Mixer      08.03.2020

How to change the design of kitchen furniture with your own hands. The new facade of the kitchen with your own hands - ideas for independent work. Restoration of kitchen furniture with self-adhesive film

Do you want something new and fresh in the interior of the kitchen, but you don’t want to start a global renovation? Great option- decorate old kitchen to make the room sparkle with new colors. From this article you will learn how to transform the interior beyond recognition at low material and labor costs. All you need is a little imagination and materials at hand. Go!


An option from the “cheap and cheerful” category is to use a self-adhesive film. This one is relatively inexpensive material after simple manipulations will change the furniture beyond recognition. The stores offer a large selection of such films: they are one-color or with bright unusual prints, they can imitate any material: marble, tile, wood, etc. See what's in front of you wide choose? Apart from decorative properties, a high-quality film is also valued for something else: it is moisture resistant, not afraid of the effects of temperature and mechanical damage. Thanks to this, it can be glued not only on the facade of the kitchen, but also on the countertop.

Renovating an old kitchen this way won't take long. List necessary tools not so big, if not tiny. To restore beauty, you will need the material itself, scissors and a ruler. By the way, some companies on paper with reverse side The films apply a grid, so you can cut perfectly even. If global changes are not needed and you just want to refresh the look of the room, then you can purchase vinyl stickers. They can be glued to any flat surface: kitchen facade, refrigerator, table, apron. Manufacturers offer different themes for stickers: it can be delicate flowers or funny images of animals.


The most obvious option for remodeling an old kitchen with your own hands is to paint it. New color can give furniture new life. Be sure your guests will think you've got a brand new headset! An option for the brave is to combine several colors, then the changes will be dramatic.


How to restore an old kitchen with other materials, ceramic tiles for example? This is a stereotype that it can only be on the wall. Such material will look great on the kitchen facade! The tile can be the same as on the apron - if you do not know where to put the leftovers after the repair. Then the motifs on different surfaces will overlap, and the kitchen will become very harmonious. Otherwise, you can play on contrasts and decorate the doors contrary to common style rooms.

How to do this trick? It's simple: remove the doors from the hinges, clean their surface, paint if necessary. The tile is attached to the facade with a special adhesive. If the pattern does not seem self-sufficient to you, then you can frame the tile in a frame of decorative molding.


If the methods described above do not suit you, then you still have to violate the integrity of the furniture. We offer to make a new one from the old kitchen with the help of new doors. Of all the proposals, this option is the most expensive, however, the result will be more noticeable. In any case, it will cost much less than buying a new headset. If the model of your kitchen is quite popular, then it will not be difficult to find its facade. If such furniture is out of fashion or was not very common at all, then you will have to look for or order doors. Fortunately, there are a lot of companies that offer such services.

You can vary the cost of restoring an old kitchen. Cheap options: doors made of pine, plastic, chipboard. MDF or solid wood will have to be spent more seriously. The installation of new doors can be done by specialists from the same company where you ordered them. However, anyone who knows the word “repair” firsthand will cope with this simple task. modern furniture is assembled, as a rule, quickly and without any extra effort.

And a few more tricks on how to redo an old kitchen.

Trick number 1

Lazy Tip: You don't have to redo an old kitchen to make it look new. You can just take your eyes off old furniture bright accessories. Colored curtains, clocks, dishes - and all eyes are on them. However, keep in mind that if the condition of the furniture is very much in need of repair, then such a trick will not always be successful. Another nuance: kitchen cabinets should be neutral in color, otherwise the placement of accents will only make the interior unnecessarily colorful.

Trick number 2

Open shelves will lighten the interior of the kitchen. They also provide more options for design, because in this case the content of the shelves will set the tone for it. Beautiful dishes, original jars for storing cereals - and now the boring kitchen has turned into an island of brightness. To change the interior, just change a few items. Thanks to this, the room will not have time to bore you.

Trick number 3

Buy black or brown paint and paint over one cabinet or part of the door. And here in the room there was a place for notes. Here you can mark a list of products to buy or favorite recipes. Also, the surface will fit in order to leave a message at home. By the way, you can buy special vinyl stickers on which you can write with chalk. Then you won't have to mess around with paint.

Trick number 4

Who would have thought that simple handles can change the interior so much? It seems like such a small detail! But their replacement will be noticeable. By the way, long tubular handles are very fashionable now. They will turn even Soviet furniture into a modern set.

Trick number 5

If you want to follow when remodeling the kitchen rustic style, then you can replace the doors of the lockers with curtains. So the interior will become more airy. In addition, it will be easier to get close to the dishes.

Trick number 6

Moldings are decorative three-dimensional elements that can turn an ordinary closet into an exquisite piece of furniture. It is attached with special glue.

If there are surfaces in the kitchen that can be painted, feel free to grab brushes and paints! We recommend painting the main area of ​​the walls white, and some small part - orange. Such color solution

Advantage white color in that it is easy to saturate it with colors. So this method goes well with all subsequent ones.

Method number 2: update the facade of the kitchen set

Instead of changing the headset completely, try pasting it with a special film. ORACAL application self-adhesive film is perfect for this solution.

To update kitchen set hand made methods are also suitable - for example, with which surfaces can be decorated with any patterns. A touch of modernity in the design of the kitchen will bring graffiti.

Method number 3: re-grease the seams between the tiles

The kitchen apron quickly becomes dirty. It is understandable: during cooking, it is in the affected area with fat, oils, sauces. To transform it, you can buy tile grout and re-grease the seams. White tiles with old gray grouts can be easily updated with any bright color - raspberry or orange. Just do not forget about the overall color scheme of the kitchen and the headset.

The same can be done with the floor, if it is laid out tiles. Do not be afraid to experiment with color, you can use light and dark tones of tile grout.

Method number 4: hang new curtains

Least radical way transform the kitchen - If the kitchen is made in classical style, then for expressiveness, you can hang a solid dense canvas on the window.

And in other cases, you can try light sets in bright and rich colors or with a print in the form of fruits.

Method number 5: put containers of bright colors on the shelves

If the kitchen has open shelves or glass cabinets that show the contents, culinary mixtures or sugar, such elements will be an excellent design solution.

Method number 6: change the color of kitchen furniture

During the day, without much hassle, you can update the dining group. Buy carnations, pick up the fabric - and replace the old upholstery of the kitchen nook with a new one.

If there are chairs or soft stools in the kitchen, you can reupholster the seats. They can also be dyed in vibrant colors.

And if you do not want to spend time reupholstering furniture or your dinner table, take a look at the new from . The sliding dining table for the living room from the Italian brand SIGNORINI & COCO will appeal to connoisseurs of exclusive things. Graceful elements of carved decor with gold leaf give it a unique charm.

Method number 7: change the lighting

Lighting will help to make significant changes in the interior of the kitchen. This mission possible- a day to buy and hang another chandelier. Lighting can be made multi-level - for this you just need to add a couple of sconces.

It may seem that handles are an insignificant element and are not even worth talking about. But designers have a completely different opinion on this matter. They claim that it small parts play a rather large role in the overall image - they give the furniture a finished look and emphasize the style. If the kitchen set as a whole is well preserved, has not cracked, but the handles have faded and peeled off, then the interior of the kitchen will look sloppy.

That is why urgently replace the old handles with new ones! Now you can find a huge variety various options: these are modern staples of various colors, wooden, or transparent plastic.

Want to brighten up your kitchen? Get colored pens, they will certainly bring a fresh touch to the interior of the room. Experiment not only with the material, but also with the shape. Now there is a huge selection of different pens for furniture facades, for example, in the form of animals or plants, from which your child will simply delight.

Range door handles so diverse that it can satisfy the needs of any, even the most demanding customer.

Going to the store for new fittings for kitchen cabinets, be sure to take as a sample old pen, otherwise you can make a mistake with the size, as a result, you will have to make new holes in the doors, and this is just a waste of time.

Decorative inserts

Another one interesting idea how to update a kitchen set with your own hands - a sticker on the facade of cabinets (including doors) decorative inserts. For this you can use the most different materials- the remains of ceramic tiles, for example.

This will require the following materials and tools:

  • ceramic tiles (you can take leftovers for this purpose and even buy scrap at a bargain price);
  • tile adhesive;
  • overlay strips.

Special skills are not required. You should not abandon this method for the reason that you have never had to lay out a tile before. Believe me, everything is much easier than it seems. First you need to unscrew the doors of the cabinets, remove the fittings. Wash them thoroughly and let dry. It does not hurt to treat the pollution with some kind of alcohol-containing solution. If you want to radically update the facades, then it is worth pre-painting. Dilute the tile adhesive. Lubricate the surface of the facade. And start gluing the tiles according to a pre-created sketch.

To add aesthetics to the facade, make a frame of decorative or plastic strips around the tiled mosaic. Glue them also on glue, but pick up a universal one, one that fits both surfaces without any problems and leaves no marks.

By the way, inserts can be not only ceramic, but also made of rattan fabric - they are most suitable for kitchens whose interior is designed for eco-style or for some kind of country style.

That's all - the finishing of the facades of the kitchen set is completed. Home master it remains only to install them in their places and screw the unscrewed fittings.

Let there be color!

Colored boxes will instantly transform the interior of the kitchen space. Colored blotches, disproportionately located on the surface, are very fashionable now. If the kitchen is made of wood, just paint a few of the drawers in different colors. For example, if a white kitchen needs updating, then paint the drawers green or blue. Do not be afraid to create, there are no restrictions, it can be red or yellow, to your taste.

Although white is considered the color of purity and neatness, in general it is rather boring and monotonous. And it is the bright color blotches that can make the furniture colorful and cheerful. If the kitchen is made of plastic, then the boxes can be pasted over with colored self-adhesive film, which is sold both in construction markets and in stores. Remove boredom and despondency from the family hearth!

wooden decor

Wooden stickers look original on kitchen doors. You can buy them ready-made - kits for children's creativity. Can you cut? Amazing! Then make wooden blanks with your own hands! Cover them with varnish and glue to the doors.

What shape the sticker will be, it's up to you - small flowers or stars, geometric figures or fences glued across or along the door panels. If you have a child, invite him to participate in this interesting business, he will decorate kitchen furniture with great pleasure under your guidance.

Chintz accent

Chintz facades look non-trivial. In order to decorate the kitchen in this way, you will need a piece of chintz, which you can buy in the store or find in your closet, measure the doors kitchen furniture, cut the fabric according to the measurements obtained and stick it on the panel (be sure to remove the handles before doing this!).

After drying, paint over the chintz with a colorless varnish - this should be done five to seven times. Along the perimeter of the glued fabric, you can attach wooden slats that will complement the innovation and make the decoration more accurate. And if you manage to make a lampshade from the same fabric, sew chair covers, then you will get an unusually beautiful kitchen.


Decoupage is one of the most spectacular and cheap ways to update a kitchen set. The works of the masters turn out to be so interesting that even after looking not very high quality photos, is still breathtaking and I want to try with my own hands to transform beyond recognition the furniture in the kitchen that has become incredibly annoying.

To make such beauty, nothing expensive is required. All you need is an artistic flair, an understanding of how the transformed furniture will look after the decoupage work comes to an end.

What will be required:

  • dye;
  • large drawings of a kitchen theme (for example, fruits, beautiful jars of spices or cereals);
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • primer;
  • craquelure varnish (provided that you want to achieve the effect of aging - as a result, the furniture will be covered with artistic cracks);
  • PVA glue (or special decoupage);
  • sandpaper;
  • a set of brushes.

Again, you can not do without parsing the kitchen. Unscrew the panels, remove the fittings. Thoroughly wash the surface to be decoupage. If necessary, sand, remove bumps.

Carefully inspect the surface, if there are large cracks on it that spoil the appearance, then you will first have to putty them. After that, go over the panel with sandpaper.

To make the surface look even and the applied decor then look natural, it is better not to be too lazy and primed.

If you plan to do decoupage on glass inserts, then you must definitely degrease the glass. Special detergents will help you deal with this.

Prepare the pattern you want to place on the furniture. Consider the surface area, the size of the pattern will depend on it. Do not paste too small images. But, of course, it all depends on the idea being implemented. It is better to use special three-layer napkins for decoupage. Which drawing to choose is up to you, but keep in mind that they should be good quality and approach the overall interior of the kitchen. If the main decor of the room is made in the Provence style, then pictures depicting lavender, olives, climbing roses will do.

By the way, you can print pictures for decoupage yourself if you have a laser printer available.

You can go the other way - decorate kitchen cabinets with pieces of wallpaper with a suitable pattern. Perhaps this is the easiest decor option.

If you decide to decorate an old set with wallpaper, then in this case standard decoupage glue or PVA will not work. In this case, the adhesive is selected from the type of wallpaper.

The finishing touch is to cover the entire detail acrylic varnish. This must be done 5-6 times.

It is necessary that each previous coat of varnish dry well.

We assemble the kitchen set and admire the transformation. Don't forget to take a photo and post it in social networks- so you will wait for your friends to visit faster, they will probably want to learn the secrets of updating kitchen furniture with their own hands and see how the set looks live.

Imitation of fabric on old kitchen furniture

There is another way to update a kitchen set - fabric imitation. If you do not want to mess with the real material, use this method. First you need to remove the doors from the hinges. Paint the front with white paint and let dry completely. Next, apply a thin layer of paint in any other color of your choice, but make sure that the white color does not show through the new layer. If desired, you can leave a white border around the edges. Now start creating. Take a spatula with large teeth and draw straight lines from top to bottom. The result is smooth tracks. Move a little distance and look at the door - it seems that it is covered with a striped fabric. If you also draw horizontal lines, there will be a feeling that the fabric is in a cage. There is one important circumstance - be sure to make sure that the hand does not tremble, the lines are even. It is also impossible to tear off your hand when drawing lines, otherwise the tracks will look sloppy.

Self-adhesive film

One of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to update a kitchen set is to glue the facades and internal shelves with self-adhesive film. The assortment of this material in stores is impressive - you can easily pick up a vinyl film with the desired pattern. The image on the film imitates different surfaces: a natural stone, leather, wooden texture.

Self-adhesive film is ideal for the restoration of old kitchen furniture:

  1. It tolerates high humidity;
  2. Resistant to sudden temperature changes;
  3. Washes well;
  4. If necessary, it is easy to replace the damaged fragment.

Materials and tools:

  • vinyl self-adhesive film with the desired pattern;
  • accessories;
  • roulette;
  • marker knife / scissors;
  • rubber roller;
  • sponge.

Before starting restoration work to improve the appearance of kitchen furniture, it is necessary to completely free it from the contents, remove shelves, drawers, remove facades from hinges, and remove fittings.

Place the unscrewed fronts on a hard horizontal surface. Now take measurements - the height and width of the boxes, facades that you are going to paste over with self-adhesive film. Record this data.

Unscrew the handles, corners and other fittings, if any, on the facades.

Now arm yourself with sponges, detergents - thoroughly wash the surface on which you plan to stick the self-adhesive. Make sure there is no residue left on the panels and shelves greasy spots. Be sure to dry the headset with a clean, soft, lint-free cloth.

Self-adhesive film is easy to work with, and even a novice furniture restorer can handle it without any problems. Please note that a paper centimeter grid is applied on the reverse side of the film. It will help you cut out the details of the desired size.

Do not forget to add 4-5 cm to the pattern in those places where the film will be bent. This margin is necessary in order for the film to stretch well. When you start cutting the film, control the location of the pattern, if it is there.

Cut out with a marker knife required amount parts according to predetermined dimensions (taking into account the margin for bending).

Start decorating the headset. Apply the film to the surface of the facade, carefully peel off the protective paper base, on which a centimeter layout is made. After the film has adhered evenly, pass over it with a rubber roller. Make sure that the self-adhesive film lies evenly, there are no air bubbles under it.

In such a simple way, paste over all the facades, shelves, drawers. Replace hardware if necessary. Screw the fronts into place.

Now enjoy your work! The set has changed, will last a few more years or until you want to radically replace all the furniture in the kitchen. In the meantime, get ready to listen to compliments from friends who have come to the light that they were able to transform their old headset so cheaply beyond recognition.

Facade replacement

There is another cardinal way to update the kitchen set - a complete replacement of doors. But we must say right away that this method cannot be classified as economical. Having made measurements of old doors, you can order new ones, at your discretion, both in color and in material.

You can varnish or paint new doors. And do not be upset that, apart from the doors, everything remains old, no one, believe me, will notice this. And if the base of the kitchen is in good condition, then it will be able to please you for many more years. There is another important detail - you did not overpay for the upgrade, because almost all wooden kitchens they are basically made of chipboard, and they only have front panels made of wood. Think for yourself why you need new costs when the “skeleton” of furniture is already good. If the shelves over the past years have become so dirty that it is almost impossible to wipe them off, paste over the surface with self-adhesive wood-like film - inexpensive and beautiful!

Glass replacement

If your kitchen cabinets have glass doors and shelves, replace them with new, more modern ones. Now at the peak of popularity frosted and colored glass. The updated facade of kitchen furniture, as well as new shelves - and we can assume that you have fashionable furniture in your kitchen.

It is best to order glass in a store, but if you do not have the means, you can use the method that our grandfathers invented - apply a mixture of powdered chalk with silicate glue with a brush on the glass in two layers.

You can put beautiful bright dishes on the shelves, which will give the kitchen a “cheerful mood”, and under the shelves you can make a backlight. The result is a kitchen set that will not yield to expensive Italian furniture.


If our advice and examples with photos did not convince you to update the old kitchen set, then try to at least just wash it thoroughly. Over the years, a huge amount of soot and grease eats into the surface of the furniture, and with high-quality cleaning, it can even change color. Furniture that is finished with plastic and enameled is easily cleaned with ordinary washing powder at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. Wash the surface of enameled furniture with water above fifty degrees using soda or laundry soap, not worth it. These funds lead to tarnishing of the enamel. It is enough to wipe the wood with a well-wrung out cloth, and then dry the surface of the furniture with a linen napkin.

If there are many small cracks and scratches on the surface of the furniture, purchase from the store special agent which masks them. In case your table top has a stain from a hot pot once placed, you can easily wipe it off with a mixture of alcohol and vegetable oil.

Metal parts of the kitchen that have darkened or faded from time to time can be updated with a self-prepared tool - ammonia(30 g), chalk or tooth powder (15 g) and water (50 g). All this mixture must be shaken well, and then applied with a flannel napkin to the darkened surface and rub it to a shine. After such processing, furniture handles will be better than new ones.

In a word, choose the method that you like and go! Everything that you do for the sake of your favorite cuisine, she, believe me, will appreciate it and will delight you with its new look for a long time to come. We will be glad to see in the photo how the furniture has changed, thanks to our advice and your skillful hands.

Sooner or later, any household item wears out and needs to be replaced or improved. It is the restoration of kitchen furniture that is exactly the type of repair that everyone can do with their own hands, without using expensive materials or technologies.

If your kitchen set still properly performs its declared functions, but you began to notice that:

  • the body of the furniture is still strong, satisfies everyone necessary requirements, but the appearance of furniture facades leaves much to be desired;
  • individual parts of the furniture became unusable from external influences - the countertop cracked and deformed, traces of hot or grease spots formed on the surface;
  • the headset is simply obsolete and tired;
  • you do not have the opportunity to spend money on buying a more modern kit.

This is where restoration is needed. Do-it-yourself kitchen furniture repair is a very real way out of the situation.

Restoration options

There are many ways to give old furniture a smart, updated look. Depending on your own creativity, you can create from an unremarkable typical nightstand real masterpiece design art. Or you can just tidy up the outside of the kitchen set. Our advice will help you in the realization of your ideas, regardless of their degree of complexity.

Self-adhesive film

A simple and inexpensive repair option. Applicable in the case when you want to quickly and inexpensively update the appearance of furniture facades. To date, dozens of self-adhesive options of different quality, colors, according to different price. Vinyl films on a self-adhesive basis, durable, resistant to moisture and temperature extremes, they do not lose their color and do not fade. In order for the film to evenly and efficiently cover the surface of your furniture, first remove the facades, remove the fittings and degrease the surface. Having laid the boards on a horizontal plane, carefully remove the protective layer, while straightening the film with a hand or a spatula. Air bubbles that have appeared can be removed by carefully piercing them with a thin metal needle.

If you didn’t manage to stick the film correctly the first time, don’t use the damaged piece anymore. With repeated use, the connection of the material with the surface will be even worse, and your furniture will take on a sloppy, sloppy look. A photo of a kitchen set restored with a self-adhesive film can be seen in the selection.

Interior stickers

Perhaps, The best way to restore small, local furniture defects. You can choose stickers of various sizes and content. Restaurant-themed drawings are suitable for decorating a kitchen set - bright fruits, berries, sweets or beautiful dishes. Such stickers are a kind of self-adhesive film, but a reduced size. The principle of application is the same - remove the protective layer and carefully straighten it on the fat-free surface of the furniture. If necessary, drawings can be easily removed using special alcohol-based degreasers.


Decoupage is the most creative way to tidy up old kitchen furniture with your own hands. The decoupage technique originates in Germany in the 15th century. Although the name of this method is French and literally means "cut". This is the basic principle of the process - we cut out pictures and apply them to the surface. You can decouple everything that has a sufficient plane. It can be dishes, clothes, books, decor items or, as in our case, kitchen furniture. Making such decorations is not difficult even for a beginner. You need to choose the base to your liking. These can be pictures from magazines, photographs, paper napkins. Kitchen cabinets decorated with old newspapers look very original. Apply a little special decoupage glue to the facade and distribute the cutouts as you wish. After complete solidification (about 8 hours), the surface must be varnished.

An interesting solution would be decoupage kitchen table clippings from culinary publications. Then, drinking your evening tea, you will not only rest, but also spend time with benefit, learning new secrets of the art of cooking. A photo of a kitchen decorated using decoupage technique is presented below.

Wall mural

If you have chosen this option of restoring kitchen furniture at home, take seriously the choice of photo wallpaper for furniture. Don't forget that the kitchen is the place high humidity and constant temperature fluctuations. Thus, materials for the restoration of old furniture must be wear-resistant, moisture resistant, and not emit any harmful fumes under the influence of hot air. Under such criteria, photo wallpapers on vinyl backing with an additional protective layer. No need to choose wallpaper with a silky or linen texture for a kitchen set. Such materials can quickly absorb odors and wear out with constant contact. Better decorate the kitchen with wallpaper with smooth surface- They will be easier to care for.

If your headset is located in a room with low ceilings- use wallpaper with an elongated silhouette in furniture decoration, for example, with towers, tall trees or flowers on long stems. All this will help to visually increase the height of the room.

Installing a new countertop

The countertop is one of the most frequently used elements of kitchen furniture. It is on it that we cut food, beat off meat, here we put heavy dishes or kitchen appliances. In general, the countertop is exactly the piece of furniture that we cannot do without. Of course, not every material is capable of experiencing such a strong load for a long time. Therefore, in order to return our working surface functionality and beauty - we update the countertop. This can be done in several ways:

  • decoration ceramic tiles- clean well wooden surface, with help grinder eliminate all irregularities and defects. After that, apply special glue and lay out the mosaic. The type and thickness of the tiles depend on your preferences, but the laying method should be the same - very tightly, leaving minimal gaps. After the glue dries and the surfaces grab “tightly” (this will take at least 6 hours), grout the joints. If desired, you can varnish on top - this will add additional attractiveness and serve as a protective layer;
  • glass and fillers are an option for extraordinary, creative personalities who try to make every centimeter of space original and different. Gently stick a few wooden slats placed on edge. Thus, divide the area into several sectors. Fill the "pockets" with fillers. The filler can be coins, beads, pebbles, shells or other small items the same shape. Lay tempered impact-resistant glass on top of all this beauty. Fix or glue it - the original table is ready without special costs. Photos of countertops with filler can be viewed in the selection with examples;
  • painting and varnishing is the easiest and most familiar way for most of us to repair an old countertop. Remove lacquer residue from furniture with sandpaper, degrease and coat the entire surface acrylic paint. In order to give this simple process a little variety - apply paint using stencils. They can be purchased at any hardware store. After the drawing dries - open with varnish. If you want to leave a wooden thing in its natural state, natural shade- use a stain.

Facade replacement

Replacing the facade of furniture is a way for those who are not satisfied with the restoration of kitchen furniture facades on their own. Factory furniture often has interchangeable elements. Therefore, picking up new facades in a furniture warehouse will not be great work. The main thing is to correctly measure the old furniture designs. If you don't find it for sale suitable products, will have to order individually.

Although this repair method is the most expensive, it is still several times less than the cost of a new kit. By updating the facades of furniture in this way, you will get an almost new kitchen set, saving money.

There are many ways to update an old kitchen with your own hands: you can decoupage the facades or paste over them with a film, change textiles and dishes, re-paste the wallpaper.

The kitchen serves not only as a place for daily cooking, but also cozy area for relaxation, communication with family and friends. To ensure that the impressions of the environment are always positive, you should pay attention to Special attention for interior design. The space of the kitchen should harmoniously combine design techniques and the functionality of existing items. If the interior is created from scratch, then one cannot do without large financial costs, but to update the already finished space with one's own hands, it is enough just to change the color of the walls, textiles, headset facades, add new stylish accessories.

Refreshing your existing space is not that difficult, even if you need to replace your wall or floor covering. such as curtains, tablecloths, chair covers or cushions, potholders, etc. you can sew with your own hands by buying a piece of fabric, the desired shade. Using the instructions, it is easy to transform kitchen facades, by repainting or other restoration. This also does not require special skills.

Several ways to refresh the interior

In fact, ways to remake old interior do-it-yourself kitchens without special financial investments, there are a huge number. This applies to both large-scale changes such as replacing finishing materials, and smaller ones - the use of new dishes, paintings and other decor. In more detail, you can dwell on several particularly popular techniques.

Renovation of walls and floors, use of color accents

Any, even the most high-quality and expensive wallpapers lose their original attractiveness over time, fade in the sun, fade, get dirty, deform. If the appearance is not very shabby, then you can not change them, but use bright accessories or other details in the interiors, for example, furniture fronts.

You can replace the apron in the kitchen area by laying it out with bright tiles or mosaics. A good solution would be glass with photo printing of any image or decorative panels with the right texture. Also, one of the walls, which differs in color, texture or material, can become an accent.

Renovating the floor in the kitchen does not mean completely changing the coating, it is enough to lay a carpet or a bright rug that matches the style. You can also choose linoleum as a new material for the floor, and laying it will not cause difficulties if you follow the instructions.

Textile decoration

A sure way to refresh the existing space is to decorate the interior with new textiles. It includes: curtains, tablecloths, napkins, potholders, furniture covers, etc. All things can be done with your own hands, especially if you have sewing or knitting skills. Before proceeding with the manufacture of fabric products, it is necessary to determine their design.

There are many types of curtains and curtains, differing not only in shape and size, but also in the type of fabric. Their appearance depends on the following points:

  • From the size of the room. For a small kitchen, it is better to use curtains made of light, airy fabrics in light shades on the windows. So, the room will visually appear more spacious. Vertical lines on the curtains stretch the room, while horizontal lines expand it. A large colorful pattern can further reduce the space.
  • From interior style. When choosing, it is important first of all to choose them for the style of the kitchen. For the classics, massive curtains with a lambrequin, tassels and fringe are suitable, but provided that the area is large enough. You can get by in minimalism or hi-tech roll options or blinds. For country, provence, shabby chic, it is better to use light curtains made of natural fabrics in light colors with an unobtrusive floral pattern.

Do not forget that kitchen curtains should be practical. That is, it is necessary to choose a fabric that is easy to wash, does not lose color brightness, closes from the sun and prying eyes from the street. And if the window is in close proximity to the stove, then the curtains must also be fire resistant.

Interior accessories

The easiest way to change the look of your kitchen is to purchase new accessories for it. IN this room it is best to use dishes. It can be both functional and decorative, for example, decorating a wall.

But here it is impossible not to take into account the style of the interior. For the classics, snow-white or painted porcelain is preferable, in a rustic kitchen - ceramic and faience products, and in high-tech you can not do without transparent or colored glass, as well as bright plastic plates and cups.

Transforming the kitchen space is easy enough if you add some fresh flowers in pots to the interior. The owners should select the type of plants based on personal preferences, and carefully monitor them, because nothing can spoil the look of the kitchen like untidy, dried flowers on the windowsill.

Restoration of the facades of the kitchen set

Another simple and inexpensive way update and refresh the interior of the kitchen - replace or restore the facades of the headset with your own hands. Some methods virtually eliminate dust and dirt during operation. So, among the popular options are: a sticker on the surface of a vinyl film, painting and decorating with moldings, decorating with decoupage, etc.

Using self-adhesive film

The range of films is huge. You can find monochrome options or with ornaments, patterns and other decor, as well as glossy or matte, smooth or textured. Among the advantages of vinyl film are the following:

  • resistance to temperature changes,
  • resistance to getting wet,
  • long service life,
  • decorative features.

In order to update the facades with a film, you should prepare scissors, a cutter, a scraper and a ruler. The process must be done very carefully to avoid bumps and bubbles on the surface.

First of all, you need to choose a film that is suitable for decor and color so that it looks harmonious in the interior. The amount of material is acquired a little with a margin, in order to correct the errors that have arisen in the process of work, if necessary.

Facades must be removed and laid out on the floor, their surface must be carefully leveled with sandpaper, cleaned and dried. The paper on the reverse side of the film should be peeled off in a small area, and then slowly and carefully smoothing the surface with a spatula, attach the film to the entire plane of the facade. After a few hours, the material will completely set and it will be possible to install the facades in place.

Advice! Defects in the film in the form of bubbles can be removed by piercing them with a thin needle and carefully smoothing the surface.

Vinyl film is possible, but also fragments of walls, an apron, the interior of cabinets and drawers, as well as household appliances.

Painting and decorating with moldings

Alteration of a kitchen set made of wood or veneer can be done with paint and decorative overlays - moldings. They are usually used for ceilings and walls, smaller planks should be used for furniture.

For this kind of furniture restoration, it is better to choose a place outside the apartment, since the work involves the presence of dirt and smell. First of all, the facades should be removed and freed from fittings. Then, thoroughly wash the surface, sand, remove dust, degrease, dry and prime.

Next, comes the gluing of moldings. They must be carefully sized, laid out on the surface and secured with glue or nails. Then, you can start painting. It is better to do this in several layers, optimally - in three. Each layer must be thoroughly dried. For painting, you need a roller, brush or spray gun. Do not forget about high-quality ventilation in the process.

After the facades have dried, they should be installed back and new suitable fittings should be fixed to them.

Decorating using decoupage technique and using tiles

This technique involves applying any image to the surface and coating it with a special varnish. Very often in this way they give objects an aged look. Decoupage will fit perfectly into Provence, vintage, shabby chic and even country style. In support of such furniture, you can make other accessories for the interior with your own hands.

The decoupage technique consists in transferring the image to a prepared, sanded and painted surface. Decor usually serve as special napkins, upper layer which are easily removed and glued with a brush. Then the entire surface of the facade is varnished, which can imitate the effect of craquelure, and attrition is created by grinding.

You can decorate the facades with your own hands using decorative tiles from ceramics. Getting started is the same as in the previous cases. After painting and drying the prepared surface on it special glue the tile is attached, and along the edges it is decorated with a wooden frame.

You can also go for radical changes - completely replace the old facades with new ones, and not update them manually. The main advantage of this method will be the radically changed look of the kitchen, and the set will seem completely different.

The production of new facades can be made to order in a furniture company or bought ready-made options in the shop. The old doors should be removed from the headset case and measured, and then ordered from the company. Do not forget about the new fittings that will be required for fastening the facades, as well as handles and other elements.