Toilet      06/15/2019

"Hobby live" - ​​Internet hobby magazine -› For novice aircraft modellers. How to assemble good models or tips for a beginner modeler How to learn how to assemble prefabricated models

On given time on sale you can find miniature models of radio-controlled aircraft, this includes the Ofice Flyer, which is produced by Pilotage. On such models, you can fly in small rooms or halls with up to 10-15 people. But due to the crisis, the cost of such aircraft models is in the range of 1000 rubles, in addition, they break down very quickly due to a very weak design, they are only enough for a few hits. Then the toy can be thrown away, or you can use the engine, receiver and battery to make a homemade product out of it.

Similar Models controlled by an infrared transmitter. In this regard, flying on the street in sunny weather on such an aircraft model will not work. You need to wait for cloudy weather or evening. In total, the model has two channels for control, with the help of one the engine speed is controlled, and the second channel is reserved for steering.

In this article, we will look at how you can assemble such a mini-model of a flying aircraft yourself using a miniature radio-controlled car for office racing as a basis. Such machines cost about 250-300 rubles, which is 2/3 less than the cost of Ofice Flyer.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- a miniature radio-controlled car;
- soldering iron;
- ceiling tiles;
- glue for ceiling tiles;
- ruler;
- scissors, clerical knife;
- wires and other little things.

Aircraft manufacturing process:

Step one. We disassemble the machine
First you need to disassemble the machine from which the aircraft model will be made. You need to do this carefully, you should try to keep the wires of the engine and steering in their places.

Step two. Creating an airplane model

The aircraft model is made from ceiling tiles, for this you will need to download the drawing and print it. Download desired drawing models can be from . The fuselage of the model turns out to be flat, its contour is made of ceiling tiles 3.5-4 mm thick.

For the manufacture of the wing and tail, you will need a ceiling tile, spread in half. You can dissolve the ceiling in half with a piece nichrome wire which is connected to a power source. To do this, drills of the required diameter or other suitable items are placed under the ceiling tiles. On top of the ceiling is pressed with plywood or an MDF sheet, a weight is placed on top. Now the sheet only needs to be pulled evenly through the red-hot nichrome. The result is two sheets of ceiling tiles of the same width.

Another option is to first glue the workpiece, and then with the help of sandpaper glued to the bar, grind off the excess, but this is a rather lengthy and painstaking procedure.

The wings of the model should be arranged in a V-shape. This is done so that the model aircraft itself stabilizes during the flight.
According to the author, the easiest way is to make a twin-engine model. As an example, you can assemble a bomb model

driver with two engines.

Another option is to assemble a flying wing, as an example, the Stealth model. But for such a homemade product, you will need a controller that controls two motors, it will be difficult to find one in radio-controlled cars. But most often, such electronics are found in radio-controlled tanks.

The peculiarity of this model is that it does not require steering wheels for turns. The model will turn due to the fact that there will be a difference in thrust between the left and right screws. It is on this principle that the electronics in the tank work.

Even in such tanks there is a channel with which the tower is controlled. It can be used to control the elevator or turns.

If the model has only one motor control, then an actuator is used for turns. The same device is used to rotate the front axle of the minicar. It must also be carefully removed from the toy, leaving the winding intact. If the winding has been damaged, then you can do it yourself, you just need to wind a thin wire around a paper tube.

Step three. The final stage. Engine
When installing the engine, it is placed slightly skewed up, in other words, the axis of the engine should look slightly up relative to the axis of the model. The screw in the model needs to be used large, for its operation you will need to make a gearbox. Such a gearbox can be made from gears found in watches, other Chinese toys, an old printer, and so on.

And the gearbox can be made belt

If a model with two motors is going to be assembled, then in addition to mowing up, the axis of the motors should be turned slightly to the center. The fact is that at full throttle, the propellers will pull the model up, and it will take off. And on medium gas, the model aircraft will fly straight.

As for the control, if it is discrete (button), then the model will fly in a parabola. That is, when the button is pressed, the maximum engine speed will go, and the model will take off, and when the button is released, the plane will glide. There may also be a reverse button on the remote control (reverse movement), it is better to turn it off, because if you press it when the engine is running, it can burn out, it will rotate by inertia.

The author feeds the micromodel from a powerful capacitor or an ionistor. The first flights can be done on such a power source, and in the future you can put a small LiPo battery. A single battery with a capacity of 150 mAh is enough to fly the model at full throttle for about half an hour.

If an infrared channel is used to control the model, then the sensor must be positioned in such a way that it can always be seen during flight. If radio control is used, then the antenna is located below the wing in the form of the letter P.

Concerning additional options, such as a siren, headlights, etc., then it is not necessary to connect them, they are not needed for flights.

Before you run the model, you need to center. To do this, the model is launched by hand with the engine turned off on something soft, for example, on a bed. The launch should be at an angle of approximately 10 degrees. The model should glide smoothly. If the plane flies in steps, that is, then lowers, then raises the nose, the center of gravity must be shifted to the bow. For example, you can move the battery.

Now you can make the first flights, it is best to test the model in a large room and preferably without witnesses so that no one interferes or distracts. Another model can be finalized by making the possibility of landing on the water. Then, in calm weather, you can go to the lake and fly there.

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Bonding different models is one type of collectible. What distinguishes him from the rest is getting pleasure more from creating the model itself than from the fact of acquiring it. A person who at least once tried to glue a model of an aircraft with his own hands will no longer be able to refuse it.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of conquering the heavens. The idea of ​​creating a perfect aircraft occupied the minds of many eminent scientists and philosophers. To this day, aircraft designers are improving technology and honing their skills every year.

But what should mere mortals do, for whom piloting an aircraft is just a pipe dream? The answer is simple - design. Moreover, today it does not require much effort. You just need to visit our online store that sells aircraft models or order your favorite model for gluing or assembling an aircraft in the online store without leaving your home.

In both options, you will get the widest selection different in scale, type, complexity of assembling models.

In addition, you can purchase ready-made radio-controlled models.

Today, in the age of the Internet, people involved in aeromodelling can communicate with each other on forums, share drawings and literature, and organize competitions.

For many of them, modeling has become the embodiment of a childhood dream of heaven. And for some, just a pleasant pastime.

In today's article, we will look at the sequence and the main secrets of a quality build. plastic models on the example of aircraft and helicopters manufactured by Zvezda.

Where to start building a model?

First of all, you should decide on the subject of future exhibits, it can be both civilian and military types. Here the choice depends on your preferences. Another criterion for choosing a model is its scale. Beginning modellers should choose kits with few parts and a single color scheme.

You should also have essential tool. Here is a rough list of required equipment:

  1. Model knife set.
  2. Tweezers.
  3. model rug.
  4. Glue.
  5. Special model tape or adhesive tape.
  6. wire cutters.
  7. Sandpaper or file.
  8. putty.
  9. Brushes, airbrush.
  10. Paints.

Having collected right tool you can proceed to the assembly of the selected models.

Collection of models, on the example of aircraft and helicopters of the company "Zvezda"

At the very beginning, prepare workplace on which you will be working. To do this, you need a table, preferably with a large surface, which must be covered with a model rug to avoid damaging the table surface. On the table should be only those items that are useful for assembling the model. The room in which you will work should also have good, bright lighting. Then you need to inspect the purchased kits, study the instructions, make sure that there are no missing parts, and also for the absence of defects on them.

So, let's move on to the sequence of assembling models.

1. At the beginning, we separate the parts from the sprue. Then we clean the remaining irregularities when disconnecting. Do not separate all the details at once, as in the future you may get confused about what to what and where to attach which part.

To begin with, we separate the parts of the fuselage and attach the halves to each other, but do not glue them, but make sure that they fit each other clearly. If one of the parts is defective, it should be adjusted using sandpaper or file. Sandpaper should be waterproof, as in the process it will have to be washed frequently in order to get rid of plastic chips.

2. Before gluing the parts together, connect them with a modeling tape or adhesive tape, this will facilitate the gluing process.

gluing upper layer body, let it dry, and then proceed to gluing the bottom.

Get a special superfluid, quick-drying glue.

Before gluing the fuselage, the windows and cockpit should be glued. For transparent parts, use a special adhesive with a transparent base. You should also place a small weight in the nose of your model, this is necessary so that later your exhibit does not fall on the tail. Plasticine can be used as a load.

When assembling a helicopter model, you should assemble the cockpit and engine, then cover everything with primer and paint. After complete drying, place it between the halves of the fuselage.

After all the above manipulations, you can start gluing the body halves. Next, glue the rest of the parts to the assembled model. If you have a model aircraft, we glue the wings, tail, turbines, landing gear, etc. If you have a helicopter model, then we glue the lights, antennas, landing gear, install the blades, etc.

For the convenience of applying glue, use brushes. When gluing small parts, use tweezers.

After all the parts are glued, we leave the model to dry for about a day.

3. Our model is dry, now we can proceed to the next step - grinding. All joints where gluing took place should be sanded.

4. If the model turned out with slight irregularities, then its surface should be covered with a layer of putty and, after drying, go over with sandpaper again. Putty dries throughout the day.

Before applying putty, cover all places where it should not go. You can do this with masking tape.

The soil is applied from aerosol can at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from the surface of the model. After this procedure, we also leave our model to dry for a day.

6. After grinding, applying putty and primer, we proceed to the staining process. For your first model, choose a single color paint scheme. Because without proper experience it is quite difficult to paint a two- or three-color model, and even more so a camouflage.

Paint small details without cutting them out of sprues, this is done to simplify the process.

You can paint the model with brushes, a can of paint, or use an airbrush with a compressor.

The painted model should dry within two days.

7. After the paint is completely dry, apply the decals that came with the kit to the surface of the model.

In fact, decals are transfer pictures. It is easy to apply a decal to the surface - cut out the desired picture, lower it into warm water for 15 - 30 seconds, and then apply to the desired place on the surface and lightly press with a napkin, thereby removing the excess layer of water.

After we cover the surface with a layer of varnish and again let the model dry.

Perhaps these are the main stages in the assembly of plastic models of aircraft and helicopters. Either way, build quality comes with experience. So don't procrastinate, quickly get your first model, and it may not be the only one, and immerse yourself in wonderful world modeling!

You will need

  • - a set of parts for assembly;
  • - a sharp knife;
  • - sandpaper;
  • - files;
  • - scotch;
  • - glue model;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - brushes for glue and paint;
  • - airbrush;
  • - acrylic paints.


Purchase the model you are interested in. Today on sale you can find a wide variety of kits for assembling copies of different periods. They may differ in configuration and readiness for assembly, so read the product packaging carefully before making your final choice.

Prepare the tools you will need to assemble the model. Buy model glue, as well as PVA glue. When processing parts, you can not do without a sharp knife, needle files and sandpaper. To paint the finished model, purchase brushes different sizes and rigidity. An airbrush would also help.

Take out the contents and inspect them carefully. Such a preliminary acquaintance with the design will allow you to get an idea of ​​​​the types and number of parts to be assembled. Usually, the details of the model are assembled into flat blocks connected by sprues, and the blocks are completed not at random, but in a certain sequence.

Determine the assembly sequence, referring to the instructions and a visual representation of the model. Use the images of the prototype available to you to draw up the image of the product on the box (they can be found in historical literature or on the Internet).

Select sprues to which the main body parts of the model are attached. For example, for an airplane model, this would be the fuselage and wings. Disconnect the parts from the block with a knife, and then carefully clean the sprue attachment points.

Fold the body halves together. Do not rush to glue the parts; First, connect them with pieces of tape. It is also not recommended to immediately disconnect all the parts from the sprues, because in this case it will be difficult to determine the belonging of the part and its place in the model. Perform assembly in sequence.

Attach to the body in turn all the main structural elements, attaching them with tape or using specially provided pins. When the model takes on a finished look, carefully inspect it again, remembering the relative position of the parts and, if necessary, recording the assembly sequence.

Disassemble the model and proceed to the final assembly, connecting the elements with glue. Continue to attach the next part only after the adhesive has dried. Do not set yourself the goal of completing the assembly in a short time. If necessary, break the process into several stages, for example: cleaning parts, assembling the hull, fine-tuning the model, painting.

After the complete assembly of the plastic model, proceed to painting it. In this case, first check the instructions and the image of the original. In some cases, the model will need to be coated with a primer before applying the paint. If this is required to give the model authenticity, apply camouflage coloring of the hull. After the paint has dried, the model can take its place in your home collection.