Water pipes      04.03.2020

Sauna light. Lighting in the bath: features of the lighting of bath rooms, the choice of lamps. How to make unique lighting in the bath

It is impossible to create a comfortable environment in any bath without quality lighting. Agree, gloomy rooms do not set up either for wellness or for. That is why connecting the electrical system is one of the primary tasks after the completion of direct construction. However, and one of the most troublesome. This is especially true for work in the steam room - the most difficult room baths. In order to properly and safely conduct lighting here with your own hands, you need to know a lot - not just the rules and subtleties, but even mandatory requirements To electrical system in the steam room - they will be discussed further.

General requirements for wiring in the steam room

In order for the electrical system in the steam room to function smoothly and safely, certain requirements must be taken into account in terms of quality and installation of its working elements:

  • Protection class lighting fixtures and switches must be at least IP 44.
  • The wiring must be laid straight, and if it becomes necessary to make turns, their angle must be strictly 90 degrees.

Important! In the steam room can only be used closed wiring. Therefore, it is advisable to deal with the issue of lighting immediately after the construction of the bath box or during the overhaul process - so you will have the opportunity to hide the wiring under the casing.

  • The minimum distance of the cable from the ceiling, floor and pipeline is 10-15 cm.
  • The minimum distance of sockets from the floor level is 50 cm, and that of switches is 150 cm.
  • To switches and sockets, wires must be entered from below - this will prevent condensation from entering them.
  • The joints of the wires must be twisted, and then fixed by welding or soldering. If clamping terminals are used, the degree of contact strength must be checked regularly. Don't forget to tighten the terminals as well.

For the steam room, use only special lamps

  • It is possible to install wiring only in those paired rooms, the walls of which are either made of non-combustible materials, or have undergone appropriate protective treatment.

The choice of lamps for the steam room

Given the specific operating conditions of the steam room, not all types will be appropriate in it. lighting lamps. So, the following options are considered the most suitable here.

Important! It is forbidden to use in the steam room fluorescent lamps which are based on mercury - they are not resistant to temperature extremes, therefore they can quickly deform in difficult conditions, and this is extremely dangerous for humans.

Organization of lighting in the steam room

When the rules are learned and the lighting fixtures are selected, you can start lighting in the steam room:

  • Evaluate the situation in the room and determine where the fixtures will be located and which path the wires will run.
  • Prepare a corrugated pipe or metal hose and place the wires that will be used to connect lighting fixtures into the device.
  • From the junction box, lay the cable to the areas where you plan to install the fixtures.
  • Attach cartridges, preferably ceramic, to the ends of the wires and carefully insulate them.
  • Install the switch and lay the cable to it from the box.

Advice. The best option the location of the switch is on the outside of the entrance to the steam room.

  • Screw the light bulbs into the sockets and close them with hermetically sealed fixtures. It is desirable that their bodies are made of heat-resistant porcelain, and the shades are made of matte tempered glass.
  • Install decorative wooden grilles on lighting fixtures - they will protect you from burns in case of contact with lamps.

Place switches outside the steam room

When choosing locations for fixtures, remember that only fiber-optic lamps can be placed on the ceiling, and it is better to mount all other devices in the upper areas of the walls. Also, lighting devices should not be in close proximity to the chimney and.

As you can see, lighting in the steam room with your own hands is quite difficult. It is important to take into account the mass at each stage of connecting the electrical system. technological features- from working with wiring and ending with the installation of ceiling lamps. Remember that only if you follow all the rules and recommendations, you can get really safe and comfortable lighting in your steam room.

Lighting in the bath: video

Lighting in the bath: photo

Not only a pleasant pastime, but also safety for human life and health depends on how well and thoughtfully the lighting in the sauna in the steam room is made. That is why it is very important to responsibly approach the choice and placement of lighting fixtures, which will be discussed later in our material with a photo.

First of all, we note that for lighting equipment in the bath, you should choose such fixtures that meet the requirements fire safety and can be operated in conditions of high temperatures and humidity. Hence, the best choice there will be ceramic, porcelain or refractory plastic lighting fixtures.

Installation of the electrical network in the steam room

To figure out how to make lighting in a bathhouse in a steam room, the first thing you need to do is draw up an electrical project in this room, that is, figure out how the cable will be located. And then you can proceed directly to the implementation of the project.

First of all, you need to conduct electrical wiring in the bath. Often, the source of electricity is an electrical panel located inside the house, therefore, the cable will need to be pulled from it. And sometimes it is more expedient to bring the wires directly from the pole. Cables can be installed in two ways - overhead and underground.

Of course, the air method of connecting electricity is much simpler and more convenient, as well as cheaper. However, you should take into account the climate conditions in your area. If the air temperature in the street can exceed the limit of 40 ºС, then the wire cross section must be increased by ¼.

It is advisable to use a self-supporting supply cable that does not need additional supports. Although it is somewhat more expensive, however, in this case, such expenses are justified.

To prevent sagging of the cable, you should stock up on special fasteners to fix it. And you can get inside the bath through a wall or roof.

Also pay attention to what the cores in the cable are made of. To ensure safe operation and efficient lighting for the steam room, you can use a cable with copper conductors. And if it is aluminum, the cross section of the wires needs to be increased.

However, one should not forget about a number of important rules:

  1. Switches and sockets should be located outside the steam room of a bath or sauna, since temperature and humidity indicators do not contribute to the correct operation of these devices. It is optimal to place them in a recreation area or dressing room.
  2. The cable must not contain bends along the laying path. IN last resort, the wire can only be bent at right angles.
  3. To illuminate the steam room, you can not choose fluorescent lamps. Such devices cannot withstand high temperatures and may explode, releasing harmful mercury fumes. The most suitable will be fiber optic luminaires placed in the corners of the room, where the least amount of steam enters.
  4. The height of the sockets is 50 cm from the floor, and the switches - 150 cm. At the same time, the power supply of the luminaires must be supplied from below in order to avoid damage to the cables due to moisture.
  5. When installing electrical wiring and light in a steam room, care should be taken to install automatic machines that will emergency disconnect the network from power in case of overloads.

Another important issue concerns the requirements for equipment. For installation in a bath, only sockets with a safety class of at least IP 54 are suitable, and switches must be at least IP 44.

Subtleties of lighting in the steam room

All lighting elements for a steam room in a bath should be selected taking into account that they are equipped with protective shades that prevent direct contact with the skin and prevent damage to the lamps (read: ""). In addition, we must not forget about the insulation of wires and field connections.

Of course, inside the steam room you can do without lamps at all, if you make small windows in it. However, in this case, the steam room will cool down faster due to heat loss, that is, you will need additional insulation walls. Moreover, such a bath can be operated only during daylight hours.

If you still decide to cut window openings, their dimensions should be about 500 × 500 mm. At the same time, double-glazed windows must be installed in two-chamber in order to retain heat in the steam room as much as possible.

Features of the placement of lamps in the dressing room

There are, in principle, no strict restrictions on how to make lighting in the bath in the dressing room area. On the contrary, it is in this room that one can allow the flight of design ideas, that is, there can be an infinite number of options for organizing lighting.

In the dressing room, as a rule, they try to install all the switches, sockets and connect all the necessary electrical appliances.

The main source of illumination is usually set ceiling chandelier, or disperse several wall lamps that create a cozy atmosphere in the room. Additional decor can be done using LED strips, which will highlight one or another area in the dressing room.

How to organize shower and pool lighting

In the shower room, as well as near the pool, do-it-yourself lighting in the bath should be made as bright as possible to avoid injury when falling. Since there are no high temperatures in these rooms, absolutely any kind of lighting fixtures can be used, in particular, fluorescent lamps, various spotlights for baths and LED strips. Special lighting for the jacuzzi is also welcome, if you take care of its equipment.

However, when installing a light in a pool or hot tub, you should use equipment that operates at reduced voltage and has a sealed enclosure.

As for the equipment of sockets and switches, it is ideal if they are placed in the dressing room. But if this is not possible, you should use equipment with a safety class of at least IP 44, and install it in places that are not subject to getting wet.

Directly in the washing room, it is very convenient to use LED strips with IP 68 security class, which can operate at low voltage. As a rule, it is advised to install equipment capable of operating at a voltage of 12 watts. Such tapes are safe to mount even under water.

The most acceptable from the point of view of safety, functionality and energy efficiency can be considered fiber-optic lighting fixtures.

Such devices have a number of undoubted advantages over other devices:

  • small size, which significantly saves space;
  • multifunctionality, that is, the possibility of installation in rooms for various purposes;
  • economy - low power consumption;
  • safety for a person.

Since the outside of the bath also needs to organize lighting, especially if it will be used at night, you need to make sure that the approaches to it are as visible as possible. In this case, of course, it is better to use energy-saving lighting devices.

If the equipment is mounted directly on the walls, then you should try to make as few holes as possible. When connecting devices to the mains, it is better to place the wiring away from walls and thermal insulation.

Lighting technology

The process of connecting lighting in the bath includes a strict sequence of actions.

First of all, you should think about how to lead the light into the bath, that is, perform the installation of electrical wiring. You can bring the cable into the building between the ceiling and the roof, fixing it on the lower beams of the rafters.

Next, inside the bath, the installation of lighting fixtures begins. To make it convenient to use the bath, the light must be made above the entrance to it. To successfully fit the lamps into the external decor of plastic lining, you can stop at point-type devices.

The next step is to install bulbs in all fixtures. Inside the bath, you can use economical lamps with a power of 5 W, but at the entrance it is better to put a more powerful device - from 17 W. If you stop at lamps in mirror bulbs, you can get more efficient and bright lighting that will not scatter.

As alternative how to make light in the bath, you can perform outdoor lighting. To do this, 1.5 m from the walls of the steam room, outdoor lamps are inserted into the ground, located at some distance from each other. However, such work will require a lot of time, effort and money from the performer.

To organize this type of lighting, you will need:

  • ensure that there are no obstacles at the place of installation of lighting;
  • lay the power cable underground;
  • put a certain number of lamps.

We hope that this article with a photo will help you figure out how to do the lighting in the bath with your own hands, in what sequence to carry out the wiring work and what rules to follow. If everything is done correctly, you will get a comfortable, safe and equipped room to your liking, while saving on the services of professional workers.

A bath is a building in which you can not only take water and health-improving hygiene procedures, but also perfect place for complete psychological relaxation and physical relaxation.

Therefore, a well-designed electric light in the bath with your own hands will help you forget all everyday worries and troubles, and will also fulfill its intended purpose - it will illuminate the premises at night.

The main requirements for are as follows:

  • The location of all fittings (general switch, main group of sockets and other electrical switches) should be exclusively in the dressing room or rest room.
  • For safety reasons, do not mount electrical sockets, as well as switches in the steam room and washing (shower).
  • Modern devices protective shutdown (RCD) or circuit breakers(AB) is also recommended to be installed in the dressing room.
  • Install in the steam room and washing room only hermetically sealed fixtures with special protection against high humidity.
  • The washing and steam room lighting should be powered through a second transformer with a voltage of no more than 12 V and 36 V.

  • Electric wires must be packed in special corrugated PVC tubes in order to protect them from moisture.
  • Careful selection of lighting cable. As a rule, it is desirable to purchase material made of copper, in a special sheath with a double layer of insulation, since such a cable is considered to be very resistant to high temperatures and moisture.
  • Cables must be designed strictly in accordance with the PUE (chapter 7.1. "Electrical installations of residential buildings"), SNiP 2.08.01-89 and GOST R 50571.11-96.

To lead the light into the bath with your own hands, it is advisable to have the necessary knowledge for this regarding the installation of electrical wiring, otherwise the attempts made can end very badly.

Selection and installation of lighting devices in the bath

After it has been carried out and along the entire perimeter of the bath in accordance with the designed scheme, you can safely proceed with the installation of lighting fixtures.

The light in the bath with your own hands entirely depends on the methodology of the chosen installation scheme, which today is mostly carried out using incandescent lamps. In some variants, LED and fiber optic luminaires can also be used. However, the installation of the latter requires installation auxiliary elements Moreover, such electrical equipment is quite expensive and therefore has not yet gained much popularity.

For example, in the hallway or dressing room, you can install inconspicuous in shape on the walls, or any other lighting devices in which the ceiling lamps have a maximum power of 75 to 100 watts. At the same time, for the convenience of adjusting the brightness of the light in the rest room, you can install a double switch, as well as use lamps equipped with two or more cartridges.

The other 2 rooms - a steam room and a shower room - require a different, special approach. In them, the space of the room from the inside should be well lit, but the lighting elements and wiring themselves are reliably protected from direct moisture (or condensation) on them.

At the same time, the shower room can be equipped with simply sealed shades, and it is better to place the wires and contacts in a place inaccessible to water splashes - the ceiling.

In this regard, for safety reasons, it is advisable to think over the circuit of electrical switches outside (outside) these two rooms, that is, install them for convenience, for example, next to front door, but in the waiting room.

Specific recommendations for lighting in the steam room concern not only the moisture-proof function of the lamps, but also their ability to withstand high temperatures. temperature regime. Optimal and favorable light in a do-it-yourself bath, in particular, in a steam room, should be muffled, dim, and also with a power of no more than 60-75 watts. These parameters meet the requirements of safety rules, since the increased power of incandescent bulbs in the steam room can lead to overheating of the shades, and too bright light will not give the desired relaxation and rest when taking procedures.

Taking into account all the above recommendations for lighting in the shower room and steam room, it is advisable to conduct low-voltage voltage (12 V) in these rooms, and also install a step-down transformer for this purpose, of course, outside this building, that is, on the street.

Electrification in the bath

Today, an electrified bath is not only a pair of electric lighting devices, but also a much more complicated functional system.

Thus, electrical supply, in addition to standard lighting in the steam room, makes it possible to equip other bath rooms with the following useful components:

  1. warm electric floors.
  2. washing machine and a heat gun to dry all rooms.
  3. pumping station and water heater.
  4. Electrical measuring devices for humidity and temperature in the room.
  5. Internal lighting in the pool and electric heater.
  6. spa equipment, infrared heaters, as well as an electric hairdryer and kettle, a plasma TV and even a mini-fridge for beer.

The light in the bath with your own hands should be thought out to the smallest detail: poor-quality wiring or defective products installed in the premises can lead to at least a fire, so carefully read the instructions for installing lighting fixtures.

The range of lighting devices on the modern market is huge and constantly expanding. But not all lamps are suitable for certain conditions and premises.

The article will discuss how to choose the most durable and suitable devices for lighting a steam room in a bath.


Lighting devices are primarily used for their intended purpose - to add light to the room. But in the case of a steam room, they should be selected according to a number of criteria.

First of all, it is an aesthetic component. Lighting in the bath should be conducive to relaxation, not irritate the eyes, cause pleasant and comfortable feelings. Second important point is safety, since in steam rooms it is quite difficult conditions operation, the lamps must withstand them.

What should be taken into account?

There are few factors to consider when choosing fixtures:

  • high humidity. In some steam rooms, the moisture level is over 90%. Not every device can cope with such an indicator.
  • Sharp temperature fluctuations. In many cases, the bath is located on the street and is a separate building. Therefore, if you heat it in winter, then the temperature difference can be from -40 degrees and below to +120 and above.
  • Prolonged exposure to hot air. The bath is heated to high temperatures and can be in this state for hours.

Luminaires have a number of specifications, according to which it will be easier to pick them up for use in the steam room.

The main characteristic for steam rooms is the degree of protection IP. It is marked with two numbers.

The first digit shows how the luminaire is protected from various kinds of particles and mechanical influences. The number 5 indicates that the protection from external contacts and dust is complete. The second number indicates the resistance to moisture. Waterproof lamps from small splashes spreading from any direction are indicated by the number 4.

According to the level of exposure to temperature it is worth stopping the choice on devices that can withstand temperatures from 130 degrees. Consider the installation location of the lamp. The closer it is to the ceiling, the more heat it must withstand.

And you also need to provide sufficient lighting. It will depend on the number of devices, and on their location, and on power. Recommended power ratings may vary for various kinds lamps.

Incandescent lamps should not be installed if their power is more than 60 watts. During operation, they get very hot and can cause a fire.

Another important selection criterion is the color of the lighting. The most favorable will be the usual yellow light. It is comfortable for the eyes, creates an atmosphere of comfort and peace. White color colder, more anxious. You can choose a color backlight, but you should not use it as the main. bright shades can become annoying and distracting when relaxing in the bath.

There are varieties of lamps in which you can adjust the direction of light. It is convenient in steam rooms, unexpectedly and effectively. You can adjust the lighting according to specific conditions.

And also a practical solution would be to install a controlled lighting system, when some of the devices can be turned off and on as needed.

When choosing the type of lighting, you need to think about how the whole system will look like.

To do this, do not forget to consider the following parameters:

  • room dimensions;
  • is it possible to provide electrical wiring;
  • the maximum number of lamps for each fixture;
  • functions of the room - a separate steam room, combined with a shower room, a wet or dry steam room; these conditions will affect the degree of humidity;
  • angles of the luminous flux of devices.

As a result of studying all of the above, it may seem that the number of factors is too large, and is it not easier to choose the lamp you like in the store. But compliance with these conditions will allow you to create a comfortable, beautiful, unusual and safe interior that will last you a long time.

How to arrange?

First of all, it must be remembered that no matter how the lamp is protected from high temperatures, it cannot be placed directly near the stove. This is an additional risk for the safety of the premises and your health.

Installing lighting fixtures in a steam room requires a special approach.

The layout of their placement should take into account important features:

  • It is better not to install a clearly directed light, especially towards the area where the vacationers will sit. This will cause great discomfort. Scattered rays will soften the situation and will not irritate the eyesight.
  • Ceiling lights will be exposed to the most heat, so be prepared to change them quite often, even if they are high-quality heat-resistant products.

  • All appliances must be equipped protective screens or gratings. This will protect others in the event of flying fragments.
  • The ceramic base of the luminaire is less susceptible to heat, and there is less chance of burns if accidentally touched.
  • Sufficient lighting should be considered in high-traffic areas. In the case of a steam room, this is the entrance, the shelves on which the vacationers sit, stones or a stove where heating takes place.
  • Additional lighting for important functional areas(shelves, doors, heater).

Exist various options installation of lamps. If you decide to mount them above shelves, consider the height at which they will be installed so that users do not touch them with their bodies or touch their heads.

The best option for installation would be an angle. It is unlikely that someone will sit there, so the device will not interfere. If, according to the design of the bath, you need to place the lighting as close to the ceiling as possible, install the devices horizontally on the walls at the point of their connection with it.

In Finnish baths, emphasis should be placed on high temperatures. And the Russian bath suggests high humidity. Therefore, the materials of the body and lamp for both types will be different.

Types and features

It is necessary to consider what types of lamps are in order to choose the option that suits you:

  • Halogen lamps. This type is becoming increasingly popular due to its many advantages. Lamps have their own reflectors. The power is low (about 30 W), but the products can withstand high temperatures. This is also due to their own design. The temperature inside the lamp reaches 400 degrees. The structure is thought out in such a way as to protect the lamp as much as possible from moisture penetration and other influences. Light turns out natural, comfortable for the person. Safety of use is also explained by the standard voltage required for operation. There are multi-colored species, but they are not widely represented on the market.
  • Fluorescent lamps quite convenient to use. It is worth choosing products without an electromagnetic choke. A significant advantage of such lamps is the ability to control the brightness of the light. This adds convenience to the application, and expands the possibilities for design. There are energy-saving varieties for economical consumption. It is important to take into account the peculiarity of fluorescent lighting - it does not tolerate frost. And if your bathhouse is located outside in a region with a cold winter, it is better to refuse to use them.

  • fiber optic devices very durable, withstand the most stringent requirements, but it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for their installation for fire safety. Devices in the form of a bundle can operate at temperatures up to 200 degrees. The scattered flow of light and placement everywhere give great scope for design imagination.
  • LED lights- a real fetish for designers. But in the case of a steam room, they have a somewhat limited application. LEDs under normal conditions serve many times longer than conventional lamps, but at high temperatures they quickly fail. If you still decide to install them in the steam room, place them close to the floor (under or behind the shelves). Lighting can be quite bright and have any color. LED Strip Light must be glued to non-flammable and environmentally friendly substrates using safe compounds.

Which ones can't be set?

When entering a lighting store, you need to immediately understand which devices for installation in a steam room are not suitable at all. These are normal incandescent bulbs. They are quite fragile and are almost guaranteed to explode if hit by drops of water.

It makes no sense to choose gas-discharge products. Their high power is not justified in low light conditions.

Lattice decoration

Most of the baths located on household plots, however, like saunas inside country houses, trimmed with wood - most often clapboard made of various types of wood. In this case, I want to complement the interior with natural elements in order to maintain the integrity of the picture. Therefore, decorating lamps with wooden gratings has not only practical, but also aesthetic value.

From a practical point of view, the grille protects the space from splinters when the lamp is damaged. The appearance complements the peaceful and cozy atmosphere. The light that breaks through the individual cells loses annoying brightness and diffuses softly and everywhere, creating interesting shadows and reflections.

In the market of specialized products for the bath, you can find many beautiful and extraordinary grating options. But if you wish, you can do them yourself.

material for decorative element can be the most diverse wood. If you like a mono-interior, then the base can be made of the same type of wood as the sheathing of the rest of the bath surfaces. Most often, linden is chosen for these purposes.. Linden wood has a pleasant light shade, is very durable, exudes a pleasant smell and has healing properties.

But if you are a fan of aromatherapy, you should pay attention to coniferous products (larch or cedar). They are not suitable for walls and ceilings, since resins are released when heated, and a small grate will emit a specific aroma that has a beneficial effect on nervous system. The product will serve you for many years.

The main elements of the grid are frame base and a slatted net attached to it in several places depending on the species.

When planning a design, you should pay attention to some features:

  • It is necessary to take into account the shape and type of the lighting fixture itself. It should be placed under the grate with a margin and conveniently fastened.
  • The place of installation significantly affects the design of the protection. If the lamp is located on the wall, then the shape of the lattice can be any: rectangular, semicircular, curly. If you install lighting in the corners, then the protection can be triangular or have another convenient number of edges.
  • The lengths of the rails are selected according to the parameters of the fixtures.

  • If the product has sharp corners, roughness and unevenness, they must be sanded and smoothed. These manipulations carry not only a decorative component, but also increase the safety of operation - reduce the risk of injury or getting a splinter.
  • Fasteners must be hidden. In this case, metal products can also be used to fasten the elements. If the hardware heads are on the outer surface of the grate, there is a risk that vacationers will be able to burn themselves about them during the washing process.
  • The shape of the rails depends mainly on your preferences. Rectangular elements are used for simple and strict products. They can be arranged in parallel rows. Products with various bends are suitable for curly intricate lattices. But it will be harder for a novice master to work with them. Although as a result you will get a unique design element.

In order to embody the most daring decorative ideas, you can build a diffusing screen. It performs the same functions as the grille, but there are many more design possibilities.

Not only wood can serve as a material for the execution of a product. Both bark and natural fabrics perfectly cope with protective functions, and ceramic products, and plastic, and varieties of glass. The most short-lived type of coating will be cardboard or paper.

They did not use not only lamps, but even torches and candles, because the environment in the steam room was too humid and hot. Modern achievements allow wiring in all bath rooms for every “taste and color”, as they say. But considering temperature conditions steam room, the highest safety requirements are imposed on the wiring and they cannot be neglected. We will talk about how to properly make the lighting in the bath in the steam room with your own hands.

In most cases, a bathhouse is built near a residential building. For bath wiring, a separate machine is required on the switchboard. Electrical wiring is carried out in two ways:

  • Underground. For laying the cable, a special box is prepared underground, laid through special holes in the foundation at a height of about half a meter. The entrance pipes to the bath should be 2 times larger than the cross section of the electric cable.
Choose high temperature lamps
  • Ground. The wiring stretches through the air at a height of at least 2.5 meters and enters the room through a wall hole or roof. The cable is used bare or self-supporting. The second type is more reliable and practical.

Advice. Each wire must have a separate entry pipe. We place it at a slight slope to protect it from oblique rain jets.

Basic rules for the "correct" wiring in the steam room

In order for the bath electrical wiring to function clearly and reliably, all its elements must be selected correctly, and installation work carried out in accordance with certain rules:

Do-it-yourself installation of a lighting system in a steam room

Before you start wiring, carefully consider the location of sockets and switches (the ideal place is a dressing room / rest room). In addition, the cable should never run near heating appliances.

Lighting in the steam room is carried out as follows:

  1. We have pieces of wires in a special metal pipe that will be used for electrical wiring in the steam room. There must be at least two cables to connect two light elements. One of them will serve as a "safety net" in case the second one burns out.
  2. In a pair, wiring is mounted exclusively closed type. In this regard, it is advisable to lay the electrical cable at the stage construction works in the bath or overhaul. We put the cable to the connection points of the lamps.
  3. We mount and carefully insulate ceramic cartridges on the wire ends.
  4. We mount lighting elements and hide them under heat-resistant housings made of porcelain or tempered glass (frosted). Wall lights must withstand temperatures up to 150 degrees, and ceiling - up to 200.
  5. We close the lamps with special protective grilles that will prevent burns if they are accidentally touched.

Advice. Try not to mount fixtures on the ceiling due to elevated temperatures. The best place would be the part of the wall located under the ceiling. In addition, in this way you will be able to create a subdued relaxing light.

Practical tips for choosing lighting fixtures for the steam room

The steam room in the bath helps us not only to warm up and steam the body, but also to relax and unwind. Therefore, the lighting for the steam room should be appropriate: muffled, weak, tuning in to a wave of relaxation.

Given the temperature characteristics of this room, the lamps must be extremely heat-resistant and absolutely hermetic, made of special materials. The best place to place the fixtures will be the corners and parts of the walls under the ceiling.

Among the variety of lamps the best options for the steam room will be fiber optic. They not only create the right lighting, but also have more high level safety compared to conventional incandescent lamps.

In the steam room it is better to place a bath with yellow light

Never use fluorescent lamps in a steam room, as when heated, they can explode and spread mercury vapor around the room. Too powerful incandescent lamps will also not work - they will heat up protective grids for lamps. A power of 75 watts will be enough.

As for the shades, the most popular among builders are anti-fog matte or pastel colors. Additional lighting in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bshelves and at floor level will look very stylish, moreover, it will only enhance the relaxing atmosphere of the room.

We told you about how to do the wiring in the steam room correctly. As you can see, everything is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow the safety rules and choose high-quality light elements from suitable materials. Good luck!

Wiring in the bath: video