Mixer      06/17/2019

How to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home? How to wash suspended ceilings easily and without streaks

technical director NikoMax

You have a beautiful installation suspended ceiling, enough time has passed, and you want to know how to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks? We will help you sort this out.

A little about stretch ceilings

Convenience and advantages lie in their long service life, quick installation and the ability to hide flaws.

The disadvantages of such ceilings are their price (relatively expensive) and cleaning (although it is rarely done) at a sufficient height. Stretch ceilings can be glossy or matte, made of PVC film or D-Premium Germany fabric, but both have antistatic properties (therefore they cannot be cleaned daily). True, the location and glossiness of the coating or its absence also determine the frequency of cleaning. You can care for a stretch ceiling using a dry or wet method. After cleaning with a damp cloth, be sure to rub it dry.

Washing suspended ceilings is not an easy process. It requires time and accuracy. Those who are not able to stand at a height for a long time, rubbing the surface, can turn to special services for help. Professionals will clean the ceiling efficiently (using special cleaning products). For those who are planning to carry out the maintenance themselves, advice: pick up the certificate issued after installation. It is in it that they are given detailed recommendations for coating care.

Here are the options, like h it's better to wash the tensioner glossy ceiling :

  1. To clean dust deposits in rooms or on the balcony, it is better to dry clean with a lint-free soft cloth.
  2. For less frequent wet cleaning, soap and chemical solutions, special products in sprays (you can rub soap residues, thoroughly dissolving them in water, you can also dissolve laundry powders, you can use Mr. Proper, Fairy, other dishwashing liquids and glass cleaners).
  3. For deposits that appear on a glossy stretch ceiling from burning, soot, and water stains, a ten percent ammonia alcohol solution is used. Specially produced products for washing suspended ceilings.

The question is whether it is possible to wash a glossy stretch ceiling.

The housewife is often faced with another question: how to carry out cleaning without harming the dense, but at the same time delicate texture of the ceiling fabric?

The answer is simple:

  • Never use abrasive products that can scratch (soda, dry mixtures) for washing;
  • Do not use brushes or other objects with a very dense pile texture;
  • cleaning is not carried out using piercing/cutting objects, including those with convex rings or bracelets;
  • acetone-containing substances are not used so that the ceiling does not lose color, or worse, become deformed; do not clean with force (never press on the tension surface, especially if you use brushes or a special mop for washing).

A separate issue is cleaning the suspended ceiling in the kitchen.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen?

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen get dirty more and faster than in other rooms. Especially if they are glossy.

On the balcony, subsidence cannot be avoided either. And the frequency of dry cleaning, especially in the spring-summer period, will exceed the frequency of cleaning during the rest of the year. The frequency of wet cleaning with a suspended ceiling in the bathroom will also be high. No matter how carefully you try to wash or shower. In the kitchen, you can and should install a hood for cleanliness and maximum removal of odors and precipitation. But this will not fully save you from cleaning.

Let's figure out how to wash the suspended ceiling - gloss in the kitchen area?

Care here will be carried out using both methods of cleaning, but more often - wet. Dry cleaning is carried out in the kitchen after small food preparations, if the sediment does not contain droplets of grease. Taking a soft, dry cloth, preferably microfiber, with light movements you need to “brush off” the sediment.

But if the sediment is not only dust-containing, but also has all the consequences of a cook working for many hours and many days, and the stretch ceiling no longer seems glossy, wet cleaning cannot be avoided.

To wash the ceiling in the kitchen, you will have to use ammonia, soapy, well-diluted water (just remember to use soapy water, not soapy slurry), preventing the appearance of streaks on the ceiling after cleaning. Also, in order to avoid “post-harvest” stains, in addition to the wet cleaning performed, it is imperative to rub it all. The work is not fast and painstaking, like when cleaning glass. Having studied in detail how to care for a glossy stretch ceiling and how often it is cleaned, we wish you successful work in this direction, so that every guest who enters says that everything in this house shines.

Your suspended ceilings - NICOMAX!

The stretch ceiling can be matte or glossy, made of PVC film or fabric, it has flat surface, does not crack and dust does not accumulate on it.

Despite this, during its operation, moments may arise when the canvas becomes dirty, for example, drops of champagne get in and then the question arises whether it can be washed. Let's look at how this should be done so that there are no stains or streaks left on the surface.

There are two ways to wash suspended ceilings: using a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge, or complete cleaning.

If you use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning, you should use a soft brush so as not to damage the canvas, and it should work at medium power.

If you use a wide, smooth nozzle on a vacuum cleaner, then a film is pulled into it, which can be damaged, so Experts recommend pre-wrapping the smooth nozzle with cloth.. If there is no vacuum cleaner, remove dust with a damp cloth or napkins., and to make the work more convenient, they wrap the mop with them.

The fabric is moistened in soapy water and moved along the canvas, performing movements without strong pressure. After this, everything is repeated with a damp and then a dry cloth.

To create a stretch ceiling, can be used different materials, therefore the methods of cleaning them will differ:

  • if the surface made of suede fabric, then dry cleaning is carried out using a soft bristle brush;
  • to glossy canvas it shined well again, after the soap solution it was wiped with a 10% solution ammonia, and then wipe everything dry;
  • fabric surfaces need to be washed carefully as they are more fragile. In order not to change the texture of the fabric, you should not rub the cloth for a long time in the same place.

What is the best way to wash?

Depending on what material the canvas is made of, you need to have:

  1. stepladder or ladder;
  2. cut soft fabric or sponge;
  3. detergents, their composition should not contain abrasive substances;
  4. a vacuum cleaner and a nozzle, which should have soft bristles.

Now that you know how to wash such a ceiling, let’s figure out what you can use to wash it, and which is strictly prohibited.

One of the most effective and safest means used for washing stretch ceilings is a soap solution.

To make a soap solution, you need to make soap, preferably laundry soap, or you can take washing powder and dilute it in warm water. In addition, you can take any products you use to wash windows or dishes.

If this is your first time using detergent, be sure to check how it acts on the canvas. To do this, it must first be tested in the most inconspicuous and small area. If, as a result of using this composition, no traces remain on the surface, then it can be used to wash the entire ceiling.

The store has a large selection of special products, but their cost will be much more expensive than a self-prepared soap solution. If we talk about what they are special means, then this is the same soap solution, only made in an industrial environment.

If you want to thoroughly wash your suspended ceiling and at the same time save money, then you can safely use a soap solution prepared at home; the result will be no worse than after using expensive store-bought formulations. The main thing is that the composition of such a solution does not contain abrasive substances.

Caring for glossy ceilings

The frequency of maintenance of glossy canvas is determined by its condition; if the gloss has faded over time, then it’s time to wash the ceiling. Often, to restore the original shine, just wipe the fabric with a dry cloth.

You can only use soft rags or sponges to avoid scratching the gloss. You can soak them in soapy water You need to move along, not across, the weld. After treatment with a damp sponge, wipe everything dry using napkins or microfiber cloth.

All work is carried out without strong pressure; dirt should not be scraped off with sharp objects. During the work, all decorations are removed from the hands so as not to accidentally tear the fabric.

Features of caring for fabrics

Such ceilings have their own characteristics:

  • they are more fragile compared to PVC film, so it is better to clean them without detergents, but simply wipe with a damp cloth;
  • Since the canvas is fabric, it is convenient to use a brush with soft bristles to clean it.

It is best to dry clean such surfaces. and only in case of heavy contamination, wet cleaning can be performed. If a soap solution is used, its concentration should be very weak and be sure to test the effect of the detergent in the most inconspicuous place.

If a vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning, then its brush cannot be pressed tightly against the canvas; it must be kept at some distance from it.

Remember that suspended ceilings, regardless of the material they are made of, are susceptible to mechanical stress, so their cleaning is carried out very carefully. When exposed to very high or low temperatures, the fabric may become deformed.

For PVC film sheet optimal temperature operation will be +10...50 degrees. If you want to make such decoration on a loggia or in another unheated room, then it is better to use fabric structures that can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees.

To simply and quickly clean a canvas made of any material, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. so that after washing, the glossy ceiling regains its original shine, it is wiped with a solution of medical or ammonia;
  2. movements should be performed only along the location of the seam;
  3. before performing the specified work, remove all rings and bracelets so that you cannot damage the canvas with them;
  4. there must be a hood in the kitchen, and during cooking, you must use lids, then soot and grease will not fall on the ceiling;
  5. Do not use abrasives;
  6. When cleaning, do everything carefully and do not use much force.


Now you know how to care for a suspended ceiling and can do this work yourself. For washing, it is best to use plain water or soapy water; all work must be done carefully and slowly. If you don’t have time, then you can always call specialists who will quickly and efficiently clean any stretch ceiling.

In contact with

Stretch ceilings have long become a popular product and are available in many apartments. All owners periodically have problems with cleaning them. An incorrectly selected product can damage the structure’s cover, and gentle methods will not be as effective. To keep ceilings in good condition, they must be cleaned properly and regularly. In this case, you must follow some rules.

Selection of detergents

This is the first question to think about before starting work. Suitable substances, as well as their positive and negative qualities, are given in the table.

Table. Comparison of detergents for suspended ceilings

Cleaning optionsAdvantagesFlaws
Special polishes and aerosols containing alcoholEasy to use, no additional steps required for pre-cooking. High efficiency and elimination of streaks. Shine.The appearance of a persistent specific odor. Chemical composition, harmful to the skin. Danger to mucous membranes. Possible material damage.
Non-abrasive liquid productsGood performance. Gentle effect on ceiling materials. Shine.Requires additional steps for preparation. Smell. Danger of getting droplets on your face while working.
Warm water with the addition of ordinary soapAvailability. Relative safety for the skin. Pleasant aroma.Possible divorces. No guarantee of complete cleaning.
A solution of water and vodka or 10% ammoniaEasily accessible. Relatively high efficiency. Shine.Persistent specific odor. Negative influence on skin and material of suspended structures.
Dry method using a soft, lint-free clothEnvironmental protection and complete safety for health. Ease of use.Does not remove dried, stubborn stains. Mediocre performance.

The most convenient option would be to use a spray or sprayers. The use of tar soap, caustic chemical powders, acetone, products containing chlorine, as well as any cleaning substances in granules or other structures that can damage materials is strictly prohibited. As a result of their use, scratches and microcracks occur, and the paint loses its brightness and shine and takes on a shabby appearance.

How to wash glossy stretch ceilings

Ideally, the selection of a particular product should be checked against the operating instructions, which are received during installation or requested from the manufacturer. ABOUT best methods cleaning, you can also ask the workers who install the attached structure - often these specialists are competent in such matters or can at least recommend sources from which you can find out such answers.

Which washing tool should you choose?

The type of cleaning materials and devices depends on the type of cleaning procedures. For the wet version, the following products are suitable.

Dry wiping is practically not required, since the ceiling coating has an antistatic effect and does not retain dust particles, so this type of cleaning is rarely necessary.

In certain exceptional situations, as well as to get rid of cobwebs, the following options are used.

  1. Gentle fabrics, napkins, sponges. Devices should not be easily soiled. It is better not to use rubber specimens - they will pull on the glossy film. The absence of powder substances, even in small quantities, is preliminarily checked. Options with borders, tassels or other types of ornamentation and decoration are not suitable. Good choice a special broom will appear.
  2. Vacuum cleaner. Requires careful use at the lowest intensity. The brush is replaced with another type of attachment. If the device still intensively sucks in air, you need to keep it at a short distance from the surface of the structure. To clean the corners, no nozzles are needed at all; a retractor pipe will suffice.

Preparing for work

To begin the process, you should perform a number of actions, in particular:

  • purchased and placed in the room where cleaning will take place, necessary tools and detergents; the latter, if necessary, must be diluted in advance or whipped into foam without any residue of crystalline granules;
  • if the removal of contamination will be done without vacuum cleaners and mops, install a stepladder or ladder (near the wall);
  • after use chemicals the room must be ventilated;
  • It is advisable to have protective gloves and masks;
  • a scarf or any old unused headdress is thrown over the hair; preference is given to work clothes, which must be comfortable and not hinder movement;
  • all jewelry such as bracelets, rings and rings are removed so as not to cause damage to the materials; Women with long nails, especially artificial ones, should be most careful;
  • If possible, furniture and other things in the room are covered with protective film or old fabrics;
  • in cases where the ceiling has significant cracks, a deformed shape of the coating or the base itself, it is worth using the services of repair workers and postponing cleaning work until integrity is completely restored.

Preparing to wash the ceiling: 1. Prepare everything you need. 2. Install a stepladder. 3. Ventilate (after work). 4. Take care of protective equipment. 5. Place an old hat over your hair. 6. Remove jewelry. 7. Cover the furniture protective film. 8. Make repairs (if necessary).

After completing and checking all the preparatory procedures, you can safely proceed to the main type of work. If such measures are for some reason inconvenient or impossible for apartment owners, then there are special services and companies whose employees deal with such issues for a relatively small fee. Their help will be especially appropriate if there are minor damages to the structural composition.

Cleaning steps

Full spring-cleaning and cleaning suspended ceilings involves a certain algorithm for performing actions and going through several mandatory stages at once.

You cannot use the hot air of a hair dryer on certain areas, as its pressure will lead to unsatisfactory results and complications.

After completing work, the room needs to be ventilated

Washing procedures are not limited to choice suitable means, cleaning tools and the step by step instructions cleaning. So that the effectiveness has highest level, All necessary actions, aimed at eliminating dirt and stains, must obey general rules.

Video - What and how to wash suspended ceilings?

Matte stretch ceilings are very popular. To ensure they last a long time, they require careful care and washing. Over time, various contaminants appear on the surface of the matte ceiling. To get rid of them, you need to familiarize yourself with the washing rules, and also know what cleaning products you can use to wash them.

Basic Rules

Stretch matte ceilings are made of PVC film impregnated with polyurethane. Thanks to this impregnation, a special texture of the material is formed. Polyurethane is known as a dust-repellent and waterproofing agent, which prevents large amounts of dust from accumulating on it.

If you perform wet cleaning without additional detergents once every 3-5 months, you can achieve the original look.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the size and purpose of the room. Living room, hall and bedroom do not require ongoing care and washing ceilings, because difficult-to-remove contaminants do not accumulate here. Stretch ceilings installed in kitchens and dining rooms are highly susceptible to contamination ( greasy spots, soot, condensation). Therefore, such rooms need to be cleaned much more often. The same problem occurs in the bathroom, where moisture sometimes causes mold or mildew to form.

Selection of detergents and tools

For proper care For stretch ceilings with a matte texture you will need:

  • a mop made of foam rubber, its handle should be short, so you can control the force of pressing on the ceiling covering;
  • soft sponges or cloths, for example, microfiber;
  • soap solution;

  • water at room temperature;
  • ladder;
  • washing vacuum cleaner.

Before you start cleaning the ceiling at home, you need to decide on the choice of detergent and devices that are suitable for this. After all, granular cleaning products (special powders) cannot be used for this kind of cleaning; they can ruin the entire appearance structures, even if they are separated.

It is also prohibited to use active substances for cleansing. These include acids, solvents, and alkalis. Before purchasing a cleaning product, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product, which should not contain acetone. The best variation would be to use a special solution recommended by the manufacturer of the matte stretch ceiling. If there is no need to buy such a solution or it is not in the store household chemicals, you can use a soap solution or dishwashing detergent, as well as glass and mirror cleaners that can cope with this task.

Only before using such solutions should they be checked for the presence of active substances in the composition.

Dry cleaning

For this type of cleaning, clean, dry tools made of soft, lint-free material are used. The goal is to remove minor dirt such as dust, cobwebs, fresh stains and traces of condensation. If there are cobwebs, just brush them off the coating.

For dry cleaning, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a foam attachment. The distance from the vacuum cleaner to the ceiling must be at least 3 cm; you cannot touch the surface. This method is not suitable for stubborn dirt. Dry cleaning does not require much effort, so it is mainly performed for preventive purposes.

Combined cleaning

This type of cleaning includes several types of cleaning. There is a sequential application of dry and wet methods. Combined cleaning consists of the following steps:

  • Dry wipe. Clean the ceiling surface with a soft, dry cloth or sponge.
  • Hydration. On tension covering Apply warm, clean water using a spray bottle or a vessel with a spray bottle. This method is required if there are hard-to-remove dried contaminants.
  • Impregnation of the canvas with chemical solutions. If the first two cleaning variations are not enough to remove contaminants, detergents are used. They are applied to fabric or dirt. Then remove the stubborn stain with gentle movements.
  • Removing soap solutions. Using warm water, rinse the ceiling surface.
  • Drying. The matte canvas is wiped dry with a dry cloth, you can also use a hairdryer. This procedure is necessary to prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

In this way, the most difficult contaminants are eliminated, which cannot be removed separately by dry or wet cleaning.

Thanks to this combination, the ceiling surface is quite long term remains in perfectly clean condition.

Prohibited actions

Caring for matte surfaces requires careful and careful handling. There are prohibited products and working tools that can damage the matte surface.

  1. Standard abrasives. Their use is strictly prohibited. There is a risk of cracks. Such compositions emit harsh unpleasant odors that can lead to allergic reactions.
  2. Liquids containing acetone. They have a negative effect on the canvas, discoloring it and forming stains on the coating.
  3. Stiff fabrics and tools with pointed ends(mop without foam). Such materials can lead to deformation of the canvas (cracks, scratches, tears), up to the need to replace the structure.
  4. Possible use stain remover, but only if such a remedy is tested on a small hidden area of ​​the ceiling covering.
  5. Water temperature To clean the ceiling it should not be more than 40 degrees.

How to wash without streaks?

The matte ceiling fabric is textured; it is for this reason that it is recommended to use silk fabrics when cleaning such a coating. If you use a simple rag, lint may remain on the canvas.

Matte ceilings have an advantage over other types of stretch ceilings. It lies in the fact that after washing there are no streaks left.

To properly clean the ceiling from dirt, perform the following procedures:

  • If there are cobwebs in the corners, remove them using a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment.
  • When using a cleaning spray, apply it to small areas of the surface and immediately wipe gently with a soft cloth.
  • If a detergent was chosen for cleaning, it must be diluted in warm liquid until foam forms and applied to a soft cloth. Washing the fabric is done with plastic movements from left to right from one corner to another. Under no circumstances should you rub in circles, otherwise streaks may appear. To clean the matte surface, you can use alcohol-based glass cleaners.
  • If there is stubborn dirt on the coating, it must first be soaked and then carefully wiped with a wrung out cloth until it is completely removed. When using a large amount of detergents, rinse the surface with warm water. clean water to rid it of chemical residues.
  • After all dirt has been removed from the matte canvas, dry cleaning is performed.

To wash matte ceiling without streaks at home, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical ammonia. It must be diluted in water in a ratio of 50 ml per 1 liter.

Dry clean with a soft cloth or vacuum cleaner every week. Do wet cleaning when contamination is detected. Use special safe sprays - EdelWeiss, Nouvel, LOC from Amway, Mister Muscle, Ceruttist. Universal home remedies for cleaning ceilings are soapy water and an alcohol-based glass cleaner. Clean only with soft products and tools. Do not use brushes, blades, solvents or acids. Always wipe a damp ceiling with a dry cloth to remove any liquid. Clean the fabric with a dry cloth, vacuum cleaner or steam generator.

Features of cleaning suspended ceilings

To clean the ceiling from dust and stains, prepare in advance:

  • stepladder or stable chair;
  • soft rags (microfiber);
  • washcloths or sponges;
  • water container;
  • cleaners;
  • vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle brush;
  • rubber gloves, headscarf.

If you don't have a stepladder, use a telescopic mop. Do not use abrasives, dry powders, aggressive agents (Domestos), steel wool, or hard brushes on the ceiling surfaces.

Carry out dry cleaning weekly, wet cleaning as needed. For regular cleaning, use a dry cloth, vacuum cleaner, steam generator or sponge with clean water. Do not press on the surface while cleaning. Wipe stubborn stains locally with soapy water or an alcohol-containing substance. Be sure to rinse off the cleaner and absorb moisture with a dry microfiber. When washing, move along the seam.

Professional products

When choosing which product to clean the ceiling with, pay attention to the composition. Most suspended ceilings are made of PVC, which is sensitive to alkalis, acids, and abrasives. Buy alcohol-containing products, gels, sprays. Examples of what can be used to clean the ceiling are given in the table.

Table 1. Professional products

Name Photo Manufacturer Volume, ml price, rub.
Russia 500 200
Russia 500 150
USA 1000 530
Russia 500 250
Russia 500 620

Important . To test how a surface reacts to a substance, apply the liquid to an inconspicuous area. Rub and let dry. If the color and structure have not changed, the product is safe.

Traditional methods

You can wash the ceiling at home using improvised means. Alcohol and soap solutions work well to remove stains.


Without using liquids, clean matte surfaces with an eraser. Without pressing, rub away the dark stains. Brush off the gum pellets and rinse with a damp, soft cloth.


This is a universal cleansing liquid suspended ceiling made of polyvinyl chloride. The liquid removes dirt and polishes the vinyl layer to a shine. Arm yourself with a soft cloth and a spray bottle of liquid. Spray and wipe dry immediately.

Soap solution

To remove dust and cigarette smoke, prepare soapy water. Dissolve completely in warm water washing powder, dish gel or soap shavings. Better plan your hand soap: laundry soap contains large quantities alkali, which has a detrimental effect on delicate surfaces. For ease of cleaning, use a mop with closed corners.

How to mop a ceiling:

  1. Whisk the solution to form a thick foam.
  2. Collect the foam onto the mop.
  3. Wipe the ceiling, moving in one direction.
  4. Without waiting for the soap to dry, wipe with clean water.

Try not to put pressure on the mop. Finish with a dry wipe to collect excess moisture.

Water + alcohol

Prepare an alcohol solution by mixing one part of vodka, ethyl or ammonia with ten parts of water. Rub the solution onto the ceiling in the kitchen or living room. After the procedure, open the windows for ventilation.

The solution can be used after washing with soap to get rid of stains.

Ammonia hydrate

Caustic ammonia or ammonia water can be purchased at a pharmacy. The liquid removes greasy stains well. It is not necessary to dilute with water. Apply the product to a cotton pad or microfiber and gently rub the stain. Leave for a while and wipe with a damp sponge.

note . Before washing, remove rings, bracelets, watches that may damage the surface. Wear protective gloves.

Removing stains

Often stains appear in the kitchen from soot, burning gas, grease, nicotine, and flies. In this case, simple wet cleaning is not enough. Use available products for spot removal of stains of various origins.

From fat

The ceiling in the kitchen is especially affected. To remove them, use dishwashing gel:

  1. Drop some gel onto the sponge.
  2. Treat the oily area.
  3. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wipe with a damp sponge to remove the product.
  5. Wipe dry with microfiber.

Also, ammonia and ammonia water remove fat.