Mixer      03/28/2019

The right pillow for sleeping: how to choose the best one? The right pillow for sleeping. Which one to choose

When asked which pillow is the best, each company will indicate its name and boldly declare its own product. It is useless to navigate by taste and color. But this device for a night's rest should be in any case.

The best pillows are the most comfortable!

Despite the benefits of sleep for children up to 3 months, or even up to a year, without this accessory, even they cannot do without it: there is a high risk of experiencing otitis media during a runny nose or suffering from regurgitation. But physiologists also proved that the brain feels great on a pillow, and the expression “heavy head” did not come from nowhere - from lack of sleep and sleep disturbance.

And what about the pillows that strong girls who do not have best friends cry into, under this accessory they hide notes with the names of potential boyfriends in Christmas fortune-telling and just love to arrange a pillow fight or sleeping parties.

The best pillows for sleeping

A respectable alternative is goose down products (soft, airy, taking the physiological shape of the head and neck). Only the "demanding" of such models remains inconvenient for potential owners - the likelihood of allergies, the need to blow through the product and deal with possible pests.

  • Either genetic memory, or the naturally ideal filler - down of geese, ducks and eiders (seabirds) - is back in fashion. Sometimes a combination of this material with a feather gives a comfortable rigidity.

Of the minuses, they distinguish high cost and frequent blowing (processing the contents, changing the pillowcase).

  • The wool of sheep and camels is also relevant. It is elastic, soft, warm, which is also appreciated in winter time, and with exacerbations of osteochondrosis.

Minus: such products can also hardly be called cheap, plus a possible allergic reaction, especially in people who cannot tolerate pet hair.

  • Three natural leaders are closed by pillows made of bamboo fiber (mattresses for children's beds are also filled with it).

Minus - they are unlikely to fit the "princess and the pea" (sometimes they seem tough).

  • What are the best pillows? Customer reviews often vote for orthopedic products. They are small (up to 80 cm) and consist of rollers and the main part.

These accessories are filled with special foam. On the positive side, some have a "memory effect" and retain the shape needed by a particular person. Minus: about 3,000 rubles for bedding is also sometimes unaffordable.

  • Hollofiber - these pillows at a price of 200-250 rubles and with a good recommendation also made it to the tops.

They are resilient, moderately rigid, easy to wash in the machine (one of the varieties of synthetic winterizer). The fungus, mites, moisture and violation of the shape of the product do not threaten. But it can be difficult to get such a necessary gift for sleep.

A pillow is such a necessary item for sleeping that it is difficult to do without it. This is a special item, because in order to feel comfortable, everyone chooses it in accordance with their individual preferences. Here the physiological structure of the body, favorite position during sleep, as well as the degree of softness, size, etc. matter. In a word, the pillow helps us to sleep well, improves the quality of sleep and provides a good rest. Look at your pillow. Maybe it's time to change it? Then you will face a difficult question - which pillow is the best? You can answer it by carefully studying the modern and such a diverse range of this product on store shelves.

So, first of all, pillows differ in the type and composition of the filler. This is perhaps their main and most important characteristic. By the way, the degree of their hardness or softness, as well as allergenicity or hypoallergenicity and possible medicinal properties also depend on the filler. Fillers are either natural or artificial materials. And there are quite a few of those. The former include fillers made of down-feather, wool and vegetable raw materials, and the latter include holofiber, synthetic winterizer and silicone. Which pillows are better, with natural or synthetic filling?

Down and feather filling is a classic type that has been used in the production of pillows for a long time. The down-feather of geese and ducks is used for its splendor, elasticity, density, hygroscopicity and softness. The higher the down content in relation to the feather, the softer, better and, accordingly, the more expensive the pillow will be. Goose down-feather is thicker, larger than duck down, such a pillow lasts longer, but it is also more expensive.

The most expensive is considered to be a filler made of eider down-feather. high share manual labor in the production of this filler makes such a product almost piece-by-piece, which affects the price of the pillow, but also, accordingly, its quality.

Down-feather pillows - soft, fluffy, last a long time. After 5-6 years, they must be sent for cleaning, where the filler will be restored, cleaned and dried. Restoring pillows will extend their life by a few more years.

Sheep or Such a filler, in addition to softness, fluffiness, hygroscopicity, also has healing effect. Lanolin, which is found in animal hair, has a beneficial effect on the human body. Healing is also the warmth that keeps the wool filler for a long time. Similar pillows are recommended for patients with arthrosis, cervical radiculitis, osteochondrosis. Wool pillows quickly lose their elasticity and shape. Therefore, the filler is often combined, combining wool with synthetic winterizer. Such pillows belong to the middle price category, they are cheaper than down and feather pillows, but they are also much smaller.

The disadvantages of down and feather and wool filler include a rather high price and the ability to cause allergies. Therefore, it is not recommended for hypersensitive people to sleep on them. Which pillows are best for allergy sufferers? These are pillows filled with natural plant fibers or synthetic.

Natural vegetable fillers include bamboo or soy silk, as well as buckwheat or rice husks.

Bamboo or soy filler - "know-how" of the 21st century. These materials are remarkable in their characteristics, which have healing, antibacterial properties. They are very soft, hygroscopic, retain heat well and do not cause allergies. In a word, they perfectly combine the properties of natural and artificial fillers. These pillows belong to the middle price segment.

Another very popular filler is natural silk fiber. These pillows are soft and elastic, perfectly keep their shape. Silk is moisture and steam impermeable, does not roll down and retains all its properties for a long time.

Pillows made of rice or buckwheat husks have medicinal properties. They help to relax, the unusual filler completely takes the shape of the head and massages the skin. True, the husk makes a characteristic rustle, and the service life of such pillows is short - about 2 years.

Which pillows are better with artificial or natural filling? As for pillows with artificial filler, here, first of all, it is necessary to single out products with holofiber, which completely replaces down and feather in their properties. The positive characteristics of these pillows include hypoallergenicity, low price, and the possibility of washing at home. They are perfect for those who prefer elastic rigid forms for sleeping.

Another novelty is a pillow with viscoelastic polyurethane foam. This material is for lovers of experiments and everything new. It has shape memory. When heated from the human body, the filler softens and envelops the head, taking its shape. After cooling, it straightens out, and the pillow takes on its original appearance.

Finally, the silicone filling, which consists of small balls that roll under the arm inside the pillow. It is considered very high quality and, like any synthetic filler, it has hypoallergenic properties. However, it is capable of accumulating static electricity.

Which filler for the pillow is better is difficult to say. Each has both characteristic advantages and disadvantages. If it speaks about the price, then synthetic fillers are cheaper than natural ones, but they are also less durable. For lovers of everything new and modern, we can recommend newest species fillers, and for more conservative people, stick to the traditional classics. In any case, which pillows are better, everyone determines for himself.

When choosing the height and firmness of the pillow important role plays the position in which you usually sleep. If you are in doubt about what this pose is, take a few nights to explore.

When you feel that you are falling asleep, lie down for a few minutes on your back, then on your side and on your stomach. Assess which position is most comfortable for you. For example, if you lay on your stomach for half an hour, but did not fall asleep, this is hardly your usual position. Pay attention to the position in which you wake up in the morning. Write down all your observations so you don't get confused.

  • If you like to sleep on the back, choose a pillow of medium height (8-10 cm), medium firmness and possibly with a recess for the head.
  • If you are sleeping on the side, choose a pillow that is high enough and firm, as it should fill the space between the shoulder and the ear and support the neck well. The height of the pillow should be equal to the width of your shoulder - a segment from the base of the neck to the shoulder point.
  • If you are sleeping on the stomach, you need a soft and thin, almost flat pillow 6–8 cm high. If you can do without one, put a pillow under your stomach so that there is no pain in.
  • If you constantly turning over choose a pillow of medium height. It should be soft enough so that it can be somehow adjusted to the current sleeping position.

How to choose a pillow filler

There are a lot of fillers out there. Manufacturers give them their names, combine different kinds materials, complicate the internal structure of the pillows.

A modern pillow is not just a bag stuffed with down.

Inside there can be springs, several chambers filled with filler, several layers of different fillers, hidden neck rolls and other inventions of the pillow industry.

Therefore, we will talk about fairly popular materials and outline the questions that need to be answered before heading to the store so that you can explain to the consultant what exactly you are looking for.

1. What kind of pillow firmness do you need?

Of the common fillers, the softest will be fluff (natural and artificial), holofiber, bamboo, cotton, silk.

Wool, memory materials, gel are considered medium soft fillers.

The hard filler is latex, buckwheat husk.

2. Do you sweat a lot at night? Do you feel hot on your pillow?

If in the morning you wake up on a damp pillow, your head is hot and stuffy, it means that the filler and / or the pillow cover do not pass air well, do not breathe.

Pillows made of fluff, bamboo, silk have good breathability. However, synthetic fillers are not inferior to natural ones: the fibers in them are intertwined in such a way that a space filled with air remains between them.

If the pillow breathes, it is elastic to the touch and quickly recovers its shape after compression.

The breathability of latex and memory foam pillows is ensured by the porosity of the materials and ventilation holes.

3. Do you care how long it takes to take care of your pillow?

It is easy for someone to take pillows to the dry cleaner several times a year, and someone does not have enough time to even throw them in the washing machine.

The most demanding to care for are pillows made of natural feathers and fluff: they must be dried regularly, fluffed before going to bed to evenly distribute the filler, and periodically taken to the dry cleaner, since they cannot be cleaned on their own. Pillows made of wool will also have to be given to specialists.

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are recommended to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Once a year, you will have to pour out the husk, sift and fall asleep in an already washed cover.

Bamboo, silk and synthetic pillows are machine washable. And on pillows made of latex or material with a memory effect, it is enough to simply replace the pillowcase.

4. How durable do you need your pillow?

The most short-lived pillows are made of bamboo, holofiber, artificial fluff. After three years or even earlier, the filler may clump, and the pillow will become unsuitable for proper sleep.

Pillows made of materials with a memory effect, natural down and feathers, high-quality synthetics will last up to five years.

The most durable are latex pillows. Their service life is 10 years and even more with proper operation.

5. Do you have allergies? If yes, for what exactly?

Everything is clear here: you should not choose the filler to which you are allergic. The strongest allergen is down and feather. But a bamboo pillow, in which there are a lot of microorganisms, can also cause unpleasant symptoms.

How to choose a pillow shape

Let's go back to your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, choose a rectangular pillow. It can be with a roller or notch under the neck, if you feel comfortable.


For sleeping on your side, a rectangular pillow is suitable. Here, too, a cushion under the neck and a notch under the shoulder are appropriate.


To sleep on your stomach, choose a low rectangular or star-shaped pillow.


Pillow Buyer Checklist

Stock up on theory, now you need to understand what to do if there are a lot of pillows in the store, and a zealous consultant is already inviting you to buy. Here is a checklist of your actions:

  1. Tell the consultant what kind of pillow you are looking for (stiffness, materials, cost). Ask if you have sleep problems.
  2. Do not hesitate to find out from consultants the properties of pillows, fillers, covers. Moreover, it is desirable that they explain to you what features of the materials allow the pillow to breathe, remove moisture, and so on.
  3. Try to lie down on the offered pillows. Rate your feelings. With the correct height and shape of the pillow, you should feel relaxed, there should be no clamps or kinks anywhere.
  4. Remember, or rather write down the characteristics of the pillows offered to you. At home, read about the properties of specific fillers. Read reviews of pillows of selected brands.
  5. No matter how carefully you choose a pillow in the store, in order to appreciate it, you need to sleep on it for a week. Because the comfort of the pillow will even depend on yours (the softer it is, the thinner the pillow should be). Therefore, find out if it will be possible to test the pillow at home and return it if it does not fit. The Consumer Rights Protection Law allows a return if the product has not been used, stored appearance, consumer properties, seals, factory labels. But some shops go towards buyers. So, IKEA offers to sleep on a new pillow for 14 days and exchange it if it turns out to be uncomfortable.

Let's start with the fact that all pillows for sleeping are divided into two large groups: simple and orthopedic. Although we often confuse these concepts and call any pillow made of a sufficiently elastic filler orthopedic.

In fact, a real orthopedic model is distinguished not only by its internal, but also by its external content: it has a specific shape, which, in conjunction with the correct filler, prevents the curvature of the cervical spine of a sleeping person. Such pillows are used both for the prevention of diseases of the spine, and for medical reasons. But to decide which pillow to choose for sleep should still be an assessment of the quality characteristics of the filler.

Fillers for stuffing pillows and blankets, there are at least two dozen. It would be wrong to definitely give the palm to one of them, because what may be ideal for a particular person may cause discomfort for another.

Therefore, when choosing a “filling” for a pillow, you need to find out if you are allergic to it, and also focus on personal ideas about how hard or soft it should be.

Consider the most popular types of fillers and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.

polyester fiber

Fillers of this type are made from hollow. The oldest of them is a synthetic winterizer. It first appeared on the market in the mid-1930s.

Today, on the basis of the same polyester fibers as in the synthetic winterizer, a whole generation of more quality materials, such as swan down, holofiber, ecofiber, comforter, and classic synthetic winterizer are gradually becoming a thing of the past. But in general, the advantages and disadvantages of these fillers are similar.


  • Do not cause allergies.
  • Do not accumulate dust and do not smell.
  • They do not absorb moisture and quickly evaporate it from the surface.
  • Light weight.
  • Available at a cost.
  • Simple care.


  • Low orthopedic characteristics.
  • Poor support can exacerbate neck pain.
  • Poor thermoregulation.
  • They stick quickly.
  • When washing, they lose volume.
  • The synthetic winterizer lasts about a year, its modifications are no more than 3 years. .

Preference should be given to new generation materials, but that they will provide good support cervical region the spine should not be counted.

It makes sense to buy a pillow from a classic synthetic winterizer as a budget option for giving, as a temporary replacement or in case of a sudden arrival of guests.


Waterfowl - a traditional natural filler, along with sheep's wool, used by people for hundreds of years. Assessing its properties, we mean the plumage of ducks and geese. Incredibly expensive eider down is very rare, and when they talk about swan down, in most cases they mean a popular synthetic analogue.


  • Excellent thermoregulation.
  • Perfectly absorbs and evaporates moisture.
  • Easily restores volume.
  • Possesses orthopedic properties.
  • Will last up to 5 years or more.


  • Attracts ticks and bedbugs (although the highest quality and most expensive products undergo anti-tick treatment in the process).
  • Complicated care. Only dry cleaning is allowed, which must be carried out at least 2 times a year.
  • If the filler is of poor quality, the pillow smells unpleasant.
  • High price.

Once upon a time best pillow for sleep than downy was unimaginable. But today, no less worthy and cheaper fillers have appeared. True, on sale you can also find quite budgetary down-feather products, but they cannot be of high quality.

Sheep and camel wool

Pet hair is one of the first materials that people learned to use for their own benefit, and another classic natural filler that has not lost popularity for centuries.


  • Excellent thermoregulation;
  • Good support;
  • Perfectly absorbs and evaporates moisture;
  • Possesses healing properties and helps with joint and headaches;
  • Affordable price.


  • May fall off after a few months of use;
  • Poor-quality raw materials smell unpleasant;
  • Contains favorable conditions for reproduction of dust mites;
  • Difficult care: it is necessary to ventilate frequently, only gentle hand washing is allowed.

If, when choosing a pillow, naturalness and a budget price are a priority for you, you are not prone to allergies, you suffer from frequent migraines and colds, it is definitely worth buying a model with sheep wool filler.

silkworm silk

This natural natural filler is in high demand today. In its manufacture, silkworm cocoons are manually straightened, stacked on top of each other and folded to fit the pillow.


  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Does not fall off and does not wrinkle;
  • Excellent thermoregulation;
  • High breathability;
  • Dust mites and fungi do not start in silk;
  • Has a dirt-repellent effect;
  • Does not draw moisture from skin, allowing the collagen lost during the day to be restored, thereby maintaining the youthfulness of the skin;
  • Serves 5 years or more.


  • Not
  • Complicated care. Only very gentle hand washing and dry cleaning is acceptable;
  • High price.

Silkworm cocoons are the only natural filler of animal origin, indicated for use by asthmatics and allergy sufferers. An obstacle to its purchase can only be a high price. The average cost of a quality product starts at $ 70. But it pays off long term services.

Buckwheat husk

(hollow shells of buckwheat seeds) - natural filler plant origin. Before getting into the pillow, the husks are thoroughly cleaned, treated with hot steam and antimicrobial treated.


  • Has a slight massage effect;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Good breathability;
  • Good thermoregulation;
  • High orthopedic properties;
  • Dust mites do not start in the husk;
  • Affordable price.


    • Noisiness;
    • Excessive hardness;
    • Large weight: on average, such a pillow weighs 2.5 kg;
    • Difficult care: you need to pour out the husk from the pillowcase at least once a month and dry it;
    • Service life less than 2 years.

Buckwheat husk pillow has a lot of advantages. It is worth buying if you are not confused by the noise and heavy weight of the filler.

Shape memory foam

- modified polyurethane foam with low elasticity. It softens from the heat of the human body, following its contours, and thus providing good anatomical support. When the load is removed, the filler returns to its original shape.


  • High orthopedic properties;
  • Relieves neck pain;
  • Not a breeding ground for dust mites, fungi and mold;
  • Noiselessness;
  • Does not require care: it is enough to wash the pillowcase regularly.


    • Poor thermoregulation;
    • Enveloping effect: the head is buried in "smart" foam like in a cocoon;
    • May exude a specific odor;
    • Relative stiffness;
    • Service life no more than 3 years;
    • High price.

Out of habit, such a pillow may not seem very comfortable. But after 5-7 days of use, most people stop responding to the "enveloping" effect and notice that they have ceased to suffer from pain in the neck. Preference should be given to models with perforations, as they allow air to pass through better.


Such a filler can be natural, made from the milk of rubber plants and artificial. is very expensive. For pillows, latex is mainly used, containing about 15% synthetics.


  • High orthopedic characteristics;
  • Excellent support;
  • Natural antiseptic. Latex does not harbor bacteria;
  • Good thermoregulation;
  • Relieves neck pain;
  • Noiselessness;
  • Service life of 5 years or more;
  • All care comes down to regular washing of the pillowcase.


    • New products have a specific smell;
    • Increased rigidity;
    • High price.

Today, natural latex is considered one of the best material for the manufacture of high quality orthopedic products. The main thing is to choose a pillow of a comfortable shape and from a conscientious manufacturer.


To understand which pillow to choose for sleep, you must adequately assess your physical condition. Most regular, classic pillows are square or rectangular in shape.

The orthopedic effect is achieved in them only due to the appropriate filler. If you do not need a full-fledged orthopedic product for medical reasons, you do not suffer from pain in the muscles and spine, a regular pillow with a filler that suits you will be enough.

But for a complete orthopedic pillow one filler is not enough. It should adapt to the anatomical features of the person and due to the ergonomic shape.

Orthopedic (anatomical) pillows can be:

  • Rectangular. Rectangular models have a recess in the center and rollers of different heights on the large sides. When you sleep on your side, put the side with the roller under the curve of the lower height, when you sleep on your back ─ the side with the roller is higher.
  • With recess for the shoulder. Pillows with this configuration are only used for side sleeping.
  • In the form of a roller. Roller pillows are characterized by increased rigidity and are not suitable for permanent use, but are suitable as an option for daytime sleep, for example, outdoors.
  • In the shape of a horseshoe. This model is used when traveling and helps to sleep comfortably in a sitting position. It can also be put under your head while watching TV. It is not suitable for sleeping in a horizontal position.

IN Lately the market was flooded with orthopedic pillows of original configurations: in the form of crescents, butterflies, bananas - you can’t list everything. But to provide good anatomical support during sleep, the first four options are enough.

The shape of the pillow does not play the most important role in the proper support of the neck and head. The most important thing is to choose a pillow that is the right size for you.


The size of the pillow is also important: if it is too big or too small, it will be uncomfortable to sleep on it. When choosing a model of a suitable size, consider the following nuances:

  1. 1 The length of classic pillows varies from 40 to 80 cm, width - from 30 to 50 cm.
  2. 2 For tall large people the best option the pillow will be 50 by 80 cm. For people of standard build - 40 by 60 cm.
  3. 3 Standard sizes adult orthopedic models - 50 by 70 cm, children - 20 by 30 cm, teenage - 50 by 40 cm.
  4. 4 For back sleep, most people of average height fit pillows 10-13 cm high, for side sleep - 11-12 cm. To find out the exact parameters, measure the distance from the shoulder to the middle of the neck and add 1-2 cm to it.
  5. 5 If in a dream your neck goes numb and tense, your shoulders numb, your chin almost rests on your chest, there is a desire to put your hand under your head, the pillow does not suit you.
  6. 6 Be sure to test your future purchase in the salon: lie down on the pillow you like, in the same position in which you usually sleep. To understand whether it suits you or not, 5-7 minutes are enough.

In conclusion, I would like to add that it is possible to decide which pillow is best for sleeping only on the basis of the physiological characteristics of each adult and child separately. For a teenager, a medium-sized pillow may seem uncomfortable. An allergy sufferer will not be able to fall asleep on a hypoallergenic but rigid latex model.

A person suffering from constant colds may not feel comfortable with the subtle animal smell emanating from the sheep wool filler. Remember that the most common mistake buyers make is purchasing the same type of model for the whole family. Don't commit it, and comfortable healthy sleep stay forever in your home.

Each person should know how to choose a pillow for sleeping, because his health depends on it. If during a night's rest the cervical region takes the wrong position, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. As a result, dizziness, nausea, weakness, etc. may appear.

Read this article:

What to look for when choosing a pillow?

Height, size and shape

The average height of the product is 10-14 cm. However, when choosing, you need to focus on the width of the shoulders. The higher the person, the higher the support should be.

The optimal pillow size for an adult is 50 by 70 cm, for a child - 40 by 60 cm.

Its shape can be different: square, rectangular or round. There are also products in the form of rollers or with special recesses for the neck and head. These are orthopedic pillows that allow the cervical region to take the correct anatomical position during sleep. There are also special pillows: for pregnant women, for trips in a car, for lumbar etc.

Are orthopedic pillows really that useful?

At first glance, the answer is obvious. However, doctors recommend using this type of bedding only for people who have problems with the spine. In other cases, it can cause discomfort. In any case, before buying, you should consult a doctor. It is very important to pay attention to your own feelings. If after a night's rest you experience discomfort in the neck, you should still refuse to use an orthopedic pillow.

Types of fillers

What is the best pillow filling? All fillers can be divided into 2 types: artificial and natural. Each of them has its pros and cons. When choosing, consider a large number of factors.

natural fillers

Natural includes down, feather, camel and sheep wool, horse hair, natural latex, bamboo fiber. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it. And it's not about the price. The fact is that natural fillers are not suitable for people with allergies.

Feather and down

Down and feather pillows are a classic type of bed linen. The product easily restores its shape, passes air well, retains heat, provides a healthy and quality sleep. Linen is easy to clean. The disadvantages of pillows made of feathers and down include: short service life, reproduction of microorganisms and bacteria, high cost.


The perfect solution for hot days! The product has good rigidity and elasticity. It will appeal to people with a dense physique. Horse hair is used to fill the central part, the rest is made of woolen cloth. Linen requires special care. You can’t clean it yourself, you will have to use the services of dry cleaning.

Camel and sheep wool

Pillows with wool filling are suitable for both summer and winter. They perfectly conduct heat, pass air, dust and dirt do not accumulate in them. Natural wool is an excellent cure for joint and muscle pain. The fiber is durable, so you will not have to buy new linen soon. Unfortunately, there is a high risk of purchasing a low-quality product. Try to make purchases only in trusted stores.

Pillows filled with wool cannot be washed by yourself.

Recently, vegetable fillers have been very popular - hop cones, rice grains, buckwheat, medicinal herbs etc. They are appropriate to use for aromatherapy or massage. Regular use can be uncomfortable. For example, noise during movement can interfere with sleep. Pillows with natural filling are short-lived and require special care. Bacteria and insects can also grow in them.

Natural latex, bamboo fiber, cotton wool - 3 more types natural filler. They are not used very often. If you are looking for durable underwear - pay attention to the latex option. If you are limited in financial resources, choose a cotton product. The option is available for any circle of buyers, but, unfortunately, is short-lived.

artificial fillers

Products made from synthetic materials are different affordable price, anti-allergic properties, porous fiber structure. The most famous artificial filler for bed linen - synthetic winterizer. Such a product will last at least 10 years. It is easy to clean at home, it does not retain unpleasant odors, perfectly restores the shape. Another option for artificial filling is holofiber. This is a worthy replacement for down and feather, because it does not cause an allergic reaction. It can be washed in washing machine. If you like dense, elastic pillows, pay attention to products with silicone filler. And connoisseurs of the lungs and air cushions you will like komforel - a filler in the form of small balls.

Before you decide which pillow to choose for sleeping, be sure to read the tips from experts:

  • pay attention to the width of the shoulders, the shape of the back of the head, the length of the neck and your favorite sleeping position. The shape, thickness and height of the pillow will depend on these parameters. For those who like to sleep on their backs, orthopedic underwear is suitable, on the stomach - products with soft filling. If you do not have a favorite position, and throughout the night you constantly turn over from side to side - pay attention to latex pillows that quickly change their shape;
  • the product must be elastic, regardless of the type of filler. Only in this case it will serve you not for several weeks, but at least for several years;
  • The pillow should be filled evenly. It also happens that manufacturers “spare” the filler and the product turns out to be “thin” and unsuitable for sleep. Checking this is easy - just lift the pillow around one corner. If it has lost its shape, then there is not enough filler in it;
  • The cover for bed linen should be sewn from high-quality fabric. It should not have joints, because during sleep it will cause severe discomfort;
  • check the quality of the seams. They must be even and strong. Otherwise, the filler will come out very quickly. To check, pull the product in different directions and inspect the seams.

We hope that we were able to answer the question: "What pillows are best for sleeping." If you have problems with the spine, be sure to consult your doctor before buying!