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Finishing the bedroom in the house with your own hands. Block house for interior decoration: room design ideas Finishing a block house inside the house photo report

The interior, in which there is a tree, always looks unusual, noble and homely. However, such finishing has long been associated with labor intensity. Fortunately, today there is a block house sheathing option, the installation of which can be done without even having professional building skills.


Block house is a wooden material for outdoor and inner lining. In some ways, it is similar to lining - the same fixation system, the naturalness of the composition. However, the block house has big sizes and imitates natural timber or logs. In the second case, the outer (facing into the room) side has bulges, outwardly looking like the surface of a rounded log.

Sheathing with a block house brings a special tranquility and respectability to the room. Being natural material, it has a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the room, pleasant to the touch.

Thanks to the variety of types, shades and textures, it is possible to realize the most unusual design solutions, achieving originality and originality of the interior.

The advantage of this type of sheathing is also the ability to hide small wall defects, since the block house is attached to the frame. The latter, by the way, allows you to create a gap between the wall and the sheathing, in which insulation can be laid. In other words, it is possible to insulate it at the same time as decorating the house.

However, natural wood in itself is a good insulation, and also has soundproofing characteristics.

The material has a low weight, which eliminates the need for additional strengthening of walls and foundations, simplifies transportation and installation.

Like any natural wood surface, block house sheathing requires regular maintenance.

In this case, it will retain its attractive appearance for decades.

In the lining of the corridor, the combination of a block house with a clapboard looks spectacular, an original transition of lines and textures is obtained. For small areas, it is preferable to choose a material of light shades. However, both gray and golden brown will do.


The color of the block house is determined primarily by the material from which it is made. The most popular are the light shades of the block house. So, pine panels have a sunny golden warm shade.

They are ideal for creating interiors in scandinavian style, for example, and also for the kitchen.

rich color palette characteristic of oak products. Depending on the method of growth and the method of processing, the shade of wood varies from white ( bleached oak) to almost black (stained).

Walnut looks noble and elegant in the interior. It has a rather dark pleasant chocolate shade, which becomes more and more saturated during operation.

Another option for a premium block house is made of beech wood. Its wood has an amazing pinkish hue of varying degrees of saturation - from powdery, closer to ivory, to brown with red reflections.

After installation, wooden surfaces can be stained or varnished. They do not change the shade, but make the relief of the tree more expressive. But special paints can transform the surface.

Today, formulations are produced, after the application of which the usual inexpensive tree in my own way appearance begins to resemble expensive varieties.

Design solutions

A thin and light block house is suitable for cladding both a city apartment and country house. Moreover, the latter does not have to have a massive base, sheathing frame house- a fairly common practice in private housing construction. Moreover, there are many ideas for sheathing.

It is not at all necessary to sheathe the entire room with a block house, it can be a specific area. The material goes well with stone, brick, tiled surfaces.

Block house can be combined with other wooden textures (board, clapboard), as well as delicate noble textiles. This warm natural material harmoniously combined with forged and glass elements.

Block house is best option to recreate the atmosphere of a Russian-style house - an expensive merchant one or a more concise, somewhat ascetic peasant one. Interior styles such as chalets, the atmosphere of a small hunting lodge also impossible without the use of wood.

Block house in this case is an affordable and easy-to-use option.

Due to the environmental friendliness of the material, it can be used not only in the living room and corridor, but also in bedrooms, dining rooms and even children's rooms.

Sheathing a cabinet with a block house will add severity, respectability to it, emphasize the status and good taste of its owner. It is better to choose a material of a darker shade, combining it with matching furniture, genuine leather, and original design elements.

For living rooms and bedrooms, it is better to choose lighter options, a combination of several different types of block house is possible. If panels are used for rounded logs, they will attract attention. In this case, furniture and accessories must have simple shapes, be pretty low-key.

The combination of stone, wood and glass looks attractive in the living room.

When decorating a bathroom with a block house, it can be turned into a luxurious boudoir. Usually light material is also used here. As an option - bleached wood. For more aristocracy, you can add dark "logs". When choosing this type of sheathing, the wood should be carefully treated with water-repellent compounds.

However, in this case, it will not last as long as in rooms with normal humidity.

Material selection

You can get an attractive and high-quality skin only if you choose suitable material. For interior decoration rooms choose a block house from both coniferous and hardwood.

The first contain a large number of pitches and essential oils which provides a natural antiseptic effect. In addition, they bring the unique aroma of coniferous forest into the house. Spruce is usually used, which has a large number of knots, which creates an interesting pattern. Pine pleases with an attractive amber-gold hue; a room decorated with such material looks warm and cozy.

When choosing a coniferous block house, it should be remembered that it is not suitable for rooms with high temperatures (bathroom, sauna, steam room), since resin release begins when temperatures rise. When heated, it can cause burns.

No less popular is hardwood. It is necessary to choose such varieties of it that demonstrate strength, resistance to decay, warping. These include oak, aspen, linden.

But it is better to refuse the use of birch.

As for the appearance, the block house can imitate a bar or a log. The first section forms a square, the second - a circle. Block house under a log allows you to imitate the surface of natural log walls and looks very unique.

For interior decoration, panels with a width of about 8-10 cm are usually selected, while for outer skin- a wider option, that is, 20 cm. However, this is not a mandatory rule, and if necessary, you can choose a wide block house for the room.

The standard length of the material ranges from 2-6 m, it should be selected based on ease of installation and design features. So, with the help of long and thin light strips, you can visually make the room larger. The cost of the material depends on the length parameter - the longer the bar, the more expensive it is.

As for the thickness of the material, 2 cm will be enough for indoor use. In general, the planks can have a thickness of 2-4.5 cm.

Having decided on the dimensions and appearance of the panels, it is necessary to find out which class they belong to, since this largely determines the quality of the products.

Panels belonging to the class "Extra" are distinguished by premium quality. They do not have knots and internal pockets, they are cut exclusively from the middle of the trunk. As a rule, such decoration is used in elite premises, and its cost is high.

Quite high quality is demonstrated by class A, B panels. They have a small number of knots, blackouts, but are suitable for finishing, look neat and noble, and have a more affordable price.

There is also class C material which is unsuitable for use as finishing material.

Quality block house inside has 2 longitudinal cuts, which are necessary to protect the panels from deformation.

Step by step instructions for finishing

Prepare for work necessary tools and materials. The latter must be immediately purchased in the required quantity (and even with a small margin), since products from different batches may differ in appearance.

Before use wooden elements they need to be given time to rest room conditions within 2-3 days, especially if there is a large temperature difference outside the window and in the room.

Before use, wooden building materials are usually impregnated with flame retardants and antiseptics to increase their durability. The entire installation process can be divided into stages.


Block house mounted on wooden crate, which is assembled from bars. The distance between them is 45-50 cm. At the same time, measurements should be taken regularly during the installation of the frame - somewhere it is necessary to remove the excessive height of the bar, while in other areas a substrate is required. The frame is fastened with self-tapping screws.

The features of the sheathing allow, simultaneously with this process, to insulate the house from the inside. Despite the fact that this method is not recommended by professional builders, sometimes it is the only way to increase the thermal efficiency of an object. In this case, a layer of vapor barrier and insulation are laid between the lags of the crate.

Self installation

Having completed the installation of the frame, you can proceed to fixing the block house; self-tapping screws or kleimers are used as fasteners.

First, holes must be made in the bars corresponding to the entry points and the diameter of the self-tapping screws.

Correctly mount the block house from above, the first board is placed with the spike up. It is fastened only with self-tapping screws, and already subsequent panels are first snapped into place with it, and only then are additionally fixed with self-tapping screws. Thus, all surfaces should be sheathed.

When installing cladding panels with your own hands, it is important to remember the need to leave a gap of 5 mm on the verge between the ceiling and the wall, the wall and the floor. These gaps provide ventilation to the system.

Sheathing as a whole does not require professional building skills, because each panel has a tenon-groove fastening. First, the panel must be fixed into the corresponding groove (holding it at an inclination of 45 degrees) of the previous element, and then fixed with self-tapping screws.

The interior, made using wooden elements, always causes admiring glances. Well, if the entire decoration of the house is dedicated to the tree, then the owner of such a creation will undoubtedly be on top. One of the most popular types wooden finish, is a block house finish. With its help, it is easy to create a plane that exactly repeats the natural tselendrovanny log house.

Block house- this is a kind of lining that has already fallen in love with everyone, which is made from the upper part of the log - the "top". Thanks to this, a rounded shape of the front part of the board is obtained, which allows you to embody the most daring design solutions in the Russian style. It should be noted that not only in the Russian style, you can use a block house, it goes well with all kinds of other finishes. In more detail, you can consider the options for finishing the block house inside the house and their design in the photo gallery below.

In this article we will talk about a few frequently asked questions about the use of a block house in the interior.

Block house in the interior of the apartment

With the help of block house panels in the interior of the apartment, you can create the most original design solutions. The ceiling or walls sheathed with them are an excellent canvas that can be decorated and supplemented with various building materials. Stone, wrought iron, glass, tile, etc. are perfectly combined with a block house. By combining panels with different finishes, it becomes possible to divide the room into several functional zones.

Photo 1. Block house in the apartment

Block house in the interior of the apartment is better to use small sizes in order to avoid losing the visual volumes of the room, which are so expensive in standard apartments. It is more convenient to fasten these panels with reinforced rated clamps. Examples of finishing with a block house in the interior of the apartment are shown below in the photo.

Block house in the interior of the house

As a rule, in such a large area as a house, block house panels can be used everywhere. As a result, the skin will look spectacular, both inside and outside. exterior finish. Of course, during facade work, a wide beam with a good thickness will look better and perfectly withstand the impact of natural changes. Fasteners in such cases will need more massive than for smaller boards. Inside the house, a monolithic finish is usually used. For such work, panels of a higher class are suitable, an example of grade "A". High-quality wood is used for it, which will emphasize all the advantages of the design of your home. All options and types of finishing with a block house in the interior of the house can be better seen in the presented photos and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Photo 2. Interior decoration of the house with a block house

Block house in the kitchen

Kitchen- this is the place where all family members most often gather. It's nice to have dinner there, and discuss all pressing matters. And you must admit, in the kitchen with excellent design make it all doubly enjoyable. For finishing in the kitchen, small panels are suitable. Be sure to pre-treat them with compounds that will protect against excessive moisture and external damage. See how great the block house looks in the kitchen, shown in the photo.

Photo 3. Interior decoration of the kitchen in log house

Block house in the bedroom

Using natural wood species in bedroom decoration, you make a huge contribution to your own health. After all beneficial features, which the tree possesses, will fill your bedroom every minute, providing a healthy microclimate. Of course, this is not the only advantage of this building material. Thanks to the latest trends, now in most cases, a white block house is used in the interior. Experienced craftsmen recommend not to paint the panels in a clean White color, but use all approximate shades, for example: champagne, ivory, etc. Since over time, yellowness may appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knots. More gentle and calm colors will have a more favorable effect on your well-being and sleep. Admire how harmoniously the decoration of the bedroom with a block house of various shades looks in the presented photos.

Photo 4. Block house in the bedroom

Turn on your imagination and turn the remnants of the block house into a masterpiece of modern art

It's no secret that after any repair work finishing materials remain. Yes, something can be thrown away, but do not rush to throw away a high quality tree. You can easily build decorative elements For landscape design, make an original fence for flower bed, make flower pots, etc.

Photo 5. Mounting the block house on the crate

There are many variations, the main thing is not to put off this building material for a long time, because from time and influence different temperatures he will fall into disrepair. We wish you inspiration to create something beautiful! Internet - shop LesoExchange thanks for your attention! Call the indicated contacts, and we will be happy to help you make your home more comfortable and beautiful!

Block house is a modern finishing material made of wood. Finishing with such material not only gives the room an aesthetic appearance, but also allows you to create a favorable microclimate. This article will tell about the features of finishing the space inside the house with a block house, design ideas and installation methods.


Block house is a type of lining. On the one hand, the surface of the panels has a convex shape, which visually resembles a log house or rounded timber. For fastening on the material there are special spikes and grooves.

Block house is used for interior and exterior decoration. building material can be tiled small area, since the thickness of the panels is not very large.

Products have whole line benefits.

  • Safety for human health. Since the panels are made from natural wood, the block house is a completely environmentally friendly material.
  • The panels do not create a large load on the walls due to the fact that they have a small mass.
  • The material provides good level soundproofing.
  • The coating has thermal insulation properties. Of course, the panels do not provide absolute heat retention, but they minimize the effect of cold surfaces on the microclimate.

  • The material is easily attached to the surface of walls and ceilings. Work is not difficult even for beginners.
  • A block house made of valuable tree species fills the room with a pleasant aroma that creates a special mood and has a positive effect on the health of the household.
  • Wooden panels not necessarily used to decorate the entire room. Block house goes well with other materials, they can decorate only one wall or part of it.

Varieties of material

In the modern construction market, you can find many varieties of block house, which differ in some parameters and characteristics. The main classification involves the allocation of several types of material, depending on its quality.

  • "Extra". Extra-class panels do not have significant defects, they are of excellent quality and high cost.
  • Category "A". Panels in this category are good quality. A small presence of healthy knots, resin pockets and traces of pests (wormholes) with a width of no more than three millimeters is allowed.
  • Category "B". The material may have more significant defects on the surface. However, flaws should not spoil the operational and decorative characteristics of the panels.
  • Category "C". Products of this class are characterized by low cost and the poorest quality. The material has an unpresentable appearance and needs additional processing. Panels of this class can be used to decorate the walls of utility rooms.

The performance of the block house is influenced by the type of wood from which the material was made.

  • Pine. On such a surface, there are usually traces of knots that create an interesting pattern. The material can be used for both interior and exterior decoration of houses.
  • Siberian fir. This material stands out from others conifers trees with the smallest weight. Fir contains little resin, so this wood is prone to decay and requires additional treatment with an antiseptic.
  • Spruce. This material has a beautiful texture. Unlike pine, spruce has a lighter shade.
  • Cedar. Such wood has a pleasant aroma and has a good effect on the microclimate in the room.

  • Larch. This material is highly durable. Larch contains a large amount of resin, which protects the material from decay.
  • Alder. This type of wood is considered one of the most durable and moisture resistant. The performance of alder panels only improves over time.
  • Linden. This coating is virtually unaffected. high temperatures. Most often, a linden block house is used for facing bath rooms.
  • Birch. The wood has a uniform structure and is easy to work with. paintwork materials. With the help of birch panels, you can create an imitation of almost any expensive wood species.
  • Aspen. Such panels are not subject to rotting, they tolerate moisture well and have high strength.

Wooden panels can have different lengths, widths and thicknesses. Standard material thicknesses are 20, 30 and 36 millimeters. The width can vary from 90 to 190 millimeters. Intermediate output widths are typically 120, 140 and 160 millimeters. The length of the panels is usually two or six meters.

How to choose?

The choice of a suitable block house depends on several parameters at once.

When buying material, consider the following factors:

  • area of ​​the room;
  • interior design style;
  • purpose of the room;
  • surface type.

For small apartments or small rooms, it is better to use panels with a minimum thickness. Such material does not "take" a lot of space. For large rooms, you can use wide panels, which will create an imitation of rounded timber.

Block house looks good in such interior styles as country, rustic, provence, shabby chic. The panels are perfectly combined with other materials, for example with decorative plaster, natural stone or paint coatings. You can decorate only part of the wall with a block house, creating an interesting interior solution.

Panels are quite easy to mount on a variety of bases. Most often, the material is used for facing brick, concrete, wood or metal surfaces.

The purpose of the room in which it is planned to carry out the cladding affects the choice of the type of wood from which the panels are made. In rooms with high humidity the best option will be moisture resistant tree species.

When choosing a block house, it is also important to pay attention to its quality. There should be no damage or significant defects on the surface of the material.

How to sheathe: step by step instructions

Wall cladding with a block house can be easily done with your own hands. Installation work do not require careful cleaning and leveling of the base, as the panels are attached to the crate. Before starting the main work, it is recommended to treat the planks of the block house from the outside and from the inside with an antiseptic composition and dry at room temperature.

Surface preparation

To protect the base from adverse effects external factors and microorganisms, it must be cleaned of contaminants and treated with antiseptic impregnation. If there are significant irregularities on the surface, then the wall must be leveled with plaster or putty.

chief preparatory stage before cladding with panels of the block house is the installation of the frame. For the crate, a beam is used, the thickness of which can be from three to four centimeters. The slats are vertically attached to the surface with an interval of 50-65 centimeters using dowels and self-tapping screws.

First you need to attach the slats in opposite corners of the room. When mounting the beam in the corners of the first, its upper part is fixed. Correct position the lower part is determined using the building level.

A rope is pulled between the installed rails, then the rest of the structure is attached, starting from the middle of the wall.

It is more convenient to attach the timber, starting from the top. After the complete installation of the structure, you can begin facing work.


It is recommended to start fastening the block-house panels from the bottom of the wall, moving towards the ceiling. A small gap (no more than a centimeter) must be left between the first panel and the floor to form good ventilation. The material is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Self-tapping screws are screwed into the groove with a screwdriver at an angle of 30-45 degrees. As an alternative fastener, special clamps can be used. The advantage of this fastening is that it will be hidden behind the panels.

Each next panel is placed with a spike in the groove of the previous plank and is knocked out for better fixation with a carpenter's hammer. If wall cladding is carried out in a room with high humidity, then it is recommended to leave a gap of a couple of millimeters between the panels. This will avoid deformation of the block house.

It is not necessary to fix the material close to the ceiling, it is recommended to leave a small gap (five millimeters). The joints of the planks are masked by decorative corners.

Finishing work

After all the planks are securely attached to the crate, it is recommended to level the surface grinder. To improve performance, wood also needs to be treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting impregnation.

The gaps that were formed during installation between the planks and the floor, as well as the planks and the ceiling, must be closed with skirting boards. To give greater aesthetics to the facing coating, the block house can be treated with paint, varnish or stain.

For painting the surface, it is better to use water-dispersion compositions in order to preserve natural structure wood. Application technology paint composition does not differ from similar processing of any other wooden structures.

Finishing a block house inside the house is an opportunity to get a surface that will resemble wooden frame. No installation work required professional equipment and hiring specialists, since the process can be done independently. A cladding made of environmentally friendly products will create a special microclimate and comfort in the room.

Natural finishing material with excellent decorative properties, will be a real decoration of any room. use for the entire interior or part of the room.

  1. The living room will become more spacious and comfortable if the board has a light shade. Such an interior can be supplemented with putty joints with a darker putty. A clogged tourniquet looks good.
  2. The bedroom with small dimensions is lined with a combined method. But if you want to completely decorate the room with a block house, you should provide for large window openings or optional lighting.
  3. An excellent addition to the interior are others wooden details. It can be a staircase to the second floor or an imitation of a ceiling support in the form of a natural log.

This option will be a suitable finish for a house that has outer lining imitating a wooden frame.

12 skin photos internal walls block house

Features of block house sheathing

Often, during the work, many questions arise, therefore, in order for the interior decoration of the block house to pass without delay, it is necessary to deal with some of the nuances from the very beginning.

How to fix a block house

Fixing parts is a fairly simple procedure. Since the material is identical to the lining, their installation principle is the same. Fastening is carried out directly on the wall or crate, the elements are connected due to the “thorn-groove” locking mechanism. Additionally, self-tapping screws are used, with which the fragments are stitched through.

It is easier to fasten panels with clamps than with self-tapping screws or nails.

An alternative method provides for hidden fasteners: the parts are fixed with clamps (brackets put on from the grooved end and fastened to the base with screws). This wall decoration is much more preferable, since you do not need to hide the screws.

How to make an outer and inner gusset

To inner corner block house turned out to be attractive, you need to make an effort. You should take care of creating a joint in advance, because some methods involve the purchase of additional material.

Ways inner connection details:

Creation outside corners is a simpler procedure. It implies two main options: trimming the mating parts on each side at 45 degrees and using a corner trim.

Block house selection

There are several types of such material, but to the block house for internal works there are special requirements. Therefore, the traditional wooden variety is predominantly used.

It includes the following options:

  • Products elite class. Such products are of perfect quality, they are devoid of any defects. This is reflected in the cost, which limits the use of the material.
  • Below in quality is the class "A". Products have minor flaws. The price of the product is somewhat less than that of the previous option, so the use of such a block house indoors is quite common.
  • The finishing material of class "B" has many visible defects (falling out knots, cracks), therefore it is recommended to use this option for auxiliary or storage rooms.

Facing "Block house" is classified according to the same principle as the standard lining

On a note! The cheapest product is an imitation of a block house made of vinyl and plastic, but such products are rarely used for interior work. best place their uses are considered verandas and balconies unless they have permanent heating and sealing.

No matter how hard the manufacturers try, plastic panels still very different from natural wood

When choosing wooden material pay attention to several key parameters:


Depending on the choice of cladding method required amount material:

  • Full lining. This method allows you to achieve absolute naturalness. The blockhouse for interior decoration has a semi-cylindrical front part, which imitates log masonry, so the details are placed horizontally.
  • Combination. In this case, the facing board is mounted only on certain walls or their sections. The rest of the place is occupied by other materials: tiles with imitation of stone or brick, decorative plaster.

Combined cladding looks spectacular and is cheaper

On a note! Regardless of the type of sheathing, products are purchased with a small margin. This will compensate for the percentage of marriage that was not noticed when buying.

Finishing technology

The process is divided into a series of sequential actions that must be started immediately after the acquisition of the material.

Product preparation

To ensure the durability of the inner lining, the product must be prepared:

  1. Parts are unpacked and laid out on flat surface. They are not allowed to be placed vertically. This procedure allows the parts to acclimatize.
  2. All elements are evaluated: defects are identified, fragments with serious flaws are rejected.
  3. The material is impregnated with flame retardants and antiseptics. It is recommended that this be done prior to installation as the whole parts can be machined this way.
  4. The product is left to dry completely.

If planned decorative processing wood stain, then it is performed simultaneously with the application of protective impregnations

While the products are drying, the crate is being erected. The frame is necessary to hide defects and curvature of the walls, so all racks are fixed in level. Used for work wooden beam, its preparation must be carried out in advance according to the above principle. Fixation is carried out on self-tapping screws or corners, the elements are placed vertically in increments of 35 to 55 cm.

Further work begins only after preparation.

Mounting material

Installing a block house is not the most difficult task, but it requires accuracy.

The final stage of finishing is the coating of the material with varnish or wax. This will give the surface more beautiful view and protect products from damage.

The issue of finishing the house is no less important than the construction of its supporting frame. Ultimately, improperly made finishing can harm not only the appearance of housing, but also cause damage to the supporting structures. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology and sequence of work.

Currently, in the wake of the “return to nature”, such a type of home decoration as a blockhouse sheathing is in great demand, which consists of planks rounded on one side and flat on the other.

To finish the facade, they often use not wooden, but vinyl or steel blockhouse, imitating wooden surface. For interior work, only natural materials are used.

Blockhouse classes and dimensions

When buying a wooden blockhouse, you must definitely pay attention to its quality.

On this basis, all panels are divided into 4 classes:

  • class "Extra" - products without a single defect or knot;
  • class "A";
  • class "B";
  • class "C".

All panels are produced on the same equipment, and quality sorting is carried out after production. Chips, dents, cracks, black (falling out) knots are considered defects. A class "C" product may have several defects per running meter. Extra products are very expensive and are used mainly for finishing elite facades and interiors. The most popular materials are class "A" and "B" slats.

As for the dimensions, the width and thickness of the panels are regulated quite strictly, and there are no special requirements for the length. Therefore, each consumer can choose a blockhouse of such a length that, in terms of waste, is most beneficial when finishing his particular house. The width of the panels can be 140, 170,190, 195 mm, and the thickness is 20, 27, 28, 36, 40 mm.

Products from different manufacturers may deviate from standard sizes, therefore, when cladding, it is better to use planks from the same manufacturer, which will fit perfectly with each other.

For interior decoration, narrow panels are usually used, while wide ones look better on the facade.

The cost of the material is greatly influenced by the type of wood from which it is made. Larch and cedar are quite expensive, while spruce and pine are much cheaper. On sale there is also a material made of hardwood, which is used for the interior lining of saunas and baths. Coniferous material is good for exterior and interior decoration of a residential building, as it is resistant to moisture and improves the microclimate of housing due to high content it contains resinous substances.

Sheathing the interior of the house

In order for the result of the skin to please the eye, you need to immediately solve the following questions:

  • How will the planks be placed on the walls - vertically or horizontally. If the ceiling height is low, then it makes sense to direct the sheathing vertically - then the rooms will appear higher.
  • It is necessary to determine whether the walls are even and whether the diagonals of the room are sustained. If the walls are even, and the dimensions of the room are strictly maintained, then the blockhouse can be mounted directly on the walls, without a frame. If the walls are uneven and the corners of the room deviate from 90 degrees, then you will have to align all the parameters of the room using wooden frame, otherwise the result of the work is unlikely to please.
  • It is necessary to immediately mark all the exit points of switches, sockets, junction boxes. This is done so that you can make neat cutouts in it even before mounting the rail on the wall.
  • Before the start of work, the blockhouse must lie indoors for at least 2 days. This is necessary so that its temperature and humidity are aligned in accordance with the microclimate of the house. This reduces the likelihood of warping of the planks after fastening and the appearance of unnecessary cracks on them.

  • It's better to buy everything at once necessary elements for complete finishing of the room: plinth, external and internal corners - they will be needed for joining the planks in the corners.
  • The tree absorbs water well and is prone to decay, so it’s better to immediately buy material treated with an antipyretic and an antiseptic (now there are two-in-one compositions). Otherwise, the processing will have to be done independently, after which it will take time to dry the material.
  • It is also advisable to immediately decide what fasteners will be used: nails, self-tapping screws, kleimers. Of these, the greatest preference is given to self-tapping screws and kleimers, and nails are an option for the lazy.

To cover the walls with a blockhouse, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

  • building level;
  • circular saw or hacksaw;
  • drill with drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • rubber mallet (used to fit the top board onto the bottom spike).

The installation technology itself is simple:

  • If there is a need to install a frame, then the first thing to do is expose it. Used for the frame wooden blocks 30-40 mm thick.
  • If the blockhouse is located horizontally, then the wall sheathing starts from the bottom. The first board must be leveled, then in the course of work, the horizontalness of the planks is checked every 3-4 rows. If the strips are installed vertically, then you can start work from any corner of the room.
  • The board is positioned with the groove down and the screw is screwed into the spike at an angle of about 30 degrees. Second fastener screwed closer to the groove. It is advisable to pre-drill holes for self-tapping screws in the slats - this will avoid splitting them.
  • The next board is put on the spike of the previous one with a groove and fastened in the same way.
  • At the end of the work, the visible nests where the screws are located are varnished or special decorative plugs are inserted into them.

Some time after the work is done, the blockhouse is polished (if necessary) and varnished, which will protect the material from moisture, dirt and greasy fumes, if it is a kitchen.

Blockhouse cladding can be made along walls of any material. It is only important that the wall is dry before starting work. Preparation for cladding consists in cleaning the facade of dirt, old plaster, and mold.

For the sheathing device, here without options, you will have to install a frame, especially if the house needs insulation.

The order of work is as follows:

  • First, a vapor barrier layer is installed. It is needed in order to protect the insulation from moisture contained in the wall material.
  • Then a frame made of wooden bars is installed, designed to level the surfaces of the walls and install the insulation. In this case, the thickness of the frame bars must correspond to the thickness of the plates or rolls of insulation.
  • insulation (usually mineral wool boards) are fixed between the racks of the frame with glue or dowel-umbrellas. It should fit snugly against the wall surface.
  • Then construction stapler a special film is attached - a wind barrier that will protect the insulation from the effects of air currents.
  • A counter-lattice is attached to the frame through the film - slats 20 mm thick, which serve to create free space between the wind barrier and the blockhouse, which is necessary for facade ventilation. At the bottom and top of the wall, you need to leave small vents for air circulation.
  • Next, the first cladding board is installed with the groove down. For the front part, this is especially important - so the water will roll down without lingering in the grooves of the wooden cladding. The fastening of the boards is carried out in the same way as when sheathing the internal walls. To work on the facade, it is better to use galvanized self-tapping screws that do not rust and cannot subsequently decorate the wall with red streaks.
  • The next board is put on with a groove on the spike and fastened in the same way.
  • To give the facade an external appeal, the joints between the planks are closed with decorative strips or special connecting elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of finishing the house with a wooden blockhouse

Although the facade of the house can be sheathed with vinyl or steel blockhouse, which are more durable than wood, natural sheathing still has its advantages.

The advantages include:

  • The wooden blockhouse is strong enough, and thanks to impregnations, it is also resistant to environmental influences.
  • Damaged trim elements can be sanded, puttied and coated with stain or varnish so that the defect is not noticeable.
  • Thin panels are lightweight and do not load the foundation too much.
  • The material is environmentally friendly.
  • Having low thermal conductivity, wood paneling serves additional insulation Houses.

The disadvantages include:

  • Quite high cost of wooden planks.
  • Fire hazard, although with appropriate impregnation it is significantly reduced.
  • The need for periodic treatment of panels with varnish, which increases the moisture resistance of the material.

For environmentalists and just rustic style the decoration of the internal walls with a wooden blockhouse is just perfect, and the high cost of the material here is fully justified by its positive qualities. If we talk about finishing the facade, then it is necessary to proceed from the size of the budget. If it's limited, then it might be better to use vinyl siding"under the tree" than to buy a cheap low-quality wooden blockhouse, which will quickly lose both appearance and functionality.

Blockhouse interior and exterior decoration