Toilet      07/02/2020

Can it be reheated in the microwave? Why heating food in the microwave is a bad idea. Other Important Points

Despite the obvious advantages of using microwave oven, some people even today prefer to do without convenient device. Most often, they motivate this by the fact that, according to scientists, using the device in Everyday life harmful.

The research results indicate a number of negative aspects: you can neither cook food nor heat it in a microwave; even the mere presence of a person near the device can provoke the development of pathologies in the body. In response to this, supporters household appliances They give their reasons, so the debate has not subsided for many years.

Evidence that the approach is harmful

To understand why many experts believe that it is impossible to heat food and cook semi-finished products in the microwave, you do not have to be a physicist or engineer. You can simply familiarize yourself with the results of numerous studies, the interpretations of which will be clear to everyone:

  • Microwaves change the polarity of each product molecule, which is accompanied by its deformation. This causes a change in the structure of amino acids, leading to the formation of their new toxic forms, which is undoubtedly harmful to the body.
  • Researchers have repeatedly conducted experiments using volunteers. One group of people could only eat fresh, pasteurized or naturally defrosted foods. Another group ate exactly the same food, but processed in the microwave. After some time, all participants in the experiment donated blood. The tests showed disappointing results - the blood quality of the second group noticeably deteriorated. There was an increase in cholesterol levels, a decrease in hemoglobin, and an increase in the number of leukocytes.
  • Having carefully studied food processed in the microwave to one degree or another, scientists have discovered completely new formations and compounds that are uncharacteristic of specific products, which can be considered foreign, and therefore harmful.

As a result of research conducted by Russian scientists relatively recently, the following negative aspects were established:

  • The nutritional value of products after short-term or long-term processing is reduced by approximately half.
  • Even short-term exposure to electromagnetic waves on raw, cooked or defrosted fruits and vegetables leads to the formation of carcinogens in them.
  • Microwave processing of milk, grains and meat also does not reach the products without leaving a trace. In addition to changes in their structure, various types of carcinogens are formed.

If you evaluate everything listed facts, it becomes clear why many are against the use of microwave ovens. On the other hand, experts argue that the effect of harmful factors can be, if not eliminated, then at least significantly reduced.

How to reduce the negative impact of microwaves on food to a minimum?

A microwave oven will not have such a harmful effect on others and cooked or heated food if you pay attention to the following points:

  1. The use of metal, ceramic and porcelain utensils is strictly prohibited; all manipulations can only be carried out using heat-resistant glass. Even special Teflon containers are not really meant for microwave use.
  2. It is better to avoid plastic containers and polyethylene parts. Such raw materials, when exposed to high temperatures, begin to react with nutrients, which leads to the formation of new chemical compounds. And their influence is very harmful to the body.
  3. Negative influence cardboard boxes It has not been proven for food, but just in case, it is better to remove semi-finished products from them before processing them in the microwave.
  4. Although manufacturers claim that some products can be heated in sealed containers or packages, this approach should be abandoned. This is really not so harmful for the oven, but the structure of the food components undergoes radical changes.

Tip: To make sure the device is working properly, you need to conduct a very simple experiment. Let's take ours mobile phone, place it in the chamber and close the door tightly. Then we call the device from the same room. If the signal does not pass through, then the tightness of the device is poor. good level. If the call goes through, then such a device cannot be used. It is not even recommended to keep it turned off in the house.

It is strictly forbidden for children and pregnant women to cook or heat food in the oven. It is better for them not to be in the room at all when the device is in use. Doctors and diagnosticians do not claim that the use of a convenient household appliance is the cause of the rapid spread of diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart and vascular diseases, but they consider it one of the provoking factors.

Points that speak in favor of using a microwave oven

Despite all the points listed above, no one can unequivocally state that microwaves are harmful. Any type of processing radically changes the structure of dietary fiber, even such safe approaches as cooking and steaming. If you understand everything thoroughly, then the usual approaches to cooking also do nothing but harm to the products. Proponents of this theory never tire of reminding that products stay in a microwave oven for a very short time, which should preserve them maximum amount useful components.

We should not forget that some components, after being processed in the microwave, become more convenient for absorption by the digestive system. It turns out that this direction has not only dangerous disadvantages, but also useful advantages. If life without a functional device seems too troublesome, then you don’t have to give it up completely. It can be used for urgent processing of components, heating food when there is no extra time. The main thing is that this does not become a habit, but remains one of the options for an express approach.

Many people refuse to use microwaves, citing the fact that microwaves make food tasteless, provoke the growth of cancer cells in the blood, create carcinogens in milk, destroy the functions of the digestive system and, in general, are more like killer machines than a means of cooking.

Let's try not to panic and figure out how justified such conclusions are.

Where it all began

Cooking becomes much less tedious if there is a microwave in the kitchen: it heats, defrosts, bakes, and grills, and most importantly, it does all this at the speed of light and does not create additional hassle for us, the housewives. We owe all these miracles to the American engineer Percy Spencer, who back in 1945 noticed that microwave radiation can heat objects.

It is noteworthy that the very first microwave oven (the size of a man) was used only for quickly defrosting food, and not for cooking, and the first household microwave oven, as we know it today, was introduced to the world more than 50 years ago, and the demand for this device has risen Since then it has not fallen even today.

How does a microwave oven work?

The more incomprehensible a thing is to us, the more hostility and fear it causes. To some people, microwave ovens seem creepy only because they don’t know anything about the principle of their operation, which, in general, is not that complicated. The heart of any microwave oven is a magnetron - a source of radiation of special high-frequency radio waves (microwaves), which, in turn, heat our food. More precisely, they make food molecules accelerate and rub against each other, generating heat. Although these microwaves do not have any radioactive properties, the microwave is designed in such a way that the microwaves do not escape outside and burn us: for example, between the plates in the microwave door there is a special multi-layer mesh that reflects the microwaves back into the oven.

Conclusion: if you don’t put your hands in the microwave and remember that every day we experience radio waves emanating from phones, TVs and computers, we don’t suffer from this in any way, then cooking in the microwave will be a convenient way to save a lot of time, while maintaining beneficial features products.

Advantages of a microwave oven

In addition to super-speed and enormous versatility, microwave ovens heat food evenly and efficiently, without requiring oil, as is the case when heating food on the stove. Microwaves take up little space and are equipped with a bunch of different additional options, from the spit to the sound warning system.

Many manufacturers equip their stoves stylish design, a “Child Lock” system, books of special recipes, lower and upper grills, a timer and a mind-boggling number of operating modes that know how to make soup, popcorn or even muffins. Don't neglect to read the instructions for your microwave: you will find individual care and safety tips there.

Porcelain, ceramics, glass are the best dishes for heating everything you can in the microwave. You should be more careful with porcelain - there should be no patterns on it, with polyethylene and cling film - they need to be pierced in several places before use, and with plastic - such containers must indicate that they are suitable for the microwave and are made of safe material . By the way, linen or cotton napkins are best suited for heating bread and pastries.

Try using the microwave: for example, heating citrus fruits for 15 seconds to get all the juice out of them, or speed up the soaking of beans by filling them with water and heating them for about 10 minutes.

Never, under any circumstances, try to boil eggs in their shells in the microwave: the explosion will be impressive, and scrubbing the oven and the surfaces closest to it will take a very long time. Metal and objects containing it, such as gold rims on dishes or foil, should also not fall into the microwave oven under any circumstances.

Disposable plastic food containers, plastic bags, and even brown paper bags should be removed from food before heating. Be careful and do not start the microwave empty: this will not only damage the oven itself, but in case of any malfunction you can cause an accidental fire.

Reading time for this article: 10 min.

Since everyone's life modern man When a functional and practical kitchen appliance called the microwave came in, many people's lives changed for the better.

First of all, it's convenient. In order to prepare and, especially, reheat a dish, no special skill or culinary knowledge is required. Secondly, it is more practical than, for example, using a frying pan. And, finally, economically. Not only in terms of energy saving, but also saving personal time if you need to go somewhere urgently, and at the same time it wouldn’t hurt to eat.

However, there is one small “but”: today everyone who is not too lazy is talking about the unimaginable harm of microwave ovens. Therefore, young parents began to wonder: is it possible to heat food for children in the microwave? Is it true in food cooked in a similar way, all vitamins and nutrients disappear? We will try to thoroughly understand these and other nuances.

"Yes or no"?

Let's start with the fact that opinions about current microwave ovens are diametrically divided. The first category of people, consisting of adherents of this technique, believes that the food prepared there is no less useful than that which was created in the usual “old-fashioned” way, because it does not retain any residual radiation.

Moreover, dishes are prepared quickly in a microwave oven, therefore, vitamins and microelements are preserved much better. And if we add to this such a factor as the absence of harmful fats when cooking, then we can even dare to call the microwave a tool for those who want to adhere to proper nutrition.

However, again, there is a “fly in the ointment”: not everyone is inclined to say so beautifully. To say the least: the absolute safety of microwave ovens is nothing more than an advertising ploy by manufacturers. And one can really argue about the benefits of food prepared there. But we are talking about the health of children, which under no circumstances should be risked.

Microwaves and breast milk

Answer to the question regarding reheating breast milk for a child in a microwave oven, definitely categorical. And it sounds negative. Any manipulations with expressed milk with the participation of this miracle of technology are not possible.

The explanation is simple: microwaves affect the living components of mother's milk, in particular immunoglobulins, which leads to two results: either cell death or a change in structure. Neither one nor the other effect can be called acceptable.

Any kind of milk will come out of the oven, but not breast milk, which can be fed to the baby. Therefore, it is better to use more gentle methods - gradual heating or using a “water bath”.

What about baby food?

If we talk about baby food, pediatricians do not recommend processing food in the microwave in any way. This is due to the fact that the manufacturers of household appliances in this category themselves do not indicate in the instructions information about using the unit in this way.

But if this argument can still be called insignificant, then more categorical experts insist on another aspect. Namely, the fact that the structure is very similar to human milk - and this structure is prone to complete destruction under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, even not for too long.

This is not to say that food becomes very harmful (many scientists talk about the release of carcinogens). And the fact that there is nothing useful left in it due to the creation of areas with high temperature, which destroys beneficial substances, we can say with absolute certainty.

To be or not to be a microwave: how to make a decision?

As can be seen from the above, the scales of pros and cons are almost equal. Therefore, before you decide whether to heat your child’s food in the microwave or still abstain, and also correctly assess the benefits and risks, pay attention to the following facts:

First. The theory about cancerous tumors arising due to exposure to microwave ovens still has no official confirmation at the scientific level. But the opinion about absolute harmlessness, which the famous pediatrician Komarovsky speaks about, is also far from being as transparent as we would like.

Second. Microwaves act on the water in food, causing the molecules to rotate at enormous speeds. It is for this reason that food is cooked in the microwave almost at lightning speed. Therefore, if you decide not to do without the convenient results of technological progress, ensure that your food is heated correctly.

Do not “charge” the unit “to its fullest” right away. Heat the product on low power for half a minute, then stir it thoroughly. Continue the process, again briefly. After this, be sure to check whether the food is ready by leaving it alone for a few moments. Only after this can food be given to the baby.

Third. Microwaving should not become a daily habit. If you have free time, use normal cooking methods. Use rapid heating only when absolutely necessary. Then your children will always be happy and healthy.

We are used to heating food in the microwave: it is fast, simple and convenient. However, there are foods that should not be heated using this gadget, because they completely lose their beneficial properties and can even become dangerous to the body.

Frozen meat

You can quickly defrost meat only in the microwave, but you should not do this. Typically, it only gets hot around the edges, which after a few minutes of thawing look like they've already been cooked, but the inside and middle of the meat is still completely cold. In addition, uneven heat distribution promotes the rapid proliferation of bacteria, and consuming such a product can be hazardous to health. Most The best way To defrost meat, leave it in the refrigerator for a long time.


Numerous experiments with eggs and the microwave confirm: you shouldn’t even try to cook them this way! Since the device generates rapid heat, strong pressure is created inside the shell, and the egg simply explodes. However, this experiment should not be repeated even with boiled eggs: when heated, protein products change their properties and become dangerous to the digestive system.

Green salads and spinach

During heating, spinach literally withers before our eyes and just as quickly loses its taste qualities, not to mention the beneficial properties. Moreover, nitrates contained in salad greens, when exposed to heat, turn into toxic substances that can cause poisoning.

Fruits and berries

Fruits are famous for their beneficial properties, which are preserved even when frozen. But if you take these treats out of the refrigerator or freezer, don't rush to reheat and defrost them in the microwave. When heated, many vitamins and microelements in these products are destroyed, and some, under the influence of waves, are completely converted into carcinogenic substances. In addition, many juicy fruits and berries contain large amounts of moisture and can explode when heated.


Chicken contains more protein than red meat and is renowned for its health benefits. But if you have your favorite chicken left over from dinner, it’s better to eat it cold by preparing a salad or. The fact is that the next day the composition and structure of proteins changes, and when reheated in the microwave, a familiar product can cause serious digestive problems. If you really need to reheat the chicken, it's best to do it on the lowest temperature for longer than usual.


Mushrooms, like chicken, are a source large quantity squirrel. Despite their beneficial properties, mushrooms change their composition after being in the refrigerator and subsequent heating and can cause intestinal problems even in a healthy person. This product should be eaten immediately after preparation, and if mushroom dishes are left for the next day, it is better to eat them cold or reheat them on the stove and in the oven.

Dairy products

Contains live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are beneficial for digestion. When heated in a microwave oven, they die, and the products themselves often “curdle” and lose their taste, turning into a curdled mass. The packaging of these products is also not intended for heating and may release harmful substances. To preserve the taste and beneficial properties of fermented baked milk and yoghurts, simply take them out of the refrigerator in advance - just half an hour at room temperature, and they can be safely eaten.

During long-term storage, it often crystallizes and becomes more viscous and hard. This process is absolutely natural and is an indicator of the quality and naturalness of the product. But to return it to its previous structure, many people prefer to melt it in the microwave. This should not be done, because the healing qualities for which honey is so famous are immediately lost. It is best to eat honey in its natural form or heat it in a water bath at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees.

Kitchen items that should not be used in the microwave:

Metal utensils
- dishes with shiny edging
- plastic
- cling film
- foil

Is a microwave oven harmful? I want to find out this question once and for all. Perhaps the facts from “experts” are just as much a myth as many others. The controversy over the question: is it harmful or not? began immediately after the appearance of the first microwave ovens. Manufacturers claim that there is no harm (they didn’t expect anything else from them), the population is sure that there is (on the Internet you can even find the “fact” that microwaves have been used to “shoot down planes”). We decided to figure it out for ourselves: is the food from the microwave, which we often use, harmful?

Users, fascinated by the advantages of this device, in response to attacks by opponents of the use of stoves, give the following arguments:

  1. Modern microwaves quickly heat food, which is important for people who are short on time.
  2. In the device it is difficult to bring food to the point where it runs away. The presence of ready-made programs allows you to select optimal mode processing for each type of food.
  3. Even a child can heat food in the microwave. This is safer for him than using a gas or electric stove for this purpose.
  4. You can heat food without oil, which, according to American researchers, eliminates the cause of cancer.
  5. According to research, using a microwave to process food preserves the maximum amount of vitamin C.

Myths that have not been confirmed

Let's try to look at most of the myths about microwaves - how harmful they are to us:

Myth No. 1: when heated in a microwave oven, food loses most of its vitamins and useful substances. Refutation: with any heating of food, be it on the stove or in the oven, in any case, the amount of vitamins and microelements is lost. Cooked or fried food loses more vitamins than food heated in a microwave oven. After all, heating time in a microwave oven is always less than on the stove and in the oven. Consequently, less vitamins are lost.

Myth No. 2: under the influence of microwave radiation, carcinogens are formed; food cooked in the microwave is supposedly dangerous to human health. Refutation: the fact is that carcinogens and trans fats are formed in food after frying it in oil. Rapid heating, on the contrary, kills microorganisms harmful to humans (for example, E. coli), since these microorganisms die with such a strong impact. Food after being microwaved receives a sterilization effect.

Myth No. 3: Microwaves cause changes in food at the molecular level. Food becomes deformed. Refutation: It has long been confirmed that microwave energy cannot cause molecular disintegration of molecules.

Microwave chicken is healthier than fried chicken. Since during the cooking process a very small number of heterocyclic amines are formed. It turns out that much more of them are formed in the frying pan.

Myth No. 4: It is dangerous to be near a microwave oven, as you can catch a large dose of radiation. This is not true, if you use a microwave with the door closed (and with the door open it will not work itself), then the radiation dose is the same as from a cell phone.

Myth #5: Microwaves cause gastrointestinal diseases and cancer. Refutation: at present there is not a single fact that a person died because he used a microwave oven. If you believe the opinion of WHO (World Health Organization), then this technique does not provide harmful influence on human health.
There is only one condition that applies to people with artificial pacemakers: they should not be near ovens, since microwaves can disrupt the functioning of the heart stimulator. But this applies to both the phone and the LCD monitor.

There are several simple rules how to use a microwave oven correctly. Follow them, and you won’t have to worry about your health and won’t have to think about whether microwave food is harmful.

  • You can cook or heat food in the microwave only in glass or special containers. The use of metal containers and heating food in foil is strictly prohibited. How food can be placed in the chamber is indicated in the instructions for each oven. Plates with metal rims release lead when heated and will also spark.
  • Do not heat food in sealed packaging. These include unpeeled eggs, sausages wrapped in film, some kind of soup in a bag, food in foil, etc.
  • It is better to avoid semi-finished products sold in stores. It is preferable to prepare them yourself from safe products without using dyes, preservatives, or flavorings.
  • Cellophane and polyethylene bags, as well as plastic dishes, are not allowed. These materials, when heated, can not only melt, but also saturate the food with toxins. It is better to warm up baby food and breast milk in a warmer baby food, working on the principle of a water bath or in a jar with hot water. In the oven chamber, the heating of the volume occurs unevenly, as it heats the water contained in the products.
  • Heated food should be covered with a special lid so that the dish is heated evenly. This will ensure that the entire product is heated to 100°C, at which pathogenic microbes are destroyed in the food. In addition, the lid will not allow heated dishes to splash on the walls of the chamber and allow bacteria to get on them.
  • The oven chamber must be wiped after each use.
  • Once a month you should treat the walls of the chamber with vinegar.
  • All plastic packaging and bags from products must be removed.

You cannot heat or cook food in foil, as you will simply start sparking, and then the oven will simply burn out. There is special foil paper with holes, but it’s better not to experiment.

Follow these rules, know how to properly heat food in the microwave - you need to know how to use any equipment.

On the video - harm or benefit to human health:

“Facts” that gullible people believe

For decades now, we have been hearing how harmful it is to heat food in the microwave, but Europe, America, and many other countries cannot imagine their lives without a microwave oven. I can’t believe that in Europe they are so careless about health.

So, what we are used to hearing:

  1. Under ultra-high-frequency radiation, the polarity of food molecules changes, accompanied by their deformation. As a result, the structure of amino acids changes, which causes the formation of toxins that are harmful to health.
  2. In Switzerland, a study was conducted on two groups of volunteers to find out whether it is possible to heat food in microwave ovens. The subjects of the first group ate food prepared and heated in traditional ways. Members of another consumed microwaved food. After some time, a blood test of the participants showed that the experimental subjects who ate food that had passed through the oven had a decrease in hemoglobin, an increase in cholesterol, and an increase in the number of lymphocytes.
  3. After studying the composition of food processed in the microwave, scientists discovered that it contained foreign components (considered dangerous) that were not present in the original products.

Russian scientists also decided to find out why microwaves are so harmful, and after conducting research they found:

  • the nutritional value of foods processed in a microwave oven is halved;
  • short-term exposure to microwaves is sufficient for the formation of carcinogens in vegetables and fruits, created from the alkaloids contained in these products;
  • the carcinogen nitrosodimethylamine is formed in meat after treatment with electromagnetic radiation;
  • When defrosting, galactosides and glycosides appear in products;
  • microwave processing of dairy and grain products is accompanied by the conversion of amino acids into carcinogens;
  • Despite the fact that the conclusions of these studies have not been confirmed by official science, they have not been refuted. Therefore, it should be taken into account (God protects those who are careful) that consumption of products containing carcinogens leads to severe health problems. The functioning of the lymphatic and digestive systems is disrupted, and cancer cells form in the blood. Radicals generated during the processing of products with electromagnetic radiation increase the risk of developing cancer. Doctors suggest that the microwave oven has become a provoking factor in the increase in the number of diseases of diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart and blood vessels.

I don't know about you, but we weren't impressed. And above we wrote and debunked many myths about this technique.