Well      07/02/2020

What to drink for toothache at home. The most effective way to relieve acute toothache. Medicines for toothache

When we have bouts of toothache, we can't think of anything else but getting rid of it. Pain happens different types: permanent, growing, pulsating. A toothache can overtake in one moment and ruin your mood for the whole day. Therefore, you need to know some techniques that will help soothe a toothache at home.

How to quickly relieve a toothache?

Tooth pain begins suddenly, regardless of the time of day and is asymptomatic. Sometimes it happens that a tooth hurts from dentistry, for example, in the country. And you do not have the opportunity to urgently go to the dentist. What to do in such cases?

Most easy way relieve pain - the use of medicines. If your teeth hurt during dinner, then you should refuse to eat, brush your teeth thoroughly and rinse your mouth. Then you need to take an anesthetic tablet: nurofen, analgin, ketanov.

If there is no first aid kit with the necessary funds near you, then try to find a cotton swab and dip it in valocordin or alcohol - make a compress on the painful area. Try to rinse your mouth with a solution of salt or soda as often as possible. Please note that the water must be boiled and warm. You can add a couple of drops of iodine to your rinse.

These techniques relieve toothache for a short time. But what to do if the pharmacy is far away, and the first-aid kit is empty? They come to help folk methods.

Home methods

How to soothe a toothache at home? Using the ingredients you have at home, you can make preparations to relieve toothache. The most effective and simple following techniques to relieve pain:

  • If your tooth hurts badly, then salt and pepper will help you. Combine two types of spices in a ratio of one to one and drop some water into them. This tool is applied to the problem tooth as a paste. Leave the product on for ten minutes, then rinse your mouth.
  • Potato. Cut off the potato wheel and apply to the aching tooth. Keep the potato poultice on until the symptoms are gone.
  • Garlic. Has antibiotic action. It is excellent at fighting pathogenic microbes. Rub the garlic with salt and garlic. Apply the resulting paste to the tooth. Sometimes you can just chew a clove of garlic on the side of the jaw where the pain is located.
  • Onion. Everyone has long known healing properties onion, which has antimicrobial activity. As soon as you feel pain, apply a piece of onion to the sore spot. This will help relieve toothache.
  • Warm water with salt. The simplest remedy for toothache. Take a glass of warm water and add a teaspoon of salt to it. Rinse your mouth with the solution as often as possible.
  • Soak the cotton in apple cider vinegar and apply to the aching tooth.
  • An alcoholic drink, such as vodka or cognac, can relieve pain. It is enough just to rinse the mouth with a glass of drink.
  • Chamomile can help relieve toothache. It is used for rinses and compresses. An analogue can be calendula or a drug called Rotokan. The latter is infused with alcohol.

Alternative medicine

There is such a technique for toothache, in which some points on the body are massaged. To relieve toothache, take some ice and rub it between your index finger and thumb.

You can relieve aching sensations with the help of essential oils. For this, esters of cloves, lemon balm, lavender and fir are suitable. St. John's wort oil is very well anesthetized.

You can anesthetize a tooth in the following way:

  • put a little oil on a piece of gauze;
  • apply a swab to the sore spot.

If the condition allows you to keep the teeth clenched, then the tampon is applied directly to the surface of the tooth and the jaws are clenched. The tampon is kept in the mouth until it feels better.

For those who trust Chinese medicine and know how to find acupuncture points on the skin, acupressure will help. It is better to do it not with your fingers, but with a piece of ice.

The point for anesthesia of the teeth is located on the back of the hand. Mentally extend your thumb and forefinger to your wrist and massage the intersection with a piece of ice, pressing with moderate force.

Soreness recedes after about 10 minutes of massaging the specified point. In this way, even a child can be anesthetized, since acupuncture is considered a fairly safe method.

You can not use acupuncture against toothache only for pregnant women - it is believed that stimulating this point speeds up childbirth.

When acupuncture, you need to press the points located on the opposite side of the body from the diseased tooth.

The next point, the massage of which will help if the tooth hurts, is located near the earlobe between the lower jaw and cheekbone. It is massaged with the thumb and forefinger.

Many people prefer homeopathic preparations, they are made exclusively from natural ingredients and have no serious contraindications. Let's highlight the most effective and popular means:

  1. Aconite - perfectly copes with any kind of pain. Well relieves pain in the tooth, which is caused by the SARS virus.
  2. Arnica. Arnica oil - excellent tool. Copes with toothache caused by trauma to the jaw. It also helps to speed up the healing of gums and wounds after amputation of the tooth.
  3. Coffee is a medicine that eliminates toothache, which is provoked by the nervous system. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Suitable for pregnant women.

Prevention of toothache

It is worth noting that if you neglect dental care, then you have a high risk of serious dental diseases with complications.

If a tooth has been hurting for a long time, there is more than one rule that will help stop the development of pain:

  • Perform thorough oral hygiene as often as possible. Rinse your mouth. At the same time, you should not diligently clean the diseased area so as not to injure it. Leave the sore spot alone, in no case do not pick the aching tooth with a toothpick. Try not to touch it with your tongue.
  • Do not chew food on the side of the jaw where the pain is located.
  • Don't warm up the affected area. Heat increases blood circulation, and the pain becomes sharper. In addition, there is a possibility that the tooth hurts due to gum disease, which is accompanied by the presence of an abscess, a warm compress can cause it to rupture and spread the infection throughout the oral cavity.
  • Lie down as little as possible. Despite everything, the lying position of the body is fraught with an acceleration of blood circulation in the oral cavity, this leads to increased pressure on the teeth. This becomes a source of increased pain.
  • Try to relax, no matter how hard it is. Do what you love, turn on an interesting movie, call your friends for a chat. The more thoughts about pain in your head, the more acute the pain is felt.

Important! Visit the dentist as soon as possible. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, all methods home use designed only to relieve pain while waiting for the help of a doctor. Only a dentist can relieve pain by diagnosing the oral cavity with subsequent treatment procedures.

Instant remedies for toothache

How to soothe a toothache if it occurs suddenly? There are several ways to momentarily alleviate the situation. In addition to all the methods that were listed earlier, there are such useful techniques as:

  • Soda rinse.
  • Sometimes the following happens: in the presence of dental pathology associated with malocclusion, the pain increases if you keep your mouth closed. In such an unusual situation, try to keep your mouth ajar.
  • Never take antibiotics unless your doctor has told you to. It is very dangerous. Such drugs are used only according to strict instructions, based on the opinion of the dentist. Otherwise, they have a harmful effect and are fraught with the manifestation of many side effects.
  • You can start massaging the hand that corresponds to the side of the jaw where the pain originated. This method helps in situations where you do not know how to relieve a toothache. Pay special attention to the area between the fingers.


There are several types of drugs:

  1. Non-narcotics. Suitable for mild pain. Aspirin, analgin and others.
  2. Non-narcotic drugs of enhanced action. Suitable for moderate pain. Ibuprofen, Nurofen. Such drugs have a number of side effects, carefully study the instructions and draw the right conclusions. Do not use more than two tablets of this group per day.
  3. Narcotic group of medicines. These are drugs such as: morphine, fetanyl and others. Do not use such drugs even with severe pain. They have an impact on the psyche, especially if you are going to drive to the dentist, stop using them.
  4. Anti-spasmodic drugs and agents. Drotaverine and No-shpa. They relieve muscle spasms. They are not often used for toothache, but in some cases they are effective. But sometimes a tooth can start to hurt more.

Additional funds

The following drugs complement the list of pain relievers:

  1. Actasulide. Deals with inflammation and pain. It has contraindications for problems with the intestines and stomach.
  2. Grippstad. The active substances of this drug provide its long-term effect.

Relief of pain in children and pregnant women

What to do if a child has a toothache or a woman in position? After all, most of the medicinal preparations are contraindicated for these categories of people. Children's teeth are exposed to caries more often than adults, because their enamel is less durable.

Pregnant women experience pain in their teeth no less often. Especially at the time of the formation of tooth germs in the unborn baby.

  1. Applying asterisk balm on the cheek from the side where the pain center is located.
  2. Applying clove oil to a sore tooth.
  3. Regular rinses using methods traditional medicine.

Important! Children and women in position are strictly forbidden to use powerful painkillers and antibiotics. Use only traditional methods and immediately contact your dentist for help.

Caries in very young children is associated with the mother's illness at various stages of pregnancy or her inadequate nutrition.

In addition, a child's milk teeth are encased in thinner enamel, which allows tooth decay to develop faster than it does in adults.

Often in a child, caries captures not one tooth, but several at once, located in the neighborhood. This leads to pulpitis or periodontitis, and the teeth have to be removed.

Milk molars in a child erupt by 5-6 years. After a few years, caries may appear on them due to the fact that the enamel on newly erupted milk teeth is often covered with cracks, and the infection spreads to them quickly.

Caries on milk teeth develops at a fantastic rate, therefore, even with the slightest pain, you should not anesthetize the child, but take him to a pediatric dentist - after all, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it may be too late, and the tooth will have to be removed.

It is clear that each of the above methods helps only slightly relieve pain, you should not hope that if the pain has become weaker, then the problem has been eliminated. Only a qualified specialist can determine the source of pain and completely get rid of it.

Self-medication may only seem successful from the outside, but one day a new wave of inflammation will occur, which will be impossible to stop. You can relieve pain at home, but you should not get carried away. Do not put off a visit to the dentist, because the disease can be much more serious than it seems at first glance.

Video: How to relieve a toothache


A sudden toothache brings considerable discomfort - these unpleasant sensations can significantly interfere with your plans, sleep, and even bring you to tears. Excruciating pain syndrome due to inflammation of the nerve or due to caries can disturb a person’s peace for a long time. It is not always possible to immediately consult a doctor after a toothache, so the question of how to get rid of a toothache at home is relevant. Using the methods below will help a person get to the dentist's office without unnecessary suffering.

Ways to quickly relieve pain

It is known that the pain that occurs when a tooth is damaged is one of the most difficult to bear for a person. There are many ways to relieve it before the dental intervention begins: these are various medications, folk recipes invented by our ancestors, there are also non-traditional methods of getting rid of pain. Depending on personal views on medicine and the desired speed, intensity of the effect, a person can independently choose the method that is most suitable for his situation.

Rinsing with home remedies

Rinsing, even without use special means perform in any case - this will clear the oral cavity of food debris. Often, food particles that fall into a crack or hole in a tooth provoke severe pain. How to get rid of a toothache at home with the help of rinsing: take a glass of warm water, dissolve a teaspoon there baking soda add a few drops of iodine. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with this solution without swallowing, repeat several times. For rinsing, tinctures of herbs can be used: calendula, sage, oregano, valerian.


Medications are one of the fastest and most effective ways to deal with toothache, and many over-the-counter pain relievers even include this item in the instructions for use. Please read it carefully before use. See a selection of popular drugs that will help get rid of pain:

  • Analgin. This drug will help get rid of a weak pain syndrome - a day should not exceed two grams of the drug. It is recommended to start with half a tablet, and in the absence of tangible relief, take the second part after thirty minutes. Those who are able to tolerate the unpleasant taste can put half a tablet on the desired tooth - this will relieve the pain faster.
  • Nurofen. Pain reliever is designed to cope with the problem of toothache. Per day it is allowed to use up to six tablets with a uniform break. The substance is not recommended for use in diseases of the heart, kidneys, in the presence of an ulcer.
  • Ketanov. The active substance of the drug: ketorolac is a good pain reliever, which, along with pain, can simultaneously relieve inflammation. To avoid a sudden allergic reaction, the first tablet intake should be monitored by medical professionals. Contraindicated in children under 16 years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers, with liver and kidney failure.

Non-traditional methods

Interesting unconventional method getting rid of a toothache - using a piece of ice. Intense cold will help numb the pain and relieve discomfort for a while if a person does not want to take medication. You need to take a piece of ice, gently and slowly begin to massage the shoulder joint in front, in the area of ​​​​the diseased tooth. The interaction of ice with other parts of the face helps: earlobes, temples, top of the forehead. Adepts of oriental medicine advise massaging the area between the thumb and forefinger of the hand opposite to the side of the diseased tooth with ice.

Effective folk remedies for toothache

Since ancient times, traditional medicine has helped people survive the strongest pain syndrome, but then not everyone had access to professional treatment, and the treatment was not so good. Many remedies have been tried to get rid of the discomfort associated with dental diseases, and the most effective have survived to this day. Below are a few folk recipes for those who want to know how to get rid of severe toothache at home without using chemicals.

Onion and garlic mixture

Onions and garlic are natural antiseptics that can positively affect the course of the inflammatory process of the teeth. To prepare an anesthetic mixture, it is necessary to grind the products in equal amounts into gruel, then add table salt, mix thoroughly. When the mixture is ready, apply required amount on the painful tooth. Another method is also used with garlic: with one wrist, place a cut piece on the opposite side of the diseased tooth so that the juice gets into the pulsating veins.

Infusion of birch buds

Birch buds have many useful properties, including delivering a person from painful discomfort. To relieve the pain syndrome, it is necessary to apply a swab moistened in tincture of birch buds to the inflamed tooth and hold for some time.

How to cook: take 50 grams of kidneys, 500 ml of vodka, pour the product with vodka and insist for ten days. In all other cases, except for toothache, medicines made with the help of birch buds are taken orally.

Sage decoction

Sage - disinfectant which helps to prevent the development of the inflammatory process. Do warm rinses with it, trying to keep the decoction on the site of the affected itch. a large number of time. When the drug has cooled down, replace it with a fresh, warm one. Rinse 3-5 times in one procedure. How to prepare a decoction: take a tablespoon of the product, pour clean water, boil, keep on fire for about 10 minutes. After cooking, let stand for a while until cool.

plantain root

Plantain is a plant known since childhood, when the leaves were applied to all wounds, cuts and bruises. However, plantain can do a good job at an older age during the onset of severe toothache. To significantly reduce the pain syndrome, clean the fresh root, stem or leaves of the plant, put it in your mouth and hold it on the aching tooth.

Infusion of oregano

Contributes to the disappearance of toothache infusion made with herb oregano. To prepare the remedy, it is necessary to pour 50 grams of the plant with 500 milliliters of boiling water, then leave for about ten minutes until the resulting broth cools down. Gargle effectively with the final product. To get rid of discomfort, it helps to chew a few leaves of fragrant grass.

How to relieve severe pain during pregnancy

Every pregnant woman is very worried about her health, because under her responsibility is another, not yet born, creature. If you can still endure a headache, then a toothache becomes a real test. Women in position try not to take risks, therefore they are extremely selective in the methods of anesthesia. Below will be a list safe ways how to get rid of severe toothache at home during pregnancy:

  • Medications, such as the well-known No-shpa with the active ingredient drotaverine, can safely relieve a slight toothache during pregnancy, but you need to take the medicine clearly following the instructions, without exceeding the allowable dosage. Doctors allow the tooth to be treated locally using harmless ointments (Kalgel). If there are no contraindications, it is allowed to take half a tablet of Pentalgin with severe toothache.

  • Folk remedies that are not contraindicated for women in position do not harm the body if you choose them wisely. The recipes described above for rinsing with sage broth, the use of plantain, can help. Sometimes clove copes with severe pain: pour crushed seasoning on the gum.

First aid for toothache in a child

The causes of toothache in a child can be different, so it is extremely important to quickly respond to the symptoms that appear. If the pain is caused by pieces of food stuck in the teeth and subsequent inflammation of the gums, rinse your mouth with saline immediately. In the absence of obvious damage, ordinary warm water will do. Before the doctor's appointment, you will have to limit the baby in food - you should not give the child solid food, which can provoke severe toothache. Refuse salty, spicy, sweet - this can cause inflammation of the gums.

It is better to relieve a sudden toothache with folk remedies, in no case should you resort to analgesics, which do not indicate that they are allowed to be given to children. Sometimes good decision the child becomes distracted from the problem: turn on an interesting cartoon, captivate the child with an interesting game, then the toothache will not torment the precious child so much.

A toothache, as a rule, overtakes a person unexpectedly and at the most inopportune time - you need to urgently come up with a method of how to get rid of it before going to the doctor, without changing urgent plans. Watch a helpful video showing a simple recipe for quick relief of a toothache before going to the dentist's office. This method can help patients with stomatitis, people suffering from inflammatory processes in the gums.

A tooth can hurt suddenly, even in the middle of the night. Therefore, knowing what to do at home if a tooth hurts will be useful to many. Our products do not require you to make excessive efforts or go to the pharmacy. As a rule, with a high degree of probability, you already have everything you need at home.

Here you will learn what to do with toothache right now, but then you still need to visit the dentist as soon as possible to identify the cause and begin effective treatment.

It will not be superfluous to do a little preparation. If you can, brush or at least rinse your mouth with warm water. running water- this will increase the effectiveness of analgesic actions.

Salt water mouth rinse

It is necessary to dilute half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm clean water, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with the resulting mixture until it is completely finished. Now you have learned about one of the most popular ways to relieve toothache, left to us from grandmothers. And this is the rare case when the grandmother's express method will really help you cope at home if you have a toothache.

Rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine

At first it may seem that this way of getting rid of a toothache looks strange, but it actually helps. Like saline, hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine have disinfectant properties that will reduce inflammation and reduce associated tooth pain. In addition, chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide will help soften tartar, making it easier to clean.

To relieve toothache at home, you need to stir the mixture for rinsing the mouth: mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) or chlorhexidine (0.05%) with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 1. In no case do not swallow the resulting solution when rinsing. And after the procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth with clean warm water.

Apply a cold compress to relieve toothache

The higher the temperature in the affected area, the more painful it will be for you. The heat expands the blood vessels, so that the blood begins to circulate faster, which, in turn, increases the internal pressure on the aching tooth. Under the influence of cold, the volume of blood vessels decreases again and the pain becomes less acute. By the way, the cold will help soften the swelling and slow down the inflammatory process.

What to do at home if a tooth hurts? For example, for 8-16 minutes, apply to the affected cheek:

  • wet towel previously dipped in cold water;
  • an ice pack wrapped in the thinnest towel you have.

If the teeth are not sensitive to cold, then you can dissolve a small piece of ice, like candy.

Chew garlic for toothache at home

This not everyone's favorite seasoning has been used for medical purposes for a very long time. And there are reasons for this, because even modern scientific research confirms. It not only kills dangerous bacteria that cause inflammation of the tooth, but also alleviates pain.

If there is enough desire, courage and health, then you can chew a clove of garlic. For everyone else, to relieve a toothache at home: grind one clove of garlic to the state of porridge, and then apply the resulting mass to the gum near the aching tooth.

Clove oil compress for toothache

If you suddenly have a bottle of clove essential oil at home, you can get rid of toothache with its help. Clove oil contains a natural antiseptic - eugenol. This substance not only disinfects, but also relieves toothache in much the same way as benzocaine, a strong pain reliever.

It is necessary to put a couple of drops of clove essential oil on a cotton pad and put it on the aching tooth and the part adjacent to it. Keep the compress in your mouth for about 8-16 minutes.

If you do not tolerate the presence of foreign objects in your mouth too well, then you can dilute the solution based on clove oil: add 3-4 drops to warm water, mix thoroughly and rinse your mouth.

Don't lie down completely

However, if this happened at night, then try to make sure that the upper body is in an elevated position (enclose pillows, for example). Leaving your head at or below your heart will only increase your toothache. As we noted above, vasodilation and more active blood supply will only increase your pain, due to increased pressure on the affected area.

Have a painkiller

So, what to do at home if you have a toothache? The last on our list, but not the last in importance, but on the contrary, the most convenient way to get rid of a toothache, wherever it finds you, is to take painkillers. Pain relievers based on ibuprofen work well.

But grinding analgin into dust, moistening it with a little water, and then applying the resulting slurry to the diseased tooth is not the best idea. The main substance of analgin is metamizole sodium, which really contributes to local pain relief and prevents the inflammatory process. It is worth noting that metamizole has an acid base. So, if a toothache is provoked by damage to the enamel, then this method will most likely only increase your suffering.

What to do as soon as possible if your tooth hurts

You should not build illusions and think that everything will somehow pass by itself: you still have to go to the dentist. If a tooth hurts, then with the help of the above methods you will only temporarily soften pain at home, but do not eliminate the root cause: a disease of the teeth, gums or neuralgic disease. Therefore, even if you managed to relieve a toothache, then visit the dentist without fail. The dentist will find out the cause, make a diagnosis, on the basis of which he will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

And even more so, get to the dentist as soon as possible if the tooth hurts for more than one day, swelling of the face appears and the temperature rises. It is likely that the infection that caused the toothache is already in your bloodstream. And this brings with it much more serious complications.

How to get rid of a toothache: traditional medicine recipes and medicines

Dental problems cause panic and reluctance to see a doctor for many. However, while we come up with yet another reason why we cannot visit a dental clinic, a toothache can become unbearable. What should be done in this case, what medications to take and how to prevent the most serious consequences of toothache?

Causes of toothache

Pain occurs as a result of the transmission of an impulse along the nerve fibers that occurred when the receptor was stimulated to certain parts of the brain. Receptors in the pulp, periodontium, and sometimes dentinal tubules are responsible for toothache. The reasons for their irritation may be as follows:

  • Caries. At the initial stage, it develops asymptomatically, destroying the tissues of the tooth until sensitivity to mechanical, thermal or chemical influences appears. For example, pain can be felt if you drink a glass of cold sour juice. Caries not healed in time can lead to pulpitis, which means even more severe pain.
  • Pulpitis. Inflammation of the dental pulp is characterized by spontaneously occurring severe pain.
  • Periodontitis. This is inflammation of the tissues around the root of the tooth. Strong pain occurs when pressure is applied to the tooth - for example, when chewing.
  • Mechanical damage. With cracks, chips of enamel and other damage, sensitive dentin is often exposed, which leads to pain with any impact.
  • Wisdom tooth eruption. The surrounding gum becomes inflamed and swollen.

Toothache always catches us unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. In this situation, the main thing is to remain calm and not make mistakes.

What to do if a tooth hurts

First of all, inspect the oral cavity and brush your teeth very gently but thoroughly. Removing stuck food debris and bacteria will help alleviate your condition. Until the moment you get to the dentist, refrain from hard, sweet, salty, cold, hot food, so as not to provoke an increase in pain. Take your temperature, take pain medication. If the pain is unbearable, use the services of a dentist's house call or go to a dental emergency facility. 24-hour dental clinics usually work by appointment and will not solve your problems in the middle of the night. If you regularly visit a particular dentist, make an appointment with him for the next date.

How to relieve a toothache

At home, you can relieve a toothache, but a visit to the dentist after that is a must. The exception is two cases - when a wisdom tooth erupts or the place of tooth extraction hurts.

Traditional medicine recipes

The problem of toothache humanity has to solve throughout the history of its existence, and the recipes of traditional medicine have come down to us from time immemorial. They took into account the disinfecting, antihistamine and analgesic qualities of improvised means even before such terms appeared.

  • Phytoncides. Infusion of the husks of one onion in a glass of boiling water. The liquid must be taken into the mouth and held for 15-20 minutes. This time is enough to disinfect the oral cavity. After three such procedures, the pain should recede.
  • Essential oils. Apply a cotton swab dipped in mint drops or clove oil to the aching tooth. This will help relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • Antihistamines. Ground turmeric, fried in a skillet and gently applied to an aching tooth in a cooled state, will help relieve swelling and pain due to the blockade of histamine receptors.
  • Tannins. Soak a regular black tea bag in warm water, wring it out, and place it on the aching tooth. After 15 minutes, the pain should be gone.
  • Cold. An ice cube is wrapped in a gauze and applied to a diseased tooth or gum. Feeling numb will ease the pain.

It should be recognized that these remedies are not suitable for everyone, and the reaction to them is individual. They may not work at all or solve the problem for a short time - half an hour, an hour. Their undoubted advantage is the almost complete absence of contraindications. However, people prone to allergies from some of these recipes should refrain.


An effective and simple method of pain relief is rinsing the mouth with slightly warm decoctions or infusions. It is distinguished by the speed of processing the entire oral cavity, the anesthetic effect usually lasts for several hours. The method is suitable even for pregnant and lactating mothers.

  • Abundant rinsing of the mouth with a solution of salt or soda at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water. This will disinfect the oral cavity, relieve swelling and help pacify the pain.
  • Decoctions of sage, plantain, calendula, chamomile have a disinfectant and soothing effect.

Be sure to check the shelf life of herbs if you are going to use them for making decoctions.

A typical mistake is to warm up the sore spot. Warm compresses and heating pads will only increase the pain by causing an active flow of blood to the affected tooth. The blood circulation of the periodontal tissues also increases with the horizontal position of the body, so you should not lie down if you have a toothache.

Medicines for toothache

Official pharmaceuticals offer the most effective and convenient ways to deal with toothache. However, they all have contraindications, therefore, drugs should be used without a doctor's prescription, especially if the child has a toothache. In any case, carefully read the instructions for the drug.

  • Analgin, Spazmalgon. Inexpensive painkillers that have been used by more than one generation. They help with mild pain, are quickly absorbed by the body, and can be given to children from the age of six.
  • "Nurofen". An effective anti-inflammatory agent that relieves pain and swelling. Available for adults and children. It is not used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • "Baralgin". Quickly relieves aching toothache, can be given to children.
  • "Ketanov". A powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It will help if the tooth hurts a lot. Single use is best, but last resort you can take another pill. Contraindicated in pregnant, lactating, children, and acute diseases internal organs.
  • Pregnant and lactating may be allowed drotaverine(no-shpa).

Helpful Hints

Toothache is rightfully considered one of the most annoying and unpleasant. Everyone who encounters it loses the ability to think well, especially if there is no chance to get rid of the problem right now.

It's great if there is a pharmacy nearby, and even better - a good dentist. But what if the pain caught you on vacation or on a day off, and the necessary medicines not at hand?

We share with you a few tricks that will help you cope with pain and survive until a visit to the dentist.

How to quickly get rid of a toothache

1. Garlic

In addition to protecting against vampires, garlic is a real medicinal miracle, being an effective antiseptic with powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. What gives it such strength is called allicin, which is released when garlic is crushed.

Finely chop one clove of garlic, then crush the pieces with a knife and leave for 10 minutes to activate the allicin. Apply a small amount of garlic mass on a sore spot in the mouth. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse with warm salt water, which will help clear the infection and kill bacteria.

This will also help fight the infection from the inside, as you probably have swelling or inflammation in the sore spot. Also try to add as much garlic to your diet as possible. You can even eat it yourself, after crushing it and allowing the allicin to activate. Remember that unlike antibacterial drugs, garlic does not develop resistance to bacteria, so you can eat it all the time, and then eat parsley to remove the unpleasant odor.

2. Clove oil

Cloves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anesthetic properties that can help relieve toothache and fight infection. This is the main oil that is used to get rid of dental problems if it is not possible to go to the dentist right now.

So useful in the fight against dental problems because of one component that is part of it. Eugenol is a natural anesthetic. It fights all kinds of toothache. Clove oil can also be found in many dental products. Take half a liter of water, add a few drops of clove oil and rinse your mouth with the solution, you can also apply clove oil on a cotton pad and very gently treat the aching tooth and the area around it. The pain will go away very quickly.

How to relieve toothache

3. Peppermint

Along with clove oil, peppermint oil has crazy properties that will help relieve toothache. Peppermint is one of the strongest and most effective pain relievers in nature.

The easiest way to use it is to apply a bag of mint tea to the affected area. Place the sachet in the refrigerator or freezer (if you are not sensitive to cold, then skip this step). Then apply the sachet to the affected area for 20 minutes.

You will probably have to repeat the procedure quite often as the pain may return. Peppermint works this way thanks to its menthol, which is known as an analgesic agent that desensitizes the sore spot through the cold menthol receptor.

If you do not have mint tea on hand, but have essential oil mint, then just put a few drops on a cotton pad and apply to the aching tooth. You can also rinse your mouth with a very strong infusion of mint. Of course, the problem will not disappear from this, but for that evening you will cope with the pain.

4. Bourbon or whiskey

While the American Dental Association says there is no reason to use alcohol as a "home remedy" for pain, it's still worth mentioning in this case.

There is no scientific evidence of effectiveness, but a huge number of people over the centuries confirm it. While drinking alcohol by mouth won't exactly help relieve pain, applying it locally to the source of the pain will help calm it down. In fairness, it should be said that in the fight against bacteria or infection, this method is ineffective.

If you decide to drink alcohol with a toothache in order to relieve pain, then keep in mind that although it can somewhat slow down the pain reactions of the central nervous system you will likely end up feeling even worse.

Soak a cotton pad in whiskey or bourbon, apply to the affected area and hold for 10-15 minutes. You can also easily massage the affected area.

Pain reliever for toothache

5. Acupressure

Acupressure can help stop toothache by releasing endorphins, hormones of happiness. But still, pregnant women are not recommended to use this remedy in the fight against toothache. There are a few different way Manage toothache with acupressure, including the following:

Press on the ankle from the back of the leg, hold for about a minute; don't press too hard, use your fingertip.

Find the point of intersection of the big and index finger; press it with the thumb of the other hand, press with moderate force for about 10 minutes.

Grasp the nail plate of the second toe with the thumb and forefinger of the corresponding hand; apply moderate pressure on the part of the nail that is farthest from thumb legs; hold for about 2 minutes or until the pain subsides.

6. Salt solution

Salt copes very well with viruses and bacteria, respectively, with toothache. In order to get rid of pain, add a small amount of salt (preferably sea salt) to warm water (the water should be warm to once again not injure the nerves). Keep the solution in your mouth for about 30 seconds, spit it out. Repeat one more time.

How to relieve toothache at home

7. Bow

Onions have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that help kill bacteria in the mouth that cause pain. Apply a piece of raw onion over the painful area. Even dentists recommend doing this. You can try sucking the onion a little more, it certainly doesn't sound so nice, but if the method works, then it's definitely worth a try, right?

Simply cut off a piece of onion that fits comfortably in your mouth. It is important that the cut is freshly cut, as onion juice is needed. Hold it on the affected tooth for about five minutes, or longer.

8. Cucumber

Cucumber is known for its calming and hemostatic effect, so for sure each of us has heard of it as an excellent tool for combating circles under the eyes. When using cucumber to treat toothache, its hemostatic effects help reduce blood flow to the affected tooth, which ultimately reduces or relieves pain.

Take the cucumber out of the refrigerator, it should not be cold, especially if you are sensitive to cold, otherwise it may only increase the pain. Cut off a circle and apply it to the sore spot. Among other things, you can grate a circle of cucumber with a small amount of sea ​​salt to enhance the effect.

For toothache at home

9. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass has natural antibacterial properties that fight tooth decay and relieve toothache. Also, the substances included in them are natural antibiotics that protect teeth and gums from infections.

For achievement maximum effect chew the sprouts directly with your aching tooth. The juice from the sprouts can be used as a mouthwash, it will draw out toxins from the gums, reduce the growth of bacteria, and also keep the infection under control until the issue is dealt with by a specialist.

10. Hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide is one of the most common ways to solve problems with teeth and gums. Gargling with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution will help relieve pain temporarily, especially if your toothache is accompanied by a fever and/or a bad taste in your mouth (these are signs of an infection).