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Preparations for root formation. Plant growth stimulants

Only the lazy don’t know about root and heteroauxin, and when rooting cuttings they use only them, not even suspecting that they are at hand at home natural stimulants formation of roots, which are no worse, and maybe even better, than store-bought preparations. This article contains the simplest but most effective root formation stimulants that can be prepared at home.

Rooting cuttings using potatoes.

If the plant does not take root well from cuttings (that is, it has problems rooting), then an excellent solution would be to use a simple potato. You need to remove all the eyes from it, make a cut and insert the cutting into it. Don't forget to water! The secret is simple - the cutting receives various nutrients from the potato.

Important! Remove absolutely all the eyes, because if the potato starts to sprout, your plant will not take root, but will die.

Honey for rooting cuttings.

You need to use it like this - 1 teaspoon of honey per 1.5 liters of water, stir well until the honey is completely dissolved. Leave the cutting in this solution for only 12 hours. There is no need to wash the cuttings after the honey solution. Just root it in your usual way.

Yeast is a stimulator of root formation.

The proportions are as follows: dissolve 100 mg of yeast in 1 liter of water. The cuttings are placed in the solution for no more than a day (24 hours). Next, they need to be washed and rooted. in the usual way.

Aloe for rooting cuttings.

Another ingenious way to both stimulate root formation and strengthen the plant’s immunity. Add a few drops of aloe juice to the water in which the cuttings take root. The result will not be long in coming!

Found it interesting way rooting cuttings - with the help of honey. Honey is a natural rooter and is always on hand, so it's worth giving it a chance.

The photo shows an example of rooting verbena cuttings with honey. Ideally, a freshly cut cutting, but a twig from the supermarket can also take root. Place the freshly cut cuttings in honey. If the branch was cut some time ago, it needs to be refreshed by trimming about a centimeter. We prepare sterile soil for rooting, for example in plastic cup with hole for drainage.

Make a hole in the soil for the cutting so as not to damage the thin stem and nutrient supply. protective film from honey. Honey has an antifungal property and, as it were, “seals” the cut, but does not prevent the plant from receiving moisture from the soil.

We place the glass with the seedling in a bag to create greenhouse conditions for it, and provide a shaded place away from the window. Rooting time is on average 5-6 weeks. Once a day, open the bag slightly for a few minutes. During the entire time the plant is in the greenhouse, it does not need watering. If you feel the need to moisten the soil, do it with a spray bottle or no more than a teaspoon.

Prepare several seedlings if possible. Most likely, they will all take root successfully and you will have the opportunity to give small plants to your loved ones.

Honey rooting is suitable for all herbs that grow successfully in pots on the windowsill - rosemary, oregano, thyme, lavender and others.
Honey can be an excellent alternative to plant growth hormones such as Epin and Zircon.

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Olga Frolova 03/8/2015 | 25554

In many plants, stimulating root formation is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible, without the use of root formation stimulants.

These substances stimulate the formation of roots in cuttings, promote the development of a stronger root system and improve survival rate when transplanting plants. They are also recommended to be used for resuscitation of plants that have lost part of the root system.

Rooting stimulants are biologically active substances (phytohormones) that are synthesized by each plant. For example, indolyl-3-acetic acid and naphthylacetic acid. These substances are part of the drugs known under the names Heteroauxin, Kornerost, Charkor. In addition to natural phytohormones, some preparations use their synthetic analogues, for example, indolyl-3-butyric acid. Based on this substance, rooting preparations such as Kornevin and Clonex have been developed.

Some drugs, in addition to phytohormones, contain vitamins and other excipients that increase the effectiveness of the main active ingredient. Most often, thiamine and ascorbic acid are used as additional components.

For rooting, preparations that are extracts from various types vegetable raw materials. For example, Zircon, Epin, Radifarm, Ribav. These drugs are natural bioregulators, have a complex stimulating effect and increase plant immunity.

Forms of release of drugs and methods of processing plants

Rooting preparations are available in several forms:

  1. white, gray or yellowish powder;
  2. water-soluble tablets;
  3. liquid in ampoules, vials or droppers;
  4. gel.

When using the drug, you must follow the instructions to avoid an overdose, because all phytohormones have the expected effect only in small doses, and exceeding the concentration of the drug can inhibit the growth and development of plants.

One of the most common ways to treat cuttings is to soak them in an aqueous solution of the drug for 6 hours. The following drugs are most often used to prepare an aqueous solution:

  • Heteroauxin and Kornerost in a concentration of 0.1 g (or 1 tablet) per 2.5 liters of water;
  • Kornevin – 1 g per 1 l;
  • Radifarm and Ribav – 1-2 drops per 1 liter;
  • Zircon – 4 drops per 1 liter;
  • Charkor – 1 ml per 5 l.

If the plant is recommended to be propagated only by the dry method, without pre-soaking, then it is necessary to dust the lower part of the cutting with Kornevin using a brush or use Clonex gel. In addition, you can independently prepare growth powder based on aqueous solutions of other drugs. To do this, you need to mix the rooting solution with activated carbon or talcum powder, and then dry the resulting mixture. The cuttings are dipped into the prepared powder immediately before planting in the ground.

Natural rooting stimulants and how to use them

In addition to traditional drugs, there are a huge number of available biogenic stimulants that have proven their effectiveness. When rooting grape cuttings, you can use flower honey, which has a strong stimulating effect thanks to a complex of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Honey is diluted in warm water(1 tbsp per 10 l) and use this solution to soak the cuttings. Chubuki are completely immersed in the solution for 24-48 hours.

One of the most powerful root formation stimulants is willow water. To prepare it, willow branches are placed in water to stimulate the formation of roots. After the willow twigs have taken root, they are pulled out and the liquid is used to root the cuttings. Willow water contains a large number of phytohormones and acts no less effectively than any industrial stimulant. To obtain a solution, you can also use poplar branches.

It is also a good natural stimulant. aloe juice. To prepare the solution, you need to take 1 tbsp per 200 ml of water. l. juice and leave for 7 days. To soak the cuttings, dilute the resulting liquid with 5 liters of water.

The use of root formation stimulants helps not only to obtain new plants, but also to adapt or revive adult crops. However, when choosing a preparation for rooting, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the propagated species and provide optimal care.

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Root former for plants – inexpensive way get new crops for little or free money. But not everything is so simple: not all cuttings want to take root and take root on their own.

A plant root former helps speed up the process and help the cuttings grow their root system. You can make your life easier and buy a drug in a store like “Kornevin” or its analogues. Or you can make a root growth stimulator with your own hands. We'll talk about this in this article.

It will be harmless, without toxic substances, and works no worse than chemicals. Let's consider the possibilities of home and chemical root formers.

Root former for plants

It is not necessary to immediately go to the store for a root growth stimulator. When propagation by cuttings is planned, you can help the plant form a root system using improvised means. Let's look at what products can be used for this.

Potato root former

Take a large potato, wash it from dust and remove all the eyes. Next, you need to make an incision, insert the cutting just into the incision and leave for a while. While the root system is forming, do not forget to moisturize.

This method helps to form the root system of cuttings and does not contain harmful substances and nourishes the young plant until its roots are strong. Potato root formers are suitable when you are growing simple ones.

If the crop is expensive, but more are needed effective methods root formation.

Root former from aloe juice

The juice promotes the formation of the root system of the cutting and strengthens its immunity. Add aloe juice to the water where you placed the shoot to form the root system and leave until the first roots appear.

You only need to use fresh juice, which is added to water. Follow the dosage; 7 drops of fresh juice per small amount of water is enough.

Yeast root former

Yeast can accelerate the formation of the root system by 12 days, while nourishing the roots with useful substances. The preparation is quite easy: take 100 grams of yeast per liter of water and stir until smooth.

Dip the cuttings into this mixture and leave for a day. Then you will need to wash them and put them in clean water. Usually a day is enough to provide the cuttings with an incentive to form a root system.

Root former from flower honey

With the help of flower honey, you can help the cuttings grow their root system. Flower honey contains bios, growth stimulants and about 35 types useful substances. It is simple to prepare a composition for soaking cuttings: 1 tablespoon of flower honey should dissolve in a bucket of water.

Then you can soak the cuttings completely in this liquid and leave for 2 days. During this time, the cuttings will receive an incentive to form a root system. Please note that only flower honey can be used for root growth. If the bees made it from sugar, then the stimulant is no good.

Willow water as a root former

Notice how quickly roots appear on cuttings of wild rosemary, willow, and poplar. They contain some substance that promotes the growth of the root system. You can take advantage of willow's ability to generate roots to grow the necessary cuttings.

To do this, place willow branches in the container and wait until it takes root. Then the willow cuttings need to be removed, and other plants should be placed in the same container for germination. The water does not pour out completely from the container. When there is very little liquid, you can add it.

The point is that willow contains a special substance that promotes root development. When the branches stand in water, the root former gets into the water. It will work for more than just willow cuttings. That is why it is important not to pour out the liquid, but to add water to the container.

When natural remedies If you don’t get it right, you can use a chemical rooting agent for plants. There are dozens of such drugs, choose and work with them carefully.

There are several types of chemicals that increase the immunity of the cutting, stimulate the growth of the root system and strengthen the stem itself. Conventionally, they can be divided into three types:

  • substances with high activity (auxins). They stimulate the growth of the stem and the formation of the root system. The drug must be used strictly according to the instructions. If the dose is higher, the roots on the cuttings will not grow;
  • organic acid (gibberellins). The substance acts on the root system and the stem itself stimulates plant growth. If you use the drug correctly, you can achieve not only the formation of the root system, but also make the plant bloom. It will bloom in conditions that were previously unsuitable for this;
  • activating hormones (cytokines). They stop and reverse the aging of plants. The substance activates plant cells and you can even achieve the appearance of new leaves where they have long fallen.

Chemicals for the formation of the root system

There are dozens of chemicals that work as root accelerators. Let's look at the most popular types.


The drug is not harmful to people and animals, but it must be used carefully. Immunocyte is considered a broad-spectrum agent. It helps the root system develop, strengthens plant immunity, and prevents diseases. The use of this remedy may be topical.


This drug may be called acetic acid. It changes the name of the function does not change. The drug stimulates well the formation of roots in cuttings and young plants. It goes on sale in tablets.

They are not considered poisonous, but they smell very unpleasant. The drug dissolves in alcohol. If you do this in water, it will ruin the tablets. First, dissolve the product in alcohol, you can use medical or formic alcohol.

Then a product of the required concentration is prepared from the alcohol infusion. Please note that acetic acid deteriorates quickly in light, so keep the product in a dark place. A root former for plants made from acetic acid will work well if you prepare a solution with a concentration of 0.02%.

The cuttings are soaked in it for 24 hours, but not all of them, but by immersing only a third of them in the liquid. Make sure that the upper part of the cutting with the buds does not get wet in the solution. Usually a day is enough for new roots to appear on the cuttings.

Zircon can be used together with acetic acid. One ampoule of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water and the cuttings are treated with this solution. It is convenient to do the treatment when you need to germinate a large number of cuttings.


The action of the dusting agent is similar to that of heteroauxin. It is convenient to use because the composition sticks to the cuttings and stimulates the growth of the root system. Conveniently, Kornevin can be effective in small doses, which cannot be said about other drugs.

You can soak the cuttings in water, after a few hours you take them out and shake them off. Then immerse it in a bag with Kornevin to a depth of 1 cm and plant it in the ground. This is enough for roots to appear.

You can go the other way and soak the cuttings in Kornevin’s solution for a day, and then plant them. In both cases, the result will be wonderful; the cuttings will take new roots.


The product is a brown liquid. It does not smell and contains all the substances that are needed to stimulate root growth. To grow the root system, the cuttings need to be soaked in a solution (proportion 1:25) and left for a day.

After this, the cuttings can be planted and they will actively grow. Humisol contains: natural phytoncides, microorganism spores, amino acids and microelements. The drug actively stimulates the development of the root system and is easy to use.


Another root former for plants that can be used for growing cuttings. The product is based on Echinacea purpurea. We can say that the drug is of natural origin. It can be used when rooting cuttings to form a root system.

Before planting, the cuttings are soaked in a zircon solution for 14 hours and only then planted. You can add heteroauxin to the zircon solution (the composition is prepared at the rate of 200 ml per 1 liter of water), the cuttings are treated with this mixture and then you can plant them in the ground.

Sodium humate

The product can be used as a root former for plants. It goes on sale in the form of dark tablets or powder. Sodium humate does not contain microbes, weed seeds or harmful substances.

It is not poisonous to humans and animals; it can be safely used in utility rooms. Sodium humate does not accumulate in plants and does not pass into fruits. It triggers biochemical processes that help the root system grow.

The cuttings are soaked in a solution of sodium humate and then they can be planted in the ground. The solution is prepared in the proportion of a bucket of water to a teaspoon of powder or crushed tablets. The cuttings are soaked in this product for at least 14 hours.

The root former for plants can be any of the listed preparations. Choose a product that is convenient to use and follow the instructions for working with chemicals.

How to work with chemical root formers

It is worth remembering that chemicals are harmful to health in their own way. When working with them, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • treatment of cuttings and plants with stimulants should be carried out in protective clothing (gloves, suit, mask);
  • Do not smoke, eat or drink while working with medications;
  • after processing the plants, wash your face and hands well with an antibacterial agent;
  • Stimulants should be stored in a dry room with a low temperature. Children and pets should not have access here;
  • Before purchasing stimulants, carefully check the expiration date of the drug and the integrity of its packaging.

When you need a root former for plants, you can choose it from natural or chemicals. The main thing is that the plants have a healthy root system.

Modern industry produces many forms of root formation stimulants, the most commonly used are rootin and heteroauxin. On practice folk remedies, which are used to stimulate rooting, are often more effective than synthesized ones.
The necessary conditions for root formation are a moist, breathable environment.
Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in 1.5 liters of water. The cuttings are dipped into the honey solution to one third of the height and soaked in the solution for up to 12 hours.

To root cuttings, take a large potato, from which all the eyes are carefully removed, make a slit in it, and insert the cutting into it. With regular watering, the cuttings quickly take root and the young plants develop well. In this way, it is possible to root even poorly cutting plants. This is explained by the fact that instead of water, the cuttings immediately receive a large amount of nutrients.
Try to root the cuttings by placing the container with them on a good magnet (not a souvenir one from the refrigerator), I use a strip - a knife holder. After conducting a comparative experiment, I was convinced that callus appears faster on a magnet; in plants that usually take more than 2 weeks to form roots, roots appeared in 5-7 days.
3-7 drops of aloe juice (fresh) added to water will accelerate the appearance of roots and stimulate the immune system of the cutting
Option 1:
we cut 1 or several willow branches (cuttings taken at any time from branches up to 5"-6" thick and placed in water take root in a few weeks without any use of hormones, almost all give roots)., Place in water.
We are waiting for the roots to appear on the willow twigs.
When they appear, the willow rod can be removed or left.
We place the cuttings in this water, and we do not change it, but only add it.
6. 20 ml aspirin tablet. water
You can also use poplar, willow and wild rosemary
Option 2:
Cut several 1-2 year old twigs. The main thing is that they are alive. Cut them into 3-5 cm pieces so that they fit in the pan. Although the smaller the pieces, the more useful substances can be extracted. Place the pieces in a saucepan and fill with water, covering the cuttings with about 3-4 cm of water. More is possible, since a significant part of the water will evaporate. The twigs should be cooked for half an hour. After boiling, do not remove the twigs; let the mixture steep for another eight hours. Then filter it through four-layer gauze. The stimulator is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator (at above-zero temperatures) for about a month. The resulting solution is used undiluted to soak the lower parts of the cuttings for a day; for soaking seeds for 2-3 hours before sowing; for watering transplanted plants and planted seedlings in order to alleviate stress and accelerate root formation.
7. water in which other cuttings have previously successfully taken root
8. stick the cutting into old leaf aloe
9. succinic acid. To prepare the solution, use 1 tablet per liter of water. The resulting solution can be used to water transplanted plants, spray or soak cuttings or plants. Soak for 20-30 minutes.
10. Prepare a yeast solution with a concentration of 100 mg/l. After a day, remove the cuttings from the yeast solution, wash with water and transfer to a vessel half filled with water. To prevent the water from stagnating, place several pieces of charcoal in the vessels with the cuttings.
11. 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of yeast are dissolved in a glass of water and the cutting is immersed in the solution overnight. Then they are washed and placed in plain water.