Well      06/23/2020

How to create a bath interior with an original design. Steam room design: we form the interior of the key room of our bath Interiors of log baths

A bathhouse is not just a room for relaxation, but also a space that can really cleanse, renew, and restore body and soul. Therefore, competent design of the interior of the bath and rest room, the choice of practical finishes, and optimal layout play an important role. Only conscientious implementation of each of these points can guarantee the creation of a cozy and comfortable corner for real relaxation and healing water procedures.

Key Features

The decoration and decoration of each individual room in the house takes a lot of time and effort, but the arrangement of the bath is an even more delicate and difficult task, which should be approached with the utmost responsibility. To do this, you need to think carefully about the overall style of the interior, select high-quality building materials and determine the possibility of zoning the space (if necessary). There are also a number simple advice that will help create a functional and aesthetic bath room:

1. It is necessary to draw up a plan for the approximate consumption of materials for each bath area: steam room, dressing room, rest room. This will save a lot of time and will allow you to be sure of the final result.

2. Finishing materials must not only be pleasing in appearance, but also fully comply with safety regulations. This is due to the difference in extreme temperatures in the room.

3. It is worth abandoning parts with angular and sharp surfaces.

4. The floor surface must not be slippery. This is a very important point, the observance of which will save you from injury.

5. Light shades of the walls will visually make the space a little wider.

6. Quite practical and necessary things can serve as an excellent decor: hats, brooms, utensils.

7. It is unacceptable to use metal or plastic. Influenced high temperatures they begin to poison the air with a poisonous vapor.

8. Bulky furniture can disrupt the overall atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Better take a look at simple models no frills.

9. Availability quality wood will increase the healing of procedures in the bath complex. The best options are aspen, birch and linden.

Arrangement of the rest room

The design of the bath should also include a detailed arrangement of one of its most important corners - the rest room. It is this space that is responsible for the desired effect. home comfort and comfort.

The main mistake when creating an interior is that the style directions of two zones of the same room can be very different. It is not right! One room should complement the other, not be its complete contrast. Therefore, you need to remember about the harmonious combination of every detail in the overall design.

Another important point is the choice of windows for the rest room. They must be small, because the abundance of direct sunlight and drafts will cause many unnecessary problems. Durable roller blinds or blinds made from natural ingredients will help to give the space a special coziness.

Lighting should be chosen soft, muted, preferring spotlights instead of bright lamps. Furniture needs to be modeled, taking into account the overall style and scale of the room. For practicality and comfort, a few wooden cabinets will suffice, where you can store aroma oils, massage brushes and other accessories. If there is not enough space, then wall shelves are an excellent alternative to high racks.

Fans of chic and luxury should take into account that leather goods and animal skins are not the best option for decorating the interior of a bath, because high humidity will ruin these things very soon. With a fairly free layout and a wide area of ​​​​the room, you can install a billiard or football table. Some prefer the installation of a TV, others - the creation of an elegant library, others - a mini-bar. The choice should be based on personal preferences in the rest.

Interior styles

Question design solutions requires special consideration. We decided to talk about the most stylish options bath decorations that will not leave you indifferent.

Bath in the old Russian style

The traditional option, which in its appearance resembles the design of a cozy hut. Natural logs, rough benches, wooden utensils, an old (or decoratively aged) stove, no flashy accessories and bright contrasts. Light colors predominate. Finishing most often does not require cladding additional materials. An interesting option decor in such an interior can be furniture self made threaded.

Bath in country style

This is one of the most perfect combinations. Rustic country style motifs can fill any bath with calmness and simplicity. The best option finishes will be light wood with a smooth relief. The main features of this design are ceramic tile, bright utensils, walls with exposed beams, linen textiles and earthenware on the shelves of the recreation area. This type of design can definitely be called cozy.

Bath in ethnic style

The appearance may slightly resemble the direction of country music, but there are special distinguishing features. This is an environmentally friendly finish, a combination of old and new materials and, at the same time, incongruous contrasts. Bath in ethnic style will really please connoisseurs of bright aesthetics, mystical atmosphere and seekers of creative inspiration.

Bath in the Scandinavian style

Nordic motifs will not tolerate an abundance of accessories and dark tones. The minimum amount of furniture, decor details and maximum freedom of space are the main concepts scandinavian style. A bath room made in this direction will be spacious and functional.

Bath in modern style

This is exactly the rare case when bright multifunctional lighting in the bath will be very appropriate. Modern loves small accessories, colored mosaics and special mirror film on the windows (it becomes a protective barrier from prying eyes). Such a modern approach to design will not leave anyone indifferent.

Bath and sauna interior design - photo

Our selection of photos of baths in the most different styles will take you to this atmospheric place and inspire you to create beautiful interior. Enjoy watching!

Dispassionate statistics claim that the ratio of time spent in the steam room and the rest room is approximately 1 to 3. Based on this, it can be argued that the dressing room should be considered the key room of the domestic bath, and nothing else. Let us disagree. After all, they go to the right bathhouse to improve their health, putting near-bath leisure in second place. For the design of the steam room is presented whole line key requirements, the fulfillment of which will allow you to fully relax and recover not only the body, but also the soul. In general, the design of the steam room is not something that should be neglected. Actually, about this, our today's story.

Initially, at the dawn of civilization, no one thought about design, and they didn’t even know such a word. Human life was fleeting, and functionality was put at the forefront, while beauty and nobility remained unclaimed. The first ones were heated, therefore, whether you decorate the interior or not, it did not matter.

After the first two months of using the bath for its intended purpose, the walls, ceiling and shelves of the room acquired a deep black color, which modern manufacturers of paint and varnish products would certainly envy. The situation changed radically after the invention of the chimney. The bath turned into white, and users for the first time thought that beauty rules the world.

The most weighty word in the design of baths, as such, in reality ancient world said the Romans, with their immortals - terms and an indestructible craving for beauty. Monumental columns, an abundance of marble and sculptural compositions to this day set an unattainable standard in many respects for the design of a bath space. In modern realities, these traditions are supported to some extent in the East.

Hamam is still distinguished by a reverent attitude to design interior decoration. Well, what to take from the Turks, if among the local men the highest manifestation of fashion and style is the presence of sharp-nosed lacquer boots of certainly bright red color. Everything is a little easier for us. Including in the bathing world.

Basic requirements for the design of a Russian steam bath

Many years of practice shows that a steam room should have a number of functional features, which are reflected in such a rather delicate and subtle area as the design of a steam room:

  • The use of only natural materials, the use of which in conditions of high temperature and humidity excludes the release of any harmful substances;
  • The interior of the steam room allows a palette of exclusively natural and soft colors and their shades. On the one hand, the ban on the use of dyes, another stone in the wall of environmental friendliness, on the other hand, natural color scheme perfectly helps to relax and enjoy the procedure, kind of dissipating attention;
  • The materials used for the arrangement of the internal space must be: strong, durable, resistant to the influence of the bath atmosphere and the destructive process of exposure to pests and microorganisms;
  • It is not allowed to use materials, contact with which can provoke burns and other manifestations of domestic injuries and natural discomfort;
  • The bathing tradition strongly recommends the limited use of numerous decorative elements, skirting boards, curly carvings and other things in interior design. Firstly, such things reduce the functional qualities of the internal volume, cluttering it up, and secondly, they focus a person's attention on individual elements, reducing the quality of relaxation during the adoption of procedures.

A word from Experienced! The peculiar accents of the steam room, the design of which is designed in the classic style of a traditional Russian bath, can be: a stove stove and the space adjacent to it, doors and a window opening, if any, a thermometer, lighting and ventilation elements.

Technological methods for designing the interior of a paired room

When arranging a steam room of a Russian traditional bath, a South German bath, wood is the main finishing material, so it will be useful to outline the basic rules that determine the design of a steam room in a bath:

  1. It is extremely limited to use coniferous wood, primarily for pine and spruce. They have in their array numerous and voluminous resin channels that release resin for a long time. From conifers, Siberian cedar can be used almost without restrictions, and with some reservations, larch. The latter can be used everywhere except for the ceiling lining.
  2. An effective technique should be considered the use of alternation lining in a set individual elements a variety of wood raw materials, with different colors and textures. This technology will allow you to get on the walls and ceiling color combinations having pronounced decoration properties. In addition, it should be mentioned that the main species of wood, optimal in terms of price - functionality - quality, should be considered linden. With some financial freedom in the formation of the budget for finishing work, it is possible to recommend the use of exotic wood materials, primarily African maple joinery - .
  3. The formation of shelves should be carried out through the use of a lattice structure. That is, the individual elements of the set are fixed not close, but with an interval of about 15 - 30 mm. This will ensure free convection of air in the internal volume of the steam room and, as a result, uniform heating of the entire structure as a whole.

Important! Construction experience shows that the lining of the side parts of the shelves is very often irrational. The rejection of it allows you to save material, ensure effective convection of air masses, and optimally use the internal volume.

Wall decoration

The design of the steam room is determined, first of all, by the competent design of the side surfaces, which have the largest area of ​​visual perception. As mentioned above, one should avoid saturation of the plane of the walls with decorative elements and fittings. Decorative design is carried out using combination techniques: the alternation of individual elements of different color and texture from others, as well as the limited use of dissimilar materials. For example, natural stone when arranging a stove corner. An important element that determines the design of a steam room in a Russian bath is the lighting of the internal volume. It happens:

  • Natural, in which the lighting is predetermined by the intensity of the flow of sunlight passing through the window opening. In the absence of the latter, the use of natural sunlight is impossible. In addition, lighting of this type is impossible even in the dark;
  • artificial. It is determined by the presence of a system of light sources and wiring and power elements. The highest quality light, which favorably emphasizes the natural texture of the finish, comes from local sources rationally placed in space. At the same time, they are installed on the walls, because the ceiling light, in most cases, gives a very flat and mediocre visual perception of the volume. As sources, preference should be given to LED. They are characterized by low current consumption, work well in the unfavorable atmosphere of a steam room, give soft, well-localized light in a wide range of colors, from warm and soft to sharp and cold. The durability of LED lamps also plays a significant role, even at their rather high price, relative to the same traditional incandescent lamps;

Attention! LED lamps of the appropriate design work well from a low voltage supply, for example, 12 volts, which makes it possible to increase the degree of electrical safety of a steam room by an order of magnitude. In addition, such sources are perfectly typed into ribbons, ovals, rectangles and other geometric design elements. However, it should be remembered that LEDs cannot operate from smooth current control systems, like the same banal incandescent lamps, although the use of dimmers can significantly expand the boundaries of the functional efficiency of artificial lighting, gently adjusting its intensity, in relation to specific conditions.

  • Combined. This type of lighting involves the simultaneous or separate use of both artificial light and natural light flux. Studies show that the use of combined lighting systems based on LED elements in bath rooms can reduce energy costs, in terms of steam room lighting needs, by 85 - 87%.

Ceiling decoration

The ceiling part is the most loaded in terms of temperature regime. Therefore, for its design, it is necessary to select materials with appropriate performance characteristics. In oriental-type steam baths, such as Turkish hammam, the ceiling must be made in the form of a vault to effectively drain and dispose of condensate.

IN Lately a popular solution is the arrangement of the ceiling part in two levels. The interior of the steam room, when implementing such an idea, becomes, as it were, divided into several zones, which also kind of enlivens the visual perception of the internal volume of this room. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the height of the under-roof space must be sufficient to separate the height of both levels, about 170 - 220 mm.

Floor decoration

The temperature in the floor zone rarely exceeds 30 - 32 degrees Celsius, but this zone is very strongly affected by moisture, both condensed from steam and water in its pure form. It should be borne in mind that wooden floors, except perhaps, with the exception of oak and larch, are very sensitive to excessive moisture, and in such conditions, they do not differ in longevity.

As a confirmation of this thesis, we present a summary table reflecting the level of maximum water absorption by various types of wood, in the conditions of a traditional Russian bath:

Therefore, often effective solution the use of ceramic or clinker tiles is used as a floor surface cladding. Solid tile has a practically zero water absorption coefficient, therefore, its operation is not satisfactory for a long time.

In addition, the use of such elements, which are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes, colors and textures as a decor, allows you to get beautiful steam rooms for quite modest money. In addition, it must be said that tile coatings work great in the "warm floor" system, primarily due to good thermal conductivity.

Of the significant disadvantages, it is worth noting the low coefficient of adhesion of the tile surface, which is fraught with a fall and injury. This circumstance is easily leveled by the use of plank shields and gratings. The only thing important condition, such structures should be subjected to elementary drying outside the steam room after each trip to the bath. This will significantly extend their lifespan.


Based on the foregoing, in conclusion, I would like to note a number of key points. A steam room in a bath, the design of which is not consistent with a number of general building codes and principles, can either be limited in functionality, or will have shorter periods of effective operation. In the conditions of our country, the main material for finishing a steam room of a traditional Russian bath or Finnish sauna continues to be wood of domestic species in combination with artificial or natural stone. The decoration of steam baths of other types leaves a somewhat wider freedom of design thought and its practical implementation. The main criterion for the interior of the steam room has been and remains high functionality and durability, due to creative minimalism and healthy pragmatism. The steam room is the room where you should relax and enjoy directly from the procedure, and not from the surroundings, unlike the same rest room. However, this condition should not be taken literally and the steam room should not be implemented in the spirit of monastic asceticism or puritanism during its heyday. Equip the steam room reasonably and rationally, and the flight of creative thought can always be realized in the rest of your bathhouse.

With the advent of cold weather, one wants to wrap oneself in the warmest clothes and wait for the arrival of spring. However, spring will not come soon, but you don’t want to sit like a “cabbage” in 10 sweaters. What to do in this case? It's time to heat your bathhouse, because going to the bathhouse in severe frosts is just an inexpressible feeling. No cold medicine can replace a visit to the bath. And in order to make going to the bathhouse even more pleasant, we offer you 100 best ideas bath finishing.

Bath interior design

The classic Russian banya includes a dressing room, a steam room and a washing room. If funds allow, you can make a pool, a games room, a recreation area, a kitchen and everything you want.

Laconic finish in Russian style with massive table, benches and couches is the most popular among fans of the bath.

The bath can be decorated with carved wooden items, oak and birch brooms, bundles of fragrant herbs.

Materials for finishing the bath inside

Materials for finishing the bath must be resistant to temperature extremes and humidity. Of course, do not forget about safety, because the materials must be hypoallergenic and do not emit toxins.

Equally important are the durability and practicality of the materials. cheap material, which has a short service life, will ultimately cost more due to the fact that after 3-4 years it will require replacement.

Often used to finish the steam room and dressing room different varieties wood. The combination of various shades, healing properties and aromas of wood gives a good effect.

steam room

For a steam room, wood is chosen without the content of resinous compounds, with low heat transfer and resistant to high temperatures and high humidity.

Linden has a pleasant aroma and does not emit resins when heated. It has low thermal conductivity and high moisture resistance, due to which the steam room heats up quickly.

Aspen is a very dense and durable wood. Resistant to decay, fungus and mold.

Alder has a water-repellent effect and beautiful appearance.

Abash has low thermal conductivity and does not darken at all.

The desire to protect the tree from decay is understandable. But in no case should you cover the tree with varnish or paint. Instead of a wood scent, you will get a chemical smell. Even if there is no unpleasant smell, it will definitely not benefit health. The best option is to leave the steam room without impregnations and coatings, properly caring for it - ventilate and dry.

Instead of wood, it is better to make the floors in the steam room from tiles - the tiles dry quickly and are resistant to the appearance of fungus.

Beds in the steam room are best made from aspen, linden or alder.

dressing room

Suitable for finishing the dressing room conifers, whose aroma is not only pleasant, but also incredibly healthy, and birch.

Pine is the most practical and durable material for decoration.

Spruce is lighter than pine and is also excellent as a dressing room material.

Fir is a material from which resin practically does not stand out.

Creating a comfortable bath interior is no less important stage than building a building.

In order for all areas of the bath to fulfill their main functions and meet the requirements of owners and guests, it is necessary to correctly think over the interior design, which provides for the right choice. finishing materials, furniture arrangement, layout of the main and auxiliary elements decor.

The Importance of Good Design

A traditional Russian steam room is a cozy place for a good rest, recovery and recovery. vitality. For many people, it successfully replaces a dacha or outdoor recreation, so the design of a practical interior is of particular importance.

In this building, you can easily implement the most daring decisions - use collectible souvenirs or hunting trophies, install your favorite furniture and accessories.

Creating a professional bath design project requires a significant investment, but it will quickly pay for itself, giving the owner and guests a pleasant pastime after a hard day at work.

You can design a steam room design on your own by carefully studying current trends in the design and design of baths, choosing ready-made photo projects on specialized resources.

Features of interior design

The operating conditions of the interior of the bath are different, therefore, they require a competent approach to the choice of decorative materials and design style. The interior of the bath must meet the requirements of safety, functionality and comfort. Therefore, only high-quality, durable and practical materials that are resistant to temperature changes and high humidity are used for interior decoration and decor.

The design of the bath provides for the development of a detailed project indicating all functional premises. This is necessary for competent planning each room - a steam room, a washing room, a dressing room, a relaxation area.

To properly plan the interior of the bath inside, it is recommended to consider the following rules:

  1. Suitable for interior surfaces: wooden lining, tile, timber, block house, vine, artificial and a natural stone, brick. All materials should be distinguished by practicality, durability, environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity, resistance to the negative effects of moisture and steam.
  2. To ensure maximum comfort of staying in the bath, wall and ceiling surfaces are decorated in soft warm colors.
  3. Inside the bath there should be no sharp objects and corners, slippery surfaces to prevent injury.
  4. For the interior design of the bath, it is not recommended to use elements made of plastic and metal. When exposed to high temperatures, such surfaces pose a risk to human health.
  5. Any bath and sauna provide for the use of traditional bath accessories and supplies - brooms, hats, buckets, tubs and more. Therefore, the interior of the premises is designed so that all accessories have a convenient location.

Interior styles in the bath

Before proceeding to interior arrangement baths, you should deal with the basic styles of the interior.


Traditional for the design of the bath is Russian wooden style. It is characterized by the following features - wood trim, bath accessories and accessories made from natural materials.

Traditional style harmoniously looks in wooden buildings with wooden floors and ceiling beams.

The central element of the steam room is a Russian stove or heater, which can be decorated with ceramic tiles, decorative plaster or whitewash.

Here will be appropriate wooden tables and chairs, shelves and benches with carved backs, embroidered tablecloths, knitted rugs, brooms on the walls and an old samovar.


Rustic or country style can be used to decorate a traditional wood bath. The rooms will look simple, practical, but cozy enough.

The interior can be decorated in the country style of various countries - French, German, American, Italian, etc. Each of them is characterized by special colors of textiles, decorative elements and bath accessories.

Despite significant differences, any designer highlights a few common features of the rustic style:

  • The presence of wooden light furniture with engraving, carving and polishing.
  • Decorative elements made of ceramics and wood.
  • Linen and cotton textiles.
  • The decor of the walls is made of timber or logs, the ceilings are made of beams, the floor is made of boards and ceramic tiles.


The design of the bath interior is characterized by simplicity, accessibility, rigor and proportions.

Used for interior wall decoration decorative plaster or painting the walls in neutral tones. Scandinavian style is characterized by wooden or metal forged furniture, simple decorative elements and ergonomic bath accessories.

To give softness and comfort, the correct placement is allowed. bright accents- stylish jewelry, souvenirs or textiles.



The modern classic style for decorating a private bath does not lose its relevance. Characteristic for it are such elements: columns, arches, stucco, statues and multi-level ceilings.

This design allows you to create an individual and original interior with a slight touch of pomposity and wealth.

Modern classics are suitable for buildings built from cinder blocks, bricks or concrete. In some cases, a beautiful classic interior can be obtained in baths made of timber or logs.


The best combination modern technologies and unique materials can be traced in the Art Nouveau style. It allows you to create interesting and unique interior bath rooms with ideal conditions for a comfortable stay.

There is no rigor and geometry of forms here, only abstraction, original accents, unusual color solutions, floral ornament.

A design approach to the implementation of ideas will help to realize the most daring projects.

How to create a cozy interior

The traditional layout of the bath provides for 3 main rooms: a steam room, a washing block (shower room) and a dressing room (cloakroom). Auxiliary functional premises - a lounge, a toilet, a kitchen, a swimming pool (font), a garage and a veranda - the personal choice of the owner of the building.

dressing room

For interior decoration of the premises, coniferous wood is used - pine, spruce, as well as natural materials - brick, stone, tile. Design notes of Scandinavian, rustic, ecological and oriental style are appropriate here.


For interior decoration, lining made of linden, aspen or oak is used. Spotlights mounted on the surface of the ceiling or walls are suitable as decorative lighting. For flooring, tiles or porcelain stoneware are used.

Installing compact wooden and wicker furniture will allow you to fully enjoy your vacation. Often, it is the relaxation room that is connected to the open area, in which a gazebo with a barbecue is installed.

Unusual decorative element the room will become a compact fireplace, which will make the room more comfortable and homely.

Arrangement of a steam room

An integral attribute of any steam room is a stove. Here you can install brick or metal heating equipment of various configurations, taking into account the design features of the room.

An important element of room design is Entrance door. In the steam room, you can install traditional solid wood doors or stylish modern ones. Any type of door in the steam room should open outwards.

Shower room and pool

To protect yourself from injury, it is recommended to cover the floor with wood gratings or rubber mats.

To create a thoughtful external and internal appearance of the bath, you need a competent approach to design development, use quality materials, taking into account the design and functional features of each room. The right choice of the project will allow you to create a comfortable and presentable bath for a good rest and recovery.

When building a bath, it is important how the owner finishes the premises from the inside, since a high-quality and original interior plays an important role in shaping a positive impact on visitors. The article will discuss how to create a comfortable, original and safe bath interior with your own hands.

Basic requirements for the design of bath rooms

Sometimes people believe that design is not a determining factor in the arrangement of the bath. In fact, it is necessary to have a certain set of skills and knowledge in order to create a truly quality design and comfortable equipment in all areas of the bath. It is necessary to take into account various nuances so that each room performs its corresponding functions.

When creating a bath design, it is important to think over the nuances of placing the main finishing materials, appliances and accessories. The finishing itself is a classic combination of everything that is necessary for receiving procedures and rest at the end of this process. In the rest room, for example, there will be wood paneling, the floor will be covered with the skin of a bear, and there will be a samovar on the table, but a TV or an acoustic system will be installed in the corner.

Only with a balanced set of elements can you get real pleasure when visiting a bath. You won’t be able to relax in a room stuffed with electronics, because there is no soul in it, and in a bath without access to the benefits of civilization modern man soon get bored.

However, the following components are included in the standard bath interior set:

  1. The cladding of the premises is made with the help of lining, moreover, usually from plain wood. Colorful walls will not look good, causing some visual irritation. Photographers, for example, will confirm that a simple wood grain looks an order of magnitude more attractive as a background than various newfangled styles that stand out for their brightness and multicolor.
  2. The ceiling covering is also worth choosing, focusing on soft, pleasing to the eye shades. Only in this case, the relaxing effect of the bath will be complete.
  3. When finishing, it is important to avoid the appearance of sharp corners and various protruding elements in order to increase the working space in the room and increase the safety of being in it. In addition to dangerous areas in the bath, there are other factors that can have a negative impact on visitors: excessive temperature and high humidity, as well as slippery floors.
  4. Creating a design inside the bath, it is not customary to use a large number artificial materials. Stop using plastic because given material not only melts under the influence of high temperatures, but also releases toxic substances that are unsafe for the human body (in more detail: ""). Also, the above negative manifestations lead to the formation of a persistent specific odor.
  5. The classic interior of the bath suggests the presence of various accessories: herbal whisks, hats, various aromatic oils and infusions. It is necessary to place everything indicated in such a way that it can be easily reached even during the reception of procedures. The same applies to bath accessories: washcloth, shampoo, soap, etc.

Lighting fixtures in the baths

An equally important component in the decoration is a high-quality lighting system, which must meet a number of mandatory conditions. It is best, when decorating a bath, to install lamps with soft yellow light, which will create light illumination without a negative irritating effect on the visual apparatus. Usually, special fog lamps of muted shades are installed on top of the lamps.

Technical requirements for lamps:

  • resistance to moisture and high temperatures;
  • intended for use in certain microclimate conditions;
  • power not more than 75 watts (for incandescent lamps).

The owner is not limited in where to install the fixtures, but it is best to mount them on the walls, as the ceiling accumulates maximum amount hot air.

Thus, the slightest defect on the surface of the plafond, or a discrepancy between the parameters of the lamp, can lead to their deformation and violation of fire safety rules.

Criteria for the purchase of finishing materials

Wood is the main building material that is ideal for designing a steam room in a bath.

The reason for this popularity is due to the positive qualities of the material:

  • ecological cleanliness and complete safety for the organisms of visitors;
  • reduced thermal conductivity;
  • accumulation and uniform distribution of thermal energy;
  • the effect of "breathing" material, which frees the builder from creating an additional ventilation system;
  • the release of substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body;
  • plasticity and ease of processing;
  • aesthetic appearance of the cladding.

Pine is one of the most popular types of wood for bathroom decoration. The disadvantage of the material lies in the high resin content, which will not fit into the design of the steam room, and even create a danger to visitors.

The positive qualities of this coniferous tree:

  • pleasant smell;
  • the release of substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body;
  • low cost.

Rooms with a low level of humidity can be sheathed with linden wood, which has a very beautiful texture, highlighting useful substances and great aroma.

Larch materials are characterized by increased strength, long term operation and the fact that wood is gaining its optimal parameters in operation: under load and constant temperature changes. But the prices for these materials are higher than for pine.

How to process a steam room in a bath

According to the standard, the steam room is the defining room in the bath. It is very important to create an original interior of the steam room, because in this room, visitors to the bath spend most time.

Everything should be not only beautiful, but also convenient, so that the procedures bring maximum pleasure. Basically, the steam room is trimmed with clapboard. The nuances of finishing will be discussed in the corresponding paragraph of the article.

Sauna oven equipment

For all its importance, the steam room is equipped the minimum amount functional elements. The basis of the work of the entire room is the stove-heater. There are many varieties of such ovens, but the most popular is considered simple masonry made of heat-treated brick, resistant to direct fire and high temperatures.

The rectangular design is considered standard, which fits perfectly into the interior of the Russian bath and heats the steam room with high quality with other rooms. By her own brick oven looks original, but if you add it with natural inserts natural stones or refractory glass, then you can get a real "miracle of architectural thought."

The stove is located in the farthest corner from the visitors of the steam room, but access to it should remain free.

What should be the shelves in the bath

Developing the interior design of the bath, you can not forget about the shelves in the steam room. The best option is corner seating, which will significantly increase the free space for visitors. Again, it is worth recalling that the room should be free of any sharp corners and protruding surfaces.

Given that the upper shelves are mainly used for procedures using brooms, the distance from them to the ceiling must be correctly selected so that nothing hinders movement. According to the standard, this value is 1.5 meters, and a gap of 1 meter is set between the shelves.

Doorways in the bath

Doors are another component that determines the interior design of the bath in conjunction with other elements. Usually, homogeneous wooden canvases are used in the construction of baths, but on the modern construction market you can purchase more aesthetic ones made of refractory glass. The advantage of the glass version is that a transparent door is more convenient and safer.

If an emergency occurs in the steam room, then help can be provided by those who are outside or, conversely, the visitor will have a chance of salvation if he breaks the door. The peculiarity of refractory glass is that glass fragments will not be sharp. Again, for safety reasons, the door should open outward, and the free space in this case will increase.

Lounge - maximum relaxation and comfort

The tile is considered the best option because:

  • the finishing of the bath will be complemented by the original ceramic pattern;
  • it is very easy to care for the tiles;
  • the material is resistant to mechanical stress, as well as temperature and humidity changes.

In the rest room you need to install a spacious table with chairs or a comfortable sofa. The prerequisite is the use wooden furniture, since any textile is deformed under the influence of moisture.

On the wall in the rest room there should be a shelf for aromatic oils, items needed for tea drinking, as well as for various items that will brighten up the leisure of visitors. The windows of the rest room are covered with cotton or bamboo curtains, which are environmentally friendly and safe for the human body.

From modern equipment in the bath they install Acustic systems, television and computer equipment, etc. A more traditional option is a fireplace, which will perform two functions at once: heating and decorating the room. Also inside the interior of a bath of a large area, installation is not excluded billiard table, massage shop, etc.

Lining installation algorithm

It has been repeatedly mentioned above that lining is the main material for wall decoration in a bath. Consider the algorithm for its installation in more detail. It all starts with the initial leveling of the draft wall, surface treatment with special antiseptic agents and laying communications. For further actions, it is necessary to purchase in advance in addition to lining: fasteners, insulation, metal hangers.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. The material is acclimatized for 1-2 days in the conditions of the room where the installation will be carried out.
  2. A crate is mounted from a bar, previously cut into pieces of 0.5 and 1 meter.
  3. Hangers are mounted on the walls. The interval between adjacent elements in a row should be 30 centimeters, and between rows - 40 centimeters.
  4. Chopped beams are mounted on the prepared suspensions. After the installation of each row, its horizontalness is checked using the building level.
  5. A heater is laid in the voids of the frame and covered with a vapor barrier material.
  6. Then the lining is cut, taking into account the measurements that were made during the purchase of the material.
  7. Laying begins from one of the corners of the room. The elements are fixed with the help of clamps driven into the groove of the board.
  8. The next strips are carefully inserted with a spike into the grooves of the previous strips and knocked out with a rubberized hammer.
  9. Upon completion of laying, it is necessary to process the lining with a special protective composition based on wax and oil.


The article describes in detail the nuances of finishing the interior of the bath. If you follow all the tips, then you will end up with a high-quality bath (sauna), in which the procedures will bring maximum health benefits, and the pastime will turn into unforgettable hours of pleasure.

Also, all work can be entrusted to specialists who will take responsibility for all stages of work - from the purchase of material (taking into account the wishes of the customer) to installation and putting the bath into operation.