In a private house      06/17/2019

What to do if a new wooden or iron bed creaks? Why is this happening? If a wooden bed creaks, what should I do? So that the furniture does not creak

After a hard day, you can lie down on comfortable bed and sleep. However, sometimes sleep is disturbed by a nasty creak, which does not make it possible to fully relax.

Creaking wooden beds have never brought pleasure to anyone. How to get rid of the problem?

The creak of a wooden bed: we eliminate the trouble

Try to pinpoint exactly what is squeaking, starting with the mattress. Remove the product to the floor and crawl along it, listening to the sounds.

If the mattress creaks, then buy a new one, sparing no expense. In the event that everything is fine with him, continue to look for a problem area.

Fasteners can also cause creaking. In this case, it is worth tightening all the screws securely.

The joints of the elements can be lubricated with soap or silicone. Such tools eliminate friction, so the squeak disappears.

If the lamellas creak, then it is worth doing a little differently. These elements are lubricated with paraffin or they are interchanged.

The lamellas take on the main load, so over time they can even become covered with cracks. If suddenly the creak does not disappear, then replace these elements with new ones.

Most difficult option- These are extraneous sounds that arose due to the loose legs of the bed. It is very difficult to repair such items.

Masters often suggest cutting down the legs of the bed to get rid of the problem. Modern factories practically do not produce products on such elements.

These are the main ways that will give you the opportunity to get rid of the creak of a wooden bed. If everything is done correctly, then you can get enough sleep and wake up rested and alert.

Advantages of wooden beds

You managed to figure out how to eliminate the creak. And now it is worth mentioning the advantages of wooden beds:

  • wood is considered a safe material that is not capable of harming human health;
  • products are very practical;
  • a wooden bed will last a very long time;
  • it is easy to care for the product, because it is enough to wipe the surface with a polish from time to time;
  • wooden furniture will fit into any interior, making the room as cozy and warm as possible;
  • products are very comfortable, so you can get enough sleep and not feel tired.

These are the main points that relate to the use of a wooden bed. If you make a choice in favor of such products, you can get a lot of significant advantages, because your home will become not only stylish, but also cozy.

Over the years, the place most conducive to calm and healthy sleep, can be a source of irritability and discomfort. The source of such inconvenience is a wooden bed, which, during operation, began to make creaky sounds.

Now it is not a problem to buy high-quality wooden beds in Moscow, but even they can cause trouble over time.

The creak can disrupt your own sleep, and can also interfere with the sleep of your family and even neighbors. So we all have to fight possible ways with this seemingly minor, but at the same time unpleasant problem.

First of all, you need to find out what can cause the squeak.

Causes of the squeak

The main culprits for squeaking a wooden bed are warping of the wood and loosening of fasteners. Due to the displacement of the two parts relative to each other, friction occurs, which is the cause of the creak.

To determine the source of the creak, you need to disassemble the bed, that is, remove the mattress on the floor and, moving along it, listen carefully to see if it makes sounds. It's not the bed itself that creaks, but the mattress springs.

After making sure that everything is in order with the mattress, you need to check the bed frame. Sources of unpleasant sounds can be:

  • fixing connections;
  • slats on which the mattress lies;
  • shattered legs.

After establishing the cause of the creak, we will try to eliminate it.

The first thing to do is check and properly tighten the fasteners. For more reliable fixation, metal corners are installed on them.

The friction of parts can be eliminated by lubricating the joints with paraffin, silicone, grease or soap. You need to be careful when doing this so that the furniture does not lose its appearance.

Very in a good way squeak elimination is first degreasing, and then gluing the joints of parts with elastic glue. It is better not to use the bed for a day so that the glue is completely dry and the maximum effect is achieved.

The slats that make up the base of the bed, due to the heavy load, quickly become unusable and can creak.

You can get rid of this in several ways:

  • lubricate the lamella with paraffin;
  • rearrange the lamellas;
  • replace the blades with new ones.

The most difficult case is getting rid of the squeak caused by loose bed legs. Both repair and replacement with new ones are difficult.

Often the only way to get rid of annoying sounds is to remove or cut down the legs of the bed. It is also the reason why many furniture factories began to produce beds without legs.

How to get rid of the squeak of the bed, see the video:

The bed creaks - what to do, how to get rid of unpleasant and unnecessary sound effects? After all, this brings a lot of inconvenience, since it is impossible to roll over at night without disturbing your sleep and the sleep of the household.

And personal life will now be known not only to all the inhabitants of an apartment or house, but also to neighbors. When the financial situation does not allow you to update the bed, the question becomes what to do to eliminate these terrible sounds if a new bed is not affordable.


There are two main reasons why the bed begins to "groan" and "groan".

These include: dried wood, which occurs due to natural factors, and weakened bed fasteners.

But the owners iron models may also suffer from this problem. .

Take into account: the details of the bed are subject to wear, due to their friction against each other, a creak is obtained.

You can try tightening the mounts tighter, but this rarely helps.

Creak in different places

Unpleasant sounds may come from different parts bed:

  1. In the corner. During rocking, sounds very often begin to come from the corner of the berth, where two sides are connected ( wooden planks). After all, if the whole bed sways, then the legs with it. Because of this, wood parts begin to rub against one another.
  2. lifting mechanism. It is the wear of the rocker mechanisms that serve to lift that can cause the bed to become creaky. If there is a wardrobe bed, then a spring block or frame can become a source of creaking.
  3. Around the head. Sounds of a gas lift or lifting mechanism are heard. Many in this case are trying to get rid of the problem with the help of oil and an ordinary candle. But just lubricating is not enough, for a short period, of course, it will help, but it will not work to completely get rid of the creak.
  4. Leg. It is not at all surprising that the higher it is, the more sounds it will make. Accordingly, in "legless" models, there will be no such problem. It can be eliminated by adding metal corners to the structure or replacing the old legs with new ones.
  5. Lamels. Skrip can produce bent-glued planks, the basis of which is wood. They form the basis of many beds. They can be lubricated or put gaskets in the attachment points to the frame.

Master's note: determining the location of the creak will allow you to quickly fix the problem.

But the sound can be heard in several places at once. It is necessary to take a number of actions to get rid of them. It is not so difficult to do this without the help of masters.

It is worth noting: if the bed creaks at certain times of the year, then this is due to climatic conditions. And if this phenomenon occurs all year round, then it must be removed.

Checking the frame and mattress

You need to remove it and put it on the floor.

There is an opinion that it is the frame that emits an unpleasant creak.

To fix the problem, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Lubricate the places where the rear / front backrest is connected together with the side beams, as well as where the rails come into contact with the frame. This can be done with wax, soap, or any lubricant that does not have a strong and characteristic odor. For a frame with a metal base, lithium or silicon grease can be used. If such actions do not help, then you should re-lubricate the parts at their junctions.
  2. Wax and soap did not help, then we insert gaskets between the parts that rub.
  3. You also need to check correct location mattress, because this can also cause squeaking. It must be placed exactly on the bottom in the middle of the bed.
  4. Flip the mattress. Manufacturers advise to periodically perform such a turning over in order to avoid wear and tear, as well as breaks.

Frame repair work

The frame repair process depends on the material from which the bed is made:

  1. If the base of the bed or the entire bed is metal structure, then tighten the fastener. You need to find out what size nuts and bolts are, choose a specific key, and tightening them is not difficult. In parallel, it is worth lubricating with a special lubricant, you can also use Vaseline.
  2. For wood, such tightening is not suitable. After all, the old models are not fastened with bolts at all, but with nails, and the boards that cause the creak are very difficult to pull up, but you should not refuse to lubricate.

Take note: a wrench must be used to tighten right size, because you can damage the face of a nut or bolt, and then you can’t unscrew them without special tools.

Radical Methods

If the tips above did not help, then you should disassemble the entire bed.

Allow time to dry slightly, but not completely dry. Then glue all the parts and, of course, fasten them the way they were originally connected. Now we are waiting for complete drying.

If additional reinforcement is needed from the inside, metal corners and additional screws can also be attached. When processing the wooden parts of the bed, if there is no glue, then instead of it you can take a special spray, which is based on silicone.

Note: strengthening the bed with metal parts will help not only remove the creak, but also make the design of the bed stronger.

Very often the cause of unpleasant sounds is the slatted base. wooden frame.

The boards can wobble or succumb to deformation, you can try to turn them over, swap them or replace them.

For work, you should prepare so that it is at hand:

  • work gloves or mittens;
  • prepare soap, wax or an ordinary candle;
  • graphite, silicon or lithium grease;
  • rubber glue;
  • spray, which is based on silicone;
  • tools that can tighten nuts and bolts.

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August 1, 2018
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Squeaking can negatively affect the comfort of the bed and even interfere with healthy sleep. Moreover, even the most expensive and new products are not insured against this shortcoming. But, fortunately, in most cases, the creak is easily eliminated, and then I will tell you what needs to be done.

The main causes of noise

The reason for the creak of any bed is always the same - this is the friction of some of its parts against others. Therefore, the task of eliminating extraneous noise is to find which elements rub against each other, and, accordingly, eliminate their friction.


Most often, it is wooden structures that will be fastened. This happens for the following reasons:

  • As a result of drying or dampness, deformation of the parts occurred. Due to deformation, the parts begin to rub against each other. As a rule, this happens as a result of the fact that the lamellas rest against each other.
  • The fastener loosened. In this case, the connection ceases to be rigid. Most often, this situation occurs in furniture made of chipboard, since fasteners do not hold well in chipboard.

  • A crack has formed in one of the structural parts. For this reason, the part begins to make a sound with any mechanical action.

  • Headboard or body in contact with other furniture. In this case, any slight displacement of the structure leads to squeaks or knocks.
  • Stands uneven. Extraneous sound occurs due to deformation of the frame.

With lifting mechanism

Models with lifting mechanism can creak for the same reasons as conventional wood. In addition, noise can be created by the mechanism itself or its attachment points.

To eliminate operation sound metal mechanisms you can use any lubricant. Just don't use edible oils, as they will only temporarily stop the noise, but over time will lead to corrosion on metal surfaces.

Children's bed pendulum most often creaks due to the contact of movable wooden mechanisms. To eliminate such a squeak, lubricate the mating surfaces with soap.


Metal is a more durable material than wood, so metal beds usually creak for just a few reasons:

  • Has a metal mesh (shell). Such models creak and crack by definition, but you can still get rid of noise, and quite simply, as you will see for yourself later.

  • The joints of the frame with the headboard are noisy. This is because the hooks do not sit tightly in the metal loops.

Also, the structure may creak due to the fact that it is uneven, as a result of which the metal frame is deformed.


Inflatable furniture can make creaking sounds as a result of the friction of the material in the folds. To get rid of them, try to inflate it more strongly or smear the rubbing surfaces with soap.

In general, if an inflatable product creaks, then most likely it will not be possible to completely get rid of extraneous noise. Therefore, it is necessary to check it when buying.

How to determine the source of noise without disassembling the product

There is only one way to determine the source of the creak - relying on your hearing, sometimes on your eyesight. Therefore, first determine under what influences the structure begins to creak - when swaying from side to side, when pressing on the mattress, etc.

Then simply act on the bed so that it creaks, and carefully listen to where the sound is coming from. To do this, you can ask an assistant for one person to make a creak with the bed, and the second to look for its source.

If the structure is close to other objects or a wall, this can be determined visually. In addition, a visual inspection will allow you to determine uneven installation of furniture, deformation of the lamellas or cracks in parts.

To test a mattress for creakiness, place it on the floor and sit on different areas. As a rule, noisy springs quickly give themselves away.

How to eliminate the creak of a metal frame

If the frame of a metal bed creaks, it can be eliminated in a simple and proven way - with the help of a lubricant that is applied to all rubbing elements. You can also use the tool in aerosol can– WD-40.

One more, even more effective method- put gaskets made of leather or at least fabric between all adjacent parts. In this case, the structure will not creak, even if the bolts loosen over time.

If we are talking about an old armored bed, the creak is also eliminated with the help of lubricant. The only thing is that it is necessary to lubricate the entire mesh and the points of its attachment to the frame. To prevent grease from staining the mattress, you can lay an old sheet over the mesh.

Another option to eliminate mesh noise is to lay foam rubber under the mattress. It will not only protect the mattress from contamination, but will also muffle the characteristic crackle that can occur even with a greased mesh.

How to eliminate frame creaking - tightening fasteners and gluing joints

To eliminate frame creaking wooden structure, do the following:

Illustrations Instruction

Disassembly. Remove the screws from the joint areas that make the sound.

If the screw is loose, fill the hole with a paste made from glue and wood chips. You can even just insert matches and pour glue. The screw can be glued only after the glue has hardened.

Assembly preparation:
  • Wipe adjacent surfaces to remove dust and other contaminants.
  • Lubricate the surfaces with glue.
  • Connect adjacent parts.
  • Screw in screws.
  • If necessary, tighten the parts with clamps.

    If the wood is soft, causing the head of the screw to push through the recess, place a wide washer under it.

If the lamellas creak at the joints, they just need to be dismantled and slightly undermined. For these purposes, you can use a file. All movable joints that cannot be securely fixed should be smeared with paraffin or at least soap if paraffin is not at hand.

How to fix a mattress squeak

As I said above, in any bed, creaking can be caused not by the structure itself, but by a spring mattress. It's unlikely to get rid of it. Therefore, check the mattress for creaking when buying. If the creaking occurred after purchasing the product, try to return it immediately under warranty.

If there is no way to get rid of a creaking mattress, try unfolding it or even turning it over. In some situations, this allows you to solve the problem at least temporarily.


If the legs creak, first tighten the fasteners with a wrench or screwdriver. Also, make sure all legs are resting on the floor. If the base is not level, to eliminate squeaks under one or two legs, you can put a lining made of plywood or any other material of sufficient strength and suitable thickness.

Of course, this only applies to non-adjustable legs. If they are adjustable, you just need to increase or decrease their length.

Prevention for a new bed

Prevention of a new bed is exactly the same as eliminating the creaking system. Therefore, once you have bought furniture, follow these steps:

  • Tighten all bolts, screws and nuts. They can be weakened not only due to poor assembly, but also drying out of the tree.

  • Lubricate moving parts with lubricant.
  • Put the bed in working position and make sure that all legs rest against the base.

That, perhaps, is all that I wanted to tell you about ridding the bed of creaking.


Now you know for what reasons the bed can creak, how to find the sources of sound and what to do to eliminate it. If you have any difficulties, ask questions, and I will be happy to help you with advice.