Mixer      07/02/2020

Impaza treatment. Impaza - instructions for use, release form, composition, indications, side effects, analogues and price. Advantages of treatment with Impaza

A homeopathic remedy that helps with erectile dysfunction in men is Impaza. The drug is effective and has a high level of health safety due to its natural composition. The instructions for use must be studied despite the minimal health risks. Current information on prices and analogues of Impaza in Russia, as well as positive reviews about the drug from doctors and patients confirm the high effectiveness of the product.

The drug Impaza (international name Impasa) contains homeopathic dilutions of antibodies to NO synthetase, which is produced in the walls of blood vessels C12, C30, C200. The amount of active ingredients in each dose is 3 mg.

The auxiliary components used by the domestic manufacturer Materia Medica are lactose, magnesium salt of stearic acid, and cellulose, which are safe for health.

The product is released in white tablets with a flat-cylindrical shape. The word "Impaza" is engraved on one side and "Materia Medica" on the other.

The medicinal product is sold in packages No. 20, which contain a blister and official instructions from the manufacturer for rational use.

pharmachologic effect

The homeopathic medicine Impaza is a representative of the pharmacological group of drugs, which is widely prescribed and used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Mechanisms of action aimed at activating NO synthase provide the following directions of pharmacological action:

  1. Restores the production of NO in the walls of blood vessels.
  2. An increase in the content of cGMP in the muscle layer of blood vessels, which relaxes the vascular walls.
  3. Increased blood filling of the corpora cavernosa in the penis cavity.
  4. Ensuring the onset of an erection.
  5. Maintaining an erection throughout sexual intercourse.

Important! Impaza exerts its effects during sexual arousal.

Indications for use

The manufacturer identifies the following deviations as indications for rational use:

  • impaired erectile function of various types;
  • menopause in adult male patients, accompanied by symptoms such as increased fatigue, severe weakness, decreased libido, and decreased physical activity.

Prescribing the drug for these pathological conditions makes it possible to achieve an effect with a minimal likelihood of side effects.


The drug is characterized by the absence of serious contraindications for use, except for an allergic reaction and childhood. In addition, Impaza is not used in women, as well as during pregnancy, the presence of a process breastfeeding(GW).

Instructions for use

Impaza is prescribed for oral use. One dose is placed in the oral cavity without preliminary crushing and kept there until completely dissolved. It is recommended not to combine the medication with food, as food may have a negative effect on the effectiveness and onset of action of Impaza. Best time To take a dose of Impaza - evening.

Methods of use to normalize erection:

Scheme of long-term therapeutic and prophylactic use to maintain erectile function: 1 tablet once every two days or 1 tablet twice a day. The duration of this course of treatment is 12 weeks. As a rule, a smaller dosage of the drug is taken to prevent erectile dysfunction and prevent diseases. Large doses are more effective when symptoms are severe and a man is unable to achieve and maintain an erection.

Methods of periodic administration:

Impaza is prescribed and used not only in courses, but also periodically according to needs. Two tablets must be taken 1-2 hours before contact at different times if necessary - in the morning, before or after lunch, in the evening. There are no restrictions on the duration of such a reception.


When taking very large doses of Impaza, the consequences of overdose develop in the form of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Symptomatic help (sorbents - Activated carbon, Adsorbix, etc.).

Important! Compliance with dosage regimens will ensure the absence of complications.

Side effects

When used (according to annotations or descriptions of studies from the manufacturer) in therapeutic dosages, no side effects have been reported, except for infrequent allergies.

Interaction with other tools

Impaza is highly compatible with drugs. The combination with pharmacological groups such as nitrates, blood pressure lowering agents, and diuretics is safe.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug is used only in men over 18 years of age. Impaza is never used in females, including during pregnancy, lactation and breastfeeding.

With alcohol

There are no serious consequences when interacting with different types of alcohol. It is not recommended to take Impaza and increased amounts of alcohol, because with compatibility against the background of sexual stimulation, the load on the heart increases.

There are no substitutes for the active substance for Impaza. The product is characterized by a unique homeopathic composition, thanks to which Impaza differs from other drugs that affect erection in its high efficiency and safety.

Drug synonyms include cheap and more expensive Russian and foreign analogues, which differ in the active substance, release form and method of administration. Impaza can be replaced with such products only after agreement with the doctor, since Russian and imported analogues, unlike Impaza, have a large number of adverse reactions and contraindications.

The list of similar agents in action includes all drugs that are produced on the basis of:

  • Sildenafil - Viagra, Jenagra, Olmax Strong, Penigra, Novagra, Potentiale, Superviga, Erasmo, Eroton, Conegra, Tornetis;
  • Tadalafil - Cialis in different doses, Erectadil;
  • Udenafil - Zidena;
  • Vardenafil - Levitra;
  • Avanafil and Alprostadil - Stendra, Caverject;
  • medicinal plants - Tribestan, Tongkat Ali Platinum, Yohimbex-Harmony, Tentex, Kamshila, Ginseng tincture, Verona, Sealex.

When assessing the level of safety, these drugs and Impaza have big difference. Therefore, the replacement cannot be called equivalent.

Best before date

The drug is suitable for use for 3 years from the date of production. After the expiration date, the medicine is prohibited for use.

Terms of sale and storage

Impaza is purchased in pharmacies without providing a doctor's prescription in Latin. If a man seeks the drug as directed by a doctor, then it is recommended to show the pharmacist the prescription indicating the INN in Latin.

Rules for storing medicine:

  • temperature not higher than 25⁰С;
  • lack of access for children;
  • dry place away from direct sunlight.

special instructions

Impaza contains lactose, therefore use is prohibited for the following disorders:

  • lactase deficiency;
  • hereditary form of galactosemia;
  • malabsorption syndrome.

Impaza does not require you to give up driving.

The cost of the drug is affected by the region. In pharmacies, Impaza costs on average from 390 rubles for one package No. 20.

Reviews from medical specialists:

Oleg Ivanchenko, urologist: Impaza tablets effectively treat any erection pathology. Patients often come in with concomitant pathologies that do not allow other medications to be prescribed. In such situations, Impaza is the best remedy.

Mikhail Cheremet, sexologist: impotence pills Impaza help men regain their strength. The drug is safe and allows you to establish an erection even in the presence of other diseases. The medicine copes well with the manifestations of male menopause - decreased activity, irritability, decreased libido. To achieve maximum results, it is important to take Impaza correctly.

Patient reviews:

Igor M.: I have hypertension and impaired erection. The doctor recommended taking Impaza. The drug is approved for a disease like mine. I tolerate it very well. The result is excellent. I would like to note that during an erection I have no discomfort and no pain in the lower abdomen.

Peter K.: I have been taking Impaza for a long time, many men have only positive reviews. There is no better or safer drug. Moreover, it costs much less than its analogues with a huge number of side effects.

The opinion of official medicine about impaza

The principle by which the drug Impaza and other homeopathic remedies work currently has no scientific confirmation. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that, in accordance with Avogadro's law, there are no molecules of the active substance in a highly diluted solution. After the discovery of this law, many new accusations arose against homeopathy. Proponents of this treatment put forward a theory according to which water molecules “remember” the structure of the substance that was dissolved in it and have a healing effect even in the absence of the latter. Representatives of traditional medicine have accepted and still regard this assumption ambiguously. However, despite the insufficient theoretical and evidence base, homeopathic medicines, including impaza, are widely popular in many countries around the world. At the same time, both patients and doctors note the effectiveness of such products.

The positive quality of all homeopathic medicines, including impaz tablets, is their almost complete harmlessness compared to the tablets that are offered official medicine. Even the most ardent opponents of homeopathic medicines note that they are absolutely harmless. Another important feature Impaz tablets, like other homeopathic medicines, is that they are combined with almost all drugs used in traditional medicine. Thus, homeopathic medicines can be safely combined with various “official” tablets.

In addition, impaza is recommended to be used in conjunction with other tablets and medical techniques. For example, if problems with male potency arise, in parallel with Impaz tablets, other drugs are usually prescribed, work with a psychologist, therapy for existing diseases, and lifestyle changes.

Before you start using these tablets, like any other medications, you must consult a specialist. He will prescribe the appropriate dosage and course of treatment, taking into account the disease and individual characteristics body. In addition, you must definitely study the information provided by the manufacturer. Impaz tablets, instructions for which are included in each package, are available at any pharmacy.

Features of the composition and pharmacological form of the drug

This drug is available in the form of white or grayish tablets of a regular flattened cylindrical shape. Instructions must be included with a drug such as Impaza.

The cardboard package contains a blister for 20 tablets. The main active ingredient of these tablets are antibodies to NO synthase. They are introduced into the drug in the form of a water-alcohol mixture. Each tablet also contains additional excipients, including magnesium stearate, lactose, etc.

How does impaza work?

Men are usually interested in this drug as a means to improve potency. In the course of qualified experiments, it was discovered that the expansion of blood vessels is directly related to the production by their inner lining of the universal vasodilator factor - NO, i.e. nitric oxide. After this, scientists found that nitrogen production is carried out with the participation of a special enzyme called endothelial NO synthase.

The work of this enzyme can be disrupted by many common diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis.

In addition, against the background of enzyme dysfunction in men, potency begins to deteriorate. In accordance with the principles of homeopathy, antibodies to NO synthase, which are contained in the preparation in low concentration, help to increase the function of this enzyme. As a result, the production of nitric oxide is normalized, the corpus cavernosa of the penis becomes more filled with blood during arousal, and the erection becomes longer lasting and of higher quality.

Long-term use of the drug Impaza helps to improve potency, normalize sexual desire and increase pleasure from sexual intercourse in general. In addition, the pills help normalize testosterone production, if the problem with potency is related to this.

Impaza and male potency

Impaza has many advantages over other drugs that are recommended to be used to increase male potency. And the main advantage is that impaza, unlike most other drugs, affects nitrogen production. Thus, these pills not only stop the development of impotence, but also help to gradually improve erection. Depending on the complexity of the disease, the treatment period may vary.

Clinical trials of the effectiveness and safety of the drug indicate that its use by men who have problems with potency provides an almost 100% qualitative improvement in all the main criteria characterizing sexual life, namely:

  • helps normalize potency;
  • increases pleasure from sexual intercourse;
  • increases decreased sexual desire.

Some researchers are more skeptical about the drug, but average statistics indicate significant improvements in most cases.

When comparing the safety and effectiveness of this drug with analogues, it was found that impaza is in no way inferior to even the most modern drugs for restoring potency in terms of its activity and speed of action. In addition, the drug compares favorably with similar products in many other very important factors. Among them there are 3 most significant ones.

  1. Firstly, taking impaza does not require constant medical supervision. The drug has virtually no contraindications or side effects. It is enough just to consult a doctor before treatment, confirm the absence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, and select the optimal dosage and duration of the course. After this, as a rule, you no longer need to see a doctor about taking impaza.
  2. Secondly, impaza helps not only improve potency, but also the overall quality of life. It is known that problems of a sexual nature inevitably affect other areas of male life, and the normalization of potency and sexual desire eliminates most of these problems.
  3. Thirdly, the active substance of the drug affects the key link in potency disorders. The drug normalizes and gradually improves the functioning of the blood vessels of the genital organ. This positive effect of impase is very important when prescribing course therapy.

Thus, impaza has many advantages over most similar drugs. It is in no way inferior to them and is significantly ahead of synthetic drugs in terms of safety of use, absence of contraindications and side effects.

Indications for use of impaza: instructions, reviews

Impaza, as noted, is most often used to eliminate problems associated with the sex life of men. However, this drug can be used as an adjuvant for the treatment of disorders associated with age-related vegetative-vascular changes, such as:

  • excessive irritability and aggression;
  • increased fatigue;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • dizziness and headaches.

If the drug is used to treat impotence, the doctor will need to pay attention to the peculiarities of the mechanism of action of this drug. First of all, the doctor needs to take into account that impaza is most indicated for patients whose potency problems are of psychogenic, compensated and subcompensated origin.

The greatest effect is observed with long-term course use of impaza. The courses are characterized by a slow gradual increase in the effect and its accumulation, which indicates the physiological action of the drug. The drug does not have any negative effect on the course of other diseases and does not require changes in their therapy.

The combination of the drug with PDE5 inhibitors is allowed. This allows you to reduce the dose of inhibitors and their side effects and, in general, increase the effectiveness of treatment of impotence with the help of impase. The drug can be used in combination with medications for coronary and hypertensive heart diseases. This allows us to recommend Impaza as a first-line treatment for impotence in such patients. Thus, the results of many clinical studies and reviews from satisfied patients allow us to confidently state that Impaza helps to cope with sexual problems.

How is Impaza taken?

Impaza can be taken as a one-time symptomatic remedy (before sexual intercourse) and for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes (courses). The following information is taken from the instructions. Before taking, be sure to read the instructions provided for your specific drug. In addition, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the dosage and duration of treatment.

Impaza is available in tablet form. The tablet must be kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved. It is not recommended to take pills.

The dosage and frequency of administration are selected in accordance with the severity of vegetative-vascular or erectile dysfunction. When taking a course, the tablets are taken before bedtime. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. According to the manufacturer, it cannot be shorter than 3 months. After this, a break is taken for 3-4 months, and if necessary, the course is repeated. In case of occasional use of impaza as a symptomatic remedy, the manufacturer recommends taking the tablets 2 hours before expected sexual intercourse. Check this information in the instructions or with your doctor. The course of treatment can be combined with additional symptomatic treatment.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Impaza, like most other homeopathic medicines, has virtually no contraindications. However, before starting treatment, you must visit a doctor. Together you can determine whether you have individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the medicine.

If the drug is used in the correct dosages and according to the recommended indications, then no side effects are observed.

If the prescribed dosage is exceeded, dyspepsia may occur due to the excipients included in the medicinal product. Impase contains lactose, so these tablets are not recommended for use in patients with congenital lactose intolerance, galactose or lactose malabsorption syndrome, or congenital galactosemia.

Thus, Impaza is a safe drug, the effectiveness of which has been proven by qualified studies and many positive reviews from patients from all over the world. The most important thing is to follow the dosages prescribed by your doctor and adhere to the recommendations received. If any atypical manifestations appear after starting treatment, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. Be healthy!

About Impaza

Thanks to the revolutionary organic formula, the course is one of the most effective in solving problems with potency. Buying Impaza tablets for gentle therapy is useful for those who do not want to take potent pills. They are without side effects quickly:

  • Resuscitate a strong erection.
  • Ejaculation will be delayed.
  • Increase the number of sexual contacts per night.
  • Increase sexual sensitivity.
  • Improves health and cardiovascular tone.

According to patient observations, the complex prolongs coitus by 2-3 times. At the same time, the remedy shortens the recovery period for subsequent love sessions. A long-term effect is achieved with prolonged treatment. The benefits gradually accumulate, so in the future it is no longer necessary to constantly dissolve the tablets. The advantage of the drug is a noticeable increase in libido that continues after therapy, mild excitability and an excellent state of reproductive function, which do not disappear for up to six months.


The main purpose of taking Impaza is to eliminate erectile dysfunction. It is often caused by problems nervous system, blood vessels or related psychological disorders. Pills to improve potency can be taken urgently before sex, like Penon Gel applied before intimacy. However the best choice for a sustainable result - a full course with repetition after six months.

The rise of an erect penis is the result of a long chain of processes in a man’s body. Triggers her nervous irritation in response to a sexual stimulus. In the cavernous cavities of the penis, NO compounds (nitric oxides) are released and the action of type 5 phosphodiesterase enzyme is inhibited. Impaza helps to establish such a mechanism if it is hampered by health conditions. Drugs like Viagra (Sildenafil) do this artificially - quickly, but the result disappears when the substances are removed from the body. The properties of natural components do this gradually, with the accumulation of positive effects. Thanks to them Impaza:

  • Causes endothelial cells to produce nitric oxide.
  • It supplies cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) to the smooth muscles of the genitals.
  • Relaxes the muscles of the three porous bodies inside the penis.
  • Allows enough blood to enter the corpora cavernosa.
  • Prevents premature outflow of blood from the penis.
  • At the same time, it increases libido.
  • When used for its intended purpose, the excited state helps increase testosterone.

Even with one dose of the pill, with minor problems or elementary anxiety, the following is observed:

  • strong;
  • long lasting;
  • quickly returning erection.

The drug does not work as an aphrodisiac; it does not provoke sex on its own. However, a stone erection at the slightest sexual manifestation in the external environment affects a man no worse than an artificial stimulant.

The drug has a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous systems. This spurs a man’s reaction to his partner’s caresses, foreplay, etc. The patient's conscious and subconscious minds remember the dramatic change. In the future, after completing the course, confidence in male power does not disappear, which overcomes psychogenic problems with potency.

The consequences of taking Impaza are reminiscent of the results from popular generics, but its composition includes purely natural ingredients:

  • Antibodies to endothelial nitric oxide synthase in homeopathic dilutions C12, C30, C200.
  • Lactose.
  • Microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Magnesium stearate.

The main substance is antibodies to NOS enzymes, which trigger the process of biochemical reactions to relax the contracted muscles of the penis. They are present in minimal dosages for metabolism. This allows them to be absorbed naturally. On the other hand, in severe cases, restoration of potency occurs only after the end of the course of treatment, when the cumulative effect is felt.

NO synthases are organic compounds, enzymes that produce nitric oxide and cirullin. They were first discovered by scientists in 1989, and their three main forms were discovered in 1994. The famous Viagra had only then discovered the unique property of promoting erection, but this mechanism was created by pharmacists by accident to treat the cardiovascular system. In 1998, a group of doctors received the Nobel Prize for studying the signaling role of nitric oxide in the functioning of blood vessels (including the vessels of the penis).

Only in our century have scientists succeeded in stimulating the body to naturally, safely produce NO to relax the muscles of the penis, without which an erection is impossible. Impaza is based on the latest discoveries, being one step ahead of synthetic overnight pills.

Instructions for use

Tablets are used in two ways: short-term and as full-fledged therapy. For single use, 1-2 hours before sex, you need to take 2 tablets, dissolving them in your mouth until completely dissolved.

For complex therapy, the daily dose is 1-2 tablets. It is not recommended to stop use for at least 3 months. After this there is a break for six months. Sexologists advise taking a second course after this using a similar scheme. During therapy for “psychological” help, you can time the pill intake to coincide with planned sex, but do not increase the daily dose to more than 2 tablets.

The effectiveness of Impaza can be noticeable even before the end of 12 weeks, but to consolidate it, it is better to continue taking it without reducing the dosage. You can take the medicine before or after meals; food does not affect the absorption of components into the blood.

The shelf life of the tableted drug in intact blister cells is 3 years. Tablets are stored in a dry place, inaccessible to children and pets, protected from light, at temperatures up to 25 degrees. Use after the expiration date or if the packaging is damaged is prohibited.


The best pills for men recent years Impaza is recommended for the treatment of potency. Reviews from doctors and their patients indicate that a homeopathic course will help with erectile dysfunction of any origin:

  • Poor blood supply to the penis.
  • Weak response of the nervous system to sexual signals.
  • Psychological trauma, anxiety due to weakened, disappearing erection, premature ejaculation.
  • Stress, overwork.
  • Effect of medications.

The drug is effective even in cases of severe diseases of the cardiovascular organs and nitrate therapy. With its help, you can harmlessly increase potency in older men with vegetative-vascular manifestations of menopausal syndrome. Along with the return of libido, Impaza eliminates:

  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Poor blood supply to the brain and other organs.

The medicine has shown reliability in maintenance treatment with other drugs, but self-medication of diseases not described in the indications is prohibited.


Natural ingredients excluded dangerous consequences reception. Negative reviews are registered only when the dosage is exceeded and in case of individual intolerance to the components. There is no contraindication for taking it with alcohol. In practice, the drug is compatible with alcohol, but the latter can worsen the effect of therapy, so its abuse is excluded.

Tablets can be taken for hypertension, diabetes, after a stroke or heart attack. With Impaza, you can take beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, nitrates, and ACE inhibitors in parallel.

With a significant overdose, the following are possible:

  • Bloating.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Flatulence.
  • Individual allergic reactions.

After their occurrence against the background of a noticed overdose, the course should be stopped for 2 days.

The product is sold online, where it can be ordered for delivery, and in retail pharmacies. This explains the variation in prices depending on the supplier, point of sale, etc. According to the observations of pharmacists, the medicine is the leader in the requests of buyers of potency drugs. The price of Impaza without markups is 441 RUB per pack of 20 tablets. For a full course, a minimum of 6 packs is required.

Where can I buy

The official website of the manufacturer advises purchasing a natural male potency restorer from an online pharmacy included in the verified list. They, and the holder of the patent for the product, are the Russian LLC NPF Materia Medica Holding. When ordering online you will get:

  • Save money.
  • Save time.
  • Receive a popular product incognito (even the courier will not know the contents of the order).

Chemical composition, reviews from doctors

Before studying the instructions on how to take Impaza, it is worth understanding in more detail what kind of drug it is.

Impaza belongs to the category of homeopathic drugs that have a positive effect on sexual function. It can be used both for episodic normalization of erection and for ongoing treatment of corresponding dysfunction. An additional important advantage of Impaza remains that it can be taken without a prescription from a medical professional.

This freedom is due chemical composition, which includes:

  • Affinity-purified immunoglobulins for the specific enzyme NO synthase. The main task These antibodies cause the destruction of the above enzyme, which ensures an increase in the concentration of nitric oxide. This substance promotes the dilation of blood vessels in the pelvic organs and leads to the restoration of their functioning, as well as maintaining “at the level” of potency.
  • C12, C30, C200 molecules diluted in homeopathic concentrations. These compounds do not exhibit excessive activity, but when used correctly they have a positive effect on potency.
  • Lactose as a filler.
  • Magnesium stearate to replenish the corresponding mineral, which is involved in sperm synthesis.

Reviews from doctors about taking Impaza confirm the fact that this medicine has a positive effect on the sexual activity of men or remains indifferent. This largely depends on the patient’s attitude towards treatment and the individual characteristics of his body.

Mechanism of action on the male body

According to the composition, it becomes obvious that the main emphasis in the treatment of erectile dysfunction is on restoring blood circulation in the pelvis and penis.

Due to the presence of specific antibodies and additional homeopathic compounds, the product has a fairly powerful vasodilator effect.


  • Erection is normalized.
  • Libido is restored.
  • The duration of sexual intercourse increases.
  • Pleasant sensations during orgasm intensify.
  • Portions of ejaculate increase during ejaculation.

In addition to the above factors, the manufacturer notes the positive effect of Impaza on the autonomic nervous system. We are talking about improving the conduction of impulses from the external genital organs to the brain. In addition, some representatives of the stronger sex experience normalization of their emotional state. It is believed that Impaza may have some sedative effect, however, much depends on the man himself.

The fact is that doctors’ reviews of Impaza confirm the positive effect of the drug on man's health, but not always. We are talking about people who obviously consider this medicine to be bad. As much as one might not like it, homeopathic medicines are largely dependent on placebos. Of course, they influence the body, but often their final result is more enhanced by the patient’s firm faith.

Impaza for potency: how to take?

In order for the patient to achieve the desired result, Impaza should be taken correctly. In modern conditions, it can be freely purchased at any pharmacy or online store. The price of the Impaza is more than affordable. This makes it especially popular among men who want to solve problems with potency and improve erections.

The instructions for use of Impaza provide for the possibility of using it in two variations:

  1. Episodic. To temporarily improve erection and prolong sexual intercourse if necessary. Impaza is used immediately before sex (1-2 hours before) to achieve a specific goal. It is enough to use 1 tablet at a time.
  2. Coursework. Longer use of Impaza for a comprehensive improvement in the condition of the male reproductive system and normalization of his erection. The duration of this course of therapy is 12 weeks. The dose ranges from 1 tablet every other day to 1-2 tablets. daily before bed. It all depends on the severity of the weakening of potency.

Many are also interested in whether Impaza can be taken with alcohol. Almost all analogues of the described remedy are incompatible with cheerful drinks, which is often a problem, since wine and love are often interrelated concepts. One way or another, the Impaza does not have such a drawback. Of course, if you abuse alcohol, you should not expect an adequate reaction of the body to Chemical substance, it may not work at all. However, subject to basic decency, alcohol will not interfere with the effect.

There is a lot of discussion on the topic: “Can Impaza be taken with Levitra or other related medications?” Unlike some other medications, this does not cause problems when used in parallel.

Price and where to buy the drug?

Impaza is sold in the form of tablets for resorption in the mouth. They do not need to be swallowed or chewed. Most of the active substance is absorbed already in the oral cavity, which ensures rapid penetration into the bloodstream.

One package contains 20 tablet capsules. The price of Impaza fluctuates around 500 rubles, which is much cheaper than other similar products. It is this fact, along with a good stimulating effect, that makes it so popular. It is most common in the CIS countries.

You can buy Impaza in almost any pharmacy or specialized online stores. Democratic value and simple instructions for the use of Impaza tablets ensure high demand for this medication.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The intake is well tolerated by the body. This is confirmed by multiple reviews of patients taking the drug Impaza. Subject to the correct dosage and compliance with all administration requirements, no side effects are recorded.

  • Development of a hypersensitivity reaction to individual components of the product. Manifested by the appearance of a rash on the skin.
  • Headache.
  • Dyspeptic symptoms (loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain).

However, these manifestations go away quite quickly on their own (with normalization of the dosage).

The use of Impaza is contraindicated only for people who have individual intolerance to lactose or other components of the drug. In all other cases, Impaza can be used without warning.

Release form

Magic Staff is produced in the form of capsules with a dosage of 500 mg. There are only 4 tablets in the package. The product is intended for symptomatic use or a course of therapy for a month. Cardboard packaging in blue and white colors with a blue stripe on one side. The main direction of action of the drug, indicated on the packaging, is “helps improve erection.”

Natural remedy includes herbal extracts, royal jelly. Each component has its own mechanism of action, enhances the influence of the others, and contributes its share to achieving the desired result in the shortest possible time.

  • Cordyceps chinensis

The medicinal mushroom is also called Himalayan Viagra. Actively used in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Experts claim that the mushroom has an immunostimulating, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effect. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the reproductive system, and helps with male fertility. Chinese Cordyceps is not a medicinal product, but the sale of drugs containing it in the form of dietary supplements is officially permitted.

  • Antlers

They are young, non-ossified deer antlers. Filled with blood, protected by a thin layer of skin and wool. As the stratum corneum hardens, the skin disappears. In ancient times, in order to extract antlers, the animal was brutally killed. Currently, the technology for extracting raw materials is more humane - antlers are carefully cut from males from May to August. New ones quickly grow in their place.

Antlers are actively used in Chinese and Korean medicine. It contains a huge amount of amino acids, collagen, macro- and microelements, vitamins. Ancient Chinese healers claimed that antlers treated blood diseases, promoted the healing of purulent wounds, increased sexual desire in men and women, and strengthened erections. Modern experts have expanded beneficial features antler - strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation, lower blood pressure, increase performance, and provide energy.

  • Chinese wolfberry fruit extract

The second name is goji berries. Traditionally used as a spice in Chinese cooking. It has been used in medicine for more than 2 thousand years. Chinese wolfberry helps relieve headaches, improves overall well-being and visual acuity. Experts say that berry extract has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and the nervous system. Normalizes blood pressure, tones, strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Wolfberry berries are indicated for chronic fatigue, cough, impotence, constipation, prostatitis, intestinal problems, prolonged headaches, and liver dysfunction.

  • Common bead seed extract

In the USA the plant is called Job's tears. A tropical plant from the cereal family. Widely used in Chinese medicine. Seed extract normalizes the functions of the spleen, improves urination, relieves signs of arthritis, stops diarrhea, relieves fever, relieves pain, and improves blood circulation.

  • Royal jelly

The beekeeping product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiac, vascular, nervous, and immune systems. Improves overall well-being, increases energy reserves, and promotes the onset of a full erection. According to experts, royal jelly has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and rejuvenating properties. Royal jelly is offered as a food supplement to keep the body in good shape and increase sexual stamina.

The carefully selected composition of the product provides quick results, long lasting effect.


Magic Staff Forte is a source of natural flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, and acids. The use of capsules improves overall well-being, increases energy potential, strengthens the immune system, relieves chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

In most cases, problems with potency arise in men due to physical fatigue, emotional and psychological stress, and circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs due to a sedentary lifestyle. Magic Staff relieves tension, relaxes the muscles of the genital organ, promotes blood flow and the onset of potency. The effect of the drug lasts 72 hours.

To increase sensitivity to intimate caresses, enhance orgasm, and prolong sexual intercourse, the drug is taken symptomatically, if necessary. To obtain a lasting therapeutic effect, you should take capsules in a course. The result will become noticeable after a few days of use. The drug is not addictive, and the effect after completing a full course of treatment remains for a long time.

You should not hope that within 72 hours, as stated by the manufacturer, the sexual organ will be in a state of erection, and the man will feel a frantic desire for sexual intimacy. Everything happens naturally, as arousal occurs, a persistent erection appears, which ensures full sexual intercourse with a vivid emotional ending.

Instructions for use

The capsule should be taken 1 hour before sexual intercourse. The action begins within 60 minutes and lasts up to 5 days. It is recommended to take the drug again after the previous capsule has expired. In some cases, it is possible to increase the dose - 2 capsules at a time. In order to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment lasting 1 month. Take 2 capsules every 3 days with meals.

  • persistent erection;
  • prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • vivid sensations during orgasm;
  • increased sensitivity to caresses;
  • increased libido;
  • increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse, reducing the recovery period.

While taking the drug and having full sexual intercourse, self-esteem increases, fears and nervous worries due to failures in bed are eliminated, and performance improves. The drug is prescribed in complex therapy for the treatment of prostatitis, prostate adenoma, sexual dysfunction due to diabetes mellitus.


A direct contraindication to the use of the drug is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. An allergic reaction manifests itself as skin rashes, itching, burning, and deterioration in general well-being. Intestinal upset, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, dizziness are observed.

It is not recommended to take the drug for men with serious problems of the cardiovascular system without consulting a specialist. Take capsules with caution if you have high blood pressure. You should not take this product if you have insomnia. Magic Staff is contraindicated for boys under 17 years of age.

Side effects

After taking the tablets, you may experience a feeling of heat, a rush of blood to the face, redness of the skin, tinnitus, dizziness, and headache. These symptoms occur due to increased blood pressure; if there are no problems with the heart or blood vessels, the condition will normalize after a few hours.

Side effects such as insomnia occur due to activation of blood circulation. A person feels a surge of strength, energy, and sexual intercourse adds emotions. Sleep may disappear until the morning or linger for several hours.

Nausea, diarrhea, pain in the stomach indicate the presence of individual intolerance. It is necessary to stop taking the capsules or reduce the dosage. The situation occurs extremely rarely; an overdose is excluded if the instructions are followed.

Alcohol compatibility

Manufacturers do not prohibit the combined use of tablets and alcoholic beverages, but everything should be in moderation. 2 glasses of wine, 100 ml of vodka or other high-proof alcoholic beverage will not harm. Alcohol in small doses dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and therefore enhances the effect of the drug. Alcohol in small doses relaxes, increases libido, and promotes erection. However, if you slightly exceed the dose of the intoxicating drink, everything will act exactly the opposite.

An increased dose of alcohol slows down metabolic processes, therefore, reduces the absorption of active components and reduces the effectiveness of the drug. A large dose of alcohol has a relaxing effect, including on the genitals, an erection does not occur, and the man’s only desire is to go to sleep. If you are planning a romantic evening with unforgettable sex, the amount of alcohol should be limited.

Price in pharmacies, where to buy

Magic Staff Forte is sold in pharmacies and can be ordered online. Available without a prescription. Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacture. The cost of a package with four capsules is 1860 rubles. When purchasing several packages on the website, they may offer a discount and send it via a convenient transport company for free. Also, from time to time, promotions are held on websites where the drug is offered slightly cheaper.

Means for increasing potency, eliminating sexual dysfunction, and improving the quality of sexual life are offered in a huge assortment in pharmacies and on websites on the Internet. the number of dietary supplements is growing every year. This trend is explained by the demand for safe drugs and the high pricing policy of dietary supplements. There are many analogues with a similar mechanism of action, if you compare them in composition - Magic Staff is a unique product.

  • Lamin Vision. Prescribed for sexual dysfunction, problems with urination, impotence, prostatitis, and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Parity drink concentrate Evalar. Contains all the necessary components to increase, improve potency, and maintain men's health.
  • Spermaplant Evalar. Increases potency, prolongs sexual intercourse, enhances sensations, improves sperm motility, improves sperm quality.
  • Eregator. It is used to improve potency, maintain male strength, strengthen the immune system, and increase endurance.
  • Vigor 800. Recommended for low potency, premature ejaculation, decreased libido.

The mechanism of action of the analogues is identical - strengthen the immune system, improve general state health, relieve nervous tension, relax muscles, ensure blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Photo Impaza 20 tablets

Impaza description of the product for men

The effect of the components in the tablets

Impaza is produced and sold in the form of white tablets coated with a protective coating. Each tablet has a cylindrical shape. On one side there is the name of the company, on the other - the name of the product. The cardboard packaging contains blisters containing 20 Impaza tablets.

Instructions for use are available. Tablets intended for resorption contain two types of substances: active and auxiliary. The active components include purified antibodies of endothelial NO synthesis in the amount of 0.003 grams.

The complex of excipients includes lactose monohydrate, crystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate. After one Impaza tablet is dissolved, the therapeutic dose of antibodies enters the circulatory system. Activation of enzymes normalizes the production of nitric oxide. The cavernous corpuscles of the penis become engorged with blood, positively affecting male erection.

Impaza main indications for use

Impaza is recommended for weak sexual activity

The main indication for taking Impaza is erectile dysfunction during natural sexual arousal. The drug fights erectile dysfunction, which arises due to internal and external factors.

  1. cannot independently control the time of intimacy;
  2. suffer from the problem of early ejaculation and are able to get vivid sensations when achieving orgasm.

Impaza is indicated for men with vegetative disorders during menopause. This means that the drug eliminates not only the consequences of reproductive system disorders, but also the cause of their occurrence. Thus, the product eliminates the symptoms of chronic fatigue, nervous tension, insomnia, fatigue, depression, and fear of intimacy with a woman.

Impaza is recommended for use in case of low endurance in case of physical activity, as well as in case of weak sexual activity. The product can also be used for other disorders of the nervous system, as well as in the complex treatment of general erectile disorder. The product should be taken by men aged 18 to 65 years.

Drugs similar in action to Impaza

The effect of the drug

Impaza's action is aimed at quickly and efficiently solving problems of a sexual nature. The drug increases the level of male libido, strengthens erection and restores potency. While taking it, the duration of sexual intercourse increases several times, and the sensations obtained during orgasm become stronger.

Impaza acts by normalizing the functioning of the circulatory system. After completing a course of treatment, a man’s testosterone levels increase and his hormonal levels become stronger. Many psychological problems are also solved. The patient begins to feel more confident and comfortable, and his endurance increases.

Impaza when use is contraindicated

The composition of Impaza does not include powerful selective inhibitors or substances harmful to the human body, so the list of contraindications to taking the drug is not long. The product should not be used by small children, females, or men under 18 years of age.

Before starting to take the tablets, the manufacturer strongly recommends checking the absence of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the product. If there is an allergic reaction, the patient may experience not only a series of side effects, but also severe intoxication.

Impase contains lactose, therefore the drug is contraindicated for people suffering from hereditary galactosemia, galactose and glucose malabsorption syndrome. Patients with acute heart failure and high blood pressure should not engage in excessive sexual activity. It is not recommended to use the product for men over 65 years of age.

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Taking Impaza with alcohol

Impaza is not compatible with alcoholic beverages. Drinking alcohol can cause severe intoxication and poisoning. Alcohol slows down the effect of beneficial microelements contained in the product. It does not allow the body to remove the remaining substances and promotes their accumulation in the plasma.

During treatment with Impaza, avoid taking any alcoholic drinks containing even a small percentage of alcohol. After it is completely absorbed, you can take the tablet only with non-alcoholic liquid.

Taken together with fatty foods

Impaza should not be consumed in combination with fatty foods. Products containing vegetable and animal fats (more than 30%) may result in a decrease in the effectiveness of nutrients in the circulatory system. The product begins to act much later than the recommended time, and also does not produce the desired effect.

Try to avoid salty, spicy, fried foods. Follow a healthy lifestyle.

Eat foods rich in vitamins and fiber:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • whole grains;
  • dairy products.

Normalize your own diet, you will see how quickly your health will improve!

Impaza possible side effects

The product is not recommended for use by men over 65 years of age

When using the homeopathic remedy Impaza in accordance with the instructions and in the correct dosages, the patient reduces the risk of side effects. In this case, a negative reaction of the body occurs in 1% of 100% patients. If a man is allergic to lactose or other components of the composition, the likelihood of overdose and poisoning is more likely.

Side effects manifest themselves in the form of gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, diarrhea, gas formation, dizziness, general malaise, fatigue, and drowsiness. The allergy is accompanied by skin rashes on the face and neck, as well as minor itching of the head of the penis and testicles. The listed side effects are not dangerous to health.

They do not pose a direct threat to the human condition and pass within a few hours. In this case, it is recommended to stop taking Impaza and drink several glasses of plain water. If a man’s well-being does not improve, it is necessary to eliminate the risk of poisoning and intoxication. To do this, contact a medical center.

Overdose when exceeding the optimal dosage

An overdose of Impaza is possible only if it is taken in excess. If the dosage prescribed by the doctor is followed, a negative reaction of the body is excluded. In case of overdose, the patient experiences acute side reactions.

Dyspeptic symptoms are caused by the microelements included in the product. In case of overdose, you should not self-medicate at home. This can make your condition worse and cause more serious problems. Your attending physician will help you prescribe the correct symptomatic treatment.

Dietary supplements similar in action to Impaza

Impaza drug interactions with other drugs

Impaza is allowed to be used together with medications that contain:

It is possible to use the drug with products intended for the treatment of angina pectoris. While taking Impaza, it is advisable to avoid the use of antidepressants. If you suffer from other chronic diseases, before using the tablets, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination.

Impaza does not cause harm to health when used simultaneously with biological additives and vitamin complexes. The interaction of the product with other drugs has not been studied.

The method of taking Impaza is oral. The tablets are intended for resorption. They must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Do not take with food. The minimum interval between taking the pill and the start of intimacy should not be less than one hour. For complete restoration of erectile function and a long-term increase in potency levels, long-term use of Impaza is recommended.

It is 12 weeks. The number of dosages and frequency of taking the product varies depending on the severity of the disease. If necessary, after a break the course of treatment is repeated. As an occasional dose, the patient needs to use two tablets of the drug one to two hours before the start of intimacy.

For preventive purposes, Impaza can be taken as an additional drug. Store the drug in a place inaccessible to small children at a temperature of no more than 20-25 degrees Celsius. Avoid exposing the packaging to sunlight or ultraviolet rays. Do not freeze the product at low temperatures.

Recipe for prolonging sex, video

The video shows a recipe to strengthen your erection.

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Composition of Impaza:

The drug Impaza is a homeopathic remedy and contains one active ingredient - antibodies to endothelial NO synthetase. It also contains several auxiliary components: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

The components of the drug, by their action, improve blood access to the genital organ, blood circulation in the pelvis, and increase testosterone levels. This remedy also has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. The effect of the drug is manifested in increased sexual desire, strengthened and prolonged erection, and the absence of premature ejaculation.

Indications for use of Impaza:

The drug Impaza is indicated for use in various sexual dysfunctions in men:

  • erectile disfunction;
  • weak erection;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • decreased libido.

The drug is also effective for other signs of unsatisfactory male health: increased weakness, decreased physical activity, fatigue. The drug has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. This remedy can also be used to normalize hormonal balance in men.

Methods of using Impaza:

The drug for improving potency Impaza has 2 methods of use: regular and occasional use.
For one-time use, to get the result, you need to take 2 tablets of the drug: 1 tablet 2 hours before the intended sexual intercourse, and another one 1 hour before sexual intercourse.

The course of treatment with this drug is 12 weeks. The tablets are not taken daily, but every other day, 1 tablet per day. If necessary, you can take an additional tablet at least an hour before sex. When taking the drug regularly, there is a cumulative effect that can last 6 months or more. A repeat course is possible no earlier than after 4 months.
The tablet must be dissolved.

Taking Impaza with alcohol:

The homeopathic drug Impaza is not recommended to be combined with alcohol. Despite the absence of direct contraindications, and the absence of adverse reactions from their combination, this is undesirable. Alcohol slows down the elimination of components from the body, which can negatively affect your overall health.

The action of the drug is aimed at improving blood flow by dilating blood vessels. Alcohol increases the load on blood vessels: it expands and then narrows them. The combination of alcoholic drinks and this potency drug can lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure and increased stress on the heart.

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Overdose of Impaza:

An overdose has the same symptoms as side effects and may be accompanied by headaches and chills.

Such symptoms indicate the need to stop using the drug and seek medical help. In some cases, gastric lavage may be necessary.

Contraindications for Impaza:

The use of the drug Impaza has a small number of contraindications for use.

Factors in the presence of which you should refuse to use the product include:

  • minority;
  • female;
  • galactosemia;
  • congenital lactase deficiency;
  • galactose or lactose malabsorption syndrome.
  • Reception medicine in the presence of such factors can lead to a negative reaction of the body. Before using the drug, you should consult your physician.

Side effects of Impaza:

When using the drug Impaza, side effects rarely occur. They can be caused by lactose intolerance and excessive use of the drug.

A negative reaction of the body can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • drowsiness;
  • redness of the skin of the neck and face;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence and gases;
  • itching of the skin in the genital area;
  • drowsiness and general weakness.

These manifestations do not pose a health hazard and are short-lived. To prevent side effects, you must adhere to the recommended dosage (no more than 2 tablets per day) and eliminate problems associated with the absorption of lactose.

When you have problems in bed, you don’t always need to use “large-caliber” artillery; sometimes less aggressive means can help. The drug Impaza, the instructions for use of which are described below, is one of them.

Chemical composition, reviews from doctors

Before studying the instructions on how to take Impaza, it is worth understanding in more detail what kind of drug it is.

Impaza belongs to the category of homeopathic drugs that have a positive effect on sexual function. It can be used for both episodic and permanent therapy of the corresponding dysfunction. An additional important advantage of Impaza remains that it can be taken without a prescription from a medical professional.

This freedom is due to the chemical composition, which includes:

  • Affinity-purified immunoglobulins for the specific enzyme NO synthase. The main task of these antibodies is the destruction of the above enzyme, which ensures an increase in the concentration of nitric oxide. This substance promotes the dilation of blood vessels in the pelvic organs and leads to the restoration of their functioning, as well as maintaining “at the level” of potency.
  • C12, C30, C200 molecules diluted in homeopathic concentrations. These compounds do not exhibit excessive activity, but when used correctly they do.
  • Lactose as a filler.
  • Magnesium stearate to replenish the corresponding mineral, which is involved in sperm synthesis.

Reviews from doctors about taking Impaza confirm the fact that this medicine has a positive effect on the sexual activity of men or remains indifferent. This largely depends on the patient’s mood and the individual characteristics of his body.

Mechanism of action on the male body

According to the composition, it becomes obvious that the main emphasis is on restoring blood circulation in the pelvis and.

Due to the presence of specific antibodies and additional homeopathic compounds, the product has a fairly powerful vasodilator effect.


  • Libido is restored.
  • Pleasant sensations during orgasm intensify.
  • Portions of ejaculate increase during ejaculation.

In addition to the above factors, the manufacturer notes the positive effect of Impaza on the autonomic nervous system. We are talking about improving the conduction of impulses from the external genital organs to the brain. In addition, some representatives of the stronger sex experience normalization of their emotional state. It is believed that Impaza may have some sedative effect, however, much depends on the man himself.

The fact is that doctors’ reviews of Impaza confirm the positive effect of the drug on men’s health, but not always. We are talking about people who obviously consider this medicine to be bad. As much as one might not like it, homeopathic medicines are largely dependent on placebos. Of course, they influence the body, but often their final result is more enhanced by the patient’s firm faith.

Impaza for potency: how to take?

In order for the patient to achieve the desired result, Impaza should be taken correctly. In modern conditions, it can be freely purchased at any pharmacy or online store. The price of the Impaza is more than affordable. This makes it especially popular among men who want to solve and improve their erections.

The instructions for use of Impaza provide for the possibility of using it in two variations:

  1. Episodic. For temporary improvement of erection and if necessary. Impaza is used immediately before sex (1-2 hours before) to achieve a specific goal. One time use is enough.
  2. Coursework. Longer use of Impaza for a comprehensive improvement in the condition of the male reproductive system and normalization of his erection. The duration of this course of therapy is 12 weeks. The dose ranges from 1 tablet every other day to 1-2 tablets. daily before bed. It all depends on the severity weakening of potency.

Many are also interested in whether Impaza can be taken with alcohol. Almost all analogues of the described remedy are incompatible with cheerful drinks, which is often a problem, since wine and love are often interrelated concepts. One way or another, the Impaza does not have such a drawback. Of course, if you abuse alcohol, you should not expect an adequate reaction of the body to the chemical substance; it may not have any effect at all. However, subject to basic decency, alcohol will not interfere with the effect.

There is a lot of discussion on the topic: “Is it possible to take Impaza with Levitra or other related drugs?” Unlike some others, this does not cause problems when used in parallel.

Price and where to buy the drug?

Impaza is sold in the form of tablets for resorption in the mouth. They do not need to be swallowed or chewed. Most of the active substance is absorbed already in the oral cavity, which ensures rapid penetration into the bloodstream.

One package contains 20 tablet capsules. The price of Impaza fluctuates around 500 rubles, which is much cheaper than other similar products. It is this fact, along with a good stimulating effect, that makes it so popular. It is most common in the CIS countries.

You can buy Impaza in almost any pharmacy or specialized online stores. The affordable cost and simple instructions for using Impaza tablets ensure high demand for this medication.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The intake is well tolerated by the body. This is confirmed by multiple reviews of patients taking the drug Impaza. Provided that the dosage is correct and all the characteristics of the administration are observed, they are not registered.

  • Development of a hypersensitivity reaction to individual components. Manifested by the appearance of a rash on the skin.
  • Headache.
  • Dyspeptic symptoms (loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain).

However, these manifestations go away quite quickly on their own (with normalization of the dosage).

The use of Impaza is contraindicated only for people who have individual intolerance to lactose or other components of the drug. In all other cases, Impaza can be used without warning.

Latin name: Impaza
ATX code: G04B E
Active substance: antibodies
to human endothelial NO
Manufacturer: NPF "Matter"
Medica Holding (RF)
Dispensing from the pharmacy: Over the counter
Storage conditions: 25°C
Best before date: 3 years

Impaza is a medicine for the treatment of pathologies of the male reproductive system. Designed for use in:

  • Erectile dysfunction (erection disorders) of various origins
  • Elimination of vegetative manifestations of male menopause.

Impaza for women

Homeopathic medicine is not used to alleviate female menopause, since it was developed taking into account the characteristics of the male body. For this reason, the remedy does not help in eliminating the symptoms of decline of the reproductive system in women.

Release form and composition of the drug

Impaza tablets

1 table contains:

  • Active ingredient: 3 mg antibodies to endothelial NO synthase (affinity purified)
  • Additional components: lactose (in the form of monohydrate), MCC, E 572.

The active substance (contains about 10 mg/g) in the form of an aqueous-alcohol solution is applied to lactose monohydrate.

Medicines in the form of lozenges - white tablets in the shape of a flat cylinder with a dividing strip on one side. The edges are beveled, on one surface there is an imprint of the manufacturer's name - Materia Medica, on the opposite - the name of the drug - Impaza. The medicine is packaged in 20 pcs. into contour cells. The package contains 1, 2 or 5 plates with tablets, description and manual.

Medicinal properties

Price: (20 tablets) – 473 rub.

The drug Impaza contains as its main component a natural substance - antibodies to endothelial NO synthase. The substances are purified using a special technique and are therefore free from most side effects.

The substance has the ability to enhance the activity of NO synthase, improve the synthesis of nitric oxide during stimulation of the penis, increase the concentration of cGMP in smooth muscle tissue and thereby eliminate tension in them. As a result, the volume and speed of blood flow into the cavernous bodies improves, which helps improve erectile function in men.

In addition, the substance helps to increase sexual desire, quality and duration of sexual intercourse, and systematic use of Impaza helps restore normal levels of the hormone testosterone.

Directions for use and dosage

The medicine is a homeopathic remedy. The product can be used in several ways: as a means of treating ED (in this case, the doctor prescribes a course) or for a one-time elimination of problems with potency.

Impaza is intended for resorption; in accordance with the instructions for use, the tablet must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. You should not drink the drug or chew it to speed up the action. Also, it does not need to be combined with meals.

The dosage, as well as the duration of use, should be determined by the doctor in accordance with the severity of the pathology.

On average, you should take 1 tablet daily. (best taken in the morning) or 2 tablets/day. (in the morning and in the evening). Course duration is at least 3 months. If necessary, a repetition of the course can be prescribed after a 3-4 month break.

If the drug is taken not for treatment, but for the occasional elimination of ED, then it is recommended to take the drug as follows: two hours before expected sex, take 1 pill and an hour later another one.

If during therapy with Impaza there is a need for additional administration of the drug, then it must be taken into account that the daily maximum is 2 tablets.

Impaza for prostatitis

Homeopathic medicine is prescribed for therapy exclusively as an adjuvant in the main course of therapy. Taking Impaza not only eliminates male pathology, but also improves the level of hormones in the body, which has a positive effect on the condition of the body and sexual activity.

Duration and dosage of Impaza – 1-2 tablets. daily. Course duration – 3 months. The need for a repeat therapeutic cycle is determined based on the results of the previous course.

Impaza and alcohol: is there compatibility?

The active substance of the tablets does not react with substances contained in alcoholic beverages or medications containing ethyl alcohol.

The drug is not directly prohibited for use together with intoxicating drinks, but this should not be done. Negative influence Everyone knows that alcohol affects the human body, as well as the fact that ethanol can influence the properties of medications in an unpredictable way.

The Impaza is no exception in this regard. First of all, you need to be aware that impaza and alcohol, used simultaneously, can negatively affect the condition of the heart and blood vessels. As a result, the number of contractions of the heart muscle increases, and the load on it to pump blood increases.

At the same time, the liver suffers, forced to process and neutralize incoming ethanol at an accelerated pace.

Also, the consequences of taking potency drugs and alcohol together are:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Head pain
  • Increased nervous system and mental disorders
  • Redness and swelling of the skin.

Thus, despite the absence of direct contraindications for combining potency products and alcohol, doing this is extremely undesirable.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is not intended for the treatment of women.

Contraindications and precautions

You need to take the tablets taking into account the contraindications for use:

  • Individual supersensitivity to constituent ingredients
  • Age under 18 years old
  • Congenital deficiency of lactase in the body, lactose intolerance, the presence of GG malabsorption syndrome (due to lactose contained in tablets).

Special Notes

The tablets contain lactose, so the medicine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction should not be used by patients if they have congenital galactosemia, glucose-galactose malabsorption, or lactase deficiency.

The medication does not affect the ability to drive vehicles, since it does not have sedative properties and does not affect the ability to concentrate.

It is not advisable to combine the use of potency products with alcohol. Although there is no direct prohibition on simultaneous use, you should not drink Impaza and alcohol at the same time, since not only does the load on the body increase. The effect of intoxicating drinks can nullify the effect of the drug.

Cross-drug interactions

There is no data yet on the possibility of mutual reactions of homeopathic remedies with components of other medications. No confounding of drug effects was observed.

It is considered possible to use Impaza while taking nitrates of organic origin in patients suffering from coronary artery disease (angina pectoris grades 1-2). It is also allowed to use the product in combination with beta blockers, diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and calcium channel blockers.

Side effects and overdose

It is assumed that the body’s negative response to the action of the drug to increase libido in men can manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions. In this case, the characteristics of unwanted symptoms depend on the individuality of the organism.

Accidental or intentional use of large dosages of tablets can provoke negative changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. An overdose is manifested by nausea, vomiting, headaches, etc.


There are no analogues of Impaza in terms of substance and mechanism of action. The use of other means is possible only after consulting the treating doctor. Drugs for replacement: Viagra, Viasan-lf, Viatail, Vizarsin, Viasil, Dynamico, Zydena, Yohimbina h/x, Levitra, Maxigra, Sildenafil, Tornetis, Erexesil or Cialis.

Ozone (RF)

Price: 50 mg (10 pcs.) – 506 rub., (30 pcs.) – 758 rub., 100 mg (10 pcs.) – 643 rub., (30 pcs.) – 942 rub.

Medicines based on sildenafil in the form of citrate. The drug is intended for use in adult men with erectile dysfunction, as well as for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension.

Medicine in the form of tablets with a long-lasting effect. Recommended dosage regimen:

  • For erectile dysfunction: 1 pill (50 mg) an hour before the expected PA. If the drug turns out to be ineffective, then the next time a dosage of 100 mg is used, and if the effect is too intense, it is replaced with tablets with a dosage of 25 mg. Daily maximum – 1 table. Elderly men (65+) and patients with hypofunction of the kidneys are prescribed 25 mg tablets.
  • When treating pulmonary hypertension, drugs are prescribed three times a day, 20 mg. The interval between doses is from 6 to 8 hours. The daily maximum, which should not be exceeded, is 3 tablets.

The drug is usually tolerated normally, but in some patients it can cause side effects from the central nervous system (headache, hot flashes, insomnia), muscle pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, runny nose, difficulty breathing, blurred vision. If these signs appear, you should consult a doctor.


  • Improves sex
  • Several dosages
  • Acceptable price.


  • An allergic reaction is possible.

5 mg (14 tablets) – 3453 rubles, (28 tablets) – 6234 rubles, 20 mg (2 tablets) – 2203 rubles, (4 tablets) – 3607 rubles, (8 tablets) – 6428 rub.

Drugs based on tadalafil to eliminate erectile dysfunction. Intended exclusively for middle-aged adult men.

It is produced in tablets with different concentrations of the active substance. The average duration of effect is 36 hours. To determine the best results from the pill, patients are asked to make several attempts at sex during this time.

The dosage is selected by the doctor personally for each patient. Frequency of taking drugs – 1 tablet. per day.

The drug can also be used by bodybuilding enthusiasts. In this case, the medication can be used in a dosage of 5 to 10 mg. The maximum frequency of reception is 3 r. in Week. If necessary, it can be taken in a course of 4 to 6 weeks.


  • Swiss quality
  • Helps with ED.


  • High price.