Well      03/26/2019

The difference between mosaics on paper and on a grid, the stages of laying this tile on walls and floors. Laying mosaic tiles on the wall and floor. mosaic tiling

Which is also called a mosaic, looks very elegant. This finishing material seems to pass from the illusory plane of the fairy-tale world to the walls of shower rooms and bathrooms. If you decide to choose this option for finishing the room, you may be unpleasantly surprised by the cost of laying work. That is why you should become more familiar with the installation technology. Perhaps you can master it yourself.

Description of the mosaic

If you will be laying the mosaic with your own hands, then you should take a closer look at this material. Today it is one of the most popular, it is this that has found its application in the design of bathrooms. If we are talking about the kitchen, dressing room or bathroom, then the best option and not found at all.

Mosaic can be:

  • smalt; ceramic;
  • glass.

The latter variety is the most widely used. Venetian glass forms the basis of this tile, which is why the material has high performance characteristics, among them it is worth highlighting:

  • impact resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • durability;
  • frost resistance;
  • water resistance.

You can lay the mosaic in the jacuzzi or pool. You will be able to create a surface of high reliability with excellent performance. Among other things, it will be possible to get incredible colorful effects. If the mosaic will be laid on the wall, then you can choose its ceramic variety. The material is sold in a wide range color scheme. Tiles may have inclusions, stains and other decorative designs.

Scope of use

Among other things, glazed mosaics can be found on sale. Its laying will achieve a non-slip embossed surface. The scope of use of ceramic mosaic is quite wide. It is laid in pools, in bathrooms and on the facades of buildings. If necessary, the surface of the material can be aged. In this case, the color is muted, and the edges are smooth. Smalt mosaic looks like glass. If we compare it with Venetian glass, then the first one contains sodium and potassium salts. Natural substances give the material a play of light.

Preparing for styling

If you will be laying mosaics in the bathroom, then you must remember that during the work you may encounter certain difficulties. This is especially true for beginners. Working surface should be perfectly flat. To carry out work on the installation of the finish, it is necessary to level the surface. Otherwise, the mosaic sheets will repeat the irregularities.

The result is a surface that is aesthetically unappealing. Even plumbing devices will not save her and proper lighting. You can level the surface by all possible means, it can be drywall or putty. A leveled wall requires cleaning and primer treatment. Otherwise, the adhesive will lose its adhesive properties.

The mosaic laying technology provides for the elimination of distortions, which can be done using cement-sand mortar. At the next stage putty is applied in 2 or 3 layers. This surface can be grouted after drying. The dust is swept away, and then a primer is applied to the base.

Adhesive selection

When installing the mosaic, you can use one of several adhesive compositions. The substance can be made on a polymer basis with the addition of cement. Installation is permissible using conventional tile adhesive, on which the ceramic finish. The choice of composition for installation depends on the surface. There is no fundamental difference, laying on drywall construction or gender.

However, it is a completely different matter if the tile must be fixed on a base made of wood or plastic. In this case, you should use special means to work with these materials. Another important point is that different color glue is different in operational properties. White and gray compositions are made with the addition different type cement. If you have to work with glass mosaics, it is recommended to choose a light-colored adhesive, because the usual gray compound will give a dirty effect to the transparent finish.

Mosaic laying

For finishing different surfaces premises you can choose a mosaic. Laying the mosaic is not difficult. Another coat of primer paint should be applied to the prepared wall. It is necessary to choose the composition of deep penetration. The substance is applied with a brush until foam is formed light color. Priming is necessary to increase adhesion and secure bonding of materials to each other.

The next step is to apply adhesive composition using a comb. It is recommended to choose a tool whose teeth have a size within 8 mm. The distribution of the composition is carried out as evenly as possible. You should not rush to spend the entire mixture, because it quickly weathers and loses its adhesion properties. You need to apply the composition only on small area wall where you plan to lay the mosaic sheet.

As soon as you lean it against the surface, you need to press a little from above. Mosaic on a grid, which is laid using a technology different from that when the material is used on paper, allows you to control the seams. The material must be applied as a base to the wall. If we are talking about a paper-based mosaic, then it is necessary to act the other way around. The paper will subsequently soak under the influence of water and come off easily. decorative surface. The main disadvantage of this option can be considered the inability to control the thickness of the seam.

At the time of laying the mosaic at the corners, the sheet should be wrapped. If external or inner corner do not allow this, then the section should be cut. Grout and glue will mask the remnants of the mesh. The mosaic must be leveled by pressing on it with an object with a large area of ​​​​contact. For this, a grout grater is perfect. There is no need to exert pressure on the tile with your hands. Otherwise, the surface will be uneven.

You can also choose a mosaic as a finishing material. Mosaic laying is quite often done by home craftsmen. The next step is to clean the surface. This stage is carried out on fresh glue. If you are late with these manipulations, then the remnants of the composition will have to be scraped off. To clean the seams, use a screwdriver or a paint spatula. While the adhesive allows, its residues should be removed from the surface, at this time it is possible to adjust the position of some tiles. If you choose the right comb, then the excess glue will not protrude to the surface.

Final works

For a long time and to this day, the mosaic has not lost its relevance. Laying mosaics today is carried out in bathrooms, bathrooms, and pools. If you also decide to follow the experience of the majority, then on final stage it will be necessary to wipe the seams using special tools. This stage is the most sensitive.

Mosaic pool decoration

Laying mosaics in the pool is carried out according to a special technology. It provides for the choice of adhesive composition with waterproof characteristics. In this case, we are talking about polymer mixtures that are realized in ready-made. The mass must remain elastic even after solidification, this will compensate for the load and deflection.

The grout is also selected with water-repellent characteristics, which will provide reliable waterproofing. The technology of pool lining is almost no different from that used in the case of classic surfaces. The only caveat is the laboriousness of the work.

The tile keeps within according to the standard scheme - a seam in a seam. In order to facilitate manipulation, the base should be marked. Installation of finishing is carried out by separate zones. Solid fragments should be located in visible areas. The application of glue is carried out on concrete, while the cladding itself is laid on top.

For grouting, a special waterproofing is used, which, as it will be, will be a waterproof mass. You can use a latex mixture, but epoxy grout is most commonly used for pools. The composition contains resins that harden after drying. They do not let even a drop of water through and reliably protect the glue.

Mosaics can also be used to decorate your pool. Laying the mosaic in this case may be accompanied by additional decoration in the form of grout. Specialists quite often use translucent mastics, to the ingredients of which sparkles are added. The mass is placed in the seams, while trying not to stain the tiles. It will take 2 days to dry. After that, the pool is kept dry for some time until the glue is completely set. After 3 weeks, you can fill its interior with water and enjoy the result.


The cost of laying mosaics should be of interest to you if you do not plan to carry out such work yourself. When purchasing a glass mosaic on a grid, you should be prepared that this material is laid on the floor at a price that is equal to 2,000 rubles. behind square meter. Ceramic mosaic on the grid is mounted at a higher cost - 2,300 rubles. per square meter. A piece mosaic without a grid will cost the consumer when laying 3,300 rubles. per square meter. Small tiles are mounted by specialists at a price of 1,300 rubles. per square meter.

Bathroom decoration today is gaining the most different types. And given that this room can rightly be called the face of the whole house, the choice of facing material should be approached responsibly.

And since laying mosaic tiles is not an easy task. It is worth studying the material on the site in order to eventually do everything yourself and save a lot of family budget money on this.

Material Features

Mosaic refers to a set of small ceramic tiles sized 10×10 mm or more. For simplified laying of the mosaic, it is laid out on a special grid. Mosaic tiles on a grid create separate modules, which allows you to speed up the process of wall cladding.

On this module, the seams between the tiles are the same size. Only in this case can you get beautiful decoration walls or floors. Although today there is a mosaic that does not have a similar basis and you have to lay it out completely on your own, i.e. not a module is placed on the wall, but each small tile separately.

The process is laborious, but the result fully justifies it. Mosaic on the wall today is made from various materials:

  1. Glass. It has a translucent structure. In order for the result to be satisfactory, it is important to choose the right adhesive and grout for the joints.
  2. A natural stone. Production is carried out from sandstone, marble, jasper and other materials. The main disadvantage is the high price.
  3. Ceramic. It can be covered with azure or be matte. Unlike its counterparts, it has a more massive appearance.
  4. Metal. The basis for such a mosaic is stainless steel. This finish has a lot of advantages, as it has increased wear resistance.

Surface requirements

Before laying the mosaic tiles, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base. If simple tiles can be laid on a relatively flat wall / floor surface, then as for laying mosaic tiles, the surface must be perfectly flat.

Even if mosaic tiles are laid on a grid on uneven surface, then all the flaws will be visible. This is explained by the fact that the grid is not rigid, it only keeps small tiles at the same distance from each other.

Therefore, first of all, careful surface preparation is carried out. You will need a long rule and a level. So, you can check the height difference.

If the irregularities are relatively large, then it may be better to carry out a thorough leveling of the walls, for example, with drywall. Putting a mosaic on drywall will be very easy, because its surface is perfectly flat.

So, the whole preparatory process should come down to ensuring that the surface meets the following requirements:

  • Perfect Smooth surface. The mosaic has distinguishing feature, which allows it to take any shape of the surface. This phenomenon is explained by its small size. You will not even be able to level with a large layer of adhesive. Therefore, if the difference is quite large, then it is better to level the wall with drywall.
  • Purity. Before laying out the mosaic, the surface of the wall must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and all kinds of contaminants.
  • Padding. A primer will completely help get rid of dust. Plus, priming allows you to increase the quality of the adhesion of the adhesive to the wall surface. It is better to purchase a deep penetration primer.

Compliance with these requirements will allow you to achieve the highest quality result.

The choice of adhesive composition

For laying mosaics, it is extremely important to choose the right adhesive composition. From right choice the end result will depend. So, there are several options. You can make your own mix.

Taking in certain proportions water, sand and cement. As for sand, it is allowed to use finely dispersed sand without any impurities. However, this decision is not relevant in all cases.

For this reason, it is better to purchase regular tile adhesive. As a rule, this is a mixture of sand with modified additives and Portland cement. If the tile is opaque, then this option is ideal, since the adhesive has dark color. There is also a polymer adhesive, based on polymer components.

As a result of hardening, a reliable adhesion of the material to the surface of the walls is formed. White glue is also known. It is made from a cement mixture, but it has components that allow the glue to keep its white color.

This perfect solution for laying transparent mosaics. Therefore, what glue to choose for you, consider all the above recommendations.

Instructions for laying mosaic

So, all the work comes down to the following algorithm:

  • Surface preparation.
  • Surface marking.
  • Mosaic laying.
  • Seam grouting.

Mosaic laying methods depend on the type of material used. Let's consider several options for laying glass mosaic and its analogue of smalt, as well as fixed on the modules.

Mosaic laying - details

So, before gluing the mosaic on the wall, you should prepare the surface. To do this, completely remove old finish. If there are potholes, chips or cracks, they should be removed immediately. You can buy ready-made plaster. It is especially necessary to equalize differences up to 5 mm.

After the surface of the wall must be coated with a deep penetration primer. This will increase the quality of the grip. The wall should dry well. The next step is marking.

When transferring the markup to the wall surface, be sure to use a level. After all, it depends on how good the mosaic will look on the wall. The main thing is to clearly draw the bottom line along which the first row will be laid out. By the same principle, the marking and laying of mosaics in the pool is carried out.

Before you start laying the mosaic tiles, first prepare the adhesive on which the mosaic is laid. In some cases, you can lay the mosaic on liquid nails. However, this requires a perfectly flat surface. Also, before gluing the mosaic tiles, the temperature in the room should be brought in the region from + 5 ° С to + 30 ° С.

Advice! If there is a pattern on the tile, it is necessary to check the combination of the pattern before applying the adhesive. Therefore, you can first lay out the tiles on the floor, and then gradually transfer it to the wall.

As you can see, the technology of laying tiles is not so complicated. During the laying of the tiles, constantly check it for evenness. Firstly, check everything by level, and secondly, apply a long rail to the mosaic itself.

It is important that it lies flat on the wall on a plane.. In conclusion, it remains to grout the laid tiles with a special two-component grout.

Gluing modules

Before laying the mosaic on the modules, the surface preparation process is carried out, as in the first case. Gluing a mosaic on a grid is much easier, because a uniform seam is immediately formed. So, glue is applied to the cleaned and prepared surface with a notched trowel.

The length of the teeth in it should not exceed 3 mm. Do not rush and stretch the glue immediately over the entire surface. You can evenly distribute it over 1 m2. This is especially important if you do not have styling skills, glue applied over a large area can simply dry out.

After that, on the grid, the laying of the mosaic is aligned using rubber mallet. They should gently tap on its surface, achieving perfect evenness. Additionally, everything is checked by the level. Adhesive may come out through the seams during the pressing of the modules. It can be removed with a match or a small spatula.

The next step is grouting. It is recommended to wipe the seams with two-component compounds. It is preferable to purchase an adhesive that has antifungal properties.

They are usually sold dry. The dry mixture is mixed with water until a creamy state. Grout the seams between the tiles with a grout with a rubber spatula.

Grout residues may appear on the surface of the mosaic, so they should be removed with a damp sponge or cloth. When everything is dry, the stacked modules are wiped clean.

Advice! For reliability, a guide rail is fixed on the first row of the mosaic. For this, an aluminum plasterboard profile is used. The profile is fixed to the wall according to the level. In this case, it will be easier for you to control evenness, especially the first row..

Fixing smalt and glass mosaics

Glass tiles have a lot of advantages. In its structure, it resembles rock crystal. It has no pores, which allows you to reliably resist moisture. It is not even affected by any microorganisms.

Easily copes with the negative effects of alkalis, acids and other aggressive environments. With all this in mind, glass mosaics are the perfect choice for bathrooms and showers.

As for smalt, this is one of the varieties of glass tiles. It contains natural compounds that give the material a characteristic shade. However, there is also some difference. Under different angles of light, the mosaic takes on different shades. This is achieved through the effect of internal glow.

Before laying glass and smalt mosaics, as in all other cases, the surface should be carefully prepared. The surface must be well leveled to decorative effect was the best it could be.


The technology for gluing tiles is practically no different from the technology described above for laying conventional mosaics. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Before gluing the mosaic, the surface should be leveled, dried well and degreased.
  2. At the next stage, marking is necessarily carried out, applying vertical and horizontal lines to the wall. If there is one or another pattern / ornament, then mark these places on the wall so that you do not miss this nuance during the masonry process.
  3. First of all, it is recommended to lay out the pattern, if any. After that, the entire glass tile is adjusted. At the same time, make sure that it is laid as evenly as possible. Also make sure that the seams between the tiles are evenly spaced.
  4. Once everything is glued, be sure to wait for the glue to dry completely. Only then can the seams be overwritten. For this, it is recommended to use epoxy grout. Because it, unlike cement, does not damage the surface and is more resistant to moisture. After everything is polished with a flannel cloth.

Important! In the process of laying, you should immediately adjust everything in size. Otherwise, it will be impossible to fix anything after.

look additional videos materials on how to lay a mosaic with your own hands. We hope you find the expert advice useful.

Tips from the experts Leroy Merlin

How to lay quickly and efficiently - tips from the master

When decorating a bathroom or kitchen, homeowners often prefer to use mosaic tiles, which consist of many small parts. Thanks to it, you can create quite interesting design room interior. If you plan to work with such material, then you need to take into account certain features regarding the correct gluing of the mosaic, which will be discussed in this article.

Mosaic for decoration has become very popular at the same time as the expansion of options for choosing decorative finishing materials. But if in the old days, such work was carried out “by the piece”, then today the laying of mosaic tiles can be done in a fairly short time. Indeed, now it is not required to separately fix each fragment of the mosaic, since you can purchase whole mosaic sheets and even a separate mosaic panel. In this regard, the mosaic on the grid is attractive, which serves as a good alternative for everyone to the already familiar tiles. The main advantage of a mosaic on a grid lies in the simple and easy decoration of the room. If we add to this the resistance of the material to moisture and temperature changes, then it can be used for any type of room.

Mosaic has an exceptional showiness of its appearance, even if it is framed in only one or two colors. What to say about mosaic panels who are beyond all praise. In the early days, very few people could afford such a luxury. At the same time, the reason was not the high cost of the material, but the high cost of work on its way by professionals who knew how to work with the highest precision, of which there were very few. Today, it is even possible to cope with such a task on your own thanks to the invention of mosaic tiles on a grid for decoration.

Plates of this type consist of small fragments of ceramic, glass or mica. Small elements are fastened together into small slabs, which are based on a building mesh. Thus, we can say that this is a full-fledged tile in size, which is flexible. Such a tile has another indisputable plus - it can be cut into constituent elements or strips without the use of special tools.

To make it convenient to work on a flat surface, such plates are sealed by manufacturers with a special tape that does not allow the segments not to diverge from each other. If in some place it is supposed to perform a bend, the flax should simply be peeled off and work can be continued unhindered on uneven or rounded surfaces.

Advantages of mosaic tiles and proper care for them

The mosaic has a number of specific advantages that simple ceramic tiles do not have:

  • First of all, the mosaic panel is easier to cut to the desired dimensions, and this simplifies the installation process in hard-to-reach areas. Thus, mosaic tiles can be used for facing both flat and unusual curved surfaces.
  • Such an unusual finishing material makes it possible to create exclusive decorative elements.
  • In addition to aesthetic high qualities, given material is not afraid of water, therefore, it can be used for facing showers and even pools.
  • Due to the versatility, wear resistance and frost resistance, mosaic tiles can also be laid in public places.
  • To maintain the appearance of the surface of the mosaic coating, it is periodically necessary to clean it from dirt and dust. For normal everyday care, neutral compositions are suitable, and to eliminate strong pollution, acid products should be used.
  • A mosaic panel can not only be cut with the required shapes, but even order a product of the required parameters. In the construction markets, various ready-made samples are offered that are acceptable for finishing the kitchen and bathroom.

Mosaic tile material features

Mosaic is a separate type of material for cladding, which is small fragments, usually about 1 × 1 centimeter in size. The same seams should be observed between the elements to create a sense of a solid image. In this case, small elements are combined into large fragments, connected by a grid or paper. The technique of laying a decorative mosaic on a mesh is completely different from laying a mosaic on a paper backing. In this case, the material must be fixed on the adhesive solution with the wrong side, that is, already in the final position.

Keeping the same distance between the elements of the grid mosaic is much easier, since they are pre-attached to their base.

There are two types of mosaics:

  1. Ceramic mosaic, which, in turn, is covered with glossy glaze or matte. Her appearance is more massive. She is not so whimsical in terms of choosing a styling product.
  2. Glass mosaic, which looks more impressive, as its structure is translucent. For this type of mosaic, it is important to choose the appropriate grout for the joints and glue.

Necessary tools and materials for work

The first step is to prepare for work and purchase required amount special glue and the tile itself. It is better to buy high quality glue with the addition of plasticizers. Then the mosaic will be fixed quite firmly. The best option for laying mosaic tiles there will be a latex-based adhesive that has light shades and colors that match the selected mosaic.

In addition to glue and tiles, you will also need some tools and materials:

  • plumb and building level;
  • roulette;
  • construction knife;
  • rag and soft sponge;
  • rubber mallet;
  • double-sided spatula for glue;
  • a simple pencil to make markings on the walls;
  • primer for walls;
  • tassel;
  • grout for mosaic tiles;
  • warm water.

You should immediately consider how this type of tile can be cut if it does not fit exactly in size. Cutting mosaic tiles is actually easier than cutting regular ceramic tiles. The only difficulty with this is the need to cut a piece of one of the mosaic elements. This rarely happens, but if you had to deal with this during work, then it is better to apply electric tile cutter so as not to accidentally ruin the entire canvas. For other cases, an ordinary construction knife will suffice, with which you can easily cut off the required number of square fragments from the base of the mosaic canvas.

A rather important point in the work is the choice of adhesive solution for laying mosaic tiles. To some extent, this issue can be called a key one, since the final result and the type of cladding largely depend on the correct choice of adhesive composition. The adhesive solution is available in the following options:

  • Homemade adhesive solution, for the manufacture of which cement, water and sand are used. All ingredients are mixed, bringing the mixture to the desired consistency. For this, only finely dispersed sand without any impurities can be used. It is important to take into account the fact that such mixtures are not always suitable for laying mosaic tiles.
  • Standard tile adhesive, more specifically a mixture of sand with modifying additives and Portland cement. This mixture is used when laying tiles on familiar surfaces. Since it has a gray color, this option is only acceptable for facing with opaque tiles.
  • Polymer adhesive solution based on polymer components that harden upon drying and securely hold the cladding layer on the surface base.
  • White adhesive mortar, which is the same cement mixture as the above standard adhesive gray color, however, in this case, components are used that preserve the white color of the adhesive solution. This is especially true if glass mosaics are being installed.

Consideration should also be given to possible specific options, e.g. for finishing wooden surface or drywall. For each case, the adhesive is selected individually.

To perform grouting, you can use the following types of mixtures:

  • Latex grout containing latex particles that improve the properties of the mixture.
  • Cement fugue, which is based on Portland cement and contains modifying components.
  • Epoxy resin, which is a durable waterproof material based on resins.
  • Liquid glass is a viscous transparent mass that hardens in air.

Some mastics may contain glitter, which is great for decorating glass mosaics.

Surface preparation process

Before you start laying mosaic cladding on the grid, you need to carefully prepare the surface itself for work. This type of cladding involves more stringent working conditions than conventional tiles. There is nothing difficult in this, but when mixing the solution, it is necessary to follow the relevant instructions of the manufacturer. To mix the glue, you need to use a special whisk inserted into the chuck of a perforator or an electric drill.

Cladding surface requirements:

Evenness, since the surface must not only be leveled, but made perfectly smooth and even. This rule can be called fundamental. This is due to the ability of the mosaic to take on any differences, which is due to its small size. In this situation, even applying a thick layer of glue does not help, and the surface must be carefully plastered and all potholes and cracks must be rubbed. In the presence of significant distortions, it is better to build the base from hypertonic. Laying such tiles, in principle, can also be done on wood chip materials or concrete.

Surface cleanliness. Before continuing work, it is very important to rid the cladding area of ​​dirt and dust. This is especially true when grinding is performed after plastering the surface.

Priming of the surface to finally get rid of dust residues and improve the adhesion of the base material. For these purposes, it is best to use deep penetration compounds.

Only after completing all the above manipulations, you can apply glue to the base and lay the mosaic. The prepared surface must be carefully primed with a roller or brush. The subsequent stages of work can be started without waiting for the surface to dry. This won't hurt your work in any way.

At the next stage, after preparing and leveling the surface, tile adhesive is diluted.

It is important to take into account that for each type of mosaic tile, depending on the material used for the manufacture, for example, glass or ceramics, an appropriate type of adhesive is required. For the bathroom, in addition to other requirements, it is also recommended to use additional moisture-resistant compounds that are added directly to the adhesive in order to improve its quality.

Having prepared the glue, a spatula is taken, with the smooth side of which the glue is applied to the wall. The spatula must be pressed against the wall as tightly as possible to avoid the formation of air voids. Next, the spatula turns and once again the glue is smeared over the surface with the ribbed side.

It is important to be careful when doing this to prevent the mosaic panels from moving. Also, do not forget about the period of time during which the adhesive solution solidifies. It is recommended to spread glue on a small area at once, since the glue has a fast setting property. Therefore, it is better to apply it in such a way as to have time to stick the tile in this place within ten minutes. In one run, as a rule, glue is applied to the wall with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than one square meter.

The adhesive is then immediately applied to the mosaic tiles. The mosaic sheet is covered with mortar on the glued side using the smooth side of the tool.

The layer of applied glue should not be made too thick so that it does not seep through the seams. The main thing is to apply the solution as evenly as possible. Then facing material sinks into the solution. For convenience, you can use a small rubber roller, a metal trowel or a wooden block.

Thus, the rest of the sections are finished. To get the best possible result, mosaic tiles can be laid starting from the most illuminated area and moving the connecting seams to the darker side of the room.

When laying mosaic tiles, the canvas is pressed against the wall in the lower corner section, pressing it with a soft cloth against the wall at all corners and edges. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the evenness of the surface using a level and a plumb line. If several tiles are knocked out, they need to be knocked out with a rubber sheet, but very carefully, making sure that the fragments of the sheet do not move in relation to each other.

By the same principle, each subsequent canvas is glued to the wall, without removing the paper protective layer from the front surface.

When gluing a mosaic, you should also ensure that the edges of the canvas coincide with each other and lie tightly. It is important to give this Special attention, since the use of plastic inter-seam crosses is not supposed to be used for laying mosaic tiles.

Having reached the end of the wall, the distance to be cut from the canvas is measured. Canvas section right size cut off and only then an adhesive solution is applied to the material and a mosaic is installed.

Particular attention should be paid to fixing the edges of the mosaic canvas at the corners of the wall and at the border with the ceiling and floor.

The stage of removing the protective layer from the mosaic

Having completely finished laying the mosaic tiles, you need to wait for the adhesive solution to grab. It is advisable to wait about 30 minutes for the glue to set as well as possible. Next, the protective paper layer is removed. If you follow the instructions, then this step will not be difficult. To easily remove the paper layer without pushing the mosaic fragments out of place, you first need to moisten it with warm water and a soft sponge. But in no case should you rub hard on the tiles. It is only necessary to soak the paper itself until it begins to darken. In this case, you need to try not to get too much water at the seams between the mosaic elements.

After that, you should wait a few minutes and start removing the film. You need to do this from top to bottom diagonally with slow movements. This is done simultaneously over the entire surface lined with mosaics. Immediately you need to pay attention to the seams. If there is a slight movement of the plates from their place, then they need to be corrected by hand, because when the glue hardens, it will no longer be possible to fix it. As a result, the unity of the mosaic tiles can thus be achieved, giving the impression that individual small fragments have been laid one after the other.

The final stage of work is the grouting of tile joints, which can be started after two days after gluing the lining. The surface is wiped with a dry cloth, then the grout is applied with a thin rubber trowel. In this case, you need to try to press the tool in the places of the seams between the tiles. Approximately 20 minutes after grouting is completed, the face of the mosaic tile is cleaned of its remnants until it is completely dry. To do this, the tile is gently wiped with a dry sponge, trying to avoid contact with rubbed seams. Next, using a soft sponge dipped in warm water, wipe the tile. The sponge should not be wetted too much, so that the water from it does not flow into the seams with the grout that has not yet dried.

After the final setting of the grout, and more specifically after about 5 hours, the mosaic is polished with a flannel or dry microfiber. On this surface can be considered finished.

Basic rules for laying mosaic tiles

When laying mosaic weed tiles, the following basic rules must be observed:

  • Laying tiles is recommended to start from the center or from the most illuminated area of ​​the room. In this way, it is possible to ensure that whole sheets of material lie in the most prominent places, and the cut ones remain invisible.
  • When creating a mosaic pattern, be sure to make a preliminary sketch.
  • It is necessary to select the color of the adhesive corresponding to the shade of the tile or use a solution white color. It is better to discuss its composition with the seller, because sometimes this affects its properties in the process of work under certain conditions.
  • Between individual facing sheets there should be the same distance as between individual mosaic fragments. This is a very important point in laying mosaic tiles.
  • It is advisable to carry out all work when the air temperature in the room is 5-30 degrees Celsius.


As you can see from this article, laying mosaic tiles is a fairly affordable do-it-yourself job, but it requires painstaking and attentiveness. It is thanks to the simplicity of laying that it is increasingly chosen by craftsmen for decorating rooms. In addition, this coating has a very original appearance.

The technology of laying mosaic tiles is not much different from surface finishing with its ceramic counterpart. In addition, it has some undeniable advantages, the main of which is the ability to cut material into small pieces without using special equipment or tools. with area small size, for example, ten square meters, can be handled in just one day. Knowing correct technique wall decoration with mosaic tiles, you can easily make the most unusual interior in the bathroom or arrange an "apron" in the kitchen, as well as for the pool or home sauna.

Mosaic tiles look more decorative and noble than ordinary tiles, so more and more often mosaics are chosen to finish a kitchen backsplash or bathroom.

This tile easily fits on any curvilinear and radius surfaces, which allows you to implement the most original design ideas.

Mosaic harmoniously combines with other finishing materials - tiles, natural and artificial stone, wood, metal. The use of such combinations is one of the most winning design techniques today.

Contrary to popular belief, laying mosaic tiles is not a big deal.

The fact is that modern mosaics are not produced individually, but in whole sheets, in which the tiles are firmly held on a flexible mesh base. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the installation process.

It is enough to responsibly approach the preparation of the base, choose the right adhesive composition and be careful so that the result of the work delivers one sheer pleasure.

What glue and equipment should be purchased for laying the mosaic on the grid

For laying mosaic tiles you will need the following materials and tools:

  • styling glue;
  • mosaic tiles;
  • grout for seams;
  • tape measure, pencil;
  • building level;
  • small grinder + discs for stone / ceramics;
  • container for stirring glue;
  • drill mixer;
  • notched trowel;
  • rubber spatula;
  • water tank + sponge;
  • forceps;
  • felt or flannelette rag.

No matter which mosaic you choose - ceramic, glass or natural stone, glue is always recommended to choose only white.

Otherwise, after complete drying, the tile may acquire an undesirable shade.

  • Ceresit CM 115 - adhesive for mosaic and marble tiles. Designed for laying mosaics (including glass) on any non-deformable bases. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, can be used in underfloor heating systems (inside buildings).

Ceresit CM 115 eliminates the appearance dark spots on a translucent cladding, resistant to tile displacement during laying, environmentally friendly, water and frost resistant.

Ceresit SM 115 is sold in bags of 5 and 25 kg, it costs an average of 200 and 600 rubles, respectively.

  • Bergauf Mosaik is a universal adhesive for all types of mosaic tiles. Made from powdered white cement with the addition of natural mineral fillers and modifying polymeric additives.

Designed for facing works inside and outside buildings, suitable for use in rooms with high humidity(bathroom, kitchen, toilet, etc.).

Glue Bergauf Mosaik is sold in bags of 5 and 25 kg, it costs an average of 180 and 500 rubles, respectively.

  • Axton Mosaic Adhesive - a budget option quality tile adhesive from Leroy Merlin. Allows you to quickly and securely stick the glass mosaic on the grid.

Possesses good adhesion, high durability. When used with a latex additive, it can be used to finish swimming pools. A 5-kilogram package of glue costs about 150 rubles.

Instructions - correctly glue the mosaic on the grid in the bathroom

The work on laying mosaic tiles is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Foundation preparation. Glue the mosaic on the grid on the wall in the bathroom or at kitchen apron should only be done after careful preparation of the base.

It is necessary to clean the surface of dirt and dust, old peeling coatings - everything that can impair the adhesion of materials.

If the surface of the wall is not completely flat, it must first be sanded with grinder or grinders with a disk for stone or ceramics.

If the unevenness on the base exceeds 2-3 mm, it is recommended to level the surface using leveling compounds. A completely dry, solid, clean and even surface is the ideal base for laying mosaics on a grid.

2. Markup. It is recommended to apply markings on the prepared surface, which will help to carefully glue the mosaic sheets.

First, sheets of tiles are laid out on the floor in such a way that the distance between the sheets corresponds to the gap between the tiles themselves.

After that, measurements are taken and the entire scheme is transferred to the wall, not forgetting to control the position of the canvases vertically and horizontally with the help of the building level. Proper markup allows you to hide cropped areas.

3. Glue preparation. The properties of any adhesive are guaranteed by the manufacturer only if the proportions and technology of preparing the solution are strictly observed.

The principle of preparing glue from different manufacturers is the same: a building mixture is poured into a clean, dry container, poured with water in the specified proportion and mixed with a drill-mixer until a homogeneous creamy consistency is obtained.

The finished solution is left for a few minutes, after which it is mixed again.

4. Application of glue. The adhesive solution is applied to the wall evenly with a notched trowel, while the surface area should not exceed the area of ​​the number of mosaic sheets that can be laid within 3-5 minutes (otherwise the glue will dry out).

The optimal thickness of the adhesive layer is 2-3 mm. If there is more glue, then when the mosaic is pressed in, the excess mortar will fill the seams between the tiles, which will complicate the grouting process in the future.

. The prepared mosaic sheets are applied to the marked area with a mesh base. Gently, without excessive pressure, level the canvas on the surface.

Similarly, laying of all prepared canvases is carried out. For splitting the material, if necessary, use special tongs.

6. Grouting. 24 hours after laying the mosaic, you can start grouting. To do this, use a rubber float, with which the grout is rubbed into the seam spaces with smooth movements.

Excess material is removed with a damp sponge. After the grout dries, the surface is polished with a felt cloth.


Here are a few practical advice, which will help to lay the mosaic better:

  1. When choosing an adhesive, consider the type of substrate it will be applied to.
  2. Check the consistency of the adhesive to ensure that the mosaic sheets do not move during installation. Too thick glue dries quickly, which complicates the workflow.
  3. It is recommended to prepare the glue in small portions, taking into account the low consumption (about 2 kg per square meter). It is not recommended to try to dilute thickened adhesive residues, since its properties have already been lost.
  4. During laying, glue should not be allowed to flow beyond the joints - this will make it difficult to grout them in the future.
  5. Optimal temperature regime for laying mosaics on the grid - 15-25 C.

Mosaic decoration has always been a labor-intensive and expensive process that takes a lot of time and requires perfect precision in the placement of elements. The slightest error could negate all the work and spoil the appearance of the surface.

Today, an elegant and simple solution to this problem has been invented, which is appreciated experienced builders and owners of bathrooms and kitchens, which are finished with this luxurious and refined material.

Features and Benefits

Mosaic elements are, in fact, pieces of ceramic, glass, mica or stone tiles. They can be laid out in any order, which gives free rein to creativity and artistic imagination. Archaeologists find frescoes and mosaic walls and floors that are native to Ancient Greece, China, Rome, Türkiye. The finds are several thousand years old. This means that today's mosaic paintings created by you will be seen by descendants. This finish is very durable.

Laying out individual pieces to create a harmonious composition is a long process. To simplify and speed up this work, the elements began to be mounted on a special mesh base or on paper. The squares are sold already laid out in the desired sequence or randomly, but at an equal distance. The grid is attached to the wall and "sunk" into the tile adhesive. Part of the mosaic surface is ready in a short period of time. The mesh additionally reinforces the entire layer. paper base glued on front side tiles. After installation, the paper must be removed.

The advantages of this type of finish are obvious:

  • Ceramics, glass and stone perfectly withstand high humidity, temperature fluctuations and prolonged exposure to water and detergents. Therefore, they are successfully used in the decoration of swimming pools, baths, public facilities, even the subway.
  • Tiles of any type, including mosaic, are resistant to abrasion and retain their appearance for a long time.
  • Flexible mesh allows you to veneer not only flat surfaces, but also complex rounded shapes: sinks, bathtubs, bowls, arches.
  • A huge range of textures and colors implies the creation of any ornaments, panels, paintings and frescoes.
  • The low price and ease of installation make the mosaic on the grid popular and affordable for self-assembly.

Of the minuses, only two points can be noted:

  • The need for careful preparation of the base surface for finishing.
  • Higher cost and labor intensity of installation compared to installation of standard large ceramic tiles.

Varieties and materials

The market of finishing materials meets the desire of the owners and designers to make each interior unique and impressive. Manufacturers offer an innumerable variety of shades, effects and textures. Materials can be advantageously combined with each other (for example, glass and metal, ceramics and stone).

Ceramic tile similar to regular tiles, tiled ceramics are used for its production. On the market there are products with a glossy surface, with an imitation of the texture of wood and stone, with various effects, for example, with sparkles or contrasting bright blotches. This mosaic is very popular due to its universal compatibility with all styles, affordable price, ease of care.

The glass tile has a clear layer so the grout can show through the mosaic. Attach it with special glue. Such a mosaic can look different. For example, it can be various colored stains or a translucent coating with a reflective effect. This tile is more fragile and delicate, scratches and scuffs easily occur on it, and with a strong impact, a glass square can even break. Glass mosaic tiles are often used in rooms with high humidity.

The metal mosaic on the grid is made of aluminum or steel. She has a very stylish and original look, and it is necessary to take care of it with the help of special detergents that do not damage the coating. Stick it on a special composition. metal surface often covered with a layer of "gold" or "bronze".

Smalt is the oldest material used to make glass-based mosaic fragments. It has an opaque structure and a rich palette of shades. A lot of real world-class works of art have been created from smalt, which have been preserved in excellent condition to this day. High wear resistance indicators make it possible to use smalt elements not only for interior, but also for exterior work.

Sea pebbles and pebbles, turned by the sea, are an excellent material for mosaics. Natural stone fits into any interior, looks luxurious and highlights any surface. The texture of the stone creates an atmosphere of sophistication and closeness to nature. This material emphasizes the impeccable taste and high status of the owner of the house. Stone mosaic lays down on any tile adhesive or even on cement-sand mortar.

Mesh for attaching mosaic fragments is made of polyurethane, it is flexible and perfectly reinforces the tile adhesive layer, giving additional strength to the entire surface. There is a tile and on a gauze grid. This type of material is cheaper, but its quality is much lower than that of the polyurethane variety.

Ceramic mosaic products in a huge range are made in China, Germany, Poland, Russia and other countries. Wide choose is able to satisfy any taste, imagination and wishes of the client.

Laying technology

It is advisable to entrust the laying of such beautiful and expensive tiles to an experienced professional builder. But if you have the necessary skills and desire to do this work with your own hands, then you can do it too. It is only necessary to study the technological subtleties and stock up on the right tool.

When buying, you must check all the elements for reliable attachment to the base. The presence of visual defects or displacements of the mosaic squares is unacceptable, the size of the fragments and their distance from each other must be perfectly equal. The choice of adhesive depends on the type of material. For glass mosaic You need white polyurethane adhesive. To waterproof the tile layer, a plasticizer or latex is added to it.

When designing the installation of modules, it is necessary to calculate the surface area, the size of the web and the consumption of all material, taking into account the shape of the structure (if it is not flat). On the wall or on the floor, it is necessary to mark the boundaries of the cladding area, to make a trial layout of the mesh sheets.

Before laying, the base is prepared:

  • It is necessary to carefully level the wall with plaster. If the differences are too large, it is better to screw moisture-resistant drywall to the wall.
  • Then it is necessary to remove all dirt and dust from the base, wipe it and dry it.
  • For better adhesion, it is necessary to treat the base with a deep penetration primer.

Then knead a special adhesive solution strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. First, water is drawn into the container, then dry ingredients are added. At low speed mixer produce two mixing with an interval of five minutes.

Apply glue with a notched trowel so that furrows are obtained. The mesh fabric is pressed against the adhesive layer and rolled with a roller. In this case, you need to make sure that the solution does not fall on the front side of the mosaic, and the squares lie flat. Next, you need to wait 30 minutes, then remove protective film from tile fragments, remove stains and excess glue. After drying, it will be very difficult to do this (the mosaic dries out in about two days). If installation is carried out on the floor, you can not walk on a freshly laid finish until it dries completely and gains strength.