Mixer      06/12/2019

How to quickly remove swelling from bee. Consequences of a bee sting. What is the beneficial effect for a person

According to statistics, the victims of bee attacks are most often children who make sudden movements when they see a flying bee next to them. Also, citizens who go to rest in the suburbs should certainly know what to do if a bee has bitten, take special repellents with them. Pets, mostly dogs.

What you need to know to avoid a bee sting?

The body reacts to the poison secreted by the bee in a very diverse way.

It happens that the bite almost does not hurt, does not swell and ceases to be felt after a few hours. In other cases, if there is poor tolerance to bee venom, a whole life can directly depend on a small bite wound. Therefore, if a bee has bitten - how to remove the tumor, all those who often visit nature, where such things happen most often, should know.

Causes of insect bites

The bee is smart, bites only those in whom it sees a potential or clear threat to its life. Bees are irritated by the pungent smells of perfumes, sweat, alcohol, garlic, cigarettes, they are afraid of sudden movements, loud noise. If this happens, first aid for a bee or wasp sting may well be needed.

It turns out that many themselves provoke an attack by a bee, because by panic they only attract the poor insect to themselves, forcing it to defend itself. And then they don’t know how to remove the tumor from a bee sting so that it is effective and safe. If, at the sight of a bee, you behave more quietly, the bite may not follow.

How to prevent a bee attack?

It is better not to drink sweet-smelling drinks in nature, and do not use perfumes near the apiary. You can not wave a newspaper, a towel, run, clap and shout. It is better to sit quietly, move smoothly. If there is some room nearby, you can go there for a while to wait out the attack. Then you don’t have to puzzle over how to remove the swelling after a bee sting so that it is as effective as possible.

Going to nature, do not wear too bright clothes. Natural colors are better suited: blue, green, brown, gray. Do not wear leather or suede clothing. It has been proven that bees show aggression towards this type of tissue. It is also worth knowing how first aid after a bee sting - just in case.

When walking barefoot, you must be vigilant so as not to step on the bee. The question of what to do if a wasp or a bee has bitten may come to the fore if this happens. If you are going to eat in nature, you should remember that the aroma of food attracts bees, so it will be very useful to take a special bee repellent on a hike. In order to avoid the attack of insects on the baby, who is in the stroller, you should cover him from above with a mosquito net.

If there is a danger that a bee will sting a child, you do not need to allow him to make noise and fuss, so that later you do not remember how to remove the tumor after a bee sting, which the child provoked. After eating sweets, sweet fruits, you should immediately rinse your sticky hands and wash your face. You can not kill the bee, because others will fly to its smell. You can catch it with a towel and release it into the wild.

How does a bee feel after biting a victim?

Before you learn how to treat at home, you should know the following. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that, having bitten the victim, the bee dies. The sharp sting of a bee has barbs that get stuck deep under the skin. Trying to pull out the sting and fly away as quickly as possible, the insect pulls out the bee venom from itself along with part of the tummy, inflicting a large wound incompatible with life.

Removing the stinger from a bite wound

In addition to the sting, poison gets under the skin of the bitten, which quickly disperses through the body, entering the bloodstream. Bee venom is a known allergen that often leads to allergic reactions. Therefore, you need to know what to do if a bee has bitten in the neck, head, face. It is necessary to pull out the sting with tweezers or a needle, rinse the bite site, and then deal with the treatment of the diseased area.

Complications after a bee sting

The body reacts to poison based on its own general condition, as well as the age of the bitten. Symptoms can be very different. When a bee sting happens - how to remove the tumor so that edema does not develop, sometimes only the doctor decides.

The most common signs:

  • hyperemia (redness);
  • swelling in the bite area;
  • itching, burning;
  • sharp pain that lasts for the first few minutes.

There may also be these symptoms:

  1. hyperthermia;
  2. cough, perspiration;
  3. difficult to breathe, swelling of the larynx;
  4. fainting.

Children are most prone to allergies, so it is important to navigate how to treat a bee sting, as well as ways to provide emergency care in such situations. Do not wait for complications that may well become unpredictable - the most correct solution. It is necessary to give the victim an anesthetic, an antihistamine medication. You should not hesitate and remember what to do with a bee or wasp sting, when the bitten person develops a serious condition rapidly, you must definitely call a doctor.

One of the worst complications of a bee sting is anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema. Therefore, if a person has been bitten by more than one insect, or if there has been a bite in the tongue, an ambulance is immediately called.

You also need to take the following steps:

  • So that the victim does not lose consciousness due to a sharp jump in pressure, you need to lay him more comfortably, apply a tourniquet slightly above the bitten place to prevent spread.
  • If the patient is conscious, antihistamines should be given.
  • An unconscious person - to do an indirect heart massage.
  • If this trouble happened to an allergic person, it is necessary to use emergency drugs. Intramuscularly 3.0 dexamethasone.

How to help a child stung by a bee?

If a child was bitten by a bee - what to do at home so that the case does not acquire unpredictable consequences, you can learn from this article. The main assistance is aimed at neutralizing the effects of bee venom.

It is based on these points:

How to help an animal stung by a bee?

Our smaller brothers show a keen interest in everything that flies, crawls, jumps, so they often become victims of bee attacks. A dog bitten by a bee is a pitiful sight - it whines, spins in place, trying to get rid of pain and itching.

To help such an animal, you should do the following:

bee sting treatment

Apitherapy is a very interesting and popular way to treat various diseases.

The meaning of the procedure lies in the intense effect of bee venom on the biological points of the human body.

At the same time, you should not heal yourself in this way yourself, so as not to make things worse.

People who are specially trained to conduct apitherapy seek to reduce the percentage of cholesterol, improve blood counts, and remove pain in the tissues. After all, if a bee has bitten - what needs to be done, the apitherapist knows, perhaps, better than many. Only before treatment in this way, it is imperative to pass tests, undergo the necessary examinations that the doctor will prescribe.
The dose of bee venom is calculated individually, the points for exposure on the body are selected taking into account the localization of the bite. Bees are able to treat SARS, paralysis, varicose veins, psoriasis, diabetes, visual impairment and other diseases.
With the help of apitherapy, swelling of tissues disappears, inflammations are treated. At one time, 25-45 bees are applied to the body. You should refrain from these procedures for diseases of the kidneys, blood, liver, oncological diseases.

In accordance with the characteristics of the situation, bee stings act on the body in different ways. They can help, but they can also aggravate the condition of a person or animal. It should be remembered that bee venom can cause severe allergies, so treatment should be approached with great care. It must be remembered that first aid for a bee sting sometimes plays decisive role for the salvation of man. You can check out the article:

With the advent of heat, hundreds of different insects wake up, some of which are able to sting and bite a person. You can encounter bees not only in nature, they can fly into the window of the apartment or gather near the flowers standing on the windowsills. If a bee stings, the consequences can be very different - from a slight swelling to a severe allergic reaction. Local or extensive swelling is a common symptom after a bee sting. Learn what to do in such an unpleasant situation.

What you need to know about bee stings

The sting of a bee contains poison, which enters the body when bitten.

Bees, unlike wasps, are not at all aggressive. They can bite a person only in the most extreme case, when they feel a threat to their safety. The fact is that the bee, after being stung, soon dies, and she will not sacrifice her life just like that.

This insect has a toothed stinger. Penetrating into the skin of a person, it gets stuck. The bee, when it bites, cannot take it back out. She flies away, tearing her sting out of her abdomen along with part of the intestine.

The sting contains poison. It is he who causes an allergic reaction, itching, pain. For the body, it is a strong toxin. The immune system comes to grips with the substance, resulting in the release of histamine. Before removing the symptoms of a bite, it is necessary to remove the bee sting from the wound.

How to extract a sting

It is best to use tweezers to remove the sting.

First, consider what a bee sting looks like. The place can instantly turn red, swell around the wound. The bite itself looks like a small dot. Usually the tip of the sting is clearly visible at the sting site.

The faster the point is removed from the skin, the less poison enters the body. It is advisable to use tweezers. If such a tool is not at hand, you can try to pull it out by picking it up with your nails.

It is necessary to pull out the tip and try to squeeze out the poison. Do not press hard on the affected area, especially if the action causes pain. Then you should treat the wound with an antiseptic, on extreme case, ordinary alcohol.

If possible, apply ice to the affected area for 15 minutes. The cold will constrict the blood vessels, which will stop the spread of the poison.

What happens after a bee sting

When a person is stung by a bee, there may not be a reaction. A slight pain lasting 10-15 minutes, a slight, barely noticeable redness - the maximum that is observed in the victim. This indicates strong immunity and good health man: his body quickly neutralized the poison.

We all strive in hot weather to get away from the hot city - to the river, into the forest or on our own. country cottage area, where none of us is immune from meeting a bee or a wasp, especially if nearby neighbors have hives with bees. Although it is believed that a bee will not bite just like that, but only for the purpose of self-defense, we don’t know what she means by the word “self-defense” and what is on her “mind”! And also, not all of us know the reaction of our body to a bee sting, so you should understand how to behave in the event of a sudden attack by a honey plant and how to help the victim of an insect attack.

Bees are rather peaceful insects that never attack just like that, because the first and only fight with a person or animal in their life will be the last. Why does a bee die after being stung? The sting of an insect is designed so that after it enters our body, it, due to the presence of curved teeth on it, tightly gets stuck in it. An insect, trying to pull it out, loses both the sting itself, and the gland with poison, and parts of the digestive organs, which leads to death.

Most often, honey plants sting a person when:

  • they do not like its smell, and this happens if, for example, a person smells of alcohol, tobacco, harsh perfume, sweat, garlic or onions;
  • the nervous state of a person irritates the insect;
  • if a person makes sudden movements - waves his arms or runs;
  • if the insects are angry, they can also bite a person.

They also dislike noise and loud noises that frighten them. Sometimes, they sit on a person, smelling some kind of yummy like jam or other sweets. Also, they can accidentally get into our mouths with a piece of, for example, cherry pie.

If a bee sting still overtook us, then appropriate measures must be taken.

If it was not possible to avoid a conflict with a honey plant, and the bee stung, what should be our actions?

First you need to remove the sting from the body. Immersing its sting into the human body, the bee injects bee venom through it, a small dose of which cannot harm a person if he does not have an allergic reaction to bee products, but not everyone knows if he has such a reaction? The fact is that even a tiny amount of poison can lead to edema. It is believed that a healthy individual calmly endures the bite of 15 bees at the same time, and if a person is allergic, then the consequences can be deplorable - anaphylactic shock, which sometimes ends fatally.

First aid for a bee sting

  • remove the sting. This is done with tweezers, needles or pins, which must be disinfected before use. Then, the place where the sting was located must be treated with an alcohol-containing liquid available (perfume, cologne, alcohol, vodka);
  • a piece of bandage soaked in vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia or potassium permanganate solution is put in place of the bite - which this moment In stock. Edema after a bee sting will subside if something cold is applied to the wound that is currently at hand - ice, a piece of meat frozen in the freezer, a piece of cloth soaked in cold water. Do not forget that the water used for this procedure must be clean, and not from the nearest swamp;
  • you need to take an anti-allergic pill. This must be done even if the sting was removed. After all, let a small, but some amount of poison still got into our body. Therefore, in such a case, in a portable first-aid kit there should always be tablets of diazolin, loratadine, suprastin or simple diphenhydramine;
  • if a bee stung, what to do when a person is allergic? First, you need to give him an antihistamine. Next, lay it comfortably, overlay it with something warm, cover with a blanket. Then, you need to urgently call for medical help, and if this is not possible, then urgently take the bitten person to a nearby hospital, as the consequences of one small bite can be completely unpredictable. Do not leave the victim unattended, and at the same time you need to constantly monitor the pulse, breathing and, if possible, blood pressure until the ambulance arrives.

How can the human body react to a bee or wasp sting? All people are different and react differently to bee or wasp venom, therefore, the reaction of each person to an insect bite is completely individual. The following symptoms may be observed:

  • redness;
  • pain and burning, and then a sharp onset and progression of the tumor;
  • intolerable itching;
  • individual allergic reaction (sore throat, difficulty breathing, swelling, fever, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, etc.)

It is worth knowing that wasp venom differs from bee venom in different composition. If wasp venom is based on alkali, then bee venom has an acid base, therefore, wasp venom should be neutralized with acid, and bee venom with alkali. But in general, the symptoms of the bites of these insects are similar in everything.

Children are most vulnerable to the attack of honey plants, therefore, if a child is bitten by a bee, you should not wait for how he will react to the bite, but you should immediately run to the hospital or call for medical help.

How to quickly remove swelling and redness after a bite

How to remove the tumor after a bee sting? You can get rid of edema with the help of improvised means:

  • immediately put ice on the sore spot;
  • lubricate the wound with baking soda. To do this, pour a little soda on the wound and drip a few drops of water to form a slurry;
  • Fresh meat will also help to neutralize the effect of the poison, if it is available at the moment. A small piece of it is taken (it is better if it is beef), kneaded, a drop of water is added to it and applied to the affected area;
  • treat with ammonia solution 1-2.5%;
  • take an antihistamine, which is great for reducing swelling.

An insect can bite anywhere, anywhere on our body, and this will be far from a pleasant incident, but not fatal, if you are not allergic to bee venom.

If a bee has bitten on the lip, then the first thing to do is to take a suprastin tablet, and then put something cold on the lip, and if not, then grease the bite site with the Rescuer cream, which should be in the first-aid kit for every person who is on nature. If you are allergic to bee venom, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When a bee has bitten into the tongue, then, if a person has an allergy, there is a risk of swelling of the larynx, so you should immediately seek medical help. Moreover, this must be done if a person does not know how he reacts to a bee sting. If there is no allergy, then you need to take an anti-allergic pill, which will relieve swelling in a couple of days.

When a bee stung in the eye, what to do? You can’t joke with the eyes, since they are located close to the main mucous membranes, and eyelid edema can affect areas of the face and neck, causing not only visual impairment, but also suffocation, therefore, in case of a bite in the eye, you should urgently seek medical help.

If a bee has bitten in the head, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. A bee sting in the head can provoke the most serious consequences. In this case, you must immediately take the victim to the emergency room or the emergency room.

Bee sting than to treat if not available medical preparations? In the complete absence of medicines that can alleviate the consequences after insect bites, many plants that grow right in the garden or in the field cope well with such problems:

  • An excellent remedy for a bee sting is a simple plantain that grows absolutely everywhere. You can apply a compress from the crushed leaves of this plant to the sore spot;
  • if you put chopped parsley on the wound, then the pain will gradually subside, and the swelling will subside;
  • the juice and pulp of aloe leaves helps a lot, of course, if you have access to it. Applied to the bite, an aloe leaf cut lengthwise will both relieve pain and eliminate swelling;
  • garden mint and lemon balm, due to the high content in them essential oils, have excellent soothing and disinfecting effects. These plants not only help with insect bites, but also repel them. If you rub a leaf of either mint or lemon balm in your hand, and rub the body with it, then not a single insect will fly close.

Bee sting, treatment is effective with simple onions, gruel from which is applied to the wound. It will well relieve pain and swelling with an aqueous solution made from aspirin and activated charcoal, 1: 1, taken orally. The first will relieve pain and swelling, and the second will neutralize the effect of the poison. Perfectly copes with the problem of natural olive oil who need to lubricate the affected area more often.

The benefits and harms of a bee sting

Bee sting - good or bad? We figured out the harm of bee stings. This is, for the most part, an allergic reaction that can give unpredictable results, as well as the discomfort that occurs after a bite - pain, swelling, itching, etc. But do not forget about the beneficial effects of honey plant poison, which has long been known. In medicine, there is even such a direction, called apitherapy, with the help of which numerous ailments are healed. Bee venom has a beneficial effect on many organs of the human body, of course, if there is no allergy to it.

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A similar situation may arise spontaneously, so information about possible methods Everyone needs to know about treatment. How to remove swelling from a bee or wasp sting, as well as actions in case of an allergic reaction, our article will tell you in detail.

Features of a bee sting

Only ignorant people believe that the attack happened completely unexpectedly. In fact, bees do not bite anyone just like that. The fact is that during the attack, the insect loses its sting, which means it is doomed to death. To make such a sacrifice just to annoy a person is, to put it mildly, stupid, so for a bee this is a kind of act of self-sacrifice in a really dangerous and conflict situation.

Reasons why bees attack people:

  • protection of the territory;
  • a threat to the hive;
  • sudden movements near the insect;
  • attempt to take prey.

The last option basically occurs according to the following scenario. You are just enjoying an outdoor picnic and the insects will notice fruits or sweet foods. A “conflict of interest” occurs, during which both parties most often suffer.

Of course, this is far from a reason to completely stop going out into nature, especially since a random bee may well fly into an apartment. The main thing is to know exactly what needs to be done after a bee sting. All necessary actions are described in detail below.

How to remove swelling

The bite execution mechanism has its own peculiarity. At the same time, a little poison is injected, but the sting remains in the skin with a supply of the rest of the poison. First of all, it is necessary to extract it, trying not to damage the poison sac. If this manipulation was successful, the swelling will not be so extensive.

What to do with a bite:

  1. Pull out the sting. For this, a rather sharp object is used, which needs to slightly incise the skin.
  2. Wash the wound with a disinfectant solution. It can be potassium permanganate or alcohol, even hydrogen peroxide or alcohol cologne will do if there is nothing else at hand.
  3. Apply cold. You can use ice or frozen foods, if this is not possible, use a handkerchief moistened cold water or the back of a metal spoon.
  4. Take antihistamines. It is especially important to do this if an allergic reaction has not been observed previously with insect bites. In this case, you may need urgent Care, so it is worth contacting a medical institution.
  5. With severe pain, you can use painkillers, for example, Menovazin or Ledocaine solution. Specialized creams, for example, Fenistil or Psilo Balm, will help to quickly remove swelling.

Bee venom will be excreted from the body faster if the victim is given plenty of fluids, and the surface of the skin is smeared with local anti-allergenic ointments. A bitten finger or limb can be bandaged, providing peace, and it is recommended to remove the bandage no earlier than the next day.

Features of a wasp sting

This insect is very aggressive and is able to bite several times, releasing poison into in large numbers. The sting of the wasp is smooth, so it does not remain in the human body. Wasp venom causes a strong reaction in case of allergies, and the bite site is painful and swells right before your eyes.

Especially severe injury occurs in the case of a bite in the face, throat or mucous membranes. In such situations, it is very important to deliver the victim to the medical center on time, especially if there were several bites.

From a wasp sting, the following symptoms can quickly appear:

  • dizziness;
  • severe pain in the bitten place and surrounding areas;
  • the damaged area can quickly swell;
  • nausea and even vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • severe itching;
  • tingling and numbness on the tongue, even if the bite was in a limb.

If the victim becomes worse, there is a lot of swelling and soreness, it is urgent to go to the hospital. A special injection against anaphylactic shock can save a life, so you should never hesitate.

If you know that insect bites cause an allergic reaction, you need to warn others about such consequences in time. World practice proves that in such situations it is appropriate to wear an information bracelet that can report on the characteristics of the body, even if you are unconscious.

How to remove swelling and swelling

Such situations do not tolerate delay. The bitten place can swell up a lot, and when it comes to the larynx or eyes, you need to act quickly and competently.

  • apply ice or cold objects to the bite site;
  • lubricate with a disinfectant solution;
  • inspect the bite site, identifying foreign objects or insect stings;
  • use pharmaceutical preparations with anti-allergic effect;
  • when unable to use medical supplies, folk recipes are used.

It is especially important to find your bearings in time if an insect has stung a child. It is necessary not only to properly treat the wound, but also to calm the baby. In the summer, serious cases can occur when eating ice cream and other sweets. An insect can get into the oral cavity or larynx, and a bite in these places almost immediately leads to difficulty breathing and severe swelling.

How to relieve such symptoms, described earlier, and folk remedies help in case of emergency until the arrival of doctors. If a bee or wasp has bitten a child up to a year old, it is necessary to consult a specialist in any case.

Video: if a bee stings.

Folk methods

If the insect has stung in the face, throat or chest, it is necessary to act immediately, because swelling can interfere with vital functions. If a wasp has bitten and an arm or leg is swollen, or an attack has occurred in the finger, they are great. folk methods relieving pain and swelling. These funds are good for their trouble-free action, as well as availability, because pharmaceutical preparations may not always be at hand.

How to remove a tumor with folk remedies:

  1. Mix soda with a small amount of water and apply the resulting slurry to the bite site. After 10 - 30 minutes, the swelling will subside, as well as soreness.
  2. Crushed activated charcoal also relieves pain and swelling well. For effective treatment compresses with coal must be changed every hour.
  3. Tea tree oil has proven itself well, which has the ability to draw poison out of the wound.
  4. In nature, you can use compresses from a plantain leaf, celandine, mint or parsley. To do this, you need to grind the plants a little, and then attach to the wound and bandage the bite with a clean cloth.
  5. An unusual remedy is to apply ordinary refined sugar to the bitten place. This will draw out the poison, and the wound will heal faster.
  6. Aloe juice is an indispensable tool for all occasions. It will help to disinfect and relieve swelling, as well as accelerate healing. It is best to squeeze drops of juice directly onto the bite immediately, and then repeat every 5 to 10 minutes to remove pain and swelling.
  7. Raw potatoes are great for this. Potatoes can be applied as a cut point, as well as crushed gruel in the form of a compress. As soon as the composition warms up, it is necessary to replace the compress with a new one.
  8. Olive oil can also remove swelling. To do this, you need to cool a small amount, and then lubricate the bitten place.
  9. Onion juice or a slice of a vegetable will also help to quickly relieve inflammation and draw out poison.

The tips of our article will help to quickly remove the swelling and pain from a bee or wasp sting. It is necessary to use the above means immediately, and if the victim has an allergic reaction or severe swelling, it is better to seek qualified help.

Summertime pleases many with sunny weather and warmth. It is on such days that you can get a bee sting - a fairly common lesion that causes an allergic reaction of varying severity.

As a rule, they rarely cause serious damage to human health, and all that is required in such situations is just to know how to remove the swelling from a bee sting and reduce pain. The situation is much more difficult with several bites at once, as well as with the individual reaction of the body to bee venom - in some cases, lesions can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

The degree of reaction of the body

Bees - beneficial insects that produce honey, a product rich in valuable nutrients. By themselves, they are not aggressive and do not pose a direct threat to people, and the sting is intended only for their self-defense. Leaving the sting in the human body, the insect dies, so it attacks only in exceptional cases - when the object itself attacks the bees.

Each organism is individual, therefore, after a bite, it will react differently: some have only discomfort in the affected area and slight redness, some get off with a pronounced tumor in the problem area, and in rare cases, a person needs emergency medical care.

Conventionally, the severity of allergic manifestations can be divided into 3 groups.

  1. Lungs. In this case, the manifestations are insignificant: a sharp pain that disappears within a few hours, slight redness and swelling. As a rule, all symptoms disappear quite quickly, leaving no traces, so treatment is practically not required.
  2. Moderate. With such a reaction, there is a pronounced persistent redness in the affected area and severe swelling, which continues to increase for 2 days. Many are interested in how long such edema lasts - it is safe to say that the symptoms disappear, on average, after a week.
  3. Heavy. This variant of the development of allergies poses a real threat to the life of the victim and requires urgent medical care because there is a high risk of developing anaphylactic shock. In such situations, you need to quickly seek medical help.

In addition, a doctor should be consulted if multiple bee stings are observed, as well as if a child or a person with problems with the cardiovascular system has been bitten.

How to reduce manifestations?

So, after removing the sting, a tumor appeared on the skin - what to do in this case? There are many ways to reduce redness and relieve swelling. First of all, it is necessary to wash the bitten place with soap and water and apply ice or a cold compress to it to reduce swelling.

If it is quite pronounced, you can remove the swelling by lubricating the area with hydrocortisone ointment and taking any antihistamine inside. Do not scratch the problem area, even if there is severe itching, as this will only increase the likelihood of infection. Before you get rid of allergies with these remedies, you can try time-tested recipes.

The following remedies are commonly used to improve well-being and relieve symptoms:

  • essential lavender oil - it relieves discomfort and soothes the skin, is used diluted and undiluted in the form of a tampon applied to the bitten area;
  • baking soda- to remove the tumor, a paste of water and soda is perfect, which must be applied to the bite, and, if necessary, fixed with adhesive tape. This method is perfect if the leg is swollen;
  • if there is a plantain at hand, it is necessary to attach it to a sore spot and fix it. The bandage should be changed every 2 hours;
  • in a good way remove swelling and redness, if the hand is swollen, there will be an application of aspirin and activated charcoal tablets, which must be crushed and diluted with a glass of water. After that, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in the resulting solution and attach it to the bite;
  • relieve the symptoms of allergies and help ammonia, however, they should not treat the bitten surface too often - it will be enough to carry out the procedure 4 times a day.

As can be seen from the article, there are a sufficient number of drugs that reduce the allergic tumor, but if, despite the ongoing treatment, it continues to grow, and the state of health is gradually deteriorating, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.