Toilet      04/23/2019

What insects start in pearl barley. How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen cabinet - simple and practical tips

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Bugs in croup at least once in a lifetime were planted by every, even the most zealous housewife. The presence of insects in the house is unpleasant. They spoil food and leave waste products in cabinets. How to get rid of bugs in croup?

Mukoed Surinamese
1. If you have black bugs in your croup, you can be sure that these are flour eaters. They eat any kind of cereals - barley, rice, millet, oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, wheat, etc. and, of course, flour. Also, stocks of crackers, cookies, dried fruits, peas, beans and pasta can suffer from the flour eater.

2. It is difficult to fight bugs in cereals, since their females lay their eggs in the most secluded corners of cabinets (in crevices, on packaging bags). Mistresses often, having got rid of bugs, sigh with relief. However, after some time, new eggs hatch and the epic of fighting them is repeated with them. But do not despair, we will tell you in detail how to get rid of bugs in the croup.
Preventive measures:
1. Flour eaters are afraid sunlight. Therefore, if the cereal was not infected with bugs in the store or store, then at home pour it into glass jars or containers and place on open shelves.

2. It is important to keep the product dry.

3. Simple trick. Bury a few steel nails in the grain. After washing them and drying them well, so as not to rust.

4. Also in containers with products that may be attacked by bugs, you can put a peeled clove of garlic or a bay leaf.

Fighting bugs
1. If you have already found small bugs in the croup, then we advise you to do the following. Sort the cereal and heat in the oven at 40-50 ºС. You can do the same with pasta and flour. It is important to monitor the process and not burn the products.

2. And here's how else you can get rid of bugs in the croup. Sort out supplies and store them in the refrigerator door.

3. Also be sure to wash cabinets with soapy water. And then coat all the cracks and joints of the shelves with vinegar. You can also put garlic in cabinets, but it smells too strong. The smell of vinegar is almost not felt.

Indian moth
We found out how to get rid of bugs in croup. Now let's get acquainted with another destroyer of household supplies - food moth. This butterfly is a close relative of the one that spoils clothes stale in the closet. It is not the butterfly itself that eats the products, but its larvae, which look like thick white worms.

Fighting food moth
1. You can prevent the appearance of this insect in your home bins by regularly airing cabinets and the products themselves.

2. It will also help to store cereals in glass container, the necks of which can be lubricated vegetable oil then the larvae will not get into it.

3. Unfortunately, it is impossible to save food affected by Indian moth. It is necessary to carefully inspect all containers with cereals, pasta and nuts and, if insects are found, discard their contents.

4. Products with moth larvae are better to burn, in last resort, take out to a street container. But, in no case, do not throw them into the garbage chute, otherwise the worms will spread throughout all the apartments.

5. Treat all kitchen cabinets in the same way as in the case of the flour eater. Do the same with the cereal containers.
article author: Lando Anastasia

There is no hostess who has not encountered bugs in cereals in the kitchen. An unpleasant sight - you immediately begin to review all the nooks and crannies in search of the root cause or nest of infection.

Cereals are thrown away, and a bad aftertaste remains on the soul. Is everything really so bad - let's try to figure out where the uninvited guests come from and how to deal with them.

Why do bugs start in cereals and flour?

Insects, like any living creatures, choose the desired habitat and appear in cereals in the kitchen, not because you are a bad housewife and do not keep clean.

They are very small, hard to notice, and small larvae are almost invisible. Even after sorting through the grits and destroying all the bugs, there is a high probability of reappearance.

Their eggs cannot be seen with the naked eye, they appear most often from the outside:

  • From the store, with new cereals.
  • From neighbors, ventilation or borrowed flour.
  • From packaging containers, etc.

If the bugs have already wound up in your house, then it will be difficult to remove them, but feasible.

How to get rid of bugs in cereals and in the closet?

To understand how to get rid of bugs in croup, you need to get to know them. After all, in order to deal with an uninvited guest, you need to know his habitat, food preferences and characteristics of life.

For some, a change in the temperature regime or other factors is critical, while others are not even afraid of an atomic explosion.

Here are the varieties of the most common kitchen pests:

Insect name Description of species
bread grinder It has a long oval body of red color, 3-5 mm long. Unusually prolific, flies. Thanks to this ability, the beetle is very difficult to remove. It lives in rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, tea, spices, tobacco. Favorite treat - baked goods
flour beetle Belongs to the family of dark beetles, length 4 - 6 mm, the body is oblong, brown in color. Extremely prolific. Lays eggs, disguising itself as the color of flour. They live in colonies. Live in flour, semolina and oatmeal
food moth Dark butterfly, up to one centimeter long. Inconspicuous color allows good camouflage. It multiplies incredibly quickly - up to 50 eggs per day. The larvae of the moth weave a web, thanks to which they can be detected. Not a gourmet, eats everything in the kitchen
Red flour eater Small bugs, up to 2 mm long. Prefers warm and humid places. Lays eggs five to seven times a year. Eats only spoiled cereals. Without necessary conditions perishes
Weevil Black beetles reaching 5 mm. A distinctive feature is an elongated, trunk-like nose. Omnivorous and unpretentious

Pests are identified, you can start the fight. The main thing is to determine how they look. A photo of cereal bugs is presented on the Internet.

Since beetles live where they like, it means that insects must be deprived of comfortable conditions.

This will require:

  • Remove contaminated food.
  • Do general cleaning rooms and rid the house of dampness.
  • Purchase special chemical poisonous preparations.

Let's take a closer look at the last point. Insects are the most ancient creatures living on the planet.

They are unpretentious and perfectly adapt to any conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with them radically.

Remember using toxic substances, it is important to consider the harm to health, so you should not handle food with them.

The following drugs are offered in retail sales:

This will help:

  • Radical temperature regime: the infected cereals are placed for a day in the freezer or for 15-20 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 115ºС.
  • Water with a high concentration of salt. The method is well suited for legumes.
  • Vinegar water. It is used to process shelves and containers in which flowability is stored. The pungent smell of vinegar repels intruders.
  • Products with a strong odor. Citrus peel, garlic, dried walnut stalk, Bay leaf, spices, lavender - strong-smelling aromas irritate nervous system insects.

    The selected product should be put in a gauze bag and placed directly in the cereal, making the habitat of insects unbearable.

  • Borax, boric acid- universal poisonous agents for beetles, destroying, repelling and preventing their appearance.

    You can make small balls on your own by mixing with sugar, an egg or dry yeast.

Are bugs harmful to human health, and is it possible to eat affected cereals?

When pests are found in flowability, many housewives do not know whether cereals can be eaten. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Insects living in cereals or flour multiply, excrete waste products. For this reason, the use of such products in food is undesirable.

If it is a pity to part with spoiled stocks, then they should be:

  • Sift flour through a fine sieve.
  • Sort out the grits carefully.

The sorted flowability is disinfected by calcination in a hot oven at a temperature not lower than 50ºС.

How to store cereals so that bugs do not start?

Ways to store cereals, as well as preventive measures, are quite simple:

  • Clean cupboards and utility rooms regularly.
  • Store flowability only in clean, hermetically sealed containers.
  • Do not stock a large number of cereal in one place.
  • Check weekly for contamination.
  • Put the purchased cereals and flour for a day in the freezer for disinfection.
  • Long-term storage products (legumes, nuts, dried fruits) should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • The room with stored cereals should be well ventilated, have a low level of humidity.
  • For prevention, put a clove of garlic or orange zest in a container with cereals.
  • Keep it clean, don't litter.

A bug in the kitchen is not the end of the world. Using the above tips, you can easily cope with the problem that has arisen and even prevent it.

Useful video

In houses and apartments, several types of insects are most often planted, feeding on cereals, flour products, dried fruits, nuts or spices:

  1. bread grinder;
  2. red (Surinamese) flour eater;
  3. flour beetle;
  4. food moth;
  5. weevil.

Bread grinders live more often in bakeries, bakeries, they rarely start up in houses, if only they were brought with some purchased products. They are brown bugs up to 3 mm in length. They know how to fly, often fly into the light to the windows. In addition to dry bread, crumbs can eat any cereals, tea, dried plants, dry paper (books), animal feed.

Red (or Surinamese) flour-eater - a lover of eating flour, grain or cereals. This pest lives and breeds only at high humidity; well-dried grain does not spoil flour. Outwardly, these are reddish-brown bugs about 2 mm long. The beetle larva is small - no more than 0.8 mm, it is difficult to see it in the croup. Mucoed is very prolific. But in an ordinary apartment with good ventilation, with normal air humidity, flour eaters do not live long. They enter the house with poorly dried low-quality raw materials.

The flour beetle is a small red-brown insect 3-4 mm long. Likes to settle in different types flour, semolina and millet groats, oatmeal. Rarely populates stocks of rice, buckwheat and dried fruits. These beetles multiply rapidly both in croup and in kitchen furniture, crockery.

Food Indian moth is a small, inconspicuous butterfly, similar to an ordinary moth, up to 10 mm long. It is extremely prolific - in a couple of weeks it manages to lay about 500 eggs, from which caterpillar larvae appear. It is they who devour the stocks of cereals. After a few weeks, the larvae turn into pupae, and those into adults, ready to lay eggs again. The moth is the most difficult to detect and destroy, besides it is very tenacious.

How to get rid of bugs in cereals

Destroying insects that have settled in cereals is not easy, but doable. To do this, you need to take several steps:

  1. Destroy visible beetles in the rump. It is best to throw away those stocks in which insects were found without regrets. Eating them is unpleasant and unsafe. Even if you remove beetles from the product, there will still be larvae, waste products - excrement, pieces of shell and dead insects. And the cereal itself is already pretty spoiled.
  2. If, nevertheless, there is a need to save the stocks in which bugs are found, you can resort to heat treatment - fry the cereal in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 55 - 70 degrees (insects die at 50 degrees and above). The second option is to keep a couple of hours in the freezer or on the balcony in winter (at temperatures below -15). Live individuals and larvae will die. After that, the flour can be sifted, and large grains can be poured with water so that the insects emerge. But the waste products are not going anywhere!
  3. When the infected supplies are destroyed, it remains to clean the lockers. Rinse disinfectant all shelves, door hinges, holes for bushings. After that, wipe everything with a solution of vinegar.
  4. Thoroughly rinse the jars in which the grain supplies were stored, having previously boiled or frozen them. Then rinse them with vinegar solution and dry.
  5. To destroy those insects that could scatter during cleaning, you can use poison. Mix in equal parts grated cereal or flour, powdered sugar and boric acid. Put the mixture in the corners of the cabinets, in the most secluded places in the kitchen furniture.

After the measures taken, you can refill the jars with cereals and replenish the stocks of flour, dried fruits, nuts. But then you should carefully monitor so that the bugs do not appear again.

Prevention of the appearance of insects in cereals

Bugs in flour and cereals appear in the house mainly from newly purchased products. Even factory sealed cereals may initially contain insects or their larvae. This is due to violations of the production and storage of grain, inadequate quality control. Knowing this fact, it is necessary to prevent contamination of the kitchen, starting with the purchase of products.

  • When choosing cereals in the store, especially by weight, inspect the contents of the package if it is transparent. If there are suspicious inclusions, put it back on the shelf. The same goes for nuts and dried fruits. For example, buying peeled walnuts, you need to break a couple and look under the membrane. Insects can crawl out from there or traces of the “meal” of beetles will be visible.
  • If the bag with cereals is opaque, carefully inspect the cereals or flour at home, sift, sort through. It is important to make sure the product is clean.
  • It is better not to buy weight dried fruits in the markets. There is a 99% chance that there will be pests.
  • For prevention, even if there are no visible insects, you can fry or freeze cereals. Then the larvae will die, if any.
  • For storage, use glass or plastic jars with airtight lids with rubber seals. Then the bugs preserved in the furniture will not get there.
  • Before filling the cereal in a jar, lay the bottom with a piece of food foil or put a coin, a nail - something metal. It is not known for sure whether the bugs are really afraid of metal, but it will not be superfluous.
  • The smell of garlic and hot peppers certainly repels pests. An unpeeled whole clove of garlic or a pod of chili pepper can be put in a jar of grits and laid out in the corners of cabinets.
  • Dried fruits and nuts should be cooked and then stored not on the shelves, but in the refrigerator.
  • It is believed that salt wrapped in gauze, lemon peel, whole cloves and bay leaves scare away bugs and prevent them from breeding in flour.
  • Periodically, you need to arrange a general cleaning in the cabinets and check the cereals for insects.

Once having got rid of bugs in flour and cereals, it is not a fact that they will no longer be seen in the kitchen. Often on the shelves come across low-quality products already infected with pests. But the observance of preventive and hygiene measures on the kitchen shelves reduces the risk of their reappearance to a minimum.

First of all, you need to understand that if there are products in your kitchen, then bugs can appear anyway, no matter how hard you try to maintain order.

Groats accept bugs still in stock.

There can be several sources of infection:

Note! Even one noticed bug is a reason to be wary and take measures for treatment and prevention. Therefore, carefully monitor the condition of your kitchen and do not neglect the processing of cereals after their purchase.

Also, many bugs love pet food, so it's best to store them in your pantry or refrigerator.

Types of bugs

It is important to understand that depending on the type of your new kitchen inhabitants, the methods of dealing with them may vary significantly. And sometimes they are not needed at all: for example, small (less than one millimeter) white bugs, which can occasionally be seen in the kitchen, are ordinary wood bugs. They feed on dust from your furniture, are non-toxic and do not harm human health.

White bugs: not too pleasant, but harmless neighborhood.

True, there is another side here - they can serve as food for other bugs, with more unpleasant behavior. Therefore, we recommend that you read the information below and try to determine who you have to fight and what products you may have to throw away.

We define: A musty smell and holes drilled in the cereals.

A flour beetle is much more dangerous for a person. A brown bug up to three millimeters in size has a mustache and powerful mandibles. You can find it in stocks of flour or potato starch, but there are also not too whimsical individuals that any crumbly product will do.

Not only destroys food, but also harms health.

It is noteworthy that they do not strive to completely eat even their favorite flour - as soon as it starts to smell unpleasant, the whole colony migrates to the neighboring container.

Their danger is that the waste products of the flour beetle are dangerous to humans and can cause serious poisoning.

We define: Products are collected in lumps and acquire the smell of dampness.

The peculiarity of the bread grinder is its incredible voracity. A four-millimeter bug is ready to eat any food that is found in your kitchen cabinets: flour and pasta, cereals, beans, coffee, tea, nuts, dried fruits and even tobacco.

A small bug is able to "grind off" all your stocks.

There is no particular harm from it, but a few bugs can ruin a significant amount of stock.

We define: Usually they do not hide much, so they are immediately visible.

It should be noted that some people prefer to attribute food moths to bugs in the kitchen. This is fundamentally wrong: the moth belongs to a completely different species and it needs to be dealt with by other methods. Learn more about how to get rid of food moth, we wrote in .

Are bugs dangerous in the kitchen?

It is difficult to unequivocally assess the harm from the presence of bugs in the kitchen for human health: if you do not eat them directly, they seem to be unable to do much harm.

Such products are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

On the other hand, the taste also leaves much to be desired: bugs give all products an unpleasant musty taste, as they eat away their core, leaving only the shell.

The bugs will not have a chance to get into the container.

Therefore, get yourself beautiful ceramic, metal or glass containers. In them, the products will last much longer, and the bugs will not be able to get to them. Unless, of course, you remember to close the lid.

The desire to stockpile is good. However, should they all be kept in the kitchen? For most cereals the best place storage will become a refrigerator or even a freezer.

Bugs do not tolerate low temperatures.

Low temperatures will not give the bugs the slightest chance of reproduction, and the taste of the products will not be spoiled.

Put the selected ingredient in cloth bags and arrange it on the shelves between containers with bulk products.

It is not at all necessary to pour it into products: we doubt that rice or oatmeal will become tastier this way. But once a week, wiping the shelves with a weak vinegar solution will not hurt: this way you will remove the eggs and larvae of the bugs, preventing them from multiplying.

Vinegar will remove bugs, larvae, and eggs.

Important! Be sure to dry the shelves after treatment if you do not want to enjoy the aroma of vinegar for a couple more days.

Scented bomb to fight bugs.

Step 1: Where can there be bugs in the kitchen

If your kitchen is already infested, the first thing you need to do is identify the source of infection. To do this, you will have to review all products.

Radical methods are not required if you heed our advice.

Consider the following nuances:

After inspection, you can either identify the obvious source of infection, or not find it. radical way- throw away all food stocks, process the kitchen and buy new ones. However, not everyone will like this approach: products are expensive, so throwing absolutely everything away is quite wasteful.

Note! Obviously contaminated cereals and groceries still have to be disposed of, so throw them away without sparing.

If any product is in doubt, subject it to heat treatment. You have two options.

If you bake cereal in the oven, the bugs are guaranteed to die.

The first one is the most gentle for palatability product. Just put the cereal in the freezer for a day and put it on minimum temperature. This will be enough for the bugs, larvae and eggs to die. Then carefully sort out the cereal, and sift the flour through a fine sieve.

The second will take less time and is considered more effective: preheat the oven and pour the cereal onto a baking sheet. At a temperature of 50-60 degrees, keep it there for one hour.

True, reviews note that this method of dealing with bugs has its drawbacks - the taste of cereals will change a little, and it will take longer to cook. But you are guaranteed to get crumbly porridge.

Be sure to sift the cereal at the end cleaning works.

And yet, if you are not sure if your products are clean, it is better to throw them away: it is much safer for your health to spend a couple of thousand rubles on restocking than to treat toxicological poisoning from frozen or baked bug residues later.

Any woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen. It is a great pleasure to watch the husband and children, with appetite absorbing the next culinary masterpiece or the most ordinary dish. But there are situations when the most accurate housewife discovers an unpleasant problem in her kitchen - insects in cereals and flour.

Why bugs can start in flour or cereals

Beetles start up in cereals or flour, as well as in nuts, dried fruits, beans, peas and even tea, not from the untidiness of the hostess or uncleanliness in kitchen cabinet if they weren't already there. Beetles appear from outside.

From a pack bought in a store, from cereals taken from a neighbor or relatives, from dried fruits brought as a treat that were already infected with bugs.

This photo shows that the bugs that are wound up in the croup are not always easy to see!

Why do bugs start in cereals? The reason is unscrupulous checks at enterprises when packing cereals and flour, poor initial processing of grain. Grain must be processed in a special way before becoming a cereal, in order to exclude the possibility of the presence of living organisms and their larvae in it.

Another reason is the low-quality work of control bodies that monitor the quality of products. Any low-quality, contaminated batch of cereals or flour must be rejected and not allowed for sale.

Otherwise, bugs start up in flour or cereals, and people have to think about how to get rid of them.

What insects can start in cereals and flour

What to do if there are bugs in cereals or flour? To know how to get rid of bugs in cereals and flour, you need to know who exactly you need to fight.

Most often, a flour-eater bug and a food moth start up in cereals and flour.

The Surinamese flour beetle is an insect of the Coleoptera order, a brown pest. It lives in granaries, mills, shops, houses and apartments.

In its development, the mucoed goes through several stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult. The larva has a very small size - no more than 0.9 mm, so it is very difficult to detect it. Mukoed lives from 0.5 to 3 years, while laying up to 600 eggs.

At favorable conditions(air temperature 25-27 degrees and humidity about 65%), the insect breeds 2-3 times faster than at lower temperatures and humidity.

The Indian food moth is a small butterfly, up to 1 cm long. It lives only 2-3 weeks, but during this time it manages to lay up to 400 eggs, which then become caterpillars. The latter spoil the products, eating everything that is nearby.

After a few weeks, the grown larvae become pupae, and those, in turn, become adult butterflies, ready to produce new offspring.

Both flour-eaters and moths are very tenacious, even in frost they do not die immediately. This must be taken into account in order to understand how to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals.

The photo below shows another type of bug that can start in cereals or flour in your kitchen - this is a flour beetle:

Is it possible to eat cereals, flour, if there are bugs in it?

One of the most FAQ arising from people who encounter insects in the kitchen: if there are bugs in the cereal, can it be eaten? Seeing that insects are wound up in cereals or flour, it is unlikely that anyone will want to eat them. But if we discard the psychological component, is it possible to sort out the cereal, wash it and be sure that there are no bugs?

The answer to this question is negative. The fact is that even if the grits are sorted out and all the bugs removed, the larvae can simply not be noticed. They are small and have an inconspicuous color.

In addition, the croup contains the waste products of bugs, caterpillars and larvae: feces, dead larvae, husks that remain during rebirth into a chrysalis or butterfly.

The situation is somewhat different with flour. It can be sifted into a fine sieve through which neither the larvae nor the debris left by the bugs will pass. This is one way to get rid of bugs in flour.

How to get rid of insects in cereals, flour

Before you completely remove the bugs that have wound up in the cereals and cabinets, you need to throw away all the cereals in which they were found. Some cook such cereals and feed them to yard birds, which are not afraid of bugs, this is their daily food.

Simply getting rid of contaminated products cannot be limited. After all, the larvae can be on packages with other products that were nearby, and on the doors, and in the corners of the cabinets.

The next thing to do when dealing with bugs is to wash the locker with detergent and then treat with vinegar. Banks in which spoiled cereals were stored must also be processed.

Prevention of the appearance of insects in flour and cereals

In order not to think about how to get bugs out of cereals or flour, you can carry out some activities that will prevent them from appearing and multiplying.

Insect pests do not tolerate strong odors. Therefore, garlic, bay leaf, and cloves laid out in cabinets will help prevent the appearance of bugs.

Having bought cereals or flour in the store, you can bring insects home. To prevent this, you can put the packages for a while in freezer or store permanently in the refrigerator.