Mixer      07/02/2020

Child at 19 obstetric week of pregnancy. Nineteenth week of pregnancy: play, hormone! Required studies and analyzes

Every day you feel more and more of your baby growing in your tummy.

Throughout the day, he makes himself felt stronger and stronger. Although some future mothers will only feel the first movements of their baby for the first time, and compare them with the fluttering of a butterfly, they are so gentle and accurate.

As your baby grows, so does your weight, and your hips become wider. Pregnancy is coming to the middle, and this fact, of course, pleases future moms and dads.

At night, you can no longer sleep on your stomach, and finding a comfortable position is more and more difficult. Most of your wardrobe no longer converges at the waist, or is very tight around the body.

Your baby is the size of...

200 grams
130-150 mm
120-160 bpm

Fetal development

The baby is getting stronger and growing. The brain does not stop its development even for a minute. At the moment, the areas responsible for the 5 senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch) are being brought to perfection in the brain. New neurons are formed, the task of which is to provide communication between the muscles and the brain. The movements of the baby become more conscious.

This is what your baby looks like at 19 weeks

The sebaceous glands of the fetus actively produce the original lubricant that protects the delicate skin from regular exposure to amniotic fluid. It is she who will ensure easy passage through the birth canal during childbirth, and also protect against microorganisms.

At the nineteenth week of pregnancy, the formation of the respiratory system takes place. The lungs and bronchi actively grow and develop, the bronchial tree begins its formation.

The skin of the baby is covered with lanugo (vellus hairs), which will cover the whole body, even the ears.

The placenta also fully performs its functions, its thickness is an important indicator of its condition. As pregnancy progresses, the thickness of the placenta increases, the growth of the placenta will stop only by 36-37 weeks of pregnancy.

The volume of amniotic fluid also increases, and by the 19th week of pregnancy it will reach 500 milliliters. Your baby is the main source of amniotic fluid. The volume of amniotic fluid depends on production (alveolar fluid and urine) and fluid excretion (fluid swallowed by the fetus).

Ultrasound at 19 weeks pregnant

If you are carrying a girl, then approximately 6 million embryonic eggs have already been formed in her ovaries, and by birth their number will be more than 1 million. Normally, in girls with ultrasound, the ovaries are not visualized. This ovarian reserve will give rise to approximately 400 mature follicles over the course of your daughter's reproductive life, which in turn will ensure normal menstruation and the possibility of pregnancy and childbirth.

On ultrasound at the nineteenth week, the jaws are clearly visible, you can see how your baby opens his mouth, sticks out his tongue.

Your baby's thumbs have not yet fully formed, but he actively grabs absolutely everything that comes to hand.

With an ultrasound examination of the fetus at 19 weeks of gestation, the fetus can be both in a state of sleep and in a state of wakefulness. During this period, the crumbs form a regimen, like in newborn babies, they do not sleep for 6 hours and sleep for 18 hours.

At the nineteenth week of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination excludes the presence of such pathologies of the central nervous system as fetal hydrocephalus and spina bifida, this is a defect that is associated with the opening of bone arches in the spine, as a result of which the spinal cord comes out, and hernias form.

Fetal dimensions on ultrasound at 19 weeks gestation:

  • biparietal size: 49 - 49 mm.
  • : 53 - 63 mm.
  • head circumference: 142 - 174 mm.
  • abdominal circumference: 114 - 154 mm.
  • femur: 26 - 34 mm.
  • lower leg bones: 23 -31 mm.
  • humerus: 23 - 31 mm.
  • forearm bones: 20 26 mm.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, ultrasound examination necessarily assesses the structure of the fetus, examines the placenta (its structure, location, thickness and exit point of the umbilical cord), evaluates the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus) and the presence of increased tone and neoplasms, the cervix for the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency and threat of premature birth, ovaries.

What happens in your body at 19 weeks?

The body of the expectant mother continues to undergo changes. Gradually, the hip joints relax and diverge, this is necessary to facilitate the passage of the fetus during childbirth. As a result, pain in the lower back and back may increase.

Due to the fact that around the 19th week of pregnancy in pregnant women the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops, the doctor may recommend iron supplements.

The chest is increasing in size, it is preparing for the upcoming breastfeeding, halos darken, but do not worry, some time after childbirth, all these changes will pass.

How do you feel at week 19

The nineteenth week of pregnancy is already a serious period, almost half the way has been passed, and even those around you notice this.

The abdomen has increased enough in size, as a result of which a feeling of discomfort may appear in the navel area, this enlarged uterus presses it from the inside.

Some future mothers may observe a protrusion of the navel, you should not worry about this, after childbirth, this phenomenon will pass.

A large enough tummy makes it difficult to sleep on your stomach, which at first can bring discomfort, but you will soon learn to sleep on your side. Small pillows placed under the abdomen and between the knees will help ease the pain.

A more unpleasant phenomenon is calf cramps, which are mostly disturbing at night. This is due to the increased load on the legs. But there is another reason, namely, an insufficient amount of calcium in the body, so calcium-containing foods and preparations must be included in the diet.

Expectant mothers at the 19th week of pregnancy may experience a decrease in blood pressure, this is due to the work of progesterone, which weakens the peripheral vessels. Quite often there is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, which is associated with an increase in blood volume.

A low level of hemoglobin can provoke slight dizziness, fatigue, weakness. Therefore, avoid sharp rises and turns of the body.

Perhaps there will be difficulties with breathing, inhalation and exhalation are difficult. If so, try to breathe shallowly.

At the nineteenth week of pregnancy, an increase in heart rate, an increase in secretions, increased sweating, and the release of colostrum are possible.

Discharge from the genital tract

At the 19th week of pregnancy, an increase in vaginal discharge is possible, but they should be light, transparent, have no unpleasant odor, and have a uniform consistency.

The presence of atypical, purulent, gray-green, cheesy discharge, accompanied by bad smell and discomfort in the form of itching should alert you, as they talk about the addition of a sexual infection. In such cases, you must immediately inform your doctor about this, after the examination, he will prescribe the necessary treatment for you.

Bloody discharge should also alert, especially those that are accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen. In the presence of such secretions, you should immediately seek medical help.

Photo of tummies at 19 weeks

Good day to you, my regular readers, as well as those who visited the blog for the first time! We continue our conversation about pregnancy. In my opinion, bearing a child is the best time in a woman's life. The time when she learns her true destiny, feels the peculiarity of her status. Today I have plans to tell you about the joys and sorrows that the nineteenth week of pregnancy will bring with it.

Stay with me and you will find out: what is meconium, how long does the baby sleep in the stomach, what does he see with his eyes closed, what can you teach an unborn child. In addition, I will explain to you why a growing belly itches, what a pillow for pregnant women is, how the knee-elbow position is useful, and I will also reveal the secret of the terrible word “previa”.

What does the baby look like now? He has grown up, arms and legs have acquired proportionality, the skin is no longer so thin, but still wrinkled. Now the baby looks more like a little old man than a humanoid. It is about the size of a medium potato tuber. The body is covered with fluff and grease.

The movements of the child become more and more purposeful, and not erratic. This is a consequence of the active development of the brain. The baby is already straightening the head, turning it in different directions. He is not yet cramped in his house, so he moves freely in space, exploring the possibilities of his body. On ultrasound at this time, the mother will be able to see the baby in its entirety and take a picture as a keepsake.

The baby's main organs are almost completely formed and functioning. The development of the lungs is completed. The kidneys excrete urine, and meconium forms and accumulates in the intestines. This is the name of the baby's original feces, which will be excreted from the body in the first days after birth.

At this time (19 obstetric weeks), the baby spends about 20 hours in a dream, the rest of the time he is very active. And mom can already feel it.

The child becomes sensitive to the food his mother eats. At this time, his taste habits begin to form, as well as intolerance to certain products - allergies.

The baby's eyes are still closed, but he can already react to very bright flashes of light. He does not like it, he turns away and even gets scared. Do you think the baby can see through the eyes of the mother? It's incredible, but it turns out it can. They even proved it. You ask: how? But listen.

There are studies indicating that the fetus is able to perceive and fix in memory some of the most vivid emotional images and moments experienced and seen by the mother. This unique phenomenon was proved by the American psychologist Stanislav Grof. During hypnosis sessions, patients were able to remember what made a strong impression on their mothers during pregnancy.

Therefore, dear future mothers, my advice to you: admire beautiful landscapes more often, visit art galleries and museums, let everything around you be beautiful, and let your emotions be only positive.

About how to teach a child in the stomach to sing, draw, dance, foreign language you can read in one book. I mentioned it in my previous article. It is called “We develop before birth”, the author is V. G. Sergeeva.

What happens to mom at 19 weeks pregnant

The movements of the baby are already heard by many women at this time. Now pushing the crumbs become more frequent and distinct. Strangers can already feel them, pressing their hand to the belly of the expectant mother. Are you already listening to your child? Then I will advise you to start a diary in which you will record the number and frequency of movements, you need to do this every day. So you can control the condition of the baby.

What does a pregnant woman look like now? She has become a little awkward, her posture is starting to change, her breasts and buttocks are getting fatter, her hips are expanding. Since the appetite of the future mother is growing by leaps and bounds, she needs to be more careful with food: she doesn’t need to starve, but overeating will not bring anything good.

Negative events in this period

  • Sometimes you find it difficult to breathe, as if there is not enough air.
  • There was a rapid heartbeat.
  • The stomach grows, because of this, a number of unpleasant sensations arise: pruritus, soreness along the edges of the abdomen, a feeling of constriction of the internal organs, the navel turned inside out.
  • Continue to torment heartburn, constipation and bloating.
  • There was nasal congestion.
  • Edema may occur.
  • There are leg cramps.
  • Back and lower back pain.
  • Pressure fluctuations are possible: it can either decrease or increase.
  • The pigmentation of the skin increases, stretch marks appear (about them).

Among the diseases that often characterize the mother's condition at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy are the following:

  1. Pyelonephritis.
  2. Cystitis.
  3. Thrush.
  4. Varicose veins.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Diabetes of pregnant women (increased sugar during pregnancy).
  7. Hypertension.

I want to draw your attention to one thing. Very often, expectant mothers do not attach much importance to itching in the abdomen. They explain this phenomenon by stretching the skin. But this is not always the case. The stomach can itch for other reasons, which should be paid serious attention. What are these reasons?

  • A sign of an incipient allergy.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Disorder of the work of internal organs, such as: kidneys, gallbladder, liver.
  • If itching is accompanied by a rash, then this is a manifestation of dermatitis of pregnant women. It occurs due to allergies, increased sweating, infections, lack of vitamins.

Do not close your eyes to the itching that has appeared, talk to your doctor to rule out unpleasant consequences.

placenta previa

This is an undesirable phenomenon for a pregnant woman. In this case, the placenta completely or partly blocks the entrance to the uterus. Signs of such a situation are bleeding, which suddenly begin to disturb a woman from the second trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, the mother's condition is stable, the gestation of the fetus proceeds normally.

The diagnosis can be established on a planned ultrasound. Sometimes there is a possibility that the placenta itself will be displaced from the lower part of the uterus. But more often than not, the situation cannot be corrected. A woman should be under constant medical supervision, she may have to spend almost the entire pregnancy in the hospital.

Complications with improper location of the placenta: fetal hypoxia, bleeding in the mother, anemia. Most likely, in this case, the woman will not be allowed to give birth herself, they will do a caesarean section. Sadly, natural childbirth can even be fatal for the baby and mother (due to heavy bleeding).

How to make life easier for a pregnant woman

Pillow for pregnant women is now very popular. I will help you understand what it is and what it is used for.

  • A pillow is needed, first of all, to save a woman from insomnia, which expectant mothers so often suffer from.
  • It is suitable for any period of pregnancy.
  • When using a pillow, the load is evenly distributed in the spine.
  • By experimenting with this device, you can find the most comfortable position for you in which you will fall asleep peacefully.
  • A special pillow can even be placed under the stomach.
  • Not her you can put your tired feet during the daytime rest.
  • Among other things, this thing will be useful to you after the birth of the baby: it will be a support during feeding, will play the role of a miniature playpen and ensure the safety of the child on the bed. By the way, there is special nursing pillow.

These pillows come in a variety of shapes: some look like a hook, others look like a banana, others look like a horseshoe, the fourth look like the letters “c” or “g”.

So, the banana pillow is very compact, it is comfortable to sleep on its side, it will support both the tummy and the back, it will help to relax in a sitting position during the day.

The pillow in the form of a roller is also very in demand. It will relieve fatigue from all muscle groups, help to relax the joints of the neck and spine. Miniature size and low price also speak in favor of this pillow.

Don't let the unusual appearance of these pillows fool you. Many pregnant women speak positively about them. I advise you not to neglect this interesting device and try it in action.

The peculiarity of the status of a pregnant woman is that a woman cannot use traditional methods of treatment and pain relief. Almost all drugs have contraindications during pregnancy. And here the knee-elbow position comes to the rescue, which you can just start using from the 19th week. Why?

  • The pose will relieve you of painful sensations of a different nature.
  • With this position, the child assumes a position convenient for childbirth.
  • The knee-elbow position unloads the spine, leg muscles, lower back, and joints.
  • The internal organs stop shrinking and shifting, they work better.
  • This remedy is recommended for problems with the kidneys, intestines, varicose veins.
  • This position is comfortable for both mother and baby.
  • This is the prevention of inflammation in the pelvic area.
  • The blood circulates better.
  • Breathing becomes easier.
  • Improves digestion.
  • The tone of the uterus is removed.
  • In childbirth, it is used to reduce pain.

There are no contraindications for this remedy. But you will feel the benefits only with the regular use of this pose: several times a day, for 10-30 minutes.

That's all the information for today. I say goodbye to you, hopefully not for long. Come to me, recommend the blog to your friends, do not forget to subscribe to updates. And I will try to continue to satisfy your curiosity on the topic of pregnancy. All the best, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

VIDEO - Ultrasound 19 weeks pregnant

19 weeks pregnant is when you can already feel your baby moving! From that moment on, the connection with him becomes even stronger. After all, now you not only know, but feel how a new person is growing inside you. Basically, all the organs of the baby are already formed. Then they will improve, the baby will gain weight, a subcutaneous fat layer will form.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the weight of the baby is about 200 g, and its height is 14-15 centimeters. Your weight also increases, the tummy becomes more and more noticeable. Mom at this time in most cases feels good, but you need to remember that your health is the health of the baby, so try to get more rest, devote enough time to physical activity, walk a lot.

How many months have passed? Week 19 is the third week of the fifth obstetric month of pregnancy (one obstetric month has 28 days, that is, exactly 4 weeks).

What's happening?

At this stage of pregnancy, the most beautiful and most enjoyable stage of your life continues. At this time, the mother's health is usually excellent; despite periodic pain in the lumbar region, legs, the mood is excellent, because the phenomena of toxicosis are behind, and the uterus is not yet so squeezing internal organs to cause concern.

You may find it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. You can’t sleep on your stomach for a long time, on your back too, because the uterus can squeeze the inferior vena cava, and blood circulation is disturbed. For expectant mothers, special pillows are produced that help to choose a comfortable position and sleep soundly.

The fetus and its development at the 19th week of pregnancy

A child at week 19 already acquires a proportional physique - his arms and legs have the same proportions as at birth. Adipose tissue gradually accumulates, now mainly in the area of ​​internal organs. The subcutaneous tissue is not yet sufficiently developed, and the baby looks very thin.

At this stage of pregnancy, it develops very actively nervous system baby. The neuromuscular connection improves, and your baby's movements become less and less chaotic. The baby can already, pushing off the uterine wall with his legs, roll over, and it is during this period that the mother begins to feel his movements.

In the central nervous system of the baby, the centers of the sense organs are now being formed: smell, taste, sight, hearing, and touch will be developed very soon. The formation of the peripheral parts of the analyzers has already begun: the receptors of the retina in just 1-2 weeks will begin to perceive light stimuli, the baby will learn to open and close his eyes, and will respond to changes in lighting.

Gradually, the accumulation of subcutaneous tissue begins, and now the baby's skin is a little lighter than before, although still wrinkled. At this time, your baby's skin glands begin to produce cheese-like lubricant - a light, sometimes grayish substance that protects the baby's skin during prenatal period. The original lubricant protects the skin both from mechanical influences, the aquatic environment, and from microorganisms, because it has bactericidal properties.

The urinary system of the baby is actively working. His kidneys produce a little over two milliliters of urine per hour.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Belly at 19 weeks pregnant

At this stage of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is 19 cm above the level of the pubic articulation, or 1-2 cm below the navel. The uterus has already grown so much that it has displaced the internal organs. Because of this, you can periodically feel heartburn, discomfort in the epigastric region, a feeling of heaviness after eating. Your weight by the 19th week of pregnancy should increase by about four kilograms, and now it is very important to monitor nutrition. Hormonal changes in the body sometimes lead to a constant desire to eat something, and by no means the most useful. The baby from this period begins to accumulate fatty tissue, and this also affects the mother's appetite.

Proper nutrition

Your nutrition should now completely cover all the needs of the baby in nutritional components: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, valuable trace elements. However, you must be very careful not to sort out calories. If you notice that the weight is gaining more than normal, exclude easily digestible carbohydrates from the diet: bread, pasta, pastries, sweets. These products are of no use: they do not useful substances, only calories, because of which excess weight is gained. Your diet must include dietary meat, vegetables, fruits, fiber, milk, lactic acid products, herbs, berries. Avoid fast food completely. Try to eat at home, and if it doesn’t work out, then only in trusted establishments where you are sure of the quality of the prepared dishes.

Dietary food does not mean “bad and tasteless”. Diversify your diet with new dishes, especially since the skills of preparing dietary dishes will be very useful to you when the baby eats adult food on his own. Add new salads to the menu, including fruit ones, diversify your diet with baked dishes.

Pay enough attention to the drinking regimen. During pregnancy, a woman should drink about two liters of pure water per day. To prevent edema, it is necessary to limit the amount of salt consumed.

Fetal movements in the 19th week of pregnancy

This week of pregnancy, you can already feel your baby moving for the first time! If this is the second pregnancy, then you probably feel them for one or two weeks. This is an unforgettable feeling, gentle, soft. The baby is very active, the video of the 19th week of pregnancy shows how he constantly changes position. Your baby may roll over completely several times a day, and the position of the fetus may not be final. He will turn over again and again. You don’t feel all the baby’s movements now, but several times a day you feel how he pushes you.

Mom's Feelings

Basically, the sensations of the mother at this time are focused on the movements of the baby. After all, these first tremors cannot but rejoice - after all, you have been waiting for them so much! Your tummy at the 19th week of pregnancy is already noticeable, and you certainly pleased all the relatives with the expectation important event. With an increase in the volume of the tummy, the skin on it stretches and can itch. The use of anti-stretch marks can significantly reduce this feeling. If you start taking care of your skin on time, you can significantly reduce the number of stretch marks and their size. In addition, the skin will recover better and faster after childbirth.

You may have already noticed skin changes. Very often, due to changes in the hormonal background, the skin darkens in the nipples, genitals, the line from the navel to the pubic bone, sometimes above the upper lip, on the cheeks. This is due to the accumulation of melanin. All these phenomena will pass after childbirth, and now you need to protect the skin from excessive insolation.

Your center of gravity has already shifted somewhat, because the tummy has increased. Because of this, you may feel discomfort in the lumbar region, sacrum. To relieve back pain, do stretching exercises to strengthen your back muscles.

  • now your well-being allows you to do physical exercises; take advantage of this - be sure to go to yoga, to the pool or any other workout that you like;
  • if you have problems sleeping, try to fall asleep with a pillow for pregnant women - it has the shape of a huge banana and allows you to comfortably position your legs, tummy; ventilate your room before going to bed, be sure to walk in the evening;
  • be sure to control your weight - the normal weight of the mother greatly facilitates childbirth;
  • now is the best time to study the literature on pregnancy, childbirth; you can even sign up for mom-to-be classes already, which usually start after 30 weeks of pregnancy.

If pregnant with twins

With multiple pregnancies, the feelings of the expectant mother, of course, are different. The tummy has increased much more, it is already clearly visible. Problems with stools, heartburn, aggravated after eating, may be disturbing. Mommy can already often run to the toilet, because the uterus at the 19th week of pregnancy is squeezing the bladder with twins. You probably already feel the movements of your babies, they are now very active and mobile. You need to rest more, try to unload your back, it is already necessary to wear a support bandage.

Pain and discharge at 19 weeks pregnant

During this period of pregnancy, pain should not bother the expectant mother. Sometimes you may experience discomfort on the sides of the abdomen - they are associated with a sprain of the round ligaments of the uterus. Such sensations can occur when changing the position of the body, but they are short-lived. If you feel that your stomach is pulling at the 19th week of pregnancy, consult a doctor. This may be a sign of increased tone.

If you are concerned severe pain in the back, you can relieve them with stretching, light massage, even just lying down. Such a simple exercise relieves soreness and fatigue very well: sit on the floor, spread your legs slightly and gently bend, trying to reach your toes. At the same time, make sure that the tummy does not squeeze.

If you want to rest lying down, remember that you should not lie on your back for a long time, as blood circulation is disturbed due to compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus. It is better to choose the position on the side - both you and the baby will be comfortable.

Allocations at the 19th week of pregnancy may increase slightly. From the middle of pregnancy, more abundant light discharge is acceptable, but it should not be brown, bloody, watery. Be sure to keep an eye on their nature, as genital tract infections can hide, but they are not safe for the baby.

Required studies and analyzes

At this stage of pregnancy, you visit a antenatal clinic every month. At each visit, the doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat, determines the circumference of the abdomen, the height of the uterine fundus, and interprets your tests. In addition, before consulting a doctor, your blood pressure and your weight will be measured. Don't forget before visiting.

Ultrasound at this time is prescribed only according to indications. The second screening test is usually performed at 20-24 weeks of gestation.P

Useful video

Questions - answers

I made an appointment for a second ultrasound a little earlier. At the 19th week of pregnancy, the sex of the child can already be accurately determined?

Yes, the baby's genitals are already fully formed, and during an ultrasound examination, the doctor will be able to tell you exactly the gender, and besides, everything will be shown to you on the monitor.

I am 19 weeks pregnant and my stomach hurts when I urinate. Is it due to squeezing of the bladder by the uterus?

No. Due to pressure on the bladder, frequent urination is possible, but there should be no pain. Soreness during urination indicates an infection of the urinary system (urethritis, possibly cystitis). You definitely need to see a doctor, as timely safe treatment should be prescribed. The infection should not go to the upper urinary system.

I am 18-19 weeks pregnant, I still don’t feel any movement and I’m very worried about this. I read that they can start at 16-17 weeks. Why don't I have it yet?

During the first pregnancy, most expectant mothers feel the first movement of the baby for a period of 20 weeks. Therefore, there is no cause for concern. The term of the first movement depends not only on the period of pregnancy, but also on the physique of the mother, her threshold of sensitivity.

Here comes the middle of pregnancy. Week 20 completes the first half of a difficult and interesting journey, at the end of which a long-awaited meeting with the baby will take place. The woman is now at the peak of her well-being, she looks impressive and full of enthusiasm.

A few days between 19 and 20 weeks is the time of the amazing experience of the first movements of the fetus, the first "contact" of mother and baby. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How many months is this?

The beginning of the 20th week of pregnancy is 19 complete obstetric weeks. They are called obstetric because the countdown comes from the first day of the last menstruation. In fact, the baby exists in the mother's womb for about 2 weeks less - the 18th week has gone from the day of conception. About 16 weeks ago, the woman found out about the delay and probably took a pregnancy test for the first time.

In the usual calendar for everyday life, 4.5 months have passed. According to obstetrical standards, the fifth month of pregnancy is coming to an end. The same amount remains before childbirth, but now the woman will face a paradox - time will begin to flow more slowly, since the third trimester is perceived and experienced by expectant mothers somewhat harder than the second.

In the meantime, the second trimester is going on - the most favorable and calm period. Weeks 19-20 is an impressive period at which the fact of pregnancy can no longer be hidden, and there is no need for this. The expectant mother has already managed to get used to the fact that big changes await her soon. In the meantime, life flows quite measuredly. The pregnant woman is registered in the antenatal clinic, she takes the necessary tests, and the period from 19 to 20 weeks is no exception.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Feelings of the expectant mother

It may seem to others that little is changing at this time, because a woman continues to lead her usual way of life - to work, study, and engage in everyday household chores. However, only the pregnant woman herself now knows what deep and interesting processes are taking place in her body. A woman feels an upsurge of strength and vigor, she wants to do everything, do everything, because very soon another family member will be born, who will definitely become the main one.

At week 20, sensations are constantly updated, let's look at what they can be.

General well-being

In general, a woman who is on the 20th obstetric week of pregnancy feels good. There is no severity yet, which will be accompanied by the last trimester, and there is no painful toxicosis. The tummy, although growing by leaps and bounds, does not cause much inconvenience.

However, this week a woman may notice something new in her condition: from time to time, especially at night, she is thrown into a fever, then into a chill. These "hot flashes" are due to hormonal changes that occur from the first days of pregnancy.


The vast majority of pregnant women at this time clearly feel the movements of their baby. This is certainly one of the most exciting and touching moments of the entire pregnancy. If the woman has not yet felt the movements of the baby, now she is in tense expectation: she is looking for an answer to the question of why she still does not feel them.

Movements are very individual. Much depends on what kind of pregnancy a woman has. If the second or third, then the walls of the uterus stretch faster, the movements become apparent earlier. If the birth of the first child is expected, then the woman will feel the first light tremors much later. Pregnant women with twins or triplets begin to feel the activity of their children before anyone else.

If the placenta is located back wall uterus, then there is a high probability of feeling fetal movements earlier. If the "children's seat" is located on the front wall, the sensitivity is reduced.

Women who do not sit still, constantly move, work, lead an active lifestyle, later begin to feel their baby, because they simply do not have time to focus on themselves and their feelings.

At 19-20 weeks, almost 90% of pregnant women declare that they already clearly feel how the baby is moving in the tummy. But there are those who still live only in anticipation of this miracle. In nulliparous women, the baby can manifest itself only in the next or 22 weeks. This is not considered something unusual or abnormal, you just need to be patient.

Those who already have movements note that babies are more active in the evening and at night. This does not mean that the baby is an avid night owl. Just in the evening and at night, a woman relaxes, rests, all the subtle touches of the crumbs from the inside in this state are perceived more vividly and distinctly.

Mood and emotional state

Due to calcium deficiency, a woman can now experience quite severe pain with cramps in the calf muscles. Brings legs together most often at night. Due to physiological hypocalcemia (the growing fetus takes away from the mother most of this mineral) problems with teeth can also begin. Now, if a tooth hurts, it can be treated even with the use of anesthesia. This should be used, even if the teeth are not sick, a preventive examination and sanitation of the oral cavity will not interfere.

Headaches at the 20th week of pregnancy are usually not permanent or even regular. If the head hurts badly and often, this cannot be considered the norm, a woman definitely needs to control her blood pressure: most likely, the pain is associated precisely with its increase.

Changes in the body

Changes in female body at 20 weeks it is impossible not to notice. The waist has not just increased in girth, its lines have almost smoothed out. Many pregnant women at the current time joke that they no longer have a waist. But for many, the navel begins to stick out funny, and this somewhat raises the mood of the future mother.

How does the uterus grow?

Main reproductive organ women grows intensively, adding to the height of about 1-2 centimeters per week. The height of the uterine fundus at week 20 can be different for different women. Normally, it is in the range of 18-24 centimeters. Most often, this size, which is determined using a centimeter tape from a point in the center of the border of the pubic bone to the height of the upper part of the uterus, is equal to the number of weeks, so most pregnant women are “measured out” at the current time of 19-20 centimeters.

The uterus is in the abdominal cavity, its upper wide part, called the bottom, has now approached the same level as the navel. The belly is growing rapidly. If a woman visits the doctor several times a week, she will notice that the height of the uterine fundus at 19 weeks and 3 days will be about a centimeter less than at 19 weeks and 5-6 days. Now the uterus is comparable in size to a decent ball.

The length of the cervix this week for the first time is determined as an indicator of its viability. In total, four planned examinations of the cervix are carried out during pregnancy with a mandatory measurement of its length using ultrasound. The first such examination is carried out precisely at the 20th week. The average length of the neck is now normally 40.3 mm. If a woman is expecting her first child, a larger value is possible - up to 48 mm, if the pregnancy is not the first, the neck is somewhat shorter - 40.1 mm. A pathological condition is considered to be a shortening of the cervix at this time up to 30 mm or more.

A short neck is a threat of premature birth, and the baby will not be able to survive on its own yet. Therefore, when a pathology is detected, a woman is hospitalized and a decision is made - to suture the neck, use a pessary, or apply medication.

At week 20, all of the above methods are still technically possible; after 21 weeks, suturing is usually not performed.

A woman at week 20 usually feels her uterus well, she can determine her upper limit herself if she lies on her back. Also, almost all expectant mothers at this time are able to independently determine the tone of the uterus and even imagine the location of the fetus in it: the tummy is already asymmetrical, the baby can be located in its left or right lobe, and also regularly change the location.

Weight gain

Women will now be reminded of the need to control weight gain at every scheduled appointment with the doctor. Now an uncontrolled increase in body weight may be the only symptom of a dangerous condition for a woman and her baby - preeclampsia. Weight at week 20 arrives quite intensively, because the baby grows, the amount of amniotic fluid also increases.

The rate of increase by week 20 will depend on what build a woman had before pregnancy:

  • thin girls and women are now "allowed" to add up to 6 kilograms to their initial weight;
  • expectant mothers with normal weight and a slight excess should not gain more than 5.8 kilograms;
  • overweight women, women with varying degrees of obesity can afford to add no more than 3 kilograms to the initial weight by the 20th week.

Arterial pressure

Now in the body of a woman circulates about 40% more blood than before. All this creates a significant load on the blood vessels and the heart. It is now that a woman may begin to complain of bouts of dizziness.

Head spinning is usually due to changes in blood pressure. It most often decreases at week 20: systolic pressure decreases by 4-5 mmHg and diastolic pressure decreases by 15 mmHg. Due to the need to pump more blood, the pregnant woman's heart rate accelerates: the pulse becomes more frequent by about 8-15 beats per minute.

Such changes do not require medical intervention. However, if a woman begins to faint, suffers from nausea and severe dizziness, she should definitely inform her doctor about this.

Visual impairment

Often at the 20th week of pregnancy, women begin to complain of a slight deterioration in vision. If before there were no problems with the organs of vision, then there is no reason to worry: visual acuity will soon return. A slight decrease in visual function is associated with an increase in the amount of blood in the body of a pregnant woman. Due to pressure drops, the vessels of the retina slightly narrow, due to which visual acuity decreases.

For some, this process goes unnoticed. Women who now drive a car or work in positions that require good vision and precision work should be extremely careful.

Stretch marks

Unpleasant traces of stretching on the skin in medicine have a specific name - "stretch marks". With increased growth of the abdomen, buttocks, mammary glands that occur in the middle of pregnancy, skin They “do not keep up” with the growth rate, microfractures of elastin and collagen fibers occur, and in place of these gaps, coarse connective tissue is formed. It is she who gives an unsightly cosmetic effect in the form of stripes of different colors - from pink to purple.

After childbirth, stretch marks are difficult to correct, striae for the most part do not sunbathe, since they do not contain malatonin. In order not to put up with such a cosmetic defect later, you need to take all measures to slow down the growth of stretch marks. To do this, a pregnant woman needs to monitor her weight: in women who have gained 20 kilograms during pregnancy, the likelihood of extensive stretch marks is much higher.

You can already use baby cream or other hypoallergenic gels and creams. The main thing is to prevent an allergic reaction, because the skin of a pregnant woman at 19-20 weeks is very sensitive.


For such a phenomenon as spontaneous nose bleed, about 15% of expectant mothers complain. In the middle of the gestation period, due to changes in blood pressure, as well as increased fragility of the vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, their integrity is violated from time to time. As a result, the woman may start bleeding suddenly.

Doctors urge expectant mothers to distinguish between physiological and pathological nosebleeds. Natural occur most often with a sharp change in body position, with careless blowing your nose. Pathological nosebleeds are repeated with enviable regularity and have no apparent causes. In fact, they can accompany hypertension, impaired blood coagulation, and a lack of calcium in the body.

For such bleeding, you should consult a general practitioner and an ENT doctor.


The mammary glands of a pregnant woman at week 20 look very impressive: they have become noticeably larger, the nipples have become stronger, their sensitivity has increased several times. If colostrum begins to stand out at the current time, there is no need to be scared, nothing terrible happens. This is quite a natural phenomenon.

Colostrum is a highly nutritious substance rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and mineral salts. While it has a thick consistency and a yellowish tint. In the third trimester, colostrum becomes more transparent, and after childbirth, after a few days, it turns into full-fledged breast milk.

Most often, colostrum in the middle of pregnancy appears in women who have already given birth and breast-fed children: their ducts are dilated compared to nulliparous ones.

If colostrum is now quite disturbing, leaking and staining clothes, you should use a bra designed specifically for nursing mothers. His cups inside have special “pockets” for liners that will absorb colostrum and prevent stains on clothes.

Now you need to properly care for your breasts: wear supportive bras, wash your nipples with warm water twice a day, use stretch marks.

Fetal development

Sometimes you can find information that at week 20 a soul appears in the fetus. Some peoples really believe this, while Orthodoxy is inclined to believe that a child has a soul from the moment of conception. The issue is debatable and future mom, if interested in it, can devote this week to exploring a variety of points of view.

One thing can be said for sure: the baby is already a feeling and even a thinking being, who feels his mother very subtly and is now beginning to comprehend the world around him.

In half the term, the baby has gone a long way from a fertilized egg to an embryo, and then to a fetus. Now the fetal period of its development is underway, which means that the baby is fully formed, now it only has to grow. At 18 embryonic weeks (this is 20 obstetric weeks), the baby reached the size of a papaya fruit. His height is about 24-26 centimeters, and his weight is approaching 350 grams. We will tell you more about how the baby is doing.


The kid is getting better every day. He is no longer as thin as the expectant mother could see him at the first ultrasound, he is forming subcutaneous fat. Due to this, the baby’s body gradually acquires more rounded shapes, the cheeks and tummy are the first to “recover”. The arms and legs are still thin and therefore look somewhat awkward. The skin ceases to be bright red, because the subcutaneous fat layer gradually begins to separate the network of blood vessels from the thin skin layer. The skin itself from this week becomes four-layered, thicker and more durable.

From head to toe, the baby is covered with cheese-like grease. Its purpose is to protect the skin from constant exposure to amniotic fluid. Lubrication is securely held on the skin thanks to thin downy hairs - lanugo, they now cover the entire body.

Gradually, as the baby grows, it will get rid of both lanugo and original lubricant. Closer to childbirth, his skin will become smooth, and the lubricant will remain only where it is really needed - in places of physiological friction (in the folds of the skin, in the inguinal zone, in the bend of the elbow and in the bend on the legs under the knees).

The baby at 20 weeks looks more proportional than before. His legs have noticeably grown, which were originally shorter than his arms, his head almost acquired correct form, its dimensions gradually come into line with other parts of the body. Therefore, the baby no longer looks like a tadpole - now it is a little man in everything, down to the smallest things.. So, he has eyelashes and eyebrows, fingernails and even his own unique fingerprints.

The baby's face will no longer undergo significant metamorphosis. The ears, which were originally on the neck, have long fallen into place, at week 20, nature adds the final “touch”: the auricles acquire their final formed shape. The baby's eyes are still closed, but the eyelids become denser, at the current time the baby begins to try to open them slightly. This process is lengthy, it will take several weeks, but the blink reflex is being formed right now.

If a woman at week 20 decides to go not for a conventional two-dimensional ultrasound, but for a 3D ultrasound, then she can easily see all the facial features of the crumbs on the monitor: they are already unique, they have everything that the baby inherited genetically. He has his own special shapes of the nose, forehead, chin. He already looks like one of his parents, and perhaps his grandmother or grandfather.

sense organs

From the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to better navigate in his environment. Now he distinguishes well the time of day - night and day, morning and evening. His daily routine may not coincide with his mother’s, for example, the period of wakefulness of the crumbs may fall exactly on the mother’s nightly rest, but so far this will not greatly disturb the woman, because the baby, even actively moving, does not cause her pain and discomfort. The night somersaults of the offspring may remain completely unnoticed for the sleeping mother.

The world for your child will no longer be the same, because from 19-20 weeks, his hearing organs begin to work to the fullest. Until this time, the baby also heard, but mostly only vibrations that created various sound waves and voices.

Now he enthusiastically begins to listen to the world as it is. His favorite sounds, without a doubt, are the beating of his mother's heart, her voice.

Right now, according to perinatal psychologists, his attitude to the world is being formed - optimistic or pessimistic. And here a lot depends on what kind of fairy tales and songs he will hear from his mother, how her relationship with his father will be built, what sounds will more often reach tiny ears inside the mother's womb.

The fetus cannot yet see, although all the receptors of the organs of vision are fully formed. Bright light and night darkness are two light effects that the fetus can perceive through closed eyes. But he achieved real perfection in the definition of tastes.

Since the papilla receptors on the tongue were formed earlier than other sense organs, now their work has already been debugged: the baby is well “versed” in what his mother ate, prefers sweet, is not too pleased with sour or salty. He swallows amniotic water, it is they who can have different flavors, which depend on what exactly the woman eats.

Tactile sensations are developed quite well, the baby, in the absence of the ability to see, perceives everything around him by touch, and this process of cognition gives him great pleasure. The baby's sense of smell will develop after birth, when he begins to breathe through his nose.


From the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby's own immunity begins to work almost at full strength. Now he is more protected from various threats from outside. By this point, the baby walked for a very long time. The first cells of the immune system began to form for a period of about 4-5 weeks. The baby receives a sufficient amount of immunoglobulins from the mother's blood, they are passed by the placental barrier. In addition, the number of leukocytes in the blood of the fetus is approximately 2 times higher.

These cells are immature forms, they are unable to fully participate in the production of interferon and immunoglobulin, but so far this is not required: now and during the first months after birth, mother's immunity protects the baby. However all components of the fetal immune system are formed at this time.

Nervous system

This week, the formation of gray matter in the baby's body continues - the cerebral cortex with its convolutions and grooves. New nerve cells are dynamically developing. The largest number neurons originate around the ventricles of the brain, as well as in the inner part of the cortex of the temporal regions of both hemispheres. This process will continue until childbirth and after them. Young neurons are found even in adults, and are thought to partially enable the brain to compensate for lost or impaired functions.

New neurons migrate to the cortex and deeper layers of the brain. This process is proceeding most intensively now and will remain the same dynamic until the 29th week of pregnancy.

Since the baby becomes “smarter” every second, this cannot but be reflected in his behavior. The movements of the arms, legs and head are already almost taken under the control of the central nervous system. Reflexes continue to develop. The baby already swallows perfectly, sucks, grabs what falls within the reach of his palms, knows how to push off with his legs from the walls of the uterus. He is improving every day.

Not much is known about how the psyche of the fetus develops. Some experts say that already at the 20th week the belly dreamer sees dreams, others are sure that this is impossible. However, there are several facts that are proven by doctors. So, more than 70% of babies in the middle of their mother's pregnancy suck their right thumb, and only a third - their left. In 99% of cases, those children who sucked their right thumb in the womb are right-handed, and left-handers already prefer the left one.

If the belly of the expectant mother is now affected by a loud sound passed through headphones, then in most children the temporal lobes of the brain are activated, and in rare cases, the frontal ones. These are the parts of the cortex that will subsequently process speech information.

Thus, the baby's nervous system is already developing "with an eye" on the future habitat of the new little man.

Internal organs, skeletal system

Understanding how a small organism works now will help the expectant mother to approach nutrition issues more competently, because her task at this stage is to provide her son or daughter with everything necessary.

At week 20, the most intense process is bone growth. Now the child really needs calcium and magnesium, as well as iron for heart function. If there is not enough calcium, then the baby will begin to “take away” the mineral from the mother’s bones, as a result of which their fragility will increase, problems may begin with musculoskeletal system, teeth, hematopoiesis.

The baby's heart has all departments, 4 chambers. The fetal heartbeat is not like the mother's: the baby's heart beats more often. Heart rate at week 20 is normally from 150 to 170 beats per minute. The kidneys of the crumbs are involved in the production of urine, and the bladder and urethra contribute to its removal from the child's body.

The intestines begin to accumulate the original feces - meconium. All glands work, including the thyroid and pancreas. All organs can already be seen on ultrasound.

Sex determination

Sexual characteristics, by which boys are distinguished from girls even before they are born, are fully formed. On an ultrasound, the doctor, if the baby allows you to examine his intimate places, will tell you with confidence who exactly to expect in the near future - a son or daughter.

In boys, the testicles are now beginning to move into the pelvic area, and from there into the scrotum. This is a rather long process, it will last until the end of pregnancy.

In girls, all components of the reproductive system are already in place, and there are more than five million eggs in the ovaries - this reserve will increase even more. It should be enough for a woman's life.

Sex hormones are synthesized in boys, and girls will begin to provide themselves with hormones a little later, while their hormonal background is akin to that of their mother, girls receive hormones from maternal blood.

Your child on ultrasound

When undergoing ultrasound at 19-20 weeks, not only the growth of the fetus is assessed, but also the features of the formation of all its organs, so as not to "miss" cases of genetic and chromosomal genetic pathologies. Already now, the doctor can see the anomalies in the development of the kidneys or heart of the child, if any.

The gestational age and the correspondence of the size of the baby to it are no longer determined by the KTR, there is a whole table of various parameters. This week is characterized by the following values.

Fetometric norms at 19-20 weeks

The presentation of the fetus, although it is determined, is not yet of great value. It is pelvic or transverse - information that is more important for the last weeks.

So far, neither of these should inspire sacred horror in the pregnant woman, since the baby is not yet big enough to take a fixed position. He moves and will change his posture many more times in relation to the exit from the uterus.

Dangers and risks

There are not so many dangers at week 20, but they cannot be ignored. The threat of miscarriage is now minimal, even if it was previously, the end of the fifth obstetric month is a fairly calm period at which spontaneous abortion is unlikely. However, other complications may develop, and a woman needs to be prepared for this.

The most common complication of the second half of pregnancy is preeclampsia. Its main symptoms are edema. They can be external and internal. External woman will notice herself: at first, the rings will no longer be easily removed from the fingers, and then the usual well-worn shoes can become cramped.

Internal edema is much more difficult to suspect. That is why it is now highly recommended to weigh yourself.(with swelling of the internal organs, the weight grows at a pathological pace), at week 20, a woman is recommended tests that will make it possible to judge the likelihood of developing preeclampsia.

Reduced immunity can now cause colds and infectious diseases. Immunodeficiency in a woman is now physiological in nature, the natural defense mechanisms of the body are suppressed by hormones so that there is no threat to the development of the child. But it is he who becomes fertile ground for SARS, influenza, cystitis and other ailments.

Medicines, including some antibiotics, such as Flemoxin, can now be prescribed to a woman, since they will not harm a child with a competent scheme and dosages. A much more formidable consequence of a cold can be a violation of the uteroplacental blood flow, which sometimes develops due to high temperature.

Problems with the functioning of the digestive system are quite common. In a woman, due to the fact that the uterus began to crowd the abdominal organs, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn may begin.

Frequent constipation, in turn, increases the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids. According to medical statistics, about 70% of expectant mothers suffer from them in the second half of pregnancy.

Often, against the background of an increased load on all organs during pregnancy, old diseases again “declare” themselves, which a woman could already forget about: colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios, established at this time, are not the final diagnosis, they only describe a tendency to increase or decrease the amount of amniotic fluid. Such a pregnant woman will be monitored more closely, she will have to take tests more often and visit her obstetrician-gynecologist.

The danger at week 20 lies both in hypocalcemia - calcium deficiency, and in anemia: an insufficient level of hemoglobin at the current time is diagnosed in approximately 20% of expectant mothers.

Analyzes and examinations

From this week, a woman will have to visit a gynecologist not once a month, as it was before, but twice. But it will be after the second screening. Usually, it is planned to be carried out in the period from 18 to 21 weeks; this week, about half of the registered women will have to be diagnosed.

A comprehensive study includes an ultrasound scan of the fetus and a biochemical blood test. "Triple test" - determination of the levels of hCG, free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein. These three substances and their concentration are important indicators of the health of the baby.

The results from the laboratory will be supplemented by an ultrasound protocol. The purpose of this comprehensive universal diagnosis is to determine the risk group for chromosomal abnormalities. This screening differs from the first one in that the range of diagnostic possibilities is expanding: now the doctor can draw conclusions about how the baby’s brain and spinal cord are developed, whether he has neural tube pathologies.

Mandatory at week 20 are general tests - blood and urine. If a high sugar content is found in them, then the doctor will suspect gestational diabetes, and if protein is found in the urine, then the woman will be at risk for the development of preeclampsia.

Recommendations for mothers remain the same - fresh air, high-quality food, a gentle work regime. However, now some adjustments are being made to it: long walks are now undesirable, evening promenades in a park or square should be limited in time to 10-15 minutes. Other tips that will be helpful in mid-pregnancy include the following.

  • Purchase a pregnancy pillow: her special shape will allow a woman to more conveniently settle down for a night's rest on her left or right side, sleep better, wake up less.
  • To prevent stretch marks and relieve discomfort in the lower back and back, start wearing a prenatal orthopedic brace.
  • Do not hesitate to openly tell colleagues and friends that they do not touch your stomach, that this is unpleasant for you: there are now more than enough people who want to touch a woman's rounded belly.
  • It's time to learn how to get out of bed correctly: first you need to turn on your side, then lower your legs, sit down, and only after a short pause take a vertical position. This will prevent dizziness, fainting, nosebleeds.

  • Sex is not forbidden, especially since a woman's sexual desire begins to increase this week. The couple needs to make sure that there are no contraindications (check with the doctor), and then be careful - do not put pressure on the stomach, avoid poses with deep penetration.
  • If any alarming symptoms and “malfunctions” appear, a woman must definitely notify her attending physician about this, whether it is a runny nose, frequent urination or headache.
  • Now it is very important to adjust your diet - avoid foods that are undesirable, and "lean" on healthy and necessary foods. You need to eat fractionally, at least six times a day. Fresh vegetables and fruits are an excellent prevention of constipation and a source of vitamins. Fatty meat, carbonated drinks, flour, sweet, salty and smoked, as well as pickled foods and canned food are not recommended.

19 weeks - almost the middle of pregnancy. The first months of anxiety and discomfort are over. However, soon the expectant mother will begin to experience physical inconvenience caused by the increased volume of the abdomen.

How does the baby develop

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the baby is actively growing and developing. Now its size can be compared to a mango. The body length of the fetus is 13-15 cm, and the weight is 200-240 g. The following changes occur with the child during this period:

  1. The blood supply to the lungs improves.
  2. The arms and legs continue to grow in length. The child becomes more proportional.
  3. The neck of the baby is strengthened and allows him to move more actively. The child often turns his head.
  4. The intensity of movements in the womb increases. Women who have not yet felt the unborn child before, can finally feel his stirring.
  5. The movements of the child become more coordinated. The kid trains muscles.
  6. There is an intensive accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue. It especially accumulates a lot on the neck, around the kidneys and a number of other internal organs.

If the girl still does not feel the child, do not worry. For some expectant mothers, especially those expecting a baby for the first time, the period can fit up to 20 weeks. If a girl already feels a child, she must control the frequency of his movements. The baby will be monitored for the rest of the pregnancy.

You can find out how many fetal movements are the norm at an appointment with a specialist. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor questions. It will allow you to get rid of all emerging problems and take action in advance to prevent the development of pathologies, if they occur.

Changes in a woman's body

The body of a woman continues to change, adjusting to a rapidly developing child. At the 19th week of pregnancy, you can notice the following changes:

  1. Symptoms of toxicosis are long gone. A pregnant woman can eat any permitted foods. However, spicy, too salty and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet.
  2. The uterus continues to grow. At the 19th week of pregnancy, she is 1.3 cm below the navel. Her rise continues.
  3. The girl's gait becomes less stable. There is a risk of falling. To prevent problems, it is strictly forbidden to wear high-heeled shoes. Avoid uncomfortable clothing as well.
  4. The load on the spine increases. Expectant mothers often experience lower back pain. Unpleasant sensations that arose in this area earlier may worsen.
  5. Active weight gain continues. For the 19th week, its volume should increase by 300-550 g. The total increase varies from 3.8 to 6.2 kg. Expecting twins can lead to significant deviations of the indicator from the norm upwards.
  6. The expectant mother may experience heartburn. The girl is able to influence an unpleasant symptom. To get rid of the problem, it is worth adjusting the organization of the diet. Food should be taken in small portions, and the frequency of meals should be increased.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, you should be attentive to your health. If there is pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately contact a specialist. The symptom is alarming and may indicate an increased tone of the uterus.

The condition of a woman during pregnancy directly depends on the hormonal background. If a girl becomes irritable or depressed, you should immediately do a blood test. It will help determine the level of hormones. At the 19th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend more rest. This will allow the expectant mother to get rid of the row pain caused by increased load. During rest, special pillows must be placed under the back and legs.

Symptoms of the 19th week of pregnancy

The 19th week of pregnancy is not associated with special phenomena. The breasts and belly of the expectant mother continue to actively increase in size. There is a shift in the center of gravity, which leads to a change in gait. She can become "duck" or "proud". You have to sleep only on your side. An enlarged belly puts pressure on other internal organs. If the girl sleeps on her back, the uterus can compress the inferior vena cava. This is fraught with the occurrence of sharp pains and impaired blood circulation in the body of the child and mother.

Experts note other symptoms of the 19th week of pregnancy. The expectant mother may experience:

  1. Constipation. The problem is caused by increased pressure of the uterus on the internal organs. The intestines are squeezed, which causes excessive gas formation and other problems.
  2. The appearance of age spots. Experts advise pregnant women not to be exposed to direct sunlight.
  3. Nosebleeds. The volume of blood in the body increases, which leads to a problem.
  4. Pain in the back. The growing uterus puts a lot of pressure on the spine. To ease the discomfort, experts advise monitoring your posture. The back should be kept straight.
  5. Vertigo. It usually appears when the expectant mother changes position too quickly. The problem is caused by low blood pressure. To get rid of dizziness, it is worth drinking more fluids and changing position more slowly.
  6. Nasal congestion. The increased volume of blood affects the mucous membranes. The problem will disappear on its own a few days after delivery.
  7. Leg cramps. The phenomenon usually occurs at night. The growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood to the heart. Cramps can be painful. To avoid them, you can try doing a relaxing foot massage before bed.

Feelings at 19 weeks pregnant

The most striking sensation at the 19th week of pregnancy is the baby moving. Most mothers can feel the active movements of the baby. However, the lack of movement should not cause concern. If the girl is quite full and expecting a baby for the first time, the movement of the fetus may not be felt until 20-22 weeks. The period is also associated with a number of other sensations:

  1. The expectant mother may begin to feel plump. Active weight gain leads to the fact that the girl recovers by 4-6 kg. Women who are expecting twins can score significantly more. Losing weight during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Weight gain is normal. You should not attach special importance to this if there are no significant deviations from the established parameters.
  2. The skin of a woman becomes more sensitive, and her hair becomes thick and shiny.
  3. Pigment spots may appear. It is worth protecting yourself from spending a lot of time in the sun.
  4. The skin on the abdomen may itch. The sensation usually occurs due to stretch marks that have appeared. They need to be dealt with immediately. After childbirth, getting rid of the problem is difficult. However, the use cosmetics, allowing to remove stretch marks, should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a specialist.
  5. Blood pressure may rise. A slight change in the indicator is normal. It is caused by weakening of peripheral vessels. In parallel, there may be a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  6. The girl may experience increased heart rate and increased sweating.
  7. Colostrum may come out of the breast. You should not attach special importance to this. Experts recommend simply wiping your nipples with a clean, soft cloth.
  8. Vaginal discharge remains profuse. The girl must follow their color. Whitish or should not be a concern, but bloody or brown - an occasion for an immediate visit to a specialist.

In general, the 19th week of pregnancy is considered favorable. The expectant mother feels comfortable and practically does not experience discomfort.

Analyzes and examinations

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, and the girl does not experience discomfort, special studies are not carried out at week 19. The doctor only controls:

  • for the body weight of the girl;
  • blood pressure;
  • the size of the circumference of the abdomen.

In pregnant women, diseases of the urinary tract are often exacerbated. In this situation, it may be necessary to carry out.

If a girl is too pale and gets tired quickly, this may indicate the appearance of iron deficiency anemia. In this situation, the doctor will prescribe an adduction to determine hemoglobin levels. If the problem is confirmed, the girls can be prescribed a number of drugs. In addition, you will need to follow a diet.

If a second prenatal screening has not yet been performed, it will be required at 19 weeks of gestation. The girl will have to take a blood test for hormones and undergo an ultrasound examination of the fetus. At week 19, a specialist with almost 100% probability can reveal the sex of the unborn child. However, if the parents do not want to know this information immediately before the baby is born, the doctor will not report it. At week 19, you can determine the sex of the child in the case of multiple pregnancy.

Possible dangers at 19 weeks pregnant

At week 19, the likelihood of a missed pregnancy decreases, but the risk of a problem still remains. Pathology can occur as a result of the following factors:

  • infectious diseases of a woman, including the flu;
  • dysfunction of the placenta;
  • the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus;
  • low placentation.

The presence of a problem is indicated by the appearance of brown or spotting and. Some women feel that they are pulling in the lower back. Girls who used to feel the movements of the fetus cease to feel them. Treatment in this situation is possible only radical. The fetus is surgically or otherwise disposed of.

At 18-19 weeks of gestation, oligohydramnios may occur. The approximate volume of amniotic fluid can be determined during ultrasound, starting from. The problem often appears due to metabolic disorders or pathology of the placenta. A number of other factors may also have an impact. If oligohydramnios is moderate, pregnancy can proceed normally. With a pronounced problem, the girl will have to undergo a detailed examination and treatment.

Timely detection of violations will help more likely to prevent negative consequences. Do not delay a visit to a specialist.

If a girl wants the pregnancy to proceed without complications and unpleasant consequences the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. While working or relaxing, the expectant mother should change her body position as often as possible.
  2. During pregnancy, it is better to take only a shower. If you use a bath, there is a possibility of infection in the vagina and uterine cavity. This can lead to diseases. In addition, the effect of warm water on the body of a girl can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage.
  3. Beware of crowded places. A pregnant girl in a crowd can become unwell. In addition, careless movement or pushing can lead to problems with the fetus.
  4. Worth a wardrobe change. Tight clothing and high-heeled shoes should be avoided. Consider changing your bra as well. Do not squeeze the enlarged chest too much. It is better to give preference to products made from natural fabrics.
  5. It is necessary to carefully observe all the rules of personal hygiene. At the 19th week of pregnancy, there is a risk of occurrence or bacterial diseases. It is better not to use daily synthetic pads. They prevent the penetration of air into the intimate area.
  6. If you have a cold, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. Habitual drugs can be harmful to the health of the baby. Only a doctor can choose the right medicines.
  7. If experts recommend starting taking vitamin preparations, you should not refuse to use them. The lack of necessary substances can adversely affect the development of the child.
  8. It is now worth preparing for the usual events in advance. Going to the cinema or traveling on public transport can lead to respiratory illness. It is worth taking only reasonable actions.

The 19th week of pregnancy does not differ in special changes. The baby continues to actively develop, begins to move more, trains muscles. Mom during this period is resting from the negative manifestations of pregnancy. Nausea is gone, but the girl may face problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Changing your diet will help get rid of them.