In a private house      03/04/2020

Orange walls in the kitchen what a set. Orange wallpaper for the kitchen: is it worth choosing it as a background for the room? Forbidden or completely incompatible colors for an orange kitchen

Stylish and bright interior will attract attention and be remembered by everyone. But seeing it in pictures or on TV is one thing, but living in such a mesmerizing environment is quite another.

If you love the color of orange and the sun, you will like the orange kitchen

Psychologists say that in the bedroom and children's room, and anywhere where a person needs to relieve stress or relax, you should not use saturated shades. But today we will talk about the kitchen. An unusual orange kitchen in the interior will look slightly defiant, but cozy and modern. What is special about this solution? Is it even worth doing a kitchen in orange tones?

The effect of orange on humans

You don't have to be a professional colorist to know how your surroundings can affect a person's mood. Scientists have long observed a connection between the shades of specific colors and the human condition.

A clear example: on a cloudy and rainy day, you are not in much better mood than on a sunny summer day. It seems that such a small detail cannot affect the human psyche, but it turns out to be quite the opposite.

Even in cloudy weather, light, comfort and warmth reign in the orange kitchen

Orange is one of the most invigorating, active and energizing colors. It can be compared to a glass of orange juice, it is tart and sweet, refreshing and very healthy. In fact, this color has a beneficial effect on the body. It improves digestion, helps in increasing tone and fighting disease, and even awakens appetite.

Note! The color orange has many shades - orange-carrot, ocher, copper, coral, amber, pumpkin, terracotta, peach.

Orange is formed by mixing red and yellow flowers, and its dark tones are obtained with the addition of brown

Advantages of this shade:

  • Increased endorphin production and formation of a good mood.
  • Improves digestion, which helps in processing fatty and heavy foods.
  • The ability to increase heart rate.
  • Visual increase. Color can visually enlarge and bring objects closer. Helps for visual correction, for example, if in a long kitchen you paint the far wall orange, the room will become more correct.
  • Activity. This color is visually active; against its background, other shades fade; it, so to speak, displaces and suppresses them. The orange set will draw all attention to itself, and everything else will remain invisible. When developing a design, you should clearly remember these rules.

What seems strange is that it is filled with a large amount positive qualities, but not often found in kitchen design. But, like everything, this color has its downsides.

The abundance of orange color can negatively affect the psychological state of some people

You should not choose it if:

  • Most of the day is spent in the kitchen - cooking, eating, watching TV or reading. Bright design gets boring quickly.
  • Work involves communicating with children, but at home you want to relax and unwind.
  • If there are hypertensive patients or a hyperactive child living in the room. Orange is a little calmer than red, but also affects pressure and excitement of the nervous system.
  • The kitchen is selected for a small room or for a studio.
  • The windows in the kitchen face east or south, and in summer it is very sunny.
  • An environment that is too warm will eventually become boring and cause irritation, because the color increases the temperature of the interior.
  • It is definitely not suitable for girls who struggle with excess weight. After all, color activates metabolism and digestion.

Important! For small kitchen sizes, use Orange color highly not recommended. A room in bright colors will visually become even smaller.

In a small kitchen, orange can be used as an accent

Combination of orange with other shades

Such a bright and positive interior will delight you only for a while; after a few days it will begin to tire you. Therefore, designers advise choosing several shades.

Choosing a composition is not an easy task. The problem is that this color does not have a cool undertone. Paired with other warm colors, it will lead to oversaturation of the room. Cool shades do not look harmonious in all cases.

Remember Golden Rule– no more than three main tones in the interior of one room

Neutral tones such as white, beige and gray will help relieve tension. So what would be better suited for composition?

Attention! An abundance of warm colors will lead to oversaturation of the room, this applies to all bright colors.

  • Orange and green. An orange and green kitchen will look elegant if the colors are distributed correctly. One of the colors will have to give way. Bright orange will look better with a calmer shade of green. Combined facades made in these two colors will look great. Wallpaper in neutral colors, such as cream, will look best.

    Orange-green kitchen is an unusual, but very colorful solution.

  • Orange-yellow. A wonderful combination that will look better with a diluted neutral color.

    Yellow-orange cuisine is a kind of color therapy that helps get rid of sadness and lift your spirits

  • Orange-blue. This composition will refresh the room and please the eye. It will look good in an apartment with a lot of light.

    The combination of orange and mint is suitable for a kitchen with windows facing the sunny side of the house

  • Orange-white. It looks very stylish and interesting. The tone of white brings out every orange detail without making it feel oversaturated. Together, these two colors make the kitchen come alive. An orange bottom and a white top will look original.

    The combination of orange and white becomes ideal when adding wood tones

  • Brown and orange. A very rich combination. The countertop should be made light - white, brown or light wood. Light beige plastic with brown specks will also fit perfectly.

    Brown would be appropriate for flooring

  • A combination with black will only highlight the orange, adding richness to it. But for average and large kitchens, such a design would be appropriate. In small kitchens you should not use black, but if you really want to, then use it to a minimum. Because black eats up space. In such a composition, very light wallpaper for the walls, as well as light materials for the floor, will look better.

    Orange and black are a fairly aggressive combination that requires detailed elaboration.

Metal and orange color in the interior

An excellent addition to the palette of orange shades would be the coldness of the metal. Aluminum and chrome Appliances Available from almost all manufacturers.

The combination of orange and metallic is an elegant solution to taming the orange color

To create an atmosphere of techno and hi-tech style, no special effort is required. It will be enough to connect within the premises glossy facades furniture and metal. Minimal amount accessories and clear lines only complement the strict style of the kitchen.

The combination of wood and orange in design

Since ancient times, wood has been considered a symbol of comfort. It can balance the activity of color. Wood is more suitable as a background than as an equivalent element of the interior.

Orange can be highlighted accent wall, and use wood on the floor

Parquet or light wood laminate will create the perfect composition. Peach wallpaper and ceramic tiles will fit appropriately into the interior of a bright room.

Kitchen decoration

There are two ways to decorate your kitchen interior: use orange for decoration or install a richly colored set

Orange kitchen set

One of interesting options kitchen design - the presence of tangerine color in the decoration of the kitchen set. In this situation, the walls, ceiling and floor should be of calm tones, as they act as a background for bright facades.

The orange and white shade is the perfect combination for the headset. Light shades are suitable for walls and ceilings: milky, beige, pearl. The floor will fit into the atmosphere if it is made of natural wood. This set will fit perfectly into any kitchen. Can choose kitchen set orange, based on the photo.

For a small room, a set with glossy facades is better suited

To maintain harmony, you should adhere to simple rule: the brighter the furniture, the more laconic the facades. Color will take the main role, and the set will attract all attention.

Sets with radius rounded facades in a bright finish will look the most impressive.

Advice! If you have doubts about the use of this color in design, you can add bright details to the already existing interior: curtains or lamp. After a few days, evaluate for yourself how comfortable the sensations are.

The orange tone is ideal for accents in the form of furniture pieces, panels and accessories.

Decoration of walls, floors and ceilings

If the kitchen design includes orange-colored cabinets, then the orange walls in the kitchen will look ridiculous and everything will blend together. It is better to use tones such as: beige, milky, light gray. Don’t be afraid to use darker tones: gray or blue. But if the kitchen small sizes, then it is better not to use it.

Orange color is so strong that it steals all the attention, pushing other shades into the background.

You should forget about paper-type wallpaper; they are not intended for the kitchen. It is not recommended to consider the option of wallpaper made of fabric, acrylic or liquid. They are not suitable because it is impossible to remove dirt from them, because they behave unfavorably when using water. They are also afraid of oil that may get on them during cooking.

The ideal option is vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. They are easy to clean from dirt, are durable and do not absorb unpleasant odors. This choice is also favorable because the wallpaper does not fade or fade over time.

Orange stripes on the wallpaper will visually raise the ceiling of the room

Most often, the floor is made several tones darker than the walls. It should not be bright so as not to stand out. The kitchen should be rich in color, so the wallpaper and ceiling paint should be white, or closer to white shade. This will balance the expressiveness of the tones. Also, colors such as light blue, silver or turquoise. They create harmony.

Advice! In order to visually make the ceiling higher, you need to use orange on only one of the walls, they call it “accent”.

Apron and curtains

The positive attitude that appears thanks to orange will be emphasized by a glass apron with photo printing. You can find out what designs are used for photo printing by looking at photos of kitchen interiors.

A green apron will look good paired with an orange set.

When choosing a countertop, you should pay attention to olive, white, gray, and black tones.

Dim kitchens will help to highlight such a cheerful and harmonious kitchen; it is important that they do not stand out against its background. The material that is suitable is light gauze or openwork fabric. Contrast is required between walls and curtains. It is not necessary to use ordinary curtains; roller blinds will also look good, but only if you match the furniture.

The density of curtains is selected based on the level of lighting in the kitchen

Combination different shades- this is very important aspect. There are a large number of professional ready-made designs kitchens, when compiling it is worth looking at the photo.

We can say that decorating a kitchen in orange will not be difficult if you know some tricks and features.

Selection of style for design

As you know, orange is a rather active color; it can rarely be found in rococo, empire or classical styles. Designers increasingly prefer the cheerful mood of this shade with the coldness of high-tech. An impeccable combination: tangerine facades and metal, a sunny color that runs past clear, straight lines.

You can enhance the effect of a contrasting combination using orange backlighting

It is used not only in high-tech, but also in eco-style or even in country kitchens. It is often used in Mexican and Moroccan styles. To bring perfection to the African ethnic style and the interior of Japanese minimalism. A lot depends on the style; you should be more careful about this matter.

Orange is often present in Moroccan and Mexican styles

Bright aprons, edgings and porcelain are the basis of the ethnic and country atmosphere.

The presence of decor in eco and country style will add elegance:

  • ceramic tableware;
  • wood;
  • pillows and rugs;
  • non-standard lamps;
  • paintings.

Note! You should not overdo it with decor; it should be moderate and unobtrusive.

Orange fits perfectly into ethnic themes, no matter whether it is African style or Japanese minimalism.

A rustic style with typical decor in orange shades will also look harmonious. You can even make them yourself.

Kitchen in style French Provence with orange walls

If you plan to use classic style, then you shouldn’t experiment; it’s better to take calmer shades in combination with pastels. Then the colors will not look provocative, but will only complement each other.

Classic furniture looks great with varnished surface orange color

We can safely say that decorating a kitchen in orange will not be difficult if you know some tricks and features of kitchen design.

Video: Orange color in the kitchen interior

Perhaps every housewife dreams of a compact, convenient, functional and, of course, beautiful kitchen, causing only positive emotions. In this sense, the orange kitchen is the most the best option!

What associations come to your mind when contemplating the color orange? Light, warmth, sun, hot summer months. And at the same time, a sea of ​​joy, happiness, optimism, energy, and a desire to communicate.

And no apathy or depression! So the orange color will turn any prosaic kitchen corner into a place of pleasant pastime.

Wallpaper in an “appetizing” orange color

The role of color in the interior of the kitchen is very important, because the colors around us affect not only our mood, but also the well-being of the body.

Therefore, a well-chosen color of kitchen wallpaper is the key to comfort, excellent appetite, proper digestion, intimate communication and the readiness to create culinary masterpieces!

Pros of orange wallpaper

  1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the kitchen with such “juicy” wallpaper will benefit all family members. Orange color not only warms you up and restores your good mood, it disperses the most hopeless blues and charges you with optimism for the whole day.
  2. In addition, orange wallpaper in the kitchen increases appetite and has a positive effect on the digestion process. It is not surprising that color therapy specialists recommend wallpaper of this particular “sunny” color for kitchens and dining rooms.
  3. Orange wallpaper is a real find for families with small children. They react very positively to all shades of this color, and you no longer have to persuade them to eat well - orange “lures” them into the kitchen and stimulates their appetite.
  4. Scientists have long found out that this color stabilizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation.
  5. And also, in an orange kitchen it will always be light and bright (even in poor lighting).

What to consider

When deciding which wallpaper to choose for your kitchen, consider the following:

  • Orange color is not the best option for miniature, cramped kitchens. For such a rich color, more space is needed.
  • Orange may not be very helpful for those who are on a diet. But this does not mean at all that you need to deny yourself this pleasant color; you can choose wallpaper in more muted shades of orange.

Note! Orange color has many beautiful calm shades: coral, amber, gum, peach, salmon, cream, terracotta...

All of them are delicate, but quite festive, and will be a wonderful decoration for the walls of a small kitchen, or for a house where people living at an honorable age live.

These shades have the same beneficial properties, however, are more “soft” on the eyes.

  • What interior styles are orange wallpaper suitable for? First of all, for modernism, minimalism and for any oriental style(e.g. Mexican, Arabic, African).

Orange color is also suitable for contrasting high-tech, fashionable art deco, pop art and avant-garde. Not the best good decision bright orange wallpaper for interiors in classic, Provence and country styles.

But the calm tones of this “sunny” color will be very appropriate. The variety of choices will allow every housewife to transform her kitchen with her own hands!

  • Orange wallpaper goes best with kitchen wicker furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets with rattan inserts, wicker decorative elements). Moreover, the price is quite reasonable.

Advice! In the kitchen interior, where the walls are orange and the furniture is wicker, you can add a couple of panels with herbariums of leaves and flowers, which will help create a wonderful lyrical autumn mood.

Lucky Combinations

This “appetizing” color should not be used alone, so that the kitchen interior does not turn out to be too tiring for the eyes.

All shades of orange are warm, so you need to combine it with warm shades of other colors.

To create a spring atmosphere, a pair of orange + a warm shade of green will serve perfectly.

So, for example, you can choose a “juicy” set, and choose light green wallpaper or another calm shade of green for an orange kitchen.

Or use these two colors against a neutral cream or beige background, which will make the kitchen interior look lighter.

Another natural combination is orange + blue. Clear sky, warm sea, hot sun - this is what this combination is associated with.

Kitchen design can be planned as follows: sunny-colored furniture, heavenly wallpaper for an orange kitchen and an apron with photo printing of “fluffy” clouds. This design will always relieve stress, give a charge of vigor and inspiration for the whole day!

Orange and cream look no less harmonious. The soft color neutralizes the excessive energy of its neighbor, resulting in a calming, rather than irritating, environment in the kitchen.

Although white is not a warm color, it goes well with orange. Despite the intensity of the latter, such a duet looks quite calm.

And all because White color absorbs some of the heat and at the same time balances the aggressiveness of orange.

It should be noted that the combination of these two colors is most suitable for a kitchen in a minimalist or modern style, as can be seen in the photo.

Black can also be combined with bright orange, but the effect here will be completely opposite to the previous example!

Next to black, the sunny color begins to pulsate even more, and you won’t be able to mentally relax in a kitchen with such an interior. To somehow lighten it, you can add light gray or the same white color.

But in a kitchen where beige or gray predominates, rich orange color will enliven it. Here you can use bright furniture, decorative elements and various accessories.

You should know! While creating kitchen interior You should not use combinations such as orange + purple and orange + pink. It will look very tasteless.

Especially for you, we have posted a video instruction on our website, in which an experienced colorist talks in more detail about each color and their combination with each other.


If you like the “juicy” orange color, then do not be afraid to use it in the interior. Dozens of ideas for orange kitchens plus your imagination - and you will certainly find original solution for your kitchen!

When choosing wallpaper for an orange kitchen, you should take into account the effect of color on the psyche and physical health. Such a bright color stimulates digestion, so it is suitable for people suffering from lack of appetite. It will be useful in a family with small children, who are difficult to feed in normal situations. Overweight There is no need to be afraid - the orange color not only improves your mood, it normalizes metabolic processes. It also tones blood vessels and increases hemoglobin levels.

What wallpaper goes with an orange kitchen (photo)

For a long time, this juicy, positive color was called “orange,” although in reality the mentioned shade is only one of many in the orange palette. Today, designers distinguish several relevant groups:

  • orange pastel - bleached color; its effect resembles beige or light pink, never causes irritation or overstimulation;
  • carrot or real orange - very bright, even provocative, good for placing accents and highlighting certain areas;  orange-yellow - associated with warmth, creates peace, extinguishes conflicts, has a very positive effect on family relationships;
  • orange-red - produces a strong tonic effect, excites feelings and emotions, without increasing the level of aggression;
  • orange-brown is the color of well-being, stability, maturity, best suited for accomplished and successful people.
What wallpaper color should I choose for an orange kitchen? The combinatorial nature of all the listed options is exceptionally high, so they can without a doubt be combined in one room with other shades - both neutral and bright, contrasting. This technique works great when creating interiors in an eclectic style, built on the “combination of incompatible things.”

Wallpapers of an achromatic palette - black, white and gray of varying intensities, including those with a "kitchen" theme pattern - to match tiles, are perfect for an orange kitchen.

The duo with black is considered the most luxurious. It is simply magnificent if you want to create an expensive atmosphere of a fabulous East. The main thing is not to forget about proper lighting - both natural and electric.

White wallpaper for the kitchen with an orange set is a formal classic. This combination visually expands the room, but too juicy orange notes against a milky background may seem harsh. If you want to mute the effect, it is best to choose orange-yellow, pinkish or brownish furniture as a companion. Alternating white and orange will allow you to intelligently zone the kitchen, delimiting the areas of cooking and eating.

Designers advise fans of a restrained style to adhere to the principle: rich walls - pale furniture. And vice versa. This means that in a duet with wallpaper in pastel shades, carrot, orange, orange-red gloss will not make too strong an impression. But the contrasting, catchy patterns on the wallpaper are in themselves bright accent, so sand and yellow-orange are more suitable for them kitchen fronts, with a delicate pinkish tint, without attention-grabbing details.

Orange kitchen with green wallpaper - a bold decision, but very worthy. The shades harmonize perfectly, especially when muted.

Contrasting combinations can be used when creating an interior in the art deco style - choosing orange wallpaper or carrot-orange furniture in the kitchen. This design trend was born as a challenge to established norms, and its main difference from the ascetic atmosphere of the beginning of the last century is the glamorous radiance, the abundance of gloss, glass, metal fittings. And all this against the background of a variety of, sometimes quite unusual, futuristic shapes and figures. A prerequisite for art deco style is large quantities light that literally permeates the room.

The shine of glass and metal will help emphasize the modern techno-solution of the interior.

Both bright carrot and muted sand will ideally fit into the atmosphere of strictly thought-out functionality and demonstrative practicality, which is characteristic of the high-tech direction. True, in this case you will have to refuse additional “glamorous” accessories - they are inappropriate in a kitchen designed in a similar style.

No less interesting and attractive will be combinations of orange with blue, light blue, pink, sand or brown, plain or with patterns.

What other wallpaper to match with an orange kitchen? The leader in terms of compatibility is gray; it will look luxurious with all shades of the “orange range”, regardless of their intensity. This is the best backdrop through which the sunny colors get a chance to show their beauty.

Wallpaper for an orange kitchen - interior photo

Plain or visually smooth walls are not the only possible solutions. An orange kitchen set goes well with patterned coverings: abstract designs, floral or geometric prints, ethnic motifs.

However, you can always go the other way when designing a kitchen - combining orange wallpaper with furniture of any other shade. The overall positive effect of this will not diminish at all.

Wallpaper for an orange kitchen in the interior - choose quality

In the room where food is prepared and eaten, any wall coverings are subject to additional tests. Water and hot steam, foreign odors and the potential danger of contamination followed by wet cleaning affect appearance and the service life of wallpaper. That is why their choice should be dictated not only by aesthetic, but also by everyday considerations.

What wallpaper will suit an orange kitchen? Despite the excellent compatibility of this color with many shades, it is worth making special demands on the quality of the coating.

  • Paper wallpapers are better in terms of price, they are easy to glue and “breathe” well. This is where their advantages end - this option is completely unsuitable for the kitchen, since the coating does not tolerate wet cleaning and very quickly loses its presentation.
  • Non-woven wallpaper with its porous, cozy texture will look great in an orange kitchen. Visually, the option is attractive, but from a practical point of view it is still not the best. Although the coating is not afraid of moisture, high temperatures And sunlight, it is extremely sensitive to mechanical damage- most likely, it will not survive frequent cleanings.
  • The best option for kitchen walls is vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven basis. They combine the advantages of all other types: they are resistant to external influences, are easy to clean from dust and other contaminants, last a long time, and look great. You can choose vinyl wallpaper for an orange kitchen based on the photo here - our range allows you to find exactly the solution that will be ideal.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

Orange kitchen is not such a rare occurrence in interiors modern homes. According to surveys, this shade ranks second in popularity among women, right after pink. And this is not surprising.

Orange can be called the most optimistic and bright color; in combination with the right shades, it reveals its full potential. A kitchen decorated in orange tones will never look boring or uninteresting. You just need to consider a few important nuances when creating such an interior.

The influence of orange on the human psyche

Designers claim that orange shades are not suitable for decorating living rooms and bedrooms, but in the interior of a kitchen this color would be very appropriate. Since orange cannot be called a neutral shade, it should be combined with other tones very carefully, avoiding some combinations.

Rich orange color is well perceived by the human psyche only in limited quantities. This bright shade attracts attention, but, unlike red, does not cause a feeling of anxiety.

Just like yellow, this color improves mood and gives a boost of vivacity and energy. However, you should not create an interior in which the orange tone dominates, otherwise it will cause irritation.

Which kitchen interior elements should be done in orange?

Kitchen set- when choosing this element of the interior, preference should be given modern model, with glossy facades, glass and metal parts, lighting. The fact is that orange color is more suitable for high-tech style, so the headset should be appropriate.

If the kitchen is small, you need to use this shade carefully. It is better that only some facades are orange - lower or upper, but not the entire structure.

Kitchen apron- it can be completely orange, provided that this color is not dominant in the kitchen set. As finishing material can be used ceramic tiles, glass and even brick. A mosaic apron combining orange and black tones will look especially interesting.

Table and chairs - great solution there will be an installation dining table and chairs made of special transparent orange plastic. It could be natural wood, it all depends on the chosen interior style.

If the kitchen is equipped in a high-tech or minimalist style, the bases of the table and chairs can be made of metal with a chrome-plated surface, and the top part can be made of durable orange plastic.

Curtains- this interior element is appropriate only if the kitchen is designed in country, Provence, rustic, eclectic or shabby chic style.

If the owners chose high-tech or minimalism, they will have to discard curtains and curtains, replacing them with light orange blinds. In any case, an orange tint on the windows will look very good. It will fill the room warm light and will give her comfort.

Walls- you shouldn’t make them completely orange. You can paint only one wall in this bright shade, painting the rest light gray or white. Washable wallpaper, ceramic tiles, plaster, etc. can also be used as finishing materials. brickwork(for one wall).

Chandelier- this interior element will look very organic in orange, especially in combination with other accessories. To ensure there is enough light in the room, additional lighting with a cool glow should be installed (above work surfaces, above shelves, etc.).

As for the orange chandelier, it can be made of chromed metal and glass. In a small kitchen with low ceiling You can install a small orange glass shade.

Since you will need a lot of light, it is better to organize spot lighting around the entire perimeter of the kitchen. It is very good if enough daylight penetrates into the room.

Interior styles that go with orange

High tech- this style goes perfectly with orange. It is perfect for active and modern people who are not afraid of experiments and prefer innovations to boring traditions.

In a high-tech style kitchen you can install a laconic kitchen set with orange glossy facades and glass inserts. The walls in this interior can be white or light gray; the floor should be decorated in the same color.

All household appliances should be ultra-modern, preferably from the same manufacturer. Best color for her - metallic silver or black. A large orange refrigerator will look very interesting in such an interior.

We must not forget about spot lighting around the entire perimeter of the kitchen. The apron can be made of glossy tiles or mosaics. It is recommended to use synthetic stone for arranging work surfaces.

As flooring It is better to use porcelain stoneware. A black self-leveling floor would look good. Suspended ceiling White color can also be glossy.

Advice! If rich orange seems too bright and provocative, you can replace it with softer shades - apricot, salmon, pale orange. Snow-white decorative details - tablecloth, curtains, porcelain - will also help to dilute the brightness of this rich color.

Minimalism- this style will also “make friends” with all shades of orange. The main thing is to make sure that there is not too much of this bright color in the room.

A kitchen in monochrome neutral tones will be decorated with orange elements: a tall refrigerator, lower or upper facades of furniture, blinds, and a chandelier. Surfaces can be either glossy or matte. The room should not be overloaded with unnecessary parts and accessories.

The use of textiles should be avoided completely. It is better to hide all dishes and kitchen utensils and not put them on display. You can place one tall orange vase in the corner of the kitchen.

Classic- a style that is difficult to combine with orange. However, if you really want to do this, you should replace the bright shade with a calmer peach tone. It can be used in textiles - chair upholstery, curtains, tablecloths. The decoration of such a kitchen will be elegant peach-colored dishes.

In general, the interior must comply with the classical standard, that is, it is necessary to give preference to smooth lines, natural materials, exquisite decor. The use of gilding is encouraged, mirror surfaces And natural stone(can be replaced with artificial one).

Advice! How more modern style interior, the brighter and richer shades of orange can be used in it - pumpkin, carrot, orange, as well as cinnabar color. For traditional interiors, strict shades of orange are more suitable - mustard, ocher, amber, honey, brick, terracotta, chestnut, rust.

What shades can you combine orange with in your kitchen interior?

A harmonious combination of shades is almost half the success when creating the interior of any room, including the kitchen. Before you start arranging it, you need to clearly understand the general concept of the room and clearly understand what the result should be.

Orange and white- This is a classic win-win option. This combination of shades will look very stylish and elegant, but at the same time somewhat cold.

The ideal way to decorate the interior is to combine white walls with orange furniture. The kitchen floor can be beige. One orange wall combined with three completely white ones also looks great.

Advice! Since the orange tone is warm color scheme, it should be combined with the same warm shades that are in color palette located next to it.

Orange with black- this combination of shades will help make the kitchen exclusive and elegant, it will add sophistication and charm to the room.

However, only these two colors should not be present in the interior. They must be diluted with beige or light shades. For example, paint the walls and ceiling white, install kitchen units in black and orange tones and make the screed floor black.

Orange with beige- a wonderful combination of shades, warm and harmonious. A kitchen in this color scheme will look very cozy.

The beige shade significantly smoothes out the brightness of orange, making it softer and more pleasant. As additional tones when arranging beige-orange interior You can use white, brown and yellow colors.

Orange with gray- a very elegant and almost perfect combination of tones. Orange color combines perfectly with all shades of gray, from the palest to the most saturated and dark. This solution is especially often used when arranging a high-tech kitchen.

Ideal interior option: decorate the walls with gray plaster, install a light gray kitchen set with orange glossy facades. Equip kitchen apron using a mosaic of black, orange and gray tones. Place a table and chairs with metal bases and a bright orange top.

The use of orange shades when arranging a small kitchen

Orange color has the ability to visually increase objects in size and bring them closer. This means that this shade should be used with caution when decorating a small kitchen.

To make the room look harmonious and cozy, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. If one of the walls is highlighted with orange and the other three walls are made beige, gray or white, then the ceiling in a low kitchen will look higher.
  2. If the walls up to the middle, or a separate section of them (for example, an apron), are painted orange, then the entire room will visually become more spacious and wider.
  3. In a very cramped and small kitchen, orange should only be present in small details - for example, kitchen utensils, accessories, fittings and textiles.

Orange color, with all its variety of shades, can be energetic, soft, warm, and even cold. If you listen to all the advice and draw up a clear plan for the future kitchen interior, you can achieve excellent results.