Toilet      03/04/2020

Examples of how to choose a frame for a picture. How to choose a baguette: rules for ideal framing. Wooden picture frames

You can arrange a picture by numbers into a baguette from professionals, but the selection of the baguette itself, its color and style depends only on the artist, so you need to know a few rules that will help emphasize the content of the canvas

Having painted a picture by numbers, the artist must decide how to design the canvas so that it looks harmonious? There are three main options for painting:
- leave the canvas without a frame, but continue the drawing on the sides (ends);

- if the painting by numbers is the standard, most popular size 40x50, then you can buy finished frame silver or black (this is an exclusive offer from our online store);

- arrange the canvas in a baguette, selected according to the rules that allow you to maximally emphasize the advantages of the composition and color palette.

And if everything is clear with the first two options, then you still need to know the rules for decorating in a baguette. There are few of them, but nevertheless, take them into account:
1) Baguette color:
A painting painted in warm colors should be framedin a baguette in warm shades - gold, ocher, bronze; canvas in cold colors is accordingly decorated in a baguette in neutral or cool shades, for example, silver or metallic.
The background of the picture or minor details that create the overall “mood” of the plot will help determine which shade is needed. The tone of the baguette should not merge with the picture, ideally if it is two or three tones different - lighter or darker, this will not allow it to merge with the background. For example:
- painting “Air Bouquet” by Trisha Harwick– the lilac pastel colors of the composition are decorated in a delicate light lilac baguette (the baguette is lighter than the background and is close in color to the tone of the vase), decorated with a small pattern that complements the plot both in color and in the pattern itself.

-painting “Romantic walk in the rain” by Emerico Toth– the cold gray-blue tones of the composition are framed by a baguette in the same key, but slightly darker than the background. This baguette serves as an ideal frame, maintains the integrity of the composition and focuses attention on the image, and it will fit into any interior design. Although, first of all, the frame is always selected to match the picture, and not to the interior, the harmony between composition and design is very important.

2) Baguette style:
- “Rich” carved baguettes made of wood or “wood-like” are ideal for classic subjects.. A composite baguette made from different profiles harmonizes perfectly with the composition. Interior as a passe-partout, it serves as a “buffer” between the main frame and the picture, helps to focus attention on the image itself and emphasizes the richness of the outer frame.

- Abstraction or paintings in the style of pop art, others modern styles, fit perfectly into simple frames , although some images, as an exception to the rule, look elegant in wooden carved baguettes.

3) Material from which the baguette is made:

- wooden baguette – classic which never goes out of style. Among the advantages of this environmentally friendly and reliable material are versatility, strength, and durability. Paintings framed in wooden frames always look elegant. However, you need to pay attention that a wooden baguette requires compliance temperature regime– it should not be left in bright light for a long time sunlight, and it does not like strong humidity.
- plastic baguette – moisture-resistant, lightweight, cheaper than a tree. Excellent for paintings by numbers, the variety of its types allows you to choose a beautiful baguette for any subject.

Only after accurately deciding on the color, style and material should you select “clothing” for the painting - a baguette, because in essence it, like an outfit, creates the first impression and emphasizes the advantages of the canvas. And so that our customers do not have to waste time searching for and visiting a good framing workshop, we have expanded the range of our products and services, and now you can purchase a suitable framing at We offer you a large selection of wooden and plastic frames.

Initially, art lovers think little about how paintings are designed, what principles are used to select frames, and so on. Moreover, when admiring works of art in museums or galleries, the frames on the paintings are usually not noticed at all. And this means that they were chosen perfectly. There are special courses in painting design around the world, and museums have staff specializing in this. Choosing a frame in such a way that the picture looks as advantageous as possible is also an art. This understanding comes to art lovers when they become collectors and buyers of works of art, and this is where difficulties begin. A poorly chosen frame can ruin the entire impression of a painting, while a successful one can make even a boring painting shine in a new color. Here are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing a picture frame:

  • The price of the frame must correspond to the price of the painting. By the way, auction houses also deal in antique frames. Real frames are made from different varieties wood, cheap ones are made of plastic, but they are not durable and unaesthetic. You should not frame an expensive painting in a cheap frame.
  • The frame is selected first of all to the picture, but the interior should also be taken into account. When choosing a frame, you need to pay attention to the following things: the work itself, general style rooms, other paintings located in the room and their design.
  • The frame should highlight the picture, but not overshadow it. The picture is what is in focus.
  • A large picture should have a large frame. But it is worth remembering that when choosing wide baguettes with numerous patterns and decorative elements caution and a sense of proportion are necessary. At the same time, for a small painting, a large expressive frame is often suitable, drawing attention to it.
  • Avoid colors that repeat the tones of the painting if it is painted in oil. But if it is a watercolor, then a white passport and baguette will work well, if a charcoal or ink drawing is suitable for a dark, simple-style frame.
  • The frame protects the painting from impact external factors, and also gives it a finished look. However, there are exceptions to all rules; sometimes a picture is hung without a frame at all if the style requires it and the stretcher allows it. This is how some large pieces of modern abstract art look better without a frame. At the same time, the edges of the work, which are usually hidden by the baguette, must be covered with paint.
  • Pictures written on paper must be documented in a passport and under glass. Works framed with mats should be placed separately from works in simple frames. (link to how to design a frame with mat)

Let's look at examples:

So in the example you see the same picture framed in different frames.

In the first case, the wooden frame gives the painting a classic look and highlights its warm gold and red tones.

In the second case, the silver baguette emphasizes the cool blue and green tones of the painting, and gives it a more modernist look.

Both of these options are acceptable, as well as presenting the work without decoration - the choice depends on the interior and taste preferences of the owner. Interior design is a purely personal activity, you should rely only on your own taste, because you will live with this picture, and no one else.

Catalog of baguettes with prices

Baguette typeWidthPrice
1 Decorated colored profile2.0-3.0 cm.276-350 rub./p.m.
2 Ideal for embroidery design2.1 cm.584 rub./p.m.
3 Wood imitation3.0 cm.472 rub./p.m.
4 Classic profile4.0 cm.676 rub./p.m.
5 Classic aged profile9.1 cm.1920 r./p.m.
6 Classic, pearl decor5.0 cm.876 rub./p.m.
7 Classic, gold and silver4.8 cm.792 rub./p.m.
8 Delicate watercolor palette5.1 cm.1048 r./p.m.
9 New shades of stained wood3.0 cm.399 rub./p.m.
10 New sleek profile3.2 cm.394 rub./p.m.
11 New rounded profile2.5 cm.396 rub./p.m.
12 Rounded smooth profile2.1 cm.300 rub./p.m.
13 Round profile in gold and silver3.2 cm.550 rub./p.m.
14 Rounded profile with decor2.0 cm.276 rub./p.m.
15 Flat aged profile6.3 cm.1116 rub./p.m.
16 Profile Box2.8 cm.898 rub./p.m.
17 Profile with neat floral decoration2.1 cm.350 rub./p.m.
18 2.9 cm.398 rub./p.m.
19 Profile with stained wood finish3.4 cm.556 rub./p.m.
20 Warm white profile5.4 cm.1300 rub./p.m.
21 Strict and flat profile with decorative stripe3.2 cm.550 rub./p.m.
22 Colored classic profile2.4 cm.636 rub./p.m.
23 Wide interior profile8.9 cm.2100 rub./p.m.
24 Ethnic profile4.4 cm.632 rub./p.m.

We are located at the following addresses: Tishinskaya Square, 3 – Belorusskaya, Mayakovskaya, Barrikadnaya, st. Vavilova – Academic

Choosing a framing frame for your painting is a complex process that takes a lot of time. Everything should fit together: the frame should highlight the colors of the painting, and the painting, in turn, should be harmoniously combined with the tone of the frame and fit perfectly into your interior.
You can achieve this if you know some tricks and tips.

Harmonious color combination

The very first thing you need to know is that if the baguette is light, then it should be used for light paintings, and a dark baguette for dark ones. However, it also happens the other way around - a dark baguette can ideally match bright paintings, making them more contrasting. But the main thing is that the frame does not burden the work. It is worth paying attention to the gold frames. They are indispensable and popular due to their versatility and richness of shades, therefore they are practical for almost all written works.

It must be remembered that the overall tonality of the picture is more important than individual colors that immediately catch the eye. When choosing a baguette, try to make it half a tone lighter or darker than the picture. Shades natural wood Suitable for almost all jobs. Frames made of wood, walnut shades, and also in some instances gold, go well with canvases made in warm tones (from red to orange). Paintings in cool tones (a range of colors from green to blue) are suitable for light wood or silver.

Selection by complexity of baguette design

The next thing to keep in mind is size. Small paintings are combined with a wide baguette, since wide frames visually enlarge the picture and emphasize its significance. The baguette also depends on the complexity of the painting. If the canvas contains simple elements, then, accordingly, the frame should be simple. The style of the painting is important. The classic baguette style is suitable for landscapes and still lifes. For works on paper, select glass or mat.

There is no need to hide that the main and, perhaps, the only secret to the success of the ideal selection of baguettes and the creation of the perfect frame is the professionalism and talent of the decorator. If an employee of a framing workshop has an inner instinct, is able to feel a masterpiece and visualize it instantly in his mind, then after the first glance at a work of art, regardless of its style or character, the decorator will draw the most harmonious frame in his imagination. However, in addition to incredible skill, honed over the years, professionalism and innate talent, there are still several rules for ideal framing.

Rule one. First of all, the framing frame should be matched directly to the work of art, being its continuation, a kind of key and boundary, as well as the main symbol of integration into three-dimensional reality. Even if the baguette is, according to your plan, one of the most important decorative elements of the space, initially it must harmoniously approach what exactly it frames, and only after that - to the style and color scheme of the interior.

Rule two. The most important rule is a clear understanding that the frame and the directly framed should not be in conflict with each other. Yes, the frame can slightly saturate the work, giving it brightness and dynamism, or, on the contrary, slightly soften the complexity of the masterpiece, the riot of colors and intricacy of forms. But in no case should the baguette frame completely break out of the overall concept of the creation, pulling the blanket over itself and not corresponding to the idea and idea of ​​​​the framed. A baguette and a painting (embroidery, graphics, papyrus, and so on) should form a harmonious unity with each other, complementing each other and repeating some mutual features.

Rule three. Works of art made on paper generally all need a passe-partout. It is by participating in the framing of a correctly selected mat that a unique opportunity to achieve an ideal optical effect arises. Sometimes, if the lower field of the passe-partout is made deeper than the upper one, the work in a baguette frame will not look flat, but three-dimensional and as realistic as possible.

Rule four. The width of the baguette plays a huge role. Frames of different widths perform diametrically opposed functions. A narrow wooden baguette harmonizes beautifully with light, low-dynamic works and thin pencil and graphic drawings, unobtrusively and softly continuing them optically or creating a fairly stylish and organic contrast. At the same time, the wide baguette frame carries a completely different decorative load. It allows you to define the framework of a dynamic, vibrant and deep work, maximally integrating it into the surrounding reality.

And finally. Remember that the main factor of success, that is, obtaining the ideal frame, is entrusting the selection and creation of a framing frame to reliable employees of a reliable workshop, each of whom is a real pro in his field.

(c) Baguette man. 2000-2020

The word “baguette” is literally translated from French as a smooth wooden plank needed to make a picture frame. Frames or cornices made of wood are also commonly called baguettes.

The word "baguette" in literally translated from French, as - a smooth wooden strip necessary for making a frame for a picture. Frames or cornices made of wood are also commonly called baguettes.

In the Middle Ages, baguettes were made individually for each painting. And at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, when framing art reached its apogee, a framing for a painting was even more expensive than the work famous artist. Times have changed and a baguette is no longer a rarity. In the capital today there are many framing workshops where you can choose any frame to suit your taste and color. But the inexperienced buyer will have to face another pressing problem: how to choose the right baguette for the picture? Selecting a frame for a painting is, first of all, a creative process, so you need to rely solely on intuition and your own taste, as well as on the advice of a designer of a frame workshop. In our article we will try to answer the main questions that arise when choosing a baguette. First, let's figure out why a painting needs a frame at all.

A baguette is clothing for a picture. After all, you must agree that for beautiful picture You also need a beautiful frame. One of the main artistic functions of the frame is that it creates a transition from the surrounding real world to the irrational world of the artist’s fantasy. Thus, the baguette connects the picture with the outside world, creating decorative effect and emphasis on the borders of the picture.

It is also very important to choose the correct width of the baguette, otherwise the frame will not look properly on the picture. One thing should be observed here, but very important rule: a narrow baguette is suitable only for small-sized paintings, and a wide baguette is suitable only for large paintings. Wide frames add grace and solidity to the picture, as if merging with it into one whole. For example, paintings - perfect works of art that adorn museums - are absolutely impossible to imagine without a luxurious baguette. But sometimes a wide baguette is used to frame small paintings, however, even the most experienced designers they do this with caution, since a massive frame can overshadow the picture. This should not be done under any circumstances, so a wide baguette is chosen with caution for small paintings, and designers take this step very rarely.

But thin frames also have many advantages. Modern artists prefer to decorate their works with thin frames, since massive frames classic style can only spoil the picture. Also, the passe-partout will look better only with a thin baguette. The narrow frame gives the painting grace and style, emphasizing the individuality and extravagant notes that the artist brought to the work of art. In addition, narrow frames are ideal for creating compositions from paintings on the wall, when graphics or photographs are grouped to create one semantic composition.

One of the most important points One thing that should never be forgotten when choosing a baguette is the color of the frame. First of all, it is necessary to find a compromise: the frame must match the color of both the painting and the interior. The color of the frame should emphasize the prevailing tone of the painting. For example, images made in warm colors will look better in a frame made of walnut and mahogany, as well as in a frame painted in non-shiny antique gold. Paintings in which cool tones predominate will look good in shiny gold or silver baguette, or in frames made of unpainted light wood. But here it is worth considering that a baguette made in gold color is almost universal, since it fits any picture, regardless of color composition the painting and the style of its writing. The black color of the baguette will suit abstract paintings or works of art made in an impressionistic manner.

However, when choosing a frame, it is worth remembering that its color should differ from the color of the interior and the wall on which the painting will hang, so that the painting is easier to perceive and not get lost on the wall.

Sometimes a baguette needs to be matched to a picture already in the interior. But for this it is not at all necessary to use the same baguette as on existing paintings; it will be enough to choose a frame that is similar in style and color. The same applies to the selection of baguette for furniture or some interior items. For example, often a picture or photograph in a frame is hung next to a lamp. In both of these cases, the frame should not at all copy the furniture or interior details, since first of all the baguette is matched to the picture, and only then it complements the interior. After all, a painting is a separate world, and a frame creates the boundaries of transition into this painted world. And the frame should not at all be similar in style to the furniture, or worse, copy it. Baguette has always been a separate and independent element of interior decoration.