Mixer      06/15/2019

Which hand should the watch be worn on? On which hand to wear a watch: signs and meanings Men's watch on the right hand

We always try to adhere to certain rules. How to stay in society, how to conduct a dialogue correctly and, of course, how to look appropriate for the moment. Therefore, there are hundreds and thousands of norms and standards in fashion and etiquette. How to tie a scarf or tie? What to wear to a formal meeting? How to wear a jacket? All this applies to watches. This accessory has firmly entered our lives and is no longer a traditional indicator of time. Today, a watch is an addition to the image, which can tell almost everything about its owner. How to wear correctly wrist watch? On which hand? Are there any rules? Or maybe there are even interesting signs ... We will talk about this with you today.

Watch on the right hand: symbols and signs

Why do people choose different, if I may say so, hands for wearing watches? There is an explanation for all this.

It is generally accepted that the watch on the right hand can wear only left-handers. In fact, everything is different. The fact is that it is with the right hand that we produce more movements. Accordingly, the watch on the right hand will be most noticeable to others. It is logical to assume that in order to somehow stand out from the crowd, you choose right hand for your accessory, even if you are right-handed. That is why, most often, young people prefer to wear watches on their right hand, who tend to deviate from generally accepted norms and habitual customs. If you prefer to wear a watch on your right hand, then here you can most likely talk about a philosophical preference rather than a practical side.

According to psychologists the left side is characterized by negative shades, and the right side is positive, the left is the past, the right is the future. And all this can be attributed to wristwatches. If you are a purposeful person, try to move forward without looking back at past mistakes - choose the right hand.

Ancient Chinese philosophy also speaks in favor of wearing a watch on the right hand.. According to her theory, on the left wrist, just in the place where the watch strap should be, are located energy points. Including the point that responds to the work of the heart. If you wear a watch on your left hand, you can involuntarily put pressure on this point, which can even lead to cardiac arrest (again, this is all ancient Chinese philosophy). That is why, in China, it is recommended to wear watches on the right hand.

Why should you wear a watch on your right hand?

There is another rather interesting version,The fact is that in this way you can protect the accessory from theft - in criminal circles, a watch on the right hand is a sign of "one's own", and pickpockets do not steal from their own.

Do you agree that this watch will look perfect on the right hand? ;-)

There is no specific etiquette in the field of wearing wristwatches. There are rules recognized in the business environment, even if you wear a watch on your right hand. This applies to the size and design of the watch (they should not distract your interlocutor from the conversation).

connected with the clock a large number of accept and believe. Probably the most common is that you can’t give a watch for a wedding, you can’t give a watch for a birthday either. Although, according to psychics, the donor needs to give a coin in return so that everyone negative sides nullify. But the watch that you inherited is the most powerful talisman for attracting good luck and protection. Such watches store all the energy of your ancestors and protect you from the evil eye and damage.

Clock on the left hand: etiquette and meaning

If you trace the history of wristwatches, then we will see that they received the greatest popularity at the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, this accessory most often adorned the wrists of officers. And since the majority were right-handed, the watch was worn on left hand so as not to damage an expensive item. Over time, watch production was established, and even models for left-handers went on sale, but the habit developed over a hundred years remained. Agree, because it is much more convenient to bring the mechanism and fasten the strap with your right hand.


Due to the fact that more than 80% of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, it is customary to wear watches on the left hand. And the point here is largely due to practicality. Indeed, in this way, we, first of all, get the opportunity to protect the accessory from unexpected damage, because we do most of the work with our right hand.

As for etiquette, then in a business environment, the watch should be on the left hand, whether it be a man or a woman. The choice of this side will indicate the elegance and education of a business person. It is also worth paying attention that the watch does not look out much from under the shirt cuff, is not very defiant (so that the interlocutor is not distracted) and corresponds to the business style.

Why do people choose their left hand to wear wristwatches:

It's just convenient, because putting a watch on your left hand and helping yourself with your right hand is much more practical.

The watch can be wound without even removing it from your hand.

On the left hand, the watch is the least susceptible to damage and any other influences. After all, according to one sign, a damaged watch promises problems to its owner, therefore, you should treat your wristwatch as carefully as possible.

According to the esoteric version, wrist watches for the left hand are chosen by those who cannot accept their past, constantly experiencing events that can no longer be changed.

The watch on the left hand indicates that its owner is a creative person.

on which hand should a man wear a signet? what hand does it mean

  1. so that it was visible far away, it shone so that just pass it on
  2. depends on the glove
  3. on both o_o
  4. Dress on a bald man, now it's stylish
  5. It doesn't matter which one is more comfortable. It means fingers, not hands.
    As a rule, the signet ring is worn on the left little finger, but in France, men often wear it on the left ring finger. The classic wearing rules in France are defined as follows: the upper part of the engraved platform should be directed towards the nails. If the person who wears the signet is the head of the clan (senior male representative), he wears the signet on the ring finger of his left hand. If a person is just a representative of the family, you need to wear a signet on the ring finger or little finger of the right hand.
    Signet ring can be worn with engraving inside or outside the palm. These days people are increasingly wearing it the latter way, but the French generally prefer the traditional way (outside). Wearing the seal inside in France means that the person is engaged.
    Wearing a signet on the hand is not a sign of nobility, just as the absence of a ring does not mean that a person is not a nobleman. Many nobles do not wear seals, either out of modesty or because they prefer not to be classed as such.

    The ring finger, apparently, was not chosen by chance by lovers, because wearing a non-wedding ring on this finger testifies to the romantic nature. In addition, lovers of wearing any ring on the ring finger appreciate beauty and, at times, luxury. They are not without a passion for art. A ring on the ring finger can also signal a desire for pleasure and thrills.

    An authoritatively pointing finger with a ring gives those who wear it self-confidence, which is so necessary in fact for innate modest ones. The ring on the index finger seems to spur hidden leadership aspirations in them and helps to overcome difficulties in communication. Before your eyes you can already see the future conqueror with the most serious intentions. The main thing is not to become dependent on jewelry, otherwise

    Often, hands with a ring on the thumb fall into the field of view. The owner of the hands is characterized by incredible energy and a flurry of emotions, as well as stamina in defending his own opinion. Those who wear a ring on their thumb fully recognize their temper and try to cope with it. They don't really like to conflict, just a search the best option their communication is accompanied by rather violent outbursts.

    The ring on the middle finger is usually family. It is designed to emphasize the connection with the family, history. Those who wear a ring on the middle finger can understand philosophical issues, twists of fate, etc. very deeply.
    But the ring on the little finger makes you think. It has been noticed that on this finger it is most often worn by rather selfish people prone to various vices like gambling or adultery.

    As you can easily guess, wearing two or more rings can be interpreted as a combination of different personality types. On the other hand, if all fingers are hung with rings, then this is a rather original person, although, perhaps, he is not sufficiently confident in himself.

From the time the first wristwatch appeared to the today such an accessory is invariably an indicator of the status of its owner. Until recently, chronometers helped the owner navigate the time, but with the advent of smartphones and tablets, the direct appointment of watches has lost its relevance. And if it is style, status that comes to the fore, Business Etiquette, then a completely natural question arises, connected with all these nuances, on which hand men wear watches. Let's look at a few theories about this.

Which hand to wear?

Question of etiquette and profession

If a man is an entrepreneur, has his own business or occupies a respectable position, then it makes sense to adhere to the canons of etiquette in order to inspire more trust among partners and emphasize his reliability. In this case, there is a clear rule as to which hand men should wear watches on - on the left.

More liberties can be afforded by representatives of creative professions - artists, musicians, designers, poets, as well as those individuals whose activities are associated with the need for development creative ideas and directions, for example, PR-managers. In this case, it is allowed not only to wear a man’s watch on his right hand, but also to completely abandon it in favor of the original pocket ones or choose a model with a strap of a very unusual and bright design.

The main thing is that in general the image should be harmonious and the accessory fit organically into it.

Important! Remember that in order to maintain a business image, it is important to follow some rules for choosing an accessory:

  • the watch must be fully combined with a trouser suit;
  • the chronometer on the hand should be large enough, suitable for the size of the owner's wrist, but of a strict form and laconic design;
  • if a man uses cufflinks for a shirt, the watch should be combined with them in color, design, decoration;
  • the watch should clearly sit on the wrist according to its size, and not dangle on it.

A question of history

It is today that on the shelves of shops you can see both mechanical, and quartz, and electronic models, and multifunctional chronometers, which you can’t even call ordinary watches. But all this abundance appeared not so long ago. Back in the middle of the last century, people were content exclusively with mechanical chronometers that required constant winding.

Under such conditions, it was not necessary to be particularly puzzled on which hand to wear a watch for men - they were worn only on the left hand, so that it would be more convenient for the right hand to twist the small head of the chronometer as necessary.

A matter of convenience

As for personal convenience, it all depends on whether the person is right-handed or left-handed. A few decades ago, left-handers were "outlawed." Even in kindergartens and schools, they retrained to use only the right hand if it was noticed that the child takes everything with the left. Today, this moment is not fundamental, no one retrains anyone and does not infringe on the sole reason that it is more convenient for a person to work, write and perform any household chores with his left hand.

Based on this, it is easy to say on which hand a man should wear a watch correctly:

  • Left-handed - on the right.
  • Right-handed - on the left.

A question of psychology

Psychologists can tell a lot about a person only by looking at him and evaluating what he is wearing, exactly how and many other nuances about which a common person doesn't even think about it.

Representatives of this profession also have an opinion on which hand a man should wear a watch on:

  1. Adherents classical style- both in clothes and in life, as well as pedants and clear practitioners put an accessory on their left hand.
  2. Purposeful, strong personalities who are not afraid of change and always look to the future for the future, wear a watch on their right hand.

Bioenergy issue

Chinese medicine is known all over the world today. Despite the fact that not everyone understands the whole essence of the action of the methods of healers from the Middle Kingdom, many tend to trust them, since the results are sometimes stunning.

According to these teachings, in the body of each person there are many energy points, by influencing which one can not only improve one's physical condition, but also improve life in general, including work, personal relationships with the opposite sex, etc.

In relation to the clock, the importance of the location of the energy points responsible for the work of the heart is emphasized. In men, they are on the left hand, in women - on the right. Therefore, in order not to block them, but to allow free circulation of energy, men should wear a watch on their right hand.

Signs and superstitions

In addition to practical, bioenergetic and psychological considerations, there are many more signs and superstitions associated with wristwatches. There are claims that the fate of a person is influenced not only by which hand a chronometer is worn, but also by its shape, size, and many other nuances. By choosing the right accessory and adding it to your image, you can change your destiny in better side, and vice versa.

Here are the signs and tips associated with them regarding wristwatches:

  1. The square dial is suitable to get rid of frivolity and properly organize yourself, help the person become more serious and collected.
  2. Diamond-shaped - good for those who can not achieve inner balance and peace of mind. But at the moments of solving serious business issues or active work activities they should be abandoned.
  3. Round - welcome to wear to those individuals who often prioritize prejudice and are conservative about the rules of human behavior. Such a chronometer on your hand will help you become more tolerant and less critical.
  4. Oval - it is recommended to wear such a watch to those who find it difficult to achieve their goals and establish contacts with other people. Plus, such an accessory is considered a kind of talisman of good luck, especially in the field of professional activity.
  5. The triangular dial is the choice of hidden leaders who lack decisiveness, self-confidence. It is advisable only to replace this model with another from time to time, so that increased self-esteem does not grow into ambition and arrogance.
  6. Hexagonal models will help develop your creativity and improve your intuition, will contribute to the emergence of new ideas and finding harmony with yourself.

Important! Many speculations and superstitions are associated with giving watches. This decoration is not suitable as a gift:

  • to the wedding, as this is fraught with an early divorce of the newlyweds;
  • for a birthday, since from the moment the present is received, the hero of the occasion will begin a "countdown to death."

The choice of the jewelry itself, and the way it is worn, largely depends on the personal preferences of a particular person. In any case, this is very interesting topic with which you can experiment endlessly. Perhaps it is with the help of the right watch, worn on the right or left hand, that you will finally be able to achieve those goals that you have set yourself for a long time, but have not yet realized, or you will have new ideas that will help both in personal and professional development.

Society dictates its own rules. We must behave correctly in relation to others, know at least the elementary rules of etiquette, be able to maintain a dialogue and choose clothes and accessories in accordance with the moment. Wristwatches are the perfect complement to any look. But, not everyone knows how to wear them correctly. In addition, many simply do not follow fashion trends and do not know that, for example, men's skeleton watches look like this. But, today, we will not talk about fashion and models.

Clock on the right: what does it mean?

In fact, everyone who wants to draw the attention of others to their jewelry should also wear wrist accessories on their right hand. So, you can draw attention to your choice, taste and personality.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there is no generally accepted rules etiquette for wearing wrist jewelry for neither men nor women. You can wear them however you like. But, everything should be in place. So, for an office or business meetings, you should not buy catchy or too large accessories, because they distract the attention of the interlocutor and prevent the person from concentrating.

Psychologists believe that the left side symbolizes the past, the negative, and the right - on the contrary, only the future and positive attitude. The method of wearing can also be attributed to this category. Therefore, if you are a woman or a man who go to their goal no matter what, then wear a watch on your right hand - this is exactly what will characterize you in the best possible way.

Do you know why in China it is customary to wear wrist mechanisms on the right? Because, in accordance with ancient Chinese philosophy, a large number of energy points are located on the left wrist, including the point that is responsible for the work of the heart. The Chinese believe that the strap can harm human health by compressing this area.

But, let's digress from philosophy and psychology and give one more original example. It turns out that wearing a watch on your right hand, you protect yourself from theft. And all because this way of wearing is common in criminal circles. And pickpockets do not steal from “their own”.

There are many signs associated with wristwatches. For example, they say that you can not present them as a gift. It is believed that this is for separation. But, if in return you offer the donor a coin (regardless of its denomination), then the situation will have the opposite effect. Few people know that they can become a real talisman. If earlier they belonged to your ancestors, they will bring good luck and protect you.

Wear on the left: meanings and etiquette

Historically, it has so happened that it is customary to wear wristwatches on the left side. It is no secret that most of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, not left-handed, and for many of them it is more convenient to start the mechanism and fasten the strap with the right hand. In addition, wearing on the left wrist allows you to protect the product from mechanical damage, since everything that the right-hander does, he does with his right hand, the left-hander does the opposite.

In a business environment, it is customary to wear wrist accessories on the left side, and this applies to both men and women. Buy a product that is not too provocative, which can be almost completely hidden under the cuff of a shirt. Following these rules will allow you to make a good impression on a business partner, to demonstrate to an outsider your restraint and level of education.

So, among the main reasons that encourage people to choose the left hand for wearing a watch, it is worth highlighting:

  • it is so much more convenient to wind both mechanical women's watches and products for men, for this you don’t even need to take it off;
  • for a right-handed person, it will be much faster to fasten the strap of the device, helping himself with a “working” hand;
  • this allows you to protect an expensive product from damage (by the way, as one sign says, a stopped mechanism is a problem for their owner, so do not forget to start it);
  • they say that the jewelry on the left wrist is a sign of a creative nature, so even many left-handers prefer this particular side.

Which hand to wear?

For those who have not yet decided how to wear jewelry, stylists recommend alternately putting on a watch on one or the other hand. After a while, you will be able to understand which option you like best.

The main thing is not what wrist they will be worn on, but that the jewelry you buy matches the event, setting or dress code. And, of course, do not forget about the size. On a tiny wrist, large accessories will look too rough and vice versa - you should not choose a small dial for a large brush.

Time is one of the most important things that is nice to receive as a gift. The age of mobility throws business men into the box, when it is unrealistic to survive without an organizer and planned everyday life. It is good if stylish Casio, quartz Tissot, mechanical leather Zenith or prestigious Patek Philippe will flaunt on the arm under cufflinks and snow-white cuffs.

History of the crown

The question of which hand a man wears a watch on is a matter of intense discussion. But there are historical facts going back to the origins of the First World War. It was at the beginning of the 20th century that wristwatches entered the everyday life of officers and soldiers. The right hand, as a rule, was busy squeezing the weapon, was more active when throwing a grenade, etc. If the watch hung on it, then the risk of damaging it would be maximum, so the brave warriors had to fasten bracelets on their left wrist. The answer to the question on which hand men wear watches also emerges from the fact that retro models were all hand-wound when the head was located on the right. Any right-handed person in a matter of seconds could set the exact time, handle the strap and rush into battle.

Today there are those who are more comfortable wearing their favorite Montblanc or Ulysse Nardin on the left. There are men to whom the crown simply rubs the brush.

Chinese wisdom

Who hasn't heard about the Fukuri oriental meditation technology yet? According to her, there are important energy points (cun, chi and guan) on the wrists. The zones are located down from thumb, and when you click on them, the state of the liver, lungs, heart or intestines is easily determined. Tsun-kou hints that the secret of human health is hidden in the palms. The cun point (“flaming motor”) in women and men is located on different hands. On the left - for the representatives of the stronger sex, on the right - for the weak. Although a successful man with a watch on his hand (no matter which one) will instantly attract the attention of the fairer sex.

Chinese healers claim that male blood flows from the heart to the left side, female - vice versa. The conclusion suggests itself: if a man puts on mechanical Hublot or quartz Omega on his left hand, he will “insure” his heart from possible diseases.

The right hand speaks in favor of the spectacular style, as it is more energetic, often in the interlocutor's field of vision, which means there is a reason to brag about the number of stones, engraving or leather strap of the branded model.

Witchcraft signs with ticking presents

A fashionable watch as a gift for a man is a luxurious, but dangerous sign. According to superstition, giving a ticking Lange & Sohne, Oris, Graham (or any other watch) can lead to a quarrel, a break in relations. Therefore, the most impressionable men should give a coin in return. There will be an exchange, not a present, so all the negativity will come to naught, and the sign will lose all meaning. A universal gift is suitable for any significant date: anniversaries, anniversaries, birthdays and even weddings.

Where to look for success?

An elegant clockwork will be a great assistant on the path to success and prosperity. The accessory determines the status of a person in society, makes him appreciate every minute. At least one sign is worth refusing as a present, for example, from the limited edition Infiniti Red Bull Racing by Edifice? Imaginative people will be grateful for stylish model with PVD coating, royal bezel of blue color, super-bright backlight. Athletes will lose their heads to the all-powerful Casio in the urban Military Style with LED auto-illumination.

Individuality and style are the main guidelines when choosing a watch for a man. Someone will be delighted with the military theme, someone will be delighted with the exact copy of the "Swiss", the rest will be satisfied with the modern collections of legendary brands. Regarding how to choose a watch for a man, there are a few simple rules.

  1. Before you squeal with delight, peering into the stylish Rolex, Vacheron Constantin, Patek Philippe, pay attention to the wrist. Massive models on a thick strap will look on a large hand, elegant and modest accessories on a thin one.
  2. Casual watches are better to choose mechanical ones, as they are not going to wear out. Often such products have historical value, become a family heirloom.
  3. Quartz models are suitable for a gift to fishermen, athletes, lovers of rock climbing, traveling, etc. Their endurance and accuracy can only be envied.
  4. Electronics is suitable for the younger generation, obsessed with bright prints, unusual forms. An abstract drawing or a portrait of a celebrity on the dial will perfectly fit into a casual look. It is worth paying attention to the brands Certina, Jaguar, Victorinox. You can learn about which watch to choose for a man from specialized catalogs.
  5. To hit the target and not make a mistake, you need to pick up an adjustable strap, best of all made of leather.
  6. A man is an athlete or a businessman, with or without prosperity, by nature a conqueror, a winner. Everyone will prefer a case made of light metal, combined with a dark strap.
  7. He will definitely be grateful to the status Casio G-Shock, who conquered the age of cybernetics and technology with their versatility. Ultra-modern models have so many advantages that you can’t count them on your fingers.
  8. Remain relevant forever classic options like the "Austrians" - Jacques Lemans. Neat skeleton and a lot of color solutions - strengths brand.
  9. If you want to surprise your soul mate - give him the "Swiss" Roamer. And it will no longer matter on which hand men wear watches, because the brand places emphasis on the design of the invention. An unusual display of the date, days of the week, the presence of additional dials, a hint of a chronograph, several bracelet options - the futuristic style will surely distinguish it from the crowd. In the same collection, you can pick up laconic minimalist movements with sapphire anti-reflective crystal.

A pair of foreign watchmaking traditions

The military theme found itself in the stunning Swiss Military Hanowa with the Navy Line collection. Modern design ideas embodied in "washer" cases with chronographs, indicators, etc. Fossil is a direct proof of this. But the British followed in the footsteps of their retrograde traditions. In particular, in Royal London they put the hands on the dial in such a way that it seems as if seconds, days and weeks are about to cross. The visual effect is mesmerizing.


Futuristic motifs of the 21st century have not bypassed the most representative wardrobe accessory. Stylish watches of recent seasons have decided to imitate powerful sports cars. So, the Orient SpeedTech collection pays tribute to the favorite Subaru-BRZ, it is executed in the original corporate style. On the dial there is a retrograde indicator in the style of a speedometer, and an accurate 1/100 chronograph, etc. Time is highly valued today, which means it is expensive. The prestigious brands Anne Klein, Diesel, Fossil, Jacque Lemans present not only imagination, but also quality. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the strength of the coating, additional features, running accuracy, company fame.

Titled products

Meet by clothes. So says folk wisdom. In elite circles, your status will be determined not only by brains and education, but also by such a trifle as a watch. Swiss models won't let you ask how badly you're doing. And they certainly do not fall into the category of bad omens. There is only one superstition all over the world: if you wear a premium watch to an important meeting, partnership negotiations, presentations or closing deals, then success is guaranteed. It is a good sign to give a watch to a man justifies itself if the box contains the famous Rolex. Never before has your husband, brother, father or son been so happy. The Swiss brand, like an expensive car, will teach you how to find a place in society. The titled product will increase the chances of overcoming the most difficult tasks: finding a soul mate, getting positive results at business meetings, and so on. Expensive and avant-garde timepieces, a combination of exclusivity, futuristic design (Longines, Oris, Maurice Lacroix, Edox, Louis Erard) - this is kind of parting word for attracting good luck and wealth.

The fashion category is suitable for going to clubs, night parties and other fashionable places. Le Chic and Cacharel will harmoniously fit into the image of a fashionable ladies' man, macho and ordinary street casual. The classic will present you as brightly as possible in the Bulova brand and cases made of of stainless steel. Do not give up the delights of Tommy Hilfiger, Hanowa. These are practical models that are combined with any event and style of clothing. But the sports and tourist series represent watches for real men (TVG Steel, Weide Power, Weide Sport Blue, Skmei Dive, Led Aircraft, Oulumn Creative, etc.).

Dealing with watches

The main thing in ticking bracelets is the mechanism, quartz or mechanical. The latter works from manual winding with an error of -30/+40 seconds. It is easier to manage with quartz, as it "feeds" on batteries, accumulators, light energy. The course of such products has up to 10 years of smooth and accurate operation, and the error is completely minimal, -/+20 sec. per month. A high-quality wrist watch for men should not only have a "fine spiritual organization", an excellent mechanism, but also an attractive appearance.

Fashion cases

It will take even longer to deal with the case, as the modern market offers:

  • stainless steel with an excellent combination of price and quality;
  • polymer, plastic with their budgetary approach to business, but also rapid wear and loss of appearance;
  • titanium alloy, as strong as steel, but 40% lighter;
  • aluminum alloy, like the famous Swatch, characterized by lightness and durability;
  • gold cases, precious, Swiss;
  • ceramic, durable, scratch-resistant, but fragile, malleable to mechanical damage;
  • brass, simple and inexpensive, retaining their presentation for several years.

The bracelet will tell you which watch to choose for a man. Harmoniously look straps made of the same material as the case. Fabric, rubber solutions are also popular today. The most refined variation is a leather bracelet. Extravagance, respectability, prestige - that's what stylish straps say. Durable sapphire glasses can not be afraid of damage, shock, and mineral ones are scratched only by sharp objects. You can save on transparent plastic Hesalit with polishing.

How to wear a watch for a man: occasion, time and place

For lovers of an active lifestyle, it is important to pay attention to the water resistance of the model. Diving, windsurfing and other sea adventures today can be done with Casio, Tissot, Omega, Luminox and so on. About what kind of watch to wear a man, says his character. A businessman, a hockey player, a street teenager - everyone needs an accessory that complements their individual style. Watches made in Switzerland will become a successful companion of entrepreneurs, managers, directors. The business look is classic motifs sparkling with gold-plated cases and leather cuff bracelets. Strict classics in the form of Hublot, Ulysse Nardine, Romain Jerome are determined by recognition and prestige, as well as the high cost of models.

Unleashed sporty style dictates a dynamic lifestyle in the Nike, Adidas, G-Shock series. But exquisite Franck Muller and Panerai create unique styles thanks to fantastic color solutions. They are loved by creative people. Watch mechanisms are a reflection of a person's character. They must combine perseverance, confidence, fortitude and willpower. This is a kind of advertising that speaks with silent ticking about the place and role in society of its owner. Modern models learned how to perform a number of additional tasks, such as measuring atmospheric pressure, calories burned per day, calculating lunar phases, determining temperature, and so on. Smart devices are re-learning how to properly wear a watch for a man, how to correctly use the functionality and catch the loving glances of women.

clock creative

Technology that has captured the era can fully reflect the purposefulness of a person with the help of a miniature and neat watch on the wrist. Creative advertisers, talented writers, couturiers or artists will not refuse Japanese Casio with the Edifice, ProTrek and Seiko series. Fans of morning runs, scoring goals or balls in the basket, fans of Formula 1 will be delighted with the presentation of Jacques Lemans from the most prestigious European tournament. Swiss quality can be found at Adriatica and Appella. One can argue for a long time about which hand a man's watch is worn on. It is better to look at the model itself than to ask the owner why he chose this particular hand.