the walls of a metal frame house is no more than 25-30 centimeters, which allows you to increase the usable area inside the house. One of the main factors is the relatively low cost of building frame houses and the fairly fast construction speed. On average, the complex of works takes from 1 to 4 months, and due to the peculiarities of the technology, the installation of structures can be carried out throughout the year and even at sub-zero temperatures.

Disadvantages of metal frame houses

There is an opinion that frame houses are fire hazardous due to the use of many synthetic materials. In addition, such houses are quite light and can easily become a victim of strong hurricane. The life of a frame house is not very long - 30-50 years, however, it is much easier to repair than, say, a brick or wooden house, which makes it much easier to replace protective films, heater, etc. Besides, frame buildings have a low heat capacity and often do not meet environmental standards.

Advantages of metal frame houses

Frame houses are practically not subject to obsolescence, as their facade can be easily altered depending on modern fashion. In addition, metal frame houses make it possible to realize the most different variants planning and finishing facades using facing bricks, plaster, lining, finishing stone, siding and their combinations. The technology for building frame houses is quite affordable and you will not have problems finding a contractor. Moreover, this technology is relatively easy, so that the most talented builders among us, in principle, can cope with the construction on their own, especially since the construction of a frame house requires very little time and absolutely no heavy equipment. In addition, houses made of a metal frame are distinguished by the absence of shrinkage, which will allow you to immediately carry out Finishing work and move into such a house. And the last - frame houses are very earthquake-resistant and can withstand loads up to 9 points on the Richter scale.

Futuristic restaurant

Great example the possibilities of a metal frame to create whimsical images complex design. As we mentioned above, metal frame technology is ideal for the construction of non-residential buildings, like this restaurant on the coast. If she can handle such unusual shapes, then how can she not cope with an ordinary private house?

The building is a combination of a monolithic reinforced concrete frame and metal structures and is a complex engineering structure with the most modern views engineering support. The restaurant includes three halls: a panoramic hall for 50 seats, with glass walls and a hardened Triplex floor, a summer terrace for 110 seats located at an altitude of 15 meters above the water level and an underwater hall for 90 seats with porthole windows, located in the underground part , where all the production and engineering facilities of the restaurant are located.

The construction of a frame house has several advantages. You can build such a house quickly, economically and efficiently. Metal frames are lighter and stronger, have increased fire resistance. Insulated houses based on metal frames have high energy-saving properties. The installation of a metal frame has its own nuances that must be taken into account during construction.

Advantages of a metal frame house

Metal frames have some undeniable advantages over wooden ones. One of its main advantages is the relatively low price. Typically, the price of turnkey frames depends on the choice of material from which they are going to be made, on the fastening method used, and on the cost of installation work.

Metal carcass

Metal frames are made of steel, which is reflected in their second name. These products are also called LSTK, which stands for light steel thin-walled structures.

Another indisputable advantage of such a frame is its strength and lightness. These frames weigh less than others, but are much stronger. They are able to withstand tall and heavy buildings.

Metal frames are made in the factory with a preliminary drafting of a project in which the dimensions of all elements are fixed. These elements can be placed concealed wiring. Since they are made of steel, they have an increased resistance to fire and are not subject to corrosion.

Main properties of light steel thin-walled structures

Features of assembling houses from a metal profile

The LSTK technology was developed in the last century. Metal frames are built from a profile with slots. This allows you to avoid the occurrence of cold bridges inside. The problems of thermal insulation and sound insulation can be solved with the help of modern heaters.

In structures with a metal frame, special attention is paid to the installation of a layer for steam, hydro and thermal insulation. This is due to the fact that in them the dew point is located inside the house. For this reason, it is also necessary to correctly make wind protection. Moreover, it is necessary to make sure that there is a ventilation system between the outer waterproofing layer and the insulation. It can be made by hand. This will facilitate the rapid removal of moisture. In houses of this type, it is necessary to organize competent electrical protection.

Previously, the use of metal as a frame was questionable. This was due to its increased thermal conductivity. This problem was solved by using galvanized metal profiles with perforation. The holes are filled with insulation, which reduces the level of thermal conductivity. This indicator is also influenced by the wall thickness. Therefore, the reviews of such houses relate to insulation issues.

One of the problems encountered in the construction of such houses is their increased electrical conductivity. However, it is solved by competent grounding.

How to choose a foundation for a metal frame house. Will it be different from a wooden frame?

For a metal frame house, a foundation on screw piles is suitable

Unlike the foundation for a house with wooden frame, when erecting LSTK, there is no need to build a massive base. Such a house is quite light and does not need a massive foundation. The developer does not have to deal with volumetric earthworks, you will also not need to build formwork, two meters high, to mount a solid waterproofing. They can be built on any type of soil. The construction of a strip foundation is not required.

After analyzing the properties of the soil, you can choose the type of foundation for your light house. Great option can become columnar foundations, screw piles.

Metal frame mounting technology

When mounting the frame, it is necessary to create spatial blocks, flat frames and strengthen them as much as possible

In the process of mounting a metal frame, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the material. Care must be taken not to damage it during transport. During installation, you need to strive to create spatial blocks, flat frames and strengthen them as much as possible.

During the preparation of the foundation, transverse risks are applied to it, which must correspond to the axes of the future frame, the supporting surfaces and the location of the anchor bolts. With the help of anchors, it will be possible to correct installation inaccuracies.

Connections metal beams can be not only bolted, but also welded. The frame itself consists of a lower and upper harness. There is also a connection between them. It is necessary to design in advance door and window openings, metal crate.

  1. The profile is cut to the desired size;
  2. If necessary, bends at a pre-calculated angle;
  3. The resulting parts are welded or bolted according to the scheme.

There are three options for enclosing structures:

  1. Sheet assembly;
  2. Cassette profile;
  3. The use of sandwich panels manufactured at the factory.

The choice of materials for the installation of these enclosing structures is at the choice of customers. See photo views.

Exterior decoration of the house

Is one of milestones. The type of finish is determined by the customer and can be made using various materials:

  1. If you want to do a budget option finishes, it makes sense to use vinyl siding, block house, mount a ventilated facade and other hinged structures;
  2. If you make the finish with plaster, then the house will give the impression of a Mediterranean cottage;
  3. Affordable prices and ease of installation attract those who use various panels that look like natural materials;
  4. Finishing with tiles, natural and artificial stones looks very impressive. The house becomes like a solid and expensive one, but at the same time retains all the advantages of a metal frame structure.


Watch the video tutorial on the construction of metal frame houses.