Mixer      06/16/2019

Rose Andre Le Notre (Andre Le Notre) Hybrid tea. Rose Andre Le Notre (Andre Le Notre) Hybrid Tea Hybrid Tea rose Andre Le Notre

Giving roses is not only putting a bouquet of flowers into your hands, it is also a kind of declaration of love. In order for the rose to absorb all the beauty intended for it by nature, we carefully and lovingly care for it at every stage of its cultivation: from the greenhouse to the boutique.

I/ Dialogue of professionals

Every day in the greenhouse begins with the most important questions: how are the flowers growing, what is causing concern, are the plants healthy? Have insects appeared on them? In the photograph, experts examine glue traps for insects, by which agronomists determine whether there is greenhouse pests. The greenhouse is divided so that the phytosanitary situation in any place is absolutely clear to specialists.

II/Greenhouse. Vintage Peony rose from Yves Piaget.

Cutting roses is an important operation and is done two to three times a day. Speed ​​and clarity are very important here. The florist carefully holds the flowers in front of him as if he were his child, so as not to damage them.

III/Harvest. Cutting roses Coffee break.

IV/ Norma Jean's Harvest. Packing in nets.

The critical time from the start of cutting one variety to the moment when the flowers are wrapped in a net is three minutes. The mesh is a frame that is supposed to protect the flowers, so it is hard; soft craft, which is placed on top of the mesh, helps keep the petals intact.

V/ Sent to the refrigerator: Cream Piaget roses in nets are sent to the refrigerator already on the water.

The maximum time during which flowers should be refrigerated is 15 minutes. All grids are placed in tanks with pre-prepared clean water, cooled to 4 degrees.

VI/ Prikuling

6 hours is the minimum time that flowers should spend in the refrigerator. This operation is necessary to preserve flowers and ensure their long life in a vase. During these 6 hours, all biological processes of the flower slow down, so then they open much more slowly.

VII/ Sorting is carried out in two stages.

First, the flowers are sorted by length, and then by quality - according to the high “Rose Fairy” criteria. In total, the flowers will be out of the refrigerator for only 15 minutes.

The grid opens

Length: Flowers are first sorted by length - from 30 to 90 centimeters. When sorting, the buds should never touch the table.

Wooden covering is, of course, too hard for flowers. To protect the petals, soft cardboard is always placed.

VIII/ Sorting - Quality and Packaging

Everything is arranged so that the buds do not touch the table. They will only be in contact with craft packaging material.

The sorter received all the flowers at the same length and checks each rose according to quality standards. She then packs them into bundles that are destined for delivery to the buyer.

When packing, it is important to choose the right side of the stem on which it is most comfortable, bud to bud, the next stem will be laid. They should lie tightly enough so as not to be movable during transportation, but ensuring maximum safety of the petals.

Perfection is difficult to achieve, difficult to know or find, but it seems that we are definitely closer to it when we saw rose. This delightful flower impresses with its attire and persistent fragrant aroma.

Only the swelling buds have a romantic pink-peach color. With gradual opening, slight fading occurs and then light shades predominate in the flower. The core of the densely double bud is pink, and the outer edges of the outer petals are whitish. Due to the chaotic arrangement and corrugated edge of the petals, the flowers appear lacy. If you are a connoisseur of fragrances, then rose Andre Le Notre created just for you. The smell is intense and sweet.

The rose has practically no complaints, the flower is large 13 cm, the bush is 110 cm high and neat. There is a lot of foliage, so it complements the composition well. Among the shortcomings, one can note a slight darkening of the petals during the rainy season, but, in general, the variety is quite healthy and hardy. good rose Andre Le Notre in combination with flowers of peach, yellow and lilac shades.

Root system of rose seedlingAndre Le Notre (Andre Le Notre) To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual package of peat mixture, wrapped in film, so your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.

Buy rose seedlingsAndre Le Notre (Andre Le Notre) You can click the “Add to Cart” button and place your order.

Type of packaging: Rose roots are packed in a moist nutrient substrate, tightly wrapped in film, and have a label indicating the variety. The permissible shelf life in packaging without loss of quality, subject to storage conditions, is up to 3 months. Orders with rose seedlings are sent during the autumn and spring planting seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with climatic zone customer).

Rose Andre le Notre was developed relatively recently, in 2001. This variety, also known as "Rose Andre", belongs to the hybrid tea roses. Rose Andre le Notre is distinguished by large buds, shaped like classic champagne glasses. Rose Andre Le Notre was named after the great 17th century landscape designer who supervised the layout of the gardens of Versailles.

Rose Andre Le Notre has a stunning white-pearl shade: the center of the bud is more saturated and dark Pink colour, while the edges of the petals are almost white, with a porcelain-pink coating. Rose André can contain up to 65 petals, making it one of the bushiest varieties of hybrid tea roses. The diameter of the cup-shaped flower usually reaches 13 cm. Rose André also has a stunning aroma that has won many awards. Through selection, oriental notes of musk and myrrh, as well as Mediterranean apricot, were added to the aromas of Damask rose. Particularly sensitive lovers of this variety will also detect notes of metal and geranium: Andre le Notre rose is perfect for connoisseurs of subtle, but at the same time rich rose aromas. The peculiarity of this variety is that the aroma, color and shape of the Andre le Notre rose changes throughout the entire flowering period.

Rose Andre le Notre blooms very profusely throughout the season. Rose buds will continuously delight you from June to September. Rose Andre Le Notre refers to frost-resistant varieties, which allows you to plant it in rose gardens and landscape compositions throughout middle lane Russia, as well as in the south of the country. Rose Andre is also very resistant to typical rose bush diseases. Rose Andre Le Notre loves a lot sunlight. It is in the sun that its color is fully revealed.

Rose Andre le Notre usually grows up to 90 cm, but with proper care and availability large quantity sunlight, the bushes can reach 110 cm. The Andre rose bush is distinguished by erect shoots that are considered vigorous. Diameter of a rose bush Andre Le Notre reaches 60 cm. Rose Andre le North has dark green foliage. The leaves of Andre rose are large, with a semi-glossy surface and quite dense, with a large number of veins. It is noteworthy that this variety of roses is very undemanding to the soil and grows equally well on different soils.

In the shop garden plants you can order Andre le Notre roses in various sizes, including bushes with a height of 40 cm to 100 cm. You can also get advice on caring for this variety of roses or order Andre le Notre roses to be planted directly on your site by ordering this type of service.

Rose Andre Le Notre is one of the most luxurious flowers that can make even a person far from floriculture fall in love with it. Since the breeders developed this variety, Andre Le Notre has managed to earn many awards at flower shows and deservedly so. These roses are great for beginners and true connoisseurs of beauty. In this article we will consider in more detail the description of the plant and the features of its cultivation on our own. personal plots.

Description of rose Andre Le Notre

Rose Andre Le Notre is a variety of hybrid tea flowers. It has rather large inflorescences, which are colored White color. Extraordinary and fabulous beauty begins to appear in the process of blooming buds. Andre Le Notre's buds grow large and are goblet-shaped. After the flower opens, you can see the fleecy center, it is quite lush and makes the flower more and more like ancient roses. But the flower itself grows cup-shaped and reaches 13 centimeters in diameter. Each flower can hold up to 70 petals; this capacity allows the seedling to look fluffier and more voluminous.

Although Andre Le Notre is considered by many to be a snow-white plant, in reality this is not the case. Although the buds are painted white, the petals have a pearl or pinkish tint. And the closer to the middle, the pinker the petals.

Difference from others hybrid tea varieties is that during the long flowering process, the color of the seedling does not fade or fade in the sun, and the aroma does not weaken.

Andre was developed at the beginning of the 20th century, and it received its name in honor of the famous landscape designer who lived in the 17th century. This rose It even grows in the botanical garden located on the Sparrow Hills; very few varieties of flowers are honored with this.

Features of cultivation

The bush of the plant can grow more than a meter in height, and has many spreading branches, so it is grown in open ground. In the first year after planting the seedling in the ground, it is recommended to completely cut off the buds and prevent abundant flowering, this is necessary for the formation of a powerful and strong bush.

With the coming spring period it is necessary to prune, the top of the bush should also be removed, and only 3 fully developed buds should be left on each seedling. And in the fall, the seedlings are hilled up and sprinkled with sand, sawdust, and covered on top spruce paws.

The main thing when growing Le Notre is to plant the rose away from fruit and berry bushes, such as raspberries, cherries, plums, and also away from tall trees, otherwise this will lead to a slowdown in the development of seedlings and possible death during the first frost.

We offer a video review of the rose:


Rose "Andre le Notre" was introduced in 2001.

Features of growth

A vigorous bush reaches one meter or even more. Susceptibility to rain is high.


If you want to get strong and powerful bushes, then do not allow them to bloom abundantly. Excess buds should be removed in the first year after planting the seedlings. When pruning roses in the spring, it is worth cutting off the tops of the shoots and leaving no more than 3 buds on each bush. It is better to remove weak shoots and leave no more than two buds on them on one bush. When low temperatures arrive, you need to insulate the rose bushes by sprinkling them with sand, dry soil, and, after hilling, cover them with spruce branches. Trees should not shade roses, otherwise their development will slow down. They cannot stand proximity to cherries, raspberries, rowan berries and pears. Do not plant near juniper.


Control aphids, beetles and other insects with appropriate preparations:

aphids, beetles, caterpillars - spray the bushes with mospilan, confidor maxi, acrophyte; colonies of fungi - a coating of soot, the leaves are covered with a black coating; a soap-alcohol solution is used for spraying); powdery mildew - should be sprayed with topaz (1% solution), Bordeaux mixture, baleton (0.2% solution);

black spotting - gray 1%, topaz (0.1%).


June, third decade; July, third decade; August, second decade; August, third decade; September, first ten days; June, first ten days; June, second decade; July, second decade; August, first ten days; July, first ten days; September, second decade. The flowers of the rose are spherical, large, densely double, the color is deep pink in the center, pale pink on the outside. There are up to 60 petals in a flower. One flower (usually) per stem. Repeated flowering throughout summer and autumn.