Water pipes      09.21.2020

Scenario “March 8th is the most beautiful and wonderful day. Scenario “March 8 – the day of the most beautiful and wonderful Festive concert on March 8 script

1 presenter

Hello, dear ladies!

Hello, grandmothers and mothers!

Dear guests, hello!

We are glad to see you at the holiday!

2 presenter

Hello, dear women and guests! Today we are pleased to welcome you to our concert dedicated to the International women's day.

1 presenter:

    And throughout the entire festive concert we will be with you: _________________________________________________

2 presenter:- AND _____________________________________________!

1 presenter:

Winter will suddenly melt with the last snowflake,

And the sun will melt heavy ice,

March comes to us and spring comes

And the holiday gives us warmth and flowers!

2 presenter:

Radiant sun, smile on us!

It's spring on the streets of our planet!

Good for you! Smile! Great happiness!

And our warmest words.

We congratulate you on Women's Day!

Our concert is a gift for you! Begin!

1 presenter:

Celebrate the holiday with songs!

2 presenter:

And these are not just words - this is the name of our first musical congratulations!

(The song “__________________________” plays)

Presenter 1:

I don’t understand why this one day on the calendar is such an honor. What kind of holiday is this - the eighth of March?

Presenter 2: I'll start with the simplest thing. Look around! Look at the sky! Take a deep breath!

Presenter 1: Well, I looked... Well, I looked... Well, I inhaled... And what?

Presenter 2: Like what? Spring!

It smelled like March and spring, but winter holds on tightly,

The number eight is not simple - a holiday comes to our homes.

All over the world he gives women his smiles and flowers.

Drops are dripping loudly near our window,

The birds sang cheerfully - spring has now come to us!

Presenter 1: In spring, nature wakes up and blooms, as does female beauty… It’s not for nothing that the words “spring”, “nature”, “beauty”, “mother” are feminine.

Presenter 2: And now, the most beautiful, kind and wonderful, accept the gift ___song or presentation_______________


Presenter 2: Great congratulations to the fair half of our school!

Presenter 1:

We are eternally indebted to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. We don’t always appreciate our mother’s work, give her credit, express love and gratitude. But nothing warms a mother’s soul like good words daughter or son.

Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world,

You look into your eyes openly and directly,

No matter how far the road takes us,

Beautiful mothers accompany us.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone upsets her so often.

And a kind mother forgives all this,

A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Under the load of worries, without bending, stubbornly

She performs her duty patiently...

Every mother is beautiful in her own way,

She is beautiful with her mother's love.

As children she amuses us with a toy,

Sometimes we whisper to her about something happily.

Someday, mom, you will become an old lady,

But you will still be the most beautiful.

Presenter 2: Dear mothers, accept this creative gift!


Presenter 1: Do you remember the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan?

Presenter 2: Well, of course I remember her. But the characters in our fairy tale are different. Meet!

(Staging of the scene “Three girls under the window”)

Presenter 2: What do you think is nice for beautiful ladies to receive on this holiday?

Presenter 1: I know! Flowers, sweets, various gifts!

Presenter 2: This is, of course, very pleasant, but that’s not all.

Presenter 1: I understand! The best gift for our beloved mothers, grandmothers, sisters is our smiles, our successes, our achievements in studies, music, dancing, sports.

Presenter 2: You're right about that! After all, if the children are doing well, then mother’s eyes always shine with happiness and joy.

Presenter 1: Accept the gift

(speech verse)

Presenter 2: By the way, amazing news, a new women's sport has appeared: long-term telephone conversations.

Presenter 1: I wonder what you can talk about for so long?

Presenter 2: Why, don’t you know that women cannot live without news: if there is none, they immediately invent it!

Presenter 1:. Yes, now I understand why sometimes it is easier to understand a woman than to listen to her! And if she is silent and does not object, then she is sleeping.

Presenter 2:Yes, our women are business-minded, beautiful, successful, sociable!

Presenter 1: And their mothers, our grandmothers, are faithful helpers!

Thank you grandmothers beyond words
For their care, kindness and affection,
For pies with potatoes and mushrooms
And for reading a bedtime story.

Presenter 2: Yes, they can be trusted to educate the younger generation!

Presenter 1:Tell us about such an assistant ______________________. Greet with applause!

(It would seem like a simple word - grandmother!

But how special it sounds!

It contains a ray of sunshine and a mountain of pancakes,

It contains sensitive attention and tenderness,

Smiles, light, warmth of beloved hands!

Years pass, but still, as before,

You, grandma, are my most faithful friend!

Thank you for your patience and care!

Health to you my dear!

For long and joyful years

I wish you great happiness!

(The poem “Grandmother” performed by ___________________________.)

Presenter 1: As you know, men rule the world.

Presenter 2: And women rule men.

Presenter 1: Well, of course, women are too smart!

Presenter 2:Yes, women are the better half of humanity!

Presenter 1:In any case, his most beautiful half. For example, in our school, women teach, and treat, and clean, and protect, and check, and point, and suggest! And as soon as they have time to do everything!

Presenter 2: Today, not only the older guys, but also our first-graders join in congratulating the female half of the school!

Presenter 1:

Kids, come here quickly!

That's how it is! It's true!

The holiday must continue

Congratulations to our women!

(Poem ____________________________)

(The winter cold is still raging,

The eighth is just a day of spring.

But with golden flowers

All the streets are already full.

Sunday is not an idle day,

The boys have a hundred worries -

Spring first holiday

It's coming down the street!

In a fluffy yellow dress

He entered every house

Figure eight on the asphalt

The student brings it out.

Today is the number eight

We love everyone else!

We congratulate you on the holiday

All dear women!)

Presenter 1:

I know that all women are beautiful...

And with her beauty and intelligence.

Even more fun if in home holiday,

And fidelity, if separation is in it.

Presenter 2:

Not their outfits and not the Roman profile -

We are captivated by the female soul.

And her youth. And motherhood

And gray hair when she arrived.

Presenter 1:

Spring has come, all living things are around

It opens and blossoms.

Congratulations! And let the drops sound

Let it fill your soul with joy!

Presenter 2:

Happy eighth of March, happy spring! We wish you everything

Lots of joy, friendship and light!

And let only good things happen in fate,

May your soul be warmed with happiness!

Presenter 1: Dear women! We once again sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of spring, love and hope.

Presenter 2: I wish you happiness, health, love and smiles. May your life be bright and joyful like spring!

Together: Happy holiday!

Due to the fact that the end of winter and the onset of spring in our country coincides with calendar holidays for the male and female half of the population, very often these three events are celebrated simultaneously. It is for such occasions that we came up with this new game program, which included, united by a common festive spring mood, fresh versions of timeless music competitions: “Hats” and “Guessing Games”, new table games: a fun role-playing fairy tale-congratulations and a game to warm up the guests, congratulations with pictures, as well as original dance entertainment.

Scenario for a corporate party or evening of relaxation for March 8 (or February 8+23) “That’s all - Spring!” consists of fully developed and designed game blocks, most of them can be used not only for organizing holidays: February 23 and March 8, but also included in entertainment program scenarios for any occasion. Musical accompaniment and presentations can be downloaded in the full version of the script.

(Author's note: This scenario includes only universal game moments; depending on the specific format, traditions and location of the holiday, each organizer can include in it the provided concert numbers and the necessary congratulations or toasts. The script consists of three main parts: a general introduction, a block of table entertainment and a block of dance entertainment, the presenter's summaries and the author's explanations are attached, and the order in which each organizer determines them himself)

Scenario "It's all Spring!"

Track 1 plays - the presenter comes out

Leading: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! How nice it is to celebrate Spring with you! And how joyful it is to organize a holiday in a company that is reliably protected from despondency by courageous and gallant gentlemen and adorned with the charm of beautiful ladies! I propose to celebrate this fact with thunderous applause and a salute of air kisses! (guests and host applaud each other and blow kisses)

Track 2 plays in the background - the beat of the festive program “It’s all Spring” - guests applaud

Table warm-up to warm up guests. Chant "Spring in the club"

Leading: Any holiday is a reason for fun, and since we have a triple holiday: Welcoming Spring, honoring men, in connection with February 23, and ladies, in connection with March 8, it means that we simply must get triple pleasure from the holiday. Do you agree? (guests react positively) Yes, I see you are in the mood to have a lot of fun. Then, it’s worth warming up first. Why not do it in hip-hop style, remember Timati: “Where are the best parties?” (The guests answer: “In our club!”). I think so too! Moreover, in our club there is a triple spring holiday, one might say, Spring in a cube! I suggest doing it this way: when I lift right hand, you make a general clap, as if beating a beat, and at the chorus, to all my questions, you answer in unison: “In our club!” . Where is the best holiday? (Guests answer:“In our club!” ). Amazing! Then let's go!

(The host reads the text rhythmically, guests clap and shout in appropriate places)


Spring (cotton) and everyone is partying (cotton),

Walking (cotton), they dance in clubs (cotton).

in spring (cotton), everything is blooming (cotton),

And in souls (cotton), our winter is melting (cotton)!

Girls (cotton), everyone is very cool (cotton)!

And holiday (cotton), it's in our cube (cotton),

Everything is great (cotton), it's spring in our club (cotton)!

Where are the best girls? - “In our club!”(guests in chorus)

Where are the best guys? -“In our club!”(guests in chorus)

Where is the best holiday? - “In our club!” (guests in chorus)

Where do you celebrate spring? - “In our club!”(guests in chorus)

Once again!

Where are the best girls? - “In our club!”(guests in chorus)

Where are the best guys? -“In our club!”(guests in chorus)

Where is the best holiday? - “In our club!” (guests in chorus)

Where do you celebrate spring? - “In our club!”(guests in chorus)

Toast: Thank you! Now I know for sure that the best guests are in our club! And I propose to drink to a wonderful occasion - Spring in a cube!

(Banquet break)

Track 3 is playing - minus Timati's song

Track 4 sounds - Spring

Game with compliments for men and women "Rose-colored glasses"

Leading: Friends, have you noticed that in spring we not only become more beautiful, but also kinder, more naive, and more generous. The cruel world around no longer seems so threatening, and you want to do good, do pleasant nonsense, and pay compliments. Have you noticed? This time comes and “people lose their heads”? It’s only the very beginning of spring, and we still haven’t thawed out from winter, but it’s about time! Yes, and holidays oblige! It's time to look around with spring eyes, shall we try? ….


(game being played)

Track 6 is playing - the song “I’m the best, he’s the best”

Table games and competitions for the spring holidays:

Leading: Friends, I can’t help but notice that the degree of spring mood in our hall has increased? To consolidate the success, I propose to organize a general cheerful spring congratulations by role, I read the main text, and everyone who received the cards, where it is necessary in the text, artistically inserts their remarks. Where exactly will be clear from the content and special pauses that I will make. And, of course, I need the reaction of the entire room - a common remark for the guests: “Happy Spring!” Shall we rehearse?! (rehearses a phrase that the audience shouts in chorus, then distributes cards with words and props, if provided, to the participants)

- Table greetings by role “Happy Spring!”

This new option popular and deservedly loved by guests and hosts, win-win and fun entertainment that helps to liberate guests and create a festive mood in the hall.

To have fun you need: print out cards with the characters' replicas in advance; no props are needed, but, if desired, the organizers can offer the characters hats or headbands that match the image - examples are given.

Characters and phrases:

Groovy boy: “For the ladies, gentlemen!”(bandana)

Gallant man: “Everyone here is a star!”(muffler or neckerchief)

Flirty lady: “I drink tart wine!”(funny hat and boa)

Girlfriends(2 people): “It’s finally a movie!”(headbands with bows)

Solid guest: “Let’s set off fireworks!”(hat and big tie)

Grumpy lady (neighbor): “Will they give you a bonus?”(classic hat, large wallet)

All guests: "Spring holiday!"

Leading- reads the text


There have been a lot of congratulations,

For general, fun - the time has come!

Let's imagine!

One team celebrates with excitement

Spring holiday - March Eighth.

Festive leapfrog reigns at the table,

And then the guy, the most Groovy, speaks: “For the ladies, gentlemen!”

The toast was warmly received and poured, as always,

And the most Gallant the man said: “Everyone here is a star!”

Yes, today all eyes are on the ladies,

Them with the mood Guests congratulate: "Spring holiday!"

Suddenly, very joyfully, as if I had won in a casino,

Flirty The lady announced loudly: “I drink tart wine!”…….


Let's fill the glasses, the essence of the toast is so simple,

Let's move our cups like hussars to the words Zavodny: “For the ladies, gentlemen!”

(banquet break)

Tracks 7 and 8 are playing

(Author's note: the success of such a table tale largely depends on the correct presentation (the organizer of the idea must read brightly and take short pauses for the characters to pronounce lines, while making emotional accents - hints when it is necessary to enter), it is also important to choose the right performers (it is advisable to choose the most artistic guests and before conducting it with each person, rehearse his phrase, suggesting the desired intonation).

- Musical dialogue game"Let's Play at Love"

This is new original version the well-known musical competition “Mind Reading or Hat”. It’s great at any moment of the celebration, but it’s more advisable to do it in the first half of the festive feast. Despite the fact that the idea of ​​the competition has long been known, it is still relevant, especially if it is presented successfully and opportunely. Specifically in this version, it is conceived in the form of a comic musical dialogue between men and women on the topic of love.

The essence of the game: The host chooses a guest (man) and invites him to decide on the lady with whom he would like to communicate, he names. Once a person has made a choice, the presenter offers to voice the question publicly (at this time the sound engineer turns on a musical clip with a question), after the question has been asked, offers the selected lady how to answer (the sound engineer turns on the cut again). Then the lady chooses another man in the hall, to whom she, in turn, wants to ask a question, he listens, asks his own, etc. If necessary, the presenter, during the process, adds his comments.


Leading: Spring is the time of love! (addresses guests) Are there married couples in our hall? (couples respond) wonderful, congratulations on finding each other, not everyone is so lucky. Many have been looking for their soul mate for years, and there are those who, having found it, do not dare admit it to their chosen one or chosen one. Talking about love or sorting things out with loved ones, oh, how difficult it is. I propose, as a training for this important skill, to conduct a musical game “Let's play love!?”..... ................................. ...............

(18 ready-made musical excerpts are included)

- Music game"Guess the song about women"

- Musical game "Guess the song about men."

Everyone knows the entertainment - guess the melody, but in this option songs were selected exclusively on the topic: in the first case - songs about men, in the second - about women. It’s better to conduct it like this, the minus sounds, then after the answer has been given, the original, to which the guests, if desired, can sing along. Based on the results, the winner is determined.


Attached are two separate folders with cuts for both cases - 20 ready-made musical excerpts in each.

- Table game for women “Who came to us with a bouquet?”

Leading: A bouquet of flowers on March 8 is not just a good tradition, it is a symbol of this holiday and our women are ready to receive them in any quantity, but, nevertheless, the most pleasant ones are not the most expensive, but those given by dear and beloved men, right? And it’s really nice if your loved one presented it in a special way...

(A guessing game in which, based on a partially closed picture, in this case, closed, with a bouquet, you need to guess the name of a celebrity - a man. At the same time, counting points for guessers or not is at the discretion of the organizers, you can conduct this fun simply as entertainment for the audience for general guessing)

The game is offered as a ready-made presentation or simply as pictures for printing if there is no possibility for demonstration.

- Table game for men “Who gave us a smile?”

Leading: On March 8 " best friends girls are diamonds” or not? Not for all? As we found out, flowers from beloved hands are also joy. What do you think our dear defenders of the fatherland are happy about and what they are expecting as a gift on February 23? (guests offer their options). Everything is correct, but, according to one of the surveys, men, in general, are not particularly materialistic on their holiday and the most common answer turned out to be: “It doesn’t matter what, the main thing is with a smile and love.” Ladies, let's give them a gift right here and now?.......

(A guessing game, similar to the previous one, but in which, based on a partial picture, in this case, a cut out part of a face with a smile, you need to guess the name of a celebrity - a woman. It can also be played with or without scoring and determining the winner)

The game is offered as a ready-made presentation or simply as pictures for printing if there is no possibility for demonstration. - download full version

(game being played)

(Short banquet break - track 11 plays in the background)

Dance entertainment for the holiday:

- Dance competition "Retro party"

A universal and exciting dance competition that can be held as a dance between two teams or as a general game on the dance floor.


Leading (announces before the dance break): “Dear friends, I invite all guests to the dance floor to plunge into musical eras not only with their head, legs, but also with their soul. Let it unfold to the joy of all of us. (The guests leave. When all the guests have gathered, the host continues) We launch the time machine and begin our retro party. Go! And we start with the modern ones, come on, youth, show what you are capable of, and we have all the youth who are under 99.

Tracks 1 or 1a are playing - (from the folder Retro party)

(ready-made musical excerpts and presenter’s comments are attached)

(Author's note: The theme “retro party” is very winning, uniting all generations of the gathered guests. And it is here that the participants have the opportunity to show all the charm of their era, or, conversely, make it clear that music has no age or gender. Before each cut, the presenter announces the era of dances into the microphone and, if necessary, to raise the mood and maintain the appropriate atmosphere, gives his comments between dances, examples are attached)

- Dance entertainment "Spring Dream Dance"

a fun and bright pair dance competition that will decorate any program

To carry out this dance entertainment you need prepare cards, corresponding costume elements and musical accompaniment ( ready-made options are offered, but the organizers, depending on preference and available props, can do others by analogy)


Leading: The most best time for fulfillment of desires - this New year's night! But, it is short and for sure, all wishes will not come true, today is the onset of spring and you and I have a second chance! Our program includes “Spring Dream Dance”! And its participants have a real opportunity to realize their unrealistic dream, which they themselves may not have even allowed themselves to dream about. 5 ladies and 5 gentlemen are invited to the dance floor (the number of participants depends on the prepared melodies and costumes)…

Options for musical excerpts in the Dream Dance folder

To get the full version with music, just donate to the site development fund a small amount(550 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below presents detailed information about how to get full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

N. G. Khudyashova, 2018

Bonus discount on video games:

This scenario will be perfectly complemented by , also written for the spring holidays, it is offered separately (400 rubles), but for those who purchased this scenario there is a bonus discount. And, for those who want to have both video games and a corporate party scenario, it is enough to send 750 rubles to the site fund, if three scenarios: “Double Holiday”, “That’s All - “Spring” and “Funny Musical Gifts”, then 1100 rubles if you chose only this scenario, then - 550 rubles.


Good afternoon, dear residents of the village of Zagoskino! This cozy hall brought us together again and again. There are so many joyful and happy faces here. And there is undoubtedly a wonderful reason for your smiles.

March walks across the planet -

Adults and children are welcome.

Everyone can't sleep today

Spring has come to the world again!

And with it a wonderful holiday came to us - March 8th, which is warmed by the rays of the sun and women’s smiles, it is decorated with a scattering of flowers. This holiday warms us with the lights of love.

We congratulate you on Women's Day today!

Let's start our holiday! Good morning!

I invite the vocal group “Kapelka” to the stage. She will perform the song “CLAP YOUR HANDS.”


Walking around the planet

Beautiful spring!

We recognize by signs,

Why did she come to us!

We recognize them by their playful

Swift streams,

By joyful smiles

Our beautiful ladies!

Let's find out drop by drop,

On sunny days,

In the March snowstorm,

In the warm breezes.

We will recognize by the clean

Thawed fields,

By fragrant lilies of the valley,

According to the songs of the rains.

Congratulations women

Happy spring holiday!

Let the birds greet you

Happy singing to you!

Let the blizzard not blow,

Frosts don't creak!

Let them drive away the cold

Mimosa balls!

On this March day

We invited guests.
Their mothers and grandmothers

They sat me down in the hall.

We sing songs and read poems.
Happy Women's Day,

Happy Women's Day
We congratulate you!

    Song "Clap Your Hands"

    Dear women, the administrator congratulates you. Zagoskino GOLOV ALEXANDER KONSTANTINOVICH

    March 8th is the holiday of all mothers! And for a child, it’s a holiday to be next to his mother every day. After all, a mother is the closest and dearest person who invests in us – her children – all her care, affection, kindness and boundless love.

    And whoever we are - babies who have just learned to walk, or adults whose temples are covered with noble gray hair - for our mothers we will forever remain children!

  1. Mom is kind gentle hands,

    Warmth and sparkle of the eyes,

    Mom - waiting in a long separation

    And prayer before God for us.

    Mom is a friend - the best and most faithful,

    What will give us a shoulder in trouble,

    Mom is the heart that beats so hard

    And he knows how to love passionately.

  2. Song “Mom-Mom” Alina Ibragimova

  3. Dear women!

    At all times you live, praised in the world,

    In masterpieces of paintings, and in romances that sound tender.

    Today is your holiday! And the lyre is dedicated to you:

    Beloved woman, grandmother, daughter and mother!

  4. There is a song for you...

    “How delicious grandma’s pancakes are” - Polina Golova and Lyuba Alyabyeva .

  5. Q. Have you noticed that today the sky has become higher and brighter, and the snowdrifts have darkened and very soon they will disappear, and every day a warm smile smiles at us, spring sun. Even the sparrows today are somehow noisy, restless... And there is something inexplicable in the air, so joyful, happy and bright... Have you noticed this? And this means that spring has come to us. And smiles will shine again, and hearts will open to love!

    5. Song “Mom and Daughter” by Egrashina Tatyana and Katya

    March 8 is a women's holiday, and the whole world knows about it. Today everything is for our lovely ladies, everything is only in their honor! And congratulations, and compliments, and other signs of attention.

    Our dear and lovely girls, girls and women! Today, each of you is more beautiful than ever, each of you is like a beauty queen! Let love, joy and only the warmest feelings fill your soul, as now!

    I wish you happiness, health, love and smiles. May your life be bright and joyful like spring!

    And as a gift, accept the “Russian Matryoshka” dance.

    Dance “Russian nesting dolls” »

    Spring is crying drops,

    Her tears are so beautiful!

    It's here for us too

    Women's, well-deserved holiday!

  1. There are so many wonderful and interesting things in our world! But still, the main miracle is a woman! After all, she is a great mystery of nature, an unsolved mystery of the Universe, which can only be compared with the brightest star!

  2. Dear women! For you, the vocal group “Girls” will perform the songs “Oh, girl!” and "Rowan Beads"

    Song "Rowan Beads"

    Dance “In the Viburnum Grove”

    Q. What do you wish women today?

    Colors? Good luck? Is the sky blue?

    Or something light like that

    What is it difficult to describe in words?

    Or maybe in a simple way, as necessary,

    Say: “Be happy always!

    May in life, despite all the winds,

    There’s a moment for joy!”

  1. And Katya Egrashina will perform a song...

  1. Spring is the beginning of the awakening of the first flowers, so timidly peeking out from under the snow. And the first feelings - timid, timid, but so sincere and deep. And along with spring, the love that was dormant in your hearts awakens and surrounds everyone with its warmth on this holiday.

  2. It is bequeathed to us as a talisman of love,

    He has always been, he is and will continue to be;

    Spring holiday, a holiday of lovely women,

    What makes our souls sing.

  3. The vocal group “Girls” is back on stage

    "Cherry" - wok. gr. "Girls"

    Oh, the ditties are good!

    We will sing to you from our hearts!

    Our girls for you

    And they will sing and dance!

    Look, listen and admire!

    Try to applaud louder.

    March 8 is a holiday of spring, love and beauty! And, undoubtedly, this is why, in the spring, women become even more beautiful, they seem to turn into unearthly sorceresses who give everyone smiles, their kindness, tenderness and affection. And we give you this holiday, good mood and the best songs!

    On Women's Day, all women are beautiful!
    Here efforts are powerless, years,
    May it shine for you in the clear sky
    Always sweet sunshine!

    In life - the most joyful moments,

    Bright and wonderful years and days,
    Embodied plans and aspirations
    And sincere, sincere friends!

    Song “Mostok” - “Girls”

    Forgotten melody, forgotten words.
    The shoes run slowly and the head is covered in ribbons
    They dance in pairs, clapping their palms together.
    The eyes sparkle - the puddles of the square dance drove me crazy.
    Perky, with handkerchiefs, cheerful, not flashy.
    Smiling, stately, yes, simply beautiful.
    Quadrille is knocking on the room,
    hearts, window, door.
    Quadrille - you, clear sunshine
    I love you forever.

    Dance "Moscow Quadrille"

  1. Dear friends, our meeting today is coming to an end. Thank you for the applause, warm looks and spring smiles!

  2. I wish you peace and love,
    I wish you eternal youth!
    May the joys be long
    And sorrows are fleeting,
    Let everything be as it is
    In a good fairy tale:
    Good luck, thousands of flowers,
    Health, laughter, smiles, happiness,
    Deeds worthy of poetry.

    Today a lot of kind things were said to you, beautiful words! So let them sound to you throughout the year.

  1. Thank you for your attention! See you again!



    Song "Clap Your Hands"

    Song “Mom-Mommy” - Alina Ibragimova

    “How delicious grandma’s pancakes are” - Polina Golova and Lyuba Alyabyeva.

    Song “Mom and Daughter” by Egrashina Tatyana and Katya

    Dance “Russian nesting dolls”

    Song "Oh, girl!" -Vocal group “Girls”

    Song “Rowan Beads” - “Girls”

    Dance “In the Viburnum Grove”

    The shore of a bygone childhood” - Katya Egrashina.

    "Cherry" - wok. gr. "Girls"

    “Oh, viburnum, oh, raspberry!” - wok. Gr. "Girls"

    “Shadow-Shadow” - dance and song by Alina Ibragimova and Yana Fedotova.

    “You know when sometimes” - Katya Egrashina.

    Song “Mostok” - “Girls”

    Dance "Moscow Quadrille"


    Song + dance “Village – 4 courtyards!”

Department of Selidovsky City Council

Parole No. 30 “Yasnaya Polyana”

Teacher Dolzhikova N.N.

Description of material: The script will be of interest to music directors, educators, and primary school teachers. The material is designed for children, mothers, grandmothers and women's groups. Aimed at creating a festive mood, forming a tradition of joint celebration of International Women's Day.

Target: create a festive atmosphere, instill in children a respectful attitude towards mothers, grandmothers and all women, and a desire to please them with their performance.

Tasks: instill the desire to actively participate in the holiday, consolidate the skills of emotional performance, cultivate endurance, attention, and respectful attitude towards people.

Progress of the event:

Children recite poems.

The presenter comes out to the music.

Ved. I welcome you, dear ladies, to this hall on the best day of the year. And it is the best because it is female. I suggest you leave all your problems and bad mood behind this door. Today we have no right to be sad, today we are the queens of life! And every queen is a mystery. After all, she can laugh, cry, talk and eat at the same time! And over the years it turns into a terrible secret. So let's today reveal some of the innermost secrets of all women. So, let's begin!

Ved. Does everyone know what female friendship is? Legends can be made about her. And you can argue for a long time whether it exists or not. Who will tell us the truth about us? Only a friend and only our second friend. So, a little truth about us from our cheerful girlfriends!


Ved. It's no secret that every woman dreams of always being slim. So: I declare the “lose weight by March 8” season closed. The season to “lose weight by summer” opens. And remember one rule: “If you want to look young and beautiful, stay close to the old and fat.” It always works! And don’t forget, the main thing in a diet is sleep! I didn’t fall asleep in time - I was all... overeating! The most harmful food is tea. There will always be gingerbread, sausage and pies to go with it. Many women even pray at night: “Oh, God, make sure that not all of me wakes up, but only 55 of my kilograms. I suggest you remember one miraculous prayer: “Love salad and low-fat cottage cheese as yourself. Yes, rejoice in raw carrots, for it is summer. In the name of cucumbers, cabbage and holy mineral water. Kefir. Kefir. Kefir."

And now I bring to your attention the most effective method always be slim!

Hula Hoop dance

Ved. Remember! The woman is always right! She is only wrong when she is guilty. But is it her fault that is always right? And if it’s mom, then she’s doubly right!

There is such a family charter:

1.Mom is right!

2.Despite everything, mom is still right!

3.Mom doesn't scream - she pays attention to important things.

4.Mom doesn’t swear – she advises.

5.Mom doesn’t nag—she emphasizes the details.

6.Mom doesn’t argue – she explains the situation.

7.Mom doesn’t surf the Internet – she keeps up with the times.

8.Mom doesn’t lie on the sofa – she meditates.

9.Mom doesn’t mess around—she relaxes.

Please look at the situation when mom turned out to be right after all.

Song "Oh, Mommy..."

Ved. Dear women, never doubt your attractiveness. Remember: scales lie, people are jealous, and the mirror is generally crooked! After all, we are representatives of the fair sex! We have to be cute!

Dance "Tumbler Dolls"

Game "Bag of Surprises"

Ved. Dear girls, if you are married and you don’t have a mink coat, diamonds, or drive an expensive car... - Congratulations! You married for love! Marriage is a mirage in the desert with a palace, palm trees and a camel. First the palace disappears, then the palm trees, and you are finally left alone with the camel. After all, admit it, unmarried life was simpler. I wanted a dress... and another dress. And now... a bread machine, molds and a flour sifter. But despite all these inconveniences of family life, every woman wants to get married. Even if this woman is only 4 years old!

Dance "Tili - Tili Dough"

Ved. How does women's logic differ from men's? At least they talk about women's logic! Nothing is known about men's at all. Men's logic is, of course, more correct, but women's logic is more interesting. For example:

“When a woman is in the mood, she cooks. When she’s not in the mood, she eats!”

“Male logic: if I find out, I’ll kill. Women’s logic: even if you kill me, I’ll still find out...”

“I wanted to lose 5 kilograms before the summer, I still have a little left – 7 more”

“They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I’m already close, I’m sitting in my liver.”

Ved. I bring to your attention several situations and how a man and a woman react to them.

Situation 1. A woman went shopping with her husband's salary card. How much did she spend?

According to the man...

According to the woman...

Situation 2. Beach season is coming soon.

How can a woman prepare for it...

How does a man prepare...

Situation 3. A situation from our life. When the husband is dying: his temperature is 37.2.

How does a man behave in this situation...

And as a woman...

Situation 4. I think that this situation has happened in the life of every woman when she appeared in front of a man for the first time without makeup.

What is a woman thinking about at this moment?..

What is the man talking about?..

Situation 5. And of course, the situation when a woman is driving.

The woman thinks...

And in the eyes of a man she...

Ved. One day a man appeared to God and asked to create a woman for him. God took a few rays of the sun, the thoughtful sadness of the moon, the tender gaze of a siren, the trembling of a doe, the meekness of a dove, the beauty of a swan, the tenderness of down, the lightness of air, the freshness of water. And to avoid cloying, I added the fickleness of the wind, the talkativeness of the magpie, the tearfulness of the clouds and all the horrors of thunder and lightning. He mixed all this thoroughly, and from this mixture a beautiful woman emerged. God breathed life into her and gave her to the man, saying: “Take it and suffer!”

But is it really possible to suffer while looking at such beautiful exhibits?

The song “On the Louboutins” performed by the group

Ved. This concludes the festive concert. And finally:

We all, girls, should never grow old in our hearts! Don’t sneeze, don’t cough, in general – don’t get sick! Get together more often to drink tea. And then scream songs half the night! Are there wrinkles on your face? Also - nonsense! Be young, girls, always! I wish our souls not to grow old...

And remember: “Every woman has the right to wake up shamelessly happy and leave the house brazenly beautiful!” Happy holiday!!!

Aleshina Vera Mikhailovna,

music director

MBDOU "Krasnooktyabrsky kindergarten"

Cherlaksky district, Omsk region

Scenario of the festive concert for March 8th “Both as a joke and seriously!”

The song “Spring Drops” is performed (ensemble).

The song “Flowers in the garden are beautiful in spring.” Matryona comes out, and then Flower comes out dancing and singing.

Flower: The flowers in the garden are beautiful in spring,

Even better than grandmothers in the spring.....

Oh, Matryona, Matryona! Come on, check out how cool I am today...

Matryona:To the audience. Hello! Little flower. Why are you so impudent??? You don't even say hello....

Flower: Hello, hello! Oh, Matryon, you better tell me what I look like?!..

Matryona: Lord forbid...T. e., I want to say super awesome!

Flower: This morning I got up, sat down in front of the mirror, and laid out my cosmetics in front of me...

Matryona: So I fell asleep.. Laughs. It's noticeable on you!

Flower: Oh, oh, make sure you don’t burst out laughing.... She’s just like that...... No...

Matryona: And today I went to the beauty salon.

Flower: Oh, come on...

Matryona: And the lipstick, by the way, is super-resistant, once you apply it and even if you kiss it all day, you won’t erase it!

Flower: Oooh.... She was going to kiss.... With a mirror or something??? He spits on a handkerchief and wipes his shoes with it.

Matryona: Fathers...What is this, Flower?

Flower: These are Iconika shoes!

Matryona: Ahh...

Flower: Shoes for the dead man! Oh, ugh, for a fan! And, look, I bought myself a rejuvenating mask...

He takes out a mask and puts it on his face.

Matryona: Bah....I immediately looked 40 years younger! But I deal with wrinkles differently. He takes out the iron. Iron Rowenta! I stroked it once and the wrinkles were gone!

Flower: Oh, you know, I already forgot about wrinkles.

Matryona: Why?

Flower: Sclerosis, the best medicine...Hihihi....

Matryona: Yah you! Flower, do you know why we even gathered?

Flower: Noooo.

Matryona: Don't you know what holiday it is today?

Flower: I don’t know, I know. Today is Army Day, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland! Look, look how happy the men are sitting!...

Matryona: Did you fall from the oak tree, Little Flower??? Ali, don’t you know that today is not this holiday at all?

Flower: Whose is it?

Matryona: What, you don’t even guess?

The flower looks intently around.

Take your eyes off! It's spring outside. All the women are smart and beautiful.

Flower: Especially me!!! Smiles.

Matryona: You're a garden scarecrow.... So what holiday is today?

Matryona: As before the duck - on the seventh day... It's time to start celebrating.

Flower: Well, then let's go! We are starting a solemn meeting dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8 - “Both in jest and seriously!”

Dance “We are cuties, tumbler dolls.” (boys 2 ml. gr.)

Flower: Oh, what a dance! I'm crazy! Dancing.

Matryona: Calm down already. Behave lamely, or rather, behave decently. Today, these.... Well, these.... Well, who jump and jump, want to congratulate all mothers, grandmothers and, of course, us.

Flower: Kangaroo or what?

Matryona: You yourself, kangaroo! No, they still fight sometimes.

Flower: Roosters?!!

Matryona: No!!! They also pull girls’ pigtails, call them names, and then ask for forgiveness...

Flower: Ah, boys... I also once had a boy!!! Loved me terribly!!! He pulled my braids, hit me on the back with a briefcase, shot me with a slingshot....

Matryona: You will sway from such love.....

Flower:Thoughtfully. Just like Agent 007!

Matryona: Ugh! Waving her hand, she leaves, Flower behind her.

Dance "Agents-007" (boys preparatory group).

Matryona: Our poor men are at a loss as to what to give to their dear women...

Flower: Oh, why bother them, let’s go and buy a multi-cooker, an iron, a frying pan...

Matryona: What would you like to receive as a gift?

The flower is thinking.

Oh, the computer froze! And I have already prepared a gift for you! Look. He takes out a basin. Super-duper miracle basin! You wash, rinse, spin, dry and at the same time keep yourself in shape!

Flower: I'll go check.....

Dance "Wash" (girls 1st junior group).

Flower: Matryon, did your grandchildren congratulate you on the holiday?

Matryona: How about that?! Slippers from the peasants were given to Dior! And you?

Flower: And they congratulated me. Wow, they gave me such a box of chocolates!

Matryona: So you and I will have tea with sweets today!

Flower: There are no more sweets!

Matryona: How is it not? You said it yourself - what a box! Did you eat them alone???

Flower: Not really! The grandchildren helped.

Song “I’ll Kiss Grandma” (pre-gr.).

Matryona: Flower, do you remember how you went to kindergarten as a child?

Flower: Certainly. I remember very well... In the morning, my mother braided my hair, I packed my briefcase and hurried to class. And how smart I was! The teachers always praised me!

Matryona: It's time for you to take your sclerosis medicine! You were the one who went to school with a briefcase for lessons! And you had teachers in college.... Balda!

Flower: Yes, go, you..... Do you know where?

Matryona: Where???

Flower: To the bathhouse!

Dance “Bath” (senior group boys).

The flower comes out in a pack, with a Miss 2018 ribbon, and with a newspaper in hand.

Matryona: What is it? Natasha Rostova's first ball?

Flower: You don’t understand anything, I’m going to the competition as Miss 2018!

Matryona: What, among aliens or what? Humanoid in a corset...

Flower: You don’t understand anything, you see it’s written...

Matryona: It's written, I see. Just look at what kind of figures the contestants should have. What do you have??? You're an X-ray in a skirt. Do you have 90-60-90?

Flower: Of course there is, 90-60-90, this is my blood pressure in the morning.

Matryona: And look at their age, no older than 19 years!

Flower: So I turned 10 yesterday!

Matryona: How old are you?

Flower: 19!!!

Matryona: ???

Flower: With a ponytail.

Matryona: Looking around. Pull your tail in, anaconda! Someone else will come. Come on, show me the fashion show.

Flower: You know?

Matryona: What?

Flower: My fillet is fine!

Matryona: Defile, dammit! How are you going to walk on the catwalk?

The flower walks around the hall. Where's the grace? Where's the grace?

Flower: In Karaganda!!!

Matryona: Do you hear me! How did it occur to you to participate in such a competition? Those who are drawn to Miss are the following participants in our concert.

Flower: How hard it is to be a real woman these days...

Dance “One - palm, two - palm” (girls 2 ml. gr.).

The flower comes out with a large Chinese bag.

Matryona: What are you doing with the bag??? Are you really going there??!! Hihi..

Flower: Yes, I’ll fly to Hawaii...

Matryona: What Hawaii??? It’s a holiday... And especially since you don’t know what the weather is like there... What if it rains? Ali snow???

Flower: Matryon, what are you doing?!! It's always warm there... What's the weather like for today's holiday?

Matryona:Humming. The most important thing is the weather in the house....

Scene (prepared by gr.).

Flower: You know, Matryon, on this holiday, Women’s Day, I’m not myself, I’m so confused, I just don’t know what to say...

Matryona: As if you could.....

Flower: Have you forgotten how I recited poetry?

There are women in Russian villages,

They are affectionately called women.

The elephant will be stopped in its tracks

And they will tear off his trunk!

Matryona:Twists at the temple. I think I know how to help you. Now I will invite children onto the stage, who, I am sure, know what to say to our fair half on this day!

Song “The kitten has a mother” (senior group).

The flower comes out with maracas.

Flower: Matryon is vigorous, let’s have some fun with you!

Matryona: What what??? I found a naughty girl here...

Flower: Oh, I said the wrong thing... Let's make some noise... Plays maracas.

Matryona: Listen, get out of here, somewhere far away....

"Orchestra" (boys 1 ml. gr.).

Flower comes out with a gun, and Matryona with a pitchfork.

Flower: The clouds are low over the village.
Everyone around had gone to bed long ago.

Matryona: Two old ladies set out on a long journey
Protect the village from thieves.

Together: If we suddenly notice a criminal,
We will always fight him back.
Beware everyone we meet
We are now going on night watch.

Flower: Oh, Matryona, well done on us for deciding to go on patrol with you at night! Protecting your beloved village is a sacred cause!

Matryona: Don't talk, don't talk!

Flower: Hey, fulugans! Come out, whoever is brave...

Dogs barking can be heard. The flower gets scared, throws the gun and hides behind Matryona.

Matryona: Don't be afraid, it's my dog ​​walking in parallel.

Flower: Yes, I’m not afraid, this is just a reaction test...

Flower sprinkles pepper on the stage. himself, raises his gun.

Matryona: What, the roof came off? Why are you sprinkling pepper all around?

Flower: So that the bandits don't take the trail.

Matryona sneezed, Flower pointed the gun at Matryona in fear.

Matryona: Calm down, you crazy one, I sneezed!

Flower: Sorry, Matryon, sorry, my dear friend, I’m a little nervous! The first time after all... They say that right now there are so many bandits in the village...

Dogs barking can be heard again.

Flower: Matryon, shoot!

Matryona: Who should we shoot at?

Flower: Nobody.....

Matryona: Why are you scaring me? I almost gave an oak! Okay, we looked at this edge, we went to the other side of the village to look.

Flower: Yes, because you and I are the village watch!

Dance "Hooligans" (preg. gr.).

Matryona: Little flower, who is your favorite singer?

Flower: Stas Mikhailov, as soon as he sings, his heart is pounding, pounding, and jumps out of his chest!

Matryona: And I love how the kids sing kindergarten! Listen, you'll rock... Better than Kolya Baskov!

The song “Oh, what a mother!” (2 ml. gr.).

Flower: Oh, Matryona, I love dancing like that at holidays! I know how groovy it is - all my gentlemen!

Matryona: Hey, Flower, are you out of your mind? Your holidays ended 50 years ago. Be careful not to fall apart...

Flower: What, Matryon, do you doubt me? Starts dancing and humming. This is not a joke... We met in a minibus...

Matryona: Listen, don't joke with this matter! Better watch how to dance!

"Dance with Hearts" (old gr.).

Matryona: Little flower, do you know what it means to kick the bucket?

Flower: Beat whom?

Matryona: Not who, but what. Baklushi!

Flower: Why beat them? After all, it hurts.

Matryona: It doesn’t hurt the baklus, these are the kind of logs that are used to make wooden spoons.

Flower: Are you hungry? I have a real spoon here. He takes a metal spoon out of his pocket.

Matryona: And how many of them do you have?

Flower: One! Is it not enough for you?

Matryona: Few! After all, now the guys will play on spoons. Yes, not on metal ones, but on wooden ones. And take care of yours, we will need it later.

"Spooncari" (preg. gr.).

Matryona: On this first holiday of spring, souls thaw from the winter cold and all men give flowers. The choice of flowers depends on the profession of your loved one.

Flower: Okay, let's say she's a dressmaker?

Flower: What if she is a manicurist?

Matryona: Then - marigolds.

Flower: What about the doctor - the ophthalmologist?

Matryona: Pansies.

Flower: What if she is a trainer?

Matryona: Then - Snapdragon. Since we are talking about flowers, it is no secret that the best and a sincere gift For all women on this day, these are congratulations from the most beloved “flowers” ​​- our little artists!

Closing song “Dear mommy.”

Matryona: We sang and danced and entertained you as best we could.

Flower: At parting, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts once again!

Matryona: Our dear mothers and grandmothers! First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of March 8th! We wish you every prosperity, may you always be appreciated at home and at work, may good health always adorn you!

Flower: Dear women! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! Let your home always decorate with comfort, prosperity, love and happiness!

Together: Happy holiday, dear women!!!