Toilet      06/17/2019

Pine spruce timber which is better. Spruce vs Pine: Which wood is better for building a house? The use of spruce and pine in construction

In wooden house construction, softwood lumber is used - pine and spruce. Their beneficial features allow the construction of strong, reliable, warm, beautiful residential buildings. In order for a country wooden house to meet absolutely all your requirements, it is better to select suitable softwood lumber in advance, having first studied their properties.

Useful properties of pine

In construction wooden houses Today, a wide variety of lumber is used. Traditional pine is one of the most worthy options. Over time, pine is used more and more often for the construction of wooden houses. Pine naturally has low thermal conductivity, so a log house made of pine will not be cold in winter, and special efforts for insulation will not be required. In addition, pine wood perfectly absorbs excess moisture, which helps maintain a natural atmosphere in the house.

The sound insulation properties of pine are also excellent; you should pay attention to this material if you like silence and privacy. Durable pine wood is easy to work with compared to equally popular construction materials. deciduous trees, which absorb less moisture. Pine is very malleable and is used to make spiral railings and stairs. Pine lumber is well suited for the production of beams, logs, high-quality edged boards- strong and durable material.

Pine produces high-quality and inexpensive batten. Its resinousness in this case turns from a disadvantage into an advantage, since it prevents the formation of fungi better than other materials. Due to the low hardness and low density of pine wood, antifungal compounds penetrate deeply (up to 2 mm), which significantly improves the surface’s resistance to mechanical stress, fungal diseases, and increases water-repellent ability.

Useful properties of spruce

Spruce holds a well-deserved second place (after pine) in terms of popularity for use in the construction of country wooden houses. Spruce trees are long-lived trees, often their age reaches three hundred years, but already at 150 years old spruce trees grow to a height of 50 meters. In mountainous areas, spruce trees older than 600 years are often found. Their long trunks are advantageously used for lumber production.

Spruce wood white with a light, warm, pleasant golden hue, retains its natural color a very long time. The density of lumber is high, and the resin content of spruce is less than that of pine, so spruce wood rarely cracks.

But spruce wood is much more difficult to process than pine, since the abundance of knots on the trunk and the increased hardness of the material itself interfere. To use this lumber in wooden house construction, additional surface treatment needs to be given more attention.

Another feature of spruce is a significant loss in mass after the drying process. As a result, the lumber becomes very light, and the wood itself acquires even greater elasticity and strength. This greatly facilitates further machining.

If we compare spruce with other coniferous lumber, it has one more advantage - it practically does not warp. Moreover, spruce surpasses even aspen in flexibility, so various curved elements can be made from it.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber - briefly about the main thing!

Spruce or pine?

In this article we would like to talk about the most popular types of wood growing in our region, consider their pros and cons in the construction of wooden houses.

We will talk about conifers such as pine and spruce.

Having decided to build wooden house, in addition to choosing a contractor company, many people face the difficulty of choosing building material and the type of wood from which it will be built future home. The most popular materials now are round wood, carriage, laminated veneer lumber or rounded log. Despite the fact that all these materials can be classified as wooden, they differ very much from each other, both in cost and quality. If you have chosen laminated veneer lumber or rounded logs, then the manufacturer will build you a house from “pine needles” and a choice of wood species, in most cases you will not have and it does not matter whether your house was ordered in

Whether it’s a large and expensive company or a small start-up company, it’s just the way things are on the market. Basically, laminated veneer lumber and rounded logs are made from pine and spruce; manufacturers quietly mix these two types of wood, which have different quality and physical characteristics.

When choosing to build a house self made You always have the opportunity to choose one or another type of wood and be sure that your house will consist 100% exclusively of the type of wood you have chosen.

The most common material in our area is pine. Pine really is the leader over all types of wood in the construction of wooden houses, but spruce, which has a number of significant advantages over other coniferous tree species, is undeservedly deprived of attention.

Pine is a soundwood species, its core is usually brown-red in color, and the sapwood is yellow. Pine wood is soft (density 470-540 kg/m3) and durable, easy to process. Large tobacco and rotten knots are quite common.

Spruce wood is light, soft, white, very elastic, can withstand high loads, has a high tensile strength, but is not significantly inferior to pine in density (density 440-500 kg/m3). The structure of spruce is looser than that of pine, so spruce is more susceptible to external weather influences, but is much warmer than pine. Modern protective products successfully solve the problem of protecting wood, so there is no need to be afraid of this. Moreover, after drying, the wood becomes identical in resistance to weathering. Due to large quantity Hard knots are more difficult to process. Chemical compositions Spruce and pine also differ little from each other. For example, pine contains 41.9% cellulose, and spruce - 44.1%. Pine contains 25.5% lignin, and spruce contains 28.9%. As you can see, the differences are insignificant.

The wood of spruce is white, has more small branches, which, with a transparent finish, well emphasize the “tree”; the trunks are mostly smooth and long, which significantly improves appearance wooden house. Spruce trees do not tend to change their color when exposed to external factors for a long time, like a pine tree. It should be noted that pine acquires a dirty yellow tint over time, and under the influence of precipitation it quickly turns gray. So, if you want to see white walls, you need to use spruce; a wooden house made of spruce looks more elegant and even, one might say, aristocratic.

The next advantage of spruce, which follows from the above, is a fungus that appears on the pine tree after felling the forest; the pine wood turns blue, while the spruce remains white. Blue stains and discoloration in pine are removed with appropriate antiseptics, but in spruce this treatment can be minimized, which will undoubtedly enhance the natural character of your home and have a positive impact on environmental friendliness.

Also, the advantage of spruce over pine is that it contains significantly less resin, which means that wooden house made of spruce, there will be no tar stains on the south side.

In addition, spruce wood is more uniform than pine and is less susceptible to cracking when drying and shrinking. This is especially true when building houses from gun carriages. Due to the fact that the outer, hardest layer of wood is removed in the carriage and the softer wood is exposed to the atmosphere, which means the degree of cracking increases. When building a house from spruce, cracking is minimized.

Another advantage of spruce in our latitudes is the possibility of building houses with a diameter significantly larger than that of pine; spruce from 40 cm and above is much larger than pine.

Unlike pine, which gives off moisture, spruce takes it and releases it to the street. That's why houses and bathhouses are made from spruce sushi.

But perhaps the most important advantage of spruce over others coniferous trees the fact that it is the warmest, due to its looser structure, which means that even the most severe cold is not terrible for such a house.

Well, remember, the Russian proverb says: “A spruce hut is a healthy heart,” and even proverbs in empty space definitely not written.

What kind of building material is better to use for the construction of a bathhouse - spruce or pine? When deciding in favor of one option or another, you should initially familiarize yourself in detail with these types of wood, as well as evaluate the advantages of each of them.

Advantages of a wooden bathhouse

Today, it can be made from the following building materials: brick, gas blocks, arbolite blocks or a tree. The majority of developers prefer the use of brick, arguing for the high durability of the material, however wooden baths are characterized by a large number of advantages, not to mention the fact that its construction will cost much less.

The wooden bathhouse cannot be compared with any other building, since it embodies the spirit of the Russian bathhouse. Let's look at a few arguments that will help convince you that it is more prudent to build a bathhouse from wood:

  • need in minimum quantity firewood for heating the room;
  • the feeling of dampness is completely absent;
  • wood is considered a natural and environmentally friendly material, therefore beneficial for human health;
  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • significant budget savings;
  • wooden walls retain heat better than brick walls.

If you decide to build bath room made of wood, in this case, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information, which will help you choose exclusively best option building materials, based on their specific advantages and disadvantages of each material. Next, we will talk about wood species such as pine and spruce.


Today, pine is the most common solution among all developers, primarily due to the following reasons:

  1. The relatively low cost of the material is one of the main factors influencing the choice. Pine is much cheaper than most types of wood, which is why almost everyone can afford to use it;
  2. This type of wood does not deform; the logs are quite stable and are not prone to various kinds chips and cracks;
  3. In addition, pine is a lightweight material that can be easily processed, which is important in the process self-construction bath room;

It should be noted that pine is also characterized by the presence of shortcomings that must be addressed:

  1. Constant exposure to moisture deteriorates the wood, after which it begins to rot, so replacement may be required within a few years without proper treatment;
  2. This type of wood, such as pine, is susceptible to various pests, including fungal damage;
  3. Please note, like all conifers, pine secretes resin. This process can take place especially intensively when high temperatures high modes, and hot resin can burn and stain. The arrangement of a wooden bathhouse made of pine is usually as follows: the inside of the room is lined with hardwood clapboard. This method allows you to neutralize the negative properties and characteristics of pine.

Important! If you prefer to build, then do not forget about the need to periodically check the structure, as well as cover it with protective substances. This can significantly extend the life of the tree.


This wood has many similarities with pine: ease of processing, as well as affordable prices, influence the fairly high popularity of spruce among buyers.

It is necessary to note one more advantage that is inherent to spruce: unlike pine, spruce does not darken over time, but for many years, on the contrary, retains its light golden color in an exclusively original form.

Also, you should pay attention to the negative aspects: the release of resin from spruce occurs even more intensely than from pine. That is why it is very important to apply additional

What is better to use for building a bathhouse - spruce or pine?

It should be noted that in terms of thermal characteristics, both options are approximately the same; however, spruce wins slightly in this matter, since the structure of its wood is loose. Its fibers contain significantly more air, which in turn determines its rather low thermal conductivity. However, a bathhouse made of pine may be characterized by thicker walls, due to the fact that the diameter of this tree significantly more than that of spruce. As for durability, it should be noted that spruce is inferior to pine, as it absorbs more moisture and is thus more susceptible to decay processes, as well as the formation of mold and mildew.

In addition to all this, as we already know, pine is less resinous than spruce, which is also an important factor for Russian baths, as well as its high temperature conditions. Please note that a more resinous spruce will emit a pleasant and rich aroma of coniferous forest. However, processing pine is the simplest, as it is characterized by an even and straight long trunk. Spruce wood is much more difficult to process due to the presence of a large number of knots. However, at the same time, such knottyness gives the log house a unique decorative effect.

It should be remembered that both types of wood darken, however, the intensity of darkening of pine is much greater. If pine wood is not treated in the required way, then over time the material will become lumpy-red in color. In order to decide this problem, it is necessary to carry out the covering of the bath room. In addition, it is recommended to cover the material with refreshing substances, for example, wax or varnish. However, remember that neither wax nor varnish should have a pronounced odor, especially in the case of high temperature regime. Special substances for coating wood should also not melt when exposed to high temperatures. As a rule, manufacturers of paint and varnish products must warn about these features on product labels.

The pricing policies for spruce and pine are not particularly different. In principle, you can build a bathhouse from both types of wood. The most important thing is that the wood is properly prepared and not damaged. various types fungi or mold. In addition, a combination of two types of wood is also possible. The lower crowns must be made of a more resistant material to a humid environment - pine, but the upper ones can be made of spruce in order to better retain heat.

The choice of the main material for construction is an important task, the competent solution of which greatly depends on the reliability and durability of the planned building, as well as the level of living comfort. Considering this, it becomes clear why determining whether spruce or pine timber is better suited for the construction of a house or other building takes on such significant importance.

Comparison of properties

The most clear comparison of the properties of timber made from pine and spruce is made by presenting the data in the form of a table. Naturally, the most serious and significant indicators of materials should be compared.

Comparison parameter

Spruce timber

Pine timber

Color and its change over time

Close to white, no color change occurs during long-term use

Various shades yellow color ranging from yellow to brick. Over time, the color of the timber does not fade


Identical along the entire length of the tree trunk

Stable and uniform throughout the entire depth of the wood

Presence and number of knots

Relatively large number of small knots

Rare, but large branches


On average, a spruce beam with a standard humidity of 12% weighs about 450 kg/cu. m. Coniferous wood is lighter than hardwood, and spruce is one of the leaders, inferior to cedar, whose density is 410 kg/cu. m

On average, pine timber weighs about 520 kg/cu.m. m

Thermal conductivity

Due to the less dense arrangement of fibers, spruce timber has better energy efficiency - 110 mW/cu. m

Pine timber retains heat worse, having a thermal conductivity of 150 mW/cubic meter. m

Rot resistance

Due to the presence of resin in the wood structure, spruce timber is quite resistant to rot, mold and the appearance of microorganisms

An obvious advantage of the material is that the high resin content reliably protects the timber from rotting. The disadvantage of this situation is the possible “tearfulness” of individual structures

Production technology

More difficult to process due to the large number of knots

Easy to process, which is achieved by a small number of knots and soft wood structure


Bending strength - 74 kgf/cubic. cm, load-bearing capacity is equal to pine material

Higher bending strength, the value of which is 79 kgf/cubic meter. cm

Aesthetic parameters

The tastes and preferences of the owner of the building are determined. The light tones of spruce and the delicate aroma are appreciated by a considerable number of lovers

The bright color and rich pine smell are suitable for a large number of owners of residential buildings and bathhouses


More complex processing technology leads to a logical increase in the cost of the material

The price of pine timber is lower than that of its analogue made from spruce

Some conclusions

The choice of material for constructing a building from timber depends on the criteria listed above. The final decision is made by the construction customer, based on his own preferences, tastes and financial resources. In most operational and technical parameters, both species demonstrate impressive characteristics, with a slight advantage over spruce timber. However, pine is more affordable and somewhat stronger.

The aesthetic characteristics of spruce and pine timber also differ significantly. However, each of the materials has its own advantages, so the final choice depends on the wishes of the owner of the planned building. The main thing is to find a manufacturing company capable of producing high-quality timber from the selected type of wood.

In all countries, spruce is considered the most suitable type of wood for the walls of a wooden house, and there are many reasons for this.

Features of log houses

If a spruce log house has been treated with special compounds, its service life will greatly increase. Spruce is also the most affordable building material, and wins the competition due to its low cost. This material can be used not only for construction and exterior finishing, and for designer finishing interior spaces, including furniture manufacturing. This type of wood is also distinguished by bactericidal properties that protect those living in the house from many diseases. In addition, spruce does not cause allergic reactions.

Characteristics of spruce houses

Spruce log houses are of better quality than buildings made from other types of wood for 3 reasons:

1. Increased thermal insulation.

Houses made of spruce retain heat better, since this material is naturally low in density. For example, larch, oak, cedar and other types of wood of high hardness have such little thermal insulation that when building houses they have to make much thicker walls.

2. Natural ventilation.

Spruce houses do not overheat in hot weather. Due to the specific structure of wood, there is continuous air exchange inside it, due to which the building will “breathe,” that is, air will freely pass through the wood fibers back and forth. This effect does not allow the rooms to heat up, therefore, in such log houses, air conditioners and split systems are not installed, due to their uselessness.

3. Aesthetic wood texture.

Compared to other types of wood, the shade and surface texture of spruce building materials has an aesthetic and attractive appearance. For example, buildings made of larch materials are often sheathed with spruce boards, since a few years after the start of operation their walls begin to look unpresentable.

Why is spruce better than pine?

There is an alternative to spruce log houses - pine houses, but this material has too many disadvantages. And although the difficulty of processing spruce is much higher, for a log house this is the best option. Spruce houses are of high quality and durability, which is why the vast majority of customers choose them.

Let us list the comparative advantages of spruce:

1. Greater moisture resistance compared to pine, due to the specific cellular structure and pores. For example, the core and surface of spruce absorb liquid at the same level. Pine has the opposite: the surface absorbs moisture easily, but the core does not.

Increased resistance to moisture makes spruce houses more reliable:

  • When it rains, only the surface of the walls gets wet, while pine materials get wet at depth.
  • Due to regular wetting and drying over the years, cracks form in pine walls.
  • Since pine has less resistance to moisture, buildings cannot resist the appearance of mold and turn blue over time.
  • If you treat both materials with a glazing agent, the result will be different: spruce building materials will acquire an even shade, while pine materials will have an uneven shade.

2. Uniform color.

Spruce materials have a uniform light shade, since both the core and the surface of the tree are the same color. At the same time, pine has a thick resinous, and therefore yellow, core and narrow light sapwood ( surface layer under tree bark). The diversity of pine makes the structure look like a rural hut, and the uniformity and whiteness of spruce makes log houses made from it elegant and elite.

3. Invisibility of seams in gluing areas.

Since nowadays people prefer to build houses from high-quality laminated logs, the uniform color of spruce building materials provides them with an indisputable advantage: the invisibility of seams in the gluing areas!

4. No darkening effect.

The resin of pine materials only turns yellow over time, and sometimes even acquires a brown tint. At the same time, a spruce frame will never turn yellow, retaining its white color.

5. Lightness.

Since spruce wood is not as dense as pine, 1 cubic meter of this material weighs on average 1 quintal less.

6. Spruce knots are smaller and lighter in color, whereas in pine they are large and dark. Therefore, houses made of spruce look more attractive.

7. No resin drips.

IN pine wood high content resin, so it is not easy to process and this spoils its appearance. For these reasons, pine cannot be used in the construction and finishing of baths, since the resin flows more strongly when heated.

8. No cracks.

The bending strength of spruce is higher, therefore, under a similar load, pine logs break, while spruce logs simply bend. That is why there are almost no cracks in spruce buildings, while there are many of them in pine buildings.

9. When constructing luxury houses, only spruce building materials are used.

10. According to research results, buildings made of spruce turned out to be much more durable.


A minor but unpleasant drawback of spruce is the presence of hard and small knots in it, which complicates the pre-treatment process. But, in essence, this is the concern of the manufacturer, not the customer, so you can simply forget about it.