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"Gloria Day" is the most famous rose of the twentieth century. Rose Gloria Day: description and characteristics of the variety Tea hybrid Gloria Day

On June 15, 1935, the Meilland family of breeders obtained seedling 3-35-40, which became the most famous rose of the twentieth century.

The Meilland family has been breeding roses since 1850. Francis Meilland knew from childhood that his destiny was inseparable from these flowers. When their father left them with their mother to go to war, the family was forced to work very hard to maintain the family's small collection of rose bushes.

After the end of the war, my father returned home and continued to take care of the garden. And Francis continued to help him. At the age of seventeen, he began training with the famous rose grower Charles Mallerin and became interested in breeding new varieties.
In 1937 his first new variety"Golden State" was presented to the public and was a huge success. This rose became the official image international exhibition in San Francisco in 1939.

In June 1939, the Meilhans hosted leading rose growers and best clients and propagated the resulting varieties for shipment to numerous customers. Second World War breaks all ties and makes rose breeding a meaningless and economically unprofitable activity. The Meyyan family begins to grow vegetables in order to survive, but despite the war they continue to engage in breeding.

Shortly before the start of the war, Meyyan decides to send several cuttings of a new rose from America to his friend Robert Pyle. Only two of the five cuttings sent survived this journey. The outbreak of the war prevented the breeder from finding out that the shoots had begun. It is unknown what Pyle was thinking while looking at two stunted shoots, but one can assume that knowing his friend, he expected something incredible. And new rose didn't disappoint him.

On April 29, 1945, on the day of the capture of Berlin, a presentation of seedling 3-35-40 was organized at the opening of the exhibition of the Pacific Rose Society in Pasadena, California. At first it was registered under the name "Madame A. Meilland" (Mme A. Meilland). But After the end of the war, it was decided to name the rose “Peace” (Rose Peace), which translated means “peace”.
The American Rose Society also recognized the undeniable merits and beauty of the rose. As a sign of respect, it was decided to give it to every UN delegate visiting San Francisco.

The main advantage of the resulting variety was its huge double flowers of unusual color. The flower of this rose is very delicate and airy. The petal usually starts with a yellowish tint, then turns into cream, and along the edge there is a slight pink blush. The blossoming Gloria is like a young lady in lace and crinolines, transported straight from the ball to our time.

During the same period of time, the rose spread to other European countries. In Germany it was called “Gloria Dei” and “Gioia” (joy) in Italy.

On the day of signing the act of surrender of Japan, the "Peace" rose was awarded highest award American Rose Society - Gold Medal.

Later, the variety received many awards and prizes: the title of “Golden Rose” at an exhibition in The Hague in 1965, permanent inclusion in the Hall of Fame by the decision of the World Federation of Rose Societies in 1976

Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1993

The success of the sale of "Peace" only in the United States allowed the Meyants to establish separate rose-growing enterprises - for the production and sale of roses and for the development of new varieties.

Are you familiar with famous artist Renaissance Sandro Botticelli? His most famous paintings, glorifying feminine beauty, is “The Birth of Venus” and “Spring”. Take a look at them and you will notice that the characters depicted by the painter are surrounded by roses.

The petals of the roses depicted allow us to conclude that the artist captured special varieties. These are alba and centifolia roses. The last name translates as “hundred petals”.

One famous perfumer named Shishido, the author of many popular fragrances, decided to somehow count the petals. He only had enough patience for two centifolia roses.

But he found out that these roses deserved their name. Since one flower had one hundred and thirteen petals, and the other one had one hundred and one.

Here is my story about a beautiful, now undeservedly forgotten rose. Its huge fragrant flowers are now almost everywhere replaced by other, more hardy cut varieties. But despite this, the queen remains the queen.

Photo from the Internet. Sources: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meilland_International


The Peace Rose is yellow with a pink edge. The height of the bush is usually about 100-150 cm. The width is about 125 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Disease resistance of the Peace rose: it gets sick in unfavorable years.

Description: roses Peace

Everyone knows Mme.A.Meilland - although in Germany it is called Gloria Dei, in Italy Gioia, and in English-speaking countries - Peace. It is the most famous rose in the world, and probably still the most widespread. The rose is named after the hybridizer's mother, who died young. The flowers are huge: the variety is so strong that when it first appeared, it established absolutely new standard quality roses Roses owe their peak of popularity in the 1950s and 1960s to Mme.A.Meilland. the flowers are incredibly large and beautiful at all stages of bloom, from elegant buds to fully open flowers, although, in fact, the variety is very variable in cultivation. For example, the color is usually soft yellow with a crimson edge, fades to creamy pink, and in practice varies depending on the time of year and where it is grown. The smell also changes. Many people complain that the variety has no scent, while others describe the aroma as strong, bright, sweet and fruity. However, everyone agrees that it has a vigorous bush, strong petals, large dark green foliage, and good disease resistance. (ARE) Here she is. Number one. The most popular rose in world history. Bred by the French breeder Meillan at the end of the Second World War. A rose with beautiful, sometimes fragrant flowers, blooms profusely, the bush is winter-hardy and vigorous. Many people say that Peace is not as yellow and bright as it used to be. However, I have not seen any obvious evidence of this. (RRC) Branched, vigorous bush up to 1.2 m tall with shiny dark green foliage. The flowers are very large, bright yellow with a pink-red edge, with a light aroma. A deservedly popular rose, the bush looks good even when not blooming. Disease resistant and winter-hardy rose, easy to grow. (IER) The story of this rose is a real melodrama. The rose was developed in France during the Second World War, and was exported as cuttings without a name in diplomatic baggage to the United States just before the Nazis captured France. The rose was propagated in an American nursery and released in 1945. The rose returned with the world to liberated France and therefore received the name Peace. The variety later graced all the UN meeting tables. The flowers are luxurious, large and double, pale yellow with a pink edge. The variety is vigorous, winter-hardy and disease-resistant; in the south it is somewhat susceptible to black spot. (http://www.herbs2000.com)

This rose has two other names: Gloria Dei and Gioia. It was bred in France in the early forties. Since then, the Peace rose has been considered one of the most famous rose varieties. And there is a reason for it. The rose blooms with large flowers 10-15 cm in diameter. The color is soft yellow with a pink edge, gradually changing to creamy yellow. Each flower lives for about a week. It has a medium-intensity aroma. Some gardeners say that there is almost no smell. Others, on the contrary, write that it has a strong aroma. It seems that everything is individual. But in general there are a lot of positive reviews about the rose.

Rose Peace is a hybrid tea, forms a bush 120-150 cm high and about 1 m in diameter. The leaves are large, dark green, shiny. Blooms in waves from June to September. One flower per stem. The bush has average resistance to powdery mildew and black spot. Flowers tolerate rainy weather well.

Prevention and treatment of black spotting is briefly described. About powdery mildew.

The plant loves a sunny place. The rose should spend at least half of the day in the sun. The soil must be permeable and fertile. Watering is required moderately, more during dry periods. Feeding with a special fertilizer for roses in the spring after removing the cover and is useful again before flowering. Later in August, you can add ash and phosphate fertilizers so that the bush is better prepared for winter.

Rose Peace, like other hybrid tea roses, blooms on the shoots of the current year. In accordance with this, we make pruning. In the fall, it is not recommended to do heavy pruning and only remove unripe and dry branches. In the spring, it is recommended to prune, leaving about 6 buds, that is, stems up to 30 cm long. Pruning should be done above the bud looking outward, so that the young shoot grows not inward, but outward of the bush. It is advisable to do pruning when the buds are just beginning to swell, so that the plant does not waste extra energy on opening the buds and growing unnecessary young shoots. It is usually recommended to prune branches older than 4 years, too, so as not to thicken the bush.

In summer, faded flowers also need to be pruned in a timely manner.

Rose Peace belongs to the 6th climatic zone, therefore, in more northern regions it must be covered for the winter. There is no need to be afraid of this; people successfully grow this variety in Siberia. For the winter, the bush must be spudded and wrapped with a double layer of lutrasil or burlap.

It is better to plant purchased seedlings in the spring. They must have at least three healthy shoots. Dig a hole for planting measuring 60x60x60 cm. Mix the soil with compost. Trim the shoots and roots of the seedling a little and keep it in water for several hours. The grafting site should be buried approximately 5 cm.

IN decorative purposes The rose can be used both as a solitaire and in a flower garden, where it looks great as an accent. Lavender, delphiniums, catnip, and mallow will be good neighbors. At the foot you can plant chistets, low-growing zinnias.

Flower garden on the window. Beauty in the countryside.

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Hybrid tea rose "Gloria Day".
The story of this rose is a real melodrama.

This variety is sometimes called the most famous rose of the twentieth century. "Gloria Day" is recognized throughout the world as the standard of roses. She was awarded the honorary title “Rose of the Century”; she is considered a symbol of peace and harmony of the twentieth century.

The history of the creation of "Gloria Day" and its further distribution in the world are closely connected with the historical events of the first half of the last century.
Rose "Gloria Day" was bred in the French family nursery "Meilland".
On June 15, 1935, Francis Meilhan and his father Antoine Meilhan were examining fifty young hybrids that had just bloomed. All of them were grown from seeds at the Meilland nursery. Francis really liked one specimen with an unusual coloring of double flowers. Thus began the glorious history of the world-famous hybrid tea rose. The seedling was assigned the working number 3-35-40 and tried to propagate it. The rose had only three buds (eyes) suitable for grafting. Two eyes died, only one kidney survived. The most famous rose of the twentieth century began with that bud.

Gradually, the nursery of the Meilland family is becoming famous not only in France, but also abroad. In June 1939, just a year before the occupation of the country by Nazi Germany, French and foreign breeders gathered there. They were shown the best varieties and entered into contracts for their supply. The unique rose with working number 3-35-40 delighted specialists. The variety has not yet been registered. To get feedback from leading breeders and discuss the name of the masterpiece, some of the cuttings were sent by mail to nurseries in Germany, Italy and the USA. They were accompanied detailed description roses.

Rose was great. This was an obvious breakthrough in breeding. Francis himself wrote about its flowers: “Amazing in shape and size, with a greenish tint, warming to yellow and gradually becoming crimson along the edges of the petals.”

But the plans of the rose growers were not destined to come true: the Second World War broke out. Contacts between breeders were interrupted for a long time, but the recipients still managed to receive parcels with precious cuttings.

Disunited breeders continued to work hard to reproduce the wonderful “Frenchwoman”. But, unfortunately, they could not choose a name for her together due to the prevailing circumstances.

By this time, Francis's mother had passed away, and the saddened son named the most beautiful of his roses after her - “Madame A. Meilland” (“Madame Meilland”).

In Italy it was given the name “Gioia” (“Joy”), in Germany – “Gloria Dei” (“Glory to the Lord”).

But the most symbolic thing was the name of the variety, received by the rosette in the United States. The American Rose Society officially registered it on the day of the fall of Berlin under the name "Peace", which means "Peace".
A few weeks later, at the first meeting of the UN, each delegate received one Peace rose with a note saying that Peace is the most important goal of the entire world community and wishing joy to the delegates, their children and the children of children around the world.

Rose variety Gloria Dei

The breeder who created this stunning rose, Francis Meillant, once described his new product as follows: “It produces flowers of amazing shape and size, with a greenish tint, warming to yellow and gradually becoming crimson along the edges of the petals.” According to modern estimates, more than fifty million Gloria Dei rose bushes grow on our planet.

The rose variety Gloria Dei, the most popular and beloved ground rose by gardeners, has existed for more than 70 years. This unsurpassed rose has four names, each of which is worthy of being the name of the “rose of the century.”

The appearance of this variety is as surprising as the history of its four names. Breeder F. Meyan in 1936 received an unusual hybrid of several varieties garden roses. The main attraction of the resulting seedling was its huge double flowers of unusual color, their golden-yellow petals were darker towards the center, and their edges turned bright pink as they bloomed. The variety seemed unusually interesting to the breeder, but had only three eyes (buds) suitable for grafting. Of these three eyes, two died, and only one (!) took root and developed into a seedling. It is surprising that this world-famous rose was obtained from just one cutting.

The author of the variety named this rose in honor of his mother - Madame Antoine Meilland. But just before the war, in 1939, even before the official registration of the variety, cuttings were sent from France to the USA, Germany and Italy to various specialist breeders. The Second World War interrupted contacts between breeders, and as a result, in each country the rose took root and received its own name.

The rose is known in Germany as Gloria Dei ("Glory to the Lord"), in Italy as Gioia ("Delight"). In 1945, on the day of the fall of Berlin, at the exhibition of the Pacific Rose Society in Pasadena, an American company registered this rose under the name Peace, that is, “Peace”. In Russia, the German version of the name is more often used, although this rose can also be found in stores and nurseries under other names.

It is interesting that the history of this rose variety is replete with symbolic coincidences: not only was the name of the new variety awarded on the day of the fall of Berlin (April 29, 1945), but the variety also received the All-American Award on the day of the victory over Japan, and a medal on the day the peace treaty was signed with this country. Since then, the variety has won many titles and awards, and the most important of them is the title “Rose of the 20th Century”. By the way, the creator of the variety himself was not at all against the fact that his rose received so many names, since each of them carried a good meaning. He lived only 46 years, but left behind a masterpiece rose, which gave the Meilland company international recognition and fame.

What is so good about this truly extraordinary rose? Gloria Dei belongs to the continuously blooming hybrid tea, very fragrant roses. The bush is strong, up to 2 m high, with a small number of thorns. The leaves are leathery, shiny, dark green in color. The rose is not afraid of rain, rarely gets sick, grows quickly and is highly frost-resistant. But, of course, flowers can be considered its most attractive feature. Gloria Dei blooms cyclically throughout almost the entire growing season, from late spring to late autumn.

In the language of rose growers, the flowers of this rose are described as “pastel yellow with a pinkish blend.” But if you ask amateur gardeners to describe them themselves, you can hear the characteristics: delicate cream color, yellow, pale pink. All this is because large (13-15 cm in diameter), terry yellow flowers, framed by a light carmine bloom along the edges of the petals, seem to be made of delicate translucent silk, and their shades subtly change from dawn to sunset.

Not only is it the best selling rose in the world, but it is without a doubt the best hybrid tea rose and will remain the highest standard for a long time, if not forever. For decades, Gloria Dei was considered not only the most beautiful of the beautiful, but also the most resilient among hybrid tea roses. IN last years susceptibility to black spot is noted, but this is not yet a reason to abandon the variety that has conquered the world.

Based on this variety, breeders around the world have developed about 390 varieties of roses, and work is currently ongoing. The descendants of Gloria Dei are such varieties of hybrid tea roses as Princess of Monaco, Berlin, Garden Party, Golden Crown, Fiery World, Love and Peace, Royal Height, Talking Sun, Tropicana and many others. The sublime name of its predecessor is forever imprinted in the names of the descendants. In the 50s, breeders different countries, independently of each other, a new variety of this variety was bred - climbing rose Gloria Dei Climbing. It retained all the advantages of the original variety, but at the same time acquired the properties of a vine.

If your size and style garden plot allow you to diversify the composition with this beautiful and unpretentious plant- be sure to place this legendary rose of the 20th century in your garden!

O. Averina , Candidate of Biological Sciences

(Gardener No. 9, 2011)