Well      04/18/2019

What are waterproofing materials. The use of waterproofing in a private house

All existing structures and surfaces that directly interact with the aquatic environment must be protected from unwanted moisture. In a house located, but a city, this is primarily a foundation, a roof and a basement. Inside the apartment is a bathroom, a toilet, where it is likely different kind flooding. Inside myself hearth- these are insulating elements that need to be additional protection from condensation and all kinds of precipitation. We draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to protect against moisture damage not only where it can penetrate directly, but also where condensate and washing water can adversely affect the materials of the entire structure. In order to prevent this from happening, there are numerous types of waterproofing, which differ in their direct purpose, application, as well as all kinds of materials.

Types of waterproofing coatings

To begin with, we suggest that you study all the available types of waterproofing, and here it would be quite appropriate to explain a number of important aspects. Why is it so important to protect yourself from water? Does everyone familiar with H2O bring such hardships? Of course, if it so happened that a lot of water entered your basement, then in this situation everything is clear - you should more reliably protect your basement from water ingress, clog the leak in other words. Approximately this principle is applied in the installation of waterproofing on roofs - the fundamental task of which is to prevent leakage. But after all, this trouble, unfortunately, is not the only one that strong moisture can cause. For example, you will process the basement with mastic from the inside, and the basement will become drier. But will this be enough? Water can cause much more damage by seeping into the thickness of the material. Salt formations present in the water will gradually wear down the material, reducing its durability and the hardness specified by the standard. The main aspect that should not be forgotten is that it is better to protect the material and the room in advance than the room itself.

Now several classifications of waterproofing technologies are widely known: according to the method of arrangement, according to the intended purpose, according to the name of the materials used, and also according to the time of use.

By location exists waterproofing external and internal. Internal waterproofing is a list of measures aimed at protecting against water, carried out inside the building, for example, waterproofing the floor and bearing walls in the bathroom. External, in turn, is arranged outside, for example, to protect the foundation from groundwater.

By Device Moment classified into primary And secondary as for the primary waterproofing works, they are carried out immediately at the time of the direct construction of the construction site. Secondary waterproofing is nothing more than necessary measures for repair work. For example, if the waterproofing of the primary plan is damaged due to wear or for a number of other reasons and does not cope with its function, then the waterproofing of the secondary plan is performed. At the same time, the obsolete coating is dismantled, the surface is thoroughly cleaned and a new layer is piled up.

By appointment

There are the following types of waterproofing coatings:

  • Anti-pressure. Operates on the principle of "clamp".
  • Non-pressure principle "on separation".
  • Anticapillary.
  • Sealing.
  • Surface.

Anti-dialing needed to protect against the effects of pressurized water (positive). For example, if the groundwater level is near basements quite high waterproofing is built on the basis of materials that can withstand pressure from water in the ground. This technique is sometimes referred to as "clamping action". This means nothing more than water pressing the waterproofing against the surface of the walls with its pressure. It makes no sense to use similar materials inside.

Non-pressure waterproofing help you deal with negative water pressure. For example, if, due to heavy rainfall or a flood situation, water has come close to the foundation, then waterproofing of this type can completely protect it from it. Its pressure is relatively small and works on the principle of "tearing off" the material from the outer layer.

Anticapillary promotes protection of the structural material from rising water through capillary networks. After all, the majority wall materials suck moisture into their structure, which rises to certain heights through capillary networks. Concrete can also be referred to materials of this kind.

By device method There are different types of waterproofing:

  • Painting.
  • Plaster.
  • Cast.
  • pasting
  • Coating
  • Impregnation.
  • Zasypnaya.
  • Mounted.
  • Structural.
  • And another

Below we will analyze the main types of waterproofing technologies according to the method and material of the device.


Coating is a kind of coating based on various mastics. These mastics, such as bitumen, can be one-component or 2-component component compositions. The thickness of the coating can vary from 2 mm to 6 cm.

Purpose. It is mainly used for waterproofing that is located outside - foundation processing, roof processing for non-leakage at joints. It is also well suited for protection against moisture indoors - processing basement walls, processing floor covering and walls in bathrooms and bathrooms. With its help, you can easily close the cracks on the wall.

Advantages. Cheapness.


  • Bitumen becomes brittle over time, especially when negative temperatures, which inevitably leads to a loss of elasticity. Any even minor deformations in the cold season will inevitably cause cracking and tearing.
  • Working with molten bituminous composition very dangerous. The wave is likely to cause injury at work.
  • It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface for applying the material. It is necessary to clean it from dust, cement influx, close up holes and so on.
  • Work with bitumen is carried out only in the dry season.

Gluing waterproofing

Represents roll materials glued to the material. Most often, materials are stacked in several layers from 2 to 5.

Purpose. It is used only for external anti-pressure waterproofing. Roll-type materials can be glued to both vertical and vertical surfaces. foundation walls, they can also be adapted for use in flat roof conditions.

The most famous types of pasting waterproofing today: roofing felt, roofing felt, polymer bitumen in the composition having fiberglass.

The existing waterproofing, equipped with polymer inclusions, is much more durable, practically does not rot, unlike standard roofing material.

pros. Gluing waterproofing can be easily laid on concrete, wood, metal, old coating, slate, asphalt concrete. The materials are quite resistant to aggressive environments, moisture-proof and quite economical.


  • Careful surface preparation is required. Irregularities are practically excluded.
  • Gluing should be carried out as carefully as possible.
  • The temperature during laying should not exceed + 10 °C.
  • The coating breaks if subjected to various kinds of mechanical stress, so it requires protection.

Waterproofing of building structures is a set of measures to protect against water penetration. Modern a private house must be protected from the ingress of water from all sides. This means that the problem of its waterproofing should be approached with all seriousness in order to comply with all technical and environmental requirements.

Waterproofing materials

Consider some of the materials that are most commonly used for waterproofing houses.

  • Coating waterproofing;
  • Paint waterproofing;
  • adhesive insulation;
  • impregnating waterproofing;
  • Waterproofing with superdiffusion membranes;
  • Mastics.

Each of these types of materials has its pros and cons and is used depending on the conditions in which they have to protect the house from moisture. All types of waterproofing have a good degree of water resistance - it is this quality that is most valuable for protecting the house from moisture.

Consider comparative characteristics these types of materials. The data in this table are only approximate, since there is a very large variety of materials of each type. The given characteristics will give only a general idea of ​​a particular type of waterproofing and will guide you in your choice.

For these types of waterproofing materials, the following should be noted:

  • Coating waterproofing(bitumen and bituminous materials) Multi-layer coating with a thickness of several millimeters to several centimeters (thickness depends on the surface condition). Coating waterproofing can be destroyed by mechanical stress. Mechanical damage to waterproofing may occur during earthworks, or when installing protective layers, erecting formwork and installing scaffolding on unprotected waterproofing, storing reinforcement and other building materials on the waterproofing surface. Coating waterproofing is destroyed by impact and punching, therefore it requires protection.
  • Paint waterproofing(bituminous and polymeric varnishes, paints, emulsions) implies the application of a coating on the insulated surface, consisting of bitumen of different grades, fillers of talc, asbestos or materials based on synthetic resins. It is applied to the surface manually or mechanically in two to four layers, with a total thickness of 3-6 mm. It has a short service life - 5-6 years. To protect the insulation from damage, painted surfaces should be sprinkled with fine-grained primer, otherwise frequent repainting will be required.
  • Gluing waterproofing represents layers of rolled materials applied on a previously prepared base - for example, roofing material, roofing felt, glassine, etc. Capricious in work, requires certain conditions when laying. A carefully prepared surface is needed - irregularities of more than 2 mm are unacceptable, a dry base is needed, a primer with a bitumen emulsion. Careful gluing or fusing of the material is important. It must be protected from mechanical damage with brickwork, siding, concrete panels, etc.
  • Impregnation waterproofing(melts of bitumen, synthetic resins, liquid polymers, liquid glass, organosilicon compounds, etc.). Performed by applying to concrete plates, blocks, bricks, limestone and tuff blocks, etc., special solutions that are absorbed into the porous surface and isolate it from water. When repairing old structures, high-quality cleaning of surfaces is required. It is necessary to use a shot blasting or water blasting apparatus.
  • Superdiffusion membranes. This is a highly vapor permeable material. It is designed for use in construction pitched roofs and ventilated facades. It is possible to carry out installation work in all weather conditions. Superdiffusion membranes must not be used with those roofing materials, back side which are not designed for contact with moisture long time. Metal tiles and wavy bituminous sheets - "euro slate" will not work. The membranes perform their function well with ceramic and cement-sand tiles. If materials are used as a coating, the reverse (inner) side of which is afraid of moisture (for example, metal tiles and euro slate), it is recommended to use anti-condensation films.
  • Mastic materials(bitumen-polymer, polymer, bitumen-rubber) There are hot mastics used with preheating up to 160°C, and cold mastics that are used without heating, if the air temperature during laying is not lower than 5°C, and with heating up to 70 °С at air temperatures below 5°С. Mastics have high adhesion (sticking) to any kind of substrate (concrete, metal, wood, brick, etc.). After hardening, the coating looks like a monolithic, rubber-like material. Such roofs are especially good for areas with a harsh climate. The use of hot mastics is associated with an increased fire hazard.

The main places of application of waterproofing

  • roof;
  • foundation;
  • basement walls;
  • walls and floors in wet rooms (usually a bathroom and a bathroom);
  • outer walls of the house.

Since different parts of the house are not equally exposed to water, they require different waterproofing arrangements.

Waterproofing basements and foundations

In order to choose the type of waterproofing for foundations and basements, before the start of the project, hydrogeological tests are carried out and groundwater parameters are determined: level, temperature, salinity, etc. These data are taken into account by designers when developing a house project. At this stage, decisions are made on the use of one or another type of material and methods of waterproofing. In the future, work should be carried out by builders. In order for your home to be reliably insulated from moisture, you should pay attention to the choice of material and to the work.

In the absence of basements between the foundation and the bottom of the wall, two horizontal layers of pasted waterproofing (roofing material, polymeric materials, etc.) are laid. Waterproofing from these layers is 10-15 cm below the floor level of the first floor.

If groundwater level below basement level, simple coating waterproofing is done on both sides of the wall, layers cement screed, blind area. (rice.)

- Weak flooding- the level of groundwater above the level of the basement floor is approximately 0.1-0.15 m. The waterproofing of the floor is made of two layers of rolled material.

- Medium flood- the level of groundwater is 0.5 m above the basement floor. Glueing waterproofing is protected from the ground with a clay lock, pressure walls made of bricks (Fig.)

If basement floor below groundwater level(UPV) (fig.), are necessary effective ways waterproofing, including the creation of waterproof protection not only for the basement walls, but for the entire basement floor. In these cases, glued waterproofing is usually used, vertical sections are additionally protected by brick walls. It may also be necessary to install an additional drainage layer on the outside of the wall. We will talk about this in another article.

Additionally, it also applies internal waterproofing. For internal waterproofing, cement-based materials with good adhesion properties are used, as well as coating waterproofing, penetrating materials. The disadvantage of internal insulation is the need to withstand water pressure from the outside, which often leads to peeling of the insulation, the formation of voids and water penetration into the basement and to the destruction of the wall itself, which continues to get wet.

Roof space waterproofing

Roof waterproofing is necessary to protect against the effects of precipitation. If waterproofing is not done, the insulation will be saturated with moisture, after which it will cease to maintain heat in the house. wooden elements roofing: rafters, lathing, etc. will begin to rot, and metal structures will rust.

If the attic is cold, then waterproofing is installed under roofing with an air gap of at least 50 mm. In the event that heat leakage from interior spaces significant, the gap will make it possible to reduce the temperature difference on the external and inner sides roofs. In these cases, films with an anti-condensation coating can be used.

Anti-condensation films vapour-tight and can function in tandem with metal tiles and "euro-slate" (these materials do not get along with superdiffusion and diffusion membranes). The side of the film facing the insulation has an unusual fleecy surface.

If the angle of inclination of the roof is not less than 30°, waterproofing from gluing materials is laid from the eaves to the ridge with an overlap of at least 150-200 mm. (Fig.) At a roof slope angle of 17-30°, waterproofing from roll materials is laid from the eaves to the ridge with an overlap of at least 250 mm.

If the slope is less than 1:5, the rolls are laid in the direction of the slope. If the slope is more than 1:5, laying is carried out parallel to the ridge (Fig.)

The joints of the waterproofing rolls must fall under the counter-lattice with an overlap of at least 100 mm (fig.) hip roofs overlap increases - 150 mm.

Do not stretch the waterproofing. The sagging of the film between the rafters should be 10-15 mm. (Fig.)

If the waterproofing is made of vapor-tight materials, for example, roofing material, films, etc., then it should not touch the insulation and be at least 30 mm away from it (Fig.)

If the waterproofing has a high vapor permeability (for example, superdiffusion membranes), then it can be laid on top of the insulation without a gap.

Attachment to the wall. Most often, the roof adjoins the wall from the end or side. On fig. shown adjoining the wall from the end. Waterproofing starts 20-30 cm on the wall.

Chimney protection. It is very important to isolate the chimney from moisture between the pipe wall and the roof. Waterproofing is started 15-30 cm up the wall of the chimney. With the help of metal plates, the waterproofing layer is closed and pressed (Fig.). The joint is sealed with a heat-resistant sealant that can withstand temperatures of +70 and above.

If the chimney is located on a roof slope, the sides of the pipe are protected from all sides, insulating the walls of the pipe and pressing the waterproofing with metal sheets (fig.).

If the chimney is located on the ridge, the joints are insulated according to the same principle from all sides with a waterproofing plant up to 30 cm (fig.)

The temperature on the surface of the chimney can reach +70 C, so the hydro insulating material must withstand temperatures from + 70C and above.

Wall waterproofing

The walls of the house, if they are made of concrete blocks, stone, brick, seem to be an obstacle to the penetration of water. And sometimes it is completely incomprehensible why they become raw internal walls in the premises. There can be several reasons for the increase in wall moisture:

  • The wall material has pores through which moisture from the outside penetrates.
  • Dampness can pass through a leaky masonry joint.
  • An improperly arranged gutter from the roof can have a big impact on the appearance of dampness indoors.
  • Insufficient waterproofing of the foundation can also cause increased humidity, especially if the level of groundwater rises above the base of the foundation. Masonry absorbs and passes water due to porosity and microcracks, therefore, unprotected stone structures that come into contact with the ground are saturated with water.
  • Moisture rises up along the microcracks of the foundation and walls - the so-called "capillary suction" of water occurs (Fig.).

Water, penetrating through the foundation into the basement and, rising higher along the wall through these capillaries, can reach the first and even the second floor, causing dampness in the premises. When moisture enters warm room, it evaporates. On wet walls, fungus and mold can appear. Peel off plaster and wallpaper. Moisture penetrating through the walls destroys floors and other wooden objects. Heat loss in such premises is 50% higher than in dry ones. To protect foundations, walls and other structures from moisture penetration, waterproofing is arranged.

There are several ways to waterproof walls. The choice of waterproofing mainly depends on the material from which the walls are made and on the reasons for the increase in humidity.

For device outdoor waterproofing there are walls wide choose waterproofing materials, which, according to the principle of action, are divided into the following main groups. This or that material is selected taking into account the type of surface and working conditions:

  • Coating materials based on cements. Especially popular are expanding cements, which increase in volume during the hardening process and neutralize the effect of shrinkage. They protect the walls from external moisture during the rise of groundwater, flooding and other adverse weather conditions.
  • Paint waterproofing. Closes the pores of the stone wall and protects them from the penetration of moisture from the outside.
  • penetrating materials. Protect walls from capillary rise of water. The composition of the system penetrating (penetrating) materials may include, for example: concentrate; emulsion to improve adhesion; antifreeze (for work at temperatures up to -10 ° C); solution for sanitation of cracks and seams, etc.
  • superdiffusion membranes. They protect the heat-insulating layer during the installation of suspended structures, for example, ventilated facades.

One of the most common methods of external waterproofing of concrete and brick walls from moisture is wall plastering. Usually plaster is applied in two layers, but if the wall has an increased ability to absorb moisture, then another layer is laid. (You can test this ability of the wall by simply spraying: the wall will either repel water, and it will drain in the form of drops, or it will absorb it).

Stone wall can be protected painting waterproofing using cement mortars or emulsion. Exterior painted wall waterproofing is a multi-layer coating of bitumen-based or synthetic resin-based compounds that can be applied by hand with a brush or roller.

On device ventilated facades* to protect the heat-insulating layer from external moisture (snow, rain, dew) in outer skin walls are used superdiffusion membranes. Without waterproofing, the insulation in a ventilated facade will absorb water and lose its properties.

*A ventilated façade is a hinged structure, which consists of a cladding (with siding, tiles, etc.), heat-insulating, waterproofing layers. Its peculiarity is that there is an air gap of 2-3 cm between the lining and these layers.

In the event that water rises up the walls through capillaries, the most reliable way to stop it is to injection waterproofing. To protect the walls from capillary moisture, perform an injection into the walls through specially drilled drilling holes under high pressure through special devices - packers. Drilling of the system of injection holes is carried out using a perforator (Fig.)

The composition of such an impregnating waterproofing is selected depending on the conditions. These compounds (polyurethane; acrylate gels; epoxies; microcements) bridge the porosity of the wall surface and keep water out of the walls.

Stone walls can be protected from water penetration and impregnating waterproofing. Walls suffering from moisture are impregnated with a special solution. In the process of interaction with water, the solution is absorbed into the surface of the wall, filling all the cracks, and becomes similar in composition to its base material with the help of a chemical reaction (Fig.) that occurs during the interaction of water and impregnation.

Waterproofing can also be internal- in the form of waterproofing putties, plasters used indoors. From the inside, impregnating waterproofing can also be applied. The main disadvantage of internal waterproofing is that, while protecting the house from the inside, the building structure from the outside remains unprotected from moisture, and the destruction of concrete elements and the corrosion processes of reinforcing joints continue.

Waterproofing of bathrooms and toilets

In rooms with a high degree of humidity: bathrooms, showers, toilets, there is a high probability of water leaks at the junction of the floor and walls. Waterproofing these rooms will prevent moisture from entering other rooms, which will ensure a healthy microclimate in the house.

Two types of waterproofing materials are used to waterproof a bathroom − gluing and coating. Pasting materials are used in two types: built-up, with the use of a burner when laying, and self-adhesive. When using gluing materials, high demands are placed on the quality of the surface of the floor and walls - they should not have irregularities of more than 2 mm, they must be dry and treated with a bituminous primer. Such a waterproofing layer is closed with a screed about 50 mm thick.

Coating waterproofing bathrooms are now more popular than backing. When using the coating insulation method, dry mixes, tile adhesive, cement-polymer mastics are used.

In order to waterproof a bathroom, it is first of all necessary to protect the joints between the walls and the floor, as well as between the walls, with a sealing tape. A layer of waterproofing is applied to the junction, and then the tape is pressed into it. The edges of the tape are abundantly lubricated with a waterproofing mass.

If the tape passes near the pipes hot water or heating, then the material from which it is made must endure a temperature of +70 degrees. The pipe exit points are also covered with a layer of waterproofing mass. Then the waterproofing is applied to the surface of the wall and floor and leveled. Lay on top ceramic tiles using a thin-layer, elastic adhesive solution.

The range of various coating waterproofing materials for bathrooms is very large: they are produced on the basis of polyurethanes, artificial rubbers, etc. They can be applied to concrete, cement and lime-cement plasters, plasterboard, gypsum fiber, fiber cement boards.

When choosing a waterproofing material, it is necessary to carefully study all the information specified by the manufacturer: composition and properties, scope, principle of operation, advantages of use, method of surface preparation, method of work. In this case, you can be sure that your home will always be dry.

Waterproofing- protection of building structures, buildings and structures from the penetration of water (anti-filtration waterproofing) or the material of structures from the harmful effects of washing or filtering water or other aggressive liquids (anti-corrosion waterproofing). Waterproofing works are called waterproofing works. Waterproofing ensures the normal operation of buildings, structures and equipment, increases their reliability and durability.

Waterproofing materials

For waterproofing, materials such as:

  • metal sheets;
  • rolled and sheet materials(for example, geosynthetics or PVC membranes);
  • materials liquid application(For example, liquid rubber, sprayed cork coating);
  • mineral binders;
  • materials based on bentonite clays;
  • dry construction mixtures of penetrating action (penetrating waterproofing).

Types of waterproofing

Anti-filtration waterproofing it is used to protect against water penetration into underground and underwater structures (basements and buried rooms of buildings, transport tunnels, mines, sump wells and caissons), through retaining hydraulic structures(dams, their screens, depressions, diaphragms), as well as to protect against leakage of operational or waste water (canals, tunnels and other water conduits, pools, settling tanks, reservoirs, etc.).

Anti-corrosion waterproofing is designed to protect the material of structures from chemically aggressive liquids and waters (mineralized ground water, sea water, wastewater industrial enterprises), from the aggressive effects of the atmosphere (above-ground metal structures, hydraulic structures in the zone of variable water level) and from electrocorrosion caused by stray currents (power line supports, pipelines and other underground metal structures). According to the type of base material, anti-corrosion waterproofing is asphalt, mineral, plastic and metal; according to the device method - painting, plastering, gluing, cast, impregnating, injection, filling, mounted; for the main purpose and design features- surface, keyway, working "on the clamp" and "on separation", sealing the seams and interfaces, for complex purposes (thermal waterproofing, plastic compensators).

Painting shop waterproofing(hot and cold) is carried out in the form of a thin (up to 2 mm) multi-layer coating, usually from bituminous and polymeric varnishes and paints, for anti-capillary and anti-corrosion protection of reinforced concrete and metal structures. The most reliable are hot bitumen-polymer and cold epoxy-rubber coatings. New cold curing polymeric materials are being used more and more.

Plaster waterproofing(hot and cold) is a multilayer (up to 2 cm) coating; the most common for reinforced concrete structures: cement shotcrete, cold and hot asphalt plasters and mastics, which do not require a protective fence and allow mechanizing the process of their application. The use of polymer concrete and polymer cement coatings, colloidal cement mortar is expanding.

Okleyechnaya waterproofing is produced by sticking rolled materials in the form of a multilayer (usually 3-4 layers) coating with mandatory protection by surface screeds and walls. Despite the wide distribution, gluing waterproofing is in some cases replaced by paint and plaster waterproofing. Differs in the increased crack resistance; its improvement goes along the path of using polymer films, fiberglass.

cast waterproofing- the most reliable type of waterproofing; it is usually performed from hot asphalt mastics and mortars by pouring them on a horizontal base (in 2-3 layers with a total thickness of 20-25 mm) and pouring behind the wall or formwork on the walls (30-50 mm thick); due to complexity and high cost, it is performed in especially critical cases. Its development follows the path of using asphalt-ceramsite-concrete, bitumen-perlite, foam epoxides, and other foam plastics.

Zasypnaya waterproofing it is arranged by backfilling loose waterproofing materials into waterproof layers and cavities, for example, enclosed by formwork. It is similar in design and purpose to cast waterproofing, but has a greater thickness (up to 50 cm) and a complex thermal and waterproofing purpose (hydrophobic sands and powders, asphaltoizol) with little water resistance.

Impregnation waterproofing performed by impregnation of construction products from porous materials(concrete slabs and blocks, asbestos cement sheets and pipes, blocks of limestone and tuff) in an organic binder (bitumen, coal tar pitch, petrolatum, polymer varnishes). Impregnation waterproofing is most reliable for prefabricated elements subjected to intense mechanical stress (piles, pipes, tubing, foundation blocks).

injection waterproofing is carried out by injecting a binder material into the seams and cracks of building structures or into the soil adjacent to them by methods similar to the installation of impervious curtains; It is used, as a rule, in the repair of waterproofing. For its device, new polymers (carbamide, furan resins) are increasingly being used.

mounted waterproofing is made of specially made elements (metal and plastic sheets, profile tapes) attached to the main structure with mounting ties. It is applied in especially difficult cases. Its improvement follows the path of using ethylene-propylene rubber glued to a solid base or laid on the ground, fiberglass, rigid polyvinyl chloride, industrial production of prefabricated reinforced concrete products, factory-coated with paint or plaster waterproofing. The most common constructive view waterproofing - surface coatings in combination with sealing of expansion or structural joints and interface devices that ensure the continuity of the entire pressure front of the structure.

Surface waterproofing are designed in such a way that they are pressed against the insulated supporting structure by the pressure of water; new types of structural waterproofing have also been developed, working "on a tear". Seals of expansion joints are essential in the waterproofing of structures; they are arranged to make the seams waterproof and protect them from clogging with soil, ice, floating bodies. In addition to watertightness, seals must also be highly deformable, flexible, so that they can freely follow the deformations of the mating elements or sections of the structure. The most common types of seals are asphalt dowels and gaskets, metal diaphragms and expansion joints, rubber and plastic diaphragms, gaskets and molding sealants. It also provides for the widespread use of bitumen-polymer sealants, fiberglass and fiberglass, allowing you to create simpler and more reliable seals. Tear-off waterproofing is carried out in the form of coatings applied to the structure to be protected from the side opposite to the water pressure. It is mainly used in the repair and restoration of waterproofing structures (for example, by plastering flooded basements of buildings from the inside) and for waterproofing underground structures, the supporting structures of which are concreted close to the surrounding soil or rocky base - tunnels, descent wells, underground rooms of great depth (with their anti-filtration protection). For this type of waterproofing, waterproofing coatings are used that allow anchoring behind the main structure (cast and mounted waterproofing) or have high adhesion to concrete with prolonged exposure to water (cement shotcrete, cold asphalt and epoxy paint waterproofing).

Penetrating waterproofing: dry mixes consisting of cement, quartz sand of a certain chemical and granulometric composition of chemically active additives. The ions of the chemically active additive dissolved in water penetrate the micropores into the internal structure of concrete and crystallize there, as a result chemical reactions, forming a reliable barrier in the way of water. Active chemical components that have penetrated deep into the body of concrete, dissolving in water, react with ionic complexes of aluminum calcium, various oxides and metal salts contained in concrete. During these reactions, more complex salts are formed that can interact with water and create insoluble crystalline hydrates - formations in the form of needle-shaped, randomly arranged crystals. The network of these crystals fills capillaries, microcracks and pores up to 0.5 mm wide. At the same time, the crystals are integral part concrete structure. Due to the force of the surface tension of water, the crystals become an insurmountable obstacle in the way of water. Thus, water filtration through the concrete thickness is blocked, while the reinforcing cage is protected from the aggressive environment of ground (technogenic) waters. The term of action of penetrating waterproofing corresponds to the service life of concrete structures, since crystalline hydrates are deep in the structure of concrete, changing it mechanical properties. Additionally, the compressive strength of concrete is increased.

sprayed waterproofing It is applied to protection against penetration of water of a roof, the bases, reservoirs, basements and underground rooms. Spray waterproofing is a two-component waterproofing system consisting of a base element and a curing catalyst. The coating is applied to the surface to be treated by cold spraying, after curing it forms a durable membrane. Sprayed waterproofing has high adhesion to any base (steel, concrete, roofing felt), regardless of its relief, does not contain seams, is not flammable, has no smell, has long term services.

The complex of works on waterproofing installation includes: preparation of the base, installation of a waterproofing cover and protective fence, sealing expansion joints and waterproofing interfaces. When choosing the type of waterproofing, preference is given to such coatings, which, with equal reliability and cost, allow for complex mechanization waterproofing works eliminate their seasonality.

Waterproofing is intended primarily for protection building structure of any type from exposure to moisture and further destruction as a result. At first glance, it may seem - what is the difference between all these materials, they perform only one task. But a qualified specialist can tell you what the wrong waterproofing or poor quality will lead to.

Sooner or later, but every house gets old. This happens for obvious reasons - materials, structures, communications wear out. Cracks appear in which microorganisms penetrate and multiply there, darkening your life. To eliminate this problem by repairing the waterproofing layer can be difficult or completely unrealistic. Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, a lot of attention should initially be paid to the choice of a good and suitable waterproofing material.

There are several universal characteristics that any waterproofing material should have, regardless of its purpose. It is waterproof, waterproof, strong, durable.

There are many different types of waterproofing.

Dry mixes and mastics (coated waterproofing)

Such waterproofing is used mainly for protection internal surfaces premises from capillary moisture and external surfaces from ground moisture. The basis of such compositions are bitumen and bitumen-containing substances. They are easy to use and inexpensive.

These are universal compositions that are characterized by good ductility. They are obtained by mixing special components with astringent properties, as well as various additives and fillers that give finished material its adhesive properties. IN construction work usually cold and hot are used for waterproofing bituminous mastics, as well as a plasticizer. These are the most popular and commonly used materials today. There are also bitumen-rubber mastics and polymer bitumen, which differ from other mastics in increased resistance to high temperatures and elasticity.

All mastics, conventional and polymeric, have one drawback - they are not so durable compared to other waterproofing materials and lend themselves well to mechanical damage. The maximum such waterproofing will last 5 or 6 years.

TO coating waterproofing also include cement-polymer mastics. They consist of a mixture of dry cement and various mineral fillers.

In total, materials for coating waterproofing are divided into several groups:

1) On a cement basis. Working with such insulation requires certain skills. At the same time, the initial result will please you with environmental friendliness, durability, economy and lack of shrinkage.
2) On a cement-polymer basis. These materials are environmentally friendly, resistant to aggressive chemical substances However, they require careful preparation of the protected surface and are quite expensive.
3) On a cement-chemical basis. It is a deep penetration insulation, repair cracks quickly, environmental friendly. The materials used are resistant to liquids. It requires skill to apply.
4) Polymer waterproofing. It is versatile and easy to use, frost-resistant, deeply penetrating. Requires special preparation of the treated surface with a special acrylic composition.
5) Polyacrylic waterproofing. Actually, the pros and cons of her are the same as those of the polymer.
6) Bitumen-latex waterproofing. It is quite economical, explosion and fire safe, but also requires careful preparation of the protected surface or reinforcement.

Gluing waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is familiar to many people since the days of Soviet buildings. In pasting waterproofing, materials such as fiberglass, only leather, isol, brizol, hydroisol, roofing material and others are used. Also use leaf and roll materials based on polymers - polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, vinyl plastic.

These materials provide surface resistance to moisture, to aggressive chemicals, cost-effectiveness.
Pasting waterproofing is glued to the required surface in one to four layers. The process of installing waterproofing material itself requires a lot of effort. Yes and working surface must be pre-prepared - it is carefully leveled, dried and primed with a bituminous emulsion.

Sheets of insulating material are glued from the bottom up. At the same time, the previous layer should overlap with the next one by no less than 15-20 cm in the transverse direction and 10 cm in the longitudinal direction.

If the work on pasting waterproofing is carried out in winter time yes, even on outdoors, then the working surface of the structure is dried and heated to 10-15 degrees Celsius. Hot asphalt is used for leveling screed. Before gluing the rolled insulation material, it is kept in a warm room for at least 20 hours, and then treated with slowly evaporating solvents.

Paint waterproofing

The main range of application of this waterproofing is the protection of underground structures from the effects of capillary moisture. For this, cold and hot pitch and bituminous mastics are used. They also use materials based on synthetic resins and different kinds plastics (ethinol paints and varnishes and epoxy materials, polyester, furyl and other resins).

The main characteristics of paint waterproofing are environmental friendliness, economy, abrasion resistance, vapor permeability.
Depending on the main constituent material, paint waterproofing can be bitumen, cement, rubber-bitumen, rubber-resin, bitumen-latex, polyacrylic.

Before starting work, the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, covered with a cold primer, which is liquefied bitumen or a liquid solution of polymer resins. Paint waterproofing is applied in 2-3 layers, the total thickness of which is 2-4 mm for hot bituminous or pitch mastics, 1.5-3 mm for bituminous pastes, 1.5-1.5 mm for bituminous varnishes, paints and emulsions. Paint waterproofing based on polymers is characterized by a more waterproof and frost-resistant coating.

A layer of paint insulation is applied using pistol sprayers or airbrushes. If the surface is small in area or limited conditions do not allow the use of such devices, then a brush is used. You can also use flame spraying. Paint waterproofing will last about five to six years.

Powder waterproofing

This is a fairly convenient way of waterproofing. It is carried out using special mixtures in the form of a powder of cement, plasticizers and synthetic resins. Immediately before use, this powder mixture is diluted with a certain amount of water and applied to the work surface as ordinary plaster. It is easy to work with it, but such waterproofing is easily susceptible to mechanical damage. If this happens, then the entire waterproofing system is considered unusable.

Penetrating waterproofing

This type of insulation combines components such as special cement, sand, active chemicals. Such waterproofing is very reliable, it is easy to work with it. It fills all the cracks, even invisible to the human eye, and is capable of self-healing. What's the secret? When applied, the mixture changes its structure - it turns into crystals that penetrate and fix in the surface at a depth of up to 20 cm. Over time, if any damage occurs in the presence of moisture, the chemically active components begin to “come to life” and restore the damaged waterproofing layer.

Waterproofing with water repellents

This waterproofing is based on the use of special compounds with which the working surface is treated. When dried, a film with a water-repellent effect is formed, its components do not allow moisture to be absorbed and it simply rolls off it in the form of drops. It is very convenient, easy to use, and does not require any preparatory work with treated surface. And yet, in this barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment - such waterproofing does not differ in enviable durability. Its maximum is 10 years and no more.

Waterproofing material is selected based on general design houses and climate features in the area.

Construction- a broad industry, fast growing in today's dynamic world. I propose to consider such an industry in construction as waterproofing. It is widely used in the construction of both private houses and in the construction of city houses.

This is the protection of buildings from water. If you want to increase the durability of the building, then you will definitely need to make waterproofing. The most "problematic" places of construction are the roof and foundation. How can waterproofing be done? Waterproofing is applied in places with high humidity. Perhaps a house by the river, buildings near the sea, places with a humid climate. Waterproofing is carried out with the following materials:

  • polymer mastic;
  • tiles;
  • prof. flooring;
  • bituminous materials;
  • polycarbonate plates;
  • cement mixtures.

Several layers are in progress. In this case, a surface film is formed, obstructive water intrusion into the structure. Tightly fitting, thus forming a protective layer. Without dismantling the roofs, this type of insulation can be repaired. Which saves a lot of time and money. In this case, you can use polyurethane mastic. With paint waterproofing, we recommend using a textile mesh as well. It can be easily purchased at any hardware store.

If the building needs a deeper waterproofing up to 20 mm, then we recommend using plaster waterproofing. Anyone, even a novice builder, will cope with this issue, not to mention a team of professional craftsmen.

IN given time widely used. Apply to the surface several layers of ruberoid. This is one of the more reliable and high-quality methods used in our time. However, the load that goes to the load-bearing beams can make you think about the implementation of this type of waterproofing. And also do not forget about exposure to sunlight, which is poorly tolerated by this type of waterproofing.

For waterproofing vertical and horizontal surfaces, the method is used pouring hot mastic. It includes asphalt-containing components.

To increase the strength of the concrete structure, you will need impregnating waterproofing. It will significantly increase the brand strength of the structure. Such impregnation is used for surface treatment of socles, piles, walls, foundations. Concrete screeds can also be treated with this type of waterproofing.

Mounted waterproofing- This is a structure that is prefabricated and which is attached to each other.

Penetrating waterproofing.Chemical additives, cement and sand is a penetrating waterproofing. Thanks to the crystals under pressure, the solutions penetrate the surface and prevent the penetration of water. Waterproofing materials are also characterized by a number of qualities, such as economy, environmental friendliness, frost resistance, chemical resistance, non-shrinkage, durability, moisture resistance.