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Exterior decoration of country houses. Exterior decoration of a country house. Exterior cladding of a house: materials and technologies

Despite the development of construction technologies and the introduction of innovative materials, wood does not concede its position as a material for construction. low-rise buildings. Statistics say that the share of new wooden buildings in private housing construction is about 23%, second in percentage only to brick low-rise buildings and houses made of concrete blocks of various modifications. With such popularity of residential buildings made of wood, there is a demand for cladding a wooden house on the outside, which can give a new building the archaic appearance of a Russian hut and, conversely, turn old buildings into a modern “teremok”.

Why do you need cladding of wooden walls, requirements for finishing materials

Centuries-old practice of using wooden residential buildings on the territory of Russia shows their fairly acceptable performance qualities. In modern conditions, finishing the outside of a house with wooden walls has several goals:

  • Protection of walls from adverse climatic factors– precipitation, wind, icing, sudden temperature changes. The outer layers of the cladding material should not be saturated with sedimentary moisture and condensation.
  • Creation of reliable thermal insulation and waterproofing of residential premises. The lower the material’s thermal conductivity and vapor permeability, the better.
  • Protecting walls from mechanical damage such as cracks, chips.
  • Additional sound insulation interior spaces Houses.
  • Protection of the wooden part of the house from dampness, rot, fungi.
  • Decorating the facade of a building in a certain architectural and artistic style. To appearance structure remained unchanged for as long as possible, it is advisable to select a material that is resistant to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. This reduces the chance of fading/discoloration of the trim.
  • Protecting the house from open fire, ensuring the fire safety of the building.

The surface can be protected and reinforced in various directions Source nkkconsult.ru

An important requirement for cladding is ease of installation when covering walls, which minimizes the need to use special equipment

As a result, the optimal solution is what to sheathe wooden house outside, there will be the use of facing materials adapted to perform utilitarian (protective) and aesthetic functions. Not all of them have these properties equally, so sometimes you have to choose between beauty and reliability.

How does finishing affect the heat and sound insulation of a house?

Even if cladding materials protect the outer walls of a wooden house from moisture, sun and mechanical damage, this does not guarantee a significant increase in the thermal and sound insulation of the building. The energy efficiency of the cladding will be higher if a layer of insulation (mineral wool, penoplex, polystyrene) is placed under the cladding, which is placed in the voids that are left between the wall and the cladding during installation. In some cases, the insulation is already present on the installed components - most often this is done in sandwich panels.

Two in one - beauty and insulation in one bottle Source spbterem.ru

The most popular materials for external cladding

When choosing how to sheathe the outside of a wooden house cheaply, but with maximum thermal protection and beautiful decorative effect There are always several options. The most popular materials for external cladding are those based on stone, wood and plastic. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of using these materials when cladding the outside of the house.

Cladding with clapboard and block house

Lining (or carriage board) is a thin cladding board made of natural wood. From an environmental point of view, lining is an ideal material for covering a house with wooden walls, since the house is made entirely of natural wood.

Additional Information. The term “lining” has firmly taken root in everyday speech to refer to cladding boards having a tongue-and-groove joint, produced by industry in accordance with GOST 8242-88. The original purpose of carriage boards was the covering of carriages, which then “migrated” to the construction industry.

Advantages of lining

Main advantages external cladding clapboard walls are considered:

    the relatively light weight of the facing coating, which allows saving on strengthening the foundation;

Lining is essentially a thin board Source vezuteplo.ru

  • natural lining wood does not contain toxic substances and has a beneficial effect on the human body;
  • the wall of the house “breathes” and does not accumulate condensation, thereby preventing the formation of mold and mildew;
  • excellent heat-protective and noise-absorbing properties;
  • cladding made of lining is endowed with high performance qualities, resistant to temperature changes, high humidity and mechanical damage.
  • the outer surface of the carriage board is easily painted, allowing you to give the facade of the house color shades of any design style;
  • good ventilation of clapboard walls thanks to special air ducts in the solid boards.

Disadvantages of lining and how to deal with them

Among the disadvantages of wooden cladding, the following factors should be noted:

  • flammability characteristic of natural wood;
  • excess moisture contained in the damp skin;
  • the presence of natural structural defects;
  • susceptible to destruction from insects.

To increase the period of trouble-free operation of the carriage board, it is treated with special compounds applied to the outer surface of the board:

    antiseptics - to protect wood from rotting, bacteria and insects, and from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;

    impregnations - to impart fire-fighting properties;

    stains and varnishes - to create color shades and protection from moisture, sunlight and insect pests.

Installation of the lining is carried out only after preliminary processing Source les-expert.ru

What type of lining to choose for external cladding

Cladding boards are divided into four quality classes, depending on the type and location of defects and the presence of knots:

    the “Extra” class is assigned to a board with a smooth surface, free of any defects, knots and cracks;

    class A - the board has individual knots and there are no potholes or holes from fallen knots;

    class B - the board has cracks, knots or holes from them, depressions and dents, which were repaired directly at the factory with putty;

    class C is a complete analogue of defects like class B boards, but not eliminated.

Such a detailed classification of carriage boards allows the developer to determine for himself the budget cladding option that matches the chosen facade design while minimizing costs and ensuring the required quality. An elite “teremok” is unthinkable without “extra” class lining, while for an unbiased dacha residential extension, class B and C boards are sufficient.

Where and when is a block house used?

A modern version of flat paneling is a block house (from the English block house) with a convex front surface, imitating a segment of a rounded log, and a flat rear surface. A wall covered with a block house looks colorful, not inferior in attractiveness to traditional Russian huts.

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You can see the use of a block house in home decoration in the video:

Being, at its core, an improved lining, the block house is endowed with the same pros and cons characteristic of the lining board.

Cladding with brick, decorative stone and tiles

Application for brick cladding, decorative stone or tiles will make it possible to cladding the outside of the house cheaply and in the shortest possible time. Even the old nondescript wooden structure, dressed in brick or an artificial imitation of natural stone, cannot be distinguished from brick mansions or stone castles.

Transforming a wooden house into a brick one has two main goals:

    If the house looks unpresentable, was built from wood of dubious quality, with violations of the architectural geometry of the building, then brickwork can correct the facade and hide the flaws.

    Brickwork It is necessary not so much to improve the facade, but to increase the strength and rigidity of the wall structure. The renovated house becomes heat-protected and will be able to serve its owners for a long time.

With proper cladding, a gap is left between the brick and the wood Source miraclesniydom.ru

Pros and cons of using bricks for decoration

Using brick for the external cladding of a wooden house has significant advantages over the use of other materials:

    availability of material;

    low water absorption, providing excellent resistance to sedimentary moisture;

    resistance to cyclical and sudden temperature changes;

    good noise-absorbing and heat-insulating properties;

    long term operation exceeding 20 years.

    Brick cladding is a good budget option in terms of price/quality compared to the costs of cladding with decorative coatings.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the large weight of the facing masonry, which creates additional load on the foundation. It is advisable to calculate before starting work whether it is worth strengthening it.

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Additional nuances of finishing a house with brick in the video:

Porcelain tiles and clinker

Among artificial stones, porcelain stoneware has become widely popular, the cladding of which gives a truly “stone” solidity to the entire residential complex. The purchase and installation of porcelain stoneware slabs is more expensive than other cladding methods, however, many years of operation that do not require repairs, and are always fashionable architectural style more than pays for all expenses.

Along with porcelain tiles, other modifications of facing tiles are produced that imitate brick and natural stones (like granite, basalt or marble), which can give an individual flavor to a simple wooden building.

Clinker tiles produced by extrusion followed by firing at a temperature of 1250 °C have particularly high strength and wear resistance. Clinker tiles are characterized by minimal water absorption, since technological firing gives the tile an almost glassy structure with water-repellent properties.


On the Russian market building materials siding refers to facing panels that have a perforated edge on one side for fastening to the frame, and on the other, an edge with a slight protrusion for covering the fastenings of underlying elements.

Stone-look siding panels Source interiorme.ru

This gives the cladding integrity and an attractive appearance.

Additional Information! The term “siding” often refers only to wall cladding panels of certain sizes. This approach is very incorrect, since siding, translated from in English means "outer cladding". This is what they called planed painted ones in the USA and Canada in the 19th century. wooden boards, nailed to the wall so that the bottom edge of the board slightly overhangs the top edge of the board installed lower. With this “inlet,” sedimentary moisture rolled straight down the cladding without penetrating the wall. IN general case Even lining or block house can be called siding, since they also refer to external cladding.

Types of siding

Siding panels are made by pressing, followed by applying the texture of wood, stone and other materials. There are several types of siding panels:

  • Wood siding. Obtained by pressing wood pulp at high temperatures. It has increased environmental friendliness, attractiveness, and low thermal conductivity. Disadvantage: poor resistance to moisture.
  • PVC siding. This material is also called vinyl siding. It is represented by lightweight PVC panels with a cellular structure, used as an independent heat-insulating layer due to its fairly low thermal conductivity.

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About the nuances and procedure for finishing a house with siding in the video:

Vinyl siding is the most popular budget facing material, which compares favorably with other types of siding in the following indicators:

  1. does not increase the weight load on the foundation;
  2. has no tendency to corrosion and rotting;
  3. tolerates temperature changes from -50. up to +60 °C;
  4. maintains an attractive, fresh appearance for over 20 years;
  5. easy to care for, easy to clean.

    Metal siding. Aluminum, zinc or steel are used for its production. The thickness of the plates is 5 mm, installation is much simpler than other types of cladding.

    Fiber cement panels. Siding made from a mixture of polymer fibers and cement. It is durable and has a high degree of fire safety.

Facade paint

Painting walls is one of the most inexpensive ways to increase their curb appeal. Also, well-chosen paint provides additional protection for wooden walls from ultraviolet radiation and moisture. Based on this, the requirements for paint and varnish coatings were formed:

    Weather resistance. In addition to chapping, this includes Sun rays, sudden changes in air temperature and other negative impacts.

The manufacturer labels its products in accordance with its purpose Source interiorme.ru

    Biosecurity. Properly selected and applied paint will not be eaten by any insect, and in addition, it prevents the formation of mold, fungi and the development of the rotting process.

    Safety. After drying, the paint layer should not release toxic substances.

    Durability. The paint must retain all its properties throughout its entire service life - usually 5-7 years.

Types of paints

In order not to get confused by other characteristics, it is enough to understand for what purposes one or another base is better suited.

    Oily. An old-timer on the market, inferior to newcomers in quality, but superior in price. Of the minuses: it takes a long time to dry, fades quickly, smells unpleasant. Requires dilution with drying oil to work.

    Acrylic. They dry quickly and are well absorbed into the surface, do not react to ultraviolet radiation, are vapor permeable and environmentally friendly.

    Alkyd. Based on the result of staining, they are divided into matte and glossy. Thanks to the resins contained in the composition, the painted surface becomes moisture resistant. No strong odor.

    Silicone. In addition to all other advantages, silicone paint additionally increases the mechanical strength of the painted surface.

The type of paint is also indicated on the packaging Source nashaotdelka.ru

The nuances of using paint and varnish coatings

Savings and good result staining depends on correct application paint and varnish materials.

    In addition to the cost, you also need to look at the paint consumption ml/m²

    When choosing paint from a foreign manufacturer, you need to understand that there are no serious frosts in Spain, unlike Finland. Therefore, for hot regions it is better to take Spanish paint, and for frosty regions - Finnish products.

    It is equally bad for painting when it is done in damp or hot weather. In the first case, the adhesion of the paint to the surface deteriorates, and in the second, it may crack due to drying too quickly. If painting occurs in the morning, then first of all you need to check whether dew has fallen. The ideal option is a dry, slightly cloudy day, with air humidity up to 50% and temperature +5/+20 °C.

Painting is a very simple process, but before you start, do not forget to study the instructions on the paint can, if only because it indicates how many layers should be applied for a good result.

How to install the external cladding of a wooden house

Regardless of the type of material used for cladding wooden walls, cladding measures outer wall are reduced to a unified algorithm.

Installation of all types of cladding is carried out approximately the same way Source 2gis.ru

    Treatment outer surface wooden walls with antiseptic compounds. The purpose of the treatment is to prevent possible destruction of wood from various biological factors. After installing the facing panels, the walls will no longer be accessible for processing.

    Arrangement of a vapor-proof layer for natural air circulation in the wood of the wall using films, foil or special vapor barriers.

    Construction of a frame (sheathing) for a heat-insulating layer.

    Installation of thermal insulation. Foam plastic, penoplex or mineral wool are used for placement between the panels and the wall

    Arrangement of waterproofing.

    Installation of facing materials.

Prices for finishing materials for cladding wooden houses

When choosing the best way to cover the outside of a wooden house, reviews and prices become the main guidelines. To choose a budget and, if possible, quality option cladding the external walls of a wooden house, you need to navigate at least the average prices on the line of cladding materials. The following price ranges are indicated on the websites of organizations offering cladding materials:

    lining – from 150-250 rub/m² for coniferous wood up to 300-700 rubles/m² for valuable wood species;

    block house - from 200 to 600 rubles/m²;

    artificial stone - from 600 to 3000 rubles/m²;

Always in specialized stores wide choose– in terms of quality and prices +++

  • brick - within 800-1600 rub/m²;
  • wood siding – from 60 to 200 rubles/m²;
  • PVC siding – from 100 to 300 rubles/m²;
  • metal siding – from 200 to 700 rubles/m²;
  • fiber cement siding - from 1000 to 3000 rubles/m².

In addition to price, it is worth assessing the availability of material acquisition and delivery. If the material is difficult to find, then if the quantity is calculated incorrectly, there is a risk of subsequently purchasing the missing cladding at exorbitant prices or completing part of the work with another cladding.

It is important! When choosing an inexpensive facing material You need to pay attention not only to the prices for the casing, but also to the prices of components, as well as consumables.

In this case, the finishing of a wooden house will be inexpensive for the developer and will allow minimal costs build new house or reconstruct the old one.

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About a non-standard solution in the exterior decoration of a house in the video:

Also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects wooden houses With various options façade finishing from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.


In our realities, finishing the facade of a wooden house, at least at the initial stage, often becomes a search for a solution to how to cover the outside of the house cheaply and beautifully. But choosing a budget cladding option should not be reduced to a simple arithmetic operation showing where the least amount of money will be spent on purchasing the material.

Cost must also be taken into account installation work, during which there is a need to arrange a frame and sheathing for thermal insulation, as well as a resource for trouble-free operation of the house. For example, the cost of wood siding is not high, but wood cladding must be periodically impregnated with special compounds to maintain its antiseptic properties. Practice has shown that the most budget-friendly option is PVC siding and middle-quality lining.

Cladding a private house is an important final stage of construction. And at this stage, most developers choose the cheapest finishing for the facade of the house. Why is this happening?

On the one hand, the cladding of your own home must meet all standards of reliability and aesthetics, but on the other hand, it is obvious that it should not be thrown away a large number of funds, without guarantees that such a decision will be fully justified.

Only one family in ten can afford to choose any finishing option, regardless of its high cost. The remaining 9 families, which is 90 percent of developers, are trying to save as much as possible and choose the most cheap way facade finishing, sometimes even to the detriment of functionality and visual beauty.

Going to extremes will also not be the best option. If you choose the most budget option, you may lose on the performance characteristics of the facing material. As a result, it will not withstand adverse natural conditions well, such as wind, frost, snow, rain. There is a saying about this: “the miser pays twice.”

Cheap cladding of the facade of a house is quite possible, you just need to choose the most best option, the cheaper it is to finish the facade of a house, which takes into account all the most best characteristics material. In order to competently decorate your home, while saving a lot of money, you should decide on the main aspects of choosing the material. If you purchase a good and reliable finishing material, then this is already 50% success.

Selection of facing material

When choosing, you need to know that they mainly pay attention to aesthetic characteristics. There is no doubt that the “beauty” of such cladding is a very subjective question, because it depends on the individual preferences of each owner.

Nevertheless, there are parameters of facing materials that will not go unnoticed in any case. You can choose the most cheap material for the facade, you just need to take a closer look at criteria such as:

  • availability of color lines provided by the manufacturer of the façade material;
  • parameters of resistance to fading and external defects;
  • what raw materials the finishing material is made from, including its environmental friendliness.

Another important criterion is the durability of the facade. When choosing an inexpensive material, you need to make sure it is durable so that it does not have to be replaced every year. Because cheap cladding of the facade of a house, initially low-cost, can result in annual renovations or repairs, which will hurt the budget of the thrifty owner.

Total cost of installation of facade materials

How to get a brick cheaply? Buy a good brick with minor defects. This can be done at the factory or you can buy leftovers from the dealer's warehouse.

By choosing this inexpensive facing material, you don’t have to worry that the facade of the house will fade. The only downside is that there is a chance of efflorescence.

Ceramic tile

The prices for the material are quite low, and the tile itself is a reliable material, so facing the house with ceramic bricks will fully justify the investment cash. Installing tiles, as a rule, takes a long time, but if you have the necessary information on installing facing bricks, you can complete the work in the range of 5 to 8 weeks.

Facade tinted primer

Facade primer is a material that has become very popular in finishing facades in the shortest possible time. If the facade of the house is pre-plastered, then it is best to use a deep penetration primer for cladding private housing. For, which is impregnated with an antiseptic to avoid the appearance of harmful bugs.

As you know, the appearance of a house should create a feeling of comfort and coziness. Therefore, you should not save too much, as this may adversely affect the integrity of the house in the future.

Thermal panels

Another economical option is thermal panels. A façade made of this material has many advantages, since dense polystyrene foam is used in its manufacture, which contributes to excellent thermal insulation. IN summer time the house will be cool, and in winter the heat will not escape from the house.

Installation of thermal panels is carried out using ordinary self-tapping screws, so almost everyone can carry out the installation themselves in the shortest possible time.

Another worthy advantage is that the panels can be installed at any time of the year, since the material has increased strength.

A natural stone

Can't be called at all economical option façade cladding with natural stone. However, where it is possible to obtain this facade material virtually free of charge, this will be the cheapest way to finish the facade.

Where can I get natural stone for almost free? Drive to the nearest quarry with your own trailer, or try to buy a stone with minor defects from a dealer.

You can also purchase the remains of stone after facing large houses. If your house is small, then the remains from the cladding of a large house will be enough for you to make.

A house made with this particular material will look very beautiful. The stone will give it a very original and unique aesthetic look. The technology of facing a house with stone is very simple.

First you need to prepare the base. This stage includes leveling the surface of the base using ordinary plaster. Then you need to install extruded polystyrene foam on its surface. It is attached using self-tapping screws or dowels. Next, you need to apply an acrylic primer to the surface of the slabs. Are running out preparatory work the fact that a steel mesh is installed on the wall.

Then you need to decide on the mosaic that will be made of stone. You can draw a plan in advance so as not to make mistakes during the work process. You should try very hard, since the appearance of the facade depends on this. Next, you need to rub the seams and joints with mortar. After completing the work, experts advise applying a special varnish to the stone to make the color of the material brighter and more saturated.

Also, in this way you can protect the walls from wind, rain and frost. Facing the facade with natural stone will be the most reliable and, at the same time,...

Conclusion. The cheapest finishing of the facade of a house is possible if you have chosen the cheapest material for the facade or the material whose installation can save money.

Also, if you have the opportunity to get expensive cladding material very cheaply, it will give you the opportunity to make an expensive house façade for cheap.

See if you have the opportunity to remove substandard natural stone or decorative brick with defects. For these materials, small defects are not critical, but such a facade will be installed for centuries and will look very impressive.

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Finishing work will have a long-term effect, subject to proper selection of materials for walls, floors and ceilings. The information provided below will introduce you to the main factors influencing the quality of interior decoration country house with periodic and permanent residence. The article talks about all types of finishing materials: plaster, paint and varnish, rolls, tiles and slats; as well as about the main styles of living room decoration.

Living room interior of a country house Source yandex.ru

Interior decoration: where to start

Most owners country houses strive to create a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere in their home. Whether the house will delight you with coziness is largely determined by the choice of method of finishing the walls. Until a few decades ago, interior decoration consisted of plastering the walls; then the walls were painted or wallpapered. Today the construction market is filled with a variety of finishing materials, and you have every opportunity to create an original design.

When comparing finishing options, it is important not to forget about the type of walls in your home, since what they are made of determines the choice of finishing material. The interior decoration of a country house is also carried out taking into account some additional factors, which include:

    Seasonality factor. If you visit your dacha in the summer or on weekends, most likely the house does not have constant heating. In this case, for finishing it is worth choosing materials that can withstand high humidity and low temperatures.

Living room in rustic style Source museum-design.ru

    Style factor. For different interior styles, certain materials and colors are preferred.

    Time factor. If you don’t like frequent repairs, it’s better to opt for high-quality finishes in natural shades. If you love change and start renovations every few years, think about budget materials that allow you to do it quickly (plaster, drywall, wallpaper).

    Preparation factor. It is necessary to carefully calculate (and not estimate) the quantity required material. This simple rule will save you from unexpected work stoppages and additional expenses (which is very unpleasant).

    Order factor. Finishing internal surfaces considered finishing work. To do this, you should wait until the installation of electrical wiring and plumbing is completed.

How often are you willing to do repairs Source nhnieuws.nl

Choosing materials for a house with periodic residence

The interior decoration of the dacha is carried out taking into account the type of walls, seasonality and personal preferences of the owners. If the house is used periodically, the following options will be preferable:

    Brick walls. It is not prohibited to use any type of finish here. A classic way to give a brick wall a dramatic look is to use wet plaster. It must be remembered that without constant heating, condensation will form on the brick surface; in this case, choose moisture-resistant cement-based plaster.

    Walls made of foam concrete blocks. Foam concrete is known high level water absorption. This feature cannot be ignored, so a deep penetration primer is applied to the walls in several layers, strengthening the porous base and reducing paint consumption. The next step will be gypsum plaster, and painting with vapor-proof paint.

Installation of sheet plasterboard on foam concrete Source besplatka.ua

    Aerated concrete walls. For their finishing, lining, gypsum plaster, and drywall are preferred. In areas with long winters, a layer of thermal insulation will not hurt.

    Frame walls. The surface is covered with OSB (multilayer oriented strand boards). This will help increase the strength of the wall and improve heat and moisture resistance. The finishing touches on the inside of the dacha are done with paint; wallpaper can be used instead.

    Walls made of profiled or laminated timber. If you want to improve sound and heat insulation, wall panels, lath materials and drywall are suitable. Natural wooden walls are usually left in their original form, covered with wax or varnish, unless the design requires a different solution. You should also remember about the shrinkage of the wooden structure, and do not rush into finishing until this natural process is completed.

    Log walls, rounded timber. They also do not require special finishing.

Log walls are magnificent in their natural form Source yandex.ru

Wall decoration in a country house with permanent residence

If the family plans to live in country house year-round, the interior design possibilities expand significantly. In this case, the finishing is chosen based on the type of construction (wall material), purpose of the room and the allocated budget. To decorate the walls of premises, you can use materials from the following groups:

Plaster materials

Plaster can perform two functions: protective and decorative. There are two types of plaster, differing in execution technology. The first is wet (monolithic) plaster, a plastic aqueous solution of several components. The second type is dry plaster, produced in the form of gypsum boards (GCP), wall and ceiling.

Application of decorative plaster Source ueni.com

There are several advantages to using wet plaster. It allows you to qualitatively level the wall surface, correcting minor defects. Thanks to coloring, you can easily get the desired shade of the coating, which (another plus) will be very durable. The disadvantage can be considered the plastering process itself - it is lengthy, requiring the maintenance of special conditions in the room until drying is completed. Mixtures on water based are divided into two types:

    Ordinary plaster. Depending on the composition, there are cement, lime and gypsum plaster. All of them are used to level the surface, after which the selected material is applied to the prepared base. finishing. Depending on the specifics of the design, this may be wallpaper, tile, paint or another layer of plaster, this time decorative.

    Decorative plaster. Finish coating, creating the effect of a natural texture on any surface - marble, velvet or leather. Acrylic varieties are popular, intended for protective and decorative treatment in rooms with a high content of water vapor.

Types of decorative plaster Source mit.ru.net

    Liquid wallpaper. They are a type of decorative plaster and are used for walls and ceilings in any dry rooms. The mixture contains natural fibers (cellulose, cotton or silk), high-quality dyes, additives (quartz chips, glitter).

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey design and construction services for country houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

paints and varnishes

Paint and varnish finishing materials are the most extensive and popular group for finishing the interior of a dacha; they are usually divided into the following groups:

    Water based paints. Safe for humans and the environment, they are excellent for interior work; also have other undeniable advantages: they dry quickly and are odorless.

    Water-dispersion paints. The composition contains synthetic polymers, which does not prevent them from being diluted to the required consistency with ordinary water. Thanks to the wide range (as with water-based paint), they are the most popular in construction.

Water-based paints are ideal for wooden walls Source uk.aviarydecor.com

    Oil paints. Although budget, but not the most the best option for finishing. The composition includes drying oil, which means a pungent odor, long drying time and relative fragility: over time, the paint fades, begins to crack and peel.

    EnamelspaintAnd. They are rarely used for finishing walls in the countryside due to the persistent pungent odor and compositional characteristics - high toxicity and fire hazard.

    Varnish. Varnish coating is valued because of its impressive appearance and sufficient wear resistance, therefore it is often used for finishing wooden surfaces. However, the varnish is toxic and a fire hazard; When varnishing walls, care should be taken to ensure good ventilation.

Video description

About the choice of paint and varnish materials for the interior in the following video:

Tile materials

This category includes a wide range of building materials. All of them, despite differences in composition, quality and performance characteristics, are widely used for finishing. Impressive list allows you to choose an option for every taste and budget; The tile group includes:

    Particle boards (chipboards). They are used as the basis for wall decoration and for making subfloors. The boards have limited moisture resistance, which is why they are used mainly in dry rooms (or are additionally protected from moisture). The slabs are mounted on the sheathing or directly on the wall if it is made of timber.

    OSB boards(oriented strand). Compared to chipboard they are superior in strength and moisture resistance; They are used in flooring and as a base for any type of cladding.

    Plywood. A budget material with decent sound insulation and moisture resistance, which allows it to be used for cladding kitchens and bathrooms. If you're not crazy about the natural look of plywood (although it can look quite stylish when used correctly), finishing can include painting or wallpapering.

OSB boards in the interior of the room Source budowlancylondyn.co.uk

    Polymer tiles. A proven material known for its strength and excellent steam and water resistance; The only limitation is that the tiles cannot withstand high temperatures.

    Ceramic tile . An excellent proven material, durable, waterproof, non-flammable and aesthetically pleasing. The convenience of ceramics is that it can be used to cover any surface, from plaster to chipboard and OSB boards. You just need to choose the appropriate glue.

    A natural stone . An ideal option, suitable for both floor and wall finishing (usually partial). Natural stone, be it slate, granite or marble, has a common significant drawback - they cannot be called a budget option.

    Fake diamond. A worthy replacement for its natural analogue. On the construction market you can choose a material of any texture and natural color. Tiles that imitate stone can have a different base - cement, acrylic, gypsum or quartz.

Combined finishing using artificial stone Source npstone.kz

Roll materials

Pasting walls with roll materials, among which the most popular are wallpaper, is considered the most in an inexpensive way interior decoration. The main thing to do before gluing is to level the walls. Despite the stunning variety of colors and textures, roll materials can be divided into several types:

    Paper wallpaper. They are used for gluing walls and ceilings in all rooms, except wet ones. Thin single-layer wallpaper (the most budget option) and multi-layer non-woven wallpaper are on sale. The non-woven base thickens the material and helps hide minor surface defects.

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About the types of decorative plaster in the following video:

    Washable (moisture-resistant) wallpaper. The top layer ensures the strength and resistance of the wallpaper to water and detergents. This protective and decorative coating is made of vinyl, fiberglass or acrylic; there are wallpapers with cork top layer, covered with wax. Washable wallpaper serves as a practical finishing method; they are often used as an alternative to tiles. This material is used to cover the walls of the kitchen and dining room, hallway and corridors; Can be used in the bathroom.

    Cork wallpaper. Textured and environmentally friendly cork wallpaper is one of the elite finishing materials; They are most often used to decorate living rooms and guest rooms. Cork wall coverings, made from natural cork tree bark, improve sound insulation; it can be installed on surfaces with complex shapes (convex). Panel and roll material is available on sale.

Cork wallpaper in the interior of a country house Source yastroyu.ru

    Wallpaper made from other plant materials. This wonderful decor with natural base can completely transform the interior. Floral wallpaper, in addition to cork, is made from bamboo, reed, and jute. In veneered wallpaper, the base is non-woven or cellulose, and the top (decorative) layer is a thin cut of valuable wood. Environmental friendliness and design possibilities somewhat offset by the high cost.

    Film roll materials. Double layer finishing films with paper base and a top PVC coating, which can have a texture (isofilm and foam). A high-quality, but completely airtight option, which limits its use to technical rooms (storages), corridors, and bathrooms.

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About choosing wall panels in the following video:

Rack materials

Most dachas are used in the warm season, and in winter they are heated periodically, which has a negative effect on wallpaper and plaster. The best solution For interior design there will be slatted materials, which include:

    Wooden lining. The surface covered with natural wood paneling is aesthetically pleasing; the material is environmentally friendly, durable and has many color and texture options. Before finishing, the lining is treated with an antiseptic; upon completion of the work, if the style requires it, the walls are varnished or painted.

    PVC panels (plastic lining). A budget replacement for a wooden counterpart, a practical and unpretentious finishing option that is not afraid of high humidity and is easy to maintain. Despite all the advantages, PVC panels are used mainly for finishing the ceiling of small rooms - they can be seen in the bathroom, kitchen and hallway.

    MDF panels. Inexpensive material, for which you do not have to pre-level the surface of the walls. You can choose flat or embossed panels, with front side, decorated with wood veneer or colored polymer film.

Lining in modern interior Source d-holdid.ru

Finishing the ceiling and floor in a country house

Popular methods of ceiling finishing include the following methods:

    Natural massif. The ceiling is finished with clapboard, block house or imitation timber; Suitable wood is both coniferous and deciduous.

    Drywall. Using this material you can perfectly level the ceiling or create a complex multi-tiered structure.

    Stretch ceiling . Ceilings in the country are increasingly decorated in this way, which has many advantages: it is installed quickly, has an ideal smooth surface, moisture resistance and allows you to hide unevenness and communications.

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ABOUT interior decoration wooden house in the following video:

Floor finishing is carried out using the following materials:

    Wood. Eco-friendly, heat-retaining and therefore a common finishing method, indispensable for some interior styles. Budget option Regular and tongue-and-groove boards are used; parquet boards are more sophisticated and expensive.

    Ceramic (tile) tiles. Practical choice for use in rooms with high humidity - in the bathroom and kitchen, as well as in the hallway or hall.

    Laminate, carpet. Common in suburban housing with year-round use. The variety of colors and textures available on the construction market allows you to choose the material to suit any style.

    Linoleum. Practical and inexpensive finishing floor, which has one limitation - it cannot be laid on a heated floor.

Tiled floor in the kitchen Source sklad-keramiki.com.ua

Decorating a living room in a country house

The interior design of a house is often determined by this, the largest room in area. The family spends their evenings here, and guests are invited on holidays; Therefore, the design of the living room is chosen especially carefully - because it sets the tone for other rooms. For the living room of a country house, one of the following styles is mainly chosen:

    Classical. This decoration is designed to emphasize both the status and excellent taste of the owners. The walls and floor of a classic living room are lined with natural wood, which gives the room a luxurious, aristocratic look.

    Rustic. Such trends as country and chalet are united by the possibility of using textured plaster, dark and light lining in wall decoration. Provence style makes it possible to decorate walls with wallpaper in delicate shades with floral motifs or cover wooden surface light (even white) paint. A large living room can be zoned, using visual separation several styles.

Living room in Provence style Source it.aviarydecor.com

    Eclecticism. You can mix different materials, from brick and stone, to bamboo wallpaper or wood and plastic panels. In this way, you can combine a wide variety of styles, for example, loft and oriental, or Provence and modern.


The choice of materials for interior decoration should be approached carefully; this affects the service life of a country house and the frequency of repairs. To achieve a high-quality result, saving a lot of time and resources, it is better to choose materials and cladding methods that provide not only a decorative, but also a heat-saving effect. The technique of combined finishing can help with this, when different materials and textures are combined in the design of one room.

For any building, including a country house, exterior decoration is important stage, which requires a careful approach to implementation. External cladding It not only increases the decorative component of the structure, but also helps preserve the walls from premature destruction and external influences.

There are many methods of exterior decoration, which depend on the material of the country house. Therefore, it is important to consider the most commonly used cladding options.

Exterior finishing tasks

The external cladding of a country house not only performs the role of creating a unique appearance of the building, but also has a number of other equally significant functions. First of all, it serves as protection for load-bearing structures from the adverse effects of the environment. Such a shell will help make the service life of brick, aerated concrete, timber, cinder block and other materials longer.

Often, when a dacha is located on a hill or in an open area, the problem of wind blowing arises. In this case, the walls quickly cool down, and if there are cracks in the house, drafts may appear. The exterior decoration of a country house will become a barrier to the wind and protect household members from its constant influence.

Heat in the summer months and frost in the winter are another challenge for dacha owners. As a rule, it is the external decoration of a country house that takes on the impact, and the walls of the house do not overheat in the heat and do not freeze in winter.

Not least important is the aesthetic component. Thanks to the external finishing, country house will acquire its unique appearance. For those who have purchased a ready-made building, it will not be a problem to design it according to their wishes. It is not even difficult to decorate a wooden house so that its walls imitate brick. At the same time, it is easy to decorate a stone structure to resemble a wooden one.

Finishing materials

The choice of one or another finish for a country house is a purely individual matter, depending on the tastes of the owner and his capabilities. Some people like romantic wooden houses, someone gravitates towards brutal brick and stone. Among the huge range of finishing materials for country houses The following stand out and are most often used:

  • decorative plasters;
  • clinker brick;
  • plastic panels;
  • stone facing tiles;
  • wooden panels, for example, lining or block house.

To create an original facade, materials are often combined. But not only the desire of the dacha owner is an indicator when choosing material for cladding. It is worth considering specifications the building itself. So, in any case, a wooden country house should not be overloaded with heavy finishing made of clinker bricks or stone panels.

Those for whom a country house is a temporary building often choose budget plastic panels for external decoration. They imitate any coating and can become a full-fledged cladding. But plastic quickly loses its decorative and quality characteristics. It fades in the sun, cracks due to temperature changes, and there is no need to talk about its environmental friendliness.

More expensive finishing materials are used if the country house is used not only in the summer months, but also in the winter. If the budget is not strictly limited and there is an opportunity to decorate the dacha with another cladding, then it is better to do so. Exterior decoration, for example, made of stone or wood, will look attractive even after several years. But it is important to be prepared that the installation of the cladding will take a long time.

Decoration with block house and penoplex

Many summer residents prefer to decorate their country house with a block house. But in order to get a truly high-quality cladding, it is necessary to carry out work in compliance with all recommendations. So, you will need:

  1. Carry out a competent calculation of the amount of material with a small margin.
  2. Leave the block house for a while after purchase so that the material gets used to the new conditions.
  3. Construct the sheathing in such a way that there is a distance of no more than 50 cm between its elements.
  4. Secure the material using the tongue-and-groove system.
  5. After attaching it to the external walls of a country house, cover the block house with drying oil or special impregnation, which will preserve its quality characteristics for a long time.

To save money, you can use vinyl analogues of a block house, which can be used to decorate the outside of a country house more easily and quickly. In addition, they will not require additional finishing after installation.

So, for example, penoplex allows you not only to make a country house visually attractive, but also to significantly insulate it. This finish is considered the most reliable, bypassing even fiber cement boards and siding.

But it is worth remembering that penoplex is attached only to the most even walls, so before installation you should make sure of this and, if necessary, correct the situation. Professional builders recommend using penoplex with a thickness of about 5 - 6 cm to decorate the facade of a country house. The slabs are fastened with dowels or special glue. After installing the foam boards, you can proceed to plastering the house.

Decorative plaster

The use of this finish will ideal option, if in the shortest possible time with minimum costs I would like to make the façade of my country house look presentable. So, when using decorative plaster, you can achieve a different effect on the facade. It all depends on the type of aggregate used.

There are several types of decorative facade plaster, among which are:

Acrylic for concrete and brick walls. This material completely safe, resistant to various types environmental influences. Due to its high elasticity, acrylic plaster is ideally applied and lies on the surface.

Mineral, consisting of cement and polymer additives. Most often used for finishing brick houses.

Important! The unique properties of the material make it possible to remove excess moisture from the outer layer of the cladding.

Silicone. This is the most expensive plaster among those presented, but its high characteristics allow you to apply the mixture to the wall with maximum comfort and subsequently use the finished coating for a long time.

Facing stone

This type of decoration is chosen by those people who want to show their status even when decorating a country house. Due to its unique natural shape, this material can in most cases be used without pre-treatment of the walls.

Experts highlight hard rocks, as well as medium and low density stone. In addition, we can distinguish wild stone, that is, one that is not processed in any way and sawn, which is a tile.

Finishing options by type of cottage

As previously noted, country houses are now being built from a variety of materials, and therefore their external decoration is different. That is why it is worth considering the most popular options for country houses and the cladding that will suit them.

Houses made of timber

Undoubtedly, wood is considered a classic and one of the best materials for the construction of a country house. So, I would like to immediately note that the exterior decoration of a country house made of timber can be carried out only after the structure has completely settled. And this happens after 2 - 3 years from the date of completion of construction work.

The greatest interest of owners of country houses made of timber is caused by such materials for external finishing as stone, decorative plaster, wood and even metal. Many do not deviate from the traditional design and line the outside of the dacha with clapboard.

This approach has its advantages:

  1. Reliability and durability of cladding.
  2. Decorative appearance.
  3. Ecological cleanliness.
  4. Possibility of masking communications under external decoration.
  5. Easy installation that you can do yourself.

In addition to natural wood, artificial analogues can also be used, which will be cheaper, but will not be inferior in appearance. So, for example, siding helps to provide a decent cladding of a country house and forget about painting it for a long time.

In addition to siding, fiber cement boards and thermal panels are often used for the exterior decoration of country houses. It is worth noting that such panels are used only if the building has a strong and reliable foundation. But, nevertheless, siding is used most often due to the availability of the material, ease of installation and high quality of the resulting cladding.

In some cases, especially when the owner dreams of seeing his house in brick design, brick is used. It is fireproof, environmentally friendly and visually attractive, which become the starting criteria when choosing. In addition, the use of brick for the exterior design of a house made of timber will increase the heat and sound insulation qualities of the structure.

Important! Brick trim may shrink.

If brick is used as the cladding of a wooden house, then it is important to make ventilation grilles that will be located at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from each other. It is necessary to connect a wooden wall to a brick wall only with the help of metal elements. Many are stopped by the cost of such finishing, which is significantly higher than other similar methods.

Finishing a house made of aerated concrete

Country houses are not only made of wood, as was previously the case in most cases. Nowadays, a material such as aerated concrete is widespread, which is successfully used in the construction of country houses.

Typically, such houses are plastered or brick and tile are used for their exterior decoration.

Important! The external decoration of the walls of an aerated concrete country house is carried out only after the completion of interior finishing work. This is necessary so that vapors can escape through the walls without restrictions.

Ordinary plaster is unlikely to be suitable for covering the outside walls of a country house. Professionals advise choosing mixtures that have water-repellent properties.

For those who want to finish a country house made of aerated concrete in the shortest possible time, we can suggest doing it with porcelain stoneware slabs. They are attached to the sheathing or to perfectly smooth walls using an adhesive solution.

That's it now larger number summer residents are chosen for the exterior design of their house metallic profile, which previously served as finishing material for warehouses. Manufacturers now offer a lot of varieties of metal profiles, so choosing the right one is not difficult at all. Moreover, this material is perfect for both vertical and horizontal finishing.

It is important not only to create the exterior decoration of a country house that the owner will like visually, but also one that will be combined with the overall landscape and style of the house itself. At the same time, not the least place is given to compatibility with the design of the roof of the house.

Professional designers advise using light shades for houses located in northern latitudes, and cold shades for those built in the south. For the harmonious design of the external walls of a country house, it is important to take these recommendations into account.

Advice! If it is difficult to decide on the color of the exterior design of a country house, then it would be more correct to use the one used in the interior decoration.

The exterior design of a country house can be done independently without the involvement of qualified craftsmen. It is enough just to decide in advance on the quality material, the method of its fastening and carry out the work in accordance with the installation instructions corresponding to a particular cladding.


In order for the house to look aesthetically pleasing after the exterior design, a number of requirements must be taken into account during the work and the right material must be selected. Only selection and installation according to all the rules can guarantee that the facade of a country house can be used for a long time without fear of loss of appearance and quality characteristics.