Toilet      08.03.2020

Apple jam in a slow cooker. Orange sofa: warm color accent in the interior (29 photos) Orange-beige interior

You will need: apples and sugar in a ratio of one to one. You can use any variety of apples, but if you choose one that is very sweet in itself, you will need to put a little less sugar. Wash the apples and dry them. Cut in half, remove the core with seeds and cut into slices (about the same thickness and not thick, around 1 cm). Put the slices in the bowl and put on the "stewing" for 1 hour.

While the fruits are stewing, prepare jam jars: they and their lids must be washed and, preferably, sterilized with boiling water. After 20 minutes, add sugar, stir gently, being careful not to scratch the bowl. Continue stewing, watching the sugar - as soon as all the grains are dissolved, mix thoroughly again. Put jam in jars and roll them up. standard rules. Apple jam in slices in a slow cooker is ready!

How to cook apple jam with cinnamon in a slow cooker

For this recipe, take 1 kg of apples (ideally sweet and sour variety, with dense pulp), 500 g of sugar, half a lemon, 100 ml of water and a cinnamon stick. Wash the apples and cut them into small cubes. Put in a bowl. Cut half a lemon into 2-3 large pieces and sprinkle chopped apples with their juice. No need to peel the lemon!

Grind a cinnamon stick in a coffee grinder and pour cinnamon powder into the same apples. You can also just break the stick and put large pieces of cinnamon in the bowl, but then you have to remove them later. Pour in sugar and pour in water. Put on the “jam” or “stew” mode for an hour and 10 minutes. Stir occasionally.

After you take out the jam, remove the lemon and cinnamon from it (if you broke it). The jam is ready! Can be eaten directly this moment but it's best to chill it a bit. In some types of this recipe, 50 g of rum is also added to the still boiling jam. Almost all alcohol evaporates due to temperature, leaving a slightly noticeable aftertaste.


Step number 1. We sort out the berries and rinse with tap water. We remove the stems. Discard spoiled cherries. For jam, we will use whole berries. Therefore, it is not necessary to pull out the bones from them.

Step number 2. We shift the cherries into a saucepan. Pour in the amount of sugar indicated above. We take a small lemon. Cut into halves. Squeeze the juice into a saucepan. And we rub the zest on a grater. Then add to the cherry.

Step number 3. We put the pan on the stove, and cook its contents by setting the minimum fire. We are waiting for the moment of boiling. Now mix the ingredients. Don't forget to remove the foam. Let's take 5 minutes. Then we remove the pan from the stove. The resulting mass should stand for 6-12 hours. It does not need to be sent to the refrigerator. Just cover the dish with a clean cloth.

Step number 4. Put the pot with cherries back on the stove. When the contents boil, we detect 5 minutes. Next, cover the pan and leave for 6-12 hours. But that's not all. There is another 5-minute cooking and infusion for 6-12 hours. Only after that, the jam can be poured into pre-sterilized jars and rolled up for the winter. We clean the filled container in the cold.

Cherry jam in the Redmond slow cooker

Want to make a sweet dessert for the winter but don't have much free time? It's not a problem. You can make pitted cherry jam in a slow cooker. The recipe for the Redmond brand appliance is described below.


  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 1 kg cherries (fresh or frozen)

Instructions for how to prepare cherry jam in the Redmond slow cooker are given below.

The orange color when decorating the premises creates a special warm and cheerful atmosphere. The living room, decorated in orange, will help create a friendly atmosphere, set up for communication and exchange of views.

When decorating the living room, you should consider this feature orange color, as the ability to visually compress the boundaries of space, so for small living rooms it is best to use orange not as a base color for finishing the main surfaces, but as a complementary shade used to arrange key shades in the interior of the room. Examples correct use orange in the interior of the living room can be seen in the photo.

If you plan to use orange furniture in the interior, then you should take into account the ability of color to increase objects in size. Furniture made in warm colors will visually appear much more massive than it really is.

Too many orange decorative elements in classic interior will create the illusion of chaos and are unlikely to help create a harmonious space. With a classic finish, it should be present in the interior in the form of large spots, for example, large decorative pillows, bright armchair or sofa. Examples of harmonious placement of accents in the interior of the living room using orange can be found in the photo.

living room color scheme

The right combination of colors in the interior of the living room will help create a stylish and original design, not overloaded with additional elements.

Orange is most harmoniously combined with the following colors:

  • white;
  • brown;
  • terracotta;
  • chocolate;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • red.

A harmonious interior will turn out if you combine orange and light green shades (pale green, pistachio) in the decoration of the main surfaces of the living room. Calm color combinations will help to avoid excessive contrast in the design of the room. Stylish Options finishes of the main surfaces of the living room can be seen in the photo.

Grey-white color scheme, harmoniously complemented by bright shades, is suitable for the urban design of the living room. Diluting cold tones with warm carrot, apricot or pumpkin will help make the room warmer and more festive. By itself, the urban design of the living room can look extremely unfriendly. But the addition of warm tones will help create a more welcoming atmosphere.

The combination of orange and red contributes to the creation of a more intimate atmosphere. Such a living room is not suitable for noisy parties, but it will be an ideal place for intimate conversations in a narrow circle.

Bright color spots on the walls will help create the illusion of uneven surfaces. To decorate the room, you can also use 3D wallpaper, with a predominance of carrot or apricot colors.

Room lighting

For dimly lit rooms, lighter shades, such as peach or apricot, should be preferred; for spacious living rooms, rich carrot and terracotta shades can be used.

For a bright and warm living room, decentralized lighting should be organized. The best option will use LED backlight installed around the perimeter of the ceiling and floor. Create a directed stream of light will help Wall lights or floor lamps, which should be placed directly in the recreation area.

Advice: for living rooms that serve as a dining room, you can use round lamps hanging over the dining table.

What can be used to divide the space of a room into zones?

Space zoning is especially important for spacious living rooms combined with a dining area. As dividing elements, transforming decorative structures, highlighting or darkening zones, fabric screens, multi-level ceilings or podiums. It all depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owners. The most economical is the zoning of the room with the help of lighting or fabric screens. More expensive, but also more effective, is the division of space with the help of podiums and multi-level ceiling structures.

Textile and decorative elements

Emphasize the thematic orientation of the interior can decorative elements and textiles. Correct design the window opening in the hall plays a significant role, since the appearance of the room as a whole depends on the decoration of the window. Drapery window openings dimly lit rooms should be light, and for living rooms located on the south side, you can choose dense and dark, rich brown or terracotta colors.

Interior bedspreads with rich finishes will help to give the living room a resemblance to royal chambers, and bright upholstery of upholstered furniture will emphasize the active life position of the owners of the premises.

In general, with the help of orange, you can create a stylish and unique design living room, you should only use the color correctly in the decoration of the main surfaces and when arranging key points in design.

Diploma in interior and furniture design, art management specialist (graduated from the Institute of Applied Humanities and the Institute of Contemporary Art), trained in Florence at the Design Institute Lorenzo di Medici (Lorenzo di Medeci). Since 2002, he has been a co-owner of the Dekointeriors studio in Central house architects. In 2005, she opened her own studio, working with interiors from the beginning of development architectural project and ending with individual items that are developed and created according to the sketches of the studio designers in their own workshop.

The orange color is more than complex in the first place because there are a huge number of its various shades. It can be orange, ocher, honey, brick. When choosing an orange color, first of all you need to understand what style you are going to go with this color. Therefore, let's start with the main thing.

  1. We define the style. If the living room is designed in the style of pop art and we want to effectively “shout”, then we can safely stop at a bright, saturated orange orange.If the design is quite calm and we just want to add a feeling of warmth, then a complex mix of orange with the right dirty ocher shades will do.
  2. Limiting functionality. Orange, even in its calmest incarnation, is still intrusive and too energetic. Therefore, choosing it for the living room, you should understand that it will be impossible to sleep in this room. I would not recommend considering a shade of orange even for the dot design of a studio apartment.
  3. We choose a couple. If you look at color circle, then as paired shades opposite orange, we will find purple and lilac. Shades, frankly, irrelevant. Therefore, I recommend mixing orange with blue-gray shades.
  4. We're going into a small form. Orange as the color of fire hearth quite appropriate in the living room, but you should not “set fire” to the entire interior. Our goal is to create an energetic atmosphere for a public place where people communicate often and for a long time. This can be achieved by highlighting, for example, the ornament on the pillows, the lenses on the chandelier, small parts in the design of accessories.
  5. Revision of the environment. Orange is a stimulant, even, if you like, an igniter. It will not suit people in whose life, like mine, for example, there is a lot of color as such. If you are engaged in design, printing or any other bright creativity, orange in the interior will most likely begin to annoy and even overwhelm you very soon. But for those of us who are forced to spend most days surrounded by white office walls, orange can become best friend and will give completely new sensations in long-familiar realities.

Juicy, sunny and cheerful orange color is perfect solution for the living room. Such color solution creates a truly positive mood, makes you smile and enjoy the world around you.

Orange mood guarantees excellent psychological well-being for the whole family, but, like all complex bright colors, orange tone is too in large numbers can be tedious. That is why designers recommend that when creating an interior in tangerine or carrot colors, pay attention not only to style compliance, but also to color harmony.

Living room in orange: orange mood

The orange living room is an eternal holiday. Psychologists say that decorating a room in such colors guarantees the creation of the most warm and comfortable room for staying. The tangerine living room will be the perfect place for family vacation, friendly parties and just quiet meditative evenings alone with yourself.

The activity of the orange color makes it a desirable element in the interior of phlegmatic, balanced persons who need external emotional nourishment. But always optimistic sanguine people will not give up a corner of positive in their home.

IMPORTANT! Too active or hyper-excitable people should avoid an abundance of orange in the interior, but the point use of this positive color is not only acceptable, but also recommended - to maintain a positive mood.

Decorating an orange living room is not the most difficult task. If the designers have chosen the main color combination, then it remains only to correctly place the accents. So, for a living room in such colors, the basic rule should be observed: either a neutral background and bright details, or a bright background and neutral details.

  • The first option seems to be preferred by most of the inhabitants, because it looks innocent and uncomplicated. For example, gray or beige walls, light floors and bright practical furniture are a classic look for an average living room in orange tones. This approach to design makes it possible to get a calm and harmonious interior that will not irritate, but will give a great mood.
  • A bright background (and this, as a rule, walls) makes the room more expressive and complex. This approach is optimal for medium-sized rooms with windows to the north, because orange walls able to replace the often absent or insufficiently bright sun. But at the same time, excessive juiciness in the finish should be balanced by concise in color and design decision filling: minimalist set, modular cushioned furniture, strict lamps and simple cotton textiles without bright prints and patterns.

Colors - companions for orange tone

The complexity of choosing a harmonious combination for an orange tone lies in its depth and unchanging warmth. No matter what color is chosen to go with this juicy shade, orange will still remain warm and sunny. The abundance of this tone in the interior of the living room makes the room more comfortable, warm and positive, which is important for cold or rainy regions.

ADVICE! Orange is a complex and deep shade that needs more than just right choice style of the room, but also in the competent use of companion colors. A correctly selected shade for the neighborhood will make it possible to shade the main color, to achieve an indescribable game of halftones from it.

Among the most harmonious combinations with orange, it is worth highlighting:

Style variety of orange living room

In addition to choosing an orange shade and finding the perfect companion for it, it is important to choose the right style for the living room. The variety and availability of style solutions often makes one doubt and choose for a long time which of them will most fully and clearly reflect the owner's views on life, his perception of reality and his preferences. The orange tone is not easy on its own, so it is not worth using it in an arbitrary style. For this color, the following options are most preferred:

An orange living room is a positive and sunny solution for an apartment or a private house. Using this warm and bright shade requires efforts to correctly choose the style and direction, but the result will be invariably positive: the orange tone sets the mood and charges with love of life.