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Design of a small room - how to increase space. How to create an original interior for a small apartment - tips from experienced designers

When developing the interior of a small room, they mainly adhere to two tasks: rationally use every centimeter or even millimeter of the available space and make it beautiful and harmonious. To accomplish these tasks there are many ready-made ideas, tested on thousands of rooms. We will talk about them.

General principles and ideas

Regardless of the purpose of a small room, there are general principles for their design. This is far from dogma, but by adhering to these rules, it is easy to independently create a harmonious interior of a small room, and without compromising functionality and convenience.

Styles for small spaces

The very first thing you need to decide on is the style. This makes it much easier to develop a design, select Decoration Materials, furniture, accessories. Small rooms should not be cluttered with objects; they should not contain many accessories. The more free space remains, the more spacious the room appears. Therefore, not all styles are suitable. The following will look good:

All of them are characterized by smoothly painted walls, clear lines, and a minimum of details. All this will play into the hands of small room. Read more about almost all of these styles.

Color selection

It has long been known that light colors visually enlarge rooms. Light - not necessarily white, although white and its shades are used very often. They make the interior lighter and weightless, especially in combination with light floors and the ceiling.

If you decide to color your walls, you need to remember the rule of three. In relation to color design, its essence is that to create a harmonious interior there must be three colors. The first one is basic, there can be many of them. Two additional ones may be in very small quantities. If we talk about design in small rooms, the walls are painted in the base color and they should be light. Furniture - either a base color (maybe a very close shade) or one of the additional ones. Accessories and textiles - additional colors.

If you look closely at the photos that you find most attractive, you will find that they have three colors. A setting that is more saturated with different colors may look good, but only a good designer can put everything together correctly.

How to choose a trio of colors? There are tables of combined colors that designers use, but you can be guided by your own taste or look at the photo. The most attractive combination can be implemented in your room.

Ceiling decoration

Most often the ceiling is made white. Not necessarily snow-white; often some shades and tones are used. What you shouldn’t do is paint the ceiling a dark or bright color. This can only be used in a very high room with excellent lighting, and it is better if the ceiling is glossy. Dark colors make the room much lower. If you need to remove the “well effect”, this is good way. In other cases, it is better not to experiment, although with the right lighting it may not be bad, but this also requires considerable design experience.

Dark ceiling - a controversial decision

In rooms with low ceilings There are several ways to visually make them taller through the play of color and light. The first is to make the walls a tone lighter. In this case, the boundary between the walls and ceiling is lost, which is perceived by us as a higher room.

Second way - glossy ceiling. The surface reflects the surrounding environment, which again deceives our vision. From modern technologies This effect can only be achieved by suspended ceilings, but the choice of shades and degrees of gloss and reflection is wide. You just have to be careful with the gloss. It reflects everything. And what lies on the cabinets too. Therefore, such a room should be in perfect order.

The third is lighting around the perimeter or directed from the walls to the center. This option is usually implemented on two-level or multi-level ceilings. This step in itself also seems to lift the ceiling upward, and with the lighting effect it is even intensified. Just when thinking about it, don’t create too many rooms for little ones. complex structures. They are good for spacious rooms, not for small rooms.

All these methods can be combined, which is often done. It is important not to overplay.

Floor decoration

The choice of color - light or dark - largely depends on the style, but there are also those in which both options are acceptable. What then to choose? Focus on your own desires. If you want a sense of stability in your room, a dark floor is more suitable. If lightness is required, your choice is a light floor.

The dark floor “grounds” the interior, but gives a feeling of stability

With the help of floor design you can also achieve visual increase premises, however, a floor made of boards, laminate or parquet is suitable for this. Traditionally, they are laid parallel to the rays of light emanating from the window. To achieve the effect we need, we need to lay the coating at an angle relative to the front door. This breaks up the perspective and makes the room appear larger. Yes, this method of installation is more complicated, and when using it there is more waste - not all trimmings can be installed, but the effect is good.


Small spaces require functional and comfortable furniture, while laconic forms with clear lines look better. Styles also push us towards such a choice - they all require strict, simple lines.

When planning, select the environment so that the horizontal surfaces are at different levels. This makes the interior more dynamic. If you set everything to the same level, it will be too monotonous and flat.

Another recommendation is not to overload the space. In small rooms you need to put the necessary things. It is advisable to avoid a large number of massive objects. If this suits your idea, place furniture on metal legs. They seem to lift the object above the floor, creating interesting effects.

Furniture that changes its shape or purpose allows you to increase functionality when using a small space. It is also called “transformers”. Everyone knows the sofa bed, chair bed well. They have been used for a long time, they only change appearance and the mechanisms become more convenient. There is also a bed-wardrobe ( sleeping area rises and hides in the body) and a considerable number of similar things (the transforming sofa in the photo below).

There are very interesting and functional options furniture. These are so-called transformers - objects that can change their shape and sometimes even their purpose.

The application of these rules is not mandatory, but it will allow you to develop a beautiful and harmonious design of a small room.

Interior ideas for small rooms for different purposes

Now let’s look specifically at how all of the above is implemented in the design of premises for various purposes. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the design of a living room, a nursery and a bedroom.

The only room in the apartment

In a one-room apartment, the room should be super functional. After all, it is used both as a living room and as a bedroom. First of all, you should think about the sleeping area. There are several possible solutions. The most obvious and common is to install a folding sofa. There are different designs, but the essence does not change. The only drawback of this solution is that it is not a bed and sleeping on the sofa is not entirely comfortable. However, this is the most common option.

A sofa bed is often placed in a small room

This option is acceptable if one person lives in an apartment. If there are two people, this is no longer very convenient: someone wants to sleep, someone else can’t sleep. In this case, they try to fence off part of the room with a translucent partition and place a bed behind it. The remaining part is furnished as a mini-living room.

The partition can be made of any material. The only condition: if it fences off an area near a window, it must let in enough light. In the photo above, the room is divided by a translucent glass wall. With obvious separation, the space does not become fragmented. It remains intact. Another option is to mark the area with a plasterboard openwork partition or make a partition in the form of shelves.

If you still want more privacy, there is an option with sliding partitions that work like doors in wardrobes.

They can move apart in different directions (photo on the right) or fold in one direction. If such a partition is made mirrored, it will also visually expand the space.

There are also non-standard options for installing a bed in the only living room. For example, if the ceilings allow, you can move the sleeping place under the ceiling. To do this, they build a solid structure in the form of a cabinet or podium, and make a bed on the “roof”.

There is another option with that podium. Make a work or living area on it, and hide a pull-out bed under the flooring. More rational use It’s hard to come up with space.

The bed “slides” under the podium

You can also play with the design of the bed. They can come down from the ceiling or be disguised as a closet. Such beds are already on sale and are called “wardrobe beds.”

Folding bed-wardrobe

In general, there are enough solutions. The interior of a small room in a one-room apartment can be both beautiful and functional.

Small bedroom

Even if you don't have studio apartment, a small bedroom is far from uncommon. For many, its area does not exceed 10 sq.m. In this case, only necessary items are left from the environment. A bed and bedside tables are required. Everything else - if the interior of a small room is not too overloaded.

Small bedroom - nothing more

Without a closet in the bedroom it is very inconvenient, but a massive object takes up too much space. It can be replaced by a wardrobe or wardrobe. In fact, they differ in size and content. The dressing room must be at least 1.2 m deep (to allow entry). In long and narrow bedrooms with front door On the short side, you can fence off a place right at the entrance. It makes the room more correct form- closer to a square, and such rooms are perceived as more spacious.

If the entrance to the bedroom is on a long wall, you can use one of the corners or the end wall as a dressing room. It all depends on the specific layout. If there is the slightest opportunity, select such a place. You'll just be amazed at how many things there are proper organization can fit in there.

One of the more traditional options is to fill the wall opposite the bed with furniture. But it will have to be made to order - across the entire wall. So the bedroom will have modern look. You choose the design style of this “wall” based on the overall style.

Another idea for arranging a small bedroom is to build the headboard into furniture wall. From the point of view of Feng Shui, this is wrong, but from the point of view of rationality, it is an excellent option.

It’s difficult to come up with anything else in such a highly specialized room. The main task is to choose the right color scheme.

Children's room

The concept of “children’s room” is quite loose. This is also a room for preschool and school age, up to teenagers. As you understand, the design and content are significantly different, but the ideas are similar.

The main way to save space is to make a bunk bed. In this case, there can be one sleeping place - upstairs, and on the “ground floor” there is a workplace. This is an option that will suit both toddlers and older children. The sizes of the beds are also not very different: children grow up too quickly, so they mostly buy teenage beds right away, adding a “childish” ambience with the help of bedspreads, pictures and other accessories.

Beds are “built-in” into the furniture wall
Reliable option. Fits well into the interior of a small room and saves space. Desk below, bed on top.

If you are afraid of heights, you can make a different type of bed - with a pull-out second bed. Also a good option.

If you don’t need a second bed, you can make drawers for toys or things under the bed. In the interior of a small room, everything is subordinated to the task of optimally using all available space, while freeing up as much free space as possible.

Optimal use of free space is the main motto of the design of small rooms

For older children, almost the same techniques are used, only in a different design.

When designing the interior of a small children's room, use the above rules: three colors, multi-level surfaces, no unnecessary details.

Small living room

No matter how much you would like to stick wallpaper with a large pattern in a small living room, you shouldn’t do this. Unless in fragments or on one wall, using , otherwise they will “eat up” the space and a “box” effect will appear. You will almost physically feel how the walls are pressing on you. The best choice- plain walls in pastel colors.

One wall is decorated with wood or stone - one of fashion trends recently

The texture may be different. This can be decorative textured plaster, wallpaper with an embossed pattern, or fiberglass with a paintable texture. It is very fashionable now to decorate one of the walls with wood or stone (stone-look tiles or flagstone). All of these are ways to diversify a not too large set of furniture that is usually found in a small living room. Most often this is a sofa, two armchairs, coffee table and TV. It doesn’t seem like a very large set, but there are a lot of variations. Firstly, furniture comes in different shapes, styles and colors. And the number of combinations is very large. Some of them are in the photo gallery.

A fireplace in the living room is the dream of many Interesting design one of the walls, an unusual carpet on the floor and the interior “played” Wooden domed ceiling - very unusual To save space, the doors can be sliding for this room.

Design makes our life more comfortable. How wonderful that with the help correct design space can solve many problems related to the size of the room and its functionality. You are offered options best design rooms small size. It's not only flawless color selection, but also a harmonious connection of lines and correct combination of parts.

Get inspired by these small room designs - you might want to create similar beauty in your own home. Remember that your mood and state largely depend on the environment in which you constantly find yourself.

Small room design

  1. Decorating a room in crimson tones - a good option for those who combine a study and a bedroom. Red color stimulates brain activity.
  2. The most delicate color and many shelves make the room very feminine.

  3. Design option teenager's rooms. Special emphasis on a compact sofa.

  4. Minimalism- style for all times.
  5. The light green color creates a cheerful atmosphere.
  6. Great room for twins!
  7. A two-tier room performs two functions at once. Above is a bedroom, below is an office.
  8. A secret room is exactly what it should look like.
  9. A very smart solution...

  10. Freshness, cleanliness, nothing superfluous. Ideal for both work and leisure.

  11. Would you like to have a room like this?

  12. Yellow color ennobles the space.

  13. High-tech design.
  14. A room where nothing will interfere with your concentration.

  15. Incredibly cute... I want a chair like this!

  16. Purple room.

  17. Both the table and the sofa by the window are a dream!

  18. The best option for travel lovers.

  19. A real girl's room.

  20. That's how much you can fit in a very small space.

  21. Natural colors and materials are very calming.

  22. An improvised room under the ceiling.

  23. Business style room.

  24. Pink can also be elegant.

  25. This is what a child needs! Wonderful functional bed.

  26. Amazing design. Wardrobe and bed connected together save a huge amount of space.

  27. Reading corner. In a place like this you need teach children to read!
  28. An incredibly beautifully executed project. This room is characterized by absolute harmony.

  29. On the second floor there is an additional one.
  30. Masterly design of a room for an athlete.

  31. Office room for business partners.
  32. The perfect division of space for roommates.
  33. A room in an ascetic style for a student.
  34. Creative person's room. An artistic approach to architectural problems.
  35. An athlete is a way of life...
  36. The bedroom you've always dreamed of.
  37. A room with a bright mood. Light is very important in the design of a room.
  38. House on wheels.

The designers did their best by developing such interesting interiors. Which design option for a small room did you like best? You can’t choose right away - they are all extremely successful. Let order, comfort and beauty always reign in your home. Tell us about these design examples small rooms to your friends, it deserves their attention.

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A dorm room is a popular type of housing. It is chosen not only by students during their studies, but by young families. Despite the small area, such housing is easy to arrange. The main thing is to make the most of every centimeter of the room. The end result will be a beautiful and stylish dorm room design.

To make it beautiful and user-friendly design, you need to make the most efficient use of square meters

This housing option is suitable for families and students

Dorm room is a popular type of housing

Everyone dreams of cozy and comfortable housing. And it doesn’t matter what size it is. As a rule, a dorm room has meager square meters. It is not easy to arrange them, but it is possible. The main thing is to use free space correctly.

The problem with arranging such housing is that it must be multifunctional. This can be achieved through zoning. Areas will be highlighted for different purposes. The housing will be compact and comfortable.

Making your home compact and functional is not difficult

It is quite possible to equip such a room if you take the issue seriously

When decorating a dorm room, you can use many modern styles. They will allow you to make your home as functional and beautiful as possible. The following areas are especially popular:

  • Minimalism;
  • High tech;
  • Urban;
  • Country.

It is appropriate to use minimalism. It involves placing only the most necessary items in the interior. Concerning color design, then you should choose light, cool shades. This range will visually increase the space. You can dilute the interior with bright colors, but do not overuse them. The design of the room should be restrained and calm. Pomposity is not relevant.

Minimalism is very suitable for such housing.

You can use different styles to decorate a room.

Only the most necessary furniture should be used in the room.

As for furniture, it should be of simple shape and smooth surface. Products made of glass and plastic are used as decoration. Mirrors visually expand the space. Therefore, it is recommended to install them in small rooms.

Cozy accommodation will allow you to get a different direction of country music. It involves installing wooden furniture, light curtains on window openings, a lot of textiles in the interior. All this will fill the room with warmth and home comfort. You should not use a large number of decorative items. They will make the interior look pretentious.

You can use partitions in the room

Furniture in the interior should be functional


Light plays an important role in creating an interior. Especially when it comes to a dorm room. A large number of light will have a good effect on the overall atmosphere. She will be pleasant and comfortable.

If the window openings are small and cannot provide enough natural light, then you need to resort to other sources. They use not only a chandelier, but also wall sconces and floor lamps. It is necessary to provide separate lighting for each zone.

If there is little natural light in the room, you need to install additional sources

Good lighting will look great in the interior

Lighting in the room plays an important role

Important points for arranging a small room

The design of a small dorm room has a number of features. If you take them into account, you can get comfortable and beautiful housing. First, you need to properly think through your storage system. Every person has things and it is important to place them correctly so that they do not clutter up the space. At the same time, they were always at hand.

The sleeping area can be separated by a partition

The racks are very compact, they take up minimal space

If you take into account all the features of the room, you can create comfortable housing

Expert advice will help you make your dorm room stylish and cozy. Famous designers offer their own options for decorating small rooms. If you use them, the process of home improvement will be easy and simple.

Some designers have already figured out how to arrange such a living space

To make your room cozy, you can use the advice of professionals

  • Arrange furniture correctly. It should not be massive or in the form of Soviet sets that take up a huge area. It is enough to install a sofa, an armchair, a small table and an open wardrobe.
  • Use modern furniture transformer. It can perform several functions at once: be a compact chair, and, if necessary, become a sleeping place.
  • Install doors sliding design. They take up little space, look original and modern.
  • The style you choose doesn't have to be rich, cluttered or luxurious. Small area does not accept such decisions. Therefore, it is better to abandon the classical style, baroque when decorating.
  • The window opening should be as open as possible. The curtains are light and translucent. Roller curtains are perfect.
  • Welcome to use mirror surfaces. They are able to highlight the dignity of the room.

A great idea would be to use multifunctional furniture.

The correct arrangement of furniture plays a major role in the arrangement

Color design

A color palette can visually enlarge a room. In this case, it is important to take this into account when arranging and it is necessary to abandon dark materials when finishing. This will allow you to get beautiful, stylish and functional housing.

Use white color in the interior with caution. He is able to turn a home into a hospital ward. White shade completely impractical, keeping it clean is difficult. The optimal solution to the problem is to use pastel colors.

To make the room seem more spacious, do not make the color of the floor contrast with the color of the walls. They must fit harmoniously. It is better to make the ceiling as light as possible. Small drawings look good on the walls, large ones attract a lot of attention and clog up the interior.

All colors must match

Use white color in the interior carefully

Using light shades can visually expand the room

Family nest

When arranging a dorm room, you need to be guided not only by the characteristics of the room, but also by the preferences of the owners. If the residents are students, then the interior should be stylish and modern. Light shades are suitable for girls; they must be present in the room. large mirror. A design for a guy can be more vibrant and combine several rich colors.

As for a married couple, the situation here is different. Warm colors are good for decoration. You can dilute them with dark accents. They will give the interior a stylish look. If there are children in the family, then it is worth paying attention to the place for them.

Warm shades are best for married couples

The design of the room should be done based on your own preferences

Home improvement interesting process. If you plan the repair correctly and allocate functional areas, then even a dorm room can be turned into cozy and modern apartments. Each of the residents will be able to feel comfortable in it and have a good time.

Video: Great ideas for decorating small rooms

The small dimensions of the bedroom are not a reason to leave the interior boring and ordinary. Original design solutions and use modern materials finishing different textures and colors, give ample opportunities decorate the bedroom interior at the proper level.

« Felix Mizioznikov/Shutterstock.com»

To properly organize the room, choose furniture, decoration, learn all the tricks and methods of decoration, we recommend that you read the information given in the article.

The task of choosing a style is a priority, as it must combine the elements into a single, integral, harmonious composition. Both classical rigor and modernist solutions are appropriate here. The most common styles are the following.

Modern style

Modern style is always relevant, performed with a simple furnishings, no frills, and laconic forms. The emphasis is on main element- bed, as well as lamps, sconces and windows.

Moderation is observed in wall decoration; piling up surfaces with a large number of paintings, photographs or panels is unacceptable. The color scheme is harmonious and discreet. The use of metal, glass or mirror materials is encouraged.


Classic is a popular style for a small bedroom that never loses fresh ideas. The dominant colors are classic gray, pale pink and light brown shades, which are complemented by gold, silver and black gloss. Special attention pay attention to textiles: smooth, pleasant to the touch fabrics, preferably natural.


French Provence for the interior will not leave indifferent lovers of romance and refined natures. A light, airy atmosphere is created by natural textiles and patterns in the form of stripes, checks or floral patterns.

Suitable for walls paper wallpaper with a discreet pattern, for decoration – natural materials. The highlight of the “rustic” interior is furniture self made made of wood. Many designers use the aging effect in Provence for cabinets, chests of drawers, cabinets, and sideboards. This adds touching and coziness to the overall picture of the bedroom.


Minimalism is designed specifically for organizing this type of bedroom. The main aspects are lightness and airiness of free space. Characteristic features include low furniture, wardrobes, spotlights and natural finishing materials.

In the design, be sure to use no more than three colors, the brightest of which should fill smallest area. The walls are made plain, without applying ornaments or designs.


Loft-style bedrooms resemble an attic, warehouse or production room. Despite the unusual combination, there are many fans of this interior. Features include bare walls, increased contrasts, transformable furniture, and natural cold shades.

Panoramic window overlooking the city – great idea, which will emphasize the overall impression of an urban interior.

When choosing from the proposed solutions, you should be guided solely by your taste preferences, not forgetting the general stylistic orientation of the entire apartment or cottage.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom: what designers offer

The choice of wallpaper for gluing walls in a small bedroom is accompanied by small restrictions, namely: the absence of large patterns, too thin lines, oversaturation with too many patterns and designs, dark deep color.

It is better to choose light or pastel shades that promote peace and sleep and do not cause aggression. Vertical striped wallpaper from floor to ceiling is another plus for visual height correction.

Advice! Wallpaper with a voluminous texture is relevant in a small bedroom. Thanks to the play of light and shadow on the material, they visually enlarge the room and create an additional volume effect.

Great for bringing your design to life small space use of photo wallpaper. Choose a photo wallpaper design with perspective designs that go deeper.

This can be either a forest path or realistic skyscrapers. Modern products with a 3D effect look great on the wall behind the bed and will certainly become an individual highlight of the bedroom and visually adjust the size of the room. Wide choose Such wallpaper makes it possible to realize any interior preferences.

What curtains are suitable for a small bedroom?

Curtains are an important element of decor, so they also require careful selection. In a bedroom with a wide window, it is recommended to purchase a wide curtain, from wall to wall. It is desirable that they hang freely or are slightly gathered.

To make the space taller and more spacious, you need to choose ceiling cornice not too bulky or massive. The style of the room plays a major role when choosing curtains, since each direction has its own characteristics.

The presence of a dense pattern on the curtain fabric is only possible if there are no similar patterns on the wallpaper, so that the picture does not merge into a solid spot of color.

Natural textiles for the bedroom are welcome, they breathe, let in light and air, and create a pleasant natural atmosphere.

There should not be a lot of furniture so that the space does not become cluttered. It is better to choose a bed without legs so that it looks smaller and more compact. Availability drawers, additional places storage of things is a must.

Wardrobes and chests of drawers should be multifunctional and practical, taking up minimal space. You can choose a chair that is not too bulky, to match common room, either contrasting or with bright pillows.

We arrange furniture correctly

The central place in the bedroom is given to the bed. It can be placed either in the center of the room near the wall, or in the overall composition, when the furniture is placed around the perimeter of the room.

Consider the interior of the room so that there is room for free movement. Near the bed you can place a bedside table or a glass coffee table. The cabinet can be built-in or small in size.

Advice! Big and wide bed- this is certainly convenient, but inappropriate in a compressed space. Considering the size of the room, choose a small or medium berth, or with retractable design. For children rooms will do bunk bed.

A small bedroom cannot do without a mirror

The presence of mirror surfaces is almost irreplaceable in a small bedroom. The effect will surprise you, because the reflection of objects will visually enlarge the surrounding space.

The mirror can be used above the bed in the form of a horizontal strip. Mirror inserts on cabinet doors look interesting. Mirror chips may be present in the design of the ceiling or even wall panel in a spectacular frame on the wall.

Ceiling finishing: what is important to know?

The ceiling for a small bedroom creates airiness and lightness, so the color is chosen from a light palette, in accordance with the overall style decision.

Popular suspended ceiling, allowing you to create interesting multi-level differences on the ceiling. It can be mounted from glossy pvc films, which partially reflects the objects below, or install a matte or satin version of pastel colors that promote calm and relaxation.

Selecting lighting and lighting fixtures

Lighting does not have to be in the form of a central chandelier. Spotlights do an excellent job of their functions. If you place them on levels or build them into the ceiling, you get an interesting idea.

With the help of modern sconces and lamps, you can zone the room in the dark, delimiting the place for sleeping and waking.

Color scheme for small bedrooms

Light finishing options will make a small bedroom cozy, modern and comfortable. Doesn't have to be used purely white, choose shades to suit your taste, avoiding gloomy, gloomy palettes.

Focus on the side of the world where the windows face. The north side is harmonious with warm notes of color, the south - with cool shades. Bright elements decorations will enliven the monotonous boring atmosphere.

At the head of the bed you need to organize a corner that attracts attention: a bright color, photo wallpaper or a cozy carpet.

As a rule, the creators of the interior design of a small room set themselves two main tasks - to ensure maximum functionality of the room, and to visually increase its volume.

To place the necessary interior items in such a space, you need to use every square centimeter of space. Therefore, for such rooms it is best to design in styles that involve clear lines, simple geometric shapes and the absence of lush decor, namely:

  • minimalism
  • high tech
  • constructivism

and some others.

When creating the interior of a small room, you need to arrange the interior items in the most interesting way. For example, if you need to place two beds in a small space, then it is better to make them at different levels. You can buy a two-level bed, or make one bed slightly higher than the other. This way the space becomes more alive and comfortable.

Plain walls can be decorated with small posters, prints, and paintings. It is better to frame such works in frames with glass, made from a single-color, narrow baguette. Reflections and highlights on the glass add charm to the interior.

Mirrors, glossy and shiny objects will also add depth to the space.

We plan the interior depending on the type of room

Of course, planning the interior of any room begins with the fact that you need to decide on the FUNCTIONALITY of the room. So, for example, if this is a bedroom, then you just need to fit the bed and small closet to furnish the room. But with the living room you will have to work much more.

Small bedroom design

No one will be surprised, of course, but it is the design of a small bedroom that is easiest to equip. The bedroom is a place for true relaxation and rest. Only here you can relax after a hard day at work.

Sometimes designers decide to combine a bedroom with another room (for example, a living room), but sometimes this decision is not entirely practical, so as not to lose the privacy inherent in the bedroom. If you decide to make the bedroom separate, then you should carefully consider its arrangement in order to make the room bright and spacious.

One of critical roles plays in decorating the bedroom color ratio. It's no secret that light colors are able to increase space, and dark ones, on the contrary, reduce it. The conclusion is clear: the bedroom should be decorated in light shades.

The best color solution would be to design in the following shades:

  • light blue;
  • beige;
  • light green.

According to experts, it is these colors that have the most beneficial effect on a person’s consciousness; they allow you to relax as much as possible and not miss a minute have a nice rest. By the way, you can add a little sunny yellow color, which will give you only good and optimistic dreams.

Lighting, along with color scheme, plays a huge role in design. This is especially true for small rooms. In order to make the room voluminous, you need to add soft light sources.

For small bedrooms, you should also choose sources of diffused color, which include lamps equipped with:

  • caps;
  • lampshades;
  • lampshades.

Under no circumstances should you leave the windows undecorated, as this will make the room less cozy and nice.

The best options for window decoration are:

  • curtains made of soft fabrics;
  • tulle;
  • curtains with drapery.

Small living room design

If we talk about the right things, then it’s worth starting with the obvious things, which are that bulky furniture in such an interior will look ridiculous. If your room is narrow, then you need a minimum load of the most necessary furniture. One of long walls V narrow room should be left free, and a functional sofa should be placed near the second one. You can place a square table in the central part of the room, and install a plasma panel on the end wall.

One of the most profitable solutions for the design of small living rooms is the installation of modular furniture, which is presented in quite large configurations in modern furniture stores.

Naturally, the living room does not have to perform the same functions as a storage room, but it is possible that you will want to store various books, magazines or CDs in your cozy living room. In this case, you won’t be able to do without a functional built-in wardrobe.

As in all other rooms, the advice for arranging a kitchen is very simple - use light shades that will help expand the space, at least visually.

If you have chosen kitchen set white, please note that the color of the lower facades of the set can be any. It is better to make the countertop, apron, walls, and upper facades light. With white color the interior looks lighter and fresher. In order to get rid of the dirty effect, you just need to add bright accessories.

Choosing a style for a small room

Interior style plays a key role in the overall perception of a room. Based on the chosen style, you need to select furniture and accessories. There are a huge number of interior styles that are somehow interesting for design. But, you need to choose a style that suits your taste and room.

In fact, this style is considered the most popular in the interior. It gives the interior some kind of perfect calm and harmony.

In order to decorate a small room in modern style use:

  • light shades (beige, gray);
  • bright accents;
  • maximum simple furniture;
  • quality textiles.

If you have already chosen the classics to decorate your room, then be prepared that you will have to work hard on it. It's not even that the classic style requires space. In order to bring all your ideas to life, it is worthwhile to carefully think through the arrangement of the furniture.

Also note that in classic style It is worth using only natural materials, which make it truly luxurious.

Provence style can recreate the cozy French province in your apartment. IN Lately this style is used very often because it is incredibly harmonious, cozy and comfortable.

To decorate rooms in Provence style you need to use:

  • many accessories;
  • natural materials (textiles, wood, stone);
  • artificially aged furniture.

This style can transform even the smallest room into a comfortable country home. Just like in the Provence style, only natural materials, including fabrics. It would also be a good idea to add various accessories (for example, bright mugs or plates).

The Celestial Empire is famous for its competent arrangement of furniture even in the smallest rooms. The main thing is maximum functionality, which consists of:

  • simple furniture;
  • laconic accessories;
  • bright color scheme.

Minimalism in the interior

Characteristic features of minimalism:

  • lack of elaborate decor;
  • laconicism of forms;
  • graphic.

It is very important that the room has as much free space as possible and as much space as possible. less furniture, but it must be functional.

Modern materials are used to make furniture:

The main thing in this style is the correct layout of the space, as well as its visual separation using fabric partitions and color schemes.

Color solution for interior design

The design of small interiors is carried out in a single color key, and for rooms less than 10 square meters It is better to choose a very light and monochrome color scheme.

It is recommended to decorate small rooms in cool colors, because objects painted in cool colors, such as blue, cyan, green, lilac, seem a little further away than they actually are.

The following warm colors will create a cozy atmosphere:

  • beige
  • light pink
  • peach

Therefore, you can combine warm and cold shades to create the interior design of such objects.

The walls should be plain or with dim small patterns. Wallpaper with large ornaments is absolutely contraindicated. Walls of different colors, but kept in the same color scheme, look very good in such rooms. This color scheme visually increases the space of the room and makes it more attractive. For example, you can make one wall of color eggshells, and the rest are light brown. In addition, one of the walls may have dim stripes or ornaments.

When creating interior design for small rooms, contrast is possible in tone, but not in color. Combinations such as red and light green, yellow and blue are contraindicated. However, the tonal contrast is quite acceptable. Combinations can be used

  • dark gray
  • light gray
  • dark brown
  • beige

Furniture for a small room

If you are not lucky enough to have a large apartment, then you have probably thought about how to decorate the room as functionally and compactly as possible.

Choosing a wardrobe

The cabinet you choose must certainly be functional, and its color must certainly be combined with your chosen interior style. As mentioned above, for small rooms it is recommended to use bright hues, which visually increase the space.

The ideal wardrobe option for a small room would be one in which you can place all the necessary things. All shelves must be functionally located. Another way to visually enlarge a room is to add more mirrors.

Bed in the interior of a small bedroom

Absolutely all the free space in the room can be taken up by a large bed, but for a small room this is simply unnecessary. Therefore you need to think about alternative options. For example, French hanging beds , which can be removed during the day to completely free up space.

Smart interior of a small room in Khrushchev

A loud echo of the USSR is the Khrushchev era, which almost all residents of the post-Soviet space encountered. Some lived in such apartments as children, some moved only recently and decided to completely remodel it.

Rooms in Khrushchev buildings are small, but they can also be made truly incredibly comfortable and cozy using proven methods. The most suitable style for Khrushchev is minimalism or Provence.

How to decorate a window in a small room

They can be made from lightweight materials; translucent airy fabrics can be used, as they give depth to the window and allow daylight to pass through well.

What ceilings are suitable for a small room?

The main rule of design is that all interior details must be selected in one color scheme. The main role in the visual expansion of space, if it concerns the ceiling, is played by its surface. Recently, designers have given preference to materials that have a reflective effect.

The right wallpaper for a small room

It's no secret that one of the main roles in interior design is played by wall decoration, and this, most often, is wallpaper. And here many questions arise, including the choice of pattern, color and texture of wallpaper.

Characteristics of wallpaper for a small room:

  • light shades;
  • absence of a pattern (or it must be very small);
  • simple textures.

Of course, you can choose different wallpaper colors, but you don’t need to use really dark shades, which will definitely steal most of the space. Provided that there is little light in the room, it is better to use warm shades, and when good lighting Cool shades are ideal.