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Who wears a watch on his right hand. Why is the watch worn on the left hand and not on the right? On which hand do men and women wear watches?

For a long time, society has been looking for exact methods to determine the time. Watches were invented a long time ago, a familiar accessory of our time has been perfected for more than one century. The rules of decency say that they must be worn on the left hand. But some wearers say they feel comfortable when they put it on the right one. The article tells about the reasons, beliefs, opinions of psychologists and esotericists.

In the 15th century, the creation of the clock spring led to the era of the pocket watch. The item, adorned with precious stones, emphasized the status of influential persons. In 1839, Patek Philippe produced a bracelet watch for clients, the novelty was in high demand. The device attracted with its elegance and convenience, women independently decided which hand is suitable for accessories.

Men used to be wary of wristwatches, considering them only ladies' "things". In 1904, the Cartier jewelry house fulfilled the request of a pilot from France, so the first model of a mechanical type appeared. Since 1914, thanks to the officers, the male half wanted to acquire a similar design of products. After 1918, military watches are worn face down.

Wearing a watch on the left hand

Most of the inhabitants of the globe are right-handed and wear watches on their left hands. Manufacturers have specially designed a pattern that will be comfortable to wear for a less active hand. The factory wheel was previously located at the top, but then for comfort it was moved to the right. Thus, when worn on the right hand, it was impractical to wind up and many preferred to wear on the left. But there are other reasons too:

  • Explanation of the Soviet era. Officials signed mountains of documentation, they stopped wearing a watch on their right hand - it made normal work difficult. Therefore, a tradition appeared to use the left, subordinates also took an example from their superiors, the phenomenon became widespread;
  • In the 1940s, in European countries, they hunted for theft due to the lack of suitable work. There were rumors that the criminals, when stealing, walked with a watch on their right wrist, transmitting a secret signal to their accomplices. Respectable people, in order to avoid confusion, used the other hand under the watch;
  • According to multiple studies, people make fewer gestures with their left hand. The device suffers slightly from daily shaking in right-handers, which means that the mechanism will last longer. Therefore, some enterprises create products adapted for the left wrist. Left-handers - on the contrary, goods with a clockwork roller on the left side are offered, put on the right hand;
  • In the wrist, even with a loose strap, blood flow is reduced. The arm becomes tense and functions worse. There is less harm to the less active left than to the right. For this reason, doctors advise wearing an accessory on a more fragile wrist;
  • Alternative medicine in China gives its own interpretation. According to the theory of the ancient "Fukuri", a special point was found on the male left wrist. Wearing the watch for a long time leads to cun stimulation, the condition improves internal organs and heart rate. For ladies, the point is located on the opposite side.

Wearing an accessory on the right wrist

Correspondents were often interested in why V. Putin wears a watch on his right wrist. The President was not going to invent an intrigue. He said that on the left, the head of the device rubs the skin and there is discomfort. The head of Belarus has the same preference. Lukashenka also has a habit of wearing a watch on the right, explaining this by the fact that in his youth he played the button accordion, the strap of the instrument stuck out to the left and clung to the object.

Left - the past, such people regret old mistakes, choose a passive lifestyle. At a deep level, "left" is unconsciously associated with evil phenomena - left profit, go left. At the same time, experts say that “law” has a pleasant perception - justice, however, rules.

Which hand do you wear your watch on?

On the leftOn the right

Signs and interpretations

  • If the family died, the clock was stopped, restoring it only after the funeral;
  • A broken accessory cannot be worn, otherwise it will appear Negative influence. Suitable Options- to repair, to throw out;
  • Broken - illness and death are foreshadowed;
  • If wall clocks fall - wait for trouble;
  • Present as a gift - to parting or shortening the life of the birthday man. Another meaning is that sharp arrows have hostile energy. The negative impact is eliminated by ransom in the form of coins;
  • Watches are not given for a wedding - a young couple will have a risk of divorce;
  • Lose - failure in business;
  • Crashed when falling - changes will come soon;
  • Find in working condition - success, pleasant surprises. But it's not safe to own due to foreign vibes associated with possible diseases, problems;
  • Having noticed identical numbers on the electronic dial, make a wish.

Dream Interpretation interprets dreams about watches as follows:

  • Acquisition - new beginnings;
  • Loss - domestic troubles;
  • A thing in fragments - to be in trouble;

According to esotericism, wearing a chronometer on the right or left wrist determines the fate of the owner. The object becomes a kind of talisman. In addition, the dial design plays an important role. Indecisive persons are invited to order a triangular watch, absent-minded people - diamond-shaped. Silhouettes of a circle and an oval make the owners successful, strong in spirit, square ones make them serious.

Today, there are no strict rules for wearing watches. Fashion trends change unpredictably, so it is important to stick to personal taste and comfort. Medicine and psychology disagree, and companies make products for both hands. Thanks to opposing points of view, everyone personally chooses which wrist to wear an accessory on, ignoring the condemnation or misunderstanding of outsiders.

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Wearing a watch every day, we do not think about which hand to wear it on. Are there certain rules of etiquette that indicate this. Let's try to figure it out.


For many millennia, people have tried to come up with various devices for determining time. When asked when the first clock appeared, Wikipedia will answer. It all started with the invention of sun and water clocks. The mechanical clock was invented in the 14th century. Later, products with a spring mechanism appeared that were worn in a pocket.

In 1868, wrist models were invented, but they were produced only for women.

During the First World War, models for men began to appear, they were invented for pilots. Using them during the flight, they were no longer distracted from the helm. Trying not to scratch the dial and not damage the case, they began to wear them on the left hand.

Which hand should a man wear a watch on?

There is no unequivocal answer on how and on what wrist men's watches are worn. It is not customary to wear a watch on the working hand: a left-handed watch is worn on the right hand, and a right-handed watch is worn on the left hand. During the Soviet Union, products were produced only for the left hand.

Considering that up to 20% of left-handers now live on Earth, watches are produced right-handed and left-handed. The only difference is where the mechanical head is located.

Men's watches are usually bulkier than women's. They are made of yellow and white metals, they have classic shape, in which there is no redundant design. A respectable person will choose for himself a solid product on a leather or metal strap.

According to etiquette, men can only wear one accessory on their hand, namely a watch. They must match the costume.

On man's hands pay attention first. Many men like to wear models with different additional features: backlight, alarm clock, pedometer. Accessories can tell a lot about the character of a person, his business qualities.

It is better for men to have several models of watches:

  • in the classic version;
  • youth models with a set of additional functions;
  • sports models, they have a waterproof and durable case.

Medical Approval

For those who work more with the right hand, wearing a watch on working hand causes discomfort, they squeeze the wrist, interfere, cling. People who have a more developed left half of the brain (left-handers) will put an accessory on their right hand, since their working hand is left.

According to Chinese doctors, a man, regardless of whether he is right-handed or left-handed, should wear an accessory on his right wrist. On the left hand, men have certain points that are responsible for the work of internal organs, for the work of the heart. In order not to knock down the work of the heart rhythm, men are advised to wear the watch on the opposite, that is, on the right hand.

With women, it's just the opposite. Energy points in women are located on the right hand and are responsible for the functioning of the organs. In women wearing the accessory on the right wrist, the heart rate may go astray, which can lead to poor health. Women should wear them on their left wrist.

Can we believe or not ancient Chinese doctors? But the fact that the clock stops after the death of the owner remains unexplored.

Psychologists' statement

Psychologists say that a person's character can be determined by which hand he wears a watch on. If a man prefers to wear a stylish accessory on his right wrist, this is a purposeful, self-confident person who achieves his goal. Such people usually reach great heights in their careers, become leaders, businessmen, politicians. They are very busy with business, strive to do everything quickly, they often do not have enough time.

On the right hand, many famous politicians, prominent personalities, and male stars have watches. Pay attention to which wrist the accessory is worn by Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin. Among the male stars who wear watches on their right hands, David Beckham, Bruce Willis, Ashton Kutcher, Eminem should be noted.

Men who wear the accessory on their left wrist may experience bad luck. No wonder there are many phrases confirming that "left" is bad. The phrases “got up on your left foot”, “walk to the left”, “leftist” are associated with something unpleasant, illegal.

Wearing an accessory on your right hand, you can increase your efficiency, thoughts will be directed to the upcoming business.

Criminal version

Men must wear the accessory on the right hand, if we talk about the criminal version. Whether it is still active is unknown. According to sources, dark personalities used it. Thieves and swindlers wore an accessory on the right hand. So they showed that you should not steal this thing from "their own". Many townspeople, trying to protect themselves from theft, changed the watch on their right hand.

How to wear

Watches are indispensable and stylish accessory which can tell a lot about the owner. With their help, you can create a certain image, style. They are selected to a certain outfit, jewelry, hairstyle.

To create a new interesting image, it is better to have several different models. Trying on a classic suit, choose strict models without bright bracelets, rhinestones, hanging details. For casual wear, choose brighter models with interesting patterns, in an unusual design.

When choosing a watch, make sure that it does not hang around your wrist. If the shirt has cufflinks, the watch should be in harmony with them.

Right choice

When choosing a watch, men should know watch etiquette:

  • for a small graceful hand, it is better to pick up a small watch with a thin bracelet;
  • with a wide wrist, miniature models will look ugly: choose products that match the thickness of the wrist;
  • when choosing a watch, pay attention to the length of the strap: it should not be too tight and pinch the wrist;
  • when playing sports, swimming, accessories are removed so as not to damage the surface and the strap.

Don't forget the unspoken rule: it is ugly to look at the dial while the conversation is going on: so you show disrespect to the interlocutor, showing that it is time to stop the conversation.

If you have to spend a lot of time in negotiations, put on the watch with the dial inward, so it will be more convenient to look at the time unnoticed by others, without violating etiquette.

Vika Dee

Today, when every person has mobile phone, a reasonable question arises: why wear a watch when you can always find out the time on your mobile phone? And yet this type of accessory continues to be produced and worn. Moreover, they have taken on special significance as a status accessory for businessmen, politicians, media people, etc.

From the history of watches

Their history is inseparable from the history of mankind. The owner of the very first wrist watch with a precious bracelet was Queen Elizabeth of EnglandI, and for a long time such watches were more of a feminine adornment. Men's watches were pocket watches, on a solid, often gold chain.

Only in the first world war the military began to wear watches on the arm, which was much more convenient

Gradually, watches were modified and improved, models designed for athletes, pilots, divers and representatives of other professions appeared.

Why is it usually worn on the left hand?

If you look closely, most people prefer to wear watches on their left hand, and this is understandable: our right hand is used more often, in addition, it is more convenient to wind the watch and fasten its strap or bracelet. Left hand more often performs auxiliary functions. Accordingly, left-handers, who have the opposite, wear watches on their right hands.

Watch on the left hand

However, no hard settings on which hand to wear the watch correctly does not exist. It cannot be said that wrist watch It is correct to wear only on the left or only on the right hand. However, wearing a watch on the right hand always attracts attention.

Why does Putin wear it on his right hand?

Journalists have always been interested in why V.V. Putin wears a watch on his right hand and what this should mean. Although our president is a former intelligence officer, he did not cloak and explained simply and intelligibly: on the left hand, the crown of the watch rubs the skin, which causes discomfort.

President of Belarus A. Lukashenko explained that he had long been accustomed to wearing an accessory on his right hand: as a teenager, he studied at music school playing the button accordion, in which the harness is on the left, and so that it didn't care for the clock, he began to wear them on his right hand.

Many celebrities are known to wear watches on their right hands.

Among them are director James Cameron, popular actresses Julia Roberts and Sharon Stone, famous football player David Beckham and equally famous Formula 1 driver Kimi Raikkonen. Among domestic celebrities, these are TV presenters Tina Kandelaki and Ksenia Sobchak, there are probably others.

Watch on the right hand

Thus, the opinion that you cannot wear a watch on your right hand is just prejudice.

The opinion of psychologists

Psychology could not pass by this question. According to psychologists, wearing a watch on the right hand means certain features of the psychological warehouse a person who is characterized by creativity and awareness of their high status: raising their right hand for greeting, they demonstrate expensive watches of the most prestigious brands, which further emphasizes their status.

Psychology puts forward another interesting theory about those who wear watches on their left or right hand.

According to this theory, a person perceives differently time, depending on whether to the left or to the right, he has to look to find out what time it is. A look to the left side looks to the past and focuses on the past tense, and a look to the right side looks to the future and focuses on the upcoming time.

At an even deeper level (perhaps too deep for ordinary person) we subconsciously associate "left" with not-too-positive phenomena(go to the left, leftist incomes, etc.), but “right” is associated with truth, justice, rules, etc., that is, a positive perception. By the way, please note that in advertising everything that is advertised is usually placed on the right side.

Wearing a watch

The most popular signs

Watches in the old days were expensive, they were treated with care, passed from father to son, so they became peculiar talisman.

It is not surprising that many signs and traditions are associated with them, although it is now difficult to determine how and why they arose and why they need to be observed.

So, when someone in the family died, all the clocks in the house were stopped and started again only after the funeral. If the clock is broken or broken, it cannot be kept at home - in order to neutralize its negative influence that causes stagnation, it must either be repaired immediately or thrown away.

A man must have a rectangular watch. The girl is standing buy clock round or oval. If the clock sharp corners, this means that she will have to do hard male work, and in general her life will develop unfavorably.

dream interpretation interprets dreams as follows: this is a sign of the onset of changes in life; buying watches - new beginnings, their loss - to domestic troubles, but if you dream that the clock has broken, troubles and losses await you. If you dream that you gave a watch to someone, expect trouble.

Not overly optimistic signs related to hours:

  1. If they crashed, it portends illness and death.
  2. If long ago stopped clock suddenly began to beat, this is the death of loved ones.
  3. If they fall Wall Clock- expect trouble.
  4. A watch as a gift to a loved one or just a loved one is a parting and may even mean a shortening of his life. Another explanation for the ban on such a gift is an aggressive energy of sharp arrows. But the negative impact can be neutralized if you take a ransom in the form of a coin for hours.
  5. It is also impossible to present a watch as a gift for a wedding: because of this, not everything will be fine in a young family, and it may even come to a divorce.
  6. Loss of hours- to failure in business.
  7. If the watch crashed when it fell, changes await you.

But there is also good omens:

  • if you find a watch, especially a good one, it is promises good luck and gifts of fate, however, using them can be dangerous because of someone else's energy associated with other people's diseases and problems;
  • if you have lost hours, do not be very upset - this may mean that a new stage begins in your life.

Note related to electronic clock, is of recent origin, but that doesn't matter.

If, when looking at the electronic dial, you see the same numbers or numbers, immediately make a wish and it will certainly come true!

July 30, 2018, 15:54

Every day before leaving the house we think: what to wear? What will our image be like today? When choosing clothes and accessories, most often we are guided by three well-known points: etiquette, convenience and beauty. They can also become decisive in the dilemma: on which hand should the watch be worn - on the right or on the left?

Why do we wear watches on our hands?

That's the question! On what else? Well, probably, many will be surprised to learn that before the invention of wristwatches, they were worn on a chain - either as a pendant (female version) or in a pocket (male version).

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. pocket watches were considered fashionable and convenient, and therefore an incredibly popular accessory. So why have they almost disappeared from modern life? Of course, the mere appearance of a wrist watch did not mean the instant surrender of pocket watches. Just the opposite. For a long time, the society did not want to part with the already beloved pocket ones and change them for no one knows what. Moreover, in the 19th century, the first wristwatches were created only for women and rather for beauty, and not for use - therefore, men refused to wear anything like that for quite a long time. But the period of European wars at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries demonstrated the need to change priorities.

Trench watches became a transitional link between pocket and wrist watches. As the name implies, they were created for the needs of the field troops. In fact, these were almost the same "pickpockets", only with wires welded on the sides, into which a long strap was threaded for secure fastening even over the uniform. During the First World War, it became clear that not only ground forces, but also aviation needed watches.

A little later it was adjusted industrial production watches with modern strap lugs instead of wire loops. At first they were available only to the military and were even issued as an element of ammunition. Everything turned upside down: now women's watches have become a rarity, while men flaunted this accessory very often.

Nowadays, many watch brands use retro motifs in their designs, referring to the time when the career and even the life of professionals depended on a quick glance at the readings of a wristwatch.

On which hand is it customary to wear a watch?

Watches are usually worn on the left hand. But only because most people (85%) are right-handed. The three most popular explanations for this phenomenon are dictated solely by convenience, and not by someone's whim.

1. The working hand is not loaded with unnecessary accessories that may interfere with work, writing, etc.

2. It is convenient to fasten the watch on the left hand with the working right hand.

3. It is also convenient to wind a mechanical watch with a working right hand (which is why the classic location of the crown is on the right side of the case).

Watches worn on the left hand: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolly, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barack Obama.

Can the watch be worn on the right hand?

The question sounds like “is it possible to write with the left hand?” - Of course you can, it's your hands! Left-handers have survived more than one era of discrimination. In the Middle Ages, they were subjected to serious pressure from society - left-handedness was equated with obsession. In the Soviet Union (and in other countries of the same era), left-handed schoolchildren were forcibly retrained to be right-handed.

Fortunately, this issue is now closed. There are even separate brands that produce left-handed models: in such watches, the head and buttons are located not on the right, but on the left.

If left hand working - it is more convenient to wear a watch on the right, and no one can argue otherwise. Except for the left-handers themselves, who, like some right-handers, sometimes calmly wear a watch on their working hand. For example, Vladimir Putin, although he is right-handed, wears a watch on his right hand, because, according to him, on the left hand, the crown rubs the brush.

Watches are worn on the right hand: Alexander Lukashenko, Ksenia Sobchak, James Cameron, David Beckham.

On which hand do men and women wear watches?

The choice of hand has nothing to do with the gender of the person. There are only certain situations when the choice of hand is dictated by the established ideas of style and etiquette in society. On which hand to wear a watch, men and women decide depending on the given conditions.

On which hand do men wear watches?

For men, watches are, first of all, a serious indicator of status and social status. Following business etiquette, they wear them on the left hand. However, men who still wear a watch on their right hand have a logical advantage: they will definitely notice their watch before others, even during a greeting handshake.

On which hand do women wear watches?

For women, watches are primarily an ornament, so they put them on any hand. Thinking about which hand the watch is worn on, girls sometimes show miracles of creativity and put on elegant bracelet watches on both hands at once. The only exception is when a woman follows a strictly conservative business style and, like men, chooses her left hand.

By the way, among men there are also those who wear watches on both hands. It really is so convenient for someone, but for the most part this style is designed to shock the public and emphasize their own non-conformist style. For example, among famous people watches on both hands are worn by Diego Maradona.

Today in use modern man many previously unknown gizmos appeared, such as, for example, smartphones, laptops, tablets. All these items are “trends” of the 21st century. But even from the past, something has remained ... One thing is still a companion of most people to this day: from business men to stylish women. It's a wrist watch! Let's think about whether there are any specific requirements on which hand to wear a watch, and also why did our President change his left “watch” hand to his right?

Wear it the way you like

Immediately, we note that your watch is polygamous:

as a personal chronometer;

and as a stylish accessory

as a commemorative relic, passing from generation to generation.

In general, certain rules on which hand to wear a watch have not yet been invented. They are worn in a way that is comfortable. For example, a left-hander is on the right hand, and a right-hander is on the left. They are so comfortable to work with. But for some people, the determining factor in this matter is the type of their professional activity. For example, doctors and builders wear watches on their left wrist so as not only to damage their own body, but also the watch itself.

Why does Putin wear a watch on his right hand?

As soon as Putin became president, everyone immediately noticed that he wears a watch on his right hand. Why? After studying a bunch of books on oriental medicine, we came to the conclusion that our president is familiar with the ancient Chinese system of meditation "Fukuri". According to her, on both wrists there is an area called TsUN-KOU, which combines the three most important energy points, responsible for the health of the whole organism, are CUN, GUAN and CHI. They are located one after another on the left and right sides of the wrist (if you look at the palm), down from thumb. And it is by pulsation (with light and deep pressing) of these points that you can find out the state of the intestines, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, heart. Ancient physicians believed that the secret of health and success in life is hidden in the area of ​​Tsun-kou. When the “pulses” on the wrists beat with the same force, the person is cheerful, cheerful, hardy. The most important point is CUN, because it is responsible for the work of the heart. Interestingly, in men and women, the pulse of the "fiery motor" is at different hands: for men - on the left wrist, and for women - on the right. According to the healers, the reason for this phenomenon is that in the stronger sex, blood flows from the “tip” of the heart to the left side, and in the weak, supposedly to the right. An important conclusion follows from this: if a man wears a watch (no matter what bracelet - made of gold, silver, platinum or with a leather or leatherette strap) on his left hand, then this will interfere with the normal functioning of his heart. Women, fortunately, do not need to change their almost innate habit.

Putin explained why he wears a watch on his right hand

Russian President Vladimir Putin explained to Russians on air why he wears a watch on his right hand. This intriguing question was raised at the end of a two-hour direct televised dialogue between the head of state and compatriots.

“I wear a watch on my right hand, because that way the crown does not rub my wrist,” the president said with a smile. "That's the whole secret."