Well      06/12/2019

The best natural stimulants for plant root growth. How to prepare plant growth stimulants at home

Those who garden professionally, and perhaps even amateur summer residents, have probably heard about such a thing as growth stimulants for plants and their use. Probably many people have used it. Biotechnologists invented it after all useful thing; By treating the seeds before planting, there is a guarantee that they will hatch faster. There are quite a lot of such drugs, only Russian manufacturers They produce more than 30 items.

Arriving at a gardening hypermarket, your head will spin from the selection on offer. All of them differ significantly in their composition, principle of action and purpose. But our conversation today is not about them yet. Let's look at several ways to prepare plant growth and development stimulants at home yourself.

First of all, peroxide is used to prevent any contamination of the seeds. To do this, you need to soak them in its 10% solution (20 minutes will be enough), then rinse and dry. A gauze or fabric bag is usually used to soak the seeds.

Hydrogen peroxide is also used as a growth stimulating drug. You will need a 0.4% solution, in which a bag of seeds is placed for 12 hours. Seeds that are difficult to germinate (beets, carrots and parsley) will need about a day to soak. After the required time has passed, the seeds must be washed and allowed to dry thoroughly. Due to this, the plant’s immunity is increased, faster seed germination is ensured and further yield increases.

By the way, peroxide is also an excellent remedy to defeat late blight. To protect tomatoes from damage, you need to carry out preventive spraying with the following solution (calculation is given for 10 liters of water):

  • hydrogen peroxide – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • liter of whey;
  • iodine – 40 drops.

Iodine and potassium permanganate – growth enhancers for plants

Ordinary pharmaceutical iodine brings a lot of benefits to the garden.

For example, mix 7-8 iodine drops in 10 liters of water, sprinkle the resulting mixture on strawberry and strawberry bushes before they bloom, this will give them vitality. This must be done a couple of times with an interval of 10 days.

If you water tomato seedlings once with this mixture: stir 1 drop of iodine in 3 liters of water, then in the future this will help increase the yield and increase the size of the fruit. When the seedlings are planted in the ground, they should be fed with iodine one more time. Add 3 iodine drops to a bucket of water (10 liters) and pour 1 liter under each bush.

As for potassium permanganate, a solution from it is used, first of all, to destroy possible pathogenic bacteria on seeds; gardeners call this “treating the seeds.” A light solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 g per 100 ml of water), pale pink, is made, and plant seeds are soaked in it for 20 minutes, then washed and dried. The main thing is not to make the solution too concentrated so as not to burn the seeds. And you shouldn't water it often." rose water“, this may not have a very good effect on the future harvest.

Boric acid

If the fruits do not set well, another natural growth stimulator will help, this boric acid. After all, boron is a very important trace element for plant life. You need to prepare a solution: mix 2 g of boric acid with water (0.5 l), then pour it all into a bucket and add more water up to 10 l. It is necessary to spray all the plants with the resulting liquid, this stimulates the ovary.

Pour a little boric acid into a bucket of light manganese solution (as they say, at the tip of a knife), and feed strawberry and raspberry bushes with the resulting mixture in early spring. This has a positive effect on increasing the yield and improving the taste of the fruit.

To soak the seeds before planting, there is a good complex nutrient mixture containing boric acid. It is prepared as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the ash solution in advance. First, sift the ash from any debris, and then pour it hot water. The calculation here is as follows - 3 kg of already sifted ash and 10 liters of water.
  2. A couple of handfuls of onion peels should be poured with a liter of boiling water, infused and combined with a solution of ash. Here the calculation is already 1:1, that is, part onion infusion, part ash.
  3. The resulting mixture is filtered, 1 g of manganese, 5 g of soda and 0.1-0.3 g of boric acid are added per 1 liter.
  4. The seeds are soaked in the resulting nutrient mixture for 12-24 hours (cabbage, zucchini and cucumbers - for 12 hours, carrots, onions, beets, tomatoes - for 24 hours).

It is important to know: boric acid dissolves only in hot water. Therefore, you should first make a solution of it in a small amount. hot water, and then bring it to the required volume with cold water.

The use of ash as a growth stimulant for plants

Ash contains quite a large number of macro- and microelements and is very popular among summer residents. To prepare the solution you will need straw or wood ash, 2 tablespoons should be diluted in 1 liter of warm water. The mixture must be infused for 2 days, shaken periodically, and then strained. The seeds are soaked in the resulting liquid for 4-5 hours (onions and carrots for 8-10).

As you can see, in order to improve seed germination, plant growth and harvest quality, sometimes you need to go to regular pharmacies rather than to gardening stores for stimulants. All of the above means help disinfect seeds and saturate them with useful microelements (boron, potassium, oxygen).

Biostimulants - application

A lot of biostimulants have been created today. Let's talk very briefly about the most popular ones:

  1. "Epin." Add 4-6 drops of the drug to 100 ml of warm boiled water and soak the seeds in the resulting solution for 18-24 hours. Beetroot, carrot and celery seeds are soaked in a weaker solution (3 drops per 100 ml of water). The rate of seed germination, their germination, yield and shelf life of fruits increases.
  2. Potassium or sodium humate. 20 ml of this product is diluted in 250 ml of water. The day before planting, the seeds are soaked for 10-15 hours (carrot seeds can be kept for 1-2 days), their germination rate will be much higher after that. Plant bulbs are kept in this solution for 8 hours, and cuttings from 12 to 14 hours (they are dipped in the solution to 2/3 of their length).
  3. "Ecogel". In its solution (25 ml per 1 liter of water) seeds, bulbs, tubers are soaked before planting for 12-18 hours. This product is also used for spraying seedlings and watering at the roots.
  4. "Fitosporin". Raises the immunity of plants and stimulates their growth. 4 drops of the liquid preparation are diluted in a glass of water and seeds, bulbs and tubers are soaked in the resulting mixture.
  5. "Glyocladin." Most often used in tablet form. Before planting seeds, the drug is added directly to the soil at the rate of 1 tablet per 300 ml of planting container volume.

Now you know not only which store-bought preparations to choose and what to use them for, but you can also make growth stimulants for plants yourself, either at home (for a balcony garden) or at the dacha.

Information shared by Oksana Abramovich

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Often, guidelines for growing home flowers recommend the use of plant growth stimulants. They act on seeds, improving their germination, increasing germination, helping vegetative parts take root, increasing resistance to diseases and adverse factors.

Application of plant growth stimulants. Photo

Stimulator and growth regulator - "Athlete"

In order for a plant to develop proportionally, it is not enough to simply accelerate its growth. Often the process has to be adjusted so that all parts reach the required dimensions. A plant growth stimulator is used for this purpose. Athlete. It prevents the plant from actively growing in length, but at the same time, it activates the growth of the stem in thickness and leaves. The result is a thick stem with wide leaves, which is a sign of a strong plant. The number of buds also increases. The use of this drug for garden crops significantly increases the yield.

For treating home flowers and seedlings, Atlet product are being bred. To do this, take one and a half milliliters of the drug and add it to a liter of water. The seedlings are watered when at least three leaves appear on them.

Growth stimulants for plants. Photo

Indoor flowers can be watered with this product at the root or sprayed on the above-ground part. The instructions indicate the number of treatments. Their number should not be reduced, otherwise the growth regulator will begin to work as a stimulant.

The concentration should not be changed. With a smaller amount of active ingredient there will be no result, and with larger plant on the contrary, it will weaken.

Homemade growth stimulants

Preparing growth stimulants for plants at home is not at all difficult. They are made from honey or the juice of a common flower - aloe.

To prepare homemade plant growth stimulants from honey, you need to take half a teaspoon of regular bee honey. We put it in five hundred milliliters warm water and stir. The resulting liquid will be a stimulant. It is very easy to use. Cuttings and bulbs are soaked in it. The first will need four to six hours of processing, while the second will need at least ten.

To obtain plant growth stimulants from aloe, you need to squeeze the juice out of its leaves. A tablespoon of the resulting juice is poured into two hundred milliliters of water. The mixture is placed in a cool place without access to light. The container must be closed with a lid. It takes a week to soak the diluted aloe juice. Then it is diluted further so that the total volume is five liters. After this, cuttings, seeds and bulbs can be treated with this product. Soak them in the same way as in the previous case. There is no need to rinse after soaking.

Homemade plant growth stimulants. Photo

In another case, aloe juice is used without dilution or infusion. Five drops of juice are added to the container where the cuttings are rooted, which will stimulate the appearance of roots and increase the protective characteristics of the new plant.

Water in which a willow or willow branch stood and gave leaves has stimulating properties.

Another option for effective rooting of cuttings is using raw potatoes. All the eyes are cut out of the potato so that it does not sprout. A cut is made in it into which the cutting is inserted. It is watered daily. Potatoes release nutrients needed for germination.

Special stimulants

Nowadays, many drugs that stimulate plant growth are produced. All of them are created on the basis of natural phytohormones of plants, which are released during the development process. Synthesized and concentrated, they allow you to achieve the best effect in the shortest possible time. Can be called best stimulants growth of plants that are used most actively.


Heteroauxin is the main plant hormone. By its chemical nature it is indolylacetic acid. It is produced in the form of tablets.


Kornevin and similar substances are plant root growth stimulants that help to take root and develop a good root system. Active Chemical substance- indolylbutyric acid. The composition is available in powder form. The cuttings are powdered with this powder before planting. You can use the solution.

Both acids - indolylbutyric and indolylacetic - belong to the group of auxins, i.e. phytohormones that increase cell elongation. Their effectiveness is approximately the same.


A drug that has a positive effect on disease resistance. It not only affects growth, but also helps to endure negative influences. Under its influence, roots of cuttings appear faster, sprouts from seeds appear, and flowers suffer less. Modern drug Epin plant growth stimulator is an analogue of a product from Japan. Currently, the manufacturer has begun to use a higher quality active ingredient, so a new generation of the product has appeared called Epin-Extra.

Since epin disintegrates in an alkaline environment and in light, it is used in the evening, and the water for dilution is acidified.


An effective plant growth stimulator, Zircon is made from natural raw materials. It has a positive effect on seed germination, improves plant growth, flowering activity, and reduces disease incidence.

Zircon also has high root-forming activity. Root growth stimulants should not be used together with it.

Since the drug is sensitive to light, it is used at dusk.

Why are phytohormones needed?

Initially, the use of plant growth stimulants was aimed at agricultural needs. Phytohormones allow you to obtain friendly shoots, a high percentage of rooting, bigger harvest in a shorter time. Moreover, all drugs are natural and do not harm plants or humans.

Do indoor plants need stimulants?

The answer to this question can be absolutely anything. IN room conditions With careful care, any plant can be created without additional stimulation. optimal conditions. However, there are gentle, whimsical tropical plants, which are difficult to take root. Their development can be stimulated with appropriate drugs.

If you choose between Epin and Zircon, then the effect of the first is softer. It is best used to prevent disease and increase resistance. Zircon works well if the disease has already manifested itself. Zircon will help with rooting difficult-to-root plants and during planting when the root system is damaged.

Manufacturers of stimulants

If we talk about Zircon and Epin, then their legal manufacturer is exclusively the NEST-M company. In addition, you should not purchase drugs that have been stored for a long time. They lose their effectiveness.

Other stimulants are manufactured by different manufacturers. Their effectiveness can only be determined through personal experience.

Growth stimulants indoor plants. Video

Plant growth stimulants are chemical or natural substances that stimulate active rooting and development of flowers and seedlings. It is much more correct to call these additives growth regulators, because they allow you to control the growth rate of your plants.

Dietary supplements are used everywhere, because with their help you can control the development of your plants. But it is worth remembering that these substances should be used wisely and strictly in accordance with the instructions. After all, an overdose will not add any benefit at all, but rather the opposite.

An excess of stimulants can lead to inhibition of development and even death of the plant.

With the help of dietary supplements you can influence the following processes:

  • Rhizome growth. If you use them at home, the cuttings and seeds will take root and germinate faster.
  • Increase in harvest quantity.
  • Reducing fruit drop before the harvest season. This property is relevant for avid summer residents and farmers.
  • Control of root crop germination. Stimulants can slow down the process of spoilage of the crops stored in your possession.

Also, dietary supplements are often added to control weeds and pests. But these are rather specific protective means.

Depending on the composition, all plant growth stimulants can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • natural;
  • chemical.

If the latter can mainly be bought in stores, then natural remedies can be prepared with your own hands.

How do these substances work? Many gardeners ask this question, because they don’t want to harm the quality of the harvest or spoil the beauty of flowering. In fact, like people, plants have their own hormonal levels.

The main characters in it are the following components:

Most of the drugs have a complex effect, accelerating rooting, provoking flowering and the first ovaries, as well as stimulating the growth of shoots. For example, the complex product Zircon.

Terms of use

Most gardeners want to make their life easier by buying store products. From them you get the same effect without wasting your time on preparing the drug. But you shouldn’t buy the first product you come across; it’s important to choose the right dietary supplements.

Your choice should be influenced by the following factors:

  1. Plant type. Some fertilizers are used for indoor flowers, and others for seedling growth. Accordingly, the use of tomato growth stimulants will not be relevant to accelerate the flowering of pelargonium.
  2. Scope of work. If you only have a couple of plants at home, then you shouldn’t stock up on tons of preparations.
  3. Desired effect. Study each stimulant carefully. For example, the drug Atlet accelerates the development of rhizomes, but slows down the growth of the above-ground parts, making the plants more powerful, but less tall. This effect will not suit everyone.

Remember: if you buy chemicals for plants in a store, read the instructions carefully. It is important to strictly adhere to the recommended dosages. After all, chemical compounds with high concentrations can damage tender roots, which will lead to the death of the plant.

The first treatment of a plant is usually carried out immediately after planting seeds, cuttings or transplanting into a new pot. Then experts recommend repeated use, but strictly following the instructions for using the drug. Usually it is carried out no later than two weeks from the moment of the first watering or spraying using chemicals. Further feeding with growth stimulants is carried out strictly according to the schedule from the instructions and only if necessary.

Popular stimulants: what you can buy in the store

There are dozens of different fertilizers produced by companies from all corners of the globe. In our country they are already most popular habitual substances: Athlete and Zircon. They are actively and safely used by many gardeners and flower growers.

But it is worth understanding that even a proven remedy must be used wisely. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance about the specifics of its action and the effect that will have on the plants.

Athlete's work

Athlete is a biologically active agent that stimulates active growth roots. This product is excellent for growing seedlings at home when open ground no, space is limited and dense planting is used.

The following advantages of the drug “Athlet” are highlighted:

But it is worth remembering that, despite such significant advantages, this product also has disadvantages. So, the use of Athlete is not recommended if you want to get overgrowth of the aerial part. The stimulant concentrates its action on root growth and strengthening the plant, suppressing the development of above-ground elements. Such plants are squat, do not grow upward, etc.

The basis of Atlet is an aqueous solution of chlormequat chloride. It is this compound that affects the leaves and roots of the plant.

At home, the drug is applied to the leaves of plants by spraying, or to the rhizomes by watering. It should be remembered that processing is carried out strictly during certain growth phases of seedlings or indoor flowers. For example, if you want to stimulate more abundant and rich flowering, spraying and watering should begin at the budding phase, not earlier.

Growth with Zircon

Zircon is a stimulator of root growth, aerial parts, fruiting and flowering. The drug also acts as a protective agent against damage various diseases, increasing immunity at the cellular level.

Zircon has a specific composition, it includes echinacea extract and hydroxycinnamic acids.

Thanks to this, fertilizing leads to the following positive effects:

In fact, Zircon is a kind of immunomodulator that helps the plant grow and develop normally, withstanding negative influences environment. It acts gently, without suppressing seedlings or flowers, but positively influencing homeostasis.

Please note! Zircon should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions. Only by adhering to the rules of watering and dosage of the drug can you get results.

Zircon is a rather specific remedy. Indeed, with lower dosages, the effectiveness of its action only increases. Therefore, you should not try to increase the amount of the drug diluted with liquid, this will not be beneficial.

As you can see, Zircon and Atlet are effective growth stimulants that help plants actively take root, bloom and bear fruit. But you should use the products strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Natural growth stimulants

In addition to chemical compounds actively sold in stores, there are also natural, natural substances. They also stimulate plant growth and strengthening, but do not contain artificial compounds and are absolutely safe to use.

Most often, gardeners and indoor plant lovers use the following natural remedies:

As you can see, plant growth stimulants can be different. But they have one thing in common - high efficiency and lack of harmful effects. They do not accumulate in fruits or rhizomes, giving a quick effect. But in order to benefit from their use, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.

Growth stimulants for indoor plants. Should it be applied? Often, guidelines for growing home flowers recommend the use of plant growth stimulants. They act on seeds, improving their germination, increasing germination, helping vegetative parts take root, increasing resistance to diseases and adverse factors. But stimulants should not be considered a replacement good care. When care is insufficient, the plant is in the wrong place, then no stimulants will improve its condition.

Stimulator and growth regulator – “Athlete” For a plant to develop proportionally, it is not enough to simply accelerate its growth. Often the process has to be adjusted so that all parts reach the required dimensions. For this purpose, the plant growth stimulator Atlet is used. It prevents the plant from actively growing in length, but at the same time, it activates the growth of the stem in thickness and leaves. The result is a thick stem with wide leaves, which is a sign of a strong plant. The number of buds also increases. The use of this drug for garden crops significantly increases the yield. To treat home flowers and seedlings, Atlet is diluted. To do this, take one and a half milliliters of the drug and add it to a liter of water. The seedlings are watered when at least three leaves appear on them.

Growth stimulants for plants. Photo Indoor flowers can be watered with this product at the root or sprayed on the above-ground part. The instructions indicate the number of treatments. Their number should not be reduced, otherwise the growth regulator will begin to work as a stimulant. The concentration should not be changed. With a smaller amount of the active substance there will be no result, but with a larger amount the plant, on the contrary, will weaken. Homemade growth stimulants Preparing growth stimulants for plants at home is not at all difficult. They are made from honey or the juice of a common flower - aloe. To prepare homemade plant growth stimulants from honey, you need to take half a teaspoon of regular bee honey. Place it in five hundred milliliters of warm water and stir. The resulting liquid will be a stimulant. It is very easy to use. Cuttings and bulbs are soaked in it. The first will need four to six hours of processing, while the second will need at least ten. To obtain plant growth stimulants from aloe, you need to squeeze the juice from its leaves. A tablespoon of the resulting juice is poured into two hundred milliliters of water. The mixture is placed in a cool place without access to light. The container must be closed with a lid. It takes a week to soak the diluted aloe juice. Then it is diluted further so that the total volume is five liters. After this, cuttings, seeds and bulbs can be treated with this product. Soak them in the same way as in the previous case. There is no need to rinse after soaking.

Homemade plant growth stimulants. Photo In another case, aloe juice is used without dilution and infusion. Five drops of juice are added to the container where the cuttings are rooted, which will stimulate the appearance of roots and increase the protective characteristics of the new plant. Water in which a willow or willow branch stood and gave leaves has stimulating properties. Another option for effective rooting of cuttings is using raw potatoes. All the eyes are cut out of the potato so that it does not sprout. A cut is made in it into which the cutting is inserted. It is watered daily. Potatoes release nutrients needed for germination. Special stimulating substances Many preparations that stimulate plant growth are now produced. All of them are created on the basis of natural phytohormones of plants, which are released during the development process. Synthesized and concentrated, they allow you to achieve the best effect in the shortest possible time. You can name the best plant growth stimulants that are used most actively. Heteroauxin Heteroauxin is a major plant hormone. By its chemical nature it is indolylacetic acid. It is produced in the form of tablets. Kornevin Kornevin and similar substances are plant root growth stimulants that help to take root and develop a good root system. The active chemical is indolylbutyric acid. The composition is available in powder form. The cuttings are powdered with this powder before planting. You can use the solution. Both acids, indolylbutyric and indolylacetic, belong to the group of auxins, i.e. phytohormones that increase cell elongation. Their effectiveness is approximately the same. Epin A drug that has a positive effect on disease resistance. It not only affects growth, but also helps to endure negative influences. Under its influence, roots of cuttings appear faster, sprouts from seeds appear, and flowers suffer less. The modern drug Epin, a plant growth stimulator, is an analogue of a product from Japan. Currently, the manufacturer has begun to use a higher quality active ingredient, so a new generation of the product has appeared called Epin-Extra. Since epin disintegrates in an alkaline environment and in light, it is used in the evening, and the water for dilution is acidified.

Zircon An effective plant growth stimulator Zircon is produced from raw materials of natural origin. It has a positive effect on seed germination, improves plant growth, flowering activity, and reduces disease incidence. Zircon also has high root-forming activity. Root growth stimulants should not be used together with it. Since the drug is sensitive to light, it is used at dusk. Why are phytohormones needed? Initially, the use of plant growth stimulants was aimed at agricultural needs. Phytohormones allow you to obtain uniform shoots, a high percentage of rooting, and a larger harvest in a shorter time. Moreover, all drugs are natural and do not harm plants or humans. Do indoor plants need stimulants? The answer to this question can be absolutely anything. In indoor conditions, with careful care, optimal conditions can be created for any plant and without additional stimulation. However, there are delicate, whimsical tropical plants that are difficult to take root. Their development can be stimulated with appropriate drugs.

Any person who is engaged agriculture, I want to get a rich harvest. And if earlier you had to wait a long time and apply a large amount of fertilizers, now Lately Plant growth stimulants are increasingly being used.

Plants have hormones that are responsible for seed germination, growth, flowering, and fruit ripening. These are the so-called growth substances or phytohormones. As a result of application, growth and ripening of fruits is stimulated, productivity and quality increase.

Recently, in addition to growth preparations created on the basis of natural phytohormones, preparations with their synthetic analogues have been used.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Natural phytohormones are obtained by isolating them from mushrooms, coal, peat, algae, and plants. Organic plant growth stimulants contain not only phytohormones. The stimulants also contain amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, proteins and other microelements necessary for plant development.

Currently, in plant growing, the following groups of drugs containing growth-stimulating phytohormones are used:

  • humic,
  • brassinolides,
  • arachidonic acid,
  • abscisins,
  • microfertilizers.

Humic preparations

Phytohormones that are included in the preparations are isolated from peat, coal, and sapropel. All valuable qualities of humic fertilizers are inherent in humic preparations. But, unlike fertilizer, which has a complex effect on plants, phytohormones stimulate specific growth processes. As a result of the application, the influence of humic substances on plants in the initial stage of development was established. Phytohormones contained in the preparations contribute to:

  • increased root formation, due to which the seedlings receive more nutrients and grow faster;
  • changes in phosphorus metabolism, which accelerates the process of fruit ripening;
  • strengthening protein metabolism, which helps reduce nitrates in fruits and improve their quality;
  • an increase in the amount of vital amino acids increases immunity in plants;
  • in high concentrations it slows down the growth of seedlings.

This regulator can increase yield by 40%.

If you arrange the plants in descending order according to the degree of responsiveness to these regulators, then the places will be distributed as follows:

  • Solanaceae;
  • cereals;
  • Asteraceae;
  • pumpkin;
  • legumes

The regulator shows the greatest efficiency in years of extreme climatic conditions. Productivity in such years increases not only in highly susceptible plants, but also in legumes and pumpkins.

When growing seedlings, the humic regulator promotes the formation of a strong stem and a good root system. The preparations are used in the same way as plant protection products.

One of the representatives of these drugs is the plant growth stimulator “Atlet”. It is recommended to be used for:

  • formation of strong seedlings;
  • improvements decorative properties, flowers and shrubs;
  • feeding indoor plants.

Operating principle.

The athlete, acting on plants, distributes nutrients, reducing their amount in the stem and leaves and increasing their concentration in the root system. As a result of application, the growth of the ground part in height slows down, the stem thickens, and the duration of flowering increases. ornamental plants, the root becomes more powerful.

Atlet is suitable for both foliar spraying and root watering. In any case, this regulator will be effective.

Atlet drug, method of application

Athlete is available in 1.5 mm ampoules, the contents of which are dissolved in water before use. Depending on the type of plant, the processing method and concentration of the solution are used. The quantity and frequency also depend on the type of crop.

  • Tomatoes can be treated by spraying or applying Atlet directly to the root. When spraying, the Atlet regulator is diluted in half a liter of water. The exception is the first spraying of seedlings, which is carried out when the third or fourth leaf appears. In this case, Atlet is diluted in one liter of water. Treatment is carried out three times, every five days. If within a week, after the third treatment, it is not possible to plant the seedlings on permanent place, then a fourth spraying should be carried out. It is unacceptable to carry out a single spraying, since in this case the seedlings, after slowing down, will begin to grow actively. When applying the Athlete regulator to the root, prepare a solution in the ratio of one ampoule per liter of water. The treatment is carried out once when the third or fourth leaf appears. The amount of solution for each seedling bush is forty milliliters;

  • Processing peppers and eggplants. When spraying, Atlet is diluted in a liter of water and the seedlings are treated when the third or fourth leaf appears. Spray the plants once. When root watering, the ampoule is dissolved in one liter and the seedlings are watered with this solution when the third or fourth leaf appears. Re-watering is not required;
  • Treatment of cabbage seedlings is carried out only by watering at the root, in three stages, every seven days. To do this, dissolve one ampoule in a liter of water. Seedlings per 1 sq.m. are treated with this amount;
  • Processing of flowers is carried out if they are outgrown. To do this, they are sprayed with a regulator solution (one ampoule per liter) twice every seven days;
  • Spraying flowering bushes carried out during the formation of buds. To do this, dilute one ampoule in a liter of water and spray the bushes in two stages with an interval of seven days;
  • Houseplants are watered twice. The interval between the first and second treatment is five months. The ampoule of the drug is diluted in three hundred milliliters of water, fifty milliliters of solution is poured into each pot.

The use of Atleta allows you to increase productivity up to 30%.


Plants that find themselves in a stressful situation weaken their immunity, which leads to disease and death. To increase stress resistance, the plant produces phytohormones - brassinolides. And although they are present in all parts of the plant, due to environmental degradation, their concentration is very low.

The representative of the plant protection product is the domestic regulator Epin-extra.

This drug helps:

  • rapid seed germination;
  • better rooting of seedlings;
  • rapid fruit ripening;
  • increasing productivity;
  • increasing resilience to climate change;
  • protection against viral and bacterial diseases;
  • removal of pesticides, nitrates, and radiation from plants.

The regulator is available in ampoules of 0.25 grams. For ease of use, a graduation scale is applied to the ampoule, this allows you to use required amount drug. It is recommended to store the remaining regulator in the refrigerator. The entire contents are diluted in five liters of water. This solution is enough to treat plants on an area of ​​2 acres. Spray the plants in the evening, in windless, dry weather.

All plants, except root crops, are sprayed after setting buds. Root crops are processed after germination.

The seedlings are treated with a solution, to prepare which five drops of the regulator are mixed with fifty milliliters of water. Spraying is carried out the day before picking or immediately after planting in the ground. In the event of a plant disease, if it has suffered from frost, pests, or diseases, spraying is carried out at intervals of seven days until complete recovery.

To soak the seeds, five drops of the drug are diluted in fifty milliliters of pre-boiled and cooled to room temperature water.

To soak tuber and bulbous plants, one ampoule is dissolved in two liters of water.

Seeds, tubers, and bulbs are soaked for a day and then sown.

Arachidonic acid

Preparations in this group contain phytohormones isolated from seaweed. Due to the content of archaidonic acid, they contribute to:

  • strengthening the immunity of seeds, tubers, bulbs;
  • faster germination;
  • increase germination.

One of the best in this group is the “Prorostok” regulator. It is used to obtain early vegetable products. Seeds soaked in the “Sprostok” stimulator germinate better, and the seedlings practically do not get sick.

Use of the drug "Prorostok"

Before use, mix the ampoule with half a liter of water. If you need a smaller volume, then the following proportion is observed: ten drops of the drug per one hundred milliliters of water.

The solution cannot be stored for more than 1.5 hours.

Depending on the type of seeds, the soaking time in the “Sprostok” preparation is as follows:

  • cucumbers - from thirty to forty minutes;
  • cabbage, carrots, tomatoes - one hour;
  • onion seeds - forty minutes.

Tubers and bulbs are sprayed with a solution of the “Sprostok” stimulant at the rate of:

  • potatoes - ten milliliters per kilogram;
  • bulbous - seven milliliters per kilogram.


Abscisic acid, like all phytohormones, affects plant development. It was first isolated from dry cotton bolls. Subsequently, abscisic acid was found in almost all plants, mosses, and algae, with the exception of fungi and bacteria.

Currently, abscisic acid is used as a plant growth inhibitor. It ensures deep dormancy for the seeds. Abscisic acid prevents seeds from germinating prematurely. Abscisic acid has especially shown its effectiveness when spraying potatoes. During storage, potatoes do not germinate much longer.

Abscisic acid stops the rapid ripening of fruits, which contributes to an increase in fruit weight.

In addition, abscisic acid promotes rapid wilting and drying out of the plant at the root, so it is used in weed control.

Abscisic acid is used as an antitranspirant. Seeds treated with it lose significantly less moisture during dormancy. Moreover, it is enough to spray them once to maintain the protective effect for a long time.

Abscisic acid increases the resistance of plants grown from seeds treated with it to adverse environmental factors.


Sometimes a plant lacks a certain type of nutrient. For example, in plants grown on carbonate soils, due to high level Soil pH is not enough:

  • copper;
  • gland;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • boron

Plants grown in sandy, acidic soils lack:

  • bore;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum

In order to compensate for the deficiency, but to prevent an excess of other microelements, microfertilizers are used, which have long won the trust of gardeners. They are used both for root feeding and for spraying. Microfertilizers can be in solid, ground form. In this case, they are directly introduced into the soil and restore balance. Microfertilizers can be complex or single-component.

Complex microfertilizers include all the microelements necessary for a given species. Wherein useful material are presented in a form accessible to plants, which allows them to be easily absorbed. Microfertilizers containing one microelement allow precise dosing and replenishment of the loss of a specific element. In this case, the plant is not poisoned by chemicals. The use of microfertilizer helps to obtain good harvest, protects plants from pests and diseases, acts as a development regulator.

Microfertilizers are classified by the name of the main element.

These are microfertilizers such as:

  • copper sulfate;
  • boric superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • molybdenum powder.

The most used complex fertilizers are:

  • Oracle;
  • Sesame;
  • Master;
  • Reacom.