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1 lunar day. What to avoid. Beauty, fitness, care

The symbol is a lamp, lampada, light, lamp, but it can also be an altar to Hecate. Also - Pallas Athena, coming out in full armor from the head of Zeus.
Anatomical fit: face, forehead.
Action: thought.
Titles: lamp, ray, Ashvini, the birth of Pallas Athena.
Day of creative ideas.
Symbolically associated with the first 12 degrees of Aries.
On this day, no business can be started, it is better to only plan them. What we planned on this day can be successfully implemented later, including without our intervention. This is, in a sense, a magical day when we can create mental images, mental forms in consciousness, which will then be embodied. Thinking on the first day of the moon "not about that" is very imprudent: we can create realities that can then bring misfortune. This is a very clean day.
Household influence: neutral, bad for travel, trade.
Mystical influence: The images and thought forms created on this lunar day are very persistent and create purposefulness with unrelenting action. Day of creative ideas, plans.
Social impact: slightly negative, do not participate in partnership, do not strive for contacts, for communication. Do not start important things, it is better to postpone the current ones.
In medical terms, the first day of the moon is associated with the brain and the front of the head: you should not overwork this day, drink alcohol, eat spicy and very hot food. The illnesses are long, but the patient will recover. More often there is an exacerbation of diseases associated with stone formation, blockage of passages, etc. Claustrophobia is aggravated. People born on the first day of the moon are always waiting for something great; they can live like this all their lives and not wait for their finest hour. Sometimes they are overshadowed by inspiration, and - they accomplish a feat: they must be included in the activity unexpectedly and brightly. Heroes.
Effect on conception: the child conceived on this day is protected by Heaven. Those born are characterized by willpower, long and interesting life. A boy can become a priest. But for this day of conception, it is necessary to prepare for a long fast - spiritual and physical.
Physiologically difficult day, compacts internal organs. If you violate the recommendations, then there will be a discharge of energy to the internal organs, it can lead to the formation of stones. As long as there is no disease, it should not be allowed to arise and develop.
On the first day, you can wear diamonds and rock crystal, but with caution: not everyone is shown a diamond.
Meditations: candle.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

New moon. The influence is unfavorable for both group and individual activity. Greatest effect individual work gives contact with nature, as well as turning to books, advice from relatives or friends. The biopotential is not up to par, so the possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases is extremely high, any overload, risky events or grandiose plans are dangerous. The probability of their implementation is extremely low. Illusions, self-deceptions and dreams, as well as cravings for sensual pleasures, often take over the minds of many people. Indulgence and self-indulgence, wrong actions, deceptions can negatively affect business, creative plans, and also cause losses of the beginning lunar month.

"Birthdays" of the Moon by Albert the Great

Unfortunate for those who fall into the disease, these are long, but not fatal. Dreams for this day to joy. A baby born on this day is long-lived.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

It has three names: "Lamp", "Lampada" and "Third Eye", and, therefore, three levels of manifestation.
The process that takes place on this day is the purification of the soul by fire. The dirt of the soul burns in the rays of the Sun. Practices recommended:
- breathing exercises for cleaning the mental;
- focusing on fire, especially if the Moon has entered an air sign - all fears and obsessions burn out.
Therefore, it is useful to sit in front of a candle, by a fire, a fireplace. On this day, we bring to the level of consciousness that which oppresses us.
It is necessary to consider all negative situations and grievances in terms of learning lessons. If a person cannot remember anything negative on this day, then, therefore, there is nothing delusional in the soul. If you regularly engage in such practices, then the soul will be cleansed, you will not react to life from the position of past grievances, you will not suspect others that they want to offend you. Life will become much happier, the reaction to negative situations will improve.
A special practice to be done on this day is the construction of mental models. Once you have cleared your mind of interfering memories, you can build mental models. We are given the opportunity on the first lunar day to build a phantom of what you desire, and then this phantom will live on its own. Events themselves will be attracted, contributing to the realization of your desire.
Breathing exercises for clearing the mind.
First exercise. In a standing position - inhale, fill your lungs, stretch up, and immediately exhale with complete relaxation of the upper half of the body. You exhale with noise and tilt forward, such as "HA" breathing. The mental body is connected to the physical body directly through the breath. Man thinks only when he breathes. Interrupting breathing, a person stops the train of thought. Repeat several times until you get rid of annoying thoughts and your mood improves.
Second exercise. In the supine position, relaxed, observe your breathing: how the air passes through the nose, larynx, fills the lungs, expands the chest, how it falls at the exit, etc., that is, you concentrate on natural process which we do not notice.
Then take a calm breath and exhale completely with a breath hold on the exhale. Do not breathe, but at the same time observe your body, as if in time with breathing rib cage goes on rising and falling even though you are not breathing. You should watch this process with interest and say to yourself: "I don't feel like breathing, I'm pleased." You need to hold your breath to a pleasant state, and not to suffocation (15 - 30 seconds). During this time, the chest rises and falls 2-3 times. Inhalation should be done slowly, calmly. After each exercise, you need to balance your breathing. To do this, take a few breaths and exhale, and then repeat this exercise again. The exercise is done up to 3 times, it is very strong. Such breathing can be used when it is difficult to fall asleep - restless thoughts will go away and the mental will be cleared.
Building a mental model
You must imagine yourself as you will be when your desire is fulfilled. This is not the process of fulfilling your desire, but the end result. Let's say you want to do something. You should see this desired image as in the picture. This image may not work right away, this requires concentration.
When you clearly saw your desired image with your eyes closed, draw it into an oval, as if limiting this image to an oval. The oval is framed with a blue glow. (This practice includes the expression: "What would you like to be brought to you on a silver platter?" You can make this blue-rimmed platter yourself on the first lunar day.)
Be sure to think before wishing what will happen when the wish comes true. In all Eastern schools they come to the fact that they do not want anything, since each fulfilled desire changes our way of life, and a person may not be ready for this. In order for this process to go better, it is necessary in the left hand at the level of the first chakra lunar day hold the stone of the first lunar day - lapis lazuli. Lapis Lazuli contains the energy of Uranus, Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter and Venus give accumulation and expansion, and Uranus includes a lucky break. But the stone must be personally yours and polished, at least on one side. The stone will help to accumulate and concentrate the energy of the 1st lunar day.
On the 1st lunar day, one should not get carried away with mass practices and contacts. Spicy and hot food is prohibited. The third eye chakra is associated with this day. It should not be confused with Ajna, which is located in the center of the forehead. And the Third Eye Chakra is located in the center between the eyebrows, almost on the bridge of the nose.
The bridge of the nose, eyes, brain and the whole face are associated with the 1st day. And if a person on the 1st lunar day something "popped out" on his face, or you hurt your head - this is a bad sign: you violated the requirements of the 1st day. Suppose a person did not eat properly, and the reset went to the organs corresponding to the lunar day. If a person did not use mental energy for its intended purpose, "fermented", this can lead to the formation of stones in internal organs (in the kidneys, gallbladder etc.).
People born on the 1st lunar day work with the mental at the subconscious level. As a rule, what they conceived on the 1st lunar day comes true for them, unless, of course, this desire is pure enough. Such people need to be very careful about their emotions and watch their thoughts very carefully. Their thoughts are realized and act stronger than those of other people.
There is an expression: "If you wish confidently, then the wish will come true." This expression is applicable to all people, because the meaning of magic is FAITH, WILL, IMAGINATION. But a person can imagine only what he knows and what he has an idea about.
You can and should do, eat:
- Mental cleansing
- To remember the past
- Forgive those who offended you
It is impossible to do or it is necessary to refrain, do not eat:
- Spicy and hot food
- Take alcohol
- load
- Group meetings

The lunar calendar plays both cognitive and practical significance, given that it is the Moon that is most closely connected with the Earth, being the only satellite of our planet. And it is quite natural that 1 lunar day is a particularly important period of the calendar. This day allows a person to decide his own destiny, to determine the development of events in his life.

Time to make plans

This is a time when you can calmly reflect, dream about what you will do in the future. Everything that is planned for this day will have a high degree of implementation throughout the entire lunar month. At the same time, you need to plan as close to reality as possible so that everything conceived can be realized. Think through everything in detail, and not anyhow.

First lunar day is a great time to imagine all the things you would like to do in the coming month. It could be new project or a book that you've been putting off writing for a long time. Or it's time to take care of yourself, for example, to tighten the figure. In general, everything must be carefully considered and weighed. But it’s not worth it to immediately run to fulfill your plan. There are thirty days ahead, and in one day little will be accomplished. Stock up on patience. Act gradually.

Your plans, of course, should not cause pain and suffering to others. They can later work against you.

Among other things, it should be noted that this day is distinguished by an enviable inconstancy. Its action can last for a whole day, and only for a couple of hours. So no time should be wasted.

Health status and diet

During the day, a person feels tired, his strength seems to have left him. Overwork can lead to stress, as a result of which the body should not be subjected to excessive stress on the first lunar day.

If a person falls ill during this day, then he will be ill for a long time, but over time he will recover. Operations are not recommended, as the consequences will be felt for a long time.

As for the diet, it is advisable not to take both hot and spicy foods, and also to refrain from drinking alcohol in large doses. And in general, trips to a restaurant, cafe or party should be postponed for another time.

Personal care

The 1st lunar day is a time when it’s good to take care of yourself, for example, perform a set of physical exercises, do yoga, fitness.

At the same time, this is not the day to go to the hairdresser. Hair cutting (as well as various cosmetic procedures) is highly undesirable. Moreover, according to popular beliefs, cutting hair on this day leads to a reduction in life.

Love, relationships, family, children

During this day, it is better not to quarrel with relatives and friends, and in case of conflict, go to the world. Keep your promises to your relatives, as this will make your ideas more feasible (it is better when the lunar month starts with positive emotions).

On 1 lunar day, you can and should plan a future wedding. It is undesirable to enter into marriages on this day, since everything must be carefully considered, to understand whether this will be a family for the rest of your life. Thus, it is necessary to make sure that the choice is fully conscious, and not spontaneous. After all, life is not only romance, but also the prose of everyday life.

Sexual contact on this day is not recommended, as you can pick up one of the diseases of the genital area. It is better to limit communication on this topic with a loved one. But intimate questions should not be avoided either. This will contribute to greater mutual understanding and harmony in life, since the level sexual relations Happiness in family life also depends in many respects. In general, arrange something like sexual games.

Children born on this day, as a rule, subsequently do not become happy, but live long. On the first lunar day, extraordinary people are often born, capable of doing something special, shrouded in magic. At the same time, the firstborn born on this day will be characterized by luck and good luck. And the second child can be physically very strong, but some threats to life are not excluded. But this is only possible.

Work, business, creativity

Throughout the day, it is advisable to look for new job(if you have thought about it before, but did not dare to start).

At the same time, don't rush into:

  • Conclusion of especially important transactions;
  • The start of a new project.

Take your time, the time will come for this. Limit yourself to business correspondence with partners, try to strengthen business relationship but don't open a new case. On the first lunar day, it is better to plan everything carefully, think through everything to the smallest detail, eliminating possible negative consequences. And those things can happen.

This is the day when the surge of creative energy begins. Sitting at home, leafing through a book and listening to calm music, you can gather your strength and start the idea of ​​​​a project that will turn out to be a success in the future. Studies in science and art will bear fruit.

Dreams and signs

Dreams on this day are usually prophetic. But at the same time, they need to be correctly interpreted, which is far from being possible for everyone. In dreams, the images are very blurry, and only a rigorous analysis can clarify what they see.

1 lunar day is a time for magic and spells. There are well-known signs for girls in love, as well as for those who want to get rich (you need to look at the month on the right side, showing him a coin, and your pocket will always be full).

Housekeeping and housework

One of the characteristics of this day is that it is good to ferment cabbage at this time. This should be done on the new moon, and then the cabbage turns out to be especially tasty.

It is known that on the new moon the trees secrete sap intensively, which means that this is the time to collect the sap.

It is advisable to devote this day to active recreation outside the city (work in the garden, in the garden, etc.).

Working in the fresh air, you can gather your strength, think about what will bring you good luck in the future.

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Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation on 04/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or login.

Lunar day today, April 19, 2019

On the date 19.04.2019 V 12:00 The moon is in phase « Full moon(comes on 19.04.2019 at 14:12)". This 14 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Libra ♎. Light percentage The moon is 100%. Sunrise moon at 19:32, and sunset at 05:51.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 14 lunar day from 04/18/2019 18:06 to 04/19/2019 19:32
  • 15 lunar day from 19:32 04/19/2019 until the next day

The influence of the moon April 19, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Libra (±)

Moon in sign Scales. A good time to relax after hard work due to the lunar Virgo. It is best not to start something new and global, but to quickly complete what was previously started and planned.

A good and rather fruitful period for business cooperation based on mutual understanding and the absence of any disagreements. The downside is the growing difficulty in making decisions.

You can hesitate for a long time between all the pros and cons, look for both advantages and disadvantages, ponder, but never come to a final judgment. Therefore, it is best to postpone the adoption of responsible decisions to another, more favorable time for this.

14 lunar day (+ )

April 19, 2019 at 12:00 - 14 lunar day. The most favorable day for different kind important undertakings. You can safely promote your proposals, they will definitely find a response and will be accepted.

However, it is worth thinking through and weighing everything carefully, since you can start a business that not only leads to victory, but also ends in complete collapse. The day is good for strengthening family relationships.

Full Moon (− )

The moon is in phase Full moon. The full moon has the most significant impact on all life on Earth. Bleeding of wounds increases, reminds of itself chronic diseases, aggravated mental disorders.

During the full moon period, the maximum birth rate of children is observed. Excessive impulsiveness in communication appears, craving for negative thinking and alcohol consumption increases.

On the other hand, this is the most ideal time to collect medicinal herbs, since their healing properties at this moment are maximum.

Influence of the day of the week (±)

Day of the week - Friday, this day is under the auspices of Venus - a mysterious, mysterious and bright planet. It has long been considered Women's Day. On this day, girls and women were supposed to rest, not to load themselves with any business.

Since Venus patronizes grace and beauty, creating a feeling of peace in a person, Friday is the best time to sum up the work week and get rid of everything unnecessary. The best thing is to prepare for the coming week. And in no way try to do all the work until the end of the working day.

ruling planets WITH corpion: Mars and Pluto.

Talismans WITH corpion: beetle, scorpion.

Scorpio personality: Closed, observant, passionate, sexual, emotional, strong-willed, persistent, persistent.

There are two types of representatives of this zodiac sign: a low, underdeveloped type, symbolized by a scorpion, and a developed, spiritually complete, symbolized by a soaring eagle. It is rare to find a middle ground between these two extremes.

People born under the sign of Scorpio have an uncanny ability to analyze almost everything in the world, to get to the bottom of every case. There is some paradox: the people around see the results of their work, but for some reason, do not pay attention to them. Not all employees can understand what exactly Scorpio does at work.

You can call them as fighters of the invisible front. Since these are secretive personalities, they do not always like to tell others about their true profession. Scorpios can be safely attributed to manipulators, as they quickly recognize all the dark sides of a person and are able to achieve complete and unquestioning obedience from the side of the desired object. Scorpio's income is changeable.

He is most successful in managing someone else's or partner's finances and resources. He never takes life lightly, he does everything he does seriously. Scorpio can be a bioenergetic, a magician, a healer. Scorpio from birth gets a strong body, full vitality and energy, but over time this can be wasted and they can gain weight.

Scorpio can not always understand what exactly is required for his body. Also, representatives of this sign are very sexual, and therefore, when they are still small, it should be borne in mind that puberty occurs very early and the child should be explained from childhood about the correct sexual relations in a straightforward manner. Family Scorpio immediately seeks to take a leading position.

Any points of view and initiatives associated with them are suppressed, and if a person is too intrusive, then a long and stubborn process of suppression begins to a complete state when a person can do nothing more. They are frugal and frugal and always strive to create a solid and stable material base.

They also deal with the planning of the family budget and how much can be put aside in the bank for saving. With children, Scorpios are imperious and strict parents, however, they are always ready to help at a difficult moment and will never let anyone offend.

On 1 lunar day, the foundation of your well-being is laid for the entire lunar month. This is a clean day, so everything conceived at this time has every chance to pass easily, naturally and without stress.

Symbol of the first lunar day- lamp, lampada, light, lamp, but it can also be an altar to Hecate. Pallas Athena emerging fully armed from the head of Zeus.

General characteristics of the first lunar day

On the first lunar day, the lunar month begins. This is a very important period in the lunar calendar, on which many subsequent events depend.

Figuratively speaking, the first lunar day is the “foundation” of the entire next month, and how it will be “laid” depends on how it ends.

On these lunar days it is good to dream about the future, but not about the abstract, but about concrete things. It is not worth thinking “it would be nice if ...” No, you need to imagine this “future” as realistically as possible, with the highest possible degree of certainty.

What practice should be done on 1 lunar day?

This magical technique was used by magicians and priests of all cultures and peoples. This method allows you to create in the astral plane an energy "imprint" of a future event, a certain form into which it will "merge" over time.

Of course, it may be somewhat different from what was conceived and presented, but, with proper visualization¹, the event will definitely happen, and even if it does not correspond to what was conceived in form, the essence will be fully reflected.

Order of execution:

  1. You need to imagine the desired events in your mind's eye in all nuances and details. For example, if you want to get a promotion, then you need to imagine how the boss invites you to his place and congratulates you on the promotion.
  2. It is necessary to imagine everything in detail, up to the smell of the boss's cologne, the texture of the clothes, the sensations and feelings that may arise, etc. The brighter the fantasy, the better.
  3. Also very important point at the same time, the future is presented not as possible, but as if it had already happened. There should be a feeling inside that this will not happen, but has already happened.

The main thing on these lunar days is to create a mental "frame" of the next month. The created energy matrix of upcoming events throughout the entire lunar month will structure space and time in the direction you have chosen.

Such planning contributes to the fact that the plan will pass as if on rails or a knurled track. The first lunar day gives a person a chance to become the master of his own destiny, not to be led by circumstances and accidents, but to choose his own path, as they say, to be the blacksmith of his own happiness.

The creation of such astral templates on the first lunar day is very important, because in this case the energy of the Moon will contribute to the natural, that is, the natural course of events. You fall into the rhythm of lunar vibrations and, figuratively speaking, the Moon itself will contribute.

Is it worth starting something new on 1 lunar day?

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that on the first lunar day there is no need to rush to start any new business. On the contrary, haste should be avoided.

To paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say: “On the first day, hurry up - you’ll make the moon laugh!”

1 lunar day is like a garden in which you only need to sow grain. It does not need to be watered or fertilized. The grain of the next lunar month must first "get used" to the soil. There is no need to rush anything, everything should go on as usual and naturally.

It is very important to remain calm and benevolent during this period, since any business started on the first lunar day will not be resolved within a month, but, on the contrary, will be delayed, figuratively speaking - “bog down”. Anything you try to start will "slip", you will be like walking in a circle.

If any conflict occurs on the first lunar day, it will not be resolved during the entire month. No matter what you do, no matter what you try to change, events will unfold in such a way that situations will arise again, provoking more and more mutual claims, which will further inflame the conflict.

Everything that you think and do during this period will become your life program for the entire next lunar month and it will be very difficult to change anything in it.

Any attempt to “immediately” start a business will suddenly encounter the fact that on the way to the realization of one’s plans, a person will constantly encounter many obstacles, dead ends, which, it would seem, will appear, as if from nowhere, like devils from a box.

Of course, when it comes to life and death, here, as they say, there is no third way. But such a force majeure situation does not happen often and it develops according to completely different laws.

What is the best way to spend the first lunar day?

The first lunar day is best, if possible, to spend at home, and if this is still not possible, then be as tolerant as possible to other people's opinions, try not to take anything to heart.

Keep a sense of humor and a reasonable amount of irony that does not turn into sarcasm or cynicism. Remember that any of your actions on this lunar day becomes like a tuning fork for the entire lunar month, like a kind of statement - what exactly do you want.

The first lunar day is ideal for filing petitions. It is believed that a petition filed during this period will certainly bring good luck and a positive outcome to the submitter. It is believed that an application submitted during this period will certainly receive a positive response: the outcome of the case will be very successful for you.

Think only good things. Actively confess "non-resistance to evil by violence." Control thoughts, do not allow negativity. Remember your childhood, recall the brightest episodes of your carefree school and student life.

Plan things for the month. Day 1 of the lunar cycle is favorable for drawing up any plans, except for revenge plans. Make your motto the proverb: "Do not dig a hole for another, otherwise you yourself will fall into it."

Forgive insults not only to friends, but also to enemies. Of course, not everyone succeeds, because it requires courage and a certain spiritual maturity. However, on the first lunar day, it is easier to forgive people than at other times of the cycle.

What should not be done?

Active social life is contraindicated. On 1 lunar day, it is especially tiring: it will take a lot of energy. Try not to receive guests and not go to visit, do not communicate with a large number of people. Find the strength and courage to finally stop communicating with annoying, useless and simply bad people.

Try to turn this day into a quiet holiday where you can finally be alone with yourself or close friends. This day is favorable for work on the earth. It is good to devote it to gardening or just get out into nature. If this is not possible, then at least walk barefoot on the grass.

On this day of the lunar calendar, you need to refrain from any active actions related to business, therefore it is strongly recommended to postpone all business, cancel meetings with partners, sign agreements and contracts.

As in any other area of ​​human life, the first lunar day is intended solely for planning, and only for planning.

It is best to spend this time developing a business plan for the next month, thinking about an overall strategy for action, carefully analyzing your current situation and finding new ways to implement your ideas related to business.

As you know, not the one who goes ahead all the time reaches the goal faster, but the one who first chooses the best path and only then acts. Not always efficiency depends exclusively on spontaneity, but to a greater extent - on wise and fruitful planning.

Naturally, you should not buy or sell anything on this day. Any active actions during this period are fraught with instability, and in the worst case, the emergence of emergency situations, which often ultimately lead to collapse.

Is it worth getting married on this day?

Since the first lunar day is the time of planning, it is best to refrain from marriage during this period. The most reasonable thing is to once again weigh well all the pros and cons of such an important and responsible event and think about whether your marriage is a whim, whether you really love each other.

This lunar day gives lovers another chance to figure out how they fit together in terms of living together. Family life² - not only flowers and gentle cooing, but also harsh family everyday life.

The moon suggests trying to plan future life, as if to estimate, imagine an ordinary day in the family, when all the courtship and all the "honey" delights will already be behind. What will the day of the spouses be filled with? How will they live? What will they have in common?

Detailed planning for the future of married life will help to avoid unexpected disappointments later, which, as you know, lead to divorce. And, conversely, the more you plan your life together, the more reliable and stable your family’s “ship” will be in the ocean of everyday life.

For those who have already applied to the registry office, the first lunar day is ideal for planning the wedding itself, where it will take place, how many guests there will be, how much money you need to save, and so on and so forth.

How does 1 lunar day affect health?

Be careful, at this time your body is absolutely not protected, so there is a high probability of getting any injury or getting sick.

When tuning in to the new lunar month, the body spends most of one's own forces for the exact "adjustment" of internal rhythms to the rhythms of the entire Cosmos. Neither physical body man, nor his psyche is not yet ready for any stress.

It is best to spend this day in peace and relaxation. In summer, this is an ideal time for walking through the forest or relaxing on the shores of a lake, river or sea. On the first lunar day, if the sedative regime is not observed, there is a high probability of the formation of kidney stones and exacerbation of the entire genitourinary system.

Is it worth it to have sex during this period?

On the 1st lunar day, sex³ should be avoided if possible. The body, as mentioned above, is in a state of self-correction, so any intervention will entail an error in setting up your biocomputer.

During this period, the hormonal system is adjusted, and sexual contact, as you know, is a very strong surge of hormones that prevents the body from smoothly entering a new time period.

Sex on the first lunar day can lead to serious diseases of the genital area, which in turn will enhance the aging process. For, according to Eastern wisdom, a person is healthy as long as his sexual side of life is healthy. That is why the first lunar day is a “time to love”, and not “to make love”.

The period of the first lunar day is best suited for conversations about sex and its details. Tell each other about your erotic fantasies and dreams, about some fears and doubts, if any. This is very useful, as it teaches partners to trust each other.

If lovers establish a trusting relationship and learn to share their most secret sexual dreams with each other, then they will indescribably expand the palette of their love games.

Do not be afraid to talk about sex, because the sexual manifestation of human nature is multidimensional and how well and harmoniously your sexual intercourse depends on how happy your life is in general.

You also need to remember that a couple whose sexual preferences and habits of each other have not been clarified is doomed to a lot of trouble that can destroy any, even the most sincere relationship.

IN Lately more and more psychologists and sex therapists are recommending occasional sessions of such conversations. This allows lovers to relax more, liberate themselves, relieve mental stress, and most importantly, free themselves from energy blocks.

Dreams on the first lunar day

The dreams of this lunar period reflect what will happen to you throughout the entire lunar month. But you need to be careful not to fall into fatalism, since these images are only sketches, sketches of future events that may not happen.

Everything that you see in your dreams, perceive as some kind of “reference points”, coordinates, relative to which the events of this lunar month will develop. The extent to which you can correctly interpret these predictions will depend on the correctness of the chosen life direction.

What is going on esoteric?

In esoteric terms, the first lunar day, according to the Tibetan mystical tradition, is the most favorable time to make offerings to your guru, teacher, saint, as well as to carry donations to temples and churches.

1 lunar day is also favorable for those associated with any spiritual accomplishments, for example, many days of fasting with abstinence from eating food or words. This day is good for planning your spiritual studies, for preparing a program of yoga classes and other religious and spiritual practices.

Household influence: neutral, bad for travel, trade.

Mystical influence: the images and thought forms created on this lunar day are very persistent and create purposefulness with unrelenting action. Day of creative ideas, plans.

Social impact: slightly negative, it is better not to participate in partnership, not to strive for contacts, for communication. Do not start important things, it is better to postpone the current ones.

Medical influence: the first day of the moon is associated with the brain and the front part of the head: you should not overwork this day, drink alcohol, eat spicy and very hot food. The illnesses are long, but the patient will recover. More often there is an exacerbation of diseases associated with stone formation, blockage of passages, etc.

Effect on conception: the child conceived on this day is protected by Heaven. Those born are characterized by willpower, a long and interesting life. A boy can become a priest. But for this day of conception, it is necessary to prepare for a long fast - spiritual and physical.

Physiologically: hard day, tightens the internal organs. If you violate the recommendations, then there will be a discharge of energy to the internal organs, it can lead to the formation of stones. As long as there is no disease, it should not be allowed to arise and develop.

Stones: on 1 lunar day you can wear diamonds and rock crystal, but with caution: not everyone is shown a diamond.

Brief summary for the first lunar day

Life in harmony with the surrounding world, with the acceptance of the movement of energies, resonance with natural processes makes it possible to maximize the use of one's energy for one's own benefit, without unnecessary resistance, struggle, or even movement in the wrong direction.

Listen to yourself, to your states, life events, observe, correlate with the movement of the moon, and you will see patterns. 1 lunar day is associated with the beginning of any business. Moreover, on the 1st best day, it is better NOT to START BUSINESS, but to think through them, mentally build a plan for future affairs for a month.

This is the day of creative ideas, plans and projects for the future. On 1 lunar day, it is dangerous to wish someone bad, because. thoughts on this day come true. If you create a strong mental image, fill it with a lot of energy, it will begin to develop further against your will, and you will be responsible for this.

How you spend this day will affect the entire next lunar month. It's helpful to have a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve in a month.

Exist different kinds lunar calendars based on different astrological approaches. But the most accurate is still considered.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Visualization - the general name for the methods of presenting numerical information or a physical phenomenon in a form convenient for visual observation and analysis (