Toilet      07/02/2020

What is the population of the earth? How many people there were, are and will be on earth. World population in one house

MOSCOW, July 25 - RIA Novosti. The global population will reach 10 billion in 2053, but the number of residents in Russia and Ukraine will decrease by 7.9 and 9 million, and in Japan by a “record” 24.7 million, reports the Washington Population Bureau (PRB). ).

"Despite the overall decline in birth rates across the planet, the rate of growth of the Earth's population will remain at high level, which is enough to reach the 10 billion mark. Of course, the picture in different regions will be dramatically different - for example, the population of Europe will continue to fall, while the population of Africa will double by 2050,” said Jeffrey Jordan, president and director of the Bureau.

This non-profit organization is today one of the world's leading forecasting bureaus demographic situation at the global level, publishing annual reports and estimates on global population growth since 1962. This year, Jordan reports, the forecasts were improved by adding six new demographic indicators that take into account how the availability of different resources affects population growth.

According to new PRB forecasts, the world's population will approach 9.9 billion by 2050, and in 2053 it will cross the 10 billion mark. Most of This growth will occur in Africa - its population will grow to 2.5 billion by this date. At the same time, the number of inhabitants of America will increase by only 223 million, Asia - by 900 million, and the number of inhabitants of Europe will decrease by approximately 12 million.

The world's population will exceed 10 billion people by 2100The world's population will exceed 10 billion by 2100, and perhaps approach 15 billion if the world's birth rate increases slightly, according to a report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), presented on Wednesday in London.

The main socio-demographic problem of this growth will be that almost all of this growth will occur in the most underdeveloped countries on Earth. PRB estimates that the population of the world's 48 least developed countries will double by 2050 to almost two billion people. At the same time, in 29 countries on this list, almost all of which are in Africa, the population will more than double. Niger's population, for example, will triple by mid-century.

On the other side of the “table of ranks” the situation is the opposite - the population will decrease mainly in all developed countries, besides the United States, in a total of 42 countries around the world. The traditional “leader” in this regard will be Japan, where the number of inhabitants will decrease by almost 25 million, and its close competitors will be Russia, Ukraine and Romania.

The world population on January 1, 2016 will be almost 7.3 billion peopleThe most populated country, according to statistics, is China, followed by India and the United States. Russia, with 142.423 million inhabitants, ranks ninth.

With all this, the top three “ten” countries in terms of population will remain the same - India, China and the USA. There will be a series of reshuffles below, with Nigeria moving up to fourth, Indonesia down to fifth and Brazil down to seventh.

Such population growth in the poorest and most deprived countries of the world, according to PRB experts, speaks to the urgent need for a speedy transition to economic sustainable development to provide this human mass with the necessary resources and basic necessities without causing critical harm to the planet.

In fact, there are not 7 billion people on earth, but at most 900 million

Deception exists because you are used to accepting everything finished form. Without your own research and analysis, or at least a critical look at the essence of the issue. You are very easy to manipulate when you stop thinking about what is happening around you. A huge empire of lies is built on your trust.

To begin with, I suggest you open the information at least on Wikipedia. Of course, the first explanation that comes to mind is that all people live in multi-story buildings and therefore the area increases. But in fact, our planet is not one continuous city. It is just an illusion that houses have greatly increased the area suitable for human habitation on Earth. We are told that in the measly last 200 years of human existence, the population has grown by 6 billion people. For approximately 200 years, what can be called means of mass debilitation have existed. At first it was newspapers and magazines, then radio, and finally television and the Internet. And the faster the influence and quantity of these media increases, the faster the number of people on our beautiful planet magically increases, mysticism.

Of course, the population is overestimated. This is done for various purposes, including for global and national economic purposes.

At the beginning of the 20th century there were only a billion of us. The population cannot grow 7 times in 100 years! Before this, it had not grown at such a pace for many centuries, although previously they gave birth to 16 children, many of whom survived.

How many people are there on Earth?

According to the most reasonable assumptions, there are now from 700 to 900 million people on earth.

Scientist's opinion

Most of the Earth's 7.5 billion population does not actually exist, according to physicist V. Rogozhkin. Here's what he said about this: “The population of the Earth is 7.5 billion, and where do they come from? If the soul undergoes rebirth into the next incarnation, then according to the estimates of our cosmists, such as Vernadsky and Chizhevsky, they believed that there could be a maximum of 600 million population on Earth."

How to check? Using the example of China.

It’s quite easy to check: you need to go to Wikipedia and sum up the population of the 20 largest cities in China. And the result will be an impressive number of about 230 million people (taking into account the population of the districts). Where do other people live? Where do the other billion live? In the countryside? Do you live in cottages? Where do they grow food then? In the mountains of Tibet, which occupy almost half of the country's territory? But they need a lot of food, if you believe that 1 billion 340 million people live in China!

Let's look further. Duropedia reports that in 2010, China produced 546 million tons of grain, despite the fact that the cultivated area in China is 155.7 million hectares. And to ensure normal nutrition for the population, the country needs to grow on average about 1 ton of grain per year per person. Part of this grain is used to feed livestock, and part is used to make bread and other needs. So China is clearly not self-sufficient in grain, if you believe that it has such a large population. Or it provides if the population there is 3 times less than it is believed.

By the way, you can easily check this using US indicators. And immediately everything will be clear and understandable! Look: in the USA, on average, about 60 million tons of wheat are harvested per year from an area of ​​about 20 million hectares. In addition, 334 million tons of corn are harvested there from 37.8 million hectares, and 91.47 million tons of soybeans from an area of ​​30.9 million hectares. Thus, about 485 million tons of grains are harvested from an area of ​​about 89 million hectares. And the population in the USA is only about 300 million people! Surplus grains are exported.

From this it is immediately clear that the shortage of grain production in China is about 800 million tons per year, which is practically impossible to buy, if you believe that the population is 1.4 billion people. And if you don’t believe in this fairy tale, then everything falls into place, and the population of China should be no more than 500 million people!

And one more clue: Wikipedia reports that the share of the urban population in 2011 was 51.27% for the first time, which also confirms the hypothesis that the real population of China does not exceed 500 million people.

the monograph by Korotaev, Malkov, Khalturin “Historical Macrodynamics of China” provides an interesting table

  • 1845 – 430 million;
  • 1870 – 350;
  • 1890 – 380;
  • 1920 – 430;
  • 1940 - 430,
  • 1945 – 490.

Quite strange spikes and drops? During the World War, China lost 20 million, maybe more, and then there was the Cultural Revolution and population growth was billions! Isn't it too much?

I came across an old atlas that said that in 1939, i.e. before the 2nd World War, in China there were 350 million people. You don’t need to be an expert to see the huge discrepancies and the absence of any coherent system in the behavior of the Chinese population.

Then fall on 80 million over 25 years, then growth by 50 million over 30 years, then no changes over 20 years. The main thing is that the initial number 430 million taken absolutely from the ceiling who considered them their adversaries. But the fact seems to be obvious: for 95 years from 1845 to 1940, the number of Chinese has not changed, as it was, it remains so.

But over the next 72 years (taking into account disastrous wars, hunger and poverty, and more than 20 years of containment policies), there was an increase of almost a billion!

Surprisingly, despite the government policy pursued over the past 20 years aimed at limiting the birth rate (one family - one child), the population is still growing by 12 million people a year, according to experts, due to the huge base (i.e. initial) digit. If you have a population of 100: two died in a year, one was born, in a year 99.

I think they are their Chinese, like Fed dollars, just draw from thin air. Nobody argues, there are a lot of Chinese, as well as Indians and Indonesians, there are still plenty of Nigerians, Iranians, Pakistanis. But many are many discords. And the Indians are great, they took up the initiative in time.

How to count in India?

The same thing is happening with India! Let's count the population of the 20 largest cities in India. The answer will surprise you: it is only about 75 million people. 75 million people! Where do the other billion two hundred million live? The territory of the country is a little more than 3 million square meters. km. Apparently, they live in nature with a density of about 400 people per 1 sq. km.

The population density in India is twice that of Germany. But in Germany there are continuous cities throughout the entire territory. And in India, supposedly about 5% of the population lives in cities. For comparison: in Russia the share of the urban population is 73%, with a population density of 8.56 people/ But in the USA, the share of the urban population is 81.4%, with a population density of 34 people/sq. km.

Could the official information about India be true? Of course not! The population density in rural areas is always only a few people per square meter. km, i.e. 100 times lower than in India. And this is a clear confirmation that the population in India is 5-10 times less than what is written in official sources.

In addition, according to Wikipedia, almost 70% of Indians live in rural regions, so the 75 million urban residents we have calculated account for about 30% of India's population. Consequently, the total population of this proportion would be about 250 million people, which is much more true than the tale of a billion.


Not so long ago, the media told us that the population of the entire planet was 6 billion people. Is this true now? How many people can you count in the world at the moment?

How many people on the planet

Population growth is constantly increasing; by November 1, 2011, the number of people living on planet Earth was 7 billion. So far, this is the most accurate answer to the question of how many people there are in the whole world. The number of people is constantly increasing, and therefore 7 billion is only an approximate number.

How has the number of people on our planet changed? At the beginning of the new era, there were 300 million people among people; by the end of 1000 AD there are more people - 400 million; by 1500 - 500 million; in 1800 the world's population increased to 980 million; in 1900 there were 1.6 billion people; in 1960 - already 3 billion; in 1993 - 5.6 billion people; 2003 was the year of 6.3 billion people; and 2006 - 6.5 billion. You already know how many people are in the world now, but by 2050 a jump to 9.5 billion people is expected.

Despite the large numbers in last years, before the world's population increased faster, now the growth rate has decreased. 2009 was the first year in human history when the urban population was equal to the rural population, in which important role Migration from villages to cities undoubtedly played a role. In the future, the urban population is expected to increase and the rural population to decrease. The record holders for population are China, India and the USA. Russia ranks only ninth, and the country's population growth is negative.

How many more people can planet Earth accommodate? According to some theories, the Earth will be able to accommodate up to 60 million billion people. But it should be taken into account that the Earth has renewable and irreplaceable resources. Consequently, the large population of the planet must maintain renewable resources in a timely manner and save irreplaceable ones. Only then will it be possible to live in harmony with the planet.

What influences population growth

How does the number of people born and die vary across the planet? How many people die in the world, and how many are born?

Here are the approximate statistics:

  1. Every day 365 thousand new people are born on the planet. Of these, 57% are children from Asia, 26% from Africa; 9% are from Latin America; 5% - from Europe; 3% - from North America and 1% from Oceania and Australia.
  2. According to one statistic, approximately 59 million people die every year, about 2 people every second. More than 160 thousand people lose their lives every day. Of these, people die due to war (every 102 seconds); someone is killed (every 61 seconds); someone loses their life due to suicide (every 39 seconds); someone dies in a car accident (every 26 seconds); someone dies of hunger (every 3 seconds); small children under 5 years die (every 3 seconds).

Every day the number of inhabitants on our planet is growing. This is due to many factors and varies from person to person. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep track of how many people live in the world. However, approximate data still exists.

Population of the planet

Today there are about 7 billion people living in the world, it is difficult to give exact data, since someone is constantly being born and someone is dying. For the most part, the population size of a given country depends on several factors, including the level of development of the state and, in particular, medicine, standard of living and even human temperament.

Many centuries ago on Earth there was much less people, but over time this figure grew rapidly. Despite global epidemics, diseases and horrors continue to multiply and populate every piece of the planet. The largest population lives in the most developed megacities, where the standard of living is higher than in small cities, the same applies to countries. About half of the people live in the most populous countries.


This country rightfully occupies first place, almost reaching the figure of 1.5 billion, that is, almost 1/5 of how many people there are in the world today. Despite the fact that government authorities are all possible ways are trying to regulate the birth rate, the number of people in the country is still growing rapidly, increasing by about 8.7 million annually.


If we talk about how many people there are in the world now, then the second place among the most populated states belongs to India. About 1.17 billion people live here, which is about 17% of the total world population. The annual population growth in this country is about 18 million people, which means that Indians have every chance of surpassing the Chinese in number.


Thanks to constant influx immigrants from less developed neighboring countries, the United States ranks among the world's most populous countries. About 307 million people of various nationalities live in this state.


The fourth position on the list is occupied by a state located in Southeast Asia. About 240 million people live on its territory, which is about 3.5% of the total


The top five is completed by this sunny country, which also happens to be the most populous state in South America. Exactly 3% of the world's people live in Brazil. The number of inhabitants of this state reaches 198 million inhabitants.


Sixth place belongs to Pakistan, which, according to the latest data, has about 176 million inhabitants, who make up 2.6% of the total population of our planet.


The country, located in South Asia, is home to 156 million people. That is, the number of Bangladeshis is about 2.3% of the inhabitants of planet Earth.


This African country is also in the top ten in terms of population. The number of people living here reaches 149 million, that is, 2.2% of all people on the planet. In addition, Nigeria also occupies a leading position in terms of birth rate, which may soon help it overtake Bangladesh.


A significant part of how many people live on the planet is in Russia. Despite the fact that Russia is only in 9th place in terms of population. This is due to the fact that here the mortality rate significantly exceeds the birth rate. The territory of this state accounts for about 2% of the population of the entire Earth, that is, about 140 million people.


The top ten is completed by the Land of the Rising Sun, which, however, is the most developed of all those presented above. Approximately 127 million people live here, that is, 1.9% of the earth's population. What is important, since the country is in a somewhat conserved state, almost its entire population is indigenous Japanese.


The World Health Organization regulates the population of states and controls how many people there are in the world. In order to somehow reduce the birth rate in very poor African countries, missionaries are regularly sent there to give lectures to the local population and provide them with the necessary contraception. Other states are taking different measures. For example, in China, authorities are combating too high a birth rate by imposing taxes on families who want to have more than one child. But such measures are extremely necessary, because the resources of our planet are limited, and they are greatly influenced by how many people there are in the world. Therefore, it is simply necessary to avoid in order to prevent in the future an environmental disaster and serious depletion of all the natural resources of our planet Earth.