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Is it possible to coffee while breastfeeding Komarovsky. All the pros and cons of the use of various types of coffee by nursing mothers. How can the drink affect the baby? When should coffee be completely avoided during breastfeeding?

The question of the safety of drinking coffee by a nursing mother is asked by many women who, before pregnancy, are used to maintaining vigor with a tasty and aromatic drink. It all depends on the situation and the age of the child.

Coffee and feeding - the opinion of doctors

Pediatricians talk about the negative reaction of the child's body to caffeine in any product. Regularly consumed coffee during feeding provokes insomnia in the baby, leads to overexcitation and sleep disturbance.

From the point of view of experts, lactation is a strict contraindication for the use of any products containing caffeine: coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, cola tablets and medicines(including "Citramon").

Doctors are unanimous in banning or severely limiting coffee while breastfeeding. By itself, caffeine creates severe stress for the developing organism, negatively affects all organs, the hormonal and nervous system.

How coffee affects the body of a child

If coffee is abused by a nursing mother, the child may develop anemia and iron deficiency, as the drink washes away useful material. The child begins to act up, falls asleep badly, wakes up often, confuses day and night, since caffeine negatively affects circadian rhythms. The reason is that there are no enzymes in the body of a newborn that would help to absorb such complex substances.

Premature babies are at a very high risk, as their bodies are even less accepting of caffeine. Accumulating in the blood, caffeine is excreted slowly - up to three months. In addition, coffee is a powerful allergen, along with citrus fruits. It is important to remember that caffeine is found in cocoa beans, alcoholic beverages and coke.

The effect of coffee on the body of a nursing woman

During breastfeeding, drinking coffee can cause symptoms of anxiety, unaccountable anxiety, tachycardia, and there is also a risk of reduced lactation and the development of depression.

It is healthier to drink a large number of cocoa, in which caffeine is contained in smaller doses, or reminiscent of the taste of coffee, but does not disturb the mineral balance in the body and does not overload the nervous system.

Nursing coffee - allowable amount per day

If it is impossible for a nursing mother to do without coffee due to addiction, it is permissible to drink 2-3 cups of a weak drink per day, which is about 200 mg of caffeine. It is necessary to monitor the child's condition, if overexcitation, increased activity becomes noticeable, it is recommended to reduce the volume of the drink to 1 cup per day, it is even better to reduce this amount every day and gradually completely abandon it. Raw milk or cream should not be added as this can lead to colic.

Several cups of black and green tea are allowed per day. But the use of chocolate in large quantities almost always leads to an allergic reaction.

It is better for nursing mothers to drink coffee after the child is one year old

When should coffee be completely avoided during breastfeeding?

  1. Allergic reactions. As soon as the child's body reacted negatively, it is necessary to immediately exclude the provoking product.
  2. overexcitation nervous system. If the baby shows severe anxiety, sleep is disturbed, signs of overexcitation appear.
  3. The first days of life - especially in the first week. The use of coffee by a nursing mother during this period leads to disturbances in the development of vital organs.
  4. Individual intolerance by the child's body is a frequent occurrence in which the intake of a drink is strictly prohibited.

As the child grows older, you can gradually introduce coffee into the diet, even when feeding, but remember that until the baby is 1 year old, his body will not be able to fully absorb caffeine.

According to observations, children whose mothers sometimes drank coffee during pregnancy are better adapted, which helps to perceive it normally after birth.

What is the best coffee for nursing

Do not think that the so-called decaffeinated coffee is safe for a child. In industrial conditions, caffeine is removed with special chemicals. The result is a drink with a huge amount of carcinogens, which leads to allergies.

It is impossible to add raw milk, but boiled, on the contrary, is desirable.

An ideal choice for a breastfeeding mother is a weak natural organic ground coffee with a little boiled milk. For example, Alpine Arabica contains a relatively low amount of caffeine, so this variety rarely causes allergic reactions.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

Nutrition of a woman during lactation is one of the critical factors that determine the health, growth and development of the baby, so all nursing mothers study this issue.

Can you drink instant coffee? breastfeeding, because this product contains caffeine, which certainly gets into breast milk and the consequences can be unpredictable? Let's find out if it is true that the mother's use of an invigorating drink can have an extremely negative impact on the child's condition, make him nervous and capricious?

Coffee is one of the most popular products. Millions of people around the world are accustomed to start the morning with a cup of fragrant invigorating drink. However, it is around coffee that a huge number of myths and prejudices have developed. Is coffee really that bad and is it possible to drink instant coffee while breastfeeding?

The main thing we expect from a cup of coffee is the invigorating effect of the caffeine included in it. As a result of recent studies, it was found that caffeine helps to block the reactions of self-inhibition of the nervous system, drives away fatigue, and allows you to increase the speed of thinking.

In addition, scientists have concluded that moderate coffee consumption does not cause heart rhythm disturbances, but at the same time, people who regularly drink this drink reduce the risk of developing liver cancer, breast cancer or diabetes.

However, all listed facts refer to natural coffee, which you brew according to all the rules in a Turk or simply pour boiling water directly into the cup. The second option, of course, is not as aromatic, but it contains less caffeine.

Features of instant coffee

Instant coffee, incredibly popular over the past few decades, alas, does not have many of the advantages of a drink made from freshly ground coffee beans.

However, it also contains caffeine, and therefore, inferior to natural coffee in taste and having a poorer aroma, this drink very quickly has an exciting effect. This happens because for the production of instant coffee, a lower-grade raw material of the Robusta variety is used, the invigorating effect of which is revealed faster, but also disappears faster.

But that's not all! You should know that for the production of instant coffee there are various technologies, during which ground into dust fried coffee beans exposed to moisture and temperature (both high and low). In this case, the oils contained in the coffee, which determine its exquisite aroma, are lost. And therefore instant drink may contain artificial flavors.

You may have noticed that the customer is offered instant coffee three types: powder, granular and sublimated. Without going into the details of the technology, we note that it is the latter variety that is closest to natural coffee and will cause less harm when consumed.

Effects of "coffee" milk

Numerous studies have confirmed that caffeine from the body of a mother who treats herself to a cup of her favorite drink inevitably enters the baby's body along with mother's milk.

At the same time, the child’s body still “does not know how” to cope with this substance, and it can accumulate in the baby’s body day after day, which leads to a number of negative consequences:

  • dehydration which occurs due to the diuretic effect of the drink. In addition, along with water, calcium and some other substances necessary for the growth and development of the child leave the body.
  • Allergic reactions, manifested in the form of difficulty breathing, swelling or rashes on the skin. And therefore, mothers who cannot do without coffee need to carefully monitor the condition of the child.
  • Constipation, which can be the result of dehydration of the baby's body.
  • Nervous excitement and sleep disturbance. It should be borne in mind that if you are breastfeeding and have drunk a cup of coffee for the first time in the entire lactation period, then all of the listed consequences may not occur. However, if coffee drinking becomes regular, you should be prepared for unpleasant surprises - whims, sleep disturbances and baby's nervousness.
  • Incompatibility with certain drugs. The problem is that some of the medicines the doctor prescribes for your baby also contain caffeine. Therefore, when prescribing medications, inform the doctor about the use of coffee in order to prevent an overdose of caffeine in the baby's body.

Instant coffee while breastfeeding

Taking into account all the above arguments, we can say that the answer to the question about the use of instant coffee, we, however, will give a negative answer.

How to be a tired, often sleep-deprived mother, for whom a cup of coffee after waking up helps to drive away sleep and plunge headlong into everyday worries. Is everything so hopeless? Of course not!

Here are a few simple tips, which will help you find a compromise between drinking coffee and taking care of your baby's health.

  • Try to hold out for at least three months. At this age, the baby spends a significant part of the day in a dream, which means that mom can also be attracted and relaxed, this is much more useful than cheering yourself up with caffeine.
  • Since instant coffee is too harmful, you have a great reason to finally switch to a natural drink, which is much tastier and more aromatic than the instant counterpart.

Considering that a large amount of coffee is dangerous for the health of the baby, you can afford to buy some of the highest quality natural coffee.

  • Of great importance is when exactly you are going to drink a cup of aromatic drink. It is better to do this in the morning, after feeding. Then, by the time you need to feed your baby, the caffeine will have had time, at least partially, to leave your body. It is even better if you express milk for the next feeding before drinking coffee.
  • Train yourself to drink coffee with milk or cream to make up for the loss of calcium. Eat more foods rich in this element.

Remember that even the most best coffee effective only when your body is not exhausted by regular lack of sleep, do not forget about the need for proper rest, this is necessary not only for you, but also for your baby.

Coffee is a favorite drink that has taken one of the leading places in the system of food consumption in Russia. But in the life of most women there comes a crucial period when the usual drink raises the question: is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding.

The main consequence of taking the drink is its invigorating effect due to the presence of caffeine. Another directed effect of the product on a person is a diuretic, as a result of which thickening of the blood and an increase in the process of thrombosis can occur. The drink is useful for hypotensive patients and those suffering from migraines. But is it possible for a nursing mother to drink coffee is a moot point in some cases.

The effect of the drink on infants

Trying to figure out whether it is possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding, we will try to understand the nature of the impact of its components on the growing body of a child.

Of course, the impact on the child occurs through the milk of the mother drinking coffee during breastfeeding. In this case, the following consequences for the baby may occur:

  • under the influence of the caffeine contained in the drink, the child becomes restless and easily excitable;
  • the diuretic effect of coffee during lactation can lead to dehydration of the child's body;
  • if you drink a drink while breastfeeding and at the same time take drugs with caffeine, an overdose is almost inevitable;
  • possible rash on skin caused by caffeine accumulating in the body, since in the first months of life the still imperfect body of the baby cannot process it;

  • substances contained in the drink contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body - the main building material for the construction of the skeletal base and teeth.

But there is no need to make a tragedy out of the above points. Many pediatric nutritionists believe that nursing mothers can drink coffee. At the same time, it is necessary to show maximum attention to the child at the first drink intake, monitoring changes in the behavior and state of his body. The first dose should be limited in strength and quantity.

Features of taking coffee by nursing

Coffee during breastfeeding (HB) can be consumed, but with extreme caution on the part of a nursing mother. To do this, there are simple rules to follow, how to safely feed a child:

  • refrain from drinking coffee during the first three months after the birth of the baby. At this time, the baby is adapting to the outside world and the formation of internal organs is still ongoing;

  • if it is impossible to refuse a drink, then it should be taken in limited quantities in the first half of the day in order to avoid overexcitation in the child in the evening;
  • the intake of the drink must be coordinated with the feeding regimen of the baby, taking it immediately after breastfeeding. Caffeine enters breast milk after 1.5-2 hours. It should be remembered that expressing milk after drinking coffee does not give noticeable results;
  • drinking a drink during feeding, mom should increase the amount of fluid in the diet, given its diuretic effect;
  • it is necessary to increase the amount of foods with a high content of calcium to compensate for the losses associated with coffee intake;
  • the amount of drink taken should be limited to one cup every two days, giving time for the withdrawal of caffeine from the child's body;
  • Eliminate all foods containing caffeine from your diet.

Another question that worries women: is it possible for a nursing mother to have coffee with milk. Yes, on a general basis. Milk does not soften the effects of caffeine, but only slightly changes the taste of the drink.

fallback options

In any case, the first three months after the birth of a child, you need to do without your favorite drink. Here, many mothers are trying to find workarounds, in particular:

  • take a decaffeinated drink. Actually, it's self-deception. It contains caffeine, however, in small quantities. But how much does a baby of this substance need to harm a delicate organism;
  • women are wondering if chicory can be used as a coffee substitute. There are no contraindications to that. This product is often presented as a coffee drink. This is true only in relation to its taste characteristics. In terms of its effect on the body, its effect is exactly the opposite: if coffee excites, then chicory calms. It should be noted the positive effect of chicory on the pancreas. Chicory with HB is absolutely safe, but can coffee be replaced with it? You need to try, because this is definitely a permitted product.

If a new product has appeared in the store - a substitute, you need to carefully look at its composition. In addition to coffee, many drinks may contain flavor enhancers or flavorings, and these are definitely incompatible with breastfeeding.

Refusal of coffee during feeding is welcome. You can try to replace it with other products:

  • in the absence of allergic reactions in a child, try various herbal infusions;
  • herbal teas of various compositions will be useful;
  • it is useful to brew dill water, which has a laxative effect, it can be replaced with anise or cumin.

But in any case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child.

Of these options, chicory, which has a taste similar to coffee, should be recognized as the most permissible option. You can add a little to it over time. natural coffe by gradually increasing the dose. Chicory itself is very useful and will help mom brighten up the restrictions.

It should be noted that the restriction in taste preferences in itself is stressful, which mommy should avoid.

How to choose coffee

So, we have established that while breastfeeding a child is allowed to take a little coffee. But the product used must be of guaranteed high quality. It is best to drink a freshly prepared natural drink from roasted and coarsely ground grains. In this form, the amount of caffeine in it will be limited.

The instant product should be avoided as it can contain much more caffeine than the natural product. Raw materials of low quality are often used for the production of instant varieties. To get the taste, increase the caffeine content. This is especially true for Chinese-made drinks. Taste qualities can also be enhanced by the use of flavors and flavors, which in our case is unacceptable. The question asked by women, is it possible to drink coffee to a nursing mother, in this situation requires an unambiguous negative answer.


The postpartum period in the life of the baby and his mother is the most responsible in life. Possible harm from the usual products can be an impetus for further diseases and developmental disabilities. The determining factor of growth and development should be considered proper nutrition baby.

Coffee is a specific drink. This can be explained by the fact that not every person can consume it and not always. One of the categories of people whose representatives doctors recommend to refrain from this invigorating drink is nursing mothers. After all, the caffeine contained in it is the most powerful alkaloid that can be ingested by the baby. This can lead to a deterioration in the health of the crumbs at the current time and in the subsequent time. So, is coffee allowed while breastfeeding? The answer will be given in the article.

The nutrition of a lactating woman should be as sparing as possible. On the one hand, it should contain all the useful substances that the baby needs for full development. On the other hand, in many products you will have to limit yourself. And this applies not only to food, but also to drinks. Coffee raises a lot of questions.

If a woman did without it before lactation, it is unlikely that a drink will be necessary during breastfeeding. But what if, before the birth of the long-awaited baby, the woman consumed the drink regularly and now, having become a mother, she simply cannot refuse it? In such a situation, you should consult a doctor who will answer the question of whether it is possible for nursing mothers of newborns to drink coffee in each individual case.

Coffee brings not only harm to the human body, but also benefits. It increases blood pressure by 10 levels, and also has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, leading to an increase in the level of intellectual development and performance. But it has been scientifically proven that regular coffee consumption is addictive.

There are many myths about coffee intake during lactation.

And now we will try to consider and refute common myths about this miraculous oriental drink:

  1. Coffee is unequivocally harmful to the health of a breastfeeding woman. It cannot be said that the drink is 100% useful, but it is also harmful only under certain conditions.
  2. As alternative green tea should be considered, which is more beneficial (or less harmful). This view is partly misleading, since green tea- the strongest concentrate of theine, which excites the nervous system.
  3. Taking a drink without caffeine alkaloid - no harm. This is also an untrue statement, since this alkaloid is present even in decoffee, the difference is only in its volume.
  4. If you take a cup of drink a day, nothing bad will happen. This is also a delusion. Although small doses can not cause fatal harm, there is a risk of increasing blood cholesterol levels. And it is harmful not only for a woman, but also for her child.

In addition, caffeine is found in many other products that should be temporarily abandoned. These are chocolate, energy sodas and everyone's favorite Coca Cola.

The effect of coffee on the mother's body

So, is coffee allowed while breastfeeding? There are no strict taboos regarding this drink. However, this does not mean that you can swallow the drink. big circles 3-5 times a day. First of all, you should consult with your doctor. And you should think about caffeine consumption only in case of health problems (low blood pressure, weakness, lethargy, apathy). In other cases, in order to avoid harm to the mother and child, the drink should be abstained.

If you drink coffee without evidence and exceed the allowable dosage, the mother may experience the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • stomach upset;
  • allergy;
  • nervous excitement;
  • increase in pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the heart muscle;
  • change in skin color.

Of course, consuming caffeine on the recommendation of a doctor will not bring any harm. At the same time, this substance can have a negative effect on lactation. Every time this element penetrates into mother's milk, it spoils its quality and leads to the fact that the newly-made mother runs the risk of leaving her child without another portion of food during the subsequent feeding. This is due to the fact that when coffee is consumed, metabolic reactions in the body slow down.

Coffee drunk by a nursing woman affects not only her body, but also the baby

Influence on the baby

A clear signal that the drink should definitely be abandoned is a change in the baby's health. There are three aspects that this drink can affect:

  1. Allergy. It can manifest itself as a rash or due to difficulty with bowel movements. If there is no such reaction, it is permissible to drink coffee, but it should be introduced into the diet gradually.
  2. CNS excitation. The child may not fall asleep well enough and may not sleep soundly. He can also be overly active or capricious.
  3. Reducing the amount of milk. The fact is that caffeinated drinks during lactation lead to a reduction in the concentration of iron, which entails the development of anemia in the infant.

In order to avoid such problems, within the first 3 months from the moment the child is born, the drink should be refrained from.

How long does it take for coffee to come out of breast milk?

Coffee is highly absorbable into breast milk. An important role is played by the question of how much coffee is removed from breast milk. This period is long and is 3-5 hours.

If caffeine enters the child's body, the rate of its release depends on the age of the baby:

  • premature babies - 65-103 hours;
  • 3-month-old children - up to 97.5 hours;
  • up to six months - 14 hours;
  • from six months - 2.5 hours.

The level of caffeine reaches its maximum concentration in both women's and children's bodies an hour after drinking coffee.

Many women believe that pumping can save this situation. In fact, it is inefficient. Until the withdrawal of caffeine occurs, some of it will penetrate into the food for the baby.

Komarovsky about coffee during lactation

For many mothers, Evgeny Komarovsky is an authority. Therefore, on the question of whether coffee is acceptable during lactation, Komarovsky is an expert who can give intelligible answers to all questions of interest. Like other doctors, he believes that, becoming a mother, a woman should protect herself from the consumption of this drink. This is explained by a number of causal factors:

  • caffeine provokes problems with the stool and causes allergies;
  • the child begins to cry a lot, does not sleep well;
  • the baby is at risk of lung disease.

The withdrawal of caffeine from the child's body is extremely long, this process can harm the health of the child. Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to drink coffee with HB, Komarovsky answers in the negative.

Take coffee during lactation in minimal doses

Rules for drinking coffee on GV

If coffee is something that is vital for you, you should follow a few rules that will minimize the harm from it:

  1. Consult your doctor for advice on dosage and dosage schedule.
  2. Choose only high quality varieties.
  3. Avoid drinks with artificial additives in the composition (for example, instant coffee).
  4. Drink no more than two cups a day.
  5. The drink should not be strong: it is better to drink two mugs of unleavened coffee at a certain time interval than to consume one cup of a very concentrated liquid.
  6. Starting coffee meals should be after the baby is 3 months old.

How to choose coffee for a nursing mother

Of course, the drink chosen for a nursing mother should be exclusively. It is desirable that it be brewed from freshly ground grains. As for the soluble substance, it is forbidden to drink it. After all, it is made from low-grade grains, which are also subjected to serious chemical processing. Therefore, dangerous consequences in the form of allergies and indigestion cannot be avoided.

Decaffeinated coffee

Of particular note is decaffeinated coffee while breastfeeding. The fact is that such a wording is exaggerated: in fact, this is a drink with a lower content of the substance, so it will not work to avoid the penetration of the alkaloid into the body. According to the degree of harm, the drink is no better than instant coffee.

Coffee with milk

Milk will help neutralize the harmful effects of a black drink. You need to add it to each cup of the prepared broth in a ratio of 1 to 3 or a maximum of 1 to 4.

Natural bean coffee during lactation can be replaced with another healthy drink

Replacing coffee while breastfeeding

Coffee is not the only pleasure. Even without being breastfeeding mothers, many women switch to lighter and more gentle drinks. Is it possible to drink them while breastfeeding? Let's consider together.


For the preparation of a soluble powder, its root is used in dried form. The taste of the drink is similar to coffee. But the action is softer. It is useful for the nervous system, figure, bowel function, and immunity.

barley drink

This product is prepared from natural cereals, therefore it carries much more benefits than harm. It is actively used in the treatment of diseases and for their prevention.

acorn coffee

This is a great alternative to the classic malware drink. Cooking comes from heat-treated oak fruits. You can buy the product in stores, or you can make it yourself.

The drink is useful during lactation, because it leads to mother's cheerfulness and to an increase in mood, respectively, the baby will feel good and calm.


Thus, coffee and breastfeeding are quite compatible things. But if it is possible to abstain from caffeine, it is better to do so. As a replacement for the usual coffee, you should use chicory, a drink made from barley, acorns. This will allow you to maintain health and get a rich, incomparable taste.

Coffee is the drink that starts the morning for many people. The desire to cheer up is more relevant than ever for a young mother who has a day to take care of her baby. However, drinking coffee while breastfeeding is always questionable. It is believed that the best diet for a nursing mother is, and coffee is usually excluded from the list of allowed foods.

How caffeine affects the baby

Why do young mothers try not to drink coffee? This is mainly due to prejudices regarding caffeine, which is part of a fragrant invigorating drink. Moms are afraid that caffeine will have Negative influence on the baby. The most popular "horror story" - the child will become nervous, restless, will not sleep well and develop with a lag.

In fact, caffeine is really not good for the baby, but for a different reason: the infant's body is not able to absorb and excrete it. Accumulating in the body of the baby, caffeine can really have bad influence, but this is only possible with regular coffee consumption in decent volumes.

Otherwise, a nursing mother may not be afraid of caffeine. In addition to coffee, it is also found in other products: chocolate of any kind, cocoa, black and green tea. By the way, green tea contains more caffeine than coffee, and, nevertheless, breastfeeding is not a reason to refuse it.

Moms take note!

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Like any new product, coffee can provoke an allergic reaction in a baby. You need to monitor the appearance of the reaction in the first hours after feeding with "coffee" milk.

How to choose coffee for a nursing mother

Of course, coffee for a nursing mother should be only natural, preferably brewed from freshly ground beans. But drinking instant coffee is not recommended. Such coffee is made from beans of the lowest grade, contains a lot of caffeine and undergoes chemical processing. Allergy and dangerous consequences in this case are more likely than after a cup of natural drink.

The so-called decaffeinated coffee. The very wording of the name of the drink is misleading: there can be no coffee without caffeine. In fact, this is coffee with a reduced caffeine content, that is, it will still not work to completely eliminate the ingress of caffeine into the body of the crumbs. According to the degree of harm, such coffee is akin to instant coffee, since it also undergoes chemical processing.

Coffee while breastfeeding - the main rules

If a young mother does not say a resolute “no” to coffee, it will not be out of place to take into account some rules, the implementation of which will help minimize the consequences of “coffee” milk for the baby.

  1. Drink only your own brewed coffee made from beans.
  2. To reduce the caffeine content in the drink, you can not brew coffee, but pour boiling water over it and let it brew.
  3. Coffee is safe in moderation. For example, one cup every few days, well, or once a day.
  4. If you drink coffee, then it is better to do it in the morning, and regarding feeding - immediately after feeding, so that the concentration of caffeine in milk is already lower by the next application.
  5. When drinking coffee, cut down on other caffeinated foods.
  6. Be sure to increase the intake of foods containing calcium (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir). Nursing mothers always suffer from a lack of calcium, and coffee additionally contributes to its removal from the body.
  7. Don't forget to drink an extra cup clean water for every cup of coffee drunk: caffeine causes dehydration, and it is very important for a nursing mother to maintain fluid balance.

Quitting coffee altogether or ignoring warnings are extremes. The best option, as usual, somewhere in the middle. Even a nursing mother can pamper herself with her favorite drink without harm to the child.