Mixer      03/05/2020

We make box mods. How to make a mechanical mod with your own hands: a few simple options Homemade box mod for vaping

To make a mechanical mod with your own hands, you will need a case, batteries, a button, wires. For a more "advanced" version, you will need a field-effect (MOSFET) transistor. It is necessary to ensure safety, since in the event of a short circuit this element will open electrical circuit. Another purpose of the mosfet transistor is to increase the life of the button, since this part does not allow it to overheat.

Particular attention should be paid to the body of the electronic cigarette. The wooden one will emphasize the status, the plastic one will please with the choice of color, the design made of copper pipe, will last the longest. Also, do not neglect the stickers, they will give an individual style to the device.

Method number 1

The simplest electronic cigarette consists of three elements: a vaporizer, a button and a battery pack.

Mechmode blueprint

Required Parts

To make an electronic cigarette with your own hands, you will need:

  • simple flashlight;
  • 18650 format battery (preferably with a current output of at least 25A);
  • fiberglass;
  • soldering iron;
  • rosin and solder;
  • atomizer, connector (selected depending on the atomizer);
  • if necessary: ​​new high-current button.

Manufacturing algorithm

First you need to disassemble the flashlight and get all the parts. At this stage, it may be difficult to remove the button. This must be done very carefully, since this part will still come in handy. A broken body of an electronic cigarette will look bad. The lantern consists of a body, a lens, LEDs, a spring for providing contact and a plate for fixing in the body.

Next, you need to take fiberglass and a lens from a lantern. Circle the lens and cut it out so that the circle is the same size. Rub the bumps sandpaper. Using a caliper, measure the diameter of the connector and make a hole with a suitable drill, use a needle file or rasp to remove drilling defects.

In the absence of a caliper, the size is selected according to the table below.

Connector sizes.

Next, you should tin the fiberglass and solder the connector to it. At this step, you need to replace the wires at the connector with thicker ones, since when hovering with low resistance, thin wires can melt.

After that, you need to solder the connector, switch and battery according to the scheme.

Schematic of a simple mech mod

Using superglue, you need to attach the connector to the flashlight body.

The mechanical mod is ready to use, it remains to wind the atomizer and fill in the e-liquid.

Method number 2

This mechanical mod is made on the basis of an external battery. Such a homemade vape will be with charging, unlike the previous one, for which it will have to be bought separately.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • connector;
  • external battery (it is necessary that it be rectangular in shape);
  • button;
  • switch;
  • thick copper wire;
  • field-effect transistor;
  • resistor for "strapping" the transistor;
  • getinaks;
  • fast setting glue;
  • soldering iron.

First you need to choose a transistor. Almost any field (mosfet) transistor will do. If it is not possible to buy it, then you can unsolder it from the old computer motherboard.

But it is better to purchase one of the transistors indicated in the table below. For example, IRF3205 can be found at any radio market or radio parts store.

Suitable mosfets for mech mod

Assembly process:

  1. 1. Remove the side cover and make sure there is room for the transistor, connector and button.
  2. 2. Saw off a piece of getinaks smaller than the edge of the body.
  3. 3. Glue getinaks on second glue.
  4. 4. Drill two holes of a suitable diameter: under the button (the place is not important, the main thing is that it is convenient to press) and under the connector.
  5. 5. Solder the connector to the getinax.
  6. 6. Solder according to the scheme.

Buying a ready-made mod in a store is easier and even cheaper than doing it yourself. But a handmade device is exclusive, unusual and unique. Do-it-yourself box mods are experiments that will help you find new tastes and ways to improve vaping.

What is needed for assembly?

Do-it-yourself box mod scheme is presented on the Internet in wide choice. As a standard option, you can take the following equipment:

Before you make a box mod with your own hands, you should take care of finding a soldering iron - the main tool.

On first experience with household models you should familiarize yourself with the safety rules so as not to get burned and not damage the parts of the future vape.

How to assemble a box mod from PowerBank?

The PowerBank is a mobile charger ideal for creating a powerful and stylish vape. Firstly, the PowerBank for the mod fits in size (it's easy to fit all the details inside). Secondly, appearance models attracts attention, which is important for those who do not want to hide with vaping from fellow vapers.

Homemade box mod is assembled according to the following steps:

  • First, accompanying materials are prepared. A part of the textolite is sawn off, in which a hole is drilled.
  • Next, the connector and the textolite base are connected. This is done carefully with a soldering iron. It is important that the connector fits snugly on the textolite plate exactly in the hole.
  • The soldered connector is fixed on the case. Hot glue will help to assemble the box: the composition will fix the textolite on the plastic in a matter of seconds. For this, almost a couple of drops of the substance is enough.
  • The most difficult stage is the installation of the button. It is better to practice beforehand and choose a comfortable hand position for pressing.
  • The hardest part is fixing the transistor. Assemble the element and solder it to the textolite base with the attached connector.

Testing and validation

Test drive is a painstaking process if you are going to get a quality vape. It is not always possible to solder parts the first time or start the current supply.

The body of the box mod is not glued. It is wise to make some mini bolt holes. This will help to carry out the service without damaging external parts.

It remains only to insert the batteries, connect the atomizer, pour e-liquid and start vaping.

The advantage of PowerBank is that the product comes with a USB connector for charging batteries, which does not have to be assembled from scratch. This reduces the cost of purchasing components and the complex installation of the port. By the way, the factory batteries themselves are ideal for preparing a powerful box mod.

What problems might arise?

It is easy to make a mistake when assembling a vape. The most common problem is a poorly charged battery. This is due to natural battery wear, poorly soldered or deformed wires, or a damaged USB port.

Batteries from a laptop that have been actively used for 5-7 years are unlikely to give a good charge. It must be understood that even one spiral consumes a large amount of energy. Chargers from the new PowerBank are a guarantee of long autonomous soaring.

If a wooden mod is being made with a new USB board, the quality of the soldering of the connections is carefully checked before starting. During the soldering process, it is easy to critically damage the component. It will take 2-4 hours or more to charge the PowerBanl, depending on the modification.

Why is a homemade box mod better than store-bought?

The disadvantage of box mods made at home is frequent breakdowns. Without professional skills, not everyone succeeds in soldering and connecting parts with high quality. However, here is the advantage: it is easier and cheaper to repair such mods.

It’s worth starting with determining which coils will work best, producing a large number of steam without heating the battery. Here we will talk primarily about winding a single fur, that is, a fashion for one 18650. The most important thing to remember absolutely always: the resistance and power of the spiral are selected according to the current output of the battery.

That is, when creating a build, you need to determine what resistance and weaving will fit the Ampere indicator of the selected battery 18650. Determining the optimal winding characteristics will make vaping safe, tasty, and also allow you to extend the use time without changing the battery. There are two ways to calculate the required parameters: accurate electronic, as well as more approximate, requiring mathematical calculations.

Method One: Coil Calculator

There are a large number of resources on the Web that allow you to specify all the parameters of your spirals: the number of wires, their cross section, the type of weaving, the number of turns, and even the length of the legs. Using all these data, the system will give you all the important winding indicators, guided by which it is easy to decide whether it is suitable or not.

The advantage of this method is that in addition to matching the winding to the battery amperage, you will find out such data as: the number of watts, resistance, coil length, dry material temperature, and most importantly, the optimal operating voltage range. A small downside: if you get your hands on coils made of a material that you cannot determine, the calculator will be useless.

Method two: Mathematical

Using the second method, you will get a simplified picture, but still determine if the build is suitable for mechmod. The optimum low resistance is calculated using the simplified Ohm's Law formula:

U:I=R i.e. the maximum battery voltage (4.2 Volts) is divided by the peak Ampere (A).

Let's take the Sony VTC5 as an example. Let's calculate: 4.2 V divided by 30 A, equals 0.14 ohms. If the winding is 0.14 or more, it can be used on fur with VTC5.

Very convenient - you can determine the compatibility of any build, even if the source materials are unknown, you just need to know the exact resistance. Internet is not needed, and calculations can be done in the mind. Significant downside: this way you will not know the optimal voltage range, which means that the battery may start to heat up a little and work much worse when the voltage drops to 3.7 and below. The main disadvantage is that for such a calculation, you must first make spirals, and only then measure whether they fit or not.


No matter how the winding and battery compatibility is checked, the resistance must always correspond to the number of amps that the 18650 gives out. Ignoring the Ohm's Law compliance formula, you put yourself at risk.

Only use power supplies from an official manufacturer, purchased from a reliable seller, otherwise you cannot be sure that the declared current output corresponds to the actual capacity of the battery.

Before each use, check the 18650 battery for mechanical damage braids, as well as pads. Even a slightly torn braid or a dent on absolutely any battery surface should be considered damage incompatible with safe operation.

Select for winding suitable materials and creating spirals from them is only half the battle. The safety of a mech mod requires a careful approach to all stages of its maintenance. Next, we will talk about a few rules, the observance of which will help you use fur without any fear.

The main danger when using a mechanical electronic cigarette is a short circuit. The most likely scenario is the contact of the coil and the side skirt. Therefore, you need to make sure that you leave enough free space between the winding and the body. If it’s impossible to measure “by eye”, use a ruler or caliper.

Important! It is necessary to check both from the plane of the spiral, and from the ends. Once making sure that there is no threat of touching, then you can safely enjoy a delicious soaring.

Wind tightly, cut carefully

Coils should be tight and neat, this will ensure an even heating, eliminating dangerous adhesions. Once you have accurately measured the distance from the spirals to the dome, it is best to cut the legs so that their ends remain inside the slots. Be sure to check that there are no pieces of wire left between the racks and in the bath. Also pay attention to whether the thin wire of the braid is sticking out somewhere. The last one, on this stage, important point- fixation density. Of course, you do not need to tighten the screws until they break, but the fixation must be very reliable.

In the process of warming up newly made coils, micro-short circuits, or even full-fledged short circuits, often occur, burning is best done on special devices or just battery mods with an electronic board. Closing the circuit does not necessarily immediately lead to an explosion, but it can damage the battery, and in the case of a micro-short circuit, gradually ruin it, significantly reducing the resource. In addition to protection against short circuits, controlled power supplies provide another advantage - you can supply reduced power without fear of overheating and without the risk of ruining the entire build with one click.


If the mech is equipped with a hybrid drip with a unique thread that is not compatible with the 510 connector, there are two ways out: the first is to burn and mold the coil on gas burner or “turbo lighter”, the second is to burn in another atomizer, and then carefully transfer the coils to the racks of the drip.

We wind the mechanical mod correctly

For example, we will make a winding from blanks Fused Clapton made from stainless steel. This will be a build with a large area of ​​evaporation, giving out a warm enough, and also really tasty vapor. We wind on the mechanical vape Subzero Shorty Bundle from Sub Ohm Innovation.

  • For the manufacture of wire we use two cores 0.4 of stainless steel, tightly braided nichrome 0.1 mm. We make two segments of 10-12 cm.
  • Efest IMR with current output up to 35A will be used as a power source. Calculating the formula gives us the optimally low ohm of 0.12. In order for the "fuze" of 0.4 steel to give such resistance, you need to make 7 turns on the frame 2.5. A nice bonus: when heated, steel crushes resistance, which means that from the second puff it will not only give steam faster, but it will also be safer.
  • The maximum current that is required from the battery is 34.3 A, which means the battery will cope with the load. In addition, the calculation on the coil calculator shows that the coil has an ideal range of optimal voltage: the coils will warm up well (exactly in the green zone) from 4.2 to 3.05 Volts. You can vape for a long time.
  • Since the Bundle uses a hybrid contact, we remove the drip and screw the complete 510 adapter onto it. We put the RDA on a device equipped with an ohmmeter and a burning mechanism. We try on coils in racks, leave enough free space between the walls and the heated metal, cut it off, fix it. We carry out warming up, simultaneously adjusting the shape of the coils.
  • After annealing, we make sure that the resistance in the hot and cold state remains within the limits acceptable for use with the selected battery. When the build is fully prepared, we return the Subzero RDA hybrid connection, put it on the mech and finish by laying the wick. We moisten the laid wick with a delicious liquid, and then enjoy the amount and taste of steam.

A mechanical vape is a device for responsible users who are clearly aware of what exactly they are doing, as well as for what purpose. We remind you that the mechanics is not a product for beginners in vaping, since there are no protections and electronic locks, the operation of the mechanical mod is carried out under the responsibility of the end user. We briefly summarize the most important parameters for safe winding:

  • The power supply must be purchased from a reliable seller and also completely free of any damage. Battery failure is the main danger, be extremely careful and careful.
  • The selection of materials, the number of turns, resistance should always be made, focusing on the current output of the 18650 battery (25A is the minimum threshold for using a battery in a fur).
  • For accurate coil performance calculations, it is best to use a coil calculator. If for some reason you do not know all the data necessary for the calculator, use the simplified formula of Ohm's Law.
  • Do not allow the coils clamped in the racks to touch anything other than the wire slots themselves. Make sure the coils are clear of the dome, air ducts, and any other surface of the RDA.
  • Be careful to remove pieces of wire from the deck, as well as their spaces between the uprights. Sometimes scraps can fall into the ducts, you should also check there.
  • Ignite on devices with control electronics. In the event of a short circuit during setup, the board will simply stop supplying electric current, but in the mechmode you will get a spike, or even worse - a battery break.

Compliance with this list of rules will save you from a lot of trouble, often due to lack of information. Wind your mechanical mods smartly, soar safely, soar deliciously!

In connection with the popularization of electronic cigarettes, vapers, especially beginners, are often confused about the variety of consumables for these devices and the terms associated with them.

In this publication, we will tell you what a mech mod is and how to make a mech mod with your own hands.

This is what a homemade mod looks like from the inside.

A mechanical mod is a type of electronic cigarette, which is a primitive device that connects the battery of the device to an atomizer. Such a device consists of a battery pack, an atomizer (steam generator) and a button.

The size and design of such devices for vaping is varied. A mechanical mod can be made in the form of a metal tube for one battery or in the form of a wooden or plastic box for two or more batteries.

Of course, there are many other models for every taste. Compared to the adjustable mod, there is not a single hint of electronics in the mechs. It's all about technique here.

Mechanical mods are easy to use, their cost is not that high. But at the same time, if we are talking about original modern box mods, then their price can reach all $ 300 (Cherry Bomber, SMPL).

It is also worth noting that the safety of soaring with furs leaves much to be desired. There is no guarantee that the device will not smash the face of the vapers during a powerful puff or with an incorrectly installed battery.

But be that as it may, mechanical mods are very popular among both beginners and experienced vapers, cloudchasers.

Master class on making homemade fur

For those who prefer a homemade mech mod, we offer step by step instructions its manufacture. The scheme is quite simple, and, with a competent approach, any novice vaper will be able to assemble his own exclusive mechanical mod with his own hands.

So, to make a homemade mech mod, you need to stock up on the following items:

  • consumables - brass, duralumin, steel, aluminum, copper (rods Ø2.5 cm);
  • caprolon;
  • lathe and tools:
  • dies and taps for threading;
  • through cutter;
  • boring cutter;
  • drill;
  • spacers.

You can also make a mechanical mod from a flashlight with your own hands or any other consumable.

Step 1 - making a glass

In this case, we will take duralumin material as the basis. So, how to assemble a homemade mech mod?

Let's start with the basics. First of all, you need to drink the piece you need for work. Using the machine and the through cutter, we align the end and outer parts of the workpiece.

  • grind the end side of the workpiece;
  • make a mark with a center drill;
  • we drill a small hole to a depth of not more than 7 mm;
  • drill a hole with a large diameter drill;
  • We bore the hole with a cutter to the required diameter.

In our glass there will be a M20x1 thread, which means that the diameter should be in the range of 18.91-18.92 mm. Next, using a tap, we cut the thread inside the workpiece. This step is best done on their own, which will exclude marriage.

The same must be done on the opposite side of the part.

Important point! It is advisable to make a bevel on inside threads (at the start, at the beginning) so that the components are wound more tightly.

If a flashlight case is used as a glass, then it is enough to cut internal thread using a marker for this. As you can see, making a mechanical mod with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow these instructions.

Step 2 - make the lid

This part will have a flat shape and be made of brass. Therefore, it is necessary to cut off a piece of brass rod with a small margin in length. With one end of the cover, we perform the following operation: turning the outer diameter to the required one for the M20x1 thread - in this case, you need to slightly not reach the edge so that a small collar remains.

In this case, before threading, it is necessary to try on a die and first make an entry for it (grind off the end at an angle of 45 °). This will rule out marriage.

After the done manipulations, we check whether the body fits snugly against the head. If everything is done correctly, then the parts should be firmly connected.

Step 3 - Preparing the Connector

In the head of the device, it is necessary to align the thread for the 510 connector. To do this, we perform the following processes:

  • hole centering;
  • drilling a hole Ø6.5 mm for the connector;
  • we perform entry under the internal thread;
  • we manually cut the thread M7x0.5;
  • check the hole with any connector.

Next, we move on to preparing the head for installing the insulator. To do this, it should be bored to the required diametrical size, after which we machine an insulator from caprolon a little larger in size. Now we insert the insulator into the cover, in its center we make a hole and a thread for the positive contact and a thread for adjustment for any connector.

Step 4 - contact "+"

At this stage, you need to make a thread for the contact in order to install it in the insulator. We check the thread by screwing it into the caprolon part. Next, install the spring on the contact. From brass we make a part for the button, we also carry out the carving as on the cover. After that, you can collect all the details.

Again we take brass and make a blank from it for a blocker. The same processes: trimming, boring and threading. The latter should sag a little so that the blocking ring spins by inertia.

A do-it-yourself battery for an electronic cigarette of this type is selected at your own discretion.

Step 5 - making a pusher for a button

First of all, you need to prepare a place for the spring. On the opposite side, it is necessary to trim the surface (it is best to take duralumin as the basis). We make the “-” contact from brass.

After that, we insert the caprolon part into the button body. Next, an insulator is inserted and a do-it-yourself button for the mech mod is installed. Now you need to make a hole in it for the negative contact.

Another example of a homemade e-cigarette.

Step 6 - Getting Started

We assemble all the body parts to a heap and, with the help of spacers, install the mechanical mod into the machine (this will eliminate deformation finished product). It remains only to align a single size, sand and polish outer surface our fur.

We remove the device for soaring from the machine, wash it and assemble the button - voila, the mechanical mod is ready for operation.

We hope these tips will help you make your own mech mod. Good luck!

In connection with the popularization of electronic cigarettes, vapers, especially beginners, are confused in the variety of components for these devices and the terms associated with them. Given the constant replenishment of the market with various devices for e-cigarettes, you can be completely confused.

In this article, we will tell you what a mechmod is and why it is needed at all. We will also tell you how to make a mech mod with your own hands.

Let's start with the most important thing. So, a mechanical mod is a device that connects the battery of an electronic cigarette to an atomizer. And it consists, respectively, of a battery, an atomizer and a button.

The size and design of this appliance may vary depending on how many batteries it is designed to hold. Therefore, the body itself can be large in size. As a rule, this is either a wooden box or a metal tube. It's all about technology and electronics is not here and cannot be.

How to make a mechanical mod: master class

For those who prefer a homemade mech mod, we offer step-by-step manufacturing instructions.

So, if you decide to make a mechanical mod with your own hands, you will need:

  • consumables: brass and duralumin (rods with a diameter of 25 mm), caprolon or fluoroplastic;
  • lathe and tools: metal dies and taps, spacer.

Stage 1. Glass

  1. Take a dural rod as a basis. It is softer to handle, so it is better to make the main body out of it. Saw off the desired size piece for work.
  2. In the machine, using a through cutter, align the end and outer parts of the workpiece.
  3. Prepare a place to work with a drill: on the ground end side, make a mark with a center drill, then drill a small hole no more than 7 mm. Then you can safely take a drill of a larger diameter.
  4. Then, with a boring cutter, expand the inner diameter to the required size. The thread will be M 20x1, which means that the diameter should be 18.91-18.92 mm.
  5. The next step is to cut the thread inside the part with a tap - it is advisable to do this manually to avoid marriage. Do the same on the other side of the workpiece.
  6. An important point - it is desirable to make a bevel on the inner side of the thread (at the beginning) so that the parts are wound more tightly.

As you can see, to make a mechanical mod with your own hands, on initial stage You don't need to know much to work. In fact, even a beginner can handle it.

Stage 2. Lid

  1. It will be made of brass and have a flat shape. Therefore, you need to cut off a piece of the bar, a little with a margin. With the end edge, you need to do the same manipulations that you did with the glass of the mech mod. The same goes for the outer edge. And the thread will be exactly the same - M20x1.
  2. When you have ground off part of the workpiece to the required diameter, try on the die. First you need to make a call for it, so that it is easier to cut the thread and prevent marriage.
  3. After the thread is ready, check whether the body fits snugly against the head. If everything is done correctly, then the parts should be firmly connected.
  4. Now you can align the diameters of both parts with a cutter.

Stage 3. We prepare the connector

  1. In the head compartment, you need to make a thread for the 510 connector. First you need to center the hole.
  2. Then, with a 6.5 mm drill, make a hole for the future connector. Also make the thread go inside, as in the first stage of working with a glass. This is done in order to ensure that different connectors fit snugly together.
  3. Now you need to manually cut the thread with an M7x0.5 tap. Make sure that the tap is at a right angle, otherwise the thread will be damaged.
  4. Check the thread by attaching any connector.
  5. Next, prepare the head for installing the insulator. To do this, you need to bore it to the desired diameter, then turn the insulator from caprolon a little larger in size.
  6. Insert the insulator into the cover, make a hole in its center and a thread for the “+” contact, a thread for adjustment for any connector. Take measurements and cut off excess height, if any.

Stage 4. Positive contact

  1. Thread the contact to fit it into the insulator. Check the thread by screwing it into the caprolon part. Install the contact spring.
  2. From brass we make a part for a push-button block, we also make a thread like on a cover.
  3. Next, you need to connect all the details and trim.
  4. From brass we make a blank for the blocker. The same principle of action: trim, bore and cut the thread. The thread should sag a little so that the blocking ring spins by inertia.

Homemade mechmod is almost ready.

Stage 5. Pusher for the button

  1. Prepare a place for the spring.
  2. On the other hand, you need to trim the surface (take duralumin as the basis for the workpiece).
  3. From brass, make a negative contact - the size and thread should allow it to be screwed into the pusher.
  4. Next, the caprolon part must be inserted into the body of the button itself. Make sure that it enters with effort, tightly and does not fall out.
  5. Insert the insulator and install the button. Make a hole in it for the "-" contact.

To make a mechanical mod with your own hands, you will need a case, batteries, a button, wires. For a more "advanced" version, you will need a field-effect (MOSFET) transistor. It is necessary to ensure safety, since in the event of a short circuit, this element will open the electrical circuit. Another purpose of the mosfet transistor is to increase the life of the button, since this part does not allow it to overheat.

Particular attention should be paid to the body of the electronic cigarette. A wooden one will emphasize the status, a plastic one will please with a choice of colors, a design made of a copper pipe will last the longest. Also, do not neglect the stickers, they will give an individual style to the device.

Method number 1

The simplest electronic cigarette consists of three elements: a vaporizer, a button and a battery pack.

Mechmode blueprint

Required Parts

To make an electronic cigarette with your own hands, you will need:

  • simple flashlight;
  • 18650 format battery (preferably with a current output of at least 25A);
  • fiberglass;
  • soldering iron;
  • rosin and solder;
  • atomizer, connector (selected depending on the atomizer);
  • if necessary: ​​new high-current button.

Manufacturing algorithm

First you need to disassemble the flashlight and get all the parts. At this stage, it may be difficult to remove the button. This must be done very carefully, since this part will still come in handy. A broken body of an electronic cigarette will look bad. The lantern consists of a body, a lens, LEDs, a spring for providing contact and a plate for fixing in the body.

Next, you need to take fiberglass and a lens from a lantern. Circle the lens and cut it out so that the circle is the same size. Smooth out the imperfections with sandpaper. Using a caliper, measure the diameter of the connector and make a hole with a suitable drill, use a needle file or rasp to remove drilling defects.

In the absence of a caliper, the size is selected according to the table below.

Connector sizes.

Next, you should tin the fiberglass and solder the connector to it. At this step, you need to replace the wires at the connector with thicker ones, since when hovering with low resistance, thin wires can melt.

After that, you need to solder the connector, switch and battery according to the scheme.

Schematic of a simple mech mod

Using superglue, you need to attach the connector to the flashlight body.

The mechanical mod is ready to use, it remains to wind the atomizer and fill in the e-liquid.

Method number 2

This mechanical mod is made on the basis of an external battery. Such a homemade vape will be with charging, unlike the previous one, for which it will have to be bought separately.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • connector;
  • external battery (it is necessary that it be rectangular in shape);
  • button;
  • switch;
  • thick copper wire;
  • field-effect transistor;
  • resistor for "strapping" the transistor;
  • getinaks;
  • fast setting glue;
  • soldering iron.

First you need to choose a transistor. Almost any field (mosfet) transistor will do. If it is not possible to buy it, then you can unsolder it from the old computer motherboard.

But it is better to purchase one of the transistors indicated in the table below. For example, IRF3205 can be found at any radio market or radio parts store.

Suitable mosfets for mech mod

Assembly process:

  1. 1. Remove the side cover and make sure there is room for the transistor, connector and button.
  2. 2. Saw off a piece of getinaks smaller than the edge of the body.
  3. 3. Glue getinaks on second glue.
  4. 4. Drill two holes of a suitable diameter: under the button (the place is not important, the main thing is that it is convenient to press) and under the connector.
  5. 5. Solder the connector to the getinax.
  6. 6. Solder according to the scheme.

This article is not step by step guide to create a specific electronic cigarette with your own hands, but here you will find all necessary information on the details of a homemade boxing mod, and what it will be like you can think of yourself. Of course, there is someone who will say that the price tag allows you not to engage in nonsense and it’s easier, and sometimes cheaper, to buy a ready-made one, but since the network asks questions like: “How to make a mechanical mod at home?”, “Do-it-yourself battery mod” and similar, so someone needs it. In addition, the fact that this is a single copy and no one else in the world has such a device will warm the soul.

Scheme of a homemade box mod and components

To make an electronic cigarette with parallel connection Batteries do not need very many parts, and the circuit is not at all complicated. We will do a “mech mod”, as the simplest and most ideally working option, we will probably analyze the box mod with the board in one of the following articles. First, let's show the actual block diagram of our homemade product (see the picture below), it consists of two 18650 batteries, a mosfet transistor, a button, a resistor, a 510 connector and a case.

1. Transistor. It will protect the button from heating when using sub-ohm windings. We need an N-channel Mosfet IRLB3034PBF:

2. Resistor. It is necessary for the correct operation of the transistor, as well as some kind of protection against overdischarge of batteries, its value can vary from 1 to 15KΩ. You can easily buy it at a local radio parts store for a penny or solder it from old trash, but in China they don’t sell them individually.

3. Button. I don’t think I need to explain why the button is needed, you will need the so-called anti-vandal button, 12-16 mm in size, and more, the main thing is that it would fit on the side panel of the case, keep in mind that the indicated diameter refers directly to the pressure part, the fastening part will more.

4. Frame. Here there is a choice for your taste and possibilities, perhaps someone has a suitable box on the farm, someone can print it on a 3D printer, but who is really bad with imagination, a few links to inexpensive housing options to make an electronic cigarette. Aluminum boxes have a drawback, they are mostly expensive, and not everyone will look neat, the Power Bank case may turn out to be the most interesting and pretty.

Case from Power Bank like this:

5. 18650 batteries. It will not be a secret for anyone that high-current batteries are needed, which were recommended in the article "".

6. Holder for 18650 batteries. Since batteries cannot be soldered, it will be easiest to use special holders.

7. Additionally, you will need the following tools:

  • - suitable for convenient fastening housing covers.
  • to create neat holes in the case.
  • Wires with a cross section of 1.5-2.5 mm, about 25-30 cm long and a soldering iron to connect all the details of the box mod circuit.

The process of creating an electronic cigarette

In the above block diagram of a homemade box mod, in principle, everything should be clear, the most difficult may be to correctly connect the mosfet. If you take the transistor facing you, then we connect the left output to one of the contacts of the button, the middle output goes to the body of the 510th connector, and the right output to the negative contact of the batteries. We solder the resistor between the left and right outputs of the transistor.

This electronic cigarette scheme is not perfect, but it works. Not ideal is the current consumption at idle, that is, even if you do not press the button, the battery charge, although not much, will be consumed and the resistor is the culprit. To correct this shortcoming, you can add a small switch in the circuit between the transistor and the button, this can also become a protection against accidental pressing of the button.

Good afternoon. After the sale of Vamo V8, there was absolutely nothing to soar. While waiting for the SMOK XPro M80, I hovered all sorts of little things, and ... Tired. They set up very quickly. And I didn’t want to spend money on this junk 🙂 And one fine evening I remembered what I did with a friend for him, and decided to repeat something similar from what I found in the bins. It turned out what happened.

So, we will need:

  • miniDV cassette box
  • Any sane battery
  • Scarf from his
  • 510 connector
  • 510 charger
  • Hot glue gun and sticks
  • Soldering iron, wires, flux and tin
  • Optional: carbon film

Let's get started!

We take the box from the cassette, make the necessary holes with a soldering iron: for the button, for the connector, for the USB wire. Then we solder the wires to the scarf and place it. For the connector, I used a double wire so that its resistance was smaller.

Sprinkle generously with hot glue.

We stick out the wires of the connector and solder them to it.

We put the connector in place, pour plenty of hot glue.

Intermediate result:

We disassemble the 510 charger. We unsolder the connector from the board, but solder the output directly to the battery.

Fix with hot glue.

We put the battery in place, fix it, pour plenty of hot glue on the insides again (to be sure). By the way, if you make the insides more careful, you can use it that way, because the box from the LEDs will glow beautifully along the edges.

We cover it with a carbon fiber film and get a ready-made, fit-looking device.

Indication of the charging process. Red is charging, green is charged. Can be used as Passthrough.

This is how the device turned out. Of the minuses - the corners cut the palm, the power and capacity are not enough. On the other hand, a kayfun wound with 0.32 kanthal at 0.9 ohm pulls perfectly (to my great surprise). In general, enough to get by. Two days is great!

Thanks for reading, good luck with your creative endeavors! 😉

If you are constantly looking for the perfect box, get lost among the inexhaustible stream of new products, or even find yourself at a dead end - perhaps it's time to turn on your imagination and try to make a box mod with your own hands? There is nothing complicated in this matter, and our article may just come in handy for you.

Necessary materials for work

Of course, first of all, you need to prepare everything you need for work, namely consumables. We will make a box mod for two 18650 batteries with a transistor.

There are many different schemes on the Internet, so you will not have problems with their searches. So what you need:

  • Connector 510 (there are two types of connectors that differ in diameter sizes);
  • Button. It is advisable not to neglect the quality of this part and take into account the power of your mod. Buttons can be plastic and metal of various colors - it's a matter of taste;
  • Frame for batteries. The simplest and necessary detail;
  • Box. Without it, you will not assemble a homemade box mod. Again, a lot of variations with material and colors.
  • Wires for connecting parts of the device - select their thickness individually for your box mod (as an example, you can take a single-core copper wire 1 mm thick);
  • Mosfet transistor (not a problem to find on any radio market, or you can take it from an old motherboard). Instead, you can take transistors K 3918, IRLB3036PbF, IRF3107, IRl3803, IRF1404;
  • Foil textolite;
  • hot glue;
  • 18650 batteries (it is not necessary to take new ones - you can take it from a netbook, for example)
  • Soldering iron.

The rest is up to your imagination and the ability to bring it to life. Next, we will tell you how to make a box mod using a Power Bank battery pack (made in China).

Making a box mod - one of the ways

So, why exactly Power Bank? It is convenient in that its body contains the necessary space for the relevant parts.

If you have all the materials, you can get to work:

  1. Saw off a small rectangular piece of PCB, drill a hole in it.
  2. Take a connector (it can be from an old electronic cigarette that you no longer use) and solder it into the textolite at the hole.
  3. Put the resulting part on hot glue and fix it on the box mod body.
  4. A homemade box mod, like any other, must have a button - install it on the case as well.
  5. Solder the transistor to the textolite with the connector.

In fact, the do-it-yourself battery mod is almost ready - it remains only to assemble the case, insert the batteries and check the device in action.

The box mod fits comfortably in your hand and, thanks to the mini-USB connector, allows you to charge the batteries without removing them from the case. Agree, it turned out to be a very convenient and practical thing with a minimum cost. And the manufacturing process itself is so simple that even a beginner can handle it without any problems!