Mixer      06/29/2020

The most expensive Russian numbers for a car. The most expensive numbers on the car. Leftist of federal significance

When talking about the strongest metals in the world, I immediately recall a medieval knight with a sword at the ready and in armor made of the legendary Damascus steel. It is her who, not unreasonably, is considered the most solid, durable, not amenable to either mechanical or chemical influences. But steel is not a pure metal, it consists of several components that have been processed to change the final properties of the finished product. Therefore, it cannot be called a substance with the highest hardness. What metal is the most durable on the planet?

10 Titan

Titanium is in the 10th position of our ranking of the most durable metals in the world. It is a high strength, low density, silvery solid. Titanium is resistant to high temperatures, it does not give in to corrosion, is resistant to chemicals and is not afraid of mechanical damage. It is possible to melt titanium only at a temperature above 3200 degrees, and it boils, having warmed up to a temperature of 3300 degrees. The scope of this metal is wide and varied - from the military industry to medicine.

Titanium was discovered in the 18th century by English and German chemists, and named after the Titans - giant mythical creatures with unprecedented strength and other supernatural abilities.

For a long time, titanium was not used in industrial purposes, since they could not get around the natural fragility of this metal. It was possible to get it in its pure form only in the winter of 1925.


9th place in the Top 10 is uranium. His distinctive feature is weak radioactivity. Uranium is found in nature both in pure form and as a component of sedimentary rocks. Among the main properties of this metal, it is necessary to highlight good flexibility and ductility, ductility, which allows it to be used in various industries.

Heat-treated uranium alloys are characterized by high resistance to corrosion; products from them do not change shape with temperature changes. That is why this metal was used until the mid-30s of the last century for the manufacture of tool steel, but later this technology was abandoned.


On the 8th place in our rating is tungsten. This metal has amazing, unparalleled refractory properties. It boils at an incredibly high temperature - 5900 degrees. And this hard silver-gray metal with a characteristic luster is not afraid of even the most aggressive chemical substances, easily takes shape during the forging process and is able to stretch without tearing into the thinnest thread. Tungsten filament - every person has heard and seen about it. So this thread is made of tungsten.

WITH German language the word "tungsten" is translated as "wolf foam"
The metal was discovered by the Swedish chemist Carl Scheele in 1781.

7 Rhenium

This silver-white transition metal belongs to the category of expensive ones, it is indispensable in the manufacturing process of modern electronics and technology. Rhenium was awarded the title of one of the most durable metals in the world due to its hardness and density, which do not decrease even under the influence of temperature changes. Rhenium is refractory, it is produced from molybdenum and copper ore. This process is quite complicated and labor-intensive, which explains the high cost of the finished metal. To get 1 kg of rhenium, you need 2 thousand tons of ore, finished production of this metal is no more than 40 tons per year.

Rhenium was invented by the famous German chemists Ida and Walter Noddak, and they named it after the picturesque Rhine River.

6 Osmium

The 6th position of our rating is assigned to osmium - the strongest metal in the world, belonging to the platinum group and characterized by incredible density. By analogy with most platinum metals, osmium is refractory and hard, but at the same time it is brittle; not afraid of mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive substances.

A distinctive feature of osmium is a silvery-white color with a barely noticeable bluish tint and quite bad smell(something reminiscent of a combination of garlic and bleach). In its pure form, in nature, this metal is not found, very rarely it can be found in conjunction with iridium, and even then only in some regions of Siberia, Canada, the USA and South Africa. Osmium is scarce, therefore it is extremely expensive and is used only where colossal investments in its extraction are justified. This metal is used in electronics, in the space and chemical industries, in surgery. It is the main component in the production of a rare drug - cortisone.

Osmium is the most expensive metal in the world. The price for 1 gram can reach 200 thousand dollars.


Beryllium has a light gray color, is characterized by hardness, fire resistance, good thermal conductivity and toxicity. The metal is mined from rocks and is widely used by modern science. It is indispensable in the aerospace industry and aviation, nuclear power and metallurgy.


Chromium is the most common of the hardest metals in the world, products from

which is sure to be found in every home. It is durable, resistant to aggressive environments, has a pale blue color and a characteristic luster. Chromium is widely distributed in nature in the form of chromium iron ore, it is used in almost all industries, it is added to the composition of other metals to give them additional hardness, corrosion resistance and improve appearance. Chrome-plated details of interior items, plumbing fixtures and household appliances become a great decoration for every home.

The melting point of chromium is 1907 degrees, it boils at a temperature of 2671 degrees. In its pure form, chromium is very malleable and viscous, but in combination with oxygen it becomes brittle and super hard.


Tantalum is the 3rd place in our rating, it deserves a "bronze medal" as one of the most durable metals on the planet. Tantalum is silvery in color with a characteristic lead luster, characterized by increased hardness and amazing density. Along with refractoriness, strength, resistance to rust and aggressive chemical attack, this metal is characterized by ductility. It is well machined, which is highly valued in the chemical industry and in metallurgy. The metal is indispensable during the construction of nuclear reactors, it is the main element of heat-resistant alloys.

2 Ruthenium

Ruthenium silvery, characterized by unique feature- the presence in the composition of fragments of muscle tissue of living beings. According to scientists, it was such an unusual composition that influenced the properties of the metal and made it super-strong.
Ruthenium is not only strong and hard - it is also chemically stable, can enter into complex compounds and plays the role of a catalyst chemical reactions. The properties of this metal described above make it indispensable in the manufacture of various wiring and contacts, laboratory glassware. Metal is also in demand in jewelry. As for the production of ruthenium itself, it is almost entirely concentrated in the Republic of South Africa.

From childhood, we know that the most durable metal- it's steel. Everything iron is associated with it.

Iron man, iron lady, steel character. By saying these phrases, we mean incredible strength, strength, hardness.

For a long time, steel was the main material in production and weapons. But steel is not metal. To be more precise, it is not a completely pure metal. This is with carbon, in which other metal additives are also present. By applying additives, i.e. change its properties. After that, it is processed. Steelmaking is a whole science.

The strongest metal is obtained by introducing the appropriate alloys into the steel. It can be chromium, which also gives heat resistance, nickel, which makes steel hard and elastic, etc.

In some positions, steel began to displace aluminum. Time passed, the speed increased. Aluminum didn't hold up either. I had to turn to the titan.

Yes, titanium is the strongest metal. To give steel high strength characteristics, titanium was added to it.

It was opened in the XVIII century. Due to its fragility, it was impossible to use it. Over time, having received pure titanium, engineers and designers became interested in its high specific strength, low density, corrosion resistance and high temperatures. Its physical strength exceeds the strength of iron by several times.

Engineers began adding titanium to steel. The result was the most durable metal, which has found application in an environment of ultrahigh temperatures. At that time, no other alloy could withstand them.

If you imagine an airplane that flies three times faster than you can imagine, how the sheathing metal heats up. Sheet metal aircraft skin in such conditions is heated up to +3000C.

Today, titanium is used unlimitedly in all areas of production. These are medicine, aircraft building, ship production.

With all the obviousness, we can say that in the near future, the titan will have to move.

Scientists from the USA, in the laboratories of the University of Texas at Austin, discovered the thinnest and most durable material on Earth. They called it graphene.

Imagine a plate whose thickness is equal to the thickness of one atom. But such a plate is stronger than diamond and transmits a hundred times better electricity than silicon computer chips.

Graphene is a material with amazing properties. It will soon leave the laboratories and rightfully take its place among the most durable materials in the universe.

It is even impossible to imagine that a few grams of graphene would be enough to cover a football field. Here is the metal. Pipes made of such material can be laid manually without the use of lifting and transport mechanisms.

Graphene, like diamond, is the purest carbon. His flexibility is amazing. Such material is easily bent, folds perfectly and rolls up perfectly.

Touch screen manufacturers have already begun to look at it, solar panels, cell phones and, finally, super-fast computer chips.

In many countries of the world, the sale of car registration plates through an auction is absolutely legal, and at the same time there are many people who are ready to fork out big to become the owner of a “beautiful” number.

Sometimes during the auction it comes to the point of absurdity, and rare car numbers go under the hammer for amounts that are many times higher than the cost of the car itself. Which of the currently existing registration plates are the most expensive?

"VIP 1"

In 2004 car number"VIP 1" was sold in the UK for 62,000 pounds (about 5.3 million rubles), and in 2008 it was purchased by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, having already paid more than 24 million rubles for it.

During the auction in Scotland, one of the bidders paid more than 34 million rubles for the S1 number. At one time, the latter was installed on one of the very first cars in the country. We are talking about a 1903 car, which, among other things, also belonged to the Scottish Lord Kingsburg.

The buyer of the sign, who preferred not to disclose his name, said that he plans to install such a rare sign on his old red Skoda.

"25 O"

In 2014, the Driver Licensing and Vehicle Great Britain set a record amount for the number "25 O", but this did not bother the owner of the local Ferrari car dealership, John Collins, who purchased this registration plate for more than 44 million rubles.

The man decided to fork out for such a large amount due to the fact that this number is effectively combined with his Ferrari 250 SWB. By the way, the latter in itself is worth a fortune, namely about 10 million pounds (over 855 million rubles). Such a high price is due to the fact that once this copy of the Italian two-door belonged to rock star Eric Clapton.

In 2008, Afzal Khan, a businessman from Bradford, spared no expense and paid about 37 million rubles (at the current exchange rate) for a sign with the F1 index, which has been in use in Britain for 109 years. This number was installed on a Mercedes SLR McLaren owned by a man, and then “moved” to a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport Carbon Edition.

When purchasing a registration plate, the businessman expressed his confidence that over time the F1 number would only become more expensive. In 2018, he put it up for sale asking for £14.4m. However, at the moment, there was no one willing to pay such crazy money for a rare number.

The most expensive sign in the world today is the number "1". Abu Dhabi businessman Said Abdul Ghaffar Khoury, who at an auction in the United Arab Emirates paid more than 641 million rubles for a registration plate with a one, wished to be the first. The record deal took place back in 2008, but over the years, no one has been able to beat it.

As for Russia, it is still impossible to legally buy “beautiful” numbers from us, although in last years officials are actively discussing such an initiative. However, many people acquire registration plates they like illegally, using the services of shady sites and offices.

The concept of wealth and prosperity is different for each person. For some, it is enough to have a villa by the sea, while others simply need a luxurious car, assembled by hand, to be happy. There is a third category of people, though quite few. It is this group of rich people who are ready to give any money for the most expensive number on the ground. This is the true hallmark of every car owner, which once again proves that its owner laid out a large sum for the opportunity to "reward" his "iron friend" with a special state badge.

Tenth place - VIP1 - $465,000

The closing, tenth place, of our hit parade is given to compatriot - Roman Abramovich. It was he who became the owner of a chic car number, bought in the UK. The fact that the car belongs to a billionaire will be told by a sign with the inscription "VIP1". Almost half a million dollars had to be able to mark their "iron horse" - Rolls-Royce Corniche IV Convertible. Interestingly, before the billionaire, such a number belonged to Pope II (John Paul).

Ninth place - M1 - $540,000

This is a truly expensive number that appeared in the UK at the dawn of the automotive industry. This means that it was these numbers that were assigned to the very first machines that mankind invented and produced. This fact influenced the value of the sign, making it distinctive. To become its owner, you will need to pay at least half a million dollars. That's what Mike McComb did in 2006, when he bought an honorary M1 for his "swallow". Moreover, the purchase was not impulsive or spontaneous, Mike planned it ahead of time, deciding to make a nice gift for himself and for his family in honor of his son's sixth birthday.

Eighth place - F1 - $720,000

A decent amount of 720 thousand dollars went to buy not a yacht or a house, diamonds, but a state car number. With such an impressive amount, Afzal Khan parted, who spared no expense in order to highlight his car - the Volvo S80. However, the number bought from the Essex County Council after Afzal moved to another car - Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren. And to this day, a car with such an “accessory” flaunts. Moreover, more than once the owner received quite lucrative offers from resellers who wanted to buy state signs for a “seductive” price - much higher than that which Khan himself had to pay. However, the owner does not give in to persuasion, which is why he is awarded the eighth place in the hit parade.

Seventh place - 24th - $871,000

All submitted expensive numbers in terms of cost, they cannot compete in any way with the amount that a resident of Abu Dhabi had to pay for their signs. It is noteworthy that it is the residents of hot countries who do not take into account the costs, choosing the most expensive “differences” for themselves and their cars. This was the number "24".

Sixth place - Facebk - $1,200,000

So, the milestone of 1 million dollars has been successfully passed, but whether there will be more ... The buyer crossed the million mark, who did not regret paying 1.2 million dollars for Facebook. This is exactly what Tai Tran, the original owner of the state car number, was counting on at one time. The Australian bought the signs in the hope that in the near future he would be able to resell them at exorbitant prices - no less than a million. His aspirations were more than justified when in 2012 the rooms were nevertheless bought out.

However, the “combinator” did not stop there, deciding to make money on resale further. His next acquisition was the number "Paypal", and Tai Tran also expects to sell it for no less than a million dollars. Who knows, maybe in the near future the hit parade will have to be supplemented with another super-expensive acquisition ...

Fifth place - 6 - $1,673,000

Such expensive numbers went to Hong Kong back in 1994. It was at this time that the car owner decided that his car should be radically different from others. I must say that the owner had the funds, so the car received such expensive numbers under the number "6".

Fourth place - 9 - $4,190,000

In the UAE, transport costs are not considered at all. Residents of this hot country can afford to be original. Another proof of this is the state car number “9” bought in September 2010. The owner for the right to use the sign laid out more than 4.19 million dollars!

Third place - 7 - $4,600,000

The third place of honor also belongs to a resident United Arab Emirates. It was he who wished to buy a unique seventh number for the car. The lucky sign will decorate the car and be inherited. This is exactly what you can do according to the laws of a hot country. Bought such an expensive "accessory" in February 2010.

Second place - $5 -6900000

Car number "5" and the previous seven belong to the same person. In all likelihood, the owner decided to assign unique numbers to all his cars. At the same time, UAE law states: purchased signs can be rearranged from one car to another, donated and inherited. Over time, the owner may even arrange an auction and sell such an expensive thing. If you are lucky, the new buyer will pay more for the number "5" than the amount that the current owner had to pay.

First place - 1 - $14211000

A resident of Abu Dhabi deservedly “climbed” to the first place. It was the Arabs who became the undisputed leaders of the hit parade. And the secret is hidden in the fact that it is profitable to buy in this country, since it is considered a profitable investment. The auction participant, where the sign was sold in 2008, was ready to pay twice the amount spent - $ 30 million so that he would get the honorary unit. However, there were no worthy competitors, therefore the most expensive number for the car went to Mr. Said Abdul Ghafoor Khuri. It is his Pagani Zonda that will decorate such an expensive acquisition. And all the proceeds from the auction went to charity - to build a new hospital. And good deeds are worth that kind of money!

Font A A

When purchasing a new car, many people tend to install so-called "beautiful" numbers on it - with an unusual combination of letters and numbers or from a series of license plates assigned to a certain government agency. Thus, motorists demonstrate their high status and income level. In the future, the most expensive license plates in Russia will grow in price, so this is also a good way to invest.

For many car owners, a car is not just a means of transportation, but a favorite toy. They treat her like a friend (or girlfriend), try to keep her in perfect order, acquire expensive jewelry for the salon. Every little thing is important to such people, including the license plate. An expensive license plate does not give the owner any privileges, does not save him from problems and fines. Its main purpose is to satisfy the ambitions of the owner, to emphasize his high position in society.

Motorists are happy to buy such non-standard numbers and are ready to spend a lot of money on them. Wealthy people have a good tradition: to buy elite license plates as a gift to friends or girlfriend.

The scheme of sale is quite simple. Some cheap car is bought, registered with the numbers that are planned to be sold. Then old car sold with "beautiful" numbers, the buyer registers the car, removes them for storage, receives new license plates, and returns the car to the previous owner. Further, the new owner registers his car with “beautiful” numbers.

Prices for elite rooms range from 40,000 to 11 million rubles. The average cost is 200–300 thousand rubles.

Elite number - an indicator of the high status and wealth of the car owner

Confrontation: deputies do not agree with the traffic police

Representatives of the State traffic inspectorate have repeatedly proposed to legalize the sale of "beautiful" license plates for cars, as this is necessary to combat corruption among employees. In 2010, regulations were developed and submitted for consideration, regulating the holding of auctions for the sale of license plates for vehicles. However, they were not accepted: the deputies considered that the same service cannot be evaluated in different amounts.

In 2011, the head of the traffic police, V. Fedorov, submitted to the State Duma a draft law “On registration of vehicles”, according to which car owners get the right to independently choose the alphanumeric designation of the license plate. Disagreements arose among the deputies: some agreed with the project, others suggested introducing an increased state duty for “beautiful” numbers. The bill was passed in the first reading, but did not go further.

This law has many supporters, but there are those who oppose its adoption.

Petr Shkumatov, member of the public council of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a popular blogger: “This system should be simplified, motorists should be given the opportunity to choose the numbers they like. Otherwise, dealers will buy these numbers at auctions. They are the only ones who will say thank you, because their task will be easier.”

On August 4, 2019, the Federal Law “On State Registration of Vehicles” comes into force, but there is no clause on the official issuance of “beautiful” numbers. So lovers of elite rooms will still be able to purchase them only from the hands.

A survey among the population "Is there a need for a bill allowing the sale of "beautiful" license plates" showed:

  • for - 68%;
  • against - 32%.

The bill is necessary - the leadership of the traffic police is sure. When will MPs understand this?

Tricky room sales schemes

On the market there are many intermediary firms involved in the resale of thieves' numbers.

Dealers have developed several ways to get the right signs cheaper:

  • Search on the Internet and social networks for those who are ready to sell such numbers.
  • 20-30 cars are immediately registered, and those that may be of interest are selected from the issued license plates.
  • View ads for the sale of used cars: you can catch interesting numbers in the photo.

There are many intermediary firms, this is a profitable business: they buy rooms cheaper and sell them at a higher price. For example, there are cases when intermediaries bought a car with desired numbers for 500 thousand rubles, and then resold it for 3 million rubles. It is easy to calculate how much you can earn on such a deal.

Dealers have accumulated rich experience in finding and buying "beautiful" numbers

uninvented stories

A lot of interesting, sometimes even scandalous stories are connected with the so-called thieves' numbers, which caused a stormy public outcry. In 2013, Moscow began issuing license plates with the new region code 777. The combination A001AA 777 went to a young woman, the owner of a modest small car, which was loudly announced by the traffic police. However, later photos of a tricked-out Mercedes GL with this number appeared on the network, which, of course, caused a wave of indignation among citizens.

Then bloggers began to upload photos showing that the most beautiful numbers from the 777 series are installed on expensive cars. There was information that the license plate A777AA 777 was sold for 15 million rubles. The people were impatiently waiting for a car with this number to appear on the streets of Moscow. In order to hush up the brewing scandal, the traffic police decided to install this sign on the VAZ-2114 police car.

Would you pay a high price for a "beautiful room"?


Curiosities with unusual numbers are also found abroad. In the United States, many states officially ban the T1H2HO license plate. It would seem that the usual set of letters and numbers, however, if you read it backwards, you get: Oh, Shit! ("Oh shit!").

Prices for rooms in different regions of Russia

“Beautiful” numbers on a car are an expensive pleasure, in different regions Russian prices are different. The presented table will help you figure out in which regions the most popular numbers will cost more, and in which - cheaper.

The spread of prices for unusual license plates in different regions of Russia

Thus, the spread of prices across regions is small. It is clear that the cost depends on the popularity of the room and the demand for it. The least interesting numbers can be bought quite cheaply - from 15 thousand rubles. It is not surprising that the highest prices are in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the farther from the center, the lower the cost of the cherished numbers for cars.

Rating of the most expensive rooms in Russia

Rich people are ready to pay almost the cost of the car itself for “beautiful” license plates. Since there are such buyers, it means that there are corresponding offers. The prices for some particularly popular license plates in Russia are simply exorbitant.

  1. "Round", that is, multiples of 100, are found on premium cars (for example, X500RV). Price - 125 thousand rubles.
  2. Mirror numbers in which the first and last digit are repeated (for example, 424, 939). Price - 150 thousand rubles.
  3. The combination AAA777 is often found on the machines of the Presidential Administration. Price - 325 thousand rubles.
  4. 777 777 are metropolitan show-offs when the numbers of the number coincide with the number of the region. Price - 1.85 million rubles.
  5. The numbers from the top ten from 001 to 009 emphasize that the owner of the car is the first in everything - both in life, and in business, and financially (for example, B001BB). The price is 4 million rubles. (https://nomerauto.su/pervaja-desjatka/)
  6. Numbers in which three identical numbers and letters also match (for example, M888MM). The price is 5.9 million rubles.
  7. License plate of the elite series HNN777 77. Price - 10 million rubles.
  8. AMR, EKH series (members of the government, the State Duma, the Federation Council, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office travel with such numbers). The price is 11 million rubles.

Folk decoding of the special number EKH - "I'm going as I want"

The sale of numbers from the AMP, ECX series is considered illegal in Russia, sellers and buyers get out as best they can. At the same time, many Russian human rights activists openly speak out in favor of officially allowing the sale of such numbers.

Viktor Travin, President of the Board of Legal Protection of Car Owners: « There is nothing illegal here. We do not have the concept of "special number". All registration plates are exactly the same, with the exception of those approved by government decree and belonging to a special category of vehicles.

Survey of residents of Moscow on the topic « How do you feel about installing expensive numbers on a car?

  • sharply negative - 61%;
  • indifferent - 25%;
  • positive - 9%;
  • I want this number - 5%.

Most people consider buying « beautiful" rooms are a waste of money. Nevertheless, a huge number of offers for sale find their buyers, which means that someone still needs it. Having decided on such a purchase, you need to remember that this pleasure is quite expensive, moreover, such transactions are made unofficially. Therefore, it is advisable to first weigh the pros and cons.