In a private house      04.03.2020

New wall paints with effects. Decorative wall paint: how to choose the best? Preparing the wall before applying paint step by step

Today we have an entertaining topic on the agenda - decorative paint. What is this? Read below.

If you are thinking about giving your walls an interesting texture, then you are probably wandering in an abundance of choice. various materials with which the market is saturated today.

For texture and imitation of a particular effect, as a rule, a combination of two finishing materials is used: decorative plaster and decorative paint.

If you've never done effects with decorative plaster and paint, we suggest choosing a small area of ​​the wall and experimenting before decorating an entire room. In this case, you will gain some kind of skill and do not waste time.

  • If you want to imitate this or that material, then the easiest way to use it, it would seem. If you want wood, use wood, if you want stone, use stone, if you want metal, use metal. This makes sense, because natural materials have a number of advantages, but we will talk about modern materials that can give your walls a unique beauty. It should also be understood that all materials that imitate one or another natural material will not be one hundred percent the same as natural ones. If you really want your walls to be stone - use stone, and if wooden - wood.
  • There is no big difference between ordinary paint and decorative paint. The most important thing here is the way the paint is applied to the walls. It is the application technology that determines the final result, how all this will play on the walls. In decorative paints, manufacturers mix various additives that are designed to help you achieve desired effect. For example, quartz and sand are added to paint imitating river sand.
  • It is worth making a reservation, despite the fact that ordinary paint is also suitable for use as a decorative one, but still only a limited list of textures can be made with it. To give the walls special frills, it is still necessary to buy decorative paint.
  • One of the most popular paints is imitating silk. Since it is thicker than regular paint, textured elements work well on it. Such paint plays, shimmering with different shades. If you combine it with decorative plaster, then the effect of silk will be as natural as possible.

What are decorative paints

  1. Silk effect. This paint imitates silk. It is applied in two stages. First, the main painting of the walls, after the second layer with the intersection of strokes. Everything is done with a roller or a wide brush. Color heterogeneity and creates a silky effect.
  2. Sand effect. This paint is not as thick as silk, so it looks very different. The effect is achieved in the following way. The first layer of paint is applied to the leveled surface, and this is done with vertical strokes, the length of which should be 30 cm. The strokes should be located at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other. After the first layer has completely dried, the second one is applied. When applying the second layer, it must be rubbed into the walls, as it were. Initially, it may seem that such an effect looks just terrible, but once the paint has dried, all this magnificence will resemble sand.
  3. metallic effect. This effect is achieved in full, only on smooth putty walls. Since the metal has a smooth texture, the walls must be well prepared. First of all, the first layer of paint is applied, which must be allowed to dry. Next, a second layer is applied with cross strokes. After complete drying, you will get a metallic effect of the walls.

About textured paint

Textured paint refers to the type of acrylic water-based paints. It can be washed off with water and is not as durable, but with its help an excellent effect is achieved.

Sometimes manufacturers add various components to acrylic paint to make it more durable and durable. Please note before buying paint whether it can be used for external works, or it is intended solely for indoor decoration.

Good paint differs from bad paint in that good paint will not fade on the wall when exposed sun rays. There are other factors, but this is the most important.

Regardless of the price of paint, mechanical damage will have the same effect on appearance your walls.

To use textured paint, even if you are going to imitate some “defects”, be it dimples, grooves, etc., you need to prepare the walls well. The walls are plastered and puttied. Before applying paint, the walls are well cleaned and primed. This creates a reliable base for the paint to hold confidently for many years.

  • With a brush, you can simulate waves.
  • Stencils are used to create special textures.
  • Thus, we considered the topic of decorative paint, also touched textured paint. Finally, I would like to say once again about the most important thing. If you decide to decorate the walls using paint, then in order to achieve good result you need to invest a lot of effort in preparing the walls. Any paint, regardless of whether it is cheap or expensive, will emphasize all the imperfections of the walls: dimples, bumps, cracks, and so on - you need to get rid of everything. Don't waste your money on expensive paint if you're not ready to invest in walls. In the event that you decide to stick wallpaper or decorate the walls in a different way, it makes no sense for you to meticulously align the walls, for the sole reason that some materials hide minor defects and your decor looks great. With paint, this option will not work and, in fact, it is most difficult to prepare walls for painting.

    Good luck with your repair!

    Wall decoration is an important part of any renovation. Most prefer ordinary wallpaper, believing that this is the most economical and simple options. However, today there are still a lot of options for aesthetic and relatively inexpensive finishes walls. We will consider one of them in this article.

    What is decor paint. What is all the salt?

    Decorative is a paint with various additives used for finishing decorative finishes walls. It differs from ordinary paints in greater viscosity and density, which appears due to the addition of special substances that create an original coating.

    The use of this material allows you to get any texture and pattern when decorating walls. Unlike ordinary paints, which give a strictly defined effect, decorative ones leave room for imagination - the final result will depend on the method of application and the thickness of the final layer.

    Types of decorative paints

    First of all, decorative paints are divided according to their destination:

    The most popular classification of such paints is according to the type of film-forming substance that is part of the thickener. Exists 4 main types:

    Water emulsion

    A feature of this type is the creation of a coating that is resistant to moisture. If on a painted water-based paint moisture gets into the wall, it simply evaporates without penetrating inside. Aqueous emulsion coating is non-toxic and fireproof, suitable for almost any coating - with the exception of adhesive and varnished surfaces.


    The most popular type of decorative paints. For their manufacture, acrylic resins are used, which provide paints with increased strength and elasticity. Acrylic paints retain color for a long time, but they are not recommended for use in places with high humidity.


    Mainly used as protective coatings in places with high humidity and temperatures. The composition includes alkyd resin, which provides increased resistance to the coating.

    Such paints retain a bright color for a long time, but they have a sharp and bad smell, making it difficult to work with paint. Also, alkyd resin can be harmful to health, so these paints are used mainly for exterior finishing work or in well-ventilated or technical rooms.


    Latex paints contain rubber, which forms a strong elastic film. Due to the use of rubber, latex paints are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, protected from moisture. The elastic film allows you to apply latex paint on any base - due to the elasticity, the coating easily repeats any relief.

    Advantages and disadvantages of paint in interior design

    Material advantages:

      Durability and fire resistance. When properly applied, decorative paints will retain their bright color for a long time - compared to ordinary wallpaper, the service life is twice as long.

      Environmental friendliness. Most of these paints are made from natural ingredients and are absolutely safe for health.

      Economy. Due to the consistency, decorative paints have a much lower consumption than most analogues. For example, the consumption of decorative plaster will be 500-800 gr. per sq. m., and paints - 200-250 gr. per sq. m.

      Ease of care. Almost all varieties of such coatings can be washed, and the antistatic effect will eliminate the appearance of dust on the walls.

      Individuality. Diversity modern paints and wide color palette provide you with the creation unique interior with a minimum of effort.

      "Independence" and versatility. At proper preparation surface paint can be applied with your own hands, without resorting to the help of a master, and a variety of waterproof paints makes it possible to choose a material for places of high humidity.

      Fast drying. Compared to decorative plaster, the paint dries many times faster.

    But, without a "fly in the ointment" it also could not do - decor paints have a number of shortcomings that should be taken into account:

      No additional sound and heat insulation. Due to the thin layer top coat is not able to provide thermal insulation and noise protection, so this will have to be taken care of in advance.

      The need for careful surface preparation. Before applying the “colorful” coating, you will need to pay increased attention to surface preparation - putty the bumps and prime the surface.

      Price. Paints with additional components (latex and silicate) are quite expensive.

    What effects occur when finishing walls with decorative paint

    Modern manufacturers offer a wide range with different effects to create a unique texture. The most popular are:

    silk effect

    Due to the presence of liquid silk in the composition, it creates a visual sensation of silk fabric on the walls. Depending on the composition, such paint can have a silky-matt or silky-glossy effect, creating a unique shine and play.

    Stucco effect

    It is achieved by adding various materials to the paint: sand, shell rock, fine stone chips, etc. A layer of "stucco" paint will be smaller than a layer of plaster, but will be more exposed to ultraviolet rays and moisture, so such materials should only be used for interior decoration.

    Paint with a "sandy" effect is designed to create a "sandstorm" on the walls. Depending on the additional components (quartz or river sand, glitter and other fillers), such paints can be matte or pearlescent, creating a surface that shimmers when exposed to light.

    The visual velvety effect is achieved due to the presence of solid particles with a fine-grained structure in the composition of the paint, which give the coating additional volume. A velvet-effect finish creates a soft wall feel, visually reminiscent of velvet or velor.

    Able to change color depending on the angle of illumination and the color of the substrate. This effect is achieved by a translucent mother-of-pearl layer, which is applied to a special substrate. The intensity of the chameleon effect also depends on the method of application and the thickness of the layer.

    "Stone" effect: granite and marble

    In fact, there are no granite or marble particles in this material. The effect of the stone is created by acrylic bubbles different shade, which, breaking against the wall when applied, create a “stone” texture.

    Forms a smooth coating with a noble metallic sheen. When applied, certain zones can be distinguished by increasing the thickness of the layer. The metallic effect can be silver, gold or copper.

    When buying decorative paint, be sure to pay attention to the following parameters:

      hiding power. It depends on this indicator whether the paint will hide the old base. Translucent compositions have a lower degree of hiding power, coverings are able to completely “hide” the base.

      Matte or glossy. Matte paints hide better various defects surfaces, glossy - increase the volume of the room.

      Moisture and abrasion resistance. Moisture-resistant materials can withstand approx. 5000 purges, and paints resistant to dry abrasion - only about 1000.

      Agdesia. A parameter that reflects the ability of the paint to "adhere" to the base. It depends on adhesion how long the coating will last on the wall.

      Presence of antifungal properties. An important indicator for materials used in places with high humidity.

    How to paint walls correctly: preparation and consumption per 1m2

    Paint decor is possible on concrete, wood, plastic, drywall and chipboard. Before applying the coating, it is necessary to carefully putty all the irregularities and defects of the wall, and then prime it.

    Depending on the type of paint and the desired texture, you may need to apply:

      Brushes of different sizes.

      Rollers and spatulas.


    Remember that some types of paints must be applied in stages or with special tools. For example, a paint with a metallic effect is applied in several layers, and a "stone" paint with a granite or marble effect is applied using an airbrush.

    To calculate the paint consumption during the repair, you need to know two indicators:

      Surface area to paint.

      Paint consumption per 1 m2. This indicator is indicated on the can of paint. Most manufacturers indicate consumption in grams per m2. If there are no banks at hand, then for a guideline you can take the expense for latex paint 125 ml per 1m2.

    To calculate the area of ​​the surfaces to be painted, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter of the wall (wall length + wall width)*2), and then multiply the value by the height of the wall. From the value obtained, we subtract the area of ​​​​windows and doors (we calculate using a similar formula) and get the total area of ​​​​the surface to be painted.

    How to properly apply a video lesson on the walls

    List of verified manufacturers

      American Accents.


      Vincent Decor.


    A variety of decorative paints will allow you to create a unique design interior. Their use is safe, although it requires careful preparation, and a small expense will help save on finishing work without quality loss.

    If you are going to use decorative paint, remember that you need to choose such material carefully, taking into account all the features of the room and wall covering - in this case, the “colorful” coating will delight you with its brightness and original effects for a long time.

    Look at the photo in the interior and create your own unique picture on the wall

    So, you have decided to create a very special interior. And that means that it's time for the most creative part of the renovation - and you will need Tikkurila interior decorative paints, glazes and coatings.

    Let your fantasy fly

    Even if you are not a professional designer, modern facilities for decorative painting of surfaces will help you create a truly fantastic interior. Get inspired pristine beauty rocks, decorating your home with a coating that imitates. Or watercolor painting, recreating the artist’s air strokes on the walls with glazing paint using the “kolorvosh” technique. Shimmering placer, ... Decorative paints for flat surfaces Tikkurila offers thousands of impressive ideas - especially since the palette of colors is almost endless.

    Love inventing new things?

    We, too! So in the line of paints Tikkurila appeared paint and paint, on which you can. And we also attach great importance to the details in the interior, and therefore we created a decorative one. With its help, it is so easy to turn everyday things into real works of art!

    Decorative paints for walls and ceilings Tikkurila can be applied with the usual tools - a roller and a brush. And you can make a tool with your own hands - in this case, the result will be even more interesting.

    So are you ready to create?

    In this section, you will find all of Tikkurila's decorative paint products, as well as primers and fillers to help you achieve great results.

    Creating an individual design, in our time, is quite simple. Modern materials, allow you to add a piece of luxury to the interior space. One of these is decorative paint for walls and ceilings. Additional materials in the form of color pigments, create an individual style of the living space.

    To make a textured surface, you can use special rollers, sponges, spatulas. The main thing in this matter is to show imagination and a little patience. In our material, you will find out which decorative paint is better and what you need to consider when choosing this product.

    Paint often exhibits defects in the painted surface. Defects can be preliminarily excluded

    Varieties of decorative paints

    in specialized departments construction stores, a huge selection of paint and varnish products. Particularly popular among consumers are species that do not contain toxic components in their composition.

    Helps to get the desired shade for interior design. The most sought after are water-based formulations. During application, water gradually evaporates from the surface of the wall. The polymer layer forms a dense colored film that remains on the plane for a sufficiently long period of time.

    To date, there are several types of decorative paint. These include:

    Acrylic. The composition of such materials contains acrylic components that are tightly fixed on the surface. They tolerate moisture very well. Decorative paint manufacturers acrylic resin claim that the coating can last more than 10 years.

    Latex. They are often used for the bathroom, kitchen and living room. This solution contains latex. It prevents premature abrasion of the surface.

    Silicone. The basis of this solution contains silicone components. They do not contain harmful impurities. Such paint will be used for decoration of rooms with high humidity.

    On sale are chameleon paints, and plain solutions that can be changed using colors. In addition, in stores you can find decorative pigments in the form of mother-of-pearl.

    How to achieve the desired result?

    Many consumers often ask the question: "How to apply decorative paint with your own hands?". In fact, everything is quite simple. Experienced experts suggest using some techniques to create a textured surface using decorative paint. They include:

    Silkiness. Polymer sawdust is used as the main filler. They are durable, keep beautiful view walls for several years. In addition, such components resist the effects of high humidity.

    Sand surface effect. The main substance in this technique is presented in the form of a fine fraction of sand, shells and reflective particles. Such coatings have high wear resistance. They are widely used to decorate the living room, kitchen and hallway.

    Decorative plaster. This technique fascinates with its beauty. The surface of the wall in a short time turns into real masterpiece. For this, coloring compositions with the addition of three-dimensional fillers are used. They have a pearlescent and reflective effect. The wall seems more textured.

    Velvet surface. To do this, special additives are added to the paint, which outwardly resemble fabric fiber. The finished coating creates a complete imitation of natural velvet.

    Granite or marble. For this technique, bubble formulations are used, which, when applied, leave an air trail of foam. As it dries, these bubbles begin to burst, forming a dense texture. These effects of decorative paint will be used for spacious rooms.

    Advantages and disadvantages of modern decorative compositions

    Such finishing materials have both positive and negative qualities. In the process of working with them, special care must be taken. The advantages of decorative paint include:

    • minimum consumption of the composition in the process of work;
    • variety of decorative effects;
    • eco-friendly composition;
    • original solution;
    • simple application.

    to negative qualities this material can be attributed:

    • quickly absorbed into the plane of the wall;
    • low level of sound insulation.

    In the photo of decorative paint, presented the best views finishing material that fit perfectly into the interior space.

    Photo of decorative paint

    In catalog trademark Decorazza presents eco-friendly decorative interior wall paints. The products are manufactured by the INTERRA DECO GROUP holding at its own factory, with technical support Italian specialists and a strict quality control system.

    Peculiarities Decorazza decorative paint

    We offer coatings with the effect of:

    • natural, matte or sparkling silk (Seta, Velluto, Seta da Vinci);
    • sand with matte or pearly filler (Aretino, Lucetezza, Brezza);
    • mosaic covering (Antici);
    • velvet (Velours);
    • metallic luster (Effetto Metallico);
    • cracked paint (Craquelure).

    Affordable price for decorative wall paint

    The presented materials are intended for interior decoration of residential and public buildings. The materials are environmentally friendly, depending on the type, they may include mother-of-pearl, quartz filler, flocks. When buying Decorazza decorative paint, it is worth considering the moderate resistance of materials to direct water ingress - they are not recommended for use in areas of direct contact with water: bath, shower and sink.

    For wholesale and retail customers, our website contains a convenient online calculator that helps to calculate required amount material and product cost per m2. After reviewing the prices of Decorazza decorative wall paint, you can order delivery in Moscow or to another city through the "Basket" service. Orders are also accepted at the phone number indicated on the website.